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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

I must have missed you both times, but I'll try to stay on whenever I have the chance. We're bound to eventually spot each other.

So with you looking at a new character and a possible new player that just leaves Blue and the players taking a break from the site to decide if they would want to start over or just continue. Keep in mind if I do start over I wouldn't be changing things drastically or anything. I wouldn't change the players or their sires for the most part, a few of the NPC's might change or be developed differently but nothing big.

For example in Vezina's case I was thinking of starting the prologue back a bit further. So that a bit of her time as a mortal could be explored, maybe do a bit more development of Gyulu as a character.
Re: OOC thread

Ah, apologies. I tend to stay invisible to avoid people i dun wanna chat with. Next time you‘re on, just me a message when you pop on, i‘ll answer when i‘m able.
Re: OOC thread


Foolishly I had only stumbled upon Rathuris' question and didn't bother to scroll up and see that the original activity of the thread had stemmed from ronny.

Of course, I'd be interested in giving this a reboot. The pace would be slower on my end too, as my life has gotten busier. But Vezina's been one of the more enjoyable creatures I've RP'd, and I would would like the chance to continue writing for her.
Oh, I usually just ignore those people but will do next time I have the chance to get on.

That does explain the unusual amount of pessimism you displayed when someone asked if I was accepting new players. Good to know you're fine with the plan, so I can start to get things moving a bit quicker.

Merge: All right I haven't been ignoring anyone or avoiding them on AIM, I just keep forgetting about it since I don't use AIM often enough. I've just been really busy getting all of the information threads in order. Character creation and Setting information are done for now, and I just need to do the disciplines section in Game information.

So feel free to take a look at those threads, think up ideas, toss them around the OOC thread, what have you. Feel free to remind me about AIM as well and I'll do my best to remember it.
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Re: OOC thread

Everything looks fine from my point of view. Do we know which players are returning and who is joining?
Re: OOC thread

Well currently it's you and Shrike, but a good number of the former players haven't been on the forum for a couple weeks now. The game did take off kind of slow the first time though, so I'm not exactly worried about numbers.

Now I'm off to bed for the night. That's a lot of typing for one day considering I finished most of the discipline write-up, too. I also added a link in the character creation thread if you want to take a look at that. You probably know most of it since you've played before, but I did find a few new merits/flaws and archetypes I haven't seen before.
Re: OOC thread

Ooo, this is exciting. Count me in as intrigued.

And glad to see you back Ronny!
Re: OOC thread

Awesome, I figured you would pop out of the shadows eventually.
Re: OOC thread

I assume that would mean you prefer to continue playing as Eliza rather than as someone new then.

So I've finished all the information threads, there's a few minor changes to some of it and some new options for character creation even the old players may want to take a look at. I'm particularly proud of the setting information this time around so hopefully everyone feels free to take a look while I finish up a few things and discuss a few details with those who wish to do such a thing and we should be able to get restarted.
Re: OOC thread

Any chance that the elders among us (ie, the ones who were playing in the campaign before) could start with the same xp they had accrued through play, last time? Since in our backstories, we're all a bit beyond neonates anyway, and so as to not negate all the role-play we did before?

Also, would you consider the house rule on vampires drinking from vampires without accruing a blood bond used in Ranger Princess' Death on the Delaware game? The vampire giving their blood can choose whether or not to inflict a blood blond on their drinker, and doing so requires a concentration of their blood that uses up 3 blood points, turning into one blood point for the drinker that also causes a level of blood bond.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, I'll probably play as Eliza, but it's always tempting to make a new character... I was mostly just making a Lasombra joke though.

Edit: I'm thinking of maybe a new character now.
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Re: OOC thread

I can make a reprise as well ;)
Re: OOC thread

I have a rather complex new character idea in mind. I'll probably have to talk extensively with you about it, but for now, could I perhaps be the normal Gangrel clan, but with just fortitude switched out for presence somehow? Actual Lhiannan don't really appeal the idea, but having presence would fit very well for what I have in mind. I also want to keep protean. Or is that getting "too creative", heh.
Re: OOC thread

@ Blue: I was trying to think of a means to reward former players for going with my plan to restart the game from the beginning. So sounds like a deal to me.

I also see no problem with the house rule. Blood oaths as they are typically referred to in the dark ages tend to be a bit more ritualized so it does sort of fit thematically.

@Ranger: Well let me know when you're sure you've decided.

I also declare you a traitor to the blood and have you marked for diablerie via a court of blood.

@Oamp: You have me confused Gangrel normally get protean so I'm not sure why you would have to keep it. Or did I accidentally write presence where protean should be, in which case I'll have to fix that.

As for the presence, maybe. Depends on the character concept I suppose so either here, or by PM, or even AIM if you have that.
Re: OOC thread

That separate bloodline *doesn't* appear to get it though, which was expanded rational as to why I didn't want to take it just to get presence, in addition to RP reasons I didn't elaborate on. I'll also say the post might have been a bit of a mess, because I did put the wrong things in the spots to begin with but the edited it.
Re: OOC thread

You could always just play a particularly charismatic person who happened to be turned into a Gangrel, and you would naturally gravitate towards the Presence discipline... out of clan price perhaps, but maybe by dint of personality you wouldn't need a teacher?

Just throwing out possibilities for OAMP's Gangrel.
Re: OOC thread

Eh, well it wasn't what I was going for. Have it worked out now really. As per usual with me, it was all a matter of semantics ;)
Re: OOC thread

Yep those darn semantics always rearing there head. And you're right the Lhiannan wouldn't of worked for your concept. They're territorial druid Gangrel and tend not to be to friendly with anyone really. They use the presence to basically scare anyone nearby into worshiping them as gods and to get blood sacrifices.

Also. Vampyroteuthis infernalis "vampire squid from hell". The actual scientific name for vampire squid. Lasombra is apparently hiding in the ocean and embracing squid. We're all doomed.
Re: OOC thread

I haven't quite decided yet but these might be some good pics for Ariadne.

