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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"No-mmph?!" Bakan cried out angrily, before his lips were stolen by the alraune. She was anything but the kind of lady he had idealized his entire life. The kiss was filthy, who knows what other men she used that mouth to suck off, and the mere thought of his length being treated as just the next in line among other men used as slaves made Bakan squirm with anger, but only to no avail.

'No... No-no! I don't want this to happen again! NO!!! Again, why can't I fight back!? Damn it... I admit my weakness! Please, just, someone! Anyone help me!' Bakan cried out in his mind, trying to use his inner voice to cry for help, be it Janne, the angel, or some other angel, it didn't matter who. His soul reached out, desperate for aid, willing to offer anything to avoid the rape and violation that he would have to suffer again.

Bakan freaks the fuck out and desperately tries to summon aid. I'm not summoning anything specific, like Janne or the angel. I'll let you decide what happens, whether his spasms yield no support or if something horrible shows up.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 116/120, PP = 41/45, EP = 49/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 45/54, PP = 67, EP = 24/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Bakan summons things!

Samarta hurls an orb of holy fire into the melee! X = 18 and etc
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 1 = 5 * 18 = 90 damage. BURN!!!

Bakan felt someone give answer to his call. He didn't know who, or even what, but someone or something had heard him, and they were on their way. His situation seemed no less dire now, however, as the alraune held him and the gruffs he'd called to fight them down and prepared to rape the lot of them. And then.... Samarta screamed. It was a pained sound, a furious sound, and one filled with fury that called to the parts of the naga's soul that Bakan had shared during their intercourse the previous night. And then, he felt something that was oddly familiar, but unlike the dark fire from before, it was a comforting sensation.

Pure white flame erupted from a spot beside him, washing over Bakan but doing him now harm. He'd felt the holy fire before. It was Ashloriel's favorite tool in battle, and she had always labeled it "The Flame of Intent" because it could only harm those that the user chose to harm. Case in point, Bakan and the fey that he'd summoned were wreathed in fire but left totally unharmed. Not even his borrowed clothing or the soggy grass beneath his feet were damaged by the fire that left him momentarily blinded. The alraune, however, were not so lucky, and when the flame cleared all of them - even those that had been in the grasp of the vines that Inka had bound to her will earlier - were on the ground, now little more than withered husks.

"Well... This is somewhat surprising~" a rich, lyrical, feminine voice spoke up suddenly from just up ahead, and looking ahead Bakan would see a woman clad in armor that looked to have been crafted from wrought silver and gold, gleaming and spotless even here in the woman. The plate emphasized rather than detracted from the curves of her body, molding to the knight like a second skin, and a shield and sword hung over her back. She was also sitting astride a white wolf that was easily as large as any horse that Bakan had ever seen, and though the great beast wore a saddle there were no reins that might allow the rider to guide it. That was because Bakan recognized the beast as a warhound, however, as intelligent as a human (though they might argue more intelligent at times) and capable - if generally unwilling - to speak.

Though her visor was down, Bakan was easily able to detect the amusement in the sidhe's lyrical tone, and it was as the gruffs - other than Jeff who was still heaving and stomping on the ashes of the dead alraune - bent knee, he realized that his pants were still down around his ankles. Samarta and Inka were still hidden in the bushes, though it was unlikely that they were out of sight or out of mind of the knight after she'd witnessed the burst of white fire that had come forth from the naga. The armored woman smoothly dismounted, coming to stand in front of Bakan and holding out a hand whether or not he decided to make himself decent, and said; "You're Bakan, right? Ashloriel's stray? I'm Krovika, and I'm here to rescue you from the mean old plants that are currently lying at our feet!" She sounded highly amused, and as if to emphasize her point Krovika kicked the husk of one of the alraune, crushing it and causing a darkheart to spill out onto the ground.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

(Krovika and Kavika. You are forever banned from naming things.)

After his call for help left him, Bakan was shocked to find pure flame rushing past him. The sensation of the pure flame reminded him of Ashloriel, and that memory alone eased the tension plaguing his mind greatly. Samarta's scream echoed through his ears, while he watched the alraune... That filthy, disgusting alraune... Burn before him. Bakan felt no sympathy for the creature now. After feeling what they were capable of... What they did to him, to other men, to other women... Bakan regretted ever feeling sorry for them. They all burned, and Bakan could only feel dark satisfaction at seeing their husks. He only wished he had the power to do that himself.

Which... Was interesting... Samarta seemed to have control over both aspects of light and darkness. Very briefly, before the ally he called for came into view, did he wonder... Was it truly possible to harness both the powers of good and evil for one's purposes? The mere thought of that being possible made Bakan lay there, where the alraune had pinned him to make him her victim, the disgusting creature that didn't even care for the fire coming from where Samarta and Inka were, only obsessed with raping him... And made him think... Could I harness the power of darkness?

The thought was gone as soon as Krovika came into view. Quickly buckling himself up to try and be decent, Bakan shivered as he still cloudn't forget the feeling of her wretched tongue against his shaft, which only brought about the foul memories of his rape. Accepting her hand, he rose with a flush. He didn't like being called a stray... Though that was exactly what he was, he couldn't argue that. "Krovika... I'm sorry." he announced. "I made that call out of desperation. I thought I was going to be violated once more..." he announced with embarrassment. "I'm far too weak to be doing what I try to do, I suppose." he said with a sigh.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 116/120, PP = 41/45, EP = 49/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 45/54, PP = 67, EP = 24/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"Oh it's quite alright!" Krovika responded, shaking Bakan's hand firmly when he reached out and clasped it. The woman had a remarkably strong grip, and after she released his hand Bakan found that his hand ached slightly from the touch of her gauntlet-clad hand. "One must know the enemy they fight if they wish to win," she said, speaking as if she were reciting it from memory, "Going into a fight with a bunch of betentacled rapist plants expecting a fair slugmatch is a bit silly, but don't worry! As of now, you're officially conscripted into the Summer Court's Expedient Vermin Control Service! We have business cards and everything!" The knight then actually produced such a card from her pocket, plain white paper with her organization's name printed in plain black text, and said; "We're working on a designer for the cards... And someone to come up with a better name. Know any talented lyricists or artists? We do, but they all turned us down.

"Anyway, yeah, you and yours all work for me now," as she said that, Bakan felt a sudden tug of energy as it wrapped around him, and the gruffs he'd called all immediately bent knee and bowed to the faerie knight. He, as a mortal, could resist the obligation if he so desired, but even he didn't have any idea as to what the consequences of doing so might be despite Ashloriel's teachings. "Good, good.... But you really don't have to crouch, I know how uncomfortable that is for you lot!" she said, causing the goatmen to gratefully rise to their feet, even Jeff's expression now completely serious. "So, I guess you've got some idea of what's going on here, Mr? ....Anyway, you're all onboard the wiping-out-the-elder-god-making-the-alraune-crazy train, and we're not stopping til we hit the final destination!"

Inka and Samarta took that opportunity to make themselves known, coming forth from the bushes in which they'd hid. Krovika made no threatening move toward either of them, however, giving the two women a quick nod as Samarta slithered up beside him and Inka moved to his other side, half hiding behind his back. "Are you alright Bakan?" Samarta asked, but while the naga seemed fairly at ease among the fey, Inka looked on the gruffs, the gold-armored knight, and the massive white wolf that now stood before her with more than a little fear. The gruffs, in turn, all looked slightly confused, and Jeff seemed to return to his usual jovial self after turning away from Krovika, though his tone was one of concern as he asked; "Hey, Bakan.... Who are these two? What happened to Rhep and Cory?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Taking the woman's card, he didn't so much mind the handshake as he did the clearly strange 'business' that they had running here. It's no wonder that no one wanted to help them, Bakan was already feeling like this business was shady and possibly crazy. Still, it seemed she was along the same lines of wanting to help with the problem. Bakan felt the tug against his soul, and felt a stubborn twinge reflect the sensation away. Still, he put his arms to his sides and gave a bow of his upper body. "I planned on doing that anyway, so I'll gladly accept the help." Bakan said, wording it slightly so as if to say that it was his idea.

Bakan, noticing Samarta and Inka coming, closed some of the distance so that they wouldn't have to come so close to the strange people they didn't know. "Don't worry, I'm fine." he said with a slight smile and nod. "But I wouldn't have been if it weren't for you two... Thank you so much." he said, his face flushing a bit as his thanks truly came from the depths of his heart.

When Jeff approached him, Bakan turned and nodded to him as well, before reaching a hand back and scratching the back of his head nervously. "Well... Rhep and Cory are to the north, I think... Probably thinking of ways to punish me, and are hopefully perfectly safe while they're at it. If they're not, I'm just going to make sure I give the angel that put them there more than a few bruises." Bakan growled, a slight dark aura appearing about him, a few of his white feathers flashing a shade of black as he said that while making a not-at-all pleasant face. "And if something absolutely terrible happens to them... Well, I don't want to think about that, despite how much I wish to worry over it..."

"Oh!" he gave a start. "This is Samarta and Inka." he announced, directing a hand to them. "They're good people, but... Try not to frighten Inka. She's very delicate." Bakan said to Jeff, giving a very big grin. Somehow, Bakan was very charmed by Inka's shy and delicate appearance.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 116/120, PP = 41/45, EP = 49/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 45/54, PP = 67, EP = 24/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

If the faerie knight noticed his spirit's rebuttal of the obligation that had been placed upon it, or that he phrased his reply to make it seem going after the plants was his idea, she didn't betray any outward signs of it. The faeries all watched him as he came forth to meet his two companions, albeit not without any condemnation or the like, but both of them looked happy to not be in the middle of so large a gathering.

"You think?" Jeff echoed incredulously, "What do you mean, you think? You don't know where they were taken to? How did you get separated from them in the first place?" The gruff didn't seem to take notice of the sudden change that came over Bakan, but Krovika did. "Stop," the knight stated impatiently, and though Jeff frowned he immediately backed off. He and the other gruffs gave a smile back, though Jeff's and Ogg's were somewhat wan, and they proceeded to supply their own names to Samarta and Inka one by one. The naga gave each a nod in turn, apparently not wishing to spend much time on formal introductions, and the shy alraune came out from behind Bakan somewhat and waved at the faeries.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, we can be off just as soon as you've fed your pet snake!" the knight said impatiently, causing Samarta and Inka to blush as if they understood exactly what Krovika had meant. "I, uhh.... Am somewhat... Low, again. I could go on a while, but if we're going into more danger.... Well, I don't want to go in unable to fight. I need energy," she quietly said, and then paused and tilted her head, "Are you seriously going to try and fight all of the alraune in the swamp? There's legions of them."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Jeff's questions had an effect on Bakan. Just thinking about how he'd have to explain it all to Jeff, he could hear himself trying to do so, and only making himself sound so horrible. Krovika's intervention on the topic was welcome to Bakan, he didn't want to explain it. Blankly, he watched everyone exchange greetings while thinking of Cory and Rhep. How much would he have to apologize in order to somehow get things back to the way they used to be? Worse yet, he couldn't wrap his head around how Cory might have felt when she was raped... He wondered why she cried, and if it was his fault more than anything. When he thought about how he was raped at the hands of the alraune, that made more sense. In the end, he wished that he could sit down, and just have a talk with Cory... He hoped that, even in this world full of rapists, they could pull through simply by loving each other. Maybe that hope would only be true in a better world, but he still hoped.

And then he was told to feed his pet snake. Immediately, he didn't think about what Krovika meant, but focused on the title she gave Samarta. "She is not my pet!" Bakan declared. "Joking or not, Samarta should not be called something degrading like that!"

He showed anger, and stood before Samarta as if defending her from bullies. It took him a moment to realize his protective instincts had kicked in. Then, he cleared his throat and offered a small apology. "Y-yeah, though... You're right... Samarta..." Bakan said with a blush, glancing at her. "I'll let you have my energy again, if you want..." he offered. "Though... We only need to take out the creature that's making them this way... If we kill it, according to the angel, then that should fix everything."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 116/120, PP = 41/45, EP = 49/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 45/54, PP = 67, EP = 24/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Krovika just stared silently at Bakan following his protective outburst, her expression unreadable through her visor, and the gruffs began to fidget about nervously. Clearing his throat seemed to break the tension, however, and the knight turned away and started seeing to the massive white wolf that she'd rode in on while the gruffs spread out and started picking apart the dead alraune. Samarta, momentarily leaving his offer of energy aside, tilted her head curiously at him and said; "Creature controlling them? I wasn't even aware that there was one.... Can it really be that easy?"

Bakan was given a chance to reply, but then Krovika interjected before Samarta could speak again; "We are on the clock here." Samarta blushed softly and spared the knight a brief glance before saying; "You might need your energy if we get into another fight.... I could take it from them," she gestured towards the gruffs, who began to fidget all the more given the naga's words and the suggested action that they entailed.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan scratched the back of his head. "Accoding to what I was told... Yes, I think it's that simple. We just need to ensure that the spirit doesn't have anywhere to go. Since it is something that can cause all of this chaos, it might be terribly powerful too."

Then, when Krovika interjected, Bakan put on a more firm expression, before turning back to Samarta, only to have that expression crushed back into the same nervous expression as before. "R-Really..." Bakan said with a stutter, looking back at the gruffs. For a reason Bakan couldn't quite understand, he felt very uncomfortable at her suggestion. 'Samarta doesn't belong to me... Why am I acting like this?' Bakan wondered. "If you... If that suits you..." Bakan agreed, trying to suffocate that odd feeling that bothered him. Thinking on it further, Bakan would almost think that the feeling he suffered was the desire for Samarta to only want to have sex with him. 'I've got some nerve...' Bakan sighed.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 116/120, PP = 41/45, EP = 49/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 45/54, PP = 67, EP = 24/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Samarta made a thoughtful noise and pursed her lips, but allowed the issue to drop for the moment. When her seemed nervous about allowing the woman to take her energy from the goatmen rather than Bakan himself, it only seemed to make her equally nervous in turn. "Uhm... Are you... Sure? I mean... I wouldn't want to..." she stuttered into eventual silence, glancing between Bakan and the gruffs while Inka stood behind Bakan and just looked confused.

"Uhhh.... Are you sure about this dude?" Jeff asked, staring quite noticeably at Samarta's chest. On the one hand, the fae were well known for their lust, and the gruffs were most definitely no exception to that, but on the other hand they all quite liked Bakan. It seemed that they would at least take his feelings into consideration, as they were mostly gazing at him and Samarta expectantly. "Oh for fucks sake... Either let her suck you off or let her suck off some of the goats. I really don't care which!" Krovika said irritably, and that prompted Samarta to turn to Bakan and say; "Uhm... I... I think that you'll... Probably need your energy... If we're going into a fight. You've already been through so much and doing so much.... If you don't have a problem with it, I'll just feed on them."

The gruffs all tried to disguise their eagerness at this, and Bakan was given one last chance to raise an objection if he'd rather the snake woman not sully herself before him so. The faeries, and apparently Samarta as well, had little shame about sexuality, and if Bakan didn't want to watch he'd have to recuse himself. Krovika was already sitting astride her massive white wolf, waiting, and if Bakan didn't speak up Samarta would glance at the armored woman before slithering into the midst of the goat-men, slowly tugging at the bandages that covered her nudity in an extremely sensual manner just as she'd done the night before for him, her succubus instincts taking over. Of course, if Bakan had opted to choose himself, she would be doing the same directly in front of him, exposing her ample bosom before lowering herself so that her face was level with his crotch. The woman's pheromones were rising, and her eyes were beginning to change again already, and whichever way she went, Samarta would apparently swiftly fall into the swing of things.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

The pressure put on by Krovika aggravated Bakan, even though he knew they shouldn't hesitate in such lands. Even the gruffs seemed to understand, but what were they understanding? They knew he was with Cory and even Rhep... If they thought Bakan was trying to hoarde all of these women... It gave him a very disgusting image. Yet, at the same time, he had shared an intimacy with Samarta not that long ago. She was a good woman, and the thought of her going about, sucking off whoever and whenever was one that shook Bakan as if he was having an inner earthquake. It would be fine if Samarta had one man that wasn't him, and live off of his energy while enjoying each other's love, but this kind of thing... Not to discredit his gruff friends, but...

"... Of course it bothers me." Bakan replied. "I'm a selfish, self-righteous and stubborn man. I'm already in love, and yet I want you to only wish to have eyes for me." Bakan revealed the truth as he came to realize it. It was true no matter how he thought about it. It made him feel truly like a disgusting person, and he never imagined himself ever thinking in such a way before. "I want you to be happy, Samarta... And I was closed minded enough to think that I was the only one that could bring you that happiness. Please... I'll be happy with whatever choice you make, so long as it makes you happy." he said. Though in the way he said it, it wasn't meant for Samarta. It wasn't directed at her. It was directed at himself, forcibly trying to calm himself. Wanting Samarta to only desire him was selfish, and he knew that.

If she went with the gruffs, Bakan would silently accept her decision, and depart from the scene to ensure he knows nothing of what transpired other than the obvious.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 116/120, PP = 41/45, EP = 49/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 45/54, PP = 67, EP = 24/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"That's not...." Samarta tried to interject, her expression somewhat mollified as Bakan spoke, the woman whom he'd met only a day before was seemingly flabbergasted by his sudden series of admissions. "This.... But.... This isn't about me being happy! You're being very confusing! I just need to feed, and don't want to weaken you or make you uncomfortable by doing it! It's not.... Selfish, to want to be desired! It's just how we are, there's nothing wrong with that unless you let it cause trouble."

The naga then grabbed Bakan by the hand, a stern look on her face, and started dragging him over to the bushes before the eyes of Inka and the faeries. Once they were out of sight, Samarta lowered herself down until she was level with Bakan's crotch, "There's no reason to get upset, I was just exploring my options." Unless Bakan offered some vehement resistance, Samarta would tug his pants down and wrap her fingers around his length, her long forked tongue coming forth to tease at the tip of his cock as she tried to get him erect.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Of course Samarta wouldn't feel the same way. Bakan wasn't shocked at all by the way she acted. Still, as Samarta reached out and took his hand, leading him towards the bushes, Bakan couldn't help but feel an uneasy satisfaction in being taken by her. It felt as if he was being accepted in a way, even though the truth of the matter might have simply been that she needed energy, and it didn't really matter how she got it. She said it herself, simply exploring her options. I'm loving too quickly, without even realizing it, Bakan noted to himself. What I saw... What I saw in Samarta's dreams created this connection from my heart to her's that I cannot forget or remove. I want to make her happy, I want to crush those foul memories of suffering with nothing but happiness and pleasantry...

But... I want to be the one to do it.

Somehow, Bakan couldn't get over the fact that he was the one who wanted to make them happy. If any other were to make them happy, Bakan would feel a great sense of unease, as if he didn't trust anyone but himself. Then... With his pants pulled down, Bakan looked down at Samarta. "This 'is' about being happy, Samarta... I want to make all of the suffering you had to endure go away as if it never happened, even though I know it's impossible..."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 116/120, PP = 41/45, EP = 49/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 45/54, PP = 67, EP = 24/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"You're not responsible for that! Its got nothing to do with you, so just leave it be! I've left my past behind me already, there's no point in letting yourself get upset about things that you can't change!" Samarta replied sharply, even raising her voice slightly even as her soft fingers wrapped around his exposed length and started stroking him to an erection. While it was nothing compared to the pleasure hell that her mouth and her sex had been, the light shivers of pleasure that Bakan received were enough to allow her to start lightly draining his energy. He could see the tips of her breasts hardening through the fabric of the crimson wraps tied around her chest as Samarta turned her gaze down from his face to his manhood, her tongue flicking out and writhing around the tip. A moment later he could smell the naga's pheromones, the heady scent leaving him very light headed and serving to steadily raise his arousal.

He didn't have long to respond to the woman's words, however, before her lips parted, and he had about a heartbeat worth of time to prepare himself before her mouth descended upon his rod. The same brain-melting pleasure that he'd felt the night before when Samarta had taken her mouth to him knocked the concerns from Bakan's mind more effectively than even the hardest blow to the head as she wrapped her lips around his cock, and her eyes slowly looked up at him as she took in his length. She took him down to the base in one smooth motion, her tongue writhing all over his cock, and if her descent had been pleasure then it was ecstasy when she slowly pulled back, ensuring that if he wasn't fully erect by then, he would be after her first descent. "You're delicious~" Samarta cooed softly, her tongue flicking against the tip and then slowly wrapping around his shaft. The naga's mouth pushed forward until he was buried all the way to the base in her mouth once again, her progress almost painfully slow but agonizingly pleasurable, and when she pulled back again Bakan could see that his entire shaft was wrapped up in her impossibly agile tongue.

One hand softly massaging his balls, Bakan felt Samarta's throat vibrating around his length as her tongue contracted, tighter and better than any pussy he'd ever felt, and the wave of pleasure that overtook him as she slowly drew back was practically orgasmic in and of itself. Her other hand pulled aside her wrappings, exposing the tanned naga's ample chest so that she could tweak the tip of her breast, causing her throat to vibrate all the harder as she let out a soft moan around his cock. Every nerve along his length was alight with pleasure, allowing her to steadily drain his energy to regain her own, but even though she could have brought him to a quick orgasm within seconds, Samarta seemed to want him to enjoy her feeding. Another minute or so passed as she teased and sucked, every touch impossibly pleasurable but not enough to bring him to orgasm, and then she slowly pulled back, exposing his tongue-wrapped shaft once again. For a moment she simply looked up at him like that, her tongue squeezing around his shaft, before she suddenly pulled herself from around him in one swift motion that very nearly made him reach climax right then and there.

"Now.... Cum in my mouth~" she cooed softly, and down she went again, but this time was different. Looking up at him, Bakan felt Samarta's tongue wrap around the base of his shaft several times before the tip aligned itself back into her mouth, running along the underside as she easily deep throated every inch of him. With his length completely buried inside of her mouth, Samarta's tongue squeezed and then started to squirm back and forth, the portion wrapped around his base literally jacking him off inside of her mouth while the tip of her tongue dragged itself back and forth against his frenulum, milking a massive orgasm out of him within mere seconds of her starting up her hidden motions.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

It was true to an extent. It was none of his concern. The horrors that bothered Samarta and made her into what she is now hold no weight on Bakan at all as a mere stranger to the situation. She was angry, she didn't appreciate him making a big deal out of something she had already chosen to leave in her past. Still... Bakan wasn't satisfied with that. He never would be. Samarta was living in these dangerous woods protecting a people that thought she was a monster. She had been raped and had her soul permanently damaged. She was someone who received no respect and only the comfort of sleep and whatever man she was forced to bed with due to her nature. The very thought was so passionless and cold that Bakan shivered at the thought, and made his reply with the short time he had.

"I make it my responsibility," Bakan answered, before his mind went blank and he let out a gasp of pleasure as his rod vanished into her mouth. As she was looking up at him, she'd see that Bakan had developed a deep blush from her actually calling him delicious. As souls carried with them such intimate memories, he wondered if she was consuming what lie within him. His mind turned to mush, and he quickly forgot how to stand up. As such, he fell to his ass with his legs spread, one hand on her shoulder and the other resting on the ground, gripping the grass. When she pulled back and saw how her tongue was completely coiled around his length, his eyes went wide. His length had grown so much larger, and yet she could wrap the whole thing.

When her hand gripped his balls, Bakan felt like he was entirely within her hands. "S-sto..." Bakan weakly gestured for her to show a little mercy, her playing with his balls making him feel so pathetic and yet at the same time arousing him something fierce. She told him to cum in her mouth, yet Bakan would wonder if that was really a choice he could make. Swallowed into her once again, he felt as if he was in the belly of the beast, helpless and without a chance to survive that which was truly a pleasure hell. Like that, he came, his balls throbbing in her hand as his inflated scrotum flooded forth his cum, which would no doubt rush down her throat and fill her stomach.

The debauchery of this act of Samarta drink his cum was something Bakan truly felt was dirty. But despite how filthy he found the lewd act, Bakan was gripped and consumed by the overpowering realization that he loved every moment of it.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 6/85, Status = Low on Energy, Weakened x3

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Bakan received no mercy from Samarta, as she didn't even slow her mouth's assault upon his member as he collapsed to the ground, leaving her head in his lap, and allowing him to see the tip of her tail flicking back and forth behind her as she sucked him off. His request interrupted the soft moans she'd been making by causing her to giggle, causing a different but no less pleasant addition to the sensations that she'd been providing with her mouth, and again she showed him no mercy from the pleasure hell that she'd brought him too. When Bakan came, he felt the suction on his member suddenly redouble, and her hand on his balls started gently squeezing his sack, massaging the pulsating orbs within and encouraging to spill everything that they had. Not even a single drop escaped Samarta's mouth, as her throat spasmed around his tip and sucked all of his cum down into her stomach while her tongue tirelessly worked to stroke his shaft, milking out every drop of his seed.

If Bakan thought that his ordeal was over, however, he was sorely mistaken. Samarta's tongue kept stroking him for several moments even after the last of his seed had been emptied, and then slowly unwound from around his length in a manner that didn't leave even a single inch of him unexplored. Her suction had lessened considerably, but it was still there, and she kept his member in her mouth for a while, still draining his energy, before releasing it with a quiet pop, clean of everything except for her saliva. Wordlessly, Samarta raised her humanoid half slightly and reached up to tug down her bandages, revealing her tremendous chest in full, and then the naga slowly descended upon him again after edging slightly forward. His still sensitive shaft was squeezed between her ample breasts, and Samarta looked up at him with wide, lustful eyes as she began to move up and down, an arm coming around to create a tight crevice for his cock to pass through as it was buried in her pillowy flesh.

The pleasure of her mouth had been all skill, but when he found that Samarta's breasts felt almost as good for no explainable reason, easily outdoing any sex he'd ever had before her in terms of raw sensation, it was likely a humbling experience for the paladin as his body was once more left paralyzed by pleasure. The tendrils of the naga's essence dug ever deeper into Bakan's soul, draining him more and more with every tiny motion on her part, but she never relented as she squeezed him between her breasts. Had she been going faster, Bakan likely wouldn't have lasted past five seconds, but Samarta's slowness and gentleness made the pleasure agonizing, leaving him throbbing and on the verge of cumming again in seconds but not actually pushing him past that brink. Samarta's lips parted slowly, and her tongue snaked out of her mouth to tease the tip of his length, lapping up the bead of precum that had formed there, and for another few moments Bakan was unable to do anything but pant, feel, and watch as his cock was smothered in the naga's tits while her tongue lapped at him like a kitten at a saucer of milk.

Just when the torture felt as if it was simply going to drive him insane, however, Samarta released him from her fleshy prison... And slithered slowly up his body. Bakan's wrists were grabbed, and as Samarta took up a position over his throbbing staff they were guide, one to her plump, scaly backside and the other to her breast, the tip of which was fully erect as she rubbed it against his palm. She kissed him on the lips, sliding her tongue out to trap his in its coils, while she aligned herself fully by feel. Bakan felt the tip of his cock drag down the soft skin of her abdomen and over a few inches of her scales before it pressed against something softer, and then her body clenched inwards in a motion that slowly but smoothly impaled Bakan within Samarta's soft, tight womanhood. A soft moan of pleasure escaped her as she filled herself with his length, her hands clenching at his wrists for a second before leaving them his hands where she'd guided them and moving her own to his sides, and her mouth widening the kiss as her tongue allowed his enough motion to make an attempt at returning her passionate kiss.

Samarta began to rock her hips up and down in slow, sensual motions, allowing Bakan to feel her muscles moving beneath her scales through both the hand on her backside and through the way her inner walls squeezed around him. That third pleasure hell was where Bakan found his second release, and her pussy sucked up his sperm no less effectively than her mouth had before, even as she steadily drained away at his already heavily weakened soul. He felt that connection, the very same that had formed between them when they had coupled the night before, starting to form between himself and the beautiful serpent that was riding him in the midst of his second climax, but it was still weaker than it had been before. Samarta never slowed or stopped the rolling of her hips, however, and every intoxicatingly pleasurable motion strength the spiritual bond between them, until finally, just as his third orgasm was fast approaching, Bakan felt his soul brush against Samarta's in another dangerously intimate moment. They came together mere seconds later, the physical sensations of orgasm amplified a thousand fold by the brief union of their essences, and when it all ended Bakan was left feeling completely exhausted and utterly empty.

After a few moments of resting against him, her weight and her warmth incredibly relaxing against Bakan's chest, Samarta slowly slid off of his length, which was clean save for her juices just like it'd been before exiting her mouth. Breaking the kiss for the first time since she'd slid on top of him, Samarta pressed her lips gently against Bakan's forehead, and whispered; "Thank you.... I haven't been this well fed in ages!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Too much. It was really too much. It was all too clear that his cock and balls were not something that she was bothered by at all. Quite the opposite, she treated them both like toys. Being a plaything for a snake was as erotic as it was humiliating, though never once did Bakan consider the alternative of not being her plaything. Her giggle, a pleasant noise, at least told him that she didn't seem to be suffering. He was content with that, happy to know that she was at least experiencing happiness. So, he resigned himself for now, to be her plaything. He came, letting out a moan that the others could no doubt hear. The groping of his scrotum didn't help to silence him either. He thought it over, though her satisfied when she pulled back.

How wrong he was. As his vision recovered from the blur, he felt his length being wrapped in another kind of hell. Samarta's soft, attractive breasts squished his length between them, and her arm held them tight. Her eyes looked up, and would see his pathetic expression. Wanting to call out for her to show him mercy or let him rest a moment, but his mind too fuddled to bring out his request into words anymore. She is so beautiful, he'd think. Nevermind the sex, he thought about keeping her around even after all was said and done, if only to enjoy the act of looking upon her during conversation. She was so beautiful that he could look at her, but not so beautiful that looking at her was like trying to look at the sun. Ashloriel was just like that, and yes, Bakan thought about the angel of so many of his wet dreams while Samarta rubbed his length through her breasts. Bakan felt that looking at Ashloriel would do the same as looking at the sun, he'd go blind from her beauty if he stared for longer than just a moment.

He wondered if Ashloriel did shudder just then, being thought about in such a way by a man who already had several women to have sex with... As if he just wanted to add her to his collection. Bakan didn't want to think of himself as someone like that, but from a spectators point of view, wasn't that exactly what he looked like? He wanted each of the women he's come to know now, as well as the gruffs, his good friends, all to be happy. However, damned if all of them aren't sex crazy.

All such thoughts were in some dark corner of his mind while the most of it was occupied with what was happening. Namely, her breasts lubricated by his own saliva covered length sliding up and down along his length. Samarta's soft, wonderful breasts. His eyes were locked on her two squishy round orbs, a more playful side of him wanted to make the things bounce. The pleasure continued to assault him, leaving him on the brink, before he felt himself reaching a point where he wished he had the strength to push her down and dirty her chest with his seed, and watch her lick it up, before slamming it into her and cumming into her.

He'd partially get his wish, as she rose, and took his wrists into her own. Gladly he took her scaled ass and her large breast into his grip. His fingers gripped her ass tight, feeling the curves of it and muscles underneath and enjoying her womanly shape, while letting his fingers sink into the soft flesh that could only barely be described as heavenly. He met her lips eagerly, moaning into her lips as his length smoothed along her body, before reaching her softer, moist flesh. Their moans met each other in their joined lips as she sank her hips down, taking his length into her folds. Bakan played with her nipple in his hand while she moved her hips, his hand on her ass squeezing her as she brought herself down, swallowing his length into her body over and over, not much time passing before his already excited length was throbbing, and his balls twitching, squirting his cum into her body while her pussy sucked on his length, pulling all of his cum into her womb.

Bakan would breathe heavily once the sex was over, his warm breath washing over Samarta as he panted with exhaustion. His length, soaked in fluids, flopped out of her folds, as tired as he was. As she kissed his forehead, Bakan blushed slightly. "I-I'm glad... That you're happy..." he said, content indeed that she seemed pleased... Even though now, he was in an absolutely poor condition.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"I'll be happy when the alraune are pacified," Samarta muttered softly, though there was a gentle smile on her face as she gently caressed Bakan's cheek. "But for now.... I am content." She laid herself gently on top of him, draping her coils over his body while she continued to softly kiss him on the lips and caress his face, and staid there for several long moments.

How long it was exactly escaped Bakan in his exhausted state, but eventually Samarta and he were interrupted when Krovika strode around the tree they'd used for cover and kicked him sharply in the ribs. "Come on, that's enough! You've dallied long enough already!" she declared irritably, and Samarta looked up at her with a withering look that the armored woman seemed to return. They glared at one another for a few moments before Krovika added; "You too! People are being raped literally as we speak! I've already sent someone with those people you found to take them back to the human village, so lets get moving and get this over with!"

Those words seemed to take the anger out of Samarta right away, as she slowly climbed off of Bakan while the faerie knight walked off, no doubt back to her mount. "She's right.... We've got work to do here," the naga said gently, and though Bakan still felt incredibly exhausted after Samarta's thorough draining and their fairly intense session, he could feel his second wind coming on. He could feel that he'd be weaker than normal, but he had the reserves left to make it through so long as he forced himself to, at least for now. She did her best to help him back to his feet and make himself decent again, and then they went out from behind the tree to find the gruffs milling about boredly, Krovika sitting on her wolf, and Inka sitting cross-legged just next to the water with a sad expression on her face. The people that had been in the captivity of the alraune they'd fought here were gone, he knew not where.

"Get your armor on, get your stuff together, and lets go!" Krovika said urgently, and if Bakan looked where she gestured he'd see his gear neatly assembled for him and ready to put on. If he bothered to check, all of it was there exactly as it'd been when the alraune had taken him. Samarta helped him to don his armor, and then unless he had any other pressing business the group would be off.

The swamp was no less treacherous than before, but the fey moved through it like it was nothing, and Bakan and his companions would find the going easier if they emulated their example, particularly if he himself did so, as Samarta and Inka hadn't had any major problems before then. "I know where it is," Krovika said as they traveled, "We'll be going through densely populated areas, but with a group our size we should be fine until we get to one of their enclaves. They'll definitely see us coming though, so be ready for a fight and keep a close eye out in case they decide to ambush us."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Her gentle smile, her loving gesture, and her words expressing her content all gathered together and made some place in Bakan's heart happy. The following kick to his ribs made Bakan grunt and feel ashamed for indulging in Samarta. "I-I'm sorry..." Bakan apologized to Krovika. With Samarta's aid he rose, and managed to make himself decently clothed. Then he walked out into the clearing, seeing Inka's sad face, and blinking at her. "What's wrong...?" he idly asked her, before Krovika took over the situation. Seeing his gear, Bakan went and equipped himself proper, though he felt slightly light headed from all the sex with Samarta. He briefly wondered if all the sex he was having was weakening him, and he was worried if all the seductive and sexual women coming into his life was making him more submissive to their sexuality.

Donning his armor once again, he could almost feel his meek thoughts become sealed away underneath the casing of his armor. "Ah... Yes..." he tightened the grip of his gauntlet. "I'm ready." he said firmly, before he marched off with Krovika, though his sudden stride caused him to lean against Samarta as all the blood suddenly felt as if it left his head. "Sorry," he said quickly, and with a blush, before continuing onwards. "Don't worry, Inka." Bakan would say suddenly as they went along towards more treacherous areas of the swamp. "Once we stop them, I'll make sure you will no longer have to show such a sad face. I'll make sure everyone has a reason to smile."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Krovika: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine
Daryl: HP = 60, PP = 39, EP = 61, Status = Fine
Jeff: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Stephano: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Ogg: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Garakaius: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine
Billy: HP = 60, PP = 30, EP = 30, Status = Fine

Perception (Bakan) : 29
Perception (Inka) : 28
Perception (Samarta) : 39
Perception (Krovika) : 34
Perception (Krovika's Warhound Daryl) : 40
Perception (Gruffs) : 25

Stealth (???) : ??
Stealth (?? ??) : ??

Inka looked up at Bakan when he questioned her status, and though he quickly became preoccupied with getting his gear together, she offered him a brief reassuring smile. Later, when they were off and he made his promise to the mute alraune, she looked confused and frowned and tilted her head at him, her tentacles waving agitatedly. "She was probably just sad about this whole thing being necessary," Samarta supplied, having remained close to Bakan after he'd stumbled against her, at which point she'd told him not to worry about it with a soft smile. "As much as they've earned it by their own actions, it's her kin that we're hunting down and destroying. Some of these alraune probably came from the same batch that she did, and even if she usually keeps it closed, she still has the psychic link to her kind that lets her know what they're feeling. She feels what they feel, even if it is to a lesser degree than if it had been done to her," the naga continued, and Inka nodded after she'd finished.

"It is a regrettable thing, what we must do to your kind.... I wish there were another way," Garakaius interjected suddenly, causing Samarta and Inka to glance at him in surprise. The old gruff gazed back at the two very seriously as he somberly noted; "I have known many alraune in the South who were not so hostile, and found them to be excellent companions... For more than you likely think, given my race, though I did enjoy those that would take one as old as I as a lover! I hold no enmity for your race, but your kin here are beyond reason due to the intervention of a being that is well beyond reason. Normally such beings would be left to the higher ranks of the courts or to the angels to deal with, but this one is weak enough that it is vulnerable to the death of its mortal shell. We must destroy it before it grows beyond us, or many more will suffer from it before one capable of beating it can do so. As unpleasant as it is, your kin who have been enslaved to it must be dealt with by any means necessary. I will try to keep from killing them if your pain is assuaged by it, but some of them will no doubt die in the upcoming battles."

Inka looked at him with a small, sad smile, but Samarta frowned and said; "How do you know all of this?" Stephano excitedly replied for his elder counterpart; "We were all there when Bakan summoned an angel to help fight some of the alraune, and he was the one that gave him this mission. Well, all of us except for Billy, and we filled him in!" Samarta scratched her head and said; "Which one of you is Billy?" Billy said; "I am." Samarta then asked; "I thought that the fey didn't use names for each other? I thought you used them only when mortals gave them to you? That's what I was always taught." It was Jeff who answered this time; "We don't use names for each other usually, but Billy and Stephano here were raised around humans, so they're both used to using names more often than the rest of us. Bakan, didn't you name Stephano?" He looked to Bakan after his question, though after Bakan answered he'd say; "I was named by a beautiful sorceress with fiery hair who called me to her rescue when she was beset by bandits! She was so grateful that she-" Ogg quickly interrupted; "Too much information there! We're in the company of ladies!" Jeff, his excitement about getting to share his story killed in its infancy, quietly said; "Oh.... Right then. Sorry about that!"

They walked through the swamp, largely swapping idle chatter, for a long while, being led by Krovika and the great wolf that the armored sidhe rode. Bakan quickly found himself in a section of the swamp that he didn't recognize, but the faerie seemed incredibly confident of her ability to guide them to the location of the plant that was controlling all of the others. After a short time, they were brought to a sudden stop as a single alraune stepped suddenly into their path about fifty feet away, and called out to them; "Halt!" Krovika's mount stopped without any obvious signals from its rider, and the knight held out a hand to the others to do the same and replied; "Who are you, and what is your purpose in stopping us?" The alraune, which appeared oddly different from the others, possessing an almost golden tint to its green skin and a unique sort of rough beauty in her features that her lesser kin had lacked, replied; "I guard the path to our savior.... Me and my kin will see that you do not pass. To keep from further loss of life on either side, we will permit you to turn around and walk away, on the condition that you sweat that you will not come back to this place. We have no quarrel with the Summer Court and have no desire to start one, we merely wish to be left in peace to pursue our own interests."

Krovika promptly laughed in the alraune's face, something that the plant woman didn't take too kindly to judging by the scowl that came over her expression. "You seek the rise of your own kind and the genocide of all others. Your goals MAKE you an enemy of the Summer Court, whether you wish to be or not. But, as you have offered a peaceful solution, I offer you one in turn; Step aside and allow us to eliminate the being that controls you, and we will offer you no violence. You are alone against superior numbers and stronger fighters, and any confrontation will surely result in your own pointless death." In response, the alraune snapped her fingers and snarled; "It is you who has entered into a pointless battle here knight! Whoever has told you of our goals has lied to you! We seek nothing but to fulfill our role in the ecosystem, as you would have us do!" In response to her words, two objects that Bakan had mistaken for boulders suddenly reared up, shaking off a layer of mud and grime as the massive oak-men rose to their full, twelve foot height. A trio of the alraune with additional tentacles stepped out of the bushes behind them, fierce scowls on their faces as they faced Bakan and his allies. The gruffs immediately prepared their weapons, Jeff pulling his halberd off of his back while the rest drew their swords and Ogg additionally readied his shield, while Krovika simply deadpanned; "Well.... Shit. I guess you've got us beat by your three additional plant women who just popped out of the bushes behind us and your two big lumber heaps of highly flammable wood! I guess we'll just turn around and go home now!"