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Hentai Picture Collection


Demon Girl Pro
Sep 20, 2011
Reputation score
I have a pic collection of over 10,000~20,000 hentai&ecchi that is growing almost every day XD

I get them from a few different Japanese websites, and then pick out the best of them to keep, so only the best stay.
There are two main groups, and many other smaller ones.

EDIT: I've attached a screen-shot of my series folder. If you see any you like, I can upload. There can be anywhere from 1-300 pics in the folders btw.

I felt it would be selfish to keep them all to myself, so I upload and distribute them by Mediafire.
So if you want a certain theme/fetish, I can find as many pics as possible to suit it and upload.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

I've begun the slow process of reprocessing the pictures that were numbered long before I started organizing.
Basically I'm just going through tagging some and sending others off to other folders, then replacing the empty spaces with new ones.
You're probably wondering why I'm telling you this if you won't benefit from it. The reason is, you will benefit from this :D As I'm reprocessing, I'm also bundling and uploading the pics. *O*
"Numbered Series" (Ecchi)
Password for all: ulmf
100 pics each

I'll come back after 1000 B-Series pics are uploaded.
(It's called the Numbered Series because this is no letter or word before the number.)

"B-Series" (Hentai)
Password for all: ulmf
100 pics each

Currently on hiatus for Shinobi Girl and some important stuff IRL. Hope to be back soon ^^
(It's called the B-series because... there is a B before the number XD (Yes there is an A-Series, but it's just pics with out any 18+ stuff))

Other links:
Password for all: ulmf

(Not complete)

(Tentacle Pics cuming (lol) soon)
This is not exactly a picture collection but if anyone wants Yayoi Riding I gathered the original swf, the extended mix and full song mp3 and uploaded them:

No password needed, feel free to spread the link around, I know tons of people are looking for the song.
Oreimo and IdolMaster folders currently being prepared for uploading. (I'll also be uploading a separate folder of Oreimo gifs and swfs. And one video.)

Although I've been able to organize my pics mostly by myself so far, it would be nice to have some help in certain areas.
If anyone here has really, really good organizing skills please contact me by PM or leave a post. I'd hope to have something of an apprentice that could help with organizing and maybe inherit my collection if I have to give it up or lose interest. :/
Also, if anyone has a good knowledge of any of the following:
I could use some help with those folders since I haven't watched Railgun and don't know much about Tohou :/
So basically if you want to help out, PM or leave a post. You'll be able to get access to pics before everyone else and maybe learn something XD
And if you're really lucky you'll get a copy of "The Vikings" which is basically a list of sources, artists and projects. With it you could have a collection like mine in no time XD

If things really take off, I might set up a small blog or something instead of using this topic, but I kinda don't think that'll happen anytime soon.


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Re: Hentai Picture Collection

can you find me (big tit+strait+poseing+ or furrys?
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

can you find me (big tit+strait+poseing+ or furrys?

Strait as in not Yuri?

Also, I don't have any furry pics, the closest thing I have is half snake people, blobish people, and people with wings XD

Anyways, how big do you want these tits to be? I could get some sample pics together and you could choose which size you want XD
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

do you have some nice ass(es) in your collection ? or some tit jobs ? ;P

would be nice :D
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

do you have some nice ass(es) in your collection ? or some tit jobs ? ;P

would be nice :D

Sorry, I don't have an ass fetish so I've never really made an ass tag :/

But I do have a ton of titjob pics *O* I'll get them together and uploaded soon.:D
K, here are the titjob pics that have yet to be numbered. I know I have a ton more in the numbered area, but I have not tagged them and don't feel like looking through all 3000 XD
(Special Order 1)
Password: ulmf
Pics: 130
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Re: Hentai Picture Collection

thaaaaaaaaank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu verrrryy much :DDDDDD now i have something to do in the toilet for the next few days ;D

also, I'm sorry I like hentai/ecchi :D, do you have some pics where the girls are VERY feminine ? just ike they are so womenlike that they don't rly have to be allover naked ? if you'd have you'd be VERY AWESOMEEEEEEEE, and I MEAN AWESOME. XD

€: if don't it's okay ^^ I mean to have such pics is (what I think) almost impossible. I'm terribly sorry if I'm wrong. ^^
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Re: Hentai Picture Collection

thaaaaaaaaank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu verrrryy much :DDDDDD now i have something to do in the toilet for the next few days ;D

also, I'm sorry I like hentai/ecchi :D, do you have some pics where the girls are VERY feminine ? just ike they are so womenlike that they don't rly have to be allover naked ? if you'd have you'd be VERY AWESOMEEEEEEEE, and I MEAN AWESOME. XD

€: if don't it's okay ^^ I mean to have such pics is (what I think) almost impossible. I'm terribly sorry if I'm wrong. ^^
Glad I could help, happy fapping XD

Very feminine...hmm. :/ Any chance you could post an example pic of what you mean?
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

hmmm... challenge accepted :D

€: not anime but an example of what I mean :D

just like these. if that's not helpful I'm sorry :/
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Re: Hentai Picture Collection

@shinobi_girl_player: Pfft, that's easy XD
Check out the dlls on the first post. Those should have a lot of what you're looking for.
If not I will gather some better ones. :D
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

haha alright ^^ i'll wait then for the others to be uploaded :D (if that's rude-english I don't mean it rude or whatever XD)

€: I had all of them even before I had this "special order" o:
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

haha alright ^^ i'll wait then for the others to be uploaded :D (if that's rude-english I don't mean it rude or whatever XD)

€: I had all of them even before I had this "special order" o:

Sorry for late reply, my main computer is in the shop :/
It may be awhile before I can upload anymore pics. :(

BTW, you're English is fine, even if it was rude, it wouldn't make much of a difference around here XD
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

Sorry for late reply, my main computer is in the shop :/
It may be awhile before I can upload anymore pics. :(

BTW, you're English is fine, even if it was rude, it wouldn't make much of a difference around here XD

aaah, no problem ;D that may be unfortunate, but I can wait :D

and for my english: alright then :D
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

That sort of pics would defintly go in the Ecchi genre.. :D
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

I'm back :D

I was wondering though, shinobi_girl_player, have you already downloaded the pics on the first post? Your English is good but there are just a few things that confuse me in your post last week. :eek:

Here are some updates:
If anyone else here has really good organizational skills, or knows a lot about some of the different artists, please contact me. I'm looking for an apprentice so to speak or just someone that can help with some of the bigger jobs and that can inherit my collection if something bad ever happened. Or if you have a good knowledge of Eroge and CG packs, I could use some help finding some.

New Projects
Some current things I've been working on are organizing my folders for different anime series. Some of them have almost 300 pics. I've also been working on my Yuri folder (I love yuri) and will probably be numbering and uploading that soon.
I'm also planning to complete my artist section, fix up my tentacle collection, organize my Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo stuff and continue to reprocess the "Numbered Series" (ecchi).

And I'm still taking requests as always. :D
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

nice ^^ I would help you if I could but my "arrange-skills" are at its lowest
I'm sorry D:

and HOLY SH*T I just saw your folders and I have to say that...

Re: Hentai Picture Collection

nice ^^ I would help you if I could but my "arrange-skills" are at its lowest
I'm sorry D:

and HOLY SH*T I just saw your folders and I have to say that...

No problem, I have a feeling it's a rare skill XD

lol, I'll be organizing them pretty soon so I might upload some of them.

I've uploaded the first volume of my prized Yuri collection. I put all the soft-core pics in the first volume so it will be mostly just kissing and stuff.
Expect different stuff later, H2H is a clue. :D

EDIT: Some of the weird stuff I deal with while organizing pics:

It makes me wonder if my computer knows the future o_O
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Re: Hentai Picture Collection

No problem, I have a feeling it's a rare skill XD

lol, I'll be organizing them pretty soon so I might upload some of them.

I've uploaded the first volume of my prized Yuri collection. I put all the soft-core pics in the first volume so it will be mostly just kissing and stuff.
Expect different stuff later, H2H is a clue. :D

EDIT: Some of the weird stuff I deal with while organizing pics:

It makes me wonder if my computer knows the future o_O

you can believe me... i will download ALL of the hentai/ecchi pics you upload ^^ you have a good taste/flavo(u)r about hentai/ecchi pics ;D

pls keep going ;D
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

@shinobi_girl_player: Thanks ^^ Good to see at least I've made one person happy XD (Besides all the lurkers that download and don't say anything :/)

Anyways, time for another update:
So today I'm proud to announce that I have tagged and organized my entire IDOLM@STER collection of about 350 pics (I did it all in one sitting too :eek:)
I have not numbered them, or moved about the non-ecchi-or-hentai pics (I have other collection) but once I do I will start uploading them.
If you want pics of a certain character or combo of characters this is your chance to request an upload. I will only be uploading the character folders with over 50 pics, if you want a certain character you'll have to request if her folder does not have enough pics.

BTW Here are the characters:


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Re: Hentai Picture Collection

wow that's nice XD

with request of a special character, you mean a character of IDOLM@STER ?

if yes, I don't know the characters because I don't watch the anime

if no, Tiffania from Zero no Tsukaima would be VERY nice ;D

thanks in advance :D
Re: Hentai Picture Collection

wow that's nice XD

with request of a special character, you mean a character of IDOLM@STER ?

if yes, I don't know the characters because I don't watch the anime

if no, Tiffania from Zero no Tsukaima would be VERY nice ;D

thanks in advance :D

You should check it out, it was a good anime. :D

As for Tiffania.... Sorry I've never seen Zero no Tsukaima >.< and don't have a folder for it. Very sorry.