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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Hey guys and gals, would anyone want to do some kind of an OOC meeting of our characters?
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, Lexwyn is getting restless ;)
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, I'd be up for doing something.

By OOC stuff do you mean like, non-canon, what-if scenarios?

Do we want to do a no-storyteller, free form thing? Do we want it to be in the same timeline? A few years down the road? A few centuries down the road?

I'm up for any of it. Having major Tzimisce withdrawal!
Re: OOC thread

Last night at our in person session our tzimisce discovered penis enlargement was within her powers... *facedesk*
Re: OOC thread

I'm not really sure what I meant lol. I guess my original idea was some kind of a free-form non-storyteller thing that happens outside our current story.

I'd be up for any of those ideas though.

Oh and at least with our characters, penis enhancement isn't an issue?! :p
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Re: OOC thread

Vezina isn't that kind of Tzimisce. Yet. ;)

I propose that we do a little non-canon, free form thread that is set maybe 50 years down the road, and assumes we all survive and grow from our current predicaments and come out relatively unscathed.

We can assume that we are all ancillae in the Court of Avalon (London) and that we have developed our powers a little (but not over the top - let's assume we haven't diablerized our way into the 4th generation.)
Re: OOC thread

Okies, so I guess that would mean all of us are fairly well acquainted with one another.
Re: OOC thread

Would you rather we set it only a few months down the line, RP?

That way we can introduce ourselves? I'm fine with that too.
Re: OOC thread

I'm up for such things, also up for only a few months, or a year or two, down the road.
Re: OOC thread

Just being in Paris lol. Maybe a few years in the future. I'm just rambling.
Re: OOC thread

I can roll with whatever. Just would need a collectively good reason for us to be in Paris. Maybe we're sent there as a delegation of representatives from London? Maybe they're having a really fancy, official gathering to discuss some mega important event?
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, my idea was a year or two in the future, and open up the possibility of taking the setting almost anywhere in the known world at the time. Paris was one such suggestion. As was Rome.

I know it'll be easy to get Anabelle wherever. I can see her not really being part of anything and just getting wanderlust again.
Re: OOC thread

England is fine with me too. I just get excited when I think about different settings. :p It's probably best not to make things too complicated at first.
Re: OOC thread

Maybe sticking with England would be best. Less of a reason to pick up and move - which is difficult enough for most vampires in the dark ages, particularly if they have to haul a bunch of dirt with them. We can't all be as free as the Gangrel and Ravnos.

I suppose whenever one of us finds the time, they can feel free to create a new thread and we can feed in to whatever situation they present. Improv rules? Just go with what is said and add on? When in doubt, send PMs to those you're interacting with to see if they're okay with things going in a certain direction. :)
Re: OOC thread

Makes sense to me. Spoiler tags can also help if'n we're not wanting to keep certain things secret.
Re: OOC thread

Posting. Not really going to be much going on but we can build on it.