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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

A. We'll take the couch...unless Berry absolutely insists otherwise.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A Take the couch, and insist on keeping our distance away from Berry. In the morning, shower and masturbate.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn yawns slightly.

"Yeah, I am feeling pretty sleepy. I'll just sleep on pile of the cusions in the other room, okay?"

Berry's expression turns to that of an expression of sadness.

"Oh... Okay, I'll be in my room then. Good night~."

Berry slowly walks to her bedroom and closes the curtain behind her. Lynn shrugs and walks into the living room and plops down lazily onto cushiony, soft pillows and cushions. Lynn yawns again and gets comfortable on the pillows and cushions. Lynn starts to think to herself as she slowly drifted off to sleep. The first thought on her mind was the bloomers she was currently wearing; as embarrassing as she thought they looked on her, she hasn't ever felt such poofy, soft comfort on her loins ever before. The second thought that popped into her head was the comforting sound of the ocean waves crashing onto the shore outside. The rhythmic sound of the sea made relaxed her and reminded her of the start of of her adventure. Once Lynn finally fell asleep, she dreamed about everything she did on her adventure.

In the morning, Lynn wakes up with a pair of slender arms wrapped around her belly. Berry was cuddled up behind Lynn asleep, playfully nibbling on one of Lynn's pointy ears, her mouth drooling slightly.

What should Lynn do?:

A. Shake Berry off of her.

B. Lay there and let Berry wake up on her own.

C. Other.
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Re: Legend of Lynn

B+C. Lie there, quietly masturbating because Berry's gentle nibbling on our ear just feels too nice...
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn laid there awake on the cushions, blushing deeply as Berry nibbles on her very sensitive hylian ears. Lynn moans softly as Berry's saliva slowly trickled down her long pointy ears, her hot breath blowing in as they were nibbled on. As if Lynn's current predicament wasn't pleasurable enough, Berry starts to gently massage and rub Lynn's soft belly with her nimble fingers. Lynn was left in a state of pleasurable enthrallment from Berry's gentle stimulation, Lynn's genetalia moist with anticipation.

After several minutes of enthralling torment, Berry woke up and released Lynn's drool-covered ear giggling.

"I like your pointy ears. They're so cu~ute~."

Berry hugged Lynn close to her chest, softly nuzzling her face against Lynn's. Lynn blushes deeper as her face was nuzzled and her back was squeezed against Berry's small, tender bust.

What should Lynn do?:

A. Question as to why Berry is cuddled up with her.

B. Don't question it and...

-1. Get ready to take a bath.

-2. Get ready to do laundry.

-3. Ask what's for breakfast.

C. Other.
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Re: Legend of Lynn

*reads B2*

Heh-heh-heh~ :rolleyes:


A. Question the cuddling, but nicely.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. We slept on the couch for a reason.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. Just because Vote-Locks Suck
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn blushes and wiggles slightly in Berry's tender embrace.

"Um... Berry... Wh-why are you here...?"

"What do you mean? I live here silly~."

"No. I mean why are you sleeping next to me?"

"Oh... Well, I woke up in the middle of the night and heard you moaning and whining in your sleep, so I walked in to check on you and you were tossing and turning like you were having a nightmare. So I snuggled up with you and held you tightly as you slept, and you calmed right down."

Lynn blushes at how pure Berry's intentions were.

What should Lynn do now?:

A. Breakfast.

B. Laundry.

C. Bath.

D. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

D. "O-Oh... Then...t-thank you...Berry..." Lynn said, blushing before giving Berry a light kiss on the forehead before blushing even more and turning her head away, embarrassed.

Then A.
Re: Legend of Lynn

"O-Oh... Then...t-thank you...Berry..."

Lynn blushes before giving Berry a light kiss on the forehead before blushing even more and turning her head away, embarrassed. Berry blushes and turns her head away embarrassed as well. Lynn was uncomfortable about the feelings she was having for Berry right now, and quickly changes the subject to avoid an awkward conversation.

"Erm... I um... Wh-where can I take a bath?"

"Oh, um... let me go and grab you a towel first."

Berry gets up and grabs a towel from her room before returning.

"Okay, follow me."

Berry starts to lead Lynn out the front door of the treehouse. Lynn stopped before leaving the treehouse.

"WAIT! Where are we going?"

"Out to take a bath in the jetty of course."

"In our UNDERWEAR?!"

"Well, technically it's MY underwear, but yeah."

"B...but aren't you afraid anyone will see us?"

"No, these walls are tall and imposing on both sides, and nobody goes to the Black Tower ruins on the other side. Also, nobody is going to spy on us from the sea, unless a mermaid swims by, but those are just a myth."

What should Lynn do?:

A. Continue following Berry outside, reassured by Berry.

B. Have breakfast first.

C. Ask Berry about...

-1. The Black Tower Ruins.

-2. Mermaids.

D. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A + C1 & C2 (while bathing)
Re: Legend of Lynn

"Why doesn't anyone go to the Black Tower ruins?"

"Well, it's a rumor that the ruins of the Black Tower are haunted, but I don't think it's true."

"Oh, and what do you mean by mermaids?"

"Well, there are Labrynnian legends that tell of mermaids that inhabited the coastal waters of Labynna hundreds of years ago. But don't worry, it's just a legend."

"Oh, I guess I feel a bit more comfortable about going out in our underwear."

"Well, it's not like it matters, you're going to be naked out there when you're bathing anyway~."

Just as Lynn was about to walk out the door, she blushes from this realization and stands there deciding whether or not it was still such a good idea to take a bath.

"Would you feel better if I took a bath with you~?":

A. Yes.

B. No.