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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Luciana/Six

"Hi Luciana. What do you think?" Pale greets the demoness, spinning around to give her a better view of her naked body. "Ahem. What is it you wanted to ask?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Pale/Six

"Hm..." Luciana mused as she gave Pale's naked body a look, noting the patterns that had been painted onto her. "I like it. Your friend do the paint work? She did a good job if so." When she had given her opinion, the succubus got closer and leaned in to the vampire, whispering "I was just wondering... at the end of our match, you had defeated me totally. You could have done almost anything you wanted, but you were... good to me. Why? It confused me, and I still feel as if I owe you something..."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nala --> Paradox

"Gotcha, you don't like to be surprised. I can see how that would be irksome for one that aspires to "know" everything. But really, wouldn't it be boring to never be surprised? Perhaps the 'bliss' everyone refers to about ignorance? Anyways, you've managed to surprise me... you're requesting that I use my techniques on you? Why would you want to put yourself in my hands like that? You've only just met me."

Nala tapped a finger to her lips, pausing in her caressing of Paradox' thigh.

"You think yourself resistant to my magics? It's possible... I haven't perfected the techniques by any standard, especially not my own. Might I know exactly what you intend to get out of this, since you have said you operate on logic? It can't be carnal pleasure... if you wanted that, I could give it to you without the sexual conditioning."

A faint smile crosses the face of a high elf that's perhaps in over their head, a mysterious one that compliments the maddened glint ever too well.

"While I encourage innovation, I am one that prefers to be one of the innovators, rather than one on the receiving end of such. An excess of surprises can be...fatal to one's heart you see, in more ways than one. As to why I am willing to offer myself as a test subject...Let us simply state for now, that it would contribute to an experiment of my own as well. For you see, there are limits to what I can say in our present location...if you were willing to accompany me however... I may perhaps be allowed to shed more light on my true intentions."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Massage Parlor
Bakan -> Alex

Walking in with a towel around himself, he stopped as he saw Alex, his eyes wide. After hearing her greet him, he made a small bow to her, "My apologies, I thought this was the men's room," he announced to her, before turning, and promptly being pushed back by the succubus who was to massage him. After a couple shoves, he landed on his back, right next to Alex, with his face looking up at the ceiling, and his hand gripping his towel tightly.

"Greetings," he said with a blank tone and expression, staring up at the ceiling as if in a trance. "Sorry for intruding."

Massage Parlor
Alex -> Bakan

Watching him stammer something about a men's room then get tossed right next to her put a little humor in the lazy dragon's eyes. "Think nothing of it. Besides, this is a place of relaxation. No need to keep yourself tense. I'll even turn my head the other way if that would help, hm~?" If he so asked she would, and with that she would stay silent for a little longer as her masseuse finally finished with her upper back and started moving lower.

"Bakan..." Even though she was more relaxed than she's ever been in her life there was still a somewhat tense tone in her voice as she prepared to ask a question. "I saw Pale a while ago, and I made her confess to sucker punching the back of my head so she could take her revenge. I didn't think to ask her what she did, but now I'm a little curious. What happened between you two?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nala --> Paradox

"Very well, I think I'm clean enough from my last encounter, and I can spare some time for a quirky cutie like yourself. And don't worry, even if you do end up getting a mystical crush on me, it won't be a permanent condition and I won't take too much of an advantage of you~."

Nala would follow Paradox as she led her out of the onsen. The air shimmered, and they soon found themselves in quite a different arena than the one Nala had been to previously.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Pale/Luciana

Six partly sank into the shadows as the other creature arrived, not quite liking the outright feel of the creature in some form, as if like her it was tainted in some way. Either way, she stayed quiet as the other two conversed, as it seems they knew each other.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Auralice -> Enigma, Tamonten

The hot springs, maybe a bit too 'hot', at least that's what one might think if one were to walk in on Auralice's company.
Being awoken from her little trance by Tamonten's movements, Auralice couldn't help but notice that Enigma's struggling had turned into sounds of arousal.
Whilst slowly opening her eyes Auralice thought: "Goodness, of all the people I had to enslave I just HAD to find the most annoying elf in the world and a closet-sub human"
Turning her head towards the noise she noticed why Enigma was being an annoyance in this establishment of relaxing, following the cause to its roots she met with Tamonten's gaze which seemed to be begging for a reward.
"Oh, farming for favor are we? Don't worry, I know 'just' how to... 'reward' you"

The smut-spring.
Auralice forming a small grin on her face, she coils her tail around the warrior and squeezes firmly around, the scales roughly scrubbing all over the nude human's skin as she leans in to kiss the longing lips.
Enigma's breasts now left unattended, Auralice is quick to replace the groping hands with her own tendrils, coiling around the small perky orbs to gently squeeze them while teasingly flicking over the nipples.
With Tamonten's mouth muffled Auralice prods another pair of tendrils at the human's nether region, not going gently about it as she is quick to lodge them deep into both of the warrior's holes and roughly grind against their insides.
The elf's moaning was getting louder though, not wanting to draw unwanted attention Auralice pulls Enigma against her bosom, muffling the lewd mouth against it while leaving the lactating nipple within reach, should the elf want to 'knock herself out'.
With that done Auralice penetrates the elf with yet another pair of tendrils just like she'd done to Tamonten, although in a somewhat gentler way.
With the noisy bits silenced, Auralice gives herself some relief as she coils around her now erect members and thrusts into her wet cunt, masturbating herself into a climax as her love-juices fill the maids and blends with the water.
Exhausted, Auralice drops her cum-buckets into the water, once again cradling them in her arms as she leans back, panting heavily in the soothing spring.
"Perhaps now I can do what I wanted, relax peacefully"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Luciana/Six

Blinking in surprise, Pale looks slightly confused as she answers in a more reserved tone: "Luciana, I make enough enemies just for being what I am. I don't need to try to make more. Besides, you seem...nice." With that said, the ivory skinned vampire gives the demon a modest hug.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Pale/Six

"Hmm... Understandable, I suppose." Luciana said, returning the hug and lightly rubbing Pale's back. "Though if you want, you can ask a favor of me anyway. I won't mind" she continued, winking at the vampire. "That's all I wanted to ask, so if there's nothing else I'm going to go off to take a bath. I just had... way too much fun."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Paradox ---> Nala

Yet rather than lead Nala truly away to anywhere else..."Paradox" would opt to perform a peculiar act, pausing not long after exiting the spring and suddenly pulling the night elf close...

"Let us not waste time with physical travel then dear and be off, now that you have shown your consent of course..."

...Before bringing her lips to the other's in the embrace, light beginning to shimmer around them as the world began to spin...till no trace of them was left.


Enigma ---> Auralice ---> Tamonten

Smut Spring~...
Perhaps she had been a bit too loud...perhaps it was her mistress's lack of patience...such thoughts were of little significance to Enigma once she found herself nestled against the naga's bosom once again, as she...her body perhaps, begun to drink almost greedily of it once again. Her mind quickly becoming numb, to naught but pleasure...and her nether moistened to reflect it, juices beginning to flow without any true restraint, in preparation for what was obviously to come. Bliss would fill the elf's being, in manners that would perhaps never be accepted had her mind remained intact, and it would be the same mindlessness that would also allow her to accept herself as naught but another "cum-bucket" for a mistress so impromptu. A blessing?...Or a curse?... It mattered naught, as all she desired was to be filled...

As consciousnesses began to find however...and Enigma herself had already descended into slumber, one would find something strange begin to happen to the high elf. A shimmering body...a fading visage...and then...disappearance. The elf would have vanished, despite being held in the middle. But to where?...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Massage Parlor
Alex -> Bakan

Watching him stammer something about a men's room then get tossed right next to her put a little humor in the lazy dragon's eyes. "Think nothing of it. Besides, this is a place of relaxation. No need to keep yourself tense. I'll even turn my head the other way if that would help, hm~?" If he so asked she would, and with that she would stay silent for a little longer as her masseuse finally finished with her upper back and started moving lower.

"Bakan..." Even though she was more relaxed than she's ever been in her life there was still a somewhat tense tone in her voice as she prepared to ask a question. "I saw Pale a while ago, and I made her confess to sucker punching the back of my head so she could take her revenge. I didn't think to ask her what she did, but now I'm a little curious. What happened between you two?"

Massage Parlor
Bakan -> Alex

Laying on his back, the masseuse came, and flipped him over like a pancake so that she could work on his back. As he landed on his front side, he rose his arms, and used them as pillows for his face. "It would have been better if we did not meet, in all honesty," he told her the truth, his tone flat and serious. "Though I respect your intentions, you and I have goals that vastly differ from one another. And I'm afraid your curiosity won't be quenched, as what happened between me and Pale after the match was over has been blocked from my memory by the medical staff, who claim that it was I who desired to forget." he told her, while his masseuse was already getting to work on his back, making a light comment on how incredibly tight his muscles were.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Luciana/Six

As the demon turned to leave, weird mists covered Pale and disappeared, taking her with them(Pale -> Caramel Arena)
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Massage Parlor
Bakan -> Alex

Laying on his back, the masseuse came, and flipped him over like a pancake so that she could work on his back. As he landed on his front side, he rose his arms, and used them as pillows for his face. "It would have been better if we did not meet, in all honesty," he told her the truth, his tone flat and serious. "Though I respect your intentions, you and I have goals that vastly differ from one another. And I'm afraid your curiosity won't be quenched, as what happened between me and Pale after the match was over has been blocked from my memory by the medical staff, who claim that it was I who desired to forget." he told her, while his masseuse was already getting to work on his back, making a light comment on how incredibly tight his muscles were.

Massage Parlor
Alex -> Bakan

As Alex listens to Bakan practically reject her presence a rather sour look appeared on her face. Of course with her head turned the other way he definitely wouldn't see it. "I see..." But he could definitely hear it. "If that's how you would like things then so be it. Any further interaction will not be by my choosing." A moment later she turned and reached over to grab her masseuse by her arm. "You have the capacity to let him know where I am at all times, correct?" A rather nervous nod was given as an answer, and with that Alex returned to her table to lay flat. "Then please do so. That way he won't have to even look at me." It wouldn't be hard to tell that he had made some sort of social faux pas, and the dragon didn't like it one bit. But for all her talk she didn't make a single move to walk out of the parlor. Instead she simply laid still and allowed the massage to continue. She had been there first, so she wasn't going to let some idiot of a man ruin her fun.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Massage Parlor
Bakan -> Alex

Bakan turned to Alex the moment she began to speak to the masseuse to ensure that he would never even have to look at her again. "I did not mean it like that!" he announced loudly to her, but as he looked at the backside of her head, he frowned, before flopping back down, turning his head away from her as well, "Forget it..." he concluded with a sigh.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Massage Parlor
Alex -> Bakan

A part of her wanted to scream. A part of her wanted to sit up, turn to that stupid human, and scream Then what the hell did you mean, you damned fool! right in his face. But she couldn't. She made a vow not to speak with him of her own accord, and her word was her bond, even if it was only to herself. The only way she could talk to him was if he asked for a response, and the way he yelled had given her a chance, but she hesitated and heard him say "Forget it." That was it. Her hands were tied, and all she could do was sit and let the massage continue. The attendant would be finished soon, so in a few short minutes she would have nothing tying her here. She would be able to leave, and that fool could do whatever the hell he wanted.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Massage Parlor
Bakan -> Alex

With no reply from Alex, he could tell he got on the woman's bad side once again. A part of him was more than welcome to the idea of not being dragged into her practice, but her reaction to what he side was a factor that chewed into the back of his mind, an unpleasant feeling he couldn't ignore. "... When I said that, I meant when we first met each other. The offer you gave to me was for the sake of your training, but of all the people to ask for such a thing... I felt that you asked the worst person possible. I hold no ill thoughts about you, I merely... I merely believe that there are those here that are far more suited to help you with your cause than someone like me."

He let out a sigh, his expression, which she couldn't see as well from her position, showed how bothered he was to be thought poorly of someone who he did not dislike himself. "All that I ask is that you don't thing badly of me because of what I have said... I'm sorry."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Having asked what she had needed of Pale, Luciana went back to her quest to find the onsen, though she now realized that the bathhouse might be a better choice, especially since she already knew where it was. Or was the bathhouse the onsen? She couldn't be sure, she hadn't frequented such things before. In any case the succubus made her way to the bathhouse and settled into one of the smaller bathing areas, dipping down into the water slowly and allowing her pale blue skin to soak in the warm water. After a short period of relaxation she began to scrub the sweat and grime off her body, trying to get it all out of her long hair. With that done she idly began to scrub her tentacles, trying to clean off the dried cum and love juices for the comfort and health of the next person to find themselves on the business end of the appendages, and she looked around for one more opponent to fight... I'll have one more match, and then I'll head off to bed she thought, fairly satisfied with her day so far.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Noone in particular

First, the demon leaves, then Pale disappears in as good as a puff of smoke. Sighing as she was left alone again, Six thought a bit, before slowly loping her way out of the inhabited portions of the island again, once again returning to the forest. Climbing a tree, she then decided to keep herself busy by hopping between the bushes and trees, enjoying the excersize. She wasn't quite sure how she felt about Pale- she seemed nice, and willing to break whatever conditioning that Six had forced in her before, but in the same stroke she gave orders in that forceful tone that quite literally made Six unable to resist. Until she knew for sure, Six figured, it may be best to try and observe, perhaps not entirely trusting her fully.

Eventually, she'd grow weary of her excersize, and chose instead to rest in one of the many trees overlooking one of the paths. Perhaps she may spook someone as they walked past, keep her hunting skills busy, she thought with a impish smirk.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Massage Parlor
Bakan -> Alex

With no reply from Alex, he could tell he got on the woman's bad side once again. A part of him was more than welcome to the idea of not being dragged into her practice, but her reaction to what he side was a factor that chewed into the back of his mind, an unpleasant feeling he couldn't ignore. "... When I said that, I meant when we first met each other. The offer you gave to me was for the sake of your training, but of all the people to ask for such a thing... I felt that you asked the worst person possible. I hold no ill thoughts about you, I merely... I merely believe that there are those here that are far more suited to help you with your cause than someone like me."

He let out a sigh, his expression, which she couldn't see as well from her position, showed how bothered he was to be thought poorly of someone who he did not dislike himself. "All that I ask is that you don't thing badly of me because of what I have said... I'm sorry."

Massage Parlor
Alex -> Bakan

With her back turned it was hard to tell whether Alex had even reacted to Bakan's apology or not. "I had no intention of challenging you once again. I realized how difficult it was to accept the match, and your willingness to help even when it went against your principles was admirable. I would not have pressed the matter further out of respect. But..." She finally turned to properly address him since he had addressed her. "What you said... How you would prefer we never met..." Her face was still quite angry as she spoke, but hidden within her emerald eyes Bakan could probably see that she had actually been hurt by his words, so much so that she stopped and reconsidered what she was preparing to say. "What's done is done. A dragon's word is their bond, and I vowed to fulfill your wish. I am honor-bound to prevent myself from approaching you."

With that the massage was ended just before it could be finished, and Alex rose to reclaim her clothes. Once she was dressed she started walking toward the exit, but just before she left she paused. "You are not bound as I am. Any further contact between us will be your choice and your choice alone." With that she bowed her head and promptly left the man alone, the door she left through slowly closing itself just as her tail finally passed through the doorway.

Massage Parlor -> Beach

With her good mood severely dampened by the events that just passed the dragon woman simply started wandering on her own in any random direction that caught her fancy. It was only when she finally found herself back at the beach that she finally pulled herself out of her funk. Her next few steps had her tracing the shoreline, but eventually happened upon a rather familiar looking changing room. She stood and simply stared at it for a few seconds, then her eyes turned toward the ocean. It should have been a rather calming sight, but she couldn't keep her tail from twitching in irritation. "Damn, I need some way to work out this frustration."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Iggy blushes deeply when he sees the succubus enter the bath house. He panics as he realizes his towel was cast aside far from the edge of the bath. He covers his manhood, embarrassed, and ducks down under the water, hoping the girl wouldn't notice him.