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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

If it's vitae, then yes, there'd be a bond from it, though not a strong one. As for the other half, I dunno.
Re: OOC thread

Vitae loses it's powers after being out of a vampire for too long so no she wouldn't be able to be bound even if it was vitae. As for the other part maybe.
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Re: OOC thread

how long does it take for vitae to lose it's potency? Kinda renders Vezina's earlier plan moot, doesn't it?
Re: OOC thread

About an hour, so the plan to bind Valerius was feasible if he drank it within that time period.

Admittedly the time flow is a little messed up in the game and I did forget to mention that refreshments were sitting out for any guest's till now. Suffice it to say Eliza shouldn't be alarmed since she saw Genevieve retrieve it out in the open. If she had disappeared into another room it might be suspicious, of course Eliza is a little paranoid so it still might be suspicious to her.

As to if you could tell if it's vitae or vitae mixed with normal blood. It's possible though it would be difficult to tell what it is, just like telling wine vintages from taste and smell. Especially if it's mixed with normal blood.
Re: OOC thread

Marco Polo was born c. 1254 so not alive yet.
Re: OOC thread

ah. ah well, im derpin pretty hard then.
Re: OOC thread

Nah, it just means you're not a genius when it comes to dates. I'm not either which is why the timeline is all approximate dates. I've even changed some historical events and made up my own stuff simply because I can.

I myself would have probably picked Greek as in the Byzantine Empire since anything coming to Europe from the east would most likely pass through those lands. I don't think you need to change it though since Chinese is the most likely choice for puzzle boxes.

It's actually not that far off either since Saulot/Xao Lat did visit Tibet where he learned the Valeren discipline and accidentally purposely made the Baali bloodline which he brought back with him. Yes, I purposely neglected to mention that the Salubri were sometimes referred to as black angels too. Of course Jocelyn doesn't know that yet, muahehehhehheehahahhah.
Re: OOC thread

I think I finally made my decision for Eliza's experience. She's got 3 points, and I'd like to upgrade her to level 2 Obtenebration. Does she have enough for that?
Re: OOC thread

Okily dokily, obtenebration it is.
Re: OOC thread

Heading out soon for about a week, going down east. Dunno how fast the game will go or not, but I'm having Anabelle do a bit of wandering, as is her nature, until I get back.
Re: OOC thread

Alright it works, I don't think anything major is going to happen within the week anyways. I've had a case of writer's block the last few days. Have fun.
Re: OOC thread

oh, right. I'm leaving on the 5th for about a week as well. may or may not have internet during the time.
Re: OOC thread

No problem. Gives the others time to do side plot stuff while people vacation and such.
Re: OOC thread

yepyep, and J's already kinda seperated anyways, so it's no big excuse to keep her like so until i get back.
Re: OOC thread

That is one of the things I like about White-wolf, it's a lot easier to do things alone on occasion. Just because you're in a coterie doesn't mean you have to hang out 24/7 with them. Makes it handy for when players vacation.
Re: OOC thread

Back from the East Coast. One dead deer on the highway, but a safe trip regardless. You want to work Anabelle in with your next post Ronny, or keep her off until end of chapter (if it's not far away)... or do I just get to barge in on this tender lesbian moment?
Re: OOC thread

What the hell is with all the deer this week, I've helped three people since Sunday after they hit deer. I can work you in next post, you'll have to find your own tender lesbian moment if Anabelle is into that sort of thing.
Re: OOC thread

I dunno, it was in New Brunswick though.

And of course she is Ronny. All my characters are up for lesbian moments.
Re: OOC thread

I blame the drought here. I doubt if that's the reason in New Brunswick though.

She didn't seem all that into sex and such when she last spoke to Jourdain so I was leaning towards her not being into it. Too each their own though. For some reason I'm not into lesbian sex all that much, go figure.
Re: OOC thread

I dunno what was going on. It was the middle of the day... like exactly, noon. Came bounding across the highway from the driver side, and because we were watching the passenger side (you know, the one closest to us) for moose we didn't see the little fucker coming out of no where.

And yeah, Anabelle isn't too big on the sex thing. But hey... everyone's gotta have their moments. And I suspect you not being into lesbian sex may have something to do with not having certain parts in between the thigh region. Could be wrong.