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Ancient Lands CYOA


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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The Samrãjñī gazed outwardly with a bored expression, focusing on nothing in particular as one of her oiled male concubines fed her another grape. Behind and to her left, another servant flapped a large fan of peacock feathers in order to keep a cooling breeze upon her to combat the heat of these foreign plains. A young slave girl, a daughter of a recently defeated chieftain, now approached her bearing a pitcher of wine. She was bare-breasted and had been rubbed down with fine oils and scents that were pleasing to the noble woman. A trusted male slave with a knife at his belt stood next to her, extending in his hand a jeweled goblet. The slave girl hesitated. If she waited any longer, the male slave would probably beat her for impudence. Instead the noble woman decided to entertain herself.

"You are new are you not?" she asked. The slave girl was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Yes, Samrãjñī."

"I am given to understand that you held a position of note with your defeated people. My messengers tell me that you all fought with great zeal, even your woman folk. They tell me that you too, sought death on the battle field, as a warrior. Is this true?"

"It is true, Samrãjñī."

The male slave made to give her a backhanded slap, feeling there was a measure of disrespect in the slave girl's tone, but the Samrãjñī held up her bejeweled hand to stop him. The slave girl showed no fear.

"Why would you fight against such great odds? My consort's armies outnumbered your tribe a hundred to one. Do you not fear death?"

The slave girl, dared then to raise her eyes and look upon the Samrãjñī. Such an act of impudence would be punishable by worse than death. Again the male slaves moved to strike the girl down, and again were warded off by the raised hand of the noble lady.

"I am of the Ingeld, daughter of Brelm, and direct descendant of (1)________, I will not shame my great ancestor by turning away from glory."

The Samrãjñī cocked her head, suddenly interested. "Who is this ancestor of whom you speak? I have heard the name before. I have seen her on works of art and upon the texts that my ministers translate for me. Who was she?"

"She lived many centuries ago, in a time of strife, wicked sorcery, warlords, and monsters. From lowly beginnings, and through many adventures, she became Queen over this realm, and gave us a prosperity that lasted for generations."

"I see... tell me more of her, and I will forgive your transgression. You said she became queen? How did she do so?"

"It is a long story. She was not born into nobility. She earned it. She began her life in a lowly position. She was...

A... a barbarian savage from the northlands, trained in the arts of steel and raised as a companion of wolves. (+1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Melee, illiterate)

B... an amazonian huntress from the haunted southland jungles, a perceptive tracker, lithe like a jungle cat. (+1Agility, +1Mind, +1 Ranged, distrusted)

C... a tumbler and dancer from the eastern city of Usol, abducted as a child and trained for her beauty and grace.. (+1 Agility, +1 Appeal, +1 Hand to Hand, delicate)

D... a nomad scribe from the western tribes, crossing the desert to trade their wares, trained in their famed defensive techniques, and their appreciation for money. (+1 Mind, +1 Appeal, +1 Defense, greedy)

(1) Name our heroine.
(2) Determine her origin (and some of her starting stats)
(3) Determine Ero level: 1-5, with 1 being none, 5 being that every major encounter should have ero possibility in it.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Ancient Lands CYOA

1. Akashka
2. A or C
3. Ero level 3 or 4

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Ancient Lands CYOA

1. Eirin
2. C
3. 4


Jun 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ancient Lands CYOA

1. Eirin (Bandwagoning, the name suits fine)
2. C (a truly lowly start, A seems a bit more harsh but as if she wasn't as lowly)
3. 4 (not every encounter should lead to ero, but a high majority)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 22, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Ancient Lands CYOA

1.) Lynhilde
2.) B
3.) 3

Ryu Doppler

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2011
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Re: Ancient Lands CYOA

1. Eirin
2. C
3. 3


Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Ancient Lands CYOA

1. (abstain)
2. C
3. 4


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Ancient Lands CYOA

Sure is Touhou

Akashka sounds alright I guess.
Feb 21, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Ancient Lands CYOA

1. Eirin sounds like a good name.
2. Well, since C is going to win anyway, I may as well help it out. It's also the most likely to gain us allies through diplomacy.
3. 4 sounds good for this forum.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Feb 13, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Ancient Lands CYOA

1. Eirin
2. C
3. 4


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Ancient Lands CYOA

The Samrãjñī's eyes went wide with mirth and she put a hand to cover her mouth as a fluttering laugh came out. Her many attendants picked up on it and laughed with her. The slave girl though did not smile.

"You are telling me that the Great Queen Eirin, ruler of the Five Thrones of Elsior, slayer of beasts, was a... common brothel whore?" the lady grinned mockingly.

"There was never anything common about Eirin... but she wore many guises long before taking the crown." The slave girl answered with a quiet dignity that caused the laughter to die out in the Samrãjñī's throat. "The city of Usol has since fallen into decay, yet in the time of my ancestor, it was the center for the worship of Dalonin, God of Plenty. Folk of a hundred tribes would come to Usol in worship of drink and merriment, and pay coin for the best forms of entertainment that they could buy. In this dark city of many pinnacled towers that exalted in display of wealth and excess, did my great ancestor grow from a child into a woman...

"Beautiful as the sea and sky, as lithe, graceful, and deadly as a jungle cat, her hair...(1)

A) was dark as a raven's breath on a midwinter night.

B) danced red as flame, passionate and vibrant as the sun.

C) was as though spun of gold, nobility, and the light of life.

D) was a rich, deep brown of such luster as to rival Landra, the Goddess of Beauty.

... and her eyes... (2)

A) Blue sapphires, like the Sea-Blooded....
B) Grey as a ghost-speaker's...
C) Brown and dark, full of secrets...
D) Green like the fey folk of the Emerald Fields...
E) Hazel as a Child of Autumn.

"She was no ordinary dancer. The movements taught to her in her early life would prove to be the foundation of her legendary prowess. Grace and poise, victory with elegance, and the charisma to capture the hearts of a people."

The Samrãjñī leaned forward. "More beautiful than I, slave?"

There was a hush as all eyes fell upon the girl, waiting for a response. At last she gave one.

"History will decide how beautiful she was. Hear her story, and decide for yourself what qualities she must have possessed to achieve so much. (3)

A) There are some who say that it was her strength from years of physical training that gave her an edge most others lacked." (+1 strength)

B) Moreso than anything else, it was Eirin's speed and grace of movement that astounded so many." (+1 agility)

C) A beautiful body belied an equally sharp mind. Eirin had a deep, natural understanding of the secret workings of this world." (+1 mind)

D) The legends tell us that in this land, in her day, there were few mortals who could rival the beauty which she possessed. But it was not merely beauty. Some say it was her eyes. Some say it was her voice. All agree, it was a birthright of the gods." (+1 appeal)

"Yet still," said the Samrãjñī, waving her hand in the air to call for the drought of wine to be brought forth to her, "How does such a woman, even someone of talent, climb her way out of a den of such debauchery."

The slave girl held up the pitcher of wine, as if to say, I shall tell you the story when this is taken away from me. The Samrãjñī thrust a finger to the male slave who had been prepared to strike the slave girl earlier. The male relieved the young girl of the pitcher and with one last scowl at her, retreated off to the side of the grand tent. Cushions were brought forth for the lady's comfort, and one was spared for the storyteller, who was allowed to sit at the Samrãjñī's feet as she began her tale.

"Know, oh Great Lady, that these were the days when the Dark Ones held sway, and every city upon the earth lived in the shadow of evil men and their insidious patrons. From the unlikeliest of places would step forth a heroine. Proud and tall, a woman of both grace and wroth, prone to deep passions and musings, she left lovers and bodies alike in her wake. This is the tale of Eirin..."

(1 and 2) Choose Hair and Eye color.
(3) Round out the stats before we get stuck in. There'll be a few more opportunities to suggest how she develops.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Feb 13, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Ancient Lands CYOA



Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Ancient Lands CYOA

1) B
2) A
3) D