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A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 10/60, PP = 38, EP = 11/76, Status = Badly Injured, Low on EP, 18/22 Resistance, Telepathy, Fell Might X = 7, Energy Blade X = 4 (effective 10) Aroused

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 0/50, PP = 42, EP = 50/86, Status = Unconscious?
Jezebel: HP = 64/34, PP = 34, EP = 29/79, Status = Pregnant, Transformation X = 10

Knight: taken 50 damage
Mage: spent 52 EP and lost 3 HP
Men: 10 of them, 5 of them aroused and taken 4 Resistance damage, 1 of them taken 14 Resistance damage, 2 of them taken 12 Resistance damage.

Jezebel is paying 3 EP and Ione is paying 6 EP and 3 HP in upkeep.

Round 1
Ione blows up some grabbers! She might also blow up her allies though, we'll see.
Attack: Her total attack is 55. She hits the grabbers on her, she hits the knight, she misses Jezebel, she hits the two soldiers that were helping the knight. Near-maximum bloodbath.
Damage: 3 + 4 = 7 * 8 = 56 damage.

Jezebel uses chemical splash x = 10 in its AoE version.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 10 * 10 = 100 damage. Ouch.

The faerie knight uses whirlwind and supreme might 10 to try and slaughter the grabbers coming in.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 9 + 10 + 45 + 10 - 10 = 64 damage. Slaughtered.

The mage casts Ghost Lance, a level 4 Aether spell at the juggernaut.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 1 + 4 + 8 + 2 = 15 * 3 = 45 damage.

Mandragora uses Black Dragon X = 9, for a total cost of 20 HP and 21 EP after it breaks her ceiling by 2 on costs of 18 HP and 19 EP.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Damage: 15 * 9 = 135 damage.

The six grabbed guards try to break free while their grabbers try to drag them away.
Grapple: 5/6 in favor of the grabbers. One guard gets away, the other six are pulled out into the street.
Resistance Damage: 5 + 1 = 6 Resistance damage, leaving each of the grabbed men except for the guy that got away aroused and with 1 Resistance damage.

The 4 other guards try to stab some grabbers.
Attacks: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 8 + 18 = 28 damage per hit, four of the wounded grabbers are killed.

11 grabbers remain, 3 of which are wounded and 5 of which are grappling some dude. The other 5 that didn't get a turn yet try to grab a soldier and Jezebel.
Attacks: Jezebel is missed, 2/5 soldiers are hit.
Resistance Damage: 4 + 5 = 9 Resistance damage.

The juggernaut tries to squish Mandragora.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 9 + 8 + 37 = 54 damage. Mandragora is koed.

Round 2
Ione pays her upkeep and then runs over to slash at ye juggernaut.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 * 10 = 40 + 8 + 21 = 69 damage. Down goes the naut! I know you wanted to stun it, but either way it's dead and I'd already rolled it like this before I remembered you wanted it this way.
Drain Through Pain: 4 + 3 = 7 EP restored.

Jezebel punches a grabber holding a soldier.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 27 = 33 damage. A wounded grabber is destroyed and a soldier is freed.

The soldiers try to escape and/or attack if they're free while the grappled ones are dragged.
Grapples: The grabbers win all of them.
Attacks: All hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 18 = 23 damage per hit, killing one healthy and one wounded grabber. That frees one guy and leaves
Resistance Damage: 1 + 2 = 3 Resistance damage.

The faerie knight kills a healthy grabber. I actually don't need to roll for it, so I won't.
The mage uses Piercer X = 8 plus 7 more to attack all of the grabbers.
Attack: Hit all.
Damage: 6 + 2 = 8 * 8 = 64 damage.

Ione gains 8 exp for all of that!

Desperate as her own straits were, Jezebel realized what Ione was doing just a second before she could actually do it. It wasn't fast enough to do anything to stop her, but in the back of her increasingly hazy mind, Ione heard the night elf cry out; "No Ione! Don't!" It was far too late to stop her, however, and the burst of bright light that she issued against the ground left her momentarily blind and deaf. She felt the points of contact end, felt herself fall, felt the pain of the wounds on her abdomen increase above the arousal still flushing through her system from the poison she'd been exposed tom, only to be joined by the added pain of her back as it slammed against the ground. There'd been at least a dozen grabbers around her when she'd unleashed her blast, all clustered as they tried to force their way into the tavern.... And Jezebel, the horned knight, and the two men supporting the warrior had been pretty close too.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the knight regaining her feet from several feet away, her once flawless skin now blistered and burned, and Ione couldn't help but notice her newly acquired limp or the scowl on her face. Jezebel, lying on her side but still moving and showing no signs of any burns, had a pained look as she forced herself to her feet and unleashed a blast of acid from her hand, one that washed over another group of the alien tentacle monsters and melted them practically to nothing. Ione also noticed that the two men that had been fighting beside the woman with the greatsword were nowhere to be seen... And that a sizeable chunk of the patio on which they'd been standing was simply gone, where it had once been now marked by the burnt edges of the wood of what was left.

Any thoughts that this might inspire were sent from her mind as sound returned with a vengeance in the form of an impossibly loud, piercing, inhuman shriek. The source of that turned out to be Mandragora... Or what Mandragora held out in her hand, a single orb of pure black flame that was twitching as if it were about to burst. The massive alien was closer to the other golden alraune than before, but for some reason it was flinching aside and clutching at its shoulder, and that gave the alraune the time she needed to finish what she was doing. A second impossibly loud cry, a sound like nothing that Ione had ever heard before even from the deadly creatures that inhabited the Pfitherian jungle, came forth just as the orb burst, and a black sinuous figure made of pure black flame came rushing out of Mandragora's outstretched. At the front of that figure was a head of black fire, formed in the shape of a great predatory beast that was vaguely reptilian, but Ione only had an instant to view it before it barreled into the alien juggernaut and sent it tumbling backwards even as its entire body erupted in black fire.

The juggernaut was pushed backwards, and Ione barely took note of the rest of the struggles going from out of the corner of her eye. The civilians who couldn't fight well were nearly overwhelmed by a surge of aliens, but the knight that Ione herself had left gravely wounded stepped up and cut them down like so much wheat, buying them time to huddle in the back as the defense of the tavern became all the more desperate. Several of the men were dragged over the wall by their tentacled attackers, where even the spears of their comrades couldn't reach them, but the men fought on as best they could. All of this paled in comparison to the struggle between dragon and monster, however, as the abominable creature was dragged across the ground away from Mandragora, forming a long trough in the middle of the paved street, even as its flesh boiled and its own inhuman shriek joined that of the flaming creature that was killing it.

After a moment the creature flung itself upwards, and with one long, last shriek of triumph it coiled into a circle in the air and vanished with flash of blue and black sparks. Mandragora stood in the same place she'd been before, panting heavily and with horrible burns running up the entirety of her right arm.... But when she turned, she had a triumphant smile. Because she was looking at Ione and seeing the devastation that she had wrought, however, Mandragora didn't see the impossible happen. She didn't see the charred monster rise from its grave, its flesh burned down to the bone but still somehow moving. She didn't see its slack jaw twitching, its charred lungs heaving as it tried and failed to scream. She didn't see the eyeless monster coming. But from the look of horror on her face, she probably heard it just before it crossed the distance between them in a few striding steps. She half turned, and as such she took the backhand that it used to swat her aside right in the stomach, and went flying away some thirty feet before crashing into another building across from the bar that Ione was defending, one that looked like some sort of shop. And she didn't come out.

Whatever Ione felt in that moment, she found the strength to get up. Her body was in two flavors of agony, pain and arousal flushing through her, but she found the strength to get moving after she'd gotten up, to charge the mutilated being that had just sent the only one of her kind with whom she'd ever gotten along flying into a building. She found the strength to lift her energy blade, and she found the strength to swing it, to feel the weapon formed of her own spirit cutting through flesh like so much paper. The beast let out one last wheeze as she cut it in half along its middle, and then it flopped in two pieces, its legs toppling a moment after its torso had already thudded against the ground. And then, even though she'd absorbed some of the monster's essence to replenish her rapidly dwindling reserves, Ione felt as if she didn't have any strength left at all.

Turning around, she saw that some of the men had been dragged away by the aliens, but they were only untangling themselves from tentacled limbs and trying to manage their swollen erections within their pants. Jezebel was still standing, but for the moment at least their immediate area was clear of any monsters. The knight was alright too, or was at least standing, and though the mage in the black robe was doubled over and appeared to be panting heavily, he looked alright as well. No one else was showing signs of pain, though a good number of the men that had been in the grasp of the tentacled aliens for too long were staring at Ione rather intently.
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Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione didn't have time to ponder the damage her wave of psionic energy had unfortunately caused onto the others. Of the damage it left on the patio of the tavern, or how it left two of the soldiers out of sight, Jezebel on her rump or the Horned Knight covered in terrible looking burns. She didn't have time to ponder hearing the Night Elf's desperate warning too late before her own actions left her blinded and deaf for those few moments before, or consider further the wounds on her own body, still pulsing through her toxically pleasured senses with aches of pain from time to time, or even the pain from slamming into the ground which caused her to cry out before she struggled to her feet. And even as she came to her senses, there was no time to consider the scowled look, or melting tentacled things.

The sight of the orb of pure black flame extending from Mandragora's hand, and the frightening shriek drowned out anything she might have had running through her thoughts. In all her days of roaming the jungles of the amazon, she had never once heard something so tremendous. Even the most feral and ravenous of beasts she had stumbled into hadn't the capacity to erupt such a sound. Ione only had an instant to glimpse what form the black figure that rushed forth from the other alraune's hand took on, but that was all she needed. The form of a reptilian predator unlike any she had seen... it was certainly Mandra's powers at work!

And at work they were, for the moment after Ione grabbed her sight it was gone, replaced by the black figure slamming into the big lumbering thing that had sought to pursuit them. She stared in awe as it erupted into black fire, vaguely unaware of her pain and the status of the fight for that moment as it thrashed around, before she snapped out of it and gave a glace back to the tavern. Men being carried away, still fighting but being carried away. And the Knight still kept the people safe despite her accidental injury. Terrible screams of pain and shrieks of triumph brought Ione's pained gaze back to the sight of a blackened fiery frame, left etched in dropped into the end of a etched burrow on the street.

'She... she did it? W-wait... no... NO!' Ione saw the monster rise long before Mandragora realized her mistake. Somehow charred beyond recognition and looking very much like some sort of horror out of one those human harvest season rituals...? It strode forth so fast, only taking a few steps before the gap between it and it's target was closed. And by then plant girl only had time to match the other alraune's look of horror, her own eyes opening wide despite the pain she still felt, before Mandragora was slammed aside by the giant brute's fist, swatting her aside to disappear inside another building with a loud crash.

The alraune only gave that building a shocked look for a second, before every ounce of hate swelled up inside her toward the monstrous thing. Through the agony and arousal she felt, Ione pulled herself to her feet, lifting her sword up as she gave her own little roar, charging at the dead looking thing even as it felt as if her legs would simply give out from fatigue. Fueled by the strength of her might, she tore the thing apart like a blade through grass, striping one half of it's self apart from the other with a gasp of foul air and flop of it's two parts. The alraune panted from the exertion, welcoming the feel of the thing's essence slipping in, even if it did little to help her quickening weakness.

There was no time to consider her weakness... if there were more things still coming!? But to her relief it appeared as if for the time things were quieting down. The soldiers had freed themselves of their captors, and the last remnants of the tentacled things had been cut down. Ione eyed their swollen packages for a moment, before glancing over to inspect the others. Everyone was tired that she could see, or staring intently at her. All except for one. The plant girl wasted no more time then in trudging over to the broken building, her Energy Blade phasing in and out, threatening to dissolve away soon as she reached the door leading into the structure.

The store was ruined, that much was obviously certain from the various broken items and toppled shelves, and a fair amount of dust clogged the air, blinding Ione's vision as she tried to look around the building for where the other alraune had ended up. "M-Mandra! Mandragora!" The alraune desperately shouted, as she stepped over some of the first bits of rubble and into the dusty fog, hoping with all hope that she wouldn't find a green and gold stained glob against the side of some wall.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 7/60, PP = 38, EP = 5/76, Status = Badly Injured, Low on EP, 18/22 Resistance, Telepathy, Fell Might X = 7, Energy Blade X = 4 (effective 10) Aroused

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 0/50, PP = 42, EP = 50/86, Status = Unconscious?
Jezebel: HP = 64/34, PP = 34, EP = 29/79, Status = Pregnant

Knight: taken 50 damage
Mage: spent 52 EP and lost 3 HP
Men: 10 of them, 5 of them aroused and taken 4 Resistance damage, 1 of them taken 14 Resistance damage, 2 of them taken 12 Resistance damage.

The building into which Mandragora had been thrown was an absolute wreck. The alraune's flight through the wall had torn a hole into it, and had apparently taken her through a support structure, as the entire building was creaking dangerously around Ione as she stepped inside in search of her friend. The ceiling was partially caved in, and no answer came in response to her calls. After searching for a moment, she spotted a single golden leg sticking out from beneath the rubble, unmoving and covered in assorted bits of rubble that seemed to be glued to the limb by traces of the alraune's green blood. "Do you need help?" a slightly husky, masculine voice asked from behind her, and Ione saw that some of the men from before had followed the battered, nude alraune inside... Notably, the five that had been most afflicted by the invader's slime during the course of the desperate battle to hold the tavern. Stepping past Ione, several of them started clearing the rubble, and the one who had spoken eventually managed to tug the broken body of Mandragora from beneath the rubble.

Looking down at Mandragora, it was clear that if her cousin was alive, it was just barely. Her kind could recover from more than a human could, and do so much more quickly, but with wounds like those of the other alraune it was clear that only magic would be able to preserve her. A chunk of wood as thick around as Ione's wrist was jutting through the other alraune's side, piercing her on both sides, and her left arm was crushed and deformed to the point that it might have been a greater mercy to just hack the limb off and wait for it to regrow. Her right arm was covered in severe burns from the tips of her fingers to her shoulder, and she bled from numerous lesser cuts and stabs from the wooden and glass rubble that she'd been buried under.

The humans around her glanced between one another, their expressions grim, but they looked to Ione for what she wanted them to do. No more of the monsters had happened by yet, but there was no guarantee that that would remain true even in the immediate future.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione crept cautiously around the damaged structure as she continued to search for her fellow alraune, wary just so of the creaking of the building. She might not had very much knowledge of how buildings should be built, but the plant girl at least knew that the place sounded much like a tree about to fall in the woods. She hastened her search, but it only took a moment before she spotted it. A golden leg sticking out of the rubble, covered in blood and debris. "Mandra!" Much to her surprise some of the soldiers from before had followed her and as one offered assistance Ione nodded in affirmation, giving them space to help as she sought a way to free her trapped injured companion.

They had things covered it seemed, as the notable arousal-driven of the bunch of men from before quickly pulled Mandragora from the rubble after a little effort. Ione stared down at the sight long and hard, taking in every inch of her fellow alraune's condition. She was a mess. It didn't even look like she could still be alive. Plants were hardy sure but with such terrible wounds...? Mandragora's mangled and burnt limbs inspired phantom pains of their own in Ione just from looking at them. And the splinter jutting out of Mandragora's side only brought a resurgence of real feeling from Ione's own belly wound back to the plant girl.

What was she to do? It was clear the others were waiting for some order, looking as spectators would watching as Mandragora's health slowly faded with ever second, if she were even still alive. Ione had to act quickly. For Mandragora's sake and her own. "Two of you, help me get... some of this dirt off of her. The rest of you; find some way to prop up that support if you can." The risk of collapse was ever present, more creaking and dusty trails falling about from time to time, but perhaps with the help of a little makeshift support, she'd be able to use the building just long enough to stabilize her friend before even thinking about moving her someplace else.

For the moment it would have to do. Ione flickered her eyes between each bit of dirt and debris as she carefully removed them, stopping for a moment as her Energy Blade finally ebbed away, freeing her other hand to the delicate task. She felt then too, her angered demonic strength dissipate, a feeling of weakness following short after. She wobbled a moment, but quickly shook off the urge to collapse as she returned to her work. Bits of rock, wood, glass, were all pulled from the other alraune, but she waited until she was sure she had cleaned off Mandragora of her lesser wounds first, before she would turn her attention towards the spike currently impaled through her.

The plant girl turned toward the two men helping her then, looking back just as grim as them. "I need one of you to hold her, as the other removes t... the spike. You'll have to ease it out of her while I... try to heal her." Extending her hand, Ione focused as the feeling of energy gathered once more, but instead of her spirit magic of nature came forth, bulbing into her hand before shooting out and washing over the other alraune's form, attempting to undo some of the horrible damage that had been wrought to it.

Attempt to heal Mandragora (Nature Magic: Nature's Breath) after cleaning off some of the grime. Also drop Energy Blade, Fell Might and Telepathy, and also hope that the building doesn't collapse.
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Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 7/60, PP = 38, EP = 5/76, Status = Badly Injured, Low on EP, 18/22 Resistance, Aroused

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 0/50, PP = 42, EP = 50/86, Status = Unconscious?
Jezebel: HP = 64/34, PP = 34, EP = 29/79, Status = Pregnant

Knight: taken 50 damage
Mage: spent 52 EP and lost 3 HP
Men: 10 of them, 5 of them aroused and taken 4 Resistance damage, 1 of them taken 14 Resistance damage, 2 of them taken 12 Resistance damage.

Casting: Success.
Healing: 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 9 HP restored.

The mercenaries gathered around her glanced among one another at the constant creaking around them, and after a moment of helping to clean the fallen Mandragora while others looked for a way to keep the building from falling on them their apparent commander said; "Fuck this, pick her up and carry her to the tavern." The two men that had been helping Ione responded immediately, lifting the fallen alraune just after Ione had asked for their help in removing the spike from her side, spurring the officer to say; "Leave it in until we're out of here, it should help keep her from bleeding to death. You can pull it out when she's safely elsewhere."

The two men who'd been helping her clean off Mandragora nodded to their commander and gingerly lifted Mandragora from the collapsing building's floor, an act through which the golden alraune never even stirred. Grabbing Ione by the shoulder, the commanding soldier grunted; "Come on, lets get out of here." Pulling both Ione and the limp form of Mandragora out of the building into which her fellow alraune had been thrown, the soldiers took them over to the tavern where the other wounded were being tended to. The two men that had been caught in Ione's blast when she'd been attacked by the grabbers were being tended to by Jezebel, who was wincing with every step herself, while the woman with the horns had acquired a shirt from somewhere that covered both her breasts and the burns that Ione had inflicted upon her.

The two other men were even worse off than the faerie had been, and hadn't yet awakened from the stupor into which she'd knocked them. The soldiers laid Mandragora out on one of the tables, and then began to help her remove the spike from her side at Ione's careful direction. Small bursts of magic entered the other alraune's system, trying to heal her wounds, but it became clear that so grievous a wound would require much more powerful magics. The hole left by the wooden stake didn't close no matter how many times Ione cast her minor healing spell, staining the wooden table and the floor beneath it green with Mandragora's blood. Her heart must have been still pumping judging by how much blood she was losing, but how much longer that might be was unclear. "We've got company incoming," the faerie declared coldly even as she slowly lifted her sword in arms that were clearly starting to tire.

Ione would unfortunately see that the woman was right, however, as she'd see another small army of the tentacled creatures accompanied by another of the massive juggernauts, as well as a pair of violet blobs that seemed to roll over the ground while falling into and out of a vaguely humanoid shape. From down the street came another handful of the tentacled creatures and a trio of grey blobs akin to the violet ones in the back of the other, forming an L with the other approaching attack force and leaving them trapped in the corner of the village, their backs to the open ground of the festival grounds if they tried to leave the tavern. "I'm almost down to cantrips," the mage said nervously, fidgeting back and forth while glancing between the two approaching forces. No help seemed to be coming, but they had no safer place to run to either. "They'll kill us all if we try to run. Better to try and make a stand here!" the faerie knight said stoically as she took up a position in the hole in the fence that Ione had blasted. "We can't hold off that many out here, we'll be overrun!" the mercenary commander stated, panic edging into his voice as he glanced around.

"We should get the wounded to the second floor and try to hold them off on the stairs, " he said after a moment, and his men snapped to immediately, grabbing Mandragora after Ione had had a few moments in which to try and stop the woman's bleeding, as well as the other two downed soldiers. The civilians were the first up the steps to the second floor, where there were a number of private rooms and a patio, on which the wounded and those unable to fight were left to care for them. Jezebel made it up there and onto the patio before collapsing, grasping at her abdomen with obvious pain in her eyes, a symptom that Ione would recognize as the early stages of impending birth. The first of their enemies were coming into the tavern by then, but the mercenary captain had organized his men into a rough phalanx on the steps. "Have you got anything left?" the mage asked the exhausted Ione, standing and staring down the banister at the soon to be monster covered stairs.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Not even a spectre of magic was allowed to leave Ione's hand before the apparent leader of the mercenaries who had followed her in gave his orders, and for a moment she felt a spark of anger well up, annoyed at the man. She had to repress a scowl as she was roughly grabbed, but otherwise remained silent and submissive as all of them made their exit from the dangerously creeking building. Mandragora never stirred, even as she was lifted with a big wooden spike in her, and seeing her in such a state did not inspire much confidence in her condition. The Ione's own condition didn't inspire much confidence either, and she realized for the first time just how bloody her trailing hands were making her.

The plant girl only glanced briefly at the two unconscious soldiers who had been caught in her earlier blast, eager to ignore the sight of their charred forms and focus instead on tending to Mandragora. Jezebel seemed to be handling them, and from another brief glance the Faerie seemed to be fairing well. Though that could just be from the shirt she now wore. Ione reaffirmed her focus once Mandragora was laid down, gathering energy from her natural link to nature once more, and directing toward the most grevious of the other alraune's wounds. The hole left by the wooden stake, as it was removed from her. But there was a problem; it just didn't seem to heal. Her magic wasn't enough.

"H-heal damn you..." Ione groaned, but for her effort all there came was more green blood slowly pumping out with every beat of Mandragora's heart. She was sure she could eventually heal it if she kept trying, but with her talent it'd be less for saving the other alraune, and more for preparing her corpse. And Ione wasn't about to start her days as a underburier. It couldn't get any worse until it of course did, with the announcement of more trouble coming. The alraune hoped she'd look up and see just a paltry force, but instead it was more of those damn tentacled things... and even another of those gigantic monstrosities. Thumping along in it's strut behind them.

She noticed the other slimy things, the grey and purple blobs that trailed behind the others, but by that time Ione was quick at work to stabilize Mandragora. As much as she would've liked to have healed her better, it was obvious she'd need a little help so with little other recourse the alraune eased the wooden stake right back in, hoping it'd do a better job of keeping her from bleeding out than she had. "Easy... she's lost a lot of... blood..." Stammering, Ione lost herself again in the sight of just how greener all the blood stained everything, and just how... how... wrong she felt at that moment. In pain, her own self cut open and... aroused. She couldn't like this... she didn't like this...

Ione hadn't realized how long a moment she had been distracted until she heard the mage spoke, his words instantly bringing her back to reality. She quickly had to flick between the men of the stairs, the approaching forces, and back to the mage before her words formed. "Have you?" She asked grimly, before looking forward. She had to act quick, before they could approach any further. So as she lifted a blood soaked hand, mostly of who's blood she had no idea, the alraune gathered once more from her dwindled energy, and released a wave of energy toward the masses of tentacles that were filtering in.

Use an Energy Wave in it's Cone shape at the approaching horde.

Master Blaster EP Input Bonus = 3

Energy Wave: X = 1, (1d6 + 4) * (1+3) damage so... (1d6 + 4) * 4 = DAMAGE
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 7/60, PP = 38, EP = 4/76, Status = Badly Injured, Low on EP, 17/22 Resistance, Aroused

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 0/50, PP = 42, EP = 50/86, Status = Unconscious?
Jezebel: HP = 24/34, PP = 34, EP = 29/79, Status = Pregnant
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 47/67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 39/55, Status = Fine

Knight: taken 50 damage, spent 18 EP, at 13/25 Resistance, grappled by grey slime 1
Mage: spent 54 EP and lost 3 HP, at 11/23 Resistance, grappled by grey slime 2
Men: 10 of them, 5 of them aroused and taken 4 Resistance damage, 1 of them taken 14 Resistance damage, 2 of them taken 12 Resistance damage. Holding the line at the stairs.

Juggernaut: 198 damage
Grey Slime 1: Fine, grappling the knight
Grey Slime 2: taken 16 damage, grappling the mage
Number of grabbers currently remaining: 26

Ione energy blasts!
Attack: Hit all.
Damage: 3 + 4 = 7 * 4 = 28 damage.

The four guards immediately guarding the stairs activate Deadly Reach!
Attacks: Hits.
Damage: 6 + 1 + 18 = 25 damage per jab, they easily take down the first wave of grabbers, six in total.

The mage goes outside and casts Essence Drain on one of the slimes climbing up the side of the building.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 8 + 2 = 15/2 = 8 damage, plus an equal amount of EP damage, effectively bringing it up to 16!

The faerie knight uses Energy Blast X = 18 on the juggernaut.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 9 * 18 = 162 - 15 = 147 damage.

The two grey slimes on the wall reach the top and try to grapple the knight and the mage.
Attacks: Both hit.
Resistance Damage: 6 + 4 + 2 = 12 Resistance damage each.

The juggernaut climbs up and attacks a random civilian.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 7 + 2 + 37 = 46 damage. Dead peasant.

Dark Slime 1 casts Draw Water. Dark Slime 2 casts Freeze. Bridge of ice is formed!

Arthur unleashes Maximized Drowning Doom on the oncoming hoard of aliens.
Attack: Hit all.
Damage: 6 + 1 + 6 + 2 = 15 * 6 = 90 damage that ignores AV. The 2 dark slimes, a grey slime, and 5 grabbers are killed!

Clarissa mauls the juggernaut with Shattering Blow.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 4 + 36 - 10 = 33 * 2 = 66 - 15 = 51 damage.

Sivi casts greater gust to knock the grabbers off of the side of the building.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 5 + 2 = 10 * 4 = 40 damage, exactly enough to kill them ironically.
Resistance: Unimportant.

The soldiers, for whatever it was worth, were as gentle as they could possibly be under the circumstances with Mandragora's unconscious form. Her healing combined with the return of the spike seemed to have slowed the bleeding significantly at least, but the other alraune was far from healed from her critical injuries. Leaving her friend on the deck with the other injured and the peasants, at least some of whom were helping Jezebel with her birthing, Ione was left to watch as the soldiers assumed position on the stairs to receive the incoming threat, the first four creating a wall of spears aimed at the oncoming monsters. "Don't let them get in between us! Keep those ranks tight!" their captain yelled angrily, the first in line at the bottom and the one most likely to be attacked. The narrow space allowed only two of them to stand side by side, meaning only a total of four men could bring their weapons to bear while the rest filed about unable to contribute meaningfully. The faerie knight, exhausted as she was, seemed impatient at this, but made no complaint as she waited near Ione for the fight to recommence.

"I've got nothing," the mage admitted, sweating visibly as he looked down the stairs. Despite that she too was almost completely tapped, Ione was the first to strike against their foes as the tentacled abominations came wandering up the stairs, appendages already reaching for prey. The alraune's burst of energy wasn't strong enough to destroy them, but it was strong enough to weaken them, and that proved to be enough to allow the spearmen to handle them as they came in. As the sizzling creatures strode up, spreading the noxious smell of their boiling flesh, the soldiers jabbed their spears in, popping them like freshly fattened ticks. Wave after wave of them dropped, at least eight by Ione's counting, but they just kept on coming, and soon the ones she'd wounded would all be dead, and they'd be faced with fresher enemies.

"They're coming up the sides!" someone from out on the second story balcony called, a woman's voice that was filled with terror. "I'll see what I can do! You stay here and help them!" the mage rasped, and then rushed outside to apparently do just that. The faerie knight, despite being farther from the doorway, was quick to overtake him, rushing outside with her greatsword held in both hands. As such, she was the first to reach the side and look over, at which point she jumped back and exclaimed; "Oh shit! Back away from the sides!" The civilians hurried to comply, but unfortunately one of them wasn't quite fast enough. The massive humanoid creature was the first to reach the top of its climb, and as it ascended it reached out and snatched up one of the people that they'd been trying to protect. The man, a young human boy just barely into adulthood, screamed at the top of his lungs as the juggernaut wrapped its massive fingers around his waist and dragged him backwards, eventually lifting him off of his feet and into the air as it climbed up.

"Put him down!" the faerie shouted, but it wasn't just with her voice that she spoke to the faceless abomination. Ione felt the power rise in the woman even from a good distance away, Stretching out her hand, the faerie shot a lance of bright golden light at the juggernaut's face, a blast that blew almost half of its head away like a statue made of dust in a monsoon. The hole of its maw was laid bare, jagged teeth blasted away along with its flesh, but despite the horrendous injury the monster simply didn't fall down. Its hand squeezed, and the screams of the man in its grasp were silenced by a soft squelching noise and an eruption of blood from every orifice. The monster tossed him over its shoulder as it set one foot on the balcony, causing the wood to creak ominously beneath its massive feet, causing the knight to curse and back away.

The mage, in the meantime, had gone to the side and sent a minor spell down at one of the creatures presumably climbing up the side. Whatever it was, it wasn't enough. One of the slimes, presumably his target, lurched up suddenly and grabbed him, slamming him onto the deck and engulfing nearly half of his body. A second creature launched itself over the side and tackled the knight before she could finish off the huge monster, leaving the civilians defenseless against the huge monster and whatever else might be climbing over the side. At the same time, a line of freezing water rose up from the ground, creating an easy bridge by which creatures could travel.

Four of the soldiers immediately broke off from the rest, surging out with their spears ready to push back the enemy from the deck, but they were held up by the panicking peasants. Jezebel's caretakers had abandoned her, along with the two wounded soldiers and Mandragora, and were running around in a futile search for a path of escape from the creatures closing in on them. Things were not looking good to say the least..... And then, seemingly out of nowhere, a ball of red and black with hints of cream tucked within slammed into the monstrous creature, claws tearing at its already badly damaged face. It tried to swat the assaulting.... Thing.... Aside, letting out a ululating version of the loud shriek that its monstrous kinsmen had made not long ago, but its hands hit nothing but air as the winged thing dropped to the ground.... And a moment later, Ione realized that it was Clarissa. The demoness was clad in the same outfit that Ione had seen her in before, which was almost nothing, but seemed entirely alright despite the day's horrors.

"Stay there!" the faerie knight repeated the words of the mage at Ione, shouting to be heard over the din of combat. "Keep them from getting up the stairs! We can handle this, but not if more of them start coming up behind us!" she added quickly as a rushing wind caused the building to shiver around them, though it seemed to be directed alongside it rather than against it. Ione could feel magic at work a distance away, and a familiar magic to boot, but before she could offer any questions she saw that the tentacle-spawn were starting to make another push. The alraune had only a few moments to make a decision on what she was to do, either to maintain her support role at the stairs or to try and do something else, and whatever choice she made would surely have dire consequences.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Through the opening among the soldiers her wave of energy soared past, and when it crashed against the oncoming group of grey tentacled creatures Ione could tell it was a well struck blow. The things reeled back on impact, and even if they still managed to press forward their boiled and sizzled flesh was tell enough of the damage she had done to them. As was the nasty scent invading her nose intensely for the second or third time that day. With the creatures so weakened their attack was easily dismissed by the soldiers, and as the plant girl stood back she watched as each stumbling and horribly burnt thing was dispatched with fast long reaching jabs and literally popped and dropped.

The lull of action gave Ione time to react to the mage, nodding as he and the the knight rushed off to deal with the disturbance on the second floor. Through the rails she could see the action, or rather the reactions of everyone on the patio, as the massive monstrosity from before reared it's head over the opening to the outside, and quickly made short work of a poor man trapped by it's beefy hand. His final screams reverberated in the alraune's skull, as did the sicking sight of his pasted corpse as it was simply flung behind and discarded. Even with the energy lance that the knight fired, Ione couldn't help but be disheartened as the thing remained, and stared back with it's disfigured maw.

Helplessly, she watched as things only seemed to get worse. First, by a pair of grey blobs coursing up over the side and incapacitating the mage and knight, and then when the glint of freezing water sprayed up along the side of the building. With those two down, there was no one up to protect the civilians. No one to protect Jezebel or Mandragora either, and the thought left a feeling of panic to rise in Ione. A few spearmen were trying their best to assist, but with the others now panicking and blocking the way their effort was quickly reduced to naught. They wouldn't have enough time to get to a good position, before they were all surrounded. Before Mandragora and Jezebel were...

Ione watched on as some kind of red black and cream thing slammed into the monstrosity, buying some much needed time for the soldiers to try pushing past the peasants. And when it became apparent who exactly this mystery ball was, the alraune felt her heart raise in joy. 'C-Clarissa!' Not even the blood curdling scream the giant thing let out was enough to dampen her sudden joy, but she couldn't let herself get carried away. They weren't out of danger just yet, and more of the tentacled things were marching their way toward the stairs even as the Knight gave her orders and the building rocked with the feeling of wind and magic elsewhere raised it's heavy aura.

"What do I do..." The plant girl asked herself, hesitating as she peered back and forth. A part of her just wanted to push past the crowd, to abandon her station and help Clarissa and the others on the patio. With the condition she was in what help could she possibly give though? Making sure those damn tentacled things didn't get make it up the stairs was her best hope of helping the others. With a frustrated growl, Ione turned back towards the approaching horde on the lower floor, reaching once again into her dwindled and nearly empty supply of energy to fire another wave at the next group of creatures on their way.

Master Blaster EP Input Bonus = 3

Energy Wave: X = 1, (1d6 + 4) * (1+3) damage so... (1d6 + 4) * 4 = DAMAGE
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 7/60, PP = 38, EP = 4/76, Status = Badly Injured, Low on EP, 17/22 Resistance, Aroused

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 0/50, PP = 42, EP = 50/86, Status = Unconscious?
Jezebel: HP = 24/34, PP = 34, EP = 29/79, Status = Pregnant
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 41/67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 39/55, Status = Fine

Knight: taken 50 damage, spent 18 EP, at 6/25 Resistance, grappled by grey slime 1
Mage: spent 58 EP and lost 3 HP, at 4/23 Resistance, Weakened, Helpless
Men: 10 of them, 5 of them aroused and taken 4 Resistance damage, 1 of them taken 14 Resistance damage, 2 of them taken 12 Resistance damage. Holding the line at the stairs.

Ione energy blasts again!
Attack: Hit all.
Damage: 4 + 4 = 8 * 4 = 32 damage.

The four guards immediately guarding the stairs activate Deadly Reach again!
Attacks: Hits.
Damage: 1 + 7 + 18 = 26 damage per jab, they easily take down the second wave of grabbers.

The faerie knight and the mage try to escape grapple while the slimes try to strip them.
Grapple: The slime beats the mage but not the knight, but the knight didn't beat the slime by enough to escape.
Resistance Damage: 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 Resistance damage.
Tonight, You Resistance Check: The slime wins. Penetration happens!
Pleasure (Slime) : 1 + 5 + 3 = 9 PP
Pleasure (Mage) : 7 + 2 + 10 - 12 = 7 PP. The mage has four EP drained and left helpless.

Clarissa mauls the juggernaut with Shattering Blow again.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 7 + 3 + 36 - 10 = 36 * 2 = 72 - 15 = 57 damage.

Arthur unleashes Greater Missile Storm on the grabbers.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hits!
Damage: 3 + 1 + 6 + 2 = 12 * 4 = 48 damage. Sufficient to kill dem grabbers.

Sivi casts Way of Nature targeting the slime grappling the mage.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 7 + 2 = 14 * 4 = 56/2 = 28 damage. It is destroyed!

The soldiers attack ye slime grabbing the knight!
Attacks: Hit.
Damage: 9 + 2 + 18 = 29/2 = 15 damage per hit. Three hits kills it.

Combat over!

Unleashing another explosive blast upon the oncoming swarm of tentacle monsters, Ione once more watched as the creatures weathered her spiritual assault only to die upon the spears of the men standing prepared against them. While it might not have been as satisfying as joining the group fighting just outside, Ione's blast allowed the four men to push back the attack with relative ease, ensuring that they wouldn't collapse as the uninjured invaders started pouring in against them.

In the meantime, Clarissa twisted out of the way of a swing from the massive abomination that she'd already mauled with the massive claws she'd sprouted, the very same that Ione had seen her prepared to use on Arthur back when she'd first met the succubus. She lunged in at it as its fist slammed into the deck of the patio, crunching into the wood and sending splinters flying but also leaving it momentarily vulnerable, and those claws tore out its throat.... Twice, in the mere blink of an eye. The monstrous beast stumbled back, ripping its hand free of the wood and flailing wildly with that hand while the other clutched at its throat. Clarissa backed away, but her work was done, as its backward course took it tumbling off the side that it had climbed up, landing out of sight with an audible thump.

The two that had been grabbed by the slimes that had ascended the sides of the building initially didn't fair so well. Both failed to escape their slimy bindings, and the man had his pants yanked down, allowing his fully erect shaft to spring free. The man let out a startled groan, and a moment later the slime holding him let out a low, vaguely feminine whine as his struggles suddenly ceased, a dull look of surprise appearing in its victim's eyes. The faerie knight's squirming managed to allow her to keep her clothes mostly on, but she didn't manage to pull more than half of herself out before the slime started dragging her back into its mass. Fortunately, help was plentiful, as a trio of the soldiers quickly descended upon the slime as it held the squirming knight, jabbing into its jelly-like substance and ripping out chunks of its body, before one of them struck a round stone embedded inside of the slime, causing it to shiver and then suddenly collapse entirely. The mage, in the meantime, was rescued as a bolt of green light struck the slime, hitting a similar stone embedded within it and causing it to splinter into fragments, producing an identical reaction.

A storm of red energy bolts suddenly shot up into the air from out of Ione's sight and then paused, holding as if frozen in time for a few seconds before lancing back down to earth. She saw a few land, striking the grabbers that were climbing the ice bridge (which subsequently broke) and those moving to climb the corpse-clogged stairs, killing them in splatters of grey gore. Within only a few moments they were all destroyed by the rain of magic, leaving the second story of the tavern momentarily shrouded in silence save for Jezebel's pained groans and the panting of the combatants. The mage was quickly helped to a kneeling position and had his decency restored, as he seemed all but unable to stand, and Clarissa glanced at the night elf lying on her back on the ground as the first of Mandragora's seedlings slid from between her legs, before looking up at Ione with a toothy grin and nonchalantly saying; "So.... Had a fun night did you, my pretty little flower?"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Another blasted wave from her hands, and once again the approaching grey things erupted into boiling blisters at the plant girl's attack, stumbling their lanky appendages around on the stairs only to end up skewered like the others at the end of the soldier's spears. With as many of the grey things sizzled over by her powers, there could be no way that the last few would be able to break through the blockade up the stairs, and as they moved against the soldiers it was obvious. There would be no repeat of before; no soldier would end up being dragged off from his position this time. During the time she spent helping the soldiers, Ione heard Clarissa fighting against the gigantic monstrosity, but she hadn't been able to watch her very intimately.

At least until the plant girl was sure the tentacled things wouldn't be breaking through the stairs and surprising her weakened self as she gawked at the action unfolding around her. Once she was sure the plant girl turned, and just in time to watch as the giant thing, it's throat cut wide open flailed wildly backwards and, having only one other place to go, proceeded to tumble off the side of the balcony patio out of sight with only a thud to sound it's fate. A smug Clarissa flicking her massive razor sharp claws telling the plant girl the simple tale as to what had happened in those few moments Ione hadn't seen quite clearly.

Ione watched the slimed grab pair with a distraught look as they struggled against their captors, herself not exactly in the position or condition to really be helping the two out as it was. The two didn't appear as if they could escape, and judging by the mage's hiked pants and dull look, and the faerie knight's continued struggle they would certainly need help. Soldiers moving past Ione caught her attention, and they actually managed to get past the panicked villages too, arriving right before the two slime bodies and jabbing their spears in. Striking a center piece; some kind of stone with the slime's the alraune noted, causing the thing to shrivel up and die. With that the knight was free, and following a burst of green light, so was the mage and his slimed length.

She moved then to join the others off the bridge just as the first few volleys of red magic bolting up into the air and then rained down, causing Ione to tense partially in fear at their sudden appearance. She only allowed herself relief when it became apparent they were targeting the tentacled things, striking at the icy bridge and destroying it, and zooming past her towards the stairwell and peppering the last remnants of aggressors until gore was all that remained. Gore and silence... partially. There was panting and groaning but for the first time since the attack had begun the tavern was quieter, and the sound was so deceptively peaceful. Or maybe that was just because combined with the sight of Jezebel giving birth it messed with the plant girl's senses.

Clarissa's question caused the alraune to stare at her a few seconds before she finally was able to muster the first actual smile she had worn since the fighting had began. Albeit a tired one. "My night was... wonderful. But this after party is... atrocious..." One foot found it's way in front of the other, her pace quickening with every step before the plant girl reached the demoness and quickly threw her arms around her, hugging totally against the woman as she let out both a happy and frustrated cry. "Oh sweet Clarissa! I was so worried! When these things just suddenly I thought they might have... but you and the others are safe! You're safe..." Fingers tracing over the demoness' flesh were quickly joined by Ione's lips as she kissed at every open opportunity, following up along Clarissa's collarbone and up the side of her face with increasing breath before hovering over her face with flushed face, threatening to seal Clarissa's lips with her own in a powerful smooch.

Which is exactly what would have happened if at that moment Ione HADN'T rubbed her belly wound at just the right angle against the demoness. In an instant Ione's flushed look of arousal turned into a pained yeowch look as her face grimaced in pain, and a light new trickle of blood spilt out against the demoness. She looked down, covering back up her own wound as she gazed back up at Clarissa. "T-that damn l-lizard thing... making me feel so bad. And that damn tentacle slime making me feel so... so... hot. I don't think I like feeling like this... I'm cut up and I feel so hot... cut up..." Ione's eyes quickly lit up. "Mandra! I've got to go help Mandra! She's hurt bad Clarissa. One of those big things got her and... I've got to go help...!"

If nothing stopped her, the alraune made short time of pulling herself away and returning to her plant kin's side, unsure still exactly what to do. She raised once more her nature spell to heal Mandragora, leaving the wooden spike in this time and gritting her teeth in frustration. Why couldn't she heal her? Why wasn't her magic strong enough? She could feel her fel power boiling just below the surface as anger rose through her, but she pushed it aside. She had to heal Mandragora. She just had to.

Attempt to heal Mandragora (Nature Magic: Nature's Breath) again while keeping the wooden spike inside this time.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 7/60, PP = 38, EP = 4/76, Status = Badly Injured, Low on EP, 17/22 Resistance, Aroused

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 0/50, PP = 42, EP = 50/86, Status = Unconscious
Jezebel: HP = 24/34, PP = 34, EP = 29/79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 37/67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 25/55, Status = Fine

Knight: taken 50 damage, spent 18 EP, at 6/25 Resistance
Mage: spent 58 EP and lost 3 HP, at 4/23 Resistance, Weakened, Helpless
Men: 10 of them, 5 of them aroused and taken 4 Resistance damage, 1 of them taken 14 Resistance damage, 2 of them taken 12 Resistance damage. Holding the line at the stairs.

Clarissa let out a bark of laughter at Ione's response, and as the alraune glomped the demoness she giggled and said; "I can't help but agree with you! This after party is such a shameful display!" She continued to giggle in response to Ione's rain of kisses, but the more lewd her embrace became the more surprise the demon showed. Clarissa did look quite ready to join her lips to Ione's when the golden alraune prepared to do so, but the brush of her slashed belly against Clarissa drew that to a premature end, and she glanced down at the wetness now coating her own abdomen with an alarmed look.

"You've had it pretty rough!" she exclaimed, looking back up at Ione only for the alraune to launch into her confused rant. "Woah! Take it easy there! You're not in great shape yourself!" the demon exclaimed, following Ione over to the battered Mandragora and crouching beside her. Only then did Clarissa seem to notice the state of the other alraune, and she quickly turned her head and shouted; "Arthur! Sivi! Get up here!" She glanced back at Mandragora as Ione attempted to heal her with the same spell that had failed earlier, and then looked back and shouted more loudly; "Now!"

Now that the battle was over, the soldiers that had fought beside Ione were beginning to get a little bit more organized, the captain quickly rallying those that had come out to help fight off the monsters that had managed to get onto the second floor patio. He took a moment to glare at Clarissa, however, saying; "You tryin to draw more of those things to us? Keep it quiet!" Clarissa, in turn, shot a savage scowl at the mercenary and very slowly rose to her feet, her still bloody claws flexing at him warningly. He seemingly got the message, as he promptly walked away, and a moment later both Arthur and Sivi were there as well, having pushed through the group of soldiers to reach the second floor. The mage looked somewhat haggard, but it was likely that Clarissa had given him something of a tiring night and it had likely been a morning not so different from her own for him to chase it with. Despite that, he promptly knelt beside Mandragora along with the faerie, whom Ione only then realized was completely nude, though afterwards it was somewhat difficult for her to take her eyes away.

"What happened to her!? We need to get that spike out or she'll get an infection, a wound there can go septic even on an alraune very quickly!" the faerie said, unperturbed by her own nudity despite the looks it was earning from some of the soldiers, who were still just as afflicted by the alien's slime as Ione was. Arthur nodded calmly, and after positioning himself he calmly placed his hands upon the offending object. "Ione, I'm going to need your help. Just keep healing her, Arthur you're going to need to help too once you've pulled it out," Sivi said urgently, already casting a spell upon the alraune that caused her flesh to start to fluctuate. "Ready? On three... One, two... Three!"

Ione wouldn't get much time to prepare or explain herself, as Sivi seemed more interested in saving Mandragora's life than learning how she'd got that way in the first place. Ione was left to contribute whatever she could while Arthur pulled the wooden stake free of Mandragora's torso, Sivi there all the while pouring as much magic as she could into the battered alraune's body. Arthur quickly discarded the green-stained wooden and added his own magics, the three of them working in concert apparently enough to cause Mandragora's battered body to mend. After a few moments the hole in the alraune's body was gone, and she looked more like she was sleeping than in a pain induced coma. She seemed to no longer be in danger of dying at least, and Sivi held up her hand for Ione to stop if she hadn't when she and Arthur had and said; "She should be alright... I don't know how long it'll take her to wake up though." She looked to Ione, but it was Clarissa who asked; "What happened to her? It was obviously those creatures, but...."

The demoness was cut off when a strange crackling noise, like ice breaking but far far louder, issued from the floating tentacled thing hovering over the village. Energy was visible wrapping around it, bolts of static and glowing motes of pale light surrounding it, and a moment later it simply vanished without a trace. What might have caused the strange phenomenon didn't make itself apparent, however, and soon enough the attention of those around Ione returned largely to helping the wounded. The two men that Ione's blast had fried were still unconscious, and Sivi and Arthur went over to help them next, leaving Clarissa to talk to Ione. Some of the civilians, following the battle's end, had moved to help Jezebel with her birth, and more than a dozen little plant pods were squirming about, all of them heading off in varying directions toward the edges of the balcony.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

So focused on healing her fallen plant sister, Ione barely registered the Captain's shout at Clarissa. Though if she had been in a better state of mind and body, she might have followed Clarissa's own flexing claws and scowled look with a look of her own. As it was she gave him a brief glance enough to catch that reaction out of Clarissa before turning back to Mandragora, continuing to pulse her meager magic into her until she was interrupted by the arrival of Arthur and Sivi. Looking at him, the man was clearly in a tiresome state, no doubt the result of his own exciting night with the demoness. How much of his state was also because of the following morning was lost to Ione, though she had some idea considering her own.

Sivi on the other hand well... the alraune couldn't tell if the faerie had lost her clothes the same way a she had or if they had been tossed away sometime in the night before. Not that it really mattered, excepting for just how much more of an eyeful her appearance gave off in her nudity. Despite the seriousness of the situation she had much trouble taking her eyes off Sivi's form, the induced lust from the tentacled thing's slime making the plant girl follow suit with the soldier's looks. She continued to stare until the faerie addressed her, snapping her out of her momentary trance. "A-alright... I've got this..." She said quickly, focusing back on the wounded alraune.

She watched on with trepidation as the stake was re-removed from Mandragora, fearful that she may have caused more damage than help by removing it the first time. Her fears were diminished however, when with the combined efforts from the three of them the other alraune's wounds slowly began to heal. Fluxing flesh slowly began to mend, starting with the smallest cuts and extending outward. Her grievous chest wound slowly began to recede, it's missing center filling in as the magic did their work. But not just the wound was healed; the other alraune's whole body gradually began to come back into place. Her mangled arm folding out straight and reforming as if it had never been broken.

When Mandragora's healing was done, Ione let out a sigh of relief, looking down at the sleeping from of the other alraune as she rescinded her magic from her. She was going to be ok! She felt joy at the thought, but at the same time a little angry at Mandragora for putting herself in such a position in the first place. 'If only she had just listened to me... why did she think she could take that thing on by herself?' Looking to Sivi and Clarissa, the plant girl was alarmed as much as the both of them when the loud crackle of something rang out, which she quickly found the source of being the flying tentacled thing above the village. She watched energy wrap itself around the thing in the sky before with another loud crack it was simply... gone.

A moment or two passed in silence, Ione glancing about with her eyes around the sky, before the people of the tavern went back to what they were doing. Lending assistance to the people in need within the tavern. Arthur and Sivi made their way over to the two soldiers whom the plant girl had burned and began rendering assistance to them. No doubt to cure them of those accidental burns she had caused, the plant girl not having the heart to watch as they did so from the barest bit of guilt she felt. She did watch Jezebel out of the corner of her eye, watching with more wariness than delight as the seedlings emerged from the Night Elf, Mandragora's alraune spawn taking their first 'steps' into the world.

"She was careless." Ione stated with blunt negativity, more so that her normal demeanor would usually allow before looking down to her own belly wound and letting out a sigh. "We were both careless. She got the worse of it though. I just got a lizard scratch but she... she got punched through a building by one of those big things. After she turned her back on it..." The plant girl again wished that Mandragora had just listened to her, but didn't dwell too long on it. What was done was done, and she would be fine after all. She'd make it a point to berate her for it later however, whenever it was that the alraune came about to her senses.

An errant wave of pain reminded Ione of her own situation and positioning her hands she slowly let her own healing magics flow into herself. Slowly but surely, her own wounds came to dwindle away, the scratches giving way to her smoothed flesh once more, hiding that she had ever been injured in the first place. It unbalanced a frail scale however, for with nothing left to balance the arousal she felt, she started to feel it's effects in earnest. As soon as the last bit of her flesh was mended, the plant girl let out a small coo as a wide smile etched itself on her face. Her face flushed, and she let out a giggle as she simply spread herself out on the floor with a wide and dumb grin. "Now this is SO much better... I don't think I'll ever understand blooms who get a kick out of having their systems shocked. What do they call those people? Sad-dam-ist-is? No wait... Miso... maso... maso-sad-dam-ists?"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 4/76, Status = Low on EP, 17/22 Resistance, Aroused

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 0/50, PP = 42, EP = 50/86, Status = Unconscious
Jezebel: HP = 24/34, PP = 34, EP = 29/79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 37/67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 25/55, Status = Fine

Knight: taken 50 damage, spent 18 EP, at 6/25 Resistance
Mage: spent 58 EP and lost 3 HP, at 4/23 Resistance, Weakened, Helpless
Men: 10 of them, 5 of them aroused and taken 4 Resistance damage, 1 of them taken 14 Resistance damage, 2 of them taken 12 Resistance damage. Holding the line at the stairs.

"Why would she turn her back on it!?" Clarissa asked incredulously, "No wonder she got so badly hurt.... She's lucky to be alive!" The demoness was at that point the only one paying attention to Ione, and as Ione healed herself Clarissa seemed to relax a bit as her wounds sealed. "Well at least you're alright.... Wait, what are you doing?"

The demoness was alarmed and confused as Ione dropped to her knees and assumed such an alluring position, even more taken aback by the alraune's words. "What... What are you.... Uhhh... I think you mean masochists... Or sadomasochists.... What are you even talking about?" she said, but just then Arthur spoke up; "There are still people fighting out there, we need to see about helping them!" Turning to Clarissa, he said; "Come on, we can leave Ione and some of these guys here to protect the wounded, we need to go. Now!" Clarissa spoke in protest; "But! Ione is..."

Arthur grabbed her wrist and started pulling her along, interrupting her before she could say another word with; "No time! Come on!" The guardsman captain, seeing the two hurrying off with Sivi quickly moving to follow, cursed and said; "Camrius! You're in charge while I'm gone! Stensen, Patrick, Devik, Stors, come with me!" Half of the soldiers broke off and followed on after the fleeing backs of Ione's friends, going off to rescue whoever Arthur had heard off in the distance and leaving Ione with the wounded and only five soldiers to protect her..... Five soldiers that, now that the protection offered by her friends were gone, were looking at her with some looks that might have been very disconcerting if she wasn't so heavily drugged by the influence of the poison from the tentacle slime.

"Come along then," the man appointed as the militia commander said, "You lot should hide indoors while we keep watch. That way, even if we get attacked and overwhelmed, you all should be fine. Take the wounded with you.” The civilians seemed happy to listen to the mercenary soldiers, carrying the wounded with them, including both Jezebel and Mandragora. Ione was left outside, but the soldiers were soon around her again, now making no effort at all to hide their lustful gazes. Walking up to stand before her and leaning over in front of her, the militia commander grinned and said; “Hello sweetheart…. Do you have a problem? You look like you have a problem.

The man’s erection was visible through his clothing, as were those of his associates, marking them as the men that had been afflicted by the poison of the slimes like she had, and after simply grinning her for a moment he undid the front of his pants and his belt suggestively. “My friends and I… We’d love to help you with that problem.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

As content as Ione was to continue sitting stretched alluringly out with her dumb grin, there was no mistaking the appearance of Arthur beyond the demoness' words. The plant girl grinned back at the man at first, but as he issued his command to Clarissa and then took upon her wrist to pull the demoness along, her smile faded. Replacing it, a look of confusion as she watched the mage lead the demoness away. "Sweet Arthur? Clarissa?" She questioned, but they were already out of earshot by the time she spoke, quickly being followed not just by Sivi but even by a group of the soldiers who broke off to pursuit whatever it was that had caught Arthur's attention in the distance.

Concern dipped into the distracted alraune's mind as she watched them go, wondering just if she should try to go with them. But even if she did, how could she really help? Her injuries might have been gone now, but it was apparent her strength hadn't returned. The drained feeling of her reserves would echo back anytime she prodded at them with even the weakest of her powers, and the situation left her feeling a little helpless. 'If only my strength wasn't so drained... I'd be there to help you Sweet Clarissa...' Ione thought, a discouraged sigh escaping with a bit more of a lustful whine as she would have normally allowed, but not unable to suppress given her current aroused state.

She listened as the soldiers that remained quickly rushed the civilians back inside, taking it at first to mean that she should follow them and making the effort to start getting up herself. When they made to surround her however, the alraune stopped, relaxing back into her sitting position with some surprise before it started to click in Ione's head. They were just as effected by the lustful poison as she was. She had noticed their bulges and looks before at a distance, but now without that buffer and the buffer her injury once caused, she found the sights that much more enticing up close. Her body, seeming to sense their lustful intentions, began to heat up rapidly. Flushing her face and body in a darker color as some delightful pre-shivers worked their way up.

"Oh me? Little ole me? I don't have a problem..." Ione lied dismissively at first, aiming to make herself look a little disinterested at first. It was a farce of course, and a teasing one at that, for only a moment or two later she slowly began to break out into a huge grin as she looked the leader of the group, Camrius if she recalled, right in the eyes through her own narrowed lustful gaze. "Whatever could make you think I had a problem? From where I'm sitting... it looks like you boys are the ones with the problems. Much. Bigger. Problems~." Getting up slowly and tracing a finger down Camrius' chest, the plant girl cooed. "Oh whatever shall we have to do about those problems~?" She asked, stepping forward a bit more just as her hand dipped lower and brushed itself against the leaders groin, stroking it lightly through the fabric of the man's pants.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 4/76, Status = Low on EP, 17/22 Resistance, Aroused

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 0/50, PP = 42, EP = 50/86, Status = Unconscious
Jezebel: HP = 24/34, PP = 34, EP = 29/79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 37/67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 25/55, Status = Fine

"Oh really? I must have been mistaken then...." Camrius replied idly, though his lewd grin remained. "You just looked distressed is all.... Though, now that you mention it, I've certainly got something that I could use a hand with.... Or maybe a bit more than that if you're interested," he added as Ione rose to her feet and mentioned their "problems," and when her hand strayed down to the man's crotch she would easily find his bulge there, and would easily see those of the other humans as they stood gathered around her. Already naked since she hadn't had time to get her clothes back on back at Jezebel's house, Ione's arousal was hard to miss, particularly at the range at which she was at. Her downward trail had felt the man's muscles through his light armor, his more martial profession ensuring that he would be a good bit more athletic than Arthur, and as she drew nearer he would reach behind her and take a handful of her shapely backside, and began kneading her soft flesh.

The man's other hand casually slipped down Ione's stomach, leaving her skin tingling alone the way, to briefly dip between her legs and slide two fingers over her moist petals, sending a shiver of pleasure racing up Ione's spine. "Mmmm.... I can certainly think of a few things we could do to... Ease the tension a little bit~" he replied, to which his men all chuckled lightly as they crowded around the lust-drunk alraune and the man holding her. "How about we make you a bit more comfortable first, hrm? You looked a bit tired..." he said, and guided Ione over to a table onto which he gently lifted her after sweeping the contents off of it.

Once comfortably seated onto her plump backside on the small table, Camrius promptly finished undoing his pants and dropped them, freeing his fully hardened cock from their confines. She would notice with a moment's study that he was a tiny bit longer than Arthur, but the size difference wasn't enough to be significant in what was to come, and unless she opted to do something else with it Ione would quickly find it pressing against her petals. With one hand placed on one of her hips and the other hooked under the opposite knee to lift the limb up, Camrius didn't seem to intend to put off seeing to their mutual "problem" for any great length of time, though if Ione opted to try and please the man in some other way he would most likely be acquiescent to that. Even if she was satisfied with her positioning, Camrius would pause a moment while rubbing the tip of his stiff manhood over her sex to say; "Comfy?"

Her only let her get about halfway through whatever she had to say, as he pushed with ease into her soft petals only a few seconds after his quipped question. Pleasure shot up her spine like a bolt of lightning as her inner walls were stretched by the human's thick shaft, her sensitivity enhanced by the poison still thrumming through her system so that she could feel every contour, every throbbing vein as it brushed against her inner walls. "Nnnph... Tight...." he grunted softly, and then began to pump into her slowly, allowing her to adjust to his size and getting a little bit deeper with every thrust, his every steady motion providing her with pleasurable bliss. After a few moments she would feel his sack make its first contact with her ass, the tip of his length simultaneously kissing the entrance to her womb, and Ione would feel in the subtle tension that suddenly went through the man penetrating her that he fully intended on delivering the full contents of his balls into her deepest reaches.

He paused for an instant, holding himself deep inside, but just as he began to pump into her again one of his men said; "Oi! She's not all yours Camrius, share the bounty!" Giving a barking laugh, the main didn't even stop pumping into her as he replied; "Quite right! I hope that you won't mind being shared, pretty flower~ My friends and I are just all so.... Eager!" Without even pulling out of her, Camrius pushed Ione down onto the table and then rolled her onto her back, pulling her legs closed and laying them onto the table. The new position allowed him a fine view of her backside as he penetrated her, one that he seemed happy to enjoy as he looked down to where they were conjoined, and also made her sex squeeze even more tightly around the man's cock, something that he certainly didn't seem to mind.

She would find that the other humans, all equally aroused in comparison to their present commander, had all discarded their pants as well, and as Camrius started up pumping into her again two of them closed in before her, getting within easy range of her hands and her mouth. The other two came up behind her and opposite Camrius respectively, the one behind her grabbing her breasts and beginning to grope them softly, and the other that stood across from Camrius nudged at her cheek with his manhood. The small table was surrounded by half-naked humans by that point, with the golden alraune in the center making up the prize.
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Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione cooed softly at Camrius' touches, her grin only widening as the man's fingers trailed down to her gentials, softly prodding and then slipping in with ease due to her arousal. Between the feeling of the two of them pulled together so by the man's other hand on her backside, that feeling between her legs, and the teasing feel of the man's muscles and bulge the plant girl had copped a feel of, she couldn't have asked for a better place to be at the moment. With so many soldier suitors gathered around it was a wonder that they hadn't yet tried to grab a handful for themselves! Camrius certainly wasn't wasting his time, and his kneading only encouraged the alraune to return the favor on his bulge.

She let her fingers etch into the soldier's fabric with a little pressure, delighting in the lewd grin he gave back, as well as the grins from the fellow soldiers, who were most certainly just as delighted. "Oh no~, it just won't do to be so tense." She agreed, half burying her face into the side of Camrius' neck as he led her along to the table. When he mentioned how tired she looked, Ione giggled aloud as Camrius proceeded to lift her up onto the now clear of objects table, and she quickly took to opening herself up for the man even as he gripped at her hip with one hand, and raised her leg up with the other. Moving forward to meet her exposed privates with a private of his own.

The sight of it and it's close proximity was enough to make the alraune suddenly squirm with excitement, no part thanks to the aphrodisiac that was still flowing through her and the soldier's veins. Her squirms only got more lively as the tip of Camrius manhood pressed at her folds, causing the alraune to whine softly that he hadn't yet begun. "Of cour...rssssse~!" Ione started to say, before the man swiftly pressed in, rocking the plant girl with desire as her depths were filled. Almost instantly her gentials seized upon the man's cock, wrapping around it and squeezing with as much passion as was suddenly found coming from her own moaning voice as he slowly pistoned into her.

Her arms quickly found their way around the man's neck as his thrusts grew deeper, digging into the man's back a little with every kiss of her cervix. Along with the pleasure, it rapidly built up that urge to feel the man's seed coat her insides, to feel his spunk be taken in and used to the last drop within her womb. Ione was no fool either; she may have been lustfully drunk, but that only made the tale tell signs of the man's own eagerness to fulfill her own urge willingly all that more apparent. So when Camrius talked of eagerness, Ione quickly giggled with hot breath. "Oh~... you soldiers certainly know teamwork~..." She giggled once more with a bright flush.

When she was pushed back Ione gave out a cry of delight, curious to see just what Camrius planned to do. Her legs were quickly lifted up, and she was rolled slightly onto her back, with her legs brought together and laid down upon the table on their side stacked in a sited twist. The tighter squeeze the new position put on the cock inside her only served to alight the plant girl's nerves further. Shivers running up and down the plant girl's spine as the urge to feel him cum continued to grow stronger in her mind. With every pump Ione's bust bounced with timed jumps, her exposed nipples growing further taut with every blissful motion. Begging to be played with by someone.

A hand quickly answered that motion, eliciting a delightful cry from the plant girl as the soldiers crowding her finally elected to add to the pleasure Camrius was pounding into her. The one soldier's fingers groping at her breasts was of special interest to the plant girl. For not only did she enjoy the act from the man himself, but she found herself in a delightful day dream, imagining Clarissa's hands roaming her own body from behind. Picking, prodding, poking at herself with much passion. Her lips stealing kisses ever time the plant girl tried to turn and let out a moan somewhere. It was a brief visage, but when she found herself back amongst the soldiers the phantom of an orgasm had raised itself mighty strong, and it only took a few more 'kisses' of Camrius' cock before Ione let out a muffled scream against her arm as she creamed herself. Hard.

With lewd embarrassment she looked back at them with a grin, letting it grow wildier as she noted where the other three men had lined themselves up to. With one very eager to participate with where he nudged her so. She giggled wordlessly, giving the man a quick wink before parting her mouth and letting her tongue explore. Grazing the tip of his length as she maneuvered herself to take in more, giving that tip a little suck before parting me to give access to some bobbing on her part. All the while, her hands reaching out to grip the other two men's lengths softly, rubbing them with sensual strokes as she multi-tasked at the job at hand. Which for someone who dealt with tentacles wasn't hard at all.

She took care not to overstimulate the men at her hands, keeping them hard while not driving them over the edge. For the man in her mouth however, she held as much restraint as Camrius seemed to be taking for her; bobbing up and down the man and matching the pattern of his thrusts expertly. Just as she tasted the buildup of pre from the kisses against her womb, she tasted the other man's pre on her tongue and it drove her moans to grow louder as their own orgasms seem to be coming. As much as she wanted to match Camrius' thrusts, her position didn't really allow for it, so she instead opted to work on the other man faster, grinning at him with her eyes in knowing as she could sense his eagerness to pop right in her mouth grow with every lustful draw of her tongue.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 4/76, Status = Low on EP, 17/22 Resistance, Aroused, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 0/50, PP = 42, EP = 50/86, Status = Unconscious
Jezebel: HP = 24/34, PP = 34, EP = 29/79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 37/67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 25/55, Status = Fine

Ione, when she came suddenly under the influence of her fantasy about Clarissa and the kisses of her paramour's member against her cervix, would hear Camrius let out a surprised gasp followed by a chuckle. "Ahhhhh, she must have been really excited!" he grunted, slowing his pumping as Ione's sex gripped hungrily around his shaft, denying her of the liquid gift that her body so desired for the time being. "Nnnn, creamed all over me already! Hope you've got plenty more where that came from, pretty flower.... Ahhhhnnn... Because I plan on enjoying you for a good long while yet!" he continued as his men chuckled around him, each assuming their positions around the lust-drunk alraune as they willed and Camrius pumping away at her sex rapidly once again as Ione came down from her orgasm.

Letting her tongue out to explore the member poking at her face, Ione would taste the bitter, salty goo leaking from the tip, a taste that her race was biologically inclined to find delightful despite the normally unpleasant flavor. The subject of her most vigorous attentions (after Camrius of course) moaned softly as her mouth parted and her agile bit of muscle went to work on his length, shifting slightly to nudge himself deeper into her mouth when Ione paused to suck on the tip. Her dexterity with working multiple limbs at once was evidently quite impressive to the gathering of humans, as one of them that she grabbed in a hand exclaimed; "Ahhh! She's amazing! I've never seen a woman handle that many at once, let alone so well! Hell, I've never even known a whore to be as good when it was only me she had in her hands!" Another man, the one grabbing her breasts, chuckled and said; "That's because you've never been able to afford a woman that wasn't so old that they could have been your great grandmother before!" A chorus of chuckles at the man's expense followed, and though he seemed deflated for a moment or so Ione's stroking broke him from his shame quite quickly.

Her actions with her mouth were more than enough to have the man grinning in numb relief, a hand coming forth to rest on top of her head, his fingers lacing through her pink locks a he urged her to suck harder and faster. Camrius, in the meantime, seemed to be doing his best to fuck Ione's brains out as he pounded away at her bottom, holding her legs closed and causing wet slaps to issue forth with every thrust, her bottom jiggling and her breasts shaking in the grip of the man who was playing with them. A trail of her girl-cum had made its way down her thighs and along her partner's sack, staining him with her scent, and the copious lubrication only seemed to urge the human to pump into the alraune's sex all the harder, every teasing kiss of his dick against her cervix reminding Ione of the bounty that was undoubtedly soon to be poured into her.

Ione's vigorous sucking, no less impassioned than the wild thrusts into her pussy being made by Camrius, was quickly drawing the man enjoying her mouth towards completion, the rate of his precum leaking onto her writhing tongue rising by the second and a steady throb growing in his loins. His hips began to push forward and pull back in time with her bops, small motions that were accompanied by a tightening of his grip on her scalp, and the pleasured look on the human's face was growing more pleased by the second, all sure signs that she was about to receive her first helping of liquid gift for the day. "Ooooh yes!" the man groaned as his cock throbbed between her lips, "Gonna..... Nnnnn.... Make me cum!" It took only a few seconds longer for Ione to feel the first spurt of thick, warm goo onto her tongue, providing a copious helping of thick cream for her to taste. She was in control, and if she opted to keep him only in her mouth she would find herself with a decently sized pool of the stuff, if she opted to swallow it all she would feel pleasantly warm in her belly as she drank down his cream, and if she instead opted to let him finish outside the alraune would find her face doused in his seed. Regardless of where his cum went, the man hung in front of her for only a few seconds after his orgasm before stumbling away.

He quickly replaced and was replaced by the man who had been playing with her breasts, however, leaving her soft orbs to jiggle freely for a moment before a softer pair of hands closed upon them. Where the other man had just been groping them, the one that she had just sucked to orgasm seemingly wanted to return some of the pleasurable favor, as he took the sensitive tips between his fingers and squeezed them, tugging and pinching to provide more stimulation for her on top of the wild thrusting that Camrius was giving to her. The man that had had his place previously, in the meantime, pulled down his pants to reveal a slightly larger organ than the other, and one that wasn't even fully hard yet to boot, and once it was evident that her mouth was ready again he started pressing it against her lips. "Heh, lets see how good that mouth ah yers really is!"

Camrius, in the meantime, was getting close, and just like with the man she'd blown Ione would know that it was coming. His rapid pumping had provided for plenty of pleasure all on their own, and whether she dove back into her fantasies about Clarissa or not, Ione would feel another climax coming on her part as the first of the humans to take her pussy began to throb within her. His already impressive stamina was to prove just a little bit moreso, however, as he pumped into Ione's sex on (or at least close to) the verge of cumming for several moments even as her inner walls clamped around him, trying to draw out his potent seed, and getting her close enough herself that she would cream around him once again when he finally did give up the ghost. Letting out a wordless moan, Camrius started pumping frantically into Ione, causing the alraune's entire body to shake with the force of his wild thrusts, before slamming to the hilt and holding. The first spurt of his semen against her cervix was enough to put Ione over the edge herself, and Camrius moaned pleasurably as her climax milked out his own, drawing his seed into her womb to fertilize her seeds. Wave after wave of warm cum was poured into her as Camrius moaned in orgasmic delight, and when he pulled out of her a few moments later almost none of his release poured out after him.

"Ahhhh... Hah, damn..... She really drained me dry!" he grunted, and then fell back a step before smirking at her just a little bit more broadly. His hand rose and then came down sharply onto her golden rump, leaving a red mark in the shape his hand on the cheek of her ass, and after admiring his handiwork for a moment he said; "That was exquisite! One of you has to come and try this." One of the men in her hands quickly took up that offer, moving up behind her and wetting the tip of his length with her juices before suddenly shifting it just a bit, and pressing the head of his member up against her ass. "Heh, lets see if the back door is as good as the front!" he grunted crudely, and unless Ione raised some sort of protest he would push right in, his gathered lubrication sufficient to allow him to slide into her tight anus and start slowly thrusting into her.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

She had the man. From the moment the first of his salty pre registered in the alraune's mind, Ione knew the man around her lips wasn't going to last much longer with the motions she was giving him. It was difficult to bob up and down smoothly from where she was while also tending to the other two, but she made it work, and with the manhood around her lips about to burst it's owner certainly wasn't going to complain. Indeed, the plant girl sighed softly at the man's fingers through her hair and the increasingly more urgent thrusts he gave as his orgasm grew close. The sight too was adorable, and Ione grinned very lewdly as the man's face contorted and he shouted out, his member throbbing expectingly.

It was only a second more that she tasted the true spurt of his cum on her tongue, and it caused the alraune to moan in delight. An expectant kind of moan, considering the kind of panting moaning she was contributing from Camrius alone, the man's thrusts enough to shake her very body in illict ways for the men to see. The member around her mouth filled her with it's seed, and as it became too much to hold Ione arched her throat a little and gulped it down. The fire it game to her belly satisfied her, but it was not enough. She needed more. She needed to feel that true warmth in her core, a biological inkling that only a full womb could provide for her, and that the poison in her system though lessened still urged her to fulfill.

When the man stumbled away, his cock popping from her mouth with a little sound, Ione giggled in a breath. "What a taste~!" She didn't have time to really speak however, before the man working at her chest switched places with the man she had just serviced, unzipping his pants and revealing his untapped member to the alraune's face. It was even bigger than his, she noted with a happy gasp, and when he aired his words the plant girl smiled broadly before wasting little time. She brought her lips over the side of the new cock, kissing it lovingly all the way up to the base and back, preventing the man from entering her before she had teased him a little first. It'd help to get him more erect, and when he had filled out a little more stiffer then Ione would trail to just the tip of his member and sink down. But just the tip at first.

With all the action she focused on providing to the men indulging her mouth, it only helped to amplify the pleasure being wracked through her by Camrius' constant pounding. Ever since her first orgasm the man hadn't let up, thrusting into her with even persistent strokes. It was enough to shake her form constantly, even as the men who had felt her up did and continued to do so. Her breasts and nipples were already bounced around, and to be groped and tugged more roughly than before on top of it furthered her excitement. She didn't delve into another daydream however, her mind content to revel in reality and soak in the feelings of the whole scene around her as it played out.

Ione sucked at the cock tip around her mouth with enthusiasm before the 'taste' of more pre shook through her senses. But it wasn't coming from her mouth. Camrius' wild thrusting had only become more wild as his own orgasm finally drew near. Even with as much stamina as the man was proving to have, he was reaching his height. And so was the alraune again. The feeling of his member about to burst caused Ione's folds to grab hold upon it relentlessly, seeking to milk the thing of all the man had and providing even more sensitivity to her folds to drive her onwards. Had she wanted to hold on, the option would really be one, for once her folds clamped down the alraune spiraled headlong into a built up orgasm triggered by Camrius' sticky release.

"Nnghh ahhn!" Shouting in delight, Ione's rhythm with the other men weakened, her body driven in that moment to indulge in the sweet passion of milking the man. Her plant cervix eagerly drunk up the waves of cum poured into it, the warmth it made Ione feel driving the alraune into a kind a momentary stupor. The poison in her system felt so light now compared to how it felt before, and she felt satisfied in a way because of it. She yelped around the cock in her mouth as Camrius removed himself and slapped her ass. Gazing back at the man with a narrowed lewd eyed grin. Her eyes widened though, when he spoke for someone else to try her, and her pulse quickened as a cock slipped free of her hand.

She slipped off the member around her mouth to protest the man's choice behind her, but as he pushed himself into her the alraune's protest was cut short into a moan, the feeling of his member in her tight ass stumbling her. He was slow, but after Camrius' pounding before the alraune was thankful for it. It gave her time to recover, and to ease into her own motions rhythm again. Turning her gaze back to the men she still serviced up front, Ione laughed aloud with a cheerful voice. "Hehe... I'll drain you all dry before this is over. And speaking of, you..." She pointed to the excitable man on her back turned side, before pointing next to the man whose cock was her main priority at the moment. "Reform over here. That's an order~."

Perhaps he wouldn't know the obvious reason why she asked him over, the plant girl returning to service the shaft of the man from before while turning over a little to rub his member with her hand again. But when she would pop her mouth off the first man and look the excited soldier in the eyes he'd loose his denseness surely. And if that wasn't the moment then well, her lips crossing over to his own cock should give him pause, taking him in with little preamble and giving the man deep long bobs up and down. Licking the private's well... private with gentle but persistent motions, indulging in the way it would make the man go wild drop into a stupor just like the other men had.

Just like that she would alternate between the two men. Deeply but gingerly sucking one man while pawing the other one off slowly, and then doing the same to the other. Unlike before however, she wouldn't seek to drive them over the edge. Instead, everything the first little taste of pre would agonize her tongue with it's delicious salty taste or feel along her hand, she would let up a little, giving the man time to settle down. It would drive them a little mad, maybe even enough to get a bit forceful, but if that began to happen or even after a little while of teasing Ione would look explanative between them. "Now now... don't you two lose yourselves to moi. There's a much better place for that... and I want it in there~." A gentle tapping of her stomach with her free hand and giggled wink, the direction Ione would give for the two and their eventual release.
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Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 4/76, Status = Low on EP, 17/22 Resistance, Aroused, Pregnant (24)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 0/50, PP = 42, EP = 50/86, Status = Unconscious
Jezebel: HP = 24/34, PP = 34, EP = 29/79, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 37/67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 25/55, Status = Fine

The man who had moved in front of her made no complaint at Ione's initial teasing, which quickly served to get him fully hard, nor at the fact that she didn't take him beyond the tip at first. The man behind her, as he pumped away at her ass, grabbed a handful of the alraune's bouncing cheek with another lewd smack, adding his own handprint to the one already present on the soft skin of the golden alraune, and even though it was in her less favored hole Ione would still feel pleasure racing up through her from it, allowing her to enjoy it alongside the man who was busy causing it. He was no less energetic than Camrius, however, and after enduring the pleasurable but unfulfilling motions of her hand for some time was quite aroused, and quickly began to increase his pace. The lust rushing through her and the gather lubrication ensured that his motions didn't cross over into discomfort, however.

The two men standing in front of her also began to grow impatient as the alraune teased them, stroking them but never letting either find the release that both obviously greatly desired, and after she started taking the man she'd been stroking for a time deeper into her mouth she found both thrusting eagerly in time with her bobs, albeit not at an entirely perfect tempo. Both obviously wanted her to go faster, to bring them to release, but that stopped once she made her plans for their seed clear, and neither complained as they endured her alternating between blowing and sucking on them while she took it from behind, her moans only adding to the pleasure of whoever happened to be enjoying her mouth at the time.

The combined pleasures assailing her at that point, though perhaps not as potent as those that Camrius had provided when he was plowing away at her pussy, were easily quenching the needy fire that the tentacle monster's lust poison had awakened. The man plugging away at her ass was quickly growing quite vigorous, and though she wasn't nearly as experienced in those sensations as she was with those that came from her pussy, Ione would feel him hitting a sensitive spot that felt even better than the grinding against her cervix that she'd endured under Camrius. The constant groping of her chest took on a more frantic tone now as the man she'd blown sought to return the pleasure she'd given him, groping her breasts and rubbing at her nipples and keeping her soft orbs from shaking about too much even with the wild fucking that she was receiving. It was clear that her second partner didn't have Camrius' stamina, however, or at least he didn't after she'd stroked him for so long. His constant pounding of that sensitive spot inside of her ass, her perennial sponge, was getting her close to cumming again alongside the constant molestations of her chest. Her present partner reached his peak first though, groaning and bottoming out into her tight anus before releasing his seed into her other hole, the nerves around her tight hole letting her feel every powerful throb as he pumped her ass full of his hot load.

When he pulled out, the two men receiving foreplay glanced aside at one another and seemed to come to some sort of silent agreement, and both took a step back and away from Ione while she was given a moment to recuperate from her second creampie. The burlier of the two men who had yet to cum, who had initially been the one groping at her chest, moved around to where Camrius and the other man who had fucked her had stood, but rather than follow suit he grabbed Ione and lifted her off of the table. "Eheh... Looks like they're about to show you some real teamwork!" Camrius remarked lewdly, and indeed the alraune was hefted up by the burly soldier and promptly lowered onto his length, some maneuvering being necessary on his part if she didn't use her hands or her tendrils to assist. Once her petals had settled over it Ione would find herself promptly impaled on the human's cock, her position not altogether different from the one in which she and Arthur had enjoyed one another only a few days prior. But, as clear as the man's desire to rut the suspended alraune might have been, he waited a moment while she felt his companion get into position behind her, and a moment later she would feel her other hole filled once again as well, the lubrication provided by her saliva and the cum dribbling out of her ass sufficient to make the penetration easy.

The man behind her let out a pleased sigh as his length settled into the tight confines of her anus, and his arms came forward to assume the glorious burden of molesting the alraune's breasts. The man in front of her, in the meantime, widened his stance to more easily bare the brunt of the wait, also causing her legs to widen slightly as they were supported by his powerful arms. Sandwiched between the two humans with both of her holes filled, Ione would find that she had little time to catch her breath before the two started to move, and the lusts that had been clear enough when she'd been teasing them came to fruition ten fold now. Every one of her pleasure centers was under attack, her nipples being pinched and tugged on, her clitoris being rubbed by the base of the cock that was pounding into her pussy, and her g-spot, cervix, and perennial sponge all being stimulated all at once making for a potent cocktail of physical stimulation. The poison's influence had been fully played out by that point, but even with it fading from her system the golden alraune would find that she still had some more time to go, as the two humans looked as though they were just getting started.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione shut her eyes tight, absorbing the pleasure the man thrusting her rear sent her way. With every thrust that spongy innard of hers was massaged, sending little mini spikes of pleasure to join the others, and she had to focus more and more to keep herself together. Even her tendrils to a lesser extend were affected, the pressure from the man's thrusts causing the sponge to squeeze ever so slightly around them. Just enough to have the alraune almost squirming every time the man sped his humping up for a moment or two. The plant girl might not have been used to taking it from behind very often. There was no seedlings to make from the act. But with the sensation she experienced from the soldier's attentions she might just have to change that in the future.

For as much pounding as the soldier in her ass gave her, it was clear he was no Camrius. Stamina wise at least, though that might have something to do with how long she had kept him on edge. Regardless, the first little dribbles of cum from the man soaking into her flared her own passion up, even if they wouldn't be directed to seed making. She groaned into the cock in her mouth, one eye barely open as the man's humping increased to a frantic flare, sending ripples through her bum's flesh. Her bust only moved slightly, never removed for long from the watchful groping of the man she had pleasured before, her perky nipples at this point quite full and red from being molested for so long.

Finally the man lost himself, his bottoming out against her ass sending a powerful wave of pleasure up the plant girl's spine. She clenched her eyes fully shut once more, moaning as his member throbbed powerfully with each drawn hump and spurt of hot cum. Her body shouted happily in joy, but as pleasurable as the man's climax happened to feel Ione managed to keep herself from cumming from it just barely. It left her on an edge that she whined slightly in protest against, but didn't have much time to be unhappy about. For as soon as the man had pulled himself away, her targets of foreplay pulled themselves away, the member around her mouth leaving with a little pop, and moved themselves to where the other men had previously enjoyed themselves between her legs.

At first, Ione smiled lustfully at the soldier who took it upon himself to have the first go of the two, but when he reached down and lifted her up while Camrius made his comment she giggled avidly. "So Strong~." She was left understandably speechless when he gently impaled her, the plant girl wrapping her arms around the man's neck and batting her eyes with a wide grin. Which only widened more into a moanful laugh as the other man took up position next, burying his own shaft into her from behind, both her holes plugged then by each of the soldiers. And her breasts once more assailed by the soldier behind her, her groping continuing once more to keep her tips and flesh quite occupied.

As soon as the two began to move in earnest again, Ione found herself once more cooing from pleasure, her arms wrapping tightly around the man holding her up as the combined efforts between them took effect. Pleasure jolted from the thrusts into her folds, it streaked up eagerly from the flicks and squeezes of her breasts, and it echoed from the eased filling into her rear. She eagerly kissed upon the heads of both men with her sponge and cervix and it drove her wild. It didn't even matter that she no longer felt the poison's effect. This simple pleasure was poison in itself, and she reveled in it. "Hnnnnng... ahhhhhh... haaaaa... haaaa..." The faded feeling of her almost peak slowly sprung back to life, and as the two continued to thrust she had no doubt she would reach it quite soon.

She ground against the two of them as it became nearly too strong to bare, kissing at the holding soldier's face and ear while giving it a few playful tugs. Her breaths came heavy and hot, and if she wasn't already fully flushed from her previous heights then she was sure to be glowing once more. 'I'm... right on the edge again! I just need to... I need...' Not content to just remained simply carried, the plant girl contorted her body up slightly, seeking to match at least one of the members currently pounding into her. She quickly favored the man holding her, but if the two were able to sync themselves, she would happily accommodate.

Regardless, only a dozen or more so timed matched thrusts and the plant girl screamed in ecstasy, her muscles clenching around the cocks within her and milking with their innate movements. Her walls spasmed around them powerfully, so much so that the plant girl found herself becoming dizzy, the world around them seeming to spin. It took her a moment or two to regain her senses and when she did the two soldiers were still there, plugging at both of their chosen holes with gusto. "Mmmmm, I think you may have stunned me there... aha..." She whispered in thrillful fashion, bringing herself once more to move with them in an effort to reward them back the pleasure they had just fired through her.

And to receive that treat she still wanted from the both of them of course.