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Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Idian was bringing Demeter her plate as he came and sat down next to her, bringing her a dish holding a lightly cooked yellow egg in the shape of a pancake, and smelling of deliciousness. Idian was an expert cook, even with the most crude ingredients. For lack of talent in combat and wit, this seemed to make up for all of that. "No, nothing like that... And I'm sorry." he apologized. "I didn't think that Sofia thought of me that way... I mean, I... I suppose she didn't really hide it, but I didn't think..." he cleared his throat.

"We're going to a small village that is under the worship of the Pandemonium priests, the followers of Pandora, who believes that true happiness comes from acceptance of both sin and virtue. Despite their cult-like nature, they're very kind, and they get most of their recruits from people who are sad and depressed, and come there looking for bliss... All followers seemed like really relaxed people. Friendly." Idian claimed. "It's a good place to rest, I go there often on various ventures."

"Not a bad bunch, but Demeter may find em odd." Octavia added on to Idian's words, bringing her own plate as she sat next to the elf, leaning in to whisper. "They fancy orgies."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"Followers of Pandemonium?" Demeter mused aloud as she cut off a portion of her food. It was delicious, a fact that had ceased to surprise the elf after sampling Idian's cooking earlier. "Don't fret over it, I likely should have suspected something of the sort given the state of the world these days." Demeter racked her brain in silence for a moment as Idian spoke of the people that inhabited their destination, not yet making any opinion on their alleged views of her own but trying to remember what she could about Pandora and her followers. Octavia's interjection didn't interrupt her.... Until she leaned in and whispered her second bit, which caused Demeter to purse her lips and blush slightly. "Well, I've had to deal with people that don't share my beliefs before...." she muttered meekly, "Hopefully we can avoid any... Incidents."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"They say none can refuse their hospitality but those who prefer misery over comfort." Octavia followed up, leaning back from where she whispered to Demeter. "Well, as someone who met them first hand... I have to admit, they give rather impressive massages... And of course, they never rape anyone. Then again, I was dragged into an orgy because it's just... So hard to resist going along with the flow when you're around them. Even though I had sex with who knows how many people, I got to know them all, surprisingly enough, and they were all good people."

Idian hummed, "Is that why they've had such success...? Their strange, soothing magic?"

"Yeah," Octavia replied. "If course, if you're absolutely opposed, you just have to resist the temptations, and they are everywhere. The food, the beds... You'd have to live a stoic life in a town of pandemonium if you wanted to completely avoid the Dark Priests collecting energy from you, which is only a bad thing if you don't like recreational sex." She glanced at Demeter, as if pinning her with the title of one who dislikes sex simply for fun.

"Odd... I was never... In an orgy..." Idian blushed.

"Heh, you'd actually have to have the desire for it to begin with. Their religion is the venture for comfort and happiness, not shoving it in your face." Octavia informed him.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"Rape need not be violent in order to be rape. Coercion via magic is no less forced, and no less foul. In some ways, it's worse because it gives the impression that the victim wanted it. You might be fine with that, but I am not particularly enamored with being manipulated, regardless of any allegations of innocent intent. I do not think that this rest stop will be a particularly long one." She glanced at Idian following his embarrassed proclamation, "Then it shouldn't be difficult to continue avoiding them. Good." With that, Demeter had said all that she was interested in saying on the subject unless either Octavia or Idian brought up anything else.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"Uh... I did say that the desire has to be there to begin with, but whatever." Octavia shrugged.

"It's not that bad, Demeter..." Idian said, making a gesture with his hands as if to calm her, while everyone went about cleaning up the camp and getting ready to move. "If I had to relate what they're like... They're about just as pushy as you were when we first met!" he announced. "And you didn't rape me, alright? The one girl I met was content with the little energy she got from giving me a shoulder massage, so I agree with Octavia... They'd never rape anyone, not even in that sense." He said, as he put his gear on his back.

"Bugger it, Idian." Octavia said. "Demeter's just worried you'll end up with one of the priests. Let her sit outside while we get the comfort~" Octavia laughed.

With a sad expression, Idian looked to Demeter. "If you're really that worried... I'll stay with you, alright?" he inquired.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"I could honestly say that a part of me desires to see you dead at my feet, Octavia" Demeter stated coldly as a smile played over her face. "If their magics pushed me to pursue that urge, would that somehow excuse their part in it? Sex that one doesn't consciously choose to have is rape, regardless of circumstance." She eyed the witch for a moment before again glancing at Idian, her own supplies having never left her presence, as she had had none when she left. "I don't suspect that this conversation will matter, to be honest. I am truly unworried. I merely argue semantics. Are we prepared to depart yet?"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"T-that's... Really dark, Demeter..." Idian said nervously, him being the one shaken by what she said, rather than Octavia herself at her own topic of death.

"As long as you don't apply those semantics to how you react to the Dark Priestesses, then there won't be a problem." Octavia said. "Otherwise, they will defend themselves against any lunatic who would accuse and attack them for 'rape'. Other than that, everyone's had their fill of food, so yes, we're ready to go." she nodded.

Continuing along their journey, they spent the others days similar to that one. Octavia and Idian would sometimes talk about the experiences they had with the priestesses, and Octavia would laugh at how many times they were coming onto the oblivious Idian, and how their attempts merely bounced off of his thick skull. Idian tried to make a point that they were just being friendly, but Octavia said that friendly women do not shed some clothes to give a massage. "They were clearly trying to tempt you." she said.

Idian was the first to leave that day, leading everyone on as he was offended by Octavia. Traveling along, they arrived finally at the town, in a serene looking area between the clear plains and the wet swamps, allowing for a pleasant, cool, wet breeze, and a scenic background to take in the sight of a cozy little town, the happiest Demeter had seen so far. The buildings were well taken care of. If she saw a spot of moss, there was either a smiling woman wearing a dark nun's outfit cleaning it, or a happy townsman, a normal human, doing the cleaning. If Demeter saw a couple, it was often a man with a priestess, but she at least saw one normal man and woman walking together.

The town, despite it's happy appearances, looked fairly gothic in it's design. In the center of the town was a large church, it's walls black, with the symbol of the order, a cross, turned upside down at it's front. They clearly held no respect for the order, and showed that by showing affection in public, kissing each other, fondling each other, and by enjoying in such luxurious foods as cheese during the day, which Demeter would have heard could get someone kicked out of the town for neglecting one's duty to enjoy such a food.

There was a smithy behind the church somewhat, but still in view of Demeter and the rest. The owner had not weapons in his store, but rather he was making everyday things. He made chains, and metalic plates that priestesses would come, collect, and use to replace on their church, displaying how sturdy the church actually was. The design of the church seemed so that people could rush in easily, and be quickly sealed from the inside. If Demeter asked, Octavia would reveal that they did that because they just might be attacked, and the church would be a good location to run into and hide within. "Only Baphomet could break into there easily." Octavia said.

Everyone was talking to each other, there were no strangers, or enemies. Even when two people, one carrying a basket of apples, and the other a jar of water, rounded a corner and bumped into one another, they both apologized, and the one carrying the water began taking up the other man's apples while the man who had been carrying the water ran off, announcing that he'd get a new clay jar, and fetch some water for him. While such a society seemed unlikely, and only having happened to appear before Demeter's eyes as it was, Demeter would find a large contribution to everyone's lack of hostility being the magical aura that was being released from the church. It seeped into Idian, Octavia, and her coven, as well as everyone else within the town, as Demeter's traveling companions all seemed to lose the tension in their bodies.

"Ah~ I don't know how they do it, but it feels good." Octavia said with a smile.

"Such a pleasant feeling, right Demeter?" Idian asked, looking over to her.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"Oh don't be so frightened!" Demeter said brightly to Idian, "It's not like I'm actually going to act on those urges! I'm not a psychopath!" To Octavia, she simply said; "I doubt that there will be any trouble, as I said my argument was largely rhetorical. If I have a genuine problem with it, I'll try to leave long before I resort to violence."

And then they were off, and Demeter allowed the next few days to pass by in relative silence on her part. She listened to the stories that Octavia and Idian told of on their journey without much comment, listening but preferring to see things for herself and form her own opinion rather than simply adopting their opinion as her own. A few of them, particularly the one that had Idian storming off ahead of them, gave her tiny bits of amusement here and there, but then she had go off of after him and try to comfort him, making it more annoyance than it was worth. Despite her encounter with Sofia, Demeter found herself acquiring no further interest in Octavia the more she got to know her, and decided eventually that it had been entirely the work of the succubus magic inherent in all of the things that she'd been exposed to that had made her so vulnerable to the woman. She kept her promise to Idian and wore the dress for him on their first night, and likely had sex with him if he displayed any interest in such, but afterwards found herself growing slightly distant and opted to remain on watch for most of the night for the rest of their journey.

When they arrived at the amusingly idyllic village with its almost comically gothic architecture, Demeter saw how clean it was, and the assorted couples walking about happily, and was initially at ease. The people seemed nice enough, and peaceful enough, and while she could care less about their public displays of affection or luxury, she supposed that there wasn't any harm in such. The elf didn't exactly hold a lot of respect for the Order's rules herself, after all. When she felt the magical aura of the town, however, rather than be put at ease, she was immediately on edge about it. Benign as it was, the very idea of it discomforted her greatly, and she immediately started trying to find a way to keep it from affecting her. As such, Demeter didn't get the same experience, though she did put up a decent facade of it.

"Oh yes, it's quite nice here!" she said smoothly, "So, where are we going first? We're here to relax, aren't we?" Despite her cheery front, Demeter held no such feelings for the atmosphere of this place. The soporific aura emanating from the church at the center of town, despite its effects, was more frightening to her than any roaring monster might have been.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"Well... The only pressing issue is clearing your name with the Order..." Idian said, clueless as ever, without realizing such was impossible. "And the other matter can wait, so I guess we can take a break!" he said with a smile.

"I'm going to get a... Sensual massage. Later~" Octavia waved the two of them off, while her coven spread out to take in the town, acting like tourists.

"Guess it's just you and me now, huh?" Idian said to Demeter with a smile. "Wanna go eat together? The chef who works here is really good!"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter waved Octavia off, having let Idian's concern pass by without comment on her part. She knew it was a bit of a pipe dream on his part, but actually telling him that wouldn't exactly get them anywhere. "It seems so!" Demeter replied, a hint of amusement in her voice that was no less forced than what she'd had before, as she continued to resist the magical effects of this place. "Sure! That sounds good," she replied gamely at his suggestion, not having anything better to do herself.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

And so they went to a restaurant, where Idian ordered food and invited Demeter to do the same. Their menu was vast, and offered seemingly anything one could want. However, due to Demeter's new way of survival, she was full on Idian's spirit. "It's so nice to have someone else cook for once!" Idian said happily, before the waitress came, a woman with elven ears like Demeter, wearing a black dress with brown hair and a mystical aura around her.

"Welcome, masters." she said with a calming smile. "How may I please you today?" she inquired. Though, after a moment, she inspected Idian for a moment, before smiling wider. "Idian! What a pleasant surprise. I see you've made a beautiful girlfriend." she said, nodding respectfully to Demeter.

Idian nodded. "Yes! Her name is Demeter. Demeter," he gestured at the woman. "This is Yola. She's another priest of pandemonium who works here."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, lovely Demeter. But I dare say, you have an aura of tension around you." she noticed Demeter refusing the town's magic.

Idian laughed nervously. "S-she's just nervous~! Don't worry, Demeter isn't dangerous." he assured her.

Yola hummed. "It must be strange to see such magics about a town. Ah, but it really helps keep everyone at ease. Anyway, I'm sure you'd like to eat. What shall I get you?" she asked with a smile.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter, despite not feeling particularly hungry due to having fed on Idian's energy several days ago and not needing to gift her energy to Octavia and her coven due to the peaceful nature of these lands, opted to order something simple that she was familiar with, a dish shared in both human and elven culture if one was on the menu. The new arrival drew Demeter's attention immediately, though such was largely by way of movement rather than any emotion on her part at the dark priestess's arrival. The compliment seemed to wash off of Demeter without touching her, as much an effect of her own lack of contact with society as it was a result of her concentration on warding off the town's magical influence.

Despite her casual distaste for this place, she continued to keep herself civil, and opened her mouth to introduce herself to this stranger who apparently knew Idian only to be beaten to the punch by her lover. Still, she offered the woman a nod of greeting, and when the opportunity to speak came up said; "Greetings Yola. Don't mind me, I'm harmless and don't plan to stay long anyway." After saying that, she'd give her order and wait until the woman was gone, at which point she'd look to Idian and offhandedly say; "Friend of yours then? Will we be meeting many such people along the way?"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"Greetings to you as well~ I'll be right back~" Yola replied, before departing from the table, leaving Demeter to ask her question of Idian, who at first smiled.

"Yeah, I have many fri-" he suddenly cut himself off, going silent as a look of worry appeared on his expression. "... Wait, are you... Jealous?" he wondered, before suddenly giving an announcement of surprise, taking Demeter's hands and holding them tight as he smiled. "I don't know why, but that makes me feel happy!" he cried out, leaning over the table to kiss Demeter in front of the other patrons, who suddenly applauded the scene Idian created.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter gave Yola another nod at her announcement of departure and then paid the woman no further heed, turning her full attention to Idian. His mid-sentence pause caused her to quirk an eyebrow, and when he asked if she was jealous she gave him a skeptical look and prepared to respond. The words didn't get past her lips before Idian's blocked them, however, and she blushed deeply as his sudden kiss stole the attention of the entire cafe, and took a moment to actively respond to the sudden kiss.

She was still blushing when he pulled back, and after glancing sideways at the people that had applauded the display of affection she quietly said; "No.... I was just curious!" She paused momentarily and considered his question after she'd spoken, however. The elf had never really had many.... Or even any real friends, not even when she'd been growing up among her own kind. It was a strange thought, but in the end she accepted the fact that she might actually be jealous of Idian for his easy-going nature and his numerous acquaintances.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

All was well, Demeter and Idian happily sitting together in the restaurant, before there was a sudden scream from outside. In a moment, Demeter felt the aura of calm become one of alert, as if to warn all those within it's grace that there was danger. "What...!?" Idian exclaimed, confounded as he looked out of the window he and Demeter were seated next to. Townsfolk were on the run, smoke rose in the distance, very recent, not even reaching it's peak yet. The Dark Priests were immediately on duty, intercepting the fleeing townspeople while encouraging them to hide in the church. Out of hearing distance, Demeter did not hear what the priest asked, only what her answer was from the terrified townswoman she stood in front of.

"Cardinal Sin!" she screamed. When she announced that, panic became absolute terror. Some townsfolk didn't even rush for the church, simply running opposite of where they thought the intimidating foe was coming from.

"A Cardinal Sin is attacking this place!? Now!?" Idian exclaimed. Looking over to Demeter, it was clear that he had every intention of protecting the village. "We... We have to help the priests!" he announced, before a rushed Octavia burst in, her eyes set on the two lovers.

"Hell no! Demeter, we need to scram, right now!" Octavia protested, her coven outside, looking just as terrified as the villagers. "We'll seriously be destroyed if we try to protect this little shit town!" she insisted, looking quite terrified.

Idian growled, shaking his head at Octavia while clenching his fists tight. "Demeter... We can't abandon everyone here... They're good people!" Idian tried to force his point, Idian and Octavia seeming to argue with one another before the ground seemed to quiver beneath their feet, and the yellow light from the sun's rays seemed to be swallowed up and transformed into a corrupt purple as dark, violet clouds in the sky began to take shape, and cover the area around the town. Demeter would know what this meant, she'd have been educated as such.

Truly a Cardinal Sin was marching for War. Every shadow covered under the corrupt clouds is her battlefield. Someone wished this town destroyed, so much that a Cardinal Sin was coming to see to it personally. As well, among the things she knew, Demeter would recall one stressed course of action to take from the teachings she received from her elven instructors, in the event of such an attack.

Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Refusing the influence of the town's magic as she was, Demeter was easily able to detect the sudden change in the relaxing magics, thus putting the elf even further on edge than she already was. The sudden shout of the words; "Cardinal Sin" caused the elf to gasp and stare in horror at the townsperson saying them, and for a moment she simply sat there as the town devolved into chaos. Idian's statement shook her out of her stupor, however, and her stomach sickened at the thought of acting on his demand.

The elf was hardly well versed on demonic lore, but she'd been taught one thing about the legendary cardinal sins at least, and that was that their might was above and beyond her own, and that the only option when faced with one was to run and hope that you weren't noticed. Octavia's statement as she burst into the room saved her the trouble of saying as much to Idian, but her lover looked ready to argue the point. For a moment Demeter stood there in indecision, but then as he opened his mouth to speak again she snapped; "We can't do anything for them!"

Pausing to steady herself, Demeter then quickly continued in a fast, obviously frightened voice; "We'll take whoever we can with us, but we're getting Bubbles and getting out of this town. Now. Either the church will hold out, or it won't, our presence in it wouldn't make even the slightest difference, and I for one would rather not get cornered in there." She glanced up at the ceiling at the sudden change in lighting, caused no doubt by the magic of a cardinal sin, and with a panicked look Demeter said; "Does anyone know where she went!? We need to leave.... Now!"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Idian clenched his fists, looking to so strongly want to refuse or argue with Demeter, before he looked out of the window and to the sky above. Whatever he saw, it seemed to make him agree with Demeter as he nodded, ready to flee. "I saw Bubbles go to the lake!" Octavia replied. "It's on the way! Let's go!"

With that, Octavia ran back out the way she came through the rear door, beckoning the others to follow. A loud explosion would boom, deafening Demeter's ears for a moment as splinters of a ruined building from the town shot forth everywhere from some terrible attack. Octavia didn't hesitate to make her way through the smoking ruins of the destroyed building, her witches not already with her coming and gathering to her in order to flee together. Then, just as Octavia promised, there was Bubbles by the lake. She was fully dressed (in her swimsuit), and she had a halberd in her fin with a shaft made of wood and a blade jagged, and yet sharp at the same time. Across from her was a far more intimidating foe, a sharp eared demon wearing full beige armor and equipped with a diabolical claymore, commonly known as a dullahan. She had long blond hair, and was complete with demonic purple eyes with a tan complexion of skin to complete her appearance.

The two were just seeming to get into combat, but before the two locked blades, the dullahan had a hat, which she was putting onto her head. It was a stylish straw hat often worn by those who rode on horseback who called themselves 'cowgirls'. Once she donned her hat, the dullahan grinned at sahuagin. "Bring out the ..." she announced, before lifting her off-hand, the one not holding the massive claymore with ease. "It's time to make TOAST!!!" she announced, before chucking a ball of explosive fire at Bubbles. The small sahuagin remained still, before she suddenly used her halberd like a bat, smacking the fire with the steel and sending the fire back at the dullahan.


That was all the dullahan had to say before she became the victim of a violent explosion of her own making. Amidst the smoke, bubbles turned, and saw her approaching allies, and decided to give a wave to Demeter.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter followed Octavia towards the lake without question, and there watched perhaps the oddest scene that she'd ever glimpsed between the sahuagin and some sort of demon knight in beige armor. Before she could intervene in the struggle, Demeter saw the fish-girl handily defeat the demon by simply batting her fire spell back at her, earning her some increased respect from the elf. Unfortunately, such wasn't the time for congratulations, and once it became clear that the dulluhan wasn't getting up, Demeter hurried over, grabbed Bubbles by the arm, and said; "We're leaving! Now!"

Dragging the sahuagin along, Demeter enacted her magic, wrapping her allies in her threads and providing a barrier that would hide them from sight and from the detection of those trying to sense them by magical means. It wasn't true invisibility - such was above and beyond her capabilities even at full strength, which she was nowhere near given that she'd been giving her energies to the witches and had abstained from sex with Idian for the past five days. What she could do, however, was make them appear as mundane as everyday objects, and even their movement in that state would be ignored by those around them unless they looked and concentrated for a moment, and the barrier would likewise deter any other magical threads from feeling any of them. She wouldn't be able to keep it up for long, but at that point she likely wouldn't have to, though she kept to her word and corralled any townsfolk she could into their group as well.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Taking Bubbles by her arm, and leading the smaller fish along, the group made their way about retreating from the dark clouds. Thanks to Demeter's magics, they bypassed a few stray demons scavenging about for villagers that slipped away, and a few demons that were already in the middle of the act, either raping a man, or holding an innocent woman down and piecing her flesh with her tail, pumping whatever demonic fluids that were within into the woman's body. It was far too hectic to really engage with any demons without running the great risk of attracting so much attention with their large group. A few fleeing villagers were abducted by the stealthed witches, who assisted with Demeter's spell to ensure it's success.

Eventually they made it a safe distance from the dark clouds, just as Demeter and the witches would find their energy reserves taxed with having to go to such lengths to remain hidden. The villagers they had taken with them were let go, and due to the sight of the witches, were happy to immediately flee from them. Tired and worn from the retreat and the peril that surrounded them having an impact on their minds, they all agreed without a single exchange of body language or words to rest, with Idian seeming the worst of all as he looked at the small town and the dark clouds over it with a sense of defeat on his face. Not only defeat either, but also regret. The decision to flee without helping them did not settle well with him.

But to support her decision was Octavia herself, even if Demeter didn't care for her opinion. The witch came forth and put her hand on Demeter's shoulder. "He'll get over it." the witch said. "In the meantime, what we just saw was a big attack on Pandemonium territory. I think we were the only ones to make it out as well... We ran away, but I feel like Pandora needs to know that a Cardinal Sin is attacking her lands. It's just a message, so it should be fine." she suggested.

Bubbles wrote on the ground and directed Demeter to read. "Pandorian people are good. I agree." she wrote. "We might even be able to meet Pandora herself. Exciting!!!" she hurriedly added, but her expression didn't look thrilled at all.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Exhausted both in mind and in spirit after their harrowing escape, Demeter let out a sigh as she released her magic and turned back to view the city. Even she'd felt an urge to intervene when she'd seen the victims of the demon attack, imagining Idian in the position of the men and shivering when she'd seen the women being infected by the demons, undoubtedly turned into more demons by the succubus magic. They had managed to rescue a few people, at least, but she didn't miss the displeased expression on Idian's face.

She was about to speak to comfort the man, but Octavia spoke up first, and she frowned initially before listening to the witch's words. "What do you mean, "it should be fine?" We weren't the only ones to get away, and it's not like she can blame us for running from that if we go and tell her that her lands are under siege!" She turned to Idian and frowned again, before walking up beside him and taking him by the hand, as much of a comforting gesture as the exhausted elf could offer at this point, but before she could speak to her lover her attention was drawn to Bubbles.

Initially she thought that the sahuagin was being sarcastic, but then her exhausted brain kicked in and she remembered that the lack of expression was simply how their kind were. Flashing her a brief smile, Demeter turned back to Idian and softly said; "We couldn't have done more than we did. If we'd staid to fight, we'd be just like the people we passed on the way out, and all of the people we managed to get out of the town would be right there alongside us." She'd never been a particularly affectionate person, and thus gave his hand a squeeze and released it rather than try for any deeper embrace. "We need to keep moving," she continued softly, "If we can get a message to Pandemonium, we will, but if we get caught up in the aftermath of this attack then more people will probably be attacked like this." That said, Demeter had no idea where to go from here, and thus was at something of a loss direction wise. She was hardly well traveled, and hadn't even seen a map in over fifty years, leaving her woefully unprepared where geography was concerned.