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MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Apparently she did. Vilana threw Rock, and wins outright.

Isabella is Free (1 step held because she's Elusive)
She has 6/15 points.

Next target:
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana's eyes opened wide as the blade came hurling at her, followed by the battle-crying girl. At the last moment, her eyes became wickedly gleeful, and the young girl felt an appendage brush her calves. Though nimbly dodged, it slowed her down just enough for Vilana to easily outmaneuver the strike that was slotted to end her.
Twisting her waspish midsection, and dancing around the swords woman, she reached out her hand to try and further secure her victory and the delicious prize that has caused her so much grief tonight.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

As Isabella charged forward, she felt the daemon's tail brush up against her, and had to act quickly to keep from being grabbed. She easily twirled away from it, though the extra effort allowed Vilana to shift away from her own strike with equal ease. The monster hunter noticed that her opponent was reaching out an arm, and tried immediately to chop it off at the elbow, by this point acting only on instinct and pure reaction.

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana threw rock, and further grapples with Isabella, reducing her to "held"

Isabella is Held (2 steps restrained because she's Elusive, all touch attacks treat her as naked)
She has 6/15 points.

Next target:
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

(Sorry for the absence, technical Difficulties again.)

Vilana snatched up the poor swordsman just before the strike connected, giving a hop to the side to seize the sword-arm at the wrist. She tensed her slender body and suddenly lifted the maiden into the air. Her eyes widened as she took in the form of the beautiful girl.
"Now now... this doesn't seem very sporting? Maybe you'll fight a little better with less armor on you."
Her lips split wickedly as her member throbbed, slickening the shaft with it's juices as the monster's other hand raised menacingly. Vilana herself seem excited, told by her tail as it whipped back and forth like an anxious cat before the pounce.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Isabella's slash almost connected with her opponent's arm, but at the last moment the daemon hopped effortlessly to the side and grabbed her wrist with a hand. Almost effortlessly Vilana lifted the would-be monster hunter into the air with a strength that one wouldn't expect based on her slender body. The daemon was obviously excited, her tail swishing back and forth as her unnatural member throbbed, which terrified Isabella all the more, and she began to frantically kick at her opponent, trying to get free of her grip and back on solid ground again.

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana threw scissors, and rips and tears at her opponent's flimsy dress enough to expose her breasts.

Isabella is Held (2 steps restrained because she's Elusive, all touch attacks treat her as naked)
She has 6/15 points.
Her top is naked

Next target:
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana's grip betrayed a dark and sinister strength, her digits squeezing around the girl's limb that she now hung by. Her other hand swept through and rended the top of the dress from the chest of her victim, exposing her chest. A wicked, malicious grin spread across Vilana's lips, and her flaring meat jerked wildly, sending a sticky rope of pre to the ground. She leaned in while her tail snaked beneath the girl, and took a deep breath of the exposed monster-hunter.

"And what would your name be, dear?"

She asked with oozing coyness from her tongue as the slick slender and rather long muscle flicked past her lips in a teasing gesture.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

All of Isabella's flailing proved completely ineffective, and with a single fluid motion the daemon ripped the top half of her dress apart with her hand, cutting apart her bra as well, and baring the girl's modest chest. She let out a yelp of surprise, though she probably shouldn't have been surprised at all, given the nature of her opponent. Another look of sheer disgust spread across her face as she saw the daemon's cock jerk and spurt precum onto the ground. "None of your business!" the would-be monster hunter shouted as Vilana coyly asked her name, and she quickly tried to bring her knee up into the leaning daemon's face. She desperately needed to be able to use her sword arm again, or else she was in trouble...

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana threw scissors. As Isabella is already topless, and she was targetting her top, instead she penetrates Isabella's mouth.

Isabella is Held (2 steps restrained because she's Elusive, all touch attacks treat her as naked)
She has 6/15 points.
Her top is naked
She is being forced to give her opponent a blow job (+pleasure each round until Isabella wins a round)

Next target:
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana seemed to know exactly how the girl would attack, for at that moment, she leaned back from her bound prey, grinning at her as she arched her back and pushed her heavy chest outward. With a step back, she drug the girl downward, using the strike to off-balance the maiden and bring her to her knees. Her grin spread wider as she peered down at the girl as the throbbing member before the hunter's face bobbed and jerked. "I guess you're right, after all, you'll only be known as fuck-toy once I'm done with you!" She cried as her hips left forward, pushing the tip passed the girl's lips and across her tongue, filling the girl's mouth. Her tail swirled and twisted in pleasure as Vilana gasped, quivering at the sensation. "Mmmm~" Her tail began to writhe beneath the hunter, seemingly on the prowl to assault her further.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Isabella inwardly groaned as the daemon easily dodged her flailing feet, and then with a graceful step back pulled her back onto the ground, shoving her to her knees. The young monster hunter then found herself face to face with the daemon's enormous, throbbing, disgusting member. While her mind recoiled at the sight, she took in a deep breath, her nostrils filling up with the intense smell of Vilana's musk, something she found quite appealing on a deep level... Very much so against her will and with only the vaguest knowledge that it was happening she began to get wet, her juices starting to stain her panties.

When Vilana called her a fucktoy Isabella made a key mistake, considering her position; she opened her mouth to object. The daemon immediately seized the opportunity, pushing her hips forward and forcing her engorged cock into Isabella's inexperienced mouth. Barely more than the tip was shoved in, running over her tongue, salty precum assaulting her sense of taste. She recoiled again, but couldn't keep the invading organ from going ever deeper, a profound sense of disgust registering in her mind as she felt and saw the daemon quivering, enjoying her mouth even just this much. She could feel, though, that her opponent had made a mistake of her own; there was slack in the hold on her sword arm again. Quickly she slashed downward, going for the daemon's shoulder, hoping to sever the arm and cripple her enough that she could run away...

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana threw scissors, and scores 2 more points towards victory.

GM realised he'd not got the rules right :p

Isabella is Free (1 steps restrained because she's Elusive)
She has 8/15 points.
Her top is naked

Next target:
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana leaned her head back as she enjoyed the savory hot tongue. She could feel the arousal of the hunter, which only made her even more amused. Having thought this fight was won, she relaxed her guard, looking up at the scenery around her, and contemplated starting another cult. However, that thought was cut short... literally.
Was greeted the creature was a slashing pain through her arm, forcing her to screech out. Erupting from her ruptured limb was what appeared to be void itself; a lack of space contained within. The world around it's edges would warp and bend like light through a lens, and began to pool onto the ground beneath her. She wrenched back, snagging her tail away just as it lunged for the girl's lower parts with a keen edge along one side. Whether it was intended to disrobe or maim couldn't quite be surmised, but the maiden escaped the fate at the end of the tail this time.

Vilana reeled back with a glare as she pursed her lips together, narrowing her gaze, and the fight was back within her now, raising a hand high into the air and aimed toward the maiden. However, replacing the severed limb, strange crunching and bubbling could be heard as the slipping of void slowed, seeming to take form, slowly but surely.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Isabella's strike had exactly the intended effect, slicing off the daemon's arm and forcing her opponent back away from her. The monster hunter coughed and spat as her opponent's thick cock popped out of her mouth, trying to get the taste off her taste buds with little success. As she hopped up off her knees, she got a glance of the wound she had made and shuddered. It was as if the Void from the Before Time was contained within this daemon, as if the Hell that surely awaited the wicked had been formed into a living being that was standing in front of her. Isabella jumped back as Vilana seemed to attack her, putting up her sword into a defensive stance, trying to fend the daemon off long enough to get away.

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

(really enjoying the writing !)

Vilana threw paper, and wins outright, touching Isabella's pussy. She has double stat, and does double damage.

This forces Isabella to cum.

Isabella is Free (1 steps restrained because she's Elusive)
She has 8/15 points.
Her top is naked
She has cum once (-1 to all stats)

Next target:
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Across Vilana's lips flickered a cruel grin as she seen the sword lift upward, guarding against her up-raised hand with claws upon the ground. Her tail continued to snake along the ground, and as it whipped upward, it began to divide into rough segmentations with narrow disk-like protrusions. As Vilana closed the gap between her and the woman, the tail waved upward, and struck between the hunter's thighs.

The accuracy and finesse allowed the caress of these blunt-protrusions to quickly grind against the hidden folds of the sword-maiden. It happened in a blur, but the closer the tail came to cracking the end, the quicker one segmentation would lift off and another would greet the bottom of the flower. With a final crack of the now blunted spaded tail, it spread wide against the entrance, and snapped against the underside approximately where the pleasure-button would be.

This Daemon seems quite experienced, and quite overjoyed to see the girl suddenly wracked by pleasure so immense from a single strike. Her form grew quicker, seeming to devour the pleasure she stole against her victim's will. Malice and carnal pleasures twinkled in her eyes once more, appetite whetted and far from satisfied, she closed the distance to seal the deal.
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

So focused was Isabella on the hand coming at her that she didn't notice the tail sweeping along the ground towards her. Just before she was about to swing her blade at the daemon's wrist, she felt the large, fleshy tail smack at her panties. The next few seconds felt like much, much more as the tail slid quickly up her already aroused slit. Long, thin bumps all over the tail dug softly into the monster hunter's folds through her thin undergarments, the sensation quickly starting to drive her wild as she bent over in pleasure. Just as the bumps got to the top of her sex they lifted off of her, only to be replaced by more at the bottom, and somewhere in her conflicted mind she cursed the daemon for the teasing, though she wouldn't have long to mind. As the final bumps passed over her labia the head of the tail flared out, covering much of her entrance, and then snapped like a whip against the inexperienced girl's clit.

As the daemon pushed Isabella's pleasure button, she lost all control, bending fully at the waist as she let out a lewd moan of unrestrained pleasure, her face flushed with embarrassment and shame as she went weak in the knees. Her panties had already been stained with her juices, but now they were all but worthless, soaked all the way through. That... that monster... just made me... she thought, disgusted and ashamed in a way she had never felt before. In the back of her mind, though, she was well aware that it had been the best, most powerful feeling she had ever experienced before, and a part of her wanted to keep bending forward, to lay down before the daemon and let her do as she pleased...

She tried to shrug off the thoughts and feelings, stumbling forward and attempting to stab Vilana in her gut, though it was just as likely that she would simply fall over forward with her legs as weak and wobbly as they were in that moment...

Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

A scissors clash again, but this time, weakened by what she's just had done to her, Isabella loses, and Vilana strips her bottom half!

Isabella is Free (1 steps restrained because she's Elusive)
She has 8/15 points.
She is completely naked

She has cum once (-1 to all stats)

Next target:
Re: MvG - Isabella vs Vilana

Vilana giggled with an amused expression as she raised her tail, slapping the flat part of the blade away from her midsection and off to the side. Her hand swept low and upward, snagging onto the underwear that clung to the hips of the sword maiden. She yanked firmly upward, digging the wet fabric into her petals as she looked into the eyes of the girl.

"Was that your first time, dear? Such a shame, it couldn't been with a tender, loving touch...."

Her hand wrung the fabric more, digging it harder against the lips of her pussy while they caved between her cheeks.

"But, I will share with you the carnal pleasure of being fucked, and you will enjoy it, in the depths of your heart."

She tensed her forearm and pulled harder, sawing as tears began in the seams.

"And you will beg for more at my feet, and on my cock..."

She whispered as she got close, before ripping the panties away, baring the dewed flower to the crisp cool air of the dungeon. Her tongue flicked across her lips as she mmmed, giving a vicious chuckle.