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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Hrm... well, as nice as not being naked sounds, a short skirt isn't actually the best defense against rape. It would probably be better to avoid getting caught in the first place. In which case I would go with... 2.

Of course, we're assuming that this tentacle is telling the truth.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Hrm... well, as nice as not being naked sounds, a short skirt isn't actually the best defense against rape. It would probably be better to avoid getting caught in the first place. In which case I would go with... 2.

Of course, we're assuming that this tentacle is telling the truth.

What thetwo said. The short skirt would be worse than the panties for defense. 2.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

I say 1, Incorruptable unbreakable...

We don't need a cursed bottle or broken sword

Might provide less defense than panties against a vertical attack but will undoubtably be a pain in the but to strip off
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

...Don't panties protect better than a skirt? Although, I guess the panties are destructible, so there's that. Skirt.

Also, we should have punched the floor for a while from the door. That would have worked, right.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


"Skirt" you say to the blue tentacled creature in front of you.

the tentacle begins to sway and wave, a bit of white cloud appears to appear around it with small electrical flashes, some transparent magical runes begin to swirl around the panties around your fists and a flash of light partially blinds you as you turn away, looking back you now have in your hand a blue hued silky skirt, you hold them out in front of you, they are actually pretty cute, you step into them and secure them in place snugly.

"ill be honest with you, ive corrupted them slightly in their making so that they cannot effect blue tentacles anymore, but dont worry, we'll only be trying to help you escape" a blue tentacle comes down from the ceiling and darts toward you, you watch as the skirt spreads instantly to allow an easy path to you, the tentacle enters you partially, then it exits, curls underneath you and charges towards your asshole, the skirt spread spreads allowing this intrusion as well, although the tentacle stops just short of penetrating your ass.

"Do these things actually work at all" you ask, pretty upset at this point.

"Of course they work silly, they are fully indestructible now, and cannot be corrupted or altered by anything other than blue tentacles, they retain all of their original power against all other tentacles other than blue ones, however, you wont be able to use them for striking anymore, all of the power is internal, don't try to use them as a weapon, it wont work and you will simply leave yourself more vulnerable down there."

"thanks i guess.." you say as you begin walking towards the blue doorway into the next section.

"Alright fine, im sorry for not being completely honest with you" the tentacle says as you turn around towards it again. "you must understand that we need you to cooperate with us, there is kind of a....revolution going on down here."

"what do you mean"?

"This tentacle lair is being contested for control by all of the different kinds of tentacles, thats why i removed that pink tentacle's spawn from you, i cant have you going around birthing that thing in a differant section of this place, it would corrupt the entire area."

"what does this have to do with me?"

"it has everything to do with you, every tentacle lair has an overlord, and he gives us our power based upon victims who we capture and molest"

"what do you mean an overlord?"

"That meaty substance on the wall and ground upon which you walk is the overlord's blight, it allows us to continue living, if that tissue were to die, so would we, tentacles need to please the overlord to survive and gain power, the only way to do that is through fucking creatures like you."

"Great" you say as you turn around once more.

"Wait, i have another gift for you" a tentacle hidden away in the ceiling comes down and scoops up some slime from the central pool into, then bring to you an object, which it places at your feet.

you pick up the object and examine it, it is a small jar carrying one charge of blue tentacle slime.

"This is a show of good faith towards you, you know the power of this substance already, i and the other blue tentacles will work with you to escape this place, but you must 'aid' them as well, beware that you will not be able to communicate with them unless you have recently consumed the blue slime, so you may wish to save it in order to communicate with them"

"Thanks i guess", you pick up the jar and place it against your waist with your left hand.

"Good luck Laura, and keep in mind, dont trust the other tentacles, it is only the blue ones who will help you escape from this place, all others wish only to use you".

"Dont you all" say respond.

the voice behind you goes silent, as the blue hued fleshy door in front of you opens instantly.

stepping into this door, the fleshy door behind you closes slowly, you see that this section has a yellow hue similar to the blue one in the previous area, tentacles are laid upon the floors and walls, not reaching you or anything in particular.

you find a stray yellow tentacle isolated from the rest and decide you think you should try out the defense of this skirt so you know its power, and you can know if the blue tentacle in the previous area was telling the truth.

you get down on your knees to avoid the tentacle attacking from underneath your shirt and scoot towards the tentacle, you gentle knock your upper hip against it to gain its attention, the tentacle immediately reacts by shooting towards your vagina underneath the skirt, but the skirt holds strong and when the tentacle encounters it, it is shocked and repulsed backwards, screeching, it retreats to its origin in the floor. well that is good to know.

you carefully make your way through this area, made more confident with your new-found defense, you enter a yellow hued room where the walls are completely covered in tentacles and the floor is absolutely swamped with them, around the sides is a moat of yellow fluid with larger yellow tentacles springing from it, in the center of the room is a pedestal with meat-wall stairs leading up to what would appear to be come kind of item, you cant see it from here through, obviously this room is booby trapped to protect that item even if you have full body armor you dont think you could find your way over there without being violated repeatedly, there is a fleshy yellow door on the far side of the room.

suddenly you hear a noise from the nearby wall, a blue tentacle has made it here and planted itself near the entrance to this room, it patience waits nearby for you.

What do you do?

1. Walk over to the blue tentacle and let it have its way with you.

2. Run through the room as best you can, run over to the central pedestal first to collect that item.

3. run over and drink the yellow slime fluid in a nearby pool.

In addition to these options, you have another.

In your inventory you carry a small jar of blue tentacle slime will you drink it now?

A. Yes.

B. No

Appetite: normal
Weapon: Fists
Armor: Blue hued silk Skirt
Pregnant?: no
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. followed by A., then 2.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

So our protection from getting fucked by other tentacles is to give ourselves willingly to all blue tentacles? Well, if none of our options are good then I guess we'll have to submit to that.

1. And "A" before we actually try anything... but there's no point in drinking it *before* we let the blue tentacle have its way with us.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Unless the jar gets refilled from interacting with the blue tentacle? If so 1A
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


A. Drinking it before we do "1" so that we can converse with the blue tentacle.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. Because why not, Blue is our friend it seems.

A. Because the Blue tent might be able to tell us what the Yellow fluid does and how to avoid Yellow tents, since it's positioned itself behind enemy lines as it were.

Edit: As a side note, say that we make a choice that leads to a "Bad End" for Laura, as it were - could we, once the bad end has played out, continue from our last choice and pick another one? Like, if a choice was made that leads to Laura being hopelessly captured or killed, could we start over from the last choice to continue the story Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style until we reach the actual end of the story?
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


As you open up the jar of blue slime you pause for a moment and think to yourself. what the hell are you doing? you're willingly drinking tentacle slime and about to submit yourself to a tentacle rape beast, helpful or not. are you going insane?

You decide that regardless of what happens next, you will probably be raped in some form or fashion given your current situation, it is better to willingly accept the fact that you will be raped or will you choose to defiantly resist? these are questions you struggle with internally, would it not be in your nature to fight? is accepting my fate part of their plan to break down my will before i am nothing more than their sexual slave used as nothing more than a cum depository and pleasure vessel.

you sigh at your current predicament and with a sad look on your face, gulp down the blue slime contained in the jar.

Familiar feelings of euphoria and clarity enter your mind, and you are lifted once again to a high dimension of wisdom.

"Laura i presume?" a voice enters your mind, you quickly look down at the blue tentacle a few feet away.

"Yes, that is me" you respond.

"i was send from the blue queen-mother to aid you through this obstacle"


"Yes, the master tentacle you have recently met is our Queen-mother"

"Why have you been sent to help me?"

"The Queen-mother has empathy for you, she wishes to help you escape from this place and return home"

"Well how can you help me then?" you respond.

"I can convert this yellow section into a blue section, but i need your...help" the voice echos.

"My help?"

"i think you understand what i mean"

Willingly giving yourself to tentacle creatures, it doesn't seem right, but your mind is less defiant to the idea ever since.....you drank that slime.

you step forward toward the blue tentacle and immediately, your skirt splits apart for easy access as it closes in and begins rubbing its slimy, well lubricated sides against your pussy, foreplay you suppose, you and it are well lubricated enough.

"spare me" you boldly state

"very well"

The tentacle shoots forward into your pussy and it becomes a ravenous hungry beast feasting upon your internal feminine warmth, it pounds inside of you, causing you to feel immense pleasure, you lose your balance slightly with its force, and reposition your footing to better withstand its blows.

tears of sadness begin to leak from your eyes, but not because you are sad from your overall predicament, but sad that you have given in, at least partially. you are disappointed in yourself, but you justify it because the ends justify the means.

after several minute of being fucked ruthlessly by this tentacle, it finally writhes and spasms as ejaculate erupts into your pussy, causing you to orgasm and take a knee from the pleasure.

it pulls from you, dipping it excess cum onto the meatfloor below you.

"Thank you Laura"

you turn toward the room in front of you, the floor and walls begin to change from yellow to blue, the tentacles also begin to change from yellow to blue, and in doing so, seem to become more...docile, the walls begin to leak blue slime rather than yellow slime, but for the time being, the existing pools remain yellow in color.

suddenly the blue tentacle squirts excess cum onto your stomach, you step back from it.

"what the hell?"


you wipe yourself off and shake your head as you step into the room

the path is clear to the central pedestal and you think you better go check out what lies ontop of it before you move on.

As you move to the center of the room, blue tentacles move over to touch and caress you, some of them move in on your pussy and asshole and your skirt parts for them, some get a quick poke, prod or rub at your vulnerable orifices, but do not penetrate you, the 'queen-mother' must be remotely holding them back, and it is working...barely...

as you reach the central pedestal you see that there is a 'Yellow Steel Dagger' on the table. you smirk as you pick it up, finally, a weapon of some sorts. you poke it at the air in front of you and then try slashing the air. yes, this will work nicely.

you walk down the opposite side with dagger in your right hand, as you pass halfway through the blue tentacles populating this side you are grabbed by a blue tentacle on your right wrist.


another tentacle quickly grabs your left wrist from the other side and they pull your arms apart, blue tentacles move in and grab your ankles, your thighs and your waist. you are brought to the ground kneeling by their strength.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" you yell out-loud.

Tentacles move in to caress your back and breasts, another tentacle grabs your right elbow and forces you to hold the newfound yellow iron dagger out in front of you.

you watch as a blue tentacle from the ceiling comes down and cums all over your blade, the familiar runes and smoke begin to appear around your dagger and it morphs, a flash of light appears as you turn away, you turn back and see that you are now holding a 'Blue dildo' in your hand instead.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" you scream once again.

you are released from the tentacles grasp all at once, some of the tentacles leaving a last caressing touch as they remove themselves, you are left, blue dildo in hand, furious at the tentacles surrounding you. but what can you do against them? all you have is a fucking dildo in your hand now.

fuming, you move forward to the door, you are about ready to leave when you see the blue slime on the wall next to you and look at your empty jar, now would be a good time to refill it i guess...

then the large moat of yellow slime comes to mind, you could fill it up with yellow slime instead, but you have no idea what the effects of yellow slime are, and it might corrupt your blue jar somehow...

then you think to yourself, what if i combined the blue slime and the yellow slime and made.....green slime?

you dont know what you are going to do, you are so pissed about the whole dildo thing and can hardly think straight, calm down, you might as well fill this thing up with something, you might need it later...

What do you do?

1. Fill the Blue Jar with Blue slime from the walls

2. Fill the Blue Jar with Yellow slime from the pool

3. Fill the Blue Jar with blue slime and yellow slime.

Appetite: Full
Weapon: Blue Dildo
Armor: Blue hued silk Skirt
Pregnant?: no
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Hrm... well, mixing colors before we know what the base colors do seems futile.

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1 We havent exactly "Met" anyone from the yellow grouging yet, no reason to even try it yet...

And I wouldn't even be mad at the weapon change dildos are known to have killed zombies and prostitues... A tentacle beast would just add one more notch in this still blooming deadly weapon...