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Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Raven turns partly to fire a blast of black flames over his shoulder at one of the imps and then starts moving faster, trying to make sure all the kids keep up.

( miss)
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Izak sees the imps floating overhead, drawing his crossbow and aiming up at the imps, loosing a bolt towards one of them.

(( ))
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

The town guard eyes the imps as she holds out her maul, preparing herself to charge at, and bash the living daylights out of, any imp that wandered too close to the group, still, she was fairly sure the imps would probably just try to do whatever imps do from the air, without trying to face the group in melee... "Get to cover! Don't engage them in the open!"
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Jess saw the group of imps incoming, and hoped they'd pass them by, thinking the group was too large to trifle with. This apparently wasn't the case, as they swooped in and started making jibes. She was having none of it today, however, and joined the others in taking the first strike, sending a dagger at the nearest imp flying by. It was only then that she head towards cover, making sure the kids were herded properly as well.

Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Allesharra would quickly duck back behind a corner or someother object close by for cover and quickly jut out to fire a bolt from her crossbow at one of the attacking imps.

Failsauce. :(
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Fire their bolts and arrows they would, but most of the party would find their bolts and arrows of little effect save to induce more maniacal taunts and laughter from the pack of malevolent imps.

"Kehehehehe! Look how wet behind the ears they are! Can't hit a bolt to save their measly lives!"

Even the dagger thrown at the imp, although striking true, seemed to do little but incite laughter from its mark, who promptly removes the blade from its body, and laughs as the wound closes right after.

"It tickles, it tickles! Here, have it back!"

(( ))

...Before opting to toss it back in an insulting manner, fortunately missing its intended target as the weapon clatters nearby. Meanwhile however, this compatriots, wielding tiny javelin like pitchforks opt to do the same soon after while continuing to taunt and terrorize the party overhead.

"And this! And this! And this! Ooo, a child! Take this!"

(( ))

The first of which clatters onto the ground harmlessly as the imp fumbles it altogether, where as Izak and a poor orphan find themselves victim of the small pitchforks, which lodge themselves in their backs, drawing blood...

((1 damage to Izak and an unnamed orphan, who is fortunately still standing and running))

((Damage to Izak: 1, Damage to Orphan: 1))
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"Dammit." Ankieseth muttered darkly as his arrow missed. The little creatures were still only taunting them, and as loathe as he was to admit it, he doubted that the could kill the little devils on their own. Seeing the creatures hurling pitchforks, he growled wordlessly and nocked another arrow, aiming and firing up at one of the creature even though he doubted that it would do any good.

15 + 4 = 19

8 damage
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Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Sending another blast of black flame, Raven tries to get between the imps and the children.

Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"Goddammit! Infuriating little buggers! Why won't they just die!?" Allesharra would cry out as she would repeat her past process of ducking in and out of cover while taking pot shots at the imps.

Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"We need to focus on one at a time!" Jess called out, aiming for the same one as Ankiseth as soon as she reached some cover herself.

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Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Elizabeth continues to move quickly, while trying to ensure that that the children were also with her, not wanting to leave any behind, "Don't stop moving!"
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Izak feels the pitchfork enter his back, before he reloads his crossbow and turns about to fire the crossbow into the imp who had stabbed him. "How about you take something with some real kick?"

(( ))
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

((Because Izak didn’t give me a damage die…

… Damn, not bad at all. Whopping… 3 damage after DR.))

Their aim true, perhaps out of indignation at the taunts of the imps, the party would opt to fill one in particular with a knife and two bolts…yet seem to make little progress as the imp’s flesh regrew despite becoming more of a flying pincushion than a creature.

“Kekekeke! So weak, so puny! Low level adventurers are such easy prey!”

…Besides incite more demonic laugh of course as another barrage of pitchforks rained down upon the party.

((Imps Attack

-Holy Fuck. Crit Confirm:


Target of Imps:


…A barrage which is mostly weathered by the party as they do their best to ignore the pricks of the pitchforks, but once some of the imps got the bright idea to throw the knife and crossbow bolts back instead at the “squishy one”, Raven would find himself struck in a much more deadly manner as one bolt pierces ever so close to his heart, much to the glee of the demonic servants turned rogue, who quickly began to descend to swarm their “wounded prey”.

“Kehehehe! Look! The squishy one is about to fall over! LOOT HIM!!”

…Yet as the situation began to look dire, and the imps were about to descend upon poor Raven with their stingers ready…it would be then that the first of their number would be tackled by what seem to be a…

Palm sized dragon? One…then two…then four...then six, a flock of them would dive towards the malevolent imps and began tearing at them tooth and claw, leaving shimmering wounds with each strike that the devils seemed to be unable to recover from.

”Begone you infernal demons! You shall not terrorize the innocent!

”That’s devils idiot!”

Grappling with the imps, the tangling “pseudodragons” and the imps would begin to ascend further and further into the sky during their fight…until they were all but out of sight. As the carcass of an imp falls down below, it seemed clear who had the upper hand in that fight… But as to the condition of Raven who was struggling to maintain consciousness…

((Raven takes 7 damage in total from the barrage by the imps, while Ankieseth takes 1 damage from a light scratch from a wayward pitchfork. The party gains 100 exp each, the same as for a CR 2 encounter, for surviving the imp onslaught.))
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Jess quickly moves to help Raven once the group of imps gets waylaid, digging in her vest and pulling out the potion they had looted before. "Here." She says quickly, pushing it into his hands and helping him keep stable while he drank it.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Ankieseth grunted as the tiny pitchfork clipped him, but paid the injury no further mind as he knocked another arrow. The little flying devils were nearly impossible to hit and seemed to shrug off everything they through at them, but they couldn't outrun the flying creatures either, not with all of the children to look after. Their situation only got worse when Raven went down, but then, the dragons came. Well, psuedo-dragons, not that Ankieseth knew the difference, but regardless, the imps were forced to deal with the tiny flying reptiles rather than them, so at least there was that.

As Jess tended to Raven, Ankieseth glanced around at the assembled children, trying to make sure that they still had all of them, as well as ensuring that Gaedron was still among them.
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Allesharra was beginning to fear that the end would be coming soon as their efforts seemed to be proving in vain against the imps' assault until she suddenly heard a voice from no where, ”Begone you infernal demons! You shall not terrorize the innocent!", and as she looked to see the source she was shocked to see a group of miniature dragons come from the sky to begin battling the imps. As the swarms descended up into the sky, she hurried out to where Raven lay injured, looking amongst the children and her comrades before asking, "Is everyone save Raven alright? I think as soon as Jess gets Raven and any other injured parties taken care of, we should promptly proceed to our destination."
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

As Ankiseth scans the area to see if the scumbag were still there, he'd notice a trail of blood near the back of the group...and of course, the said man attempting to limp away. With that said though, Gaedran's tied wrists and a pitchfork in his leg doesn't help him make much progress at all...
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Scowling, Ankieseth strode after the limping scumbag and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. "Good effort." He grunted, and simply began dragging him back toward the main group. Along the way, he returned his bow to his shoulder. "We should keep moving. Raven, are you good to walk yet?"
Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

Raven attempts to keep moving as he is hit with the bolts, but as the last one hits he can feel his legs giving way...Jess catches him and he drinks the potion. "Thanks" is all he says in a hoarse voice before pulling off the bolts sticking from his chainshirt.

Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy (IC Thread)

"No problem." Jess answers, looking around at the group and noticing Ankieseth coming back with Gaedren over his shoulder. "Alright, let's hope that's the last we have to deal with, let's keep moving." She calls out, just loud enough to be heard by the group. She'll start in the proper direction herself, leading the group carefully.