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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

B The power of flight compels you!
Re: Legend of Lynn

A1 as well I say, because if she wades into the sludge she'll just get caught up too.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Berry panics and lands on the opposite shore. She then holds out her broom for Lynn to grab on to. Lynn grabs tight onto the broom and Berry pulls her out.

"Ugh, this stuff is so gross," Lynn then tries to get to filthy sludge off her.

Meanwhile, a head pokes out slightly out of the muck, "Rats! So close."

Berry turns her head, thinking she heard something, by that point, the head had submerged back below the sludge, "Hey, Lynn, did you hear something?":

A. Yes.

B. No...

-1. Grab your belongings and climb out.

-2. Grab your belongings and fly out.

-3. Set up camp to rest from their ordeals.

C. Other.
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Re: Legend of Lynn

A2 "Yes! Let's get out of here before it mucks things up for use even more!"
Re: Legend of Lynn

A1. We seem to be getting punshed for flying here.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn groans and grabs her belongings as her and Berry start climbing out. Suddenly, from the sludge, they hear a cute, timid, girlish voice calling out to them, "H-Hey, w-wait!"

What should they do?:

A. Turn and discover the source.

B. Ignore and keep going.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A it must be a timid raper monstergirl than needs help, Lynn as a hero cant ignore her pleads
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. Because we have no actual reason to run like scared rabbits just yet.
Re: Legend of Lynn

"Huh? Who's there?"


Both of them turn around and see a gelatinous, girl made of sludge poking out from the small river of it.

"P-Please don't go... I rarely ever see people and I get very lonely down here by myself..."

Berry turns to the rather irritated-looking Lynn, obviously feeling sympathy for the poor little girl:

A. Stay with her for a few minutes.

B. Stay with her for a while.

C. Forget her and leave.

D. Other.