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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The moment Rin turned to a rather racy picture Rin joined Sammy in her rather maidenly blushing. And it only got worse the further into the pad she went. Men and women of various states engaged in quite the lewd behavior, pairs of them in positions Rin had never even seen, groups of them tangled in a massive orgy of tangled limbs and rampant sex, lone women struggling within the binds of alien appendages wrapped around their frames, some crying for freedom and others staring blankly ahead with a look of sheer ecstasy in their eyes...

But then she came to that final picture. The one that forced Sammy to lean down and whisper in Rin's ear. The one that showed Sammy in her headdress and nothing else, that look of embarrassment so very vivid as Rin remembered seeing that exact same look no more than a few minutes earlier. And that was when she finally noticed it. Something strong. Something rigid. Something that was starting to poke against her back, and with Sammy so close Rin could almost feel its every detail as it pressed against as if saying, "Hey, remember me? Cuz I remember you..."

A moment later the shortest of the maids let out a little squeak before hurriedly closing that art book. She then quickly pulled herself away from 'that' and handed the book back to its owner. "Rinissorryforlookingatyourbook,butnowit'stimeforfood.BYE!" And with that the girl suddenly sped off, not a moment lost in getting herself to the dining room and quickly finding a seat. Everyone else was already seated, and they would probably notice Rin simply sitting there staring at her plate, her face an almost expressionless and featureless mask as her glasses caught the light in such a way that they shone and hid her eyes from sight.
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The mention of her hobby made Domonic look up at Rosarita, though he didn't say anything just yet.

"Your family sound like good people, Rosa - but, really, your hair is quite nice - I don't see any reason you'd get anything bad over it. It's different than usual - which just means it's fittingly exotic hair for your exotic genes!" Domonic seemed quite satisfied with that - waving his fork like an orchestra conductor to the beat of what he was saying, as if to emphasize. "And so long! Do you have trouble with it? Ha- er, the Mistress usually gets Cammy or Mae to help her wash it."

If she cared to look, Rosarita would find that Harriet's hair did indeed look like a hassle. Tied into two twin tails, they reached all the way down to her knees when she was standing. Now that she was seated, the ends were almost touching the floor.

After her response, if she had one, the pair returned to silence for a while - though Rosarita didn't have to wait long before Domonic was asking her another question. "So, that... hobby, you mentioned? What is it?"

Harriet swirled her new glass around a few times... but before she could do anything further, Rin suddenly burst into the dining room. The loud BANG of the door suddenly popping open as she entered startled everyone, and they could almost see the smoke rising from her trail, she'd been going so fast.

"Uh... Riiiiin? Are you okaaay?" Came Domonic's quite-familiar voice to the little orange-clothed girl.

Harriet, meanwhile, had taken an interest in trying to look more closely at Rin's face - trying to move her head to see past the glare in her glasses. Failing, she waved a hand in front of the girl's face...

"Hey! You're late, Rin. Where's Sammy? Did you enjoy your alone time, snooping around with her?" she asked - intonation somewhat suggestive - though, it didn't seem like she knew what the little maid had discovered, and was just being silly.
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sammy watches Rin suddenly run off in a hurry, assuming the tiny maid was too embarrassed by the other maids sketchbook. "Well, I guess I should follow her," Sammy says cheerily to Cammy, waving at the drawing maid as she walks to the dining area. "It's been nice to meetcha'."

Walking into the dining hall Sammy scans the table for a free seat before sliding up and taking a chair next to Rin. "You really shouldn't run away like that," The alien maid playfully chastises Rin. "You could've hurt yourself, or worse. Damaged some of the mistress' belongings." After giggling for a moment Sammy turns to Harriet. "I apologise for our tardiness," The alien maid bows her head. "Rin was simply helping me learn my way around your grand home, and helped me settle in by aiding me in my unpacking. If you see fit to punish us for our lateness then please only punish me as it is my fault."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"You are not the first to say that. In all honesty, I do like my hair for it's uniqueness." Rosa agreed with the butler's words that concerned her hair. "Troubles? Not any more than the next person with equally long hair, I suppose. It does take some time to keep tidy though."

After that, there was a brief inquiry about the hobby that had somehow slipped from the glasses maid as they discussed. But Domonic's attention turned away as Rin and Sammy made their entries, which was probably a good thing. Maybe it was best that she didn't attempt to rationalize the desire of starting fires, so Rosa decided to let that part of the talk go away unless it was brought back somehow.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Oh. Ah, well. Uhm.... Thank you, Miss Sammy..... Ahm, I apologize if my..... Uhm, hobby..... has made you uncomfortable" Cammy said as she nervously took her sketch book back from the alien maid. "We had better head back to the kitchen fir dinner." she said as she promptly tucked her book back into clothes, and slowly made her way back to the kitchen, looking at her feet her face a bright rosy pink hue. When she finally reached the dining and returned to the seat she tried to avoid looking in the otaku maids direction for a while as she slowly ate her meal before casually turning to her sister and asking, "So, Uhm.... What's going on, guys? What's the talk about?" she said hoping to redirect the others minds to something aside her unusual past time.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Not a reaction was given from the orange maid, or at least not until Harriet leaned in to wave her hand in front of the frozen girl's face. It caused her to jump a bit, and once she started looking around she noticed the somewhat worried look on Domonic's face and the rather curious look on the Mistress. And it only made her flush in embarrassment once again. "Rin apologizes, she will be fi-"

And then she promptly froze once more. The reason for it walked in at that very moment, and she decided to sit next to the short maid and promptly chastised her for running around like that. "Sorry!" It sounded a little too loud and a little too forced, and it probably gave Harriet all sorts of ideas that Rin didn't want to even think about. But the girl really wasn't worried about that. She was focused on keeping herself calm, and that translated into her sitting still as a rock for the moment and staring at her plate once again while her hands fidgeted unseen in her lap.

But there was food sitting right in front of her. And she was staring at it. Her stomach started rumbling once again, and another wave of embarrassment rolled right through her. She was making a scene. She could tell that much. Might as well try to eat something. Maybe that'll help calm her down. So she dug right in, the first mouthful right where Harriet had played her little prank.

*chew chew chew*

That was where she added the hot sauce, right?

*chew chew... chew... ...*

Yup, definitely the right spot. As Rin slowed her eyes started to water, and after a bit she simply swallowed what she had and looked like she was ready to break down and cry. In a search for relief she grabbed whatever was nearby to drink, and that just happened to be Micra's juice that had been placed on the table. A glass was poured, and after taking a full swig Rin's eyes immediately bugged out of her head. Her lips puckered enough to make her mouth look like nothing more than a small opening that only a straw could get through, so it would probably be a surprise to see how going for another drink. Even if it was 'a little tart' it helped with the god-awful burn she was facing. "It's a little hot..."

With her comment done she would probably surprise everyone again by returning to eating. Even if it looked like her tongue was about to melt out of her mouth Rin was never one to refuse a meal. But that didn't mean she wouldn't try to alleviate that a bit. From that point on she only took small bites nowhere near as large as the first to prevent herself from turning her tongue into ash. Of course that wouldn't be needed any longer, but she wasn't going to take that chance.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

With the oportune arrival of the last three maids, Micra decide to just heard how a normal human talk should be and also attemp to make her mistress focus on others topics, it looks the sight of all were now on the young Rin.

The pink haired android notice how the maid was close to fall on the little trap prepared some time ago, she was close to advise her, but then her mistress could get pissed with her by not let her do even do that little joke.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Ah, the other half of the dynamic duo," Harriet said as Sammy and Cammy walked in. She eyed the alien. "'Punishment?' I take it you didn't get yourselves hurt or break any of my crap, then? Had fun putting your stuff away and... what did you guys say when you left? 'Snooping'?"

Rin's reaction caught Harriet's attention, but she seemed uninterested in finding out the story behind it at present. Conversely, she seemed very keen on seeing how Rin liked her food.

Once the firestorm in her mouth died down, Rin felt the Mistress' eyes boring into her. A glance over confirmed it; Harriet was watching her, and watching her intently. Both her elbows were propped up on the table, and her chin propped up on her palms. Her grin grew when Rin made herself a glass of the juice - and her eyebrows shot up and stayed there when she continued eating.

After a while, she gave Rin a bemused look, took her wine glass and offered it to the little maid. "...Why don't you try drinking something else?" she suggested - dryly. How long would that girl keep going?

"I didn't think it was that spicy..." Domonic interjected, standing up from his seat. "Thank won't help, Harriet," he said. "Hold on, Rin. I'll get you a nice, cold glass of milk." Once he was through the kitchen door and out of earshot, Harriet couldn't stop grumbling. Rin's sudden reappearance seemed to have diverted Domonic's attention - incredibly convenient for Rosarita to avoid having to explain her incendiary tendencies. To talk about it to someone might help her deal with it - and, out of all the people in the mansion, he seemed like the best choice. So, perhaps, one day. But, not now.

Fuck, did I forget anything? Kinda strugglin' with writer's block for this thread, is my excuse, if I did.


S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 23; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30
F 6; S 0/30


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Um, uh, snooping? No, we were just looking around. Oh, though we did bump into the doctor before finding a bedroom for myself," A lie, though Sammy is unsure whether Harriet will believe it. Though Sammy's attention is quickly drawn to Rin as the food begins to burn the tiny maids mouth, a curious look comes over the aliens face as Rin reacts to the hotness, her eyes shooting from Rin's plate to her mouth as the small maid very slowly ate her food.

"Wow, what was that about? Spicy? What's that?" Sammy turns to look at Domonic, intrigued by what he meant though frowns as the butler gets up to get Rin a more appropriate drink. Frowning as the man left before answering her question Sammy decides that perhaps it would be best if she tried it first hand, and without waiting for anyone else to jump in to answer her question Sammy grabs her fork and begins shovelling her food into her mouth.

"Wow, so this is spicy?" Sammy says after a few minutes of eating, clearly not the same reaction that Rin gave. "It's... Kinda like cookies, isn't it? Well, not hard and crunchy... but a similar kind of taste..." The young alien's words slowly become more calm and peaceful, her face begins to flush slightly, steadily growing redder as the minutes go on while her breathing becomes heavier. "This spicy... it feels really good, doesn't it?"


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

With the Mistress's attention bearing solely on the short girl Rin started to feel a bit uncomfortable. It didn't stop her from eating, the food was pretty good despite all that spiciness, but she couldn't stop herself from starting to fidget nervously while she ate. In fact it looked like she was starting to sink into her seat with every mouthful, and if things kept up like this she would eventually be eating on the floor.

But once the wine glass was pushed her way the little maid suddenly shot up into her seat. "No no no!" That vehement refusal was accompanied by a quick glance over in Mae's direction. "Rin isn't old enough!" The girl looked like she as about to have a small panic attack. And if Harriet has said anything like "Go ahead, I won't mind," then she would have been trapped. To refuse because she didn't want Harriet to get in trouble for giving alcohol to a minor was one thing. But to refuse just because she didn't want to was another. A personal excuse would not be enough to refuse a Master or Mistress's request, not unless it would greatly affect a maid's ability to serve. If Harriet gave the go ahead Rin would have taken it as a direct order.

But when Domonic rose to fetch a glass of milk Rin looked absolutely thrilled. He saved her! She knew it because Harriet was left grumbling and focused elsewhere and Rin wouldn't have to try alcohol for the first time in her life! A look of relief came over the girl as she dodged that bullet, but it soon gave way to her rather own curious expression as Sammy asked about spiciness. She doesn't know what spicy is? That couldn't be right...could it? Could someone really live that sheltered a life?

That was answered when the woman started digging in. Rin had opened her mouth to give her coworker a warning, but she was already too late. Sammy had already shoveled a large mouthful, and to the girl's surprise she looked to be rather resilient to the burn. The comments that followed seemed a bit outlandish, but Rin didn't give it too much thought as she watched Sammy eat that liquid fire without a care in the... No wait, it was starting to get to her. That flush could only mean that the spice was starting to kick in, and the heavy breathing meant her tongue was starting to burn. In a few more seconds it would probably get to be too much, though Rin was still surprised to see that Sammy was still enjoying the food. But she didn't want the woman's tongue to end up a burnt-out husk that wouldn't feel anything for a week, so once Domonic returned with that glass Rin accepted it and passed it to Sammy immediately. "In case it gets too hot, okay?"


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Hot?" Sammy looks at Rin, her face beginning to flush an even deeper red. "T-this isn't hot at all... It's... It's quite pleasant actually." Sammy then falls silent for a moment, her eyes glazing over.

"Uh... M-mistress Harriet? May I, may I be excused please?" Sammy suddenly says after a few minutes of silence, though before she can get a reply the alien maid quickly flees from the table, calling out an apology before shooting out of the dining hall.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Oh no you don't!" Harriet responds, jumping up and catching Sammy by the back of her apron before she could flee. "You got here not even that long ago and you've already spent more time just running about than anything else! Siddown!"

A dangerously pleasant heat was growing in Sammy's loins, but the glare the Mistress prevented her from fleeing. She was cordial enough to her when the alien arrived, but she seemed annoyed now. Surely, she hadn't already gotten on her bad side?

From there on in, Harriet's attention was focused on her, instead. Her new friend Rin was probably relieved - wilting as she had been under Harriet's scrutiny - but, well, now it was on her instead. To make things worse, her food was still sitting there in front of her... and even if she didn't continue eating herself, Harriet soon poured another glass out and offered it to her. "A drink, to go with your food?" Ooh. The bottle said it was a really old vint...

"Oh. And, speaking of which, Rin... you know, there's some law here in Iowa that let's your 'guardian' give you booze as long as you're at home. I'm your boss - that's like a guardian, right?"

Before the little maid could fret too much, though, Harriet shrugged. "But, whatever. More for me," she said as she took another sip. "Besides, I'm not old enough either." she mumbled.

Domonic took his seat once more once, he turned to Rosa again. Conveniently, he seemed not to want to touch the subject of Rosa's hobbies again, and instead simply made smalltalk for the rest of dinner.

Soon, however, Sammy was rescued by Alivia, who brought in their dessert... a simple dish of just peaches with ice cream, on a pushcart - one served for each of them. "But wait!" she exclaimed! Taking a pitcher with a spout, she pulled out a long lighter... and lit it! Licks of blue fire danced from the pitcher - and when she poured, it was as if she just poured flames.

· · · — — — · · ·

Once dinner was finally over, Sammy's arousal - whether or not she had exacerbated it with more of the strange spicy food - was raging. As long as she kept herself seated at the table, she was safe... but the meal was over...

"Well, I'm ready for a nice dip in the hot spring, how about you guys?" Regardless of their answer, she continued. "I'd like to talk to have a little talk with Sammy, so if you don't mind, could the rest of you clear the table? Feel free to go on in without me - there's a locker room you guys can put your clothes in through the worker's rec room - oughta have towels and bathrobes and stuff, too. It's on the left!" Ominous. For her, anyway.

Once taken the dishes in to be washed, Harriet looked at the alien and gave a little chuckle. "C'mon," was the only thing she said, before she grabbed her by the hand and pulled her out of the room.

Getting through the dishes was a simple task. After that, Mae, Rin, Cammy, Rosa, and Micra were free to cap off their break with a relaxing bath in the steamy pool outside. But... wait, did the mistress expect them to go in naked? She'd only mentioned towels and bathrobes...

They could simply sneak up into the Mistress' room again and go through her closet. But if/when anyone went back into the dining room to ask her, she'd already have disappeared, along with the other maid, who was likely in trouble.

"So what the hell was all that about?" The mistress asked Sammy, pulling her through the halls. She was too focused on getting them to have noticed the condition of certain parts of her anatomy, though, but as soon as she stopped and turned around...

Apologies again. Sorta struggling. Hurr.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Trying to end her meal as she record a normal human talk between Harriet and the maids, Micra tried to remain silent to avoid any problem, but then Sammy react against the spicy food was not common and this make her get focussed on her until the Chef with the car dessert come. She get ready to help to serve to all if Alivia let her and then sit at her place ready to taste it, the pink maid doll cant avoid to lick her lips as she see the simple ice cream dish, but then Alivia stop them and create an interesting effect at the show than Micra decide to learn later, as this happen she remember the fire incident of before and this make Micra turn to Rosa as Alivia get ready to put on the blue fire close the maid.


Once Harriet end she decide than she want to enjoy a bath on the hot spring and invite them to take it too. The pink loli cant be more against this because they just had eat and she suppose than a bath in the night after end their job would be better. My mistress, can i still work for a while and take the bath in the night? There should be a lot of things than we must do today Micra suppose than after work for some hours she will eat the dinner and then she could have a private time with Harriet before take her bath. Of course than maybe she should also drink her blood ration before go to the hot springs. Ending this talk she will help to clean the table and wash the dishes.

I suppose than we are around the 3 pm. When you ussually have a brunch?

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

After a brief ordeal with Rin and Sammy and their spiked foods, Domonic returned back to his seat next to Rosa. From there, the conversation between them returned back to the pleasant realm of small talk, right where the glasses maid wanted it. Mentioning the hobby had left her slightly bothered, but it had been avoided for now. Maybe once she knew the butler better, there could be a discussion about the fire perversion she had in her mind...

The gloomy thought was forgotten soon though as a delightfully fiery dessert was brought to the table. Seeing and eating the flambed dish was a nice enough finish for the dinnertime.

A brief instruction was given to the group, leading into a routine dishwashing time. Rosa took it upon herself to clean Dom's dishes too, wanting to show her appriciation in a more practical way, no matter what he had to say on the matter. Afterwards, they were supposed to go and have a nice time at the hot spring. There was some uncertainty to what they were supposed to get, Harriet was likely aiming to get them in the spring naked. Or that much she was suggesting, having no mention about swimsuits or such in her instruction. This was hardly something that bothered Rosa though, who would get the towel and bathrobe after getting out from her barely covering uniform before putting on the bathrobe and heading towards the bathing area.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sammy makes a choking noise as her apron is grabbed, her mistress stopping the alien maid from fleeing before the pleasure grows too much for her. Defeated, Sammy sits back down on her chair as her face continues to flush a deeper shade of red, the alien maid can feel Harriet's eyes on her as Sammy looks down, an expression of embarrassment and ever growing lust on her face. Knowing her mistress is now watching her Sammy decides to finish her food, with each bite the burning desire within her young body continues to grow and eventually it becomes almost unbearable. The dessert and its spectacular display goes unnoticed by Sammy as she fights to control her urges, the young alien fidgets in her seat as she glances over at Rin, the scent of her new friend almost overwhelming though Sammy forces her attention to the flaming dessert. With much willpower Sammy begins to eat the dessert, her member continually throbbing serving as a reminder at what is threatening to take over the alien maid.

"Finally, I can get some peace!" Sammy thinks to herself as everyone finishes their meal and the dishes are being cleaned up, though as the alien attempts to sneak off without being spotted she stops suddenly as Harriet tells the other girls to go on without her as she'd like to speak with Sammy. Sammy walks in silence with Harriet as her mistress pulls her through the halls, though as Harriet confronts the alien maid she turns away from the woman, her eyes avoiding Harriet's.

"I, uh..." The alien stammers, unable to help herself Sammy's gaze falls on Harriet's body, and biting her lower lip Sammy lets out a soft moan. "I... my body, it's... I need..." With her lust slowly taking control of her Sammy finds it hard to put what is happening to her into words, and while she has an overwhelming urge to suddenly jump Harriet the young alien fights it due to her being Sammy's mistress. Unable to handle her conflicted desires Sammy does the best thing she can think of; without any warning the alien maid attempts to quickly flee from Harriet, hoping to lock herself in bedroom to get this urge out of the way.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Oh. No alcohol for me please, Ma'am. You know how I can get if I have too much. I'll be fine with just a glass of juice, or water or some sweet tea if we have any." she said as she would take her drink and finish eating her dinner. Upon seeing Sammys peculiar actions and speech Cammy would look over to the boyish maid nervously and worriedly, "Uh...... Miss Sammy are you okay? You know Mistress, if Miss Sammy is I'll or nit feeling maybe you had better have her see Nurse Emily? Try not to be hard on her, please?" she said before desert was brought out, she let out a small 'Ooooh' as Alivia set the ice cream alight with the small blue flames, "It looks yummy, Miss Alivia. But Yoi didn't have to do anything fancy for us. Could I have a small glass of milk for this please? I always like to drink milk with sweets." she said as she started in on her desert. Once they were finished with their meal and cleaning the dishes, Cammy was not really bothered with the suggestion of nude bathing as it only made sense, hiwever she did put in an inquiry, "Uhm, Mistress Harriet. We do have a separate bath for Mister Domonic as well right? You wouldnt have a man bath together with all of naked girls would you?" she asked rather shyly and nervously, before she would proceed to follow the troupe of maids to the hotspring.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae cleaned the table to the best of her ability but was a bit annoyed at the way the mistress had run off alone with the new girl, Sammy. As soon as the cleaning was finished, rather than head off to the hot springs, the angel went on a stealthy search for the mistress. After all, she reasoned, she WAS Harriet's guardian angel, so she OUGHT to know where Harriet was at all times. Couldn't let anything dangerous happen to her - which with Harriet's ability to disregard danger, this meant that Mae should be hovering around the mistress 24/7.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

With Sammy acting as she was Rin was quite glad to have the Mistress's attention focused elsewhere for a change. This let the short maid eat without any further scrutiny, and she did so with gusto. But her new friend's behavior was a bit of a concern. Something was definitely wrong, that much she could tell, but Sammy didn't look like she was suffering. So what was-

"Oh. And, speaking of which, Rin..."
"...Yes?" Something bad was gonna happen...

"...you know, there's some law here in Iowa that let's your 'guardian' give you booze as long as you're at home. I'm your boss - that's like a guardian, right?"
Oh god, there it was. Harriet had justification. It wouldn't be against the law, and Rin couldn't help but nod her head in agreement before looking at the wine glass with no small amount of anxiety.

"But, whatever. More for me."
Bullet two dodged! But that was just for now. Who knew when Harriet would pull out another bottle and tell the little maid to live a little. And then Rin would have to drink it. And then she'd be forced to drink more. And then she'd get drunk. And then she'd end up waking in a tub of ice with a whole in her side and the words 'GET TO A DOCTOR' written on the wall. IN HER OWN BLOOD.

Oh! Dessert! And with that Rin's fantasy of clandestine black market surgeries was laid to rest as Peaches and Cream Flambe was set alight.


With her little (yeah right) tummy full and her anxiety forgotten for the moment Rin let out a contented sigh and simply basked in an after-meal slump. Of course the dishes still needed to be gathered and cleaned, but right now being lazy sounded REALLY g-

"Well, I'm ready for a nice dip in the hot spring, how about you guys?"
Even better! A nice steamy bath sounded wonderful, and without any bit of prodding Rin was already up and gathering the dishes she could and taking them into the kitchen. She barely caught the instructions for the bath itself, and she completely ignored the part where Harriet said she wanted to speak in Sammy in private, and there was absolutely no way for her to hear Cammy's question about Mister Domonic getting his own bath. She was simply too focused on getting these dishes done and getting down to those changing rooms so she could finally relax. It's been a long day...


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Oh, don't worry about that, Micra. I need help with my hair, for one," Harriet said, flipping her hair over one shoulder. (not) Outstandingly, it had not changed - which was quite long. "If it were just me, I'm sure I'd be out there for hours, I bet. I sure wouldn't mind a little extra pampering either. Of course, if you'd rather leave me and spend your time dusting..." she said, her voice trailing off as she gave the little robot a pout. "...Oh, wait. You're not gonna short-circuit or anything, are you?" The Mistress asked the android, with a little look of realization.

There wasn't anything but the wine and the juice on the table, but Cammy had no trouble finding anything else she wanted to drink in the kitchen. When she told Alivia that she didn't need to do anything special for her, though, she waved it off. "Ohoho, don't be silly! It's my first time serving Miss Jones here, I can't be slacking off, can I? Besides, you think this is fancy? Just wait 'till you see what I can do when I'm not rushing!" Eager to please, she ran off and returned with a glass of milk for Cammy, at her request.

Upon broaching the subject of a bath for the sole male member of their little group, the man in question piped up. "There's no second bath," he said. "Well... excepting for the regular ones, in the bathrooms we have here in the house. You don't need to worry about me, though - I can hop in later, after you girls are done!" he said with a smile.

Domonic quickly got to his feet once everyone started to get up, taking the bulk of the dishes as he was wont to do. Separated from Harriet, he tried to check up on his little protegee, to make sure she was alright, after gulping down so much of that spicy food - but, focused on getting out into the steamy water of the spring as she was, she didn't seem to pay him any mind.

Rosarita's gesture earned her another smile from the man, though. "Thanks, Rosa. Mm... I'm sure I mentioned this already, but... if you need anything - someone to talk to, or some help - anything - you can always talk to me. You know that, right?" He gave her another smile, as well. Despite the way the air cooled around him and how freely they were given, his smiles were always warm.


When they re-entered the dining room and found Sammy gone along with the Mistress, it wasn't really that much of a shock. She had said she wanted to chat in private, after all... and judging by Harriet's reaction to the new girl's attempted flight, she might have just dragged her off somewhere to give her a real tongue lashing. ...Or, well, knowing Harriet, maybe even an actual lashing.

"I'm sure Sammy will be fine..." Domonic said... though, he didn't sound very sure of himself. "Uh... at any rate, let me show you where the lockers are," he continued.

He led them just down the hall to the worker's wing. Inside, they found Alivia - chatting loudly and animatedly to two other people dressed in jumpsuits like Alfonzo had had on. One was a short little lady with long hair, while the other seemed to be a Native American man with a plastic-framed pair of glasses on. None of them seemed to really pay them any mind - too absorbed in... whatever Alivia was talking about. It seemed like it was about cheese. Whatever she was saying, there was a lot of it, too. She digressing from a digression that she'd started when they came in when Domonic bowed and left. With a smile, of course.

At some point, they noticed their angel was missing. How do you just lose track of a celestial being like that?

Sammy didn't have too much trouble escaping from Mistress Harriet, whose grip wasn't very firm. She seemed to be heading towards her room - and, given Sammy's own room's proximity, she had practically locked herself in before Harriet could do a thing to stop her.

Mae easily found the young Mistress. After all, she was making quite a racket, shouting and pounding on a door.

"HEY! Dammit, Sammy, get outta there and gimme an explanation, right now!" A pause, and a tug on the door handle - but, locked as it was, it didn't budge. A growl, and pursed lips.

"I HAVE keys you know!" the Mistress shouted from the other side. "Do I have to get 'em out, or are you gonna open the damn door? I'm warning you, I'm already a little irritated from that fucking thing with Rosa earlier! Sammy!"

Harriet was too into shouting at a door to have noticed the angel coming up the stairs. She didn't seem to be in danger presently... but, of course, that could always change in seconds. Who knows? Maybe she'd accidentally press the wrong button in her little computer thing, and one of those firefighter robots would pop out of the wall and run her over. She hadn't known about those things... what else did this house have to surprise her with?

At any rate, now that she had found Harriet, how Mae wished to proceed was up to her.

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 23; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30
F 6; S 0/30


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The answer from her mistress was something than Micra was not expecting, she stay hearing each word as she cant believe than she has been choiced to help Harriet in her bath. M-my apologizes my Mistress, i was just trying to help as much as i can. But i will leave all in order to serve and protect you Mistress... Of course than i will help you with your hair. The pink haired said before think about if she could have any problem getting inside the hotspring. After the way of how her skin was of a doll like color and her joins could be hard being noticed bellow the skin who was of a insulating special material, Micra have a strange problem with the bright Sun and the water bodies, for some reason she feel sick and weak after a time needing to drink blood or rest to recover herself. Doubt than my creator had bring me here without being able to resist the water, but just in case i will check it before you join us Micra smiled and bow to her Mistress before this leave, she follow the others and tried to change her clothes after say hi to the workers and smile to them. once with only the bathrobe she move to the hotspring and tried to get inside first before the others and if nothing bad happen after a quick moment she leave to dry herself with a towel and them dress herself with the bathrobe again, she then sit in a chair and wait for her mistress as she look to the others and the view of the sky.