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Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Idian let out a sigh, he clearly was still worried, but he still felt the need to approach her, and put his hands on her shoulders firmly. "I trust you, Demeter. I just... I want everyone to end up happy with their situation. I think you do too," he said with a smile. "After all, you saved me from getting hurt back at the swamp. Please do the same for me again, although I know it's asking a lot from someone you only met recently... But I'm counting on you now, Demeter. Please help me dispel Sofia's suspicions on you." he asked her with a slight bow of his head to her.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

"Oh it's not asking much at all, really! I'm sure after a civil conversation Sofia and I will be good friends, and all of this tension will be dispelled. I'll come by when I'm finished with her to tell you how it went," when she'd finished speaking, Demeter took advantage of Idian's bowed head to leap up onto the tips of her toes and lightly press her lips against his. "I'll see you shortly," Demeter said, and unless Idian had more to say she would give him a reassuring smile before turning and heading down the hallway towards Sofia's rooms.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Idian smiled at her response, and gave her a small wave as she left. "I'll probably be asleep when you come back... But I'll be glad to hear the good news regardless!" he announced as she walked out. Demeter found herself not forced to walk far to reach Sofia's quarters, in fact, when she left Idian's room, and turned about, the archway that led to her tower was right there. She couldn't have put Idian's room closer unless she had him stay right in her own room. Walking up the large staircase was much more laborious now that she didn't have the aid of Bubble's bubbles, although it wasn't impossible. And once Demeter reached the top, before she could knock, she heard a reply.

"Come in," Sofia's voice called out. And should Demeter do so, she'd find the vampire sitting on a stool in front of a vanity window, brushing her long silver hair, and continuing to do so as she glanced at Demeter while seemingly prettying herself up for something, or someone. "What do you want?" she inquired.
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Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter sighed at the sight of the massive staircase, wondering if she ought to try replicating Bubble's magic. Normally she'd have been game for such a challenge, but with the fall leading to certain death should she not perform the magic properly and her own nervousness at the upcoming confrontation with Sofia led her to take the long way. She did her best to clear her mind on the long walk up, and knocked upon reaching Sofia's door.

The frosty welcome she'd been expecting, but the woman's preparations to meet someone were... Disconcerting. Demeter had a pretty good idea of exactly whom Sofia was preparing herself for. Briefly, she considered trying to be subtle about things, but then decided against it. There didn't seem like there was any chance of Sofia adopting a friendly attitude toward her, and there was little chance of Demeter suddenly finding the social graces to manipulate the woman. So, she settled on candor, but the elf did her best to keep the territorial hostility from her voice as she said; "Going to see Idian later I take it?" She waited for a response to that before going on; "That is the issue that I am here to discuss with you."
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

After hearing Demeter's first sentence, Sofia continued with her grooming, brushing the comb through her hair carefully. "Your presence does not surprise me in the least. Not here in this room or castle, but next to Idian." she stated. "A delicious soul, sweet blood, and the perfect personality for a dedicated lover. You must have felt quite blessed to have been graced with such a gift being close to you." she said with purpose, the mention of sweet blood carrying some meaning in her tone. "Only slightly do you surprise me with your actions. I expected you to try and flaunt yourself onto him, as if to show 'me' that you are claiming him... Ironic, as he already belongs to me, carrying the mark of my bite." she told Demeter flatly, revealing that she had already bitten him at some point long before this point. "But of course, you know better than to challenge a vampire lord over a single man." she stated, before tying the hair hanging past her shoulders up, and clipping it so that it hung like a thick ponytail.

In her red nightgown that revealed every intimate feature, even just barely revealing the very top of her areola over the tip of the nightgown in a lewd display, bringing attention to her large round breasts. She posed in front of the mirror, turning her shoulders and smiling, revealing a surprisingly cute side to her cold exterior, and winking as well. She seemed to be practicing her flirting.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

"I wouldn't know about the blood or the soul, but you're not wrong about that last part at all," Demeter replied evenly, putting her staff in front of her and leaning on it with both arms. She had her hood down of course, not needing it while indoors, so Sofia would have seen the bemused smile that Demeter wore had the woman bothered to look at her. "I never noticed the bite, so it must have healed without a trace. I certainly got closer enough that I probably would have noticed it, though I probably wouldn't have recognized it for what it was. Regardless, your mark is gone without a trace, and even were it present I could care less."

She quirked an eyebrow at the woman's posing, and rather than continue on with her earlier line of thought that might lead them to violence, Demeter instead said; "Really? That's the approach that you're going with? You think a low cut dress and a silly pose is going to win you Idian? Is all that you desire from him the fluids of his body, Sofia? Because that's all such childish displays will earn you, if you get even that much. Honestly, Sofia, knowing that you were going with this course of action would be disappointing if it didn't work in my favor; have you never courted a man before?"
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

"It was on his wrist, easily mistaken for another scar, so that his Order wouldn't punish him." she replied simply to Demeter's mention of the scar. Although at what Demeter had to say next, Sofia frowned, and turned to her with an angry expression. "Bark all you want to, dog." she spat at Demeter. "Unlike you, I'm thinking beyond just the blood and flesh. And for your constant hinting at your intimacy with him, you're lucky I don't have your head, you insolent hermit!" she announced.

She turned back to her vanity, powdering her cheeks to make her pale skin appear to blush. "Do you have anything more to say, pathetic creature? Do you wish to bark more in jealousy at the being superior to you? Just do yourself a favor and find another man to be your victim, as Idian's heart will never belong to a lecherous swamp creature." she said flatly. "A gentle man like him only desires the most doting and high class of women to be his wife." she said with a knowing smile.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter simply sighed at the numerous insults that Sofia railed against her. It was quite disappointing that a vampire and a countess reverted to such base ways, but she supposed that there was no helping it now. "Good evening, Sofia." Demeter said evenly, and then turned around and left without even listening to anything else that Sofia might have to say, going back to Idian's room and walking in without knocking.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Leaving without listening to Sofia, and going back down the stairs, Demeter tried the door to Idian's room, and found it slightly open a crack. Stepping right in, she found the room to be completely empty. The bed sheets on the bed were not made, showing signs that someone had been laying in them, but in any section of the room or rooms connected to it, there was absolutely no sign that anyone was present. Although, on the bed, a written note was present. It read, "I've taken him. If you want him returned, untouched, then hand over the royal jewels to me in the royal gardens," signed by Octavia.
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Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter quirked an eyebrow again as she found Idian's door open. Who had come to visit him if not Sofia or herself? Perhaps one of the servants had come to see to one of his needs? Demeter didn't doubt that Sofia would have ordered them to pamper Idian. Or perhaps Bubbles had beaten Sofia and herself to the punch while they'd been distracted with one another? That thought made her chuckle despite the horrible feeling that it left in her stomach, and it was on that note that Demeter opened the door the rest of the way and found the room beyond it empty. Idian was gone.

Seeing a note, Demeter moved to the bed and picked it up first, and after reading it she knew that searching the room would be a waste of time. Demeter read the note three more times, checking for anything that she'd missed and a part of her hoping that it was all some sort of joke. The fury that built in that short time left Demeter expressionless, and she gently folded the note and pocketed it.

Stepping out into the hall, Demeter then immediately shouted, "BUBBLES!!! COME HERE, NOW!" Her voice echoed through the cavernous halls of Sofia's castle-like home, its volume matched only by its sterness, and Demeter didn't doubt that Bubbles had heard her. Once the sahuagin had shown up, Demeter coldly said, "Idian has been taken. We're going to go and visit Sofia before we go to deal with whoever has done this. As far as I know, he has not yet been harmed." With that, she turned and stalked over to the way up to Sofia's chambers, inwardly cursing the arrogant vampire's stupid number of stairs as she made her way up them (even if Bubbles did her magic again.) Without bother to knock, Demeter calmly barged back into Sofia's chamber looking as though she were coming for a fight and said, "We don't have time for further disagreements."

She strode calmly toward Sofia, pulled out the note she'd found, and handed it to her. "Who and what is Octavia? And why would she want your jewels?"
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

When Demeter's voice shouted through the castle, it only took a moment before Bubbles came running out of her room, wet and naked, running through the hallways to address Demeter's scream. Although naked, she did seem to bring her primitive weapon. Upon hearing about the situation, Bubbles rose her weapon and grasped it with both of her fins in an aggressive gesture, ready to fight, and gesturing at Demeter to lead the way with haste before they made their way to Sofia's room, and lifted up via Bubble's bubbles.

Barging into Sofia's room looking as if she were ready to fight, Sofia returned the expression, preparing herself for an attack, before looking with surprise at the note. Taking it quickly, she read it, before immediately crumbling it in her hand angrily. "Octavia is a wretched outcast from the Black Sabbath. A foolish and cocky witch who has betrayed my hospitality for the last time. What she wants my jewels for is irrelevant, she shall not have them. She will die for her crimes against Idian, it is that simple. Although, why did you bring this to me, instead of going yourself?"

She shook her head, "Never mind, I don't need to know for now. You're clearly here to seek my aid in rescuing him, and you shall have it. Assist me in killing Octavia, and I will reconsider your credibility in a better light." she announced to Demeter, whether or not she cared, before leading the way quickly after taking her black royal cloak, and wrapping it around herself, appearing much like the vampiric countess that she was. "Follow me to the royal gardens, and do not dare think to double cross me, I still don't trust you."

"... And why is she naked?"
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter opened her mouth to reply to Sofia's words, but when the woman said that she didn't need to know for now Demeter closed it again. "Lead the way," Demeter said evenly after Sofia asked her to follow, and the elven witch did exactly that at her best possible speed. At the question regarding Bubble's nudity she quirked an eye and glanced at the Sahuagin, but knowing that the smaller mamono couldn't talk to answer that particular question lead Demeter to shrug and reply, "I'm not sure, she was probably taking a bath when I called to her. Sahuagin generally prefer to be in the water when the option's available."

As they moved with all due haste through Sofia's castle, Demeter decided that now was as good a time as any to reply to her earlier question whether or not Sofia wanted to hear it, "I came to you because I care for Idian, and rushing into a conflict with a foe that I know nothing about on my own would only serve to endanger him. We have a better chance of saving him if we work together, betraying you would be counterproductive to that cause." Demeter fell silent after that unless Sofia replied with something that required a response on her part, and briefly considered the vampire's description of this Octavia. Why would a witch want jewels? Surely there were easier ways to acquire riches for one able to perform magic than blackmailing a countess?

It didn't take long for Demeter to puzzle out a more plausible goal for Idian's kidnapper, "Octavia is probably attempting to lure you into a trap for some reason, probably for something nefarious. Who or what are the Black Sabbath, and why might they want to hurt you? It seems likely that they'll try to target you over Bubbles and I when the fighting starts. If you would allow it, I'd like to put something on you that might be able to provide you with some defense against magic since that seems like it'll be Octavia's primary form of attack."

Not stopping or slowing their march, Demeter held up her hand and concentrated for a moment, gathering threads of magic into the palm of her hand. Her working only took a few moments to complete, after which a small crystalline orb the size of a grape laid in Demeter's hand. Demeter explained what it did while offering it to Sofia, "This will make working magic more difficult in a small area around you so long as it's on your person. It won't prevent magic entirely, only make more complex spells more difficult as it grabs at stray threads and disrupts them, but that might be enough to give you an opening of some sort. In addition, if you crush it in your hand it should disable any magic around you completely for a few seconds. That includes your own workings, so be careful of when you use it. I know you don't trust me, but I'm going to tell you this anyway as a gesture of good faith; I can detonate it at any time with a moment's concentration, and will do so if I think it will aid you. I won't force it on you, and if your distrust of me is such that you would rather not carry it I understand your reasoning, but with Idian in danger I think it would be best to put our feelings toward one another aside as much as we can at the moment. If there is some other defense that you would prefer, and it is within my power to make it quickly, you need only explain to me what you require."
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Sofia narrowed her eyes at Demeter as she revealed why she came. "... I did not expect a creature that came to my castle from the swamps to be remotely trustworthy, yet all of your actions indicate otherwise. I have even overlooked Idian's safety while focusing on only you, allowing him to be stolen away. I feel like such a fool." she said suddenly. "I may have let my jealousy get the better of me. I didn't even bother to read your thoughts," she said to Demeter, revealing what she was doing that very moment. "Please accept my apology, but still realize that I hold Idian dear. I am normally not so rash in my decisions, but when it comes to Idian... The curse of the succubus takes hold and I cannot think rationally. And still, when I think of the current situation... My thoughts are nothing but desires for Octavia's destruction, if you hold the curse as well, you will understand the feeling."

Stepping closer, Bubbles swiftly took Sofia's hand as they made it out of the spiral staircase, and took Demeter's as well, before putting them together. At first looking repulsed at being touched by the naked sahuagin's fin, Sofia looked to Demeter with a flush, before pursing her lips. "... I'll... I'll even allow you to shake my hand, as a sign of friendship. I don't let just anyone touch my hand, so you should consider it a high honor!" she told Demeter with a returning haughty attitude, though seeming as if she was letting Demeter do something very intimate.

Nearing a large courtyard, Sofia held out her arm for Demeter and Bubbles to hold, before looking back to address Demeter. "Octavia is an exiled witch. She has no connections with the Sabbath. The Sabbath would only desire demons to rule the land, and an exile like her could only want to rule the land herself instead of submitting to a demon lord. Removing me from my position and taking over would be just what she would desire for that end." she replied to her first question. "Do not worry about me. I entrust the task of saving Idian from being her hostage to you. I will pull all of her attention towards myself. She is likely to not be alone, so you will have problems of your own to concern yourself with. Are we in agreeance?" she asked.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter narrowed her eyes right back as Sofia inadvertently revealed that she had just been reading her mind, but she didn't raise a fuss over it. Now wasn't the time. Raising an eyebrow as Bubbles grabbed her hand, Demeter then turned toward Sofia and nodded, shaking her hand as a sign of peace. "Apology accepted, and please accept mine for my earlier words."

When they were later stopped by Sofia, Demeter listened to her words and then nodded calmly. "Very well, I will ensure Idian's safety first. But once he is secure, I'll divert my efforts to eliminating Octavia's servants. I'm sure that you can anticipate most of what they're capable of, but be careful. Idian would never forgive me if I allowed you to be killed."
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

"Very good," Sofia nodded to Demeter when she accepted the vampire's plan, before pointing her finger down the hallway near the steps. "She is likely to know of your presence, but not your little friend's, as this creature has a marginally smaller presence than you or I," she indicates towards Bubbles, who taps her spear, as if to indicate she was annoyed. "Stay near me as you attempt to compress and make your soul appear insignificant as you both make your way down that hall," she lowers her arm once she told them the reason she held up her arm. "That path leads to the maid's quarters, and she just might assume you to be merely maids, and me alone. Also along that path is the ladder up to the clock tower, and a vantage point via a window which you are surely to see the entire courtyard, and more importantly, the location of Idian. Use these two locations to your advantage." she instructed the pair, before gesturing with her arm at them. "Move quickly!" she exclaimed, before turning, and heading down the stairs slowly, to give them time to get into position.

Following her command, Bubbles bolted first in front of Demeter, her fins slapping against the tile floor before she looked back to Demeter in mid run, and pointed up at the clocktower through one of the windows with her spear. By her gesture, she was telling Demeter that she would use the clock tower, while Demeter used the window Sofia mentioned, which Demeter had not found yet. There was still some obstruction in her way that prevented her from seeing clearly into the courtyard past the sheets that blocked the windows, and all but the silhouette of Demeter's form from any witch's view.

When Demeter rounded the corner, turning left to follow the windows, she found her promised vantage point near the end, where she saw Bubbles running up a set of stairs to ascend the ladder up the clock tower. From her vantage point, she could see half a dozen witches standing in a half-circle in front of the casually approaching vampire. Five witches wore simple red dresses and witch hats, while the sixth was a bit different in her style of clothing, even if it was still similar to the other witches.

As she sat in place upon a stone bench, while another witch next to her held a golden, glowing leash to magical rope that was bound around Idian who was sitting on the ground next to the witch, the lead witch was revealed to be her when Sofia called her name. "Octavia."

"Sofia! You came after all! I didn't think you were really so foolish as to risk your life for a mere human!" Octavia roared with laughter. "Ya think you know a gal... And then she does something crazy. You know what that's like now, right? I'm really sorry about betraying you, Sofia, I really am, but you see, between you and my new master, I'm far more frightened of her. And she gave the order to take over your wonderful little castle to begin her 'reconstruction' of the world. I'm not quite sure what she meant, but I don't really have much room to care when my life's on the line, you know?"

Sofia frowns, squinting her eyes at Octavia. "You were given orders?" she asked suspiciously.

"Yeah... I was fine where I was, honest! I'm not that ambitious. Appearances are deceiving! It's probably my green eyes, hehehe~!" she chuckled, and rose her hand as Sofia sought to speak. "I don't know who it was. She wore a black cloak and didn't smell like a demon... I'm not sure what she smelled like, but I saw this fall from her hood, and this was a month ago," she said as she lifted her hand, holding up a small white petal from quite possibly a white rose. "I didn't agree willingly to do what she asked, so please don't curse me. She literally made my life flash before my eyes. I'm the real victim here!" she announced.

"Anyway... You got the jewels? Hand em over." she demanded. "I don't need to say, 'hand over the jewels or your boyfriend gets it,' do I? That's terribly cliché."

"You'll be getting nothing from me, Octavia." Sofia announced defiantly. "No matter your situation, you are a danger to me and someone I care for. For that, you must be punished." she told the witch strictly, before the threads around Sofia, Octavia, and the witches began to prepare themselves for battle, ready to weave on a moment's notice.

"Maaan..." Octavia complained, adopting a miserable expression. "I don't wanna get my hands dirty after going through the trouble of leaving the coven... Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

(And right about now, I'd expect the to start, something I found that was oddly fitting, despite the song being used for robot battles, and not a witch battle.)
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Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter's stomach twisted into knot as Sofia made to move off, knowing that she could do nothing to help the woman if she got into trouble as Sofia had refused (offscreen apparently) the aid she offered. Keeping the stone on her just in case it came in handy, Demeter walked to where she'd been instructed to stand. She didn't pay attention to what Sofia and Octavia said, taking note only of the apparent leader of the group, as she knew that whatever they said was utterly irrelevant to her anyway. She had one concern, and one concern only, and that was seeing Idian safely removed from the fighting.

Knowing that any complex magic on her part would give away her position, Demeter started carefully altering the wind in the courtyard as Octavia and Sofia spoke. When the witches prepared for battle and began weaving, Demeter promptly caused the wind to lift some of the benches off of the ground and hurtle them at the casters, aiming in particular at the witch holding the chain that Idian was attached to. In addition, she caused a gust of wind to attempt to lift Idian off of the ground, hopefully ripping the chain from the witches hand.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

(Sofia refused Demeter's protection two posts back, and told her to worry about herself and saving Idian.)

(Also, complicated magic combat is complicated. Just writing this post was taxing on my brain, and explaining everything in greater detail would make my mind melt.)

Just as the fighting began, Demeter's wind caused the benches to be hurled at the witches. Lightning, fire, spiked roots, and sudden blades of metal hurled at Sofia from the witches before most were caught by surprise, three witches being knocked out cold and collapsing to the ground from the sudden attack, while the fourth threw herself to the ground and held her hand on her hat, and the fifth rose her hand, and weaved a counter wind to push at the hurling bench, causing it to drop harmlessly to the ground. The witch who stopped the bench with her magic was the one holding Idian's leash, tasked with defending the captive rather than attacking, and doing well at her task.

Meanwhile, Sofia's body seemed to vanish into shadow, moving swiftly through the courtyard like the creature of the night that she was as she dodged all of the projectiles thrown at her, before leaping to the head of a statue of a woman posing as if singing to a crowd, wearing only cloth over her body. Removing the shroud from herself, there were visible holes in her cloak, but her body remained unharmed. From there, she drew her sword, and covered it in flames, before leaping at Octavia. The green eyed witch rose her staff, and began to focus on fighting in melee with Sofia as she blocked Sofia's sword strikes. "Can't you... Understand... My situation!?" Octavia grunted as Sofia clearly outmatched her up close, which caused Octavia to quickly make an outburst of power, pushing them both away from each other.

"I do feel sorry for you, and I believe that the best mercy for you is a quick death." Sofia replied, before Octavia growled, and released a thunderstorm of lightning, attacking Sofia wildly with rapid strikes of bolts which Sofia dodged, paying attention to where Octavia directed her staff, quickly moving faster than the eye could see, and even raising her sword to catch a bolt of lightning, with Sofia herself unharmed, seemingly due to her grip, likely made of some material resistant to electricity.

Meanwhile, the pair of witches who survived through Demeter's attack focused on her while Octavia fought Sofia. The one who ducked under the bench rose her staff, and released a rapid moving yellow chain that was the same as the one holding Idian. Too quick to react to, it quickly wrapped around Demeter like a snake, constricting not only her body, but her magic as well. Once she was ensnared, the witch pushed herself up, barely holding to the likely struggling Demeter, just as a shadow appeared over her body.

"Above!" the witch holding Idian announced after she had countered Demeter's spells with her own control over wind. Saying this to the other witch, her cohort looked up, before Demeter would see Bubbles falling at high speeds from the clocktower above, and slamming right onto the witch's face, immediately locking her limbs around her and causing the witch to panic and as a result, release Demeter from her chains.

Seeing the situation turn for the worse, the witch holding Idian pointed her staff at his face, glaring at Demeter. "Don't." she warned Demeter, threatening to cast her magic and harm Idian the split second she saw Demeter even extend the smallest, single thread. Just as she said that, Demeter would see Idian let out a sigh, and curl himself up, before springing at the witch, slamming his head against her as she turned to look at him, and a moment after, flexing his arms, and breaking from the chains that held him with ease.

"I hope you'll forgive me for this, Demeter." he said up to the elf, while Bubbles was struggling with the flailing witch she was on top of, biting her and slapping her fins against the witch, before slamming her weapon against the witch's head, knocking her out cold.

Once the five witches were taken care of, and Idian was saved, they all heard a cry from Sofia as she fell on her back, holding her side with her hands from a wound Octavia had given her after having a clear shot at her due to Sofia being distracted from the witch earlier threatening to take his life. "Sorry," Octavia said with a voice of regret, before her staff charged with electrical power that would end Sofia's life within the next second.

They stood a fair way away from Demeter, and weaving at such a distance would not be enough to stop Octavia's magic. She would need to get closer very quickly so that her weaving would not be limited by distance, and in such a short time, her only choice would be to shield herself as she used her magic at the same time to block the line between Octavia and Sofia. She would likely still be wounded, but if done correctly, Neither she nor Sofia would die.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter would have smirked at the overall success of her attack had she not failed to accomplish her purpose in it, seeing the one holding Idian's chain still standing causing her to scowl. As such, she didn't notice the chain coming before it had wrapped around her, constricting her movement and holding her magic at bay. Growling under her breath, Demeter squirmed physically in a rather pathetic manner while her magic thrashed wildly like an enraged minotauress against the bonds holding it. She didn't have time to do more than nod to Bubbles as the sahuagin came to her rescue, instead turning on the one holding Idian, who turned upon him threateningly.

The standoff didn't last long, however, as Idian himself knocked the witch out and tore free of his chains. Before she could process his words, Demeter turned to see Sofia about to be killed, and grumbled something about arrogance as she launched a force blast behind herself, setting her staff on the edge of the window and using the blowback and polevault to launch herself bodily through the air toward the vampire and her executioner. Weaving as quickly as she could, Demeter attempted to put a shield up over herself and Sofia while she herself came down toward Octavia's left hand side, her staff hanging to the side and aimed at the witch's throat as her weight and the force of her flight was directed along its length. Demeter lacked the concentration to shield herself from the landing she was about to suffer through, but she did her best to roll with it when she landed.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Bringing her staff, Demeter struck the witch, as about the same time, the witch's magical blast altered it's course, and struck Demeter directly. The shocking power blasted through her shield, and ripped through her body. Demeter felt her whole body convulse in midair as she was blown back, and wet as veins across her body literally popped and tore open, leaving a bloody mess across where she fell, and herself, before she collapsed in a heap on the ground.

Though hurt from the staff, Octavia stood straight once again, only to finally met the end of her struggle as Idian rushed up from behind her without more than a slight sound, and gathered rock around his hand as similar to the technique, the very simple technique at that, which she saw before, and slammed it against the back of Octavia's head, knocking her out cold, and knocking her hat off for that matter, as she fell to the ground.

"Demeter!" Sofia was the first to cry out, picking herself up to move over to the badly wounded elf. "You crazed fool..." she shook her head, before lifting her wrist to her mouth, and biting her own wrist, and hovering it over Demeter's mouth. "You have to drink my blood if you want to live. My essence will allow you to heal rapidly enough to prevent yourself from bleeding to death." she instructed the elf on the ground, who was in so much pain that the mental art of weaving was all but impossible.

As Sofia did this, Idian joined the other side of Demeter as well, helping to hold her up while a look of panic filled his eyes, glancing at the vampire's wrist over her mouth, watching to see if Demeter would drink. "You can drink a little blood Demeter, come on! I don't want to lose you!" he exclaimed.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Agony lanced through Demeter as Octavia's attack turned toward her rather than Sofia, and as she tumbled backwards across the stone in a heap every blood vessel in her body seemed to burst, leaving a bloody stain across the ground and causing it to pool beneath her as she laid there. Vaguely, a part of her mind recognized that Octavia was still up, but for the dying elf that concern was secondary to the pain tearing through her body. She couldn't hear. Couldn't see. Couldn't even move. Try as she might, not even her magic would come to her call, the pain overwhelming her best attempts at concentration. She couldn't even find the breath to scream as she lay curled up on her side.

Demeter didn't hear a word of what Sofia or Idian said, but the added agony of being turned over and lifted at least allowed her to recognize that someone was touching her. Her entire body hung limply in Idian's grasp, her eyes unfocused and unseeing, but if a drop or two of Sofia's blood dribbled into her mouth along with her, they would be swallowed along with the rest, an act needed in order for her to keep her lungs from filling with blood as she drew each ragged breath.