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One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

Dori simply took her word at it, and they began winging their way further North through more of the Gormoia mountains. Night fell rapidly, leaving the land below them shrouded and the navigation difficult, especially as the dark clouds above and around them began to broil. Snow began to pelt at them, winds buffeting them even if they rose through the icy barrier of the clouds, and with only dark mountains around them and valleys below they weren't exactly spoiled for choice regarding shelter. A small collection of lights lay below, from both fires and from lightstones, and as they drew nearer a small gathering of stone and wood dwellings could be discerned through the storm.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel did her best to keep up with Dori, the more powerful flier among them as they started into a storm, wind, snow, sleet, all a rampaging mess in the dark and a major pain in her tattooed ass.

They'd have to drop at some point, or they risked a thundersnow, the last thing either of them needed was to be struck by lightning, but it seemed at least to her, that there was a settlement below them after too many hours in the storm, and she was quick to pop forward to slap Dori's shoulder and start dropping, circling down to try and ride the winds down a little more slowly rather then risk a panic by dropping down suddenly.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

The wind only seemed to worsen as the pair drew nearer to the town, and after being rebuffed once Dori simply grabbed Anthriel and dove, forcing his way through a powerful shield of wind. They suddenly broke into a perfectly serene patch of air just over a small, sleepy little town, the air here far warmer than it had any right to be in a region like this, and Dori broke his momentum with a few bursts of his wings before releasing the half angel and descending to the ground.

The town had no defensive wall and was built of stone huts, but despite the late hour there still seemed to be quite a few people about. A few on the outskirts spotted them and cast curious glances, but no one seemed particularly perturbed by their presence, despite being seemingly completely comprised of mortals, elves and humans as far as Anthriel could see.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Well, this was interesting. the inside of the town was completely calm, and not a one was overly surprised to see them. That was very interesting. Did it have something to do with the mountain's silent guard? it was possible, it was also possible that someone here knew what was being trapped within the mountain which would at the very least, sate Anthriel's curiosity.

Leaning against Dori, Anthriel sighed heavily, letting her wings and shoulders sag as she rested. She was really not used to this kind of heavy physical activity. Flying was supposed to be easy, not this helter skelter rush everywhere in a mild panic. Her back burned with the exertion and the fatigue and her wings felt too heavy to lift any more, the half breed pulling them around her shoulders if anything, to let them rest.

"There. Village, hot meals. soft beds. answers." she said, yawning as she patted Dori's leg.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

Dori let out a grumbling growl and began to change, his form shrinking inwards and glowing a light violet that shown against the snow as he shifted into his human form. Appearing fully clothed at the half angel's side, he walked up with her towards the town, grasping her hand midway through their advance. "Answers to what?" he asked, a few moments before he and Anthriel found themselves nearer to the seemingly curious townsfolk. It would be she who had the opportunity to speak to them first, Dori hanging back if she made any effort to speak for them among the strangely unconcerned group.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"You must not have seen it, above the mountain." Anthriel started, hugging Dori now that he was huggable again. Breaking away, she sighed. "Whatever was inside the mountain that got my attention was being guarded by another angel. A Valkyrie. An Angelic Warrior, who didn't bother to speak up until I was about to blow the top off the mountain to sate my curiosity. And by speak up I mean show himself. He didn't say anything after that either, just faded away, but I could feel the malice... Or maybe I'm imagining that part... Seems to be a lot of things I need to think on. I probably seem old to you, I'm young compared to many." She said softly, looking at her feet, hands stroking the insides of her wings.

Shaking her head, and the thoughts and memories away, she opened a wing to gesture around them. "But, I suppose it doesn't matter right now. I'm more curious as to why a dragon and what looks like an angel dropped into this village and no one bats an eyelash. It's like they've seen both of us before. Let's find us a warm place to stay and get some answers. And... Give me a chance to think on everything, So far it's all been a panicked dash and we can't have that... I mean.. .I almost.... I almost lost..."

Anthriel had to stop to wipe a tear from her cheek, before turning towards the people. "I almost lost you..." She finished in a whisper, before starting to walk, looking for someone who at least looked friendly enough to pester on the street.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

"Huh," Dori said, surprised but mutedly so. He returned Anthriel's hug when she approached him but otherwise only seemed minorly nonplussed. "Surprised I didn't see them... Or smell them. You really don't get along well with your family eh?" he said quietly, growing slightly amused before her sudden surge of emotion took him completely by surprise.

He was left flabbergasted as he moved to follow her, walking along silently with his head hanging low. A few of the people ahead of them made way, but a matronly woman in a thick, bright blue winter robe put a hand on her hip and walked up to meet them. "You here to cause trouble?" she asked impatiently, "because if you are, you'd best get lost in the storm. You'll fare better than you will here."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"No no no, we're not here to cause anyone any headache, just kinda curious as to where exactly we are, and why not a soul seems surprised to see us dropping out of the sky, though... The shield is a nice piece of relief. That storm is murder on the wings" Anthriel answered, shaking off the admission of emotion for Dori and letting him think on it, not chastising or teasing him for his reaction.

"I mean, I'd imagine Dori here would catch stares at least if I didn't, very curious" Anthriel continued, looking around, the heavily tattooed halfbreed taking it all in with her black eyes.

"Sorry, I'm Anthriel, this is Dori." She said after a moment, introducing them to this strangely bossy woman in this strangely magic heavy easily unimpressed village in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

The aging matronly woman narrowed her eyes, but then sighed and said; "You're in Raya. We're nearly all sorcerers here, we don't tolerate inclement weather, regardless of what Janis says. So, you're not the weirdest thing to walk into town. We get angels and dragons regularly enough out here that you'd only be something new if you were fool enough to cause trouble." Putting a hand to her chest, she added; "You may call me Dora, it's faster than my full name."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"More then fair enough on every count. But maybe you know what the deal is with that mountain we passed... The one guarded by Valkyrie... Gave me the heeby jeebies." Anthriel answered, looking around, back to where they'd come from, if they could even tell in this fucking storm.

Sighing, Anthriel took another moment to stretch out and regarded Dora, idly wondering if she had done any exploring in her life, and asked the next important question.

"Mind pointing us towards an inn?"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

The mountain was cloaked in snow and darkness, invisible to even Anthriel's senses as was its guardian, but the woman seemed to know what she was talking about. "It's a vault," the woman explained simply, "one of yours, actually. Don't know what's down there.... When an archangel tells you to stay away from someplace, even we listen." Dori quickly asked; "What's in it?" The magus simply shrugged in response, "Beats me. All we were told was that what's locked up in there can't ever be allowed out, or it might eat the world. Threat like that silences curiosity pretty quick around people with enough sense to know that it isn't an exaggeration."

She then shook her head, "we don't HAVE an inn. Don't exactly get enough visitors to warrant one, and nobody here drinks. Cept Mad Pete anyway. Importing booze is expensive, and he makes all his own, so as far as most people are concerned he's welcome to it. We've taken it on to put visitors up in people's houses, and like I said before I'm willing to give you a pair of beds for the night. A PAIR of beds," she added harshly, glancing from Dori to Anthriel with a stern look that the dragon didn't quite meet, though he did glance slyly at the angel and smirk a little.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel returned the grin briefly with Dori before nodding. "That would be more then welcome, and yes. Two beds. As for the Vault, I'll have to do some digging around later with some of my other featherheaded family members I think." She said, sighing.

"As for angels exaggerating, yea... that's not really something we're prone to, listening is for the best... I'm bad at it... but at least I know that it's usually the right move... Does that make me stupid?" She asked herself, stopping her train of thought after realizing she had just confirmed for everyone within immediate earshot that she was a bit fluffy between the ears...

"Lead on Dora, We'll gladly take you up on your hospitality."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

Dori frowned at Anthriel's easy agreement to separate beds, and as if to put the final nail in the coffin of his mischievous plans their host angrily said; "Two beds, in different rooms. You get the cot in the sitting room." Frowning and defeated, he followed after the pair as Dora led them off to her home, a modestly sized wooden building that looked well maintained but that she seemed to have all to herself. "Try not to wander around too much," she said as she approached the oaken door on the side of the house, unlocking it with a key and leading them into a small entrance hallway that had racks for coats and shoes located conveniently nearby, though neither Dori nor Anthriel had need of such things. "You want to get some rest now?" she asked as she set aside her cloak and kicked off her boots.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel sidled up to Dori when she saw how put out he was about the sleeping arrangements, chuckling under her breath for a moment before whispering "Don't worry so much about it. We can probably find a good back alley or snow drift if you want to keep me warm that badly, After we've gotten some sleep." She pointed out, following Dora into her place.

Once inside, and asked if they wanted rest, Anthriel had to admit she did, there was no escaping that physically, she was unimpressive and this trip took a toll she wasn't accustomed to. "Very much so. I slept in a tree the night before... A bed of any kind would be welcome." She stated honestly, though in fairness, she hadn't minded the tree overly much either, but there was always a simple benefit to comfort, in this case, a better nights sleep. And one that didn't come at the cost of what lay between her legs.

She almost bristled as she remembered what Dori had said to her on that night, but let it pass without any outward sign, and followed Dora to whatever bed the Matron wanted her to use, crawling into it without a second thought, and focusing more on getting some sleep. "Goodnight Dori." She said to her companion, closing her eyes at the first chance, and slipping out of consciousness.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

Her words brought a promise to the dragon's lips, and he ceased his pouting as they made their way inside.

"Come on then, I'll show you to your room," Dora said, but then stopped and poked Dori in the chest as he moved to follow. "YOU get the couch! It's right over there!" she said sharply, but Dori simply rolled his eyes, smirked, and left to go lie down. Anthriel was then led upstairs, to a small bedroom, and promptly allowed to sleep once she assured Dora that she didn't need anything else.

She awoke in the morning, to Dori opening the door slowly and apparently checking in on her. He grinned at her mischievously but remained at the door, waiting to see if she was awake.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel couldn't help but giggle as the matronly Dora went about poking Dori and ordering him to the couch, happy to be led to her own small room and the bed inside, to which she promptly collapsed on, and started snoring, too tired for anything bothersome like dreams.

Still, when Dori came in, she opened one starry eye and looked at him, chuckling at his grin. "O dear, a Dragon, whatever is a girl to do." she teased softly, rising gingerly and stretching, maybe giving him just a bit of a free show as her tail coiled itself around her thigh like a good pain in the ass.

"You seem to have something deviant in mind, what are you planning Dori." Anthriel asked, smirking back at him and curious as she wrapped up in her own wings and stepped out of the room to join him.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

Dori's expression shifted to one of false mischievous innocence as Dori rolled over and gave her mock lamentation, but made no apparent effort to hide how eagerly his eyes devoured every inch of her as she gave her early morning stretches once she climbed out of bed. He still stepped back as she moved to join him out in the hallway, and the smell of meat and sweets cooking wafted over to her as he rolled his eyes and replied; "Who, me? Why I've never done anything of the sort!" He quite casually wrapped an arm around her waist, perhaps surprisingly avoiding sneaking a pinch of her ass as he led her down the hall to the kitchen, where Dora the magician was wearing a thick apron while cooking breakfast, blueberry pancakes taking shape and bacon sizzling on the stove. There was a table with five places set, all of them vacant when they walked in, and Dori led her to a seat and pulled out a chair for her before taking a seat himself.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"Uh huh." Anthriel replied skeptically, leaning into Dori as they walked, she could smell the food, awful nice of their host to prepare them a meal, if that was the case. And she had more questions about the Mountain, but she had to wonder if Dora knew everything, or if she'd need to find someone more knowledgeable on the Angel's warning about what was sealed there to be sure...

She could think of something that used to Eat everything..... And still could if what she had been told about herself was to be believed.

Sitting down in the offered chair, Anthriel thanked Dori quietly and draped her wings a little offset from her shoulders to preserve a modicum of modesty and still allow her to eat.

"Good Morning Dora." She called cheerfully, though she wondered who the two other places were for. She didn't ask, to do so would have been a tad rude, but she was certainly interested.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

"Morning," Dora replied distractedly, though a few moments later the angel was served a steaming plate of delicious breakfast. Dori got his own a moment later, which he started devouring without a second thought, and then the mage joined them with her own breakfast. "So, you planning on staying around long?" she asked curiously while pouring shorn syrup over her pancakes.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"Ahh, it looks wonderful, thank you." Anthriel said as she was served a pile-o-breakfast, digging in, grateful for the good meal. But as Dora spoke, Anthriel had to pause. The warning the angels had given had said what was in the mountain could eat everything.... And it had called out to her.... Not to Dori, not to the Valkyrie, to Her.... Then there was what the fey had said about another nephilim not under the angels' thumb....

There could very well be others around... and now she had to wonder if it was another of her kind sealed in that mountain...

"For certain? maybe a couple days, maybe gone by tomorrow, it's really hard to say." She finally answered, tilting her head and sighing. "Just... new developments left and right it seems." she finished, thinking carefully as she chewed her meal.

Blowing up the mountain would be a bad idea, in every conceivable way... But the Mountain had a Warden. Probably several... It would be smartest to go through them to try and sate her curiosity before doing anything considerably drastic and dangerous.

This thought got her to glance at Dori. Could she even afford to be digging into these topics with her unborn child and the young Dragon to care for? He was impressive certainly, but inexperienced. She could hardly say she was any better at times, her penchant for getting herself in trouble was starting to become a thing of legend. She couldn't go to the Angels, no Way. Not in a thousand years, but the Fey seemed to know things even they didn't as well...

So the decision it seemed would come down to whether she continued on her way to hide and birth and raise her child, or to hunt for lost kin who could likely be suffering what she had suffered. To try and bring her child into the new generation, or to save the current one... And she wasn't experienced enough in such a far reaching thing to make the sure decision, the wise decision.

Anthriel absently brought her hand down to her belly. She would at the very least, try and get some answers out of the Valkyrie, and maybe another angel she could trust if he appeared... Castiel. But after that, what she did was a mystery.