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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

It took a moment for Sammy to realise she had felt something underneath the article as she hung it back up, and as the realisation dawned on her she turned back to the now hanging article one more.

With her face screwed up in concentration and failing to realise she was still holding onto Rin's hand Sammy takes down the article and removes it from the frame before scooping up the burnt up ID card. The alien looks at it for a few moments, the item as alien to her as she is to the world though noticing the doctors face, albeit when she was younger, on it Sammy assumes it to be some form of identification.

"Huh, you think that doctor was in the accident?" With the article and the doctors ID card Sammy easily puts the first of perhaps many clues together in what was quickly becoming the biggest mystery she had worked on. Excitement showed in the young woman's expression at the thought of discovering something the rest of the maids weren't privy to, and with that thought alone she turns to Rin once more an expectant look on her face.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Uhh, I'd really prefer..." Domonic started - but then thought the better of it, simply sighing and going over as he was told. He took up the spot next to Mae, leaving the angel in the middle of Harriet and Domonic, dressed in only his boxers and suitpants - which were currently still undone, even, waiting for his shirt to be tucked back in. He carried his clothes over with him, taking some time to fold them neatly, so they would still be crisp looking for when he'd finally be allowed to put them back on. Setting them aside, Domonic gave a little sigh and leaned back in his seat - but still looked far from relaxed.

"You apologize a lot, you know that?" Harriet said to the little robot kneeling in front of her, who was running her hands up and down the mistress's feet. The crimson maid felt them twitch every now any then.

snapping her laptop closed finally. Her eyes darted to the side - to Domonic - for a moment, before that dangerous grin spread itself across her face again.

It had only been a few moments, but suddenly the Mistress shook her feet out of Micra's hold. "That's good, thanks. Uh, have I ever mentioned that I'm ticklish?"

"Anyway, Dom's been working much harder than I have - he probably wants one too! Isn't that right? Of course it is," She finishes before Dom can even reply. Dom himself seemed to just ignore her, continuing to sit impassively.

"And you!" Harriet exclaimed, turning in her seat to lie down on the couch - resting her head on the armrest and poking the angel right under one boob with her knee, before draping it in her lap as well - both feet going right over to lie in Domonic's lap as well. "Shouldn't you be paying attention to someone else?" she asked her, the nearer leg raising up at the knee, the short skirt of Harriet's pale blue dress falling away as her leg lifted. By the end, she was essentially resting the bend of her knee on one of Mae's heavy breasts, the Mistress' pale leg leaning against her. Besides a great deal of thigh, anyone could look over and see that underneath her skirt, she was wearing a pair of white, rump-hugging... boyshorts.

Domonic, in particular, was staring straight ahead, ignoring Harriet's shameless display.

S 6/20
F 24; S 8/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 9; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6; S 6/30
F 6; S 0/30

Delicious footrub relieves 2 stress. I decree this to be so.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Basement?" There was a hint of anxiety in the short maid's voice, but she couldn't tell whether it was the thought of getting dragged down to the basement or the sudden realization that Sammy was latched onto hand. Maybe a bit of both. "The Mistress said she would be taking the maids down there tomorrow to show the family secret, so there's no-WAH!"

Sammy was proving to be quite the eager little investigator, and Rin found herself being dragged around like so much dead weight. But the woman was also proving to be quite the competent investigator, and after a bit of rummaging around Rin saw her pull out the burnt ID card. After a bit of struggling to get balanced the short girl had to crane her neck up and stand on her toes to get a better look at the thing, and once she did she realized what she saw. "Oh?" Then she remembered what she read in the article. "Oh..." When she finally realized that Doctor Liu probably was one of the people caught up in that explosion she suddenly felt awful. "Yeah, she probably was..."

Rin accomplished what she wanted in this little snooping mission, but what she learned was not what she expected. Emily was just a normal person who had lost nearly everything in a horrible accident. Even if that arm and leg were no longer human the rest of her still was...right? That was no reason to treat her like some freak. "Rin is done snooping. Did you want to go looking somewhere else?" It felt right to at least offer Sammy the chance to do what she wanted. Rin dragged her on this little excursion, so it only seemed fair to do the same.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"I am of course paying attention to your needs, Mistress Harriet," Mae said cooly as she remained impassive against the knee squishing into her sizable bust. "You've obviously wanted Domonic in a relaxed, undressed state for most of the day now. I was merely continuing to uphold your implied desire -- for your benefit entirely."

The angel then put a hand on the thigh being offered up to her and began to knead it.

"Perhaps you are wanting massage on other parts of your body? I am happy to oblige of course."

Mae turned towards Harriet and then tilted her head, looking at Harriet in the eyes before making an obvious detour of a glance up her skirt. Returning back to looking Harriet in the eye, a hint of a smile crept across the angel's lips.

"Though really, this isn't the best position or spot for a proper, full body massage. It would be better if I had some privacy and more room to work, say, in the mistress' bedroom?"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Just what are they going for? Are they going to start sex right here in the common room? This is getting too weird for me..." Rosarita thought after following the events occurring near her. Deciding this was not something she should be looking at, the new maid picked herself off from couch. Not sure what to do, she began to exit the room. She would go to some random direction unless called by anyone in the room, in which case she would stop to listen what their deal with her was.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Harriet shook her head, rolling it side to side on the armrest, eyes closed. A "Tsk tsk tsk" came from her, as she clicked her tongue. "Oh, Mae. You might've got 'im out of his clothes, but he's definitely not relaxed," the silver-haired mistress countered. She pushed herself back up into a sitting position, and scooted over close enough to Mae that she was practically half sitting in her lap. She threw one arm around the angel's shoulders, her pale arm sitting underneath where her wings sprouted from her back, encircling her and coming to rest on her opposite arm. "You're ageless, right?" she asked, her free hand starting to trace a little circle on her stomach. "You of all people oughta know that some things take time... I'm sure getting Dom more comfortable around us in his various states of undress is one such thing."

The hand on her stomach moved to her hip, and crept upwards. "He reached his milestone today - getting naked and changing in front of us - I think that's a pretty good first step...." she said, her voice getting breathier and more like a whisper as she continued. She was leaning in, drawing closer and closer to Mae's face, and when she was just inches from her, she spoke again -

"...Don't you?" A pause. "And don't forget... you said we'd have plenty of time... after lunch... didn't you?"

A particularly high-pitched squeal from one of the Queen's Blade girls on the TV penetrated their moment. "Arrgh! What are you watching, anyway? Here--" Harriet snapped open her purse and pulled out a little remote, which she pointed at the TV and flipped through the channels until she saw something she liked - stopping on another anime channel. A maid with her hair in twin braids was in whatever show that was, too, giving the viewer a curtsey. Seemed pretty normal - up until a dozen or so grenades fell out of her skirt, and the building went up in a fireball.

"There. Now where were we...?" Harriet mumbled. Caressing Mae's cheek, she resumed her whispers - now so close that she was essentially speaking right into Mae's ear. "You know, even when I consider that you never shrunk from me... it's surprising how aggressive you are, especially when nothing's happened of it until today."

At this, she turned Mae's head, and gazed into her eyes - their lips were barely a centimeter apart, Mae could feel the Mistress' breath on her lips. "It's not bad, though, I think... in fact... I think..." Mae felt Harriet's lips brush against her with the barest of contact...

...And then she pulled away. "I think you should kiss and make up with Dom." She said, plainly, adopting a blank pokerface the instant she'd done so. What the heck? She'd just told her to stop that! But, on the other hand, Harriet's lips were still right there, and she had called her aggressive...

Domonic, meanwhile, had moved his interlaced palms over his mouth, in case she did try it. He was even still trying to ignore her harassment - quite the trooper.

Rosarita, in the meanwhile, took a left from the TV-room, ending up in a huge, lavishly decorated room, devoid of any furniture cluttering up the floor. A door in the middle led out to the front entrance, but more interestingly, there was a fireplace, right in the middle of the wall opposite the door to the main entrance. It wasnt lit, currently... it looked so cold and lonely. She knew she could find some firewood in the storage rooms in the back of the mansion - and some accelerants, too... Maybe she could even throw of the bombs from her suitcase into the mix, too! That'd definitely get it going. Though, it might be a little much.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Hrm... I guess we could wait until after the official showing to snoop around the basement, we'd at least know the layout then... though..." Sammy thinks for a moment, there's a mystery to be solved, one that perhaps the good doctor or Harriet wouldn't be so willing to talk about and Sammy is eager to get to the bottom of it. "I guess it can wait until later. I still need to claim a room, AND it looks like I've got some catching up to do if I want to win the mistress' favour. I bet you lot have been doing all kinds of things with mistress Harriet." Sammy pouts, determined to show Harriet that she's worthy as a maid, and more if the mistress willed it. "Guess I should get my room for now, wanna come?" The offer was more of a request as Sammy doesn't know her way around the mansion yet. "Though, what should we do with this?" The alien asks as she holds up the scorched ID card. Sammy releases Rin's hand ready to collect her case once more.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

When asked about the ID card Rin already had an answer ready. "You should put it back. If she still keeps it then it must be important to her." Though the girl meant she didn't want to take anything of value from Emily there was also the fact that putting it back would help hide their tracks.

Once everything was back in its place Rin turned toward Sammy and took her by the hands once again... Only to stop once she realized her fellow maid was still lugging around her luggage. "All right, let's find you a room!" As she led the new girl toward the elevator she pointed out various rooms that she remembered. Once they were inside, however, she shifted the conversation elsewhere. "It's not like the maids had that much more time with the Mistress. They arrived before she did, and once she finally showed everyone had brunch. After that the hot springs in the back were cleaned, and at the same time Harriet had everyone dress up. Rin got to wear cat ears!" The short girl actually stopped and beamed at that little memory, and she stayed that way until the elevator opened. "And then you arrived!"

"And here you go! This room is Rin's room right there." A finger immediately went to the closest room anyone could have chosen. "Miss Micra's room is down there somewhere..." Rin tried her best to remember where everyone else was going to sleep, but having one's head face down on the carpet tends to make one not notice as much. But she did remember one important spot, and she led Sammy and her luggage to the largest bedroom on the floor. "This is Mistress Harriet's room! Her closet is huge, and she has far more clothes than she knows what to do with. She even had a swimsuit Rin could fit into!" At that point Rin nearly dragged Sammy back to the more standard rooms. "Mistress said a maid could take any of the normal rooms as long as it didn't look like anyone had claimed it. So which one do you want?"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Leaving the sex weirdos behind for now, Rosa picked a random direction to go after closing the door behind her. Behind the ran chosen door, there was a strangely empty room, though the fireplace was instantly on her mind as she saw it. Something needed to be done with the poor abandoned structure, no-one had shown it any love in a while. There would surely be a way to get it going, even though it was a hot day and all. Returning back to the hallway, she decided to get some firewood. But that would have to wait a bit, she would get a few bombs in case there was something weird happening. They might also serve as a way to start a fire. She always had the pocket torch to help things along, but additional stuff never hurt anyone.

After fetching her stuff, the glasses maid pocketed her custom explosives before heading towards the storage room to fetch some firewood and stuff. That fire had to be ignited, and she would see it through.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Understood, apologize words will be decresed to a minimun The pink loli maid said with a serious tone before made a bow to Harriet. She tried to continue her work maybe give others 2 minutes of massage, but it looks like Harriet was having tickles with each touch, so this mission get interrupted to avoid a disturbe in her mistress mood. Micra wonders if she should stay or go to look around and clean the house, but for some reason she was unable to take out her sight from Harriet and Mae, looks like both have a great connection, maybe based in more sex than love, yet still these afect proofs were making her feel something new, like when she get upset when she is not abble to pleasure her master/mistress needs, like if she has been taken to a side and this pain was getting intense until the point to turn to other side.

Soon, she turn toward Domonic, the man looks really altered and it looks like any touch could affect him more, so a massage was not allowed.

Micra get up of the floor and left the room after a quick bow to her Mistress, her weak body was a little slow even at her full speed, but soon she reach the kitchen, she was hard breathing and decide to take a moment before start to make a relaxing tea leaf for the buttler and maybe for her too, trying at all to dont distract the new chef.

[Go! skill!]
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

As Rin showed Sammy around the second floor, explaining how long they had been there and whose room was whose the young alien listened intently, memorising the location of the rooms each girl had chosen for themselves. As the small maid pointed out the mistress' room Sammy's face lit up. "Y-you've been in the mistress' room?" The young alien asked, surprise in her voice though internally she grew ever more jealous. "And even tried on her clothes?" At the thought of the girls trying on swimsuits the alien blushed slightly, a reddish orange tinge appearing on her yellow face. She'd probably have to give that a miss, Sammy thought to herself, knowing how her anatomy differed to human girls and how they'd all probably find it weird.

"I wonder..." Sammy muttered to herself once the tour was finally done with and Rin took her back to the empty rooms. Peering into a room close to Harriet's Sammy let out a cry of joy as she discovered the room nearest their mistress' was empty. "I think I've found my room!" Sammy lifted her suitcase up onto the bed and let out a sigh. Opening it Sammy got to work on unpacking and sorting all her belongings into their appropriate places. While the alien did that and if Rin went into the room she'd notice Sammy owned an assortment of clothing styles, including and perhaps quite oddly an assortment of men's boxers as well as shorts and a few other select men's clothing. And if the small maid was paying particular attention she'd notice that the majority of Sammy's male clothing range consisted mostly of bottom-worn clothes especially the type that allowed a lot of freedom and movement. The female clothing on the other hand consisted mostly of tops and what could be considered as privately worn undergarments or those that would only be viewed by select people. the young alien did have some swimming costumes, but again the majority of them seemed to be male oriented from the waist down with only a few sets that were completely female.

The jingling of glass bottles being hidden away signaled the end of Sammy's unpacking. "Phew, glad that's over with," The alien commented, a content sigh escaping her lips as she flopped down onto the bed and spread her arms out as she led back.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Unusually - for her time here at the mansion, anyway - nothing strange or perverted happened to Rosarita at all on her way to collect a few things from her room. Excepting, perhaps, that she was going up pick up a few explosives. Or that her clothing really didn't hide anything at all. But otherwise, completely normal, and quite chaste.

When she got to the store room - unusually large as everything else was, two loading docks at the opposite end of the room - she easily found some firewood stacked in a corner. Besides that, there it wasn't very hard to find some lighter fluid and charcoal - not usually used in a fireplace, but hey, maybe the mistress might want to roast some hotdogs? Dinner seemed like it was taking a while, after all.

There were a few cans of propane, off on the other side, as well, and some plastic gas cans, too... there were also a few red barrels scattered around the room. She didn't know what was in them, but it really felt like they were delightfully prone to detonation as well.

Before she could do anything, though, a man walked in from the door on the opposite side of the storage room, carrying a large bag of fertilizer. It was a cliche, but... he really was tall, dark, and handsome. He was wearing a pair of dark green coveralls, and had a wiry, muscled build. Dark brown hair stopped at his shoulders, a pair of sunglasses pushed up out of his eyes and resting on his head, and he sported a trimmed beard and mustache.

He looked surprised to see Rosarita there, and went to set the bag down near what looked like other gardening supplies. Then, he walked up to her - and gave her a very dramatic bow.

"¡Buenos tardes, señorita!" He said. In Spanish.

"Parece que vos necesita..." He continued, taking a sharp, also-dramatic gasp. "Ayuda." he finished, breathily. "¿Podria Alfonso," he said, motioning to himself, "ser de alguna utilidad, para una joven dama como usted?" He flashed her a smile, a twinkle in his eye.

It sounded like he was offering something... And whatever he was saying, it sounded... helpful, in tone.

Perhaps not quite as racy as the things that happened around the Mistress, but it was definitely weird. Far less comprehensible, as well.


A boisterous "Hellloooo!" greeted Micra as she entered the kitchen, and found Alivia flitting about, from bowl to pot to cutting board, stirring here, chopping there, looking like she was tending to at least five different things at once. She didn't seem to mind Micra's intrusion at all. "Sorry, sorry, but dinner isn't done just yet - ten minutes more, maybe fifteen, max!" she says, without breaking stride.

When Micra starts looking through the cupboards, Alivia asks if there's anything she can help with, but at the mention of tea, she laughs. "I suppose I can't help, then! Never drink the stuff, if I can help it!" It's not exactly true, though - at the very least, she finds a kettle somewhere, and puts on some water to heat.

Micra, however finds an oddly specific packet, tucked between the rosehip and oolong. The label was quite neatly handwritten:

A little pick-me-up for granddaughter-induced headaches and other assorted ailments

Evidently the Jones family's head was not oblivious of how much of a handful Harriet was.

Brewing a pot, she found it a light, but very fragrant tea.

Micra rolls a 4! With Skill 4, that's some fucking delicious tea.

S 6/20
F 24; S 8/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 9; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6; S 6/30
F 6; S 0/30
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"She kind of ordered everyone to wear a swimsuit while the hot springs were cleaned, and nobody had a chance to unpack." The answer to Sammy's question about the Mistress's clothes sparked a few thoughts in Rin's head, and once Sammy started settling in the shorter girl figured she should do the same. But before she left she noticed the rather distinct theme in the new girl's wardrobe. Was she actually a tomboy?

The clinking of bottles broke her out of that thought, and once she got a peak at all the alcohol that was being hidden away there was only one thing she could do. "Rin thinks she should go unpack as well. Bye!" She probably left a little more quickly than was necessary, but the short girl really didn't want to stick around and see where all that booze was being kept. Some people have secrets they want to keep, and Rin sure as hell didn't want to help expose them.

With her escape made the girl quickly retreated to her claimed room, and there she found her luggage sitting in the middle of the floor just as it was left. She immediately attacked it, and as her clothing was thrown into her closet anyone watching would notice that most everything she had was a dress of one kind or another, ranging from simple casual wear to a number of sun dresses to even a couple of racy affairs that look like they may never have been worn. There were a number of colors to be found, yellow, red, pink, and white, but the more she unpacked the more orange started to fill the scene, especially when her spare maid outfits were finally hung.

While she was unpacking Rin's thoughts turned toward Sammy. She seemed like a normal enough girl, even if she had a strange fascination with boy shorts. But all those bottles... Was she an alcoholic? Rin had to stop and think about that for a second. How could she deal with a booze hound? And how could a booze hound be so graceful? Rin thought the woman would be stumbling everywhere she went! No no no, maybe it's not like that. Maybe she just enjoys little sips now and then. And likes variety. And likes having a whole warehouse hidden in her room so she doesn't run out... And thinks vodka is the key to relaxing...

Maybe this was as bad as she thought this was...
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Surprised with all that differents things to do and with the speed of how she made them, Micra never expected to see a human move like that in a kitchen, of course than the little robot maid could think and move like that, but her weak limbs maybe could get damaged and she should then drink blood to get fully restored.

Oh thanks for your help, i really apreciate it, but i dont want to disturb your work. Its amazing how quick you move in the kitchen, do you were in a cooking countest ? Oh...sor... no nevermind, i will stay quiet here if you want silence Said the pink haired girl after remember than she must avoid the apologize words. She was at least glad to had found a so exquisite tea, no doubt than Domonic will get better after drink it, but she must hurry up or she will lost the chance, as the food would be ready soon, even when the buttler could drink it as he eat, he will get more relaxed if he drink it as he look the tv.

The maid like doll wait as the water reach the right temperature and then prepare it, giving it her personal touch in a way to make it as best as possible. Looks like all will taste really good, i will love to taste each of your dishes, maybe in our free time we could talk about something like cooking or anything more.

Well, i must leave now, see you soon
Micra said as she wave and place all the needed in a tray. Leaving the kitchen, she focused in dont let anything fall, moving through the building until return to where was the buttler and her mistress.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae just smiled as Domonic covered his mouth.

"Ah but Mistress, Domonic and I already quite pleased with one another's company."

She then took her hand and blew a kiss to Domonic, blowing it towards him with her perfectly pouted lips before turning her attentions back to Harriet.

"Now my lady, you shouldn't over stress Domonic you know. He does his utmost best for you, there are times when you really should let him go and do his butlering duties."

She looked around, noticing that save for Domonic, she and the Mistress were alone.

"Why perhaps you should let Domonic hang out in the kitchen with Micra and wait for his tea?"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Inside the shack, there was an array of various chemicals and materials that one could use for starting a fire. Even though there was a definate attraction these things offered to the newbie maid, she held back her desires to grab the stuff and start applying it to some random spot for fires. She was there just to pick up some wood for a nice, pleasant fireplace deal. It was probably for the best that she tried to fight her urges of immolation as much as possible.

The material selection had to wait a bit though, as a hispanic man soon entered the shack, carrying a bag of fertilizer with him. From a somewhat generalizing point of view, Rosarita thought of him as a gardener. After putting his bag down among all the other gardening things, he turned to the new maid. Unfortunately for her, his language was not familiar to the girl. The only things she could make out were the greeting and the introduction, identifying the rather dashing gardener as Alfonso. "Ummm, I don't understand. I'm just here for a bit of firewood and something to help the fire get started." she spoke out, augmenting the words with gestures towards the firewood. Maybe this person wanted to help her. If there was no reaction, she would just pick up the materials herself and take them upstairs.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sammy lay on the bed for a good while, enjoying the silence and the time to relax before getting finally sitting up and realising Rin had gone. "Rin?" With a confused look on her face and obviously not hearing the short maid say she was leaving Sammy calls out to the girl once before standing up. "...Rin?" The alien calls out once more as she steps out into the hall and when no answer came Sammy assumes she must have left to do something else.

Remembering what Rin had said earlier about the girls trying on Harriet's clothing, and with no guide and not knowing her way around the mansion yet Sammy decides to do a little 'investigating'. Making her way to Harriet's bedroom Sammy slowly opens the door, looks around the hall once to make sure no one is around and then slips in silently, closing the door behind her. The alien spots the impressive wardrobe as soon as she enters the room and heads straight to it. As Sammy opens the wardrobe up she lets out a gasp, surprised and impressed by the amount of clothing Harriet owns. Remembering what Rin had said about them trying on swim suits the alien reaches in and pulls out the first swim suit she can find, which turns out to be a rather plain white bikini though it did have frilly lacy bits around the bikini top. Sammy holds it up for a moment to admire it, the plainness overridden by the fact that it belongs to and therefore is worn by their mistress. The aliens face flushes red as she stares at it, picturing Harriet wearing it, posing seductively... beads of water running down her barely covered skin...

Sammy shakes those images from her head as she begins to feel a stirring, and putting the swim suit down for a moment she begins to remove her maid outfit and then her underwear. Stifling a giggle Sammy then proceeds to put the costume on, once done the alien admires herself in the mirror, the bikini bottoms failing spectacularly at hiding her growing erection.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Alfonzo starts speaking again - still in Spanish.

"Ah, tu no entiendes Español?" he says, holding a hand out to indicate that whatever he was saying was about Rosarita. "Eso esta bien, querida." He then indicated himself again, as he had when he'd introduced himself. "¡Yo no entiendo Ingles! ¡¿Acaso no somos trazos de la misma prenda?!"

He then burst into uproarious laughter.

"Ha ...¿ehh, leña?" He asked as he started to calm down, and noticed her pointing to the pile of firewood. He went over and took up an armload, and then looked back to her. "¿Claro, que mas mi escultural vision de soledad?"

Just then, from the garage, on the other side of the doors Alfonzo had come from, came someone squealing - in English!

"Aaahaa-haaoowww!! Gently, Em, please!"

"Oh, el es solo Richard - muy torpe, se apuñalo el mismo en la entrepierna. Dos veces. Pero eso no es un problema - Alfonso vale por cinco hombres, facilmente puedo hacer su parte," Alfonzo says, sounding quite boastful - though of what, Rosa is not quite sure.


Harriet grumbles, but then scoots over angel's lap and falls on Domonic in a hug, which pulls him out of his brooding - though he mostly just looks stunned the entire time. They stay like that awhile - Harriet's legs sprawled across the angel's lap - until at last, the lady of the house pushed herself up and looked the butler in the eye.

"I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble today, Domonic - with the whole Borat-kini thing, especially. To be honest, I was expecting it to be way more fun for you than it was... I tried to get them to dog-pile you out in the spring, I didn't think they would just browbeat you into the thing." Harriet gives Mae a pointed look.

"But Harriet... I didn't - I don't-"

"I know you're too much of a gentleman to say that getting buried under a bunch of pretty girls trying to get you naked sounds fun, but I also know you wouldn't hate it," she says matter-of-factly. "Dom, you know you mean a lot to me - if it weren't for you, both of us two would probably be six feet under or worse, right?" Harriet jabbed at Mae awkwardly, with a foot. "I wouldn't torment you - I'm just trying to pay you back."

Micra came in just in time to see Harriet give the butler a little peck on the cheek, and her still awkwardly draped over the other two on the couch.

Cammy was still doodling quietly - the TV, meanwhile, now featured a car weaving through backalleys, saying something about an .


A thought occurred to Sammy. Hadn't Rin said something about cat ears? What other kinds of toys did she have in here?

A few drawers and chests and other such containers took up some of the already-precious space in the Mistress' closet. There were probably all kinds of fun stuff in those. There were also all kinds of other clothes taking up space on the racks - a black dress with a short skirt caught the alien's eye, looking remarkably like a photo she'd seen of her, snapped during a company party. Further down on the rack, she spotted something else - most definitely not normal clothing, grouped with similar outlandish costumes - a strange affair in white, with black accents, blue plates arranged to look like abdominal muscles, and large gold hoops. There was a long blue wig that went with it, with some kind of giant visor-hairband, and a mismatched pair of tall, white, thighhigh ...


Meanwhile, Rin's stomach gave a sudden, quite audible growl. She was gettin' kinda hungry... maybe she should go and see if dinner was ready yet? She should probably go and see if Sammy wanted to join her... or if she was starting her happy hour a little early. She probably wouldn't do that, right? She'd just gotten here, after all - she wouldn't start her tenure drunk, would she? Probably not. Then again, it did look like she had enough alcohol packed away to bathe in.

S 6/20
F 24; S 8/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 9; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6; S 6/30
F 6; S 0/30
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

With her great skills, Micra managed to take the tea and even some cookies to where was her mistress and Domonic, giving quick steps to be in the place as faster possible, just then when her silky hand opened the door, her Vermillion eyes noticed her Mistress giving a sweet kiss to the butler, at her archives the doll maid had nothing what looks like this, it was very different than the deep tongue kisses from her creator and the ones who she had in the countless porn what the crazy scientific put on her database. This cause her to stay stare them for an instant, her face looks clueless and even she shrug her face to a side, suddenly her brain make her remember than the tea must be delivered now to have the correct temperature.

After recover her composure, the little maid like doll moved toward were was the butler, trying to dont get in front of the tv and making a little bow to him and Harriet, in this moment she would had ask an apologize, but she was trying to avoid to make her mistress happy. Miss Alivia said me than the lunch will be ready in 15 minutes more, her food looks delicious, no doubt than our Mistress will love to taste her succulent dishes.

Then show the tea to the butler and give it to him with a smile and using both hands I hope than our next job together could be a more normal one, please enjoy this delicious tea, as i put that swimwear in the laundry. Also, could we have a little talk alone after eat, i have something really important to ask to you mister Domonic Her tone was with shame at the last part as she turn her sight to other side, the white face of the maid even turn a little red as her left leg press on the other one.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Still, the man called Alfonso kept talking to Rosarita. Though he seemed open and happily honest about the things he said, there was something about his mannerisms that got the newbie maid on guard. Still, he did pick up some wood when she asked for it. It was a good sign.

When the random sound behind to doors reached her ears, the white-haired girl was set even further on guard. "That... is not something I want to know about..." she thought, grabbing a bottle of igniting liquid and some wood before making towards the exit with intentions of getting back to the fireplace room. These things were getting way over her head. Did they have sex with anyone here at the drop of a hat or something?