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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Hrmmmm........ I wonde if the slime and tentacles are like the Emotional Spectrum from Green Lantern........? But either way I dint think it will hurt us too much to get some different slimes and experiment with them, so.......... I say 2.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

I smell the smell of lying motherfuckers. But blue's my favorite color, so whatever.

Loot some green slime. Also that queen said to beware the purple ones, right? Purple's half blue!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

I would say...all of the above, 2, 3, and 1.

First get some yellow slime, and test the effect while still in the blue tentacle room. Nothing in that room apparently can harm you, besides the blue tentacles themselves which seem to be content with sexual fun and not physical harm. Once you've tested the effects of the yellow slime, mix the slimes and test the green slime. And after that, assuming nothing horrible has happened yet, grab some blue slime and proceed on your way. This way we're well informed and at the same time kept safe for now.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Limited options are limited. I'd like to ask the blue tentacles about the sudden change in "weapon", and what uses it might have (besides the obvious, of course, <.<;). Then maybe drink some of the yellow slime to test its effects, then maybe mixing the blue and yellow to green and testing its effects, the deciding what to fill the jar up with based on the outcome, but barring any or all of that:

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Guys, I'm pretty sure drinking the slime is a little bad for us. Fun, to be sure, but uh... just sayin'.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

No poop... Thats why I said go with slime we know works
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

tiebreaker go.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

I would say...all of the above, 2, 3, and 1.

First get some yellow slime, and test the effect while still in the blue tentacle room. Nothing in that room apparently can harm you, besides the blue tentacles themselves which seem to be content with sexual fun and not physical harm. Once you've tested the effects of the yellow slime, mix the slimes and test the green slime. And after that, assuming nothing horrible has happened yet, grab some blue slime and proceed on your way. This way we're well informed and at the same time kept safe for now.

Everything said here.

I'd like to ask the blue tentacles about the sudden change in "weapon", and what uses it might have (besides the obvious, of course, <.<;).

And here.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

No choice selected yet. (need a tiebreaker)

Still infuriated, you march right over to the blue slime wall and start licking furiously, it would actually be pretty funny if you weren't about ready to lose it. your rage offsets the tranquility of consuming the blue slime, you walk right back over to the blue tentacles and yell

"HEY, WHAT THE FUCK?" you yell at them at the top of your lungs.

"what?" one tentacle responds

"why did you just change that dagger i just had into a useless dildo" you reach the dildo out to them and point at it, it wobbles back and forth in your hand.

"sorry Laura, i guess we might have overreacted, but we really dont want you carrying around an artifact which has been corrupted by those evil yellow tentacles"

"what, so i don't have a choice in this?"

Their silence is deafening.


"please understand Laura, everything we do is for you benefit, you may not understand it now, but you will soon".

You cant believe you are arguing with a tentacle rape beast, a couple of hours ago you probably would have been running away from them screaming, but now here you are, in a heated discussion over whether or not they had the right to disarm you.

"So what am i suppose to do with this thing? fuck myself into a frenzy? bonk tentacles on the head with it? doesn't that seem a bit silly?"

"Use it when you are in danger"

"Use it?" you say, with sarcastic tone in your voice.

"Use it" they reply firmly.

"you guys are assholes"

you turn away from them and head back towards the door, then you remember, you better fill that jar up before you forget you might need it later so you can continue communicating with these....pricks.

Blue, Yellow or Green? you hold the jar in your hand and ponder...
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Err...there is no tie.

Current votes are:

Blue: xxx [3]

Yellow: xx [2]

Green: x [1]

Plus two more for each if you count UrbanKirasagi & LadyAliciaRavenhurst 'all of the above' votes (I said 1 if we can't do more than one, and seeing as how you don't want a tie, that means we can't, so that cancels my 'all of the above' vote in favor of a 1 vote, making the scores what they are above.)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Well, now that the votes kinda been unofficially reset, I'm sticking with my previous choice of 1 Blue
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Err...there is no tie.

Current votes are:

Blue: xxx [3]

Yellow: xx [2]

Green: x [1]

Plus two more for each if you count UrbanKirasagi & LadyAliciaRavenhurst 'all of the above' votes (I said 1 if we can't do more than one, and seeing as how you don't want a tie, that means we can't, so that cancels my 'all of the above' vote in favor of a 1 vote, making the scores what they are above.)

This. Even disregarding the "all of the above" votes, there is no tie.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Well if you count the "all of the above"s then it's:


But I cannot deny or ignore my curiosity to see what each color does..... So I vote yellow, 2. :p
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Ugh. Here, break the tie. Blue.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


These blue tentacles are really starting to irritate you, you begin to wonder if they are really trying to help you are all, but you know what their slime does, you have no idea the yellow slime does and mixing the two together could be disastrous, you collect the blue slime from the walls and snap the jar cap on tight.

Taking your full jar of 'blue' slime, you leave this room and enter the next, the walls catch you off guard as you notice they are all pure white. you dont see any nearby tentacles but that doesnt stop you from walking carefully, you make your way up a short hill and enter a room with another white pod-like mass in the center. you squint as you look on the far side of the room, just as you thought, there is a fleshlike door on the other side of this room, actually the layout is quite similar to the blue 'queen-mothers' room. you look all around you for traps, tentacled traps, but you cannot see any, you think you hear a noise on the far side of the pod, but cannot see over it, you carefully step closer to the central pod and step back quickly, there is no reaction, maybe this room is dead?

slowly and carefully you walk through the room, keeping especially watch on the floor and ceiling as you move, you reach the outside perimeter of the pod, and the noise picks up again, you think you hear a slightly muffled moan coming from somewhere, you senses peak as you nervously look all around the room again, you begin walking around the pod, ever vigilant, when you have reached the far side of the pod you look and see another woman being held down by white tentacles, she has a tentacle in her mouth and underneath her, her bottom is held down in a translucent minipod of white fluid, there are two suction cup-like appendages attached to her breasts, which are appear to be soft and supple.

as you are distracted examining the sight before you, your guard is down for half a second and a white tentacle drops from the ceiling and wraps around your upper arms, you fumble the jar of blue slime and it rolls helplessly to the edge of the central pod. you struggle to break or slide free, the but white tentacle has you securely gripped, more white tentacles descend and grab the usual locations for tentacle bindings, you ankles, waist and upper thighs, noticing the blue dildo still in your hand, you quickly remember what the blue tentacles said, 'about 'using it' when you are in danger, you take a quick look at the unfortunate woman beside you bound there for who knows how long and quickly plunge the dildo into your pussy, a jolt of pleasure shoots up your spine as the blue dildo begins to vibrate and seem to come to life on its own, it burrows deep inside of you and disappears into your womb.

white tentacles lift you from the floor and bring you into position next to the woman in the minipod, a new minipod similar to hers emerges from the ground, it is quickly filled with white fluid, your ass is positioned in a sitting position as you are dropped onto it, your ass and vagina are submerged into the fluid and the back of your knees stop your descent into the fluid filled pod as your back and knees hold you into position. you frantically look around for options as you notice the woman beside you orgasms spontaneously, a long tentacle descends from the ceiling and inserts itself into your mouth, immediately leaking fluids into you as you are forced to swallow them, tentacles emerge from the sides of the large central pod and wrap around your upper arms as the rest of the tentacles release you. you are now locked into place here, shackled to the central pod with your bottom inside of the pod of fluid beneath you.

for several minutes you struggle, but it is no use, you are stuck. the fluid coming from the tentacle in your mouth tastes like a creamy-milk substance and as much as you would like to resist it, it is difficult. then you hear a new force in your mind, and for the first time it is not your own, but a more soothing, motherly tone.

"shhhhhh relax my pet, your journey is over."

you panic as movement and rumble begins to happen beneath you, and you wince as a submerged tentacle from inside of the pod quick forces its way into your asshole, your breasts start to feel weird as if they are filling up, you think you notice them growing slightly before your eyes. two suction cup like appendages appear from above you, growing out of the central pod, they quickly attach themselves to your nipples and you feel some pressure as they begin sucking.

"sleep now young one"

the tentacle in your mouth erupts in a blast of cool substance and you are immediately hit with a huge wave of fatigue, you've never been so tired in your life, you struggle to keep your eyelids open but eventually, you pass out.....

You dream of home, working on the farm with all of your friends and walking through the golden fields of wheat at dusk, you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and it fills your heart with joy,your dream suddenly shifts into a nightmare of yourself in a dark field naked, alone, being raped by men and monsters, many of which have tentacles, they take you in every orifice and when they are through, they leave you broken on the empty black ground with tears in your eyes leaking semen from your mouth, ass and vagina. used and discarded, you nightmare ends being choked to death by a tentacle, as you struggle for air, you snap back to reality and awaken.

your eyes widen as you breath in deep through your nose, you look down at your breasts to see that they have doubled in size, you now appear to have D cup sized breasts and you are lactating, the tentacle suction cups are pulling milk from them, you have no idea how you are lactating or how your breasts got so large, but you think it has something to do with the fluid the white tentacle in your mouth is force feeding to you. you notice that your belly is distended, you feel pregnant again but you dont remember how it might have happened, unless the blue dildo.....

you react with a muffled groan as the white tentacle in your ass slithers its way around the depths of your colon, sucking waste from you. you dont know how long you've been out, but it seems like it has been a while. the slow dip of cream into your mouth has kept you sustained while the tentacle captive has taken care of your other needs, you look to the right on the nearby floor and see that the jar of blue slime is still where you dropped it, they must not have noticed, you look to your left and see that the woman who was there previously is missing, perhaps she escaped? you become nervous as you ponder over more sinister fates which may have befallen her.

you might as well try to communicate with this being, and perhaps, convince it to let you go...

"hello?" you ask openly in your mind.

"awake are we"? the voice response

"please let me go" you beg

"im sorry, i cant do that, you are just too delicious" you are confused by what the voice means at first before you look down and remember that it is sucking your breast milk from you.

"please just let me go, i want to be free" you appeal to the voice

"it doesnt matter what you want, you are mine now, but dont worry, i will take good care of you" you notice a change in the taste of the fluid it is leaking into your mouth, it tastes like strawberries now.

"i dont want to be your slave"

"please young one, make this easy on yourself, ill do my best to ensure you can enjoy yourself as much as possible"

you begin to feel a rumbling deep down inside of you, whatever is inside of your womb is starting to move.

"at least allow my legs to feel the air once more"

"alright, my pet"

with that, the warm bath of fluid is quickly drained from the pod you are seated in and the small mouthlike pod removes itself entirely, retracting itself back into the central pod.

'please get this thing out of my ass and allow me to sit down'

"fine, but dont make too much of a mess" the tentacle in your ass retracts slowly you are surprised when it keeps coming out, it was burrowed deep inside of you, several feet actually, finally with a POP noise, it is removed entirely.

you spread your legs and immediately begin pushing, the being within your womb begins to respond to this motion, becoming active within you.

"why dont we get to know each other better" a white tentacle comes down from the ceiling and your heart skips in horror as it places itself directly parallel to your vagina.

"my name is laura" you say, trying to buy some time.

"silly creature, i dont care what your name is." the white tentacle begins to slowly rub its sides against your vagina, slowly lubricating it, causing tiny shocks of pleasure in response.

you need to distract this thing somehow so that it doesnt fuck you in your pussy, if it does, it will detect the blue dildo and remove it.

"alright, i accept my fate, please caress my breasts, they are swollen."

"i knew you'd come to understand eventually" the tentacle working on your vagina raises to meet your breasts and it slowly begins to massage them.

you immediately start pushing, trying to get whatever is growing in your womb to be birthed, as it is your best chance for escape.

"let me see if i can make you feel right at home" the suction cup tendrils pop off of your breasts and raise into the air, the white tentacle loops around your right breast and squeezes, causing intense pain from the swelling a bit of your milk squirts onto your laboring thighs as you desperately try to activate the creature inside of you.

at last, the creature inside of you begins to move, and your water breaks, it is coming..

the white tentacle shifts to your left breast and squeezes hard, you recoil in pain as the pressure within you peaks.

you look before you as a blue tentacled mass is being birthed from you, it squirms and slavers, grabbing onto your thighs helping to pull itself out.

"my mouth, let me taste my masters seed"

the white tentacle pulls the original from your mouth and you take a couple breaths before it inserts itself into your mouth. "i admire your enthusiasm"

the blue tentacle beast below is now fully birthed, it pulls its way out in front of you and begins digging into the meat surface.

the white tentacle in your mouth works hard, pumping away, knocking against the back of your throat, this is a rough host, at last, it erupts into your mouth the tentacle pulling out immediately, you taste the saltiness of its seed, and immediately turn your mouth away to spit it out.

"dont worry, you'll learn to enjoy it in time, now for the main course" the tentacle responds.

the white tentacle carefully avoids your blue skirt as it loops around and plunges into your pussy, it pumps you ferociously as you watch the blue tentacle root itself into the ground and come to its senses, it senses you and its jar of slime nearby.

"isn't this fun?" the menacing tentacle asks

the blue tentacle reaches for the small blue jar and hands it to you, you pop it open quickly and drink the contents as quickly as you can.

you hear your own familiar voice talking to you through your mind "now?"

"wait a second" you put the blue tentacle on hold.

the white tentacle pounds you relentlessly, tiring you out, when you feel like you cannot take anymore, it finally erupts inside of you, causing a massive explosion of cum which splatters out from you, covering your thighs in its juices "NOW"! you yell aloud.

the blue tentacle pierces forward into the central tentacles pod and begins pumping it with its fluid.

"UGH" you hear in your mind, an indication that the white tentacle's core is in pain, you are immediately released from its grasp, you throw the weakened tentacles from your upper arms and run towards the door as fast as you can

as you reach the door, you look behind you and see that white tentacles are aligning above the small blue tentacle mass to impale it, which would kill it instantly.

you might be able to save it if you act quickly, but then again you might be caught again and then be forced to suck down white tentacle semen for the rest of your life, blue tentacle slime still empowers your mind and body, you can either save the blue tentacle mass which just rescued you or you can save yourself and get the hell out of here!

What do you do?


2. go back into the room do your best to save the blue tentacle which is holding the white tentacles off.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1! GTFO while you can! Don't let the creature's sacrafice be in vain! RUN! RUN! RUN!!!!!!!! :eek:
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

2. Save it while the effects of the blue slime still allow you the possibility.

Running now might betray the only source of aid you've gotten in this lair so far, leaving you to fend for yourself again (which wouldn't have ended well against these white tentacles), and transforming this room blue like the last one might net you more aid, and possibly a traveling companion (the other captured woman).
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

What xgkf said - we've abandoned one woman already, let's try to save this one, and the blue tentacles we've allied with too.

Look at it this way - if in the future we need a distraction to save ourselves, having another woman along to play bait with would be useful. And we certainly don't want to tick off the blue tents since they've actively been so helpful.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. The blues are totally using us like the rest of 'em are, they're just being sneaky about it. Cheese it!