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Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Sounds like a plan to me" Jenna replied, smiling as she pulled away from her father. She didn’t mind the idea of doing a bit of training after so long, especially if it was with her father and not her mother. She knew full well that she would need to prove her worth in battle to her new husband eventually, especially if she eased the hold the wedding magic had on him, so she would need to start training hard again… After her little talk was done with she began to make her way to the altar for the ceremony, and found Griffin in the midst of a large number of lizardgirls, all eager to challenge him. "Hey now" she shouted out as she walked calmly towards them, "that’s my husband, and he’ll not be taking any more challenges." She would make her way through the crowd to him and grab hold of one of his hands, squeezing it gently in hers.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The other lizard girls grumbled as Jenna came to collect her husband to be from them, ruining their last ditch efforts to claim him and rush off to the ceremony to take Jenna's place as his wife. Though clearly none looked interested in relenting, as there was no law against him marrying more than one, and technically, none for Jenna either. Strange circumstances have occurred where her kin have been seen with up to five different husbands.

"Despite being the ones who must be defeated, they can be awfully assertive about being 'defeated'." Griffin said, more than flustered from the experience.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The other lizardgirls seemed unhappy that Jenna had shown up, and they weren’t quick to disperse either. She was aware that polygamy was allowed, but she really wasn’t at all interested. She began to lead him by the hand towards the ceremony quickly, wanting to get him away from the crowd. "Well, it’s rare for a guy like you to be here and available. Everyone wants a good man, and they’re hard to find. Besides, it’s because you project strength. It’s pretty obvious from the way you carry yourself that you’d be able to beat them. Still, we’re almost done with this mess… I don’t intend for either of us to share."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Griffin let out a slight hum. "It's really flattering to be a man like me in this place..." he said thoughtfully, as a young lizard girl pulled on his shirt, laughing.

"Marry me! Marry me!" she asked, not knowing exactly what she was requesting. Then, all of that child's friends came, giggling and laughing, hugging him and kissing his hands, fawning over him simply because the first girl was doing the same. "Marry me! Marry me! Marry me!" they chanted, before an elder lizard came and shooed the children away, as they skipped away merrily, giggling and laughing.

The entire cave's inhabitants were gathering in the main area of the Great Hollow. A large audience was assembled while a single pathway was left for Jenna and Griffin, with Jenna's parents waiting at the end with the elder. "As this warrior's mother, I permit the marriage of my daughter Jenna to the powerful swordsman Griffin." Jenna's mother announced.

"We see and acknowledge your permission." the elder replied, looking just as youthful as Jenna's own mother, though her age was evident on her scales, a somewhat lighter color of green. "Jenna, step forward." she commanded the young lizard warrior. Once Jenna did so, and stood up on the stage, the elder looked at her dead in the eyes. "Announce the name of your husband, look to him, and beckon him to join you here, on this public alter, so that all may see the man who bested you in combat." she instructed her. "For the honor of the tribe, may you bear many of his strong children."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"I guess it would be" Jenna replied quietly, thinking about it as she tried to guide her husband to be towards the central gathering place. Children had gathered around them then, asking the Griffin to marry them in unison before an older woman made them leave. There was already quite a crowd in front of the altar, a path through the middle of them so that the couple could get through, and at the altar was an elder and Jenna’s parents. The ceremony began almost as soon as the two had come into sight, her mother announcing that she approved of the pairing. Jenna did as she was told by the elder, walking briskly up to the stage, and then when told to do so she turned around to look at the human. "Griffin" she said loudly so that all could hear, "please come forward."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Griffin, hearing her beckon, slowly came forth. His initial stride caused the entire female audience to turn and stare at him. Griffin kept his eyes forward but it was clear that being under such attention was something that distracted him, even though he seemed used to being looked upon by many. Perhaps it was the audience themselves that was bothering him, a large gathering of women there to see him have sex, who also desired him as their husband. Either way, Griffin stepped up to Jenna, taking a deep breath as he stepped up onto the altar.

"Before our entire clan," announced the lizard elder, "Lay your claim as wife to this warrior. Strip him of his cloth, and lay him upon the alter before you demonstrate to all, that he is your beloved."

The elder directed to a flat rectangular slab, large enough for Griffin to lay upon with Jenna, and would act as their 'bed' for the love making that was expected of them.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna watched her soon-to-be husband approach intently, paying little if any attention to the crowd around him. Her heart was pounding in her chest, this moment something she had always looked forward to and dreamed about as a child. The Griffin looked just about like a dream husband, too, and she was certain that her tribe were all jealous of her. Finally he was at the altar, and the elder told her that it was time to strip him naked and to lay with him on the altar. "Just pretend they aren’t here" she whispered to him as she leaned in to give him a quick kiss, and then began to pull off the shirt he had put on, "it’s just like back in our bed." When she had his shirt off she leaned in for another kiss, slowly unbuckling his pants and sliding them down as she kissed him, trying to make him comfortable while also expressing her love visibly and tangibly.

When Griffin was naked the lizardgirl gently took his hand and began to lead him to the altar, grinning at him with a sort of childish glee as they faced the cold slab. This was the stuff of girlhood dreams. Gently she nudged him in front of her and then laid him down on the slab on his back, hoping it wasn’t too cold. He was still limp, and she amused herself with the idea that he had stage fright. Still, she didn’t mind too much, and while she had felt it undignified even just a few days ago what she would have to do next seemed a lot less so now. Slowly Jenna bent over the altar and gripped the base of his cock, leaning to take the tip into her mouth. It was different somehow when you loved the one you were doing it for, she found. Sure it didn’t taste good, but did that really matter when making love to your husband? She didn’t take in much, but she began to work her tongue over it as best as she knew how, hoping to get him properly hard for her.

By the time Griffin was good and ready Jenna definitely was too. She had been ready ever since she had laid him on the altar. She climbed up onto it, crawling over him, still holding onto the base of his cock with one of her claws as she looked down at him… and slowly lined herself up with him before lowering down. Again the lizardgirl felt his newly enhanced member spreading her in an intensely pleasant way, and she cooed out her pleasure as she squatted down onto him. When he was hilted she would lean down over him to kiss and wrap her arms around him, beginning to slowly but steadily move her hips, wanting to make it last for the two of them. "I love you" she whispered breathlessly into his ear, pressing herself fully against him as she moved.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Griffin was the polar opposite of what he was always like, in that moment. As she took his hand and whispered to him, before leading him to the alter with childish glee, his expression was nervous, and his body was loose. He followed along with anxiety in every motion, his eyes looking about to the crowd despite her advice, and was further disturbed at how all of their eyes were on him. Griffin allowed himself to be disrobed, as it was tradition for the wife seeking the stronger husband's seed to disrobe him. His shirt coming off, and told that it would be just like in bed, Griffin seemed entirely skeptical. "Not even the strangest mushroom could make me fall under that illusion in a place like this..." he said, before allowing himself to kiss Jenna in return. Once his pants came off, Griffin Junior was just as shy, not even erect despite the attention and knowledge that sex was coming.

When Jenna finally did decide to give her attentions, Griffin would hold in a moan from her stimulation. He laid there, making as little noise as possible, likely to draw less attention than the mass that he was getting now. However, when Jenna's tongue and mouth stimulated him to full length, it didn't much matter how hard he tried to hide his presence, he was the center of attention with his massive rod. The lizards whispered, and it was all about the truth of the situation. They were already married, and it was Jenna who wanted him to have such a large cock. The fact made many giggle and others seem to approve of Jenna's desire. At that moment, Jenna was the number one target of envy.

When it was time, and he was ready, Griffin let out a moan of longing as his cock was shifted about while she climbed on top of him. The crowd was quiet as Jenna inserted it inside of herself, before embracing her husband in her arms. Griffin let out moans of passion as her tight folds moved along his cock. When she whispered, he whispered back. "And I love you..." he said, his hands moving to her hips to help and encourage her, while bucking his own hips up to meet her own.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna found it cute, the way her husband tried to stifle his noises as licked and sucked him hard. She could tell that he wanted to try not to call much attention to himself, but that was such an exercise in futility. Everyone was here to see them, to see him, and to watch the two of them have sex with each other. Just being quiet wasn’t going to change any of that. The crowd’s collective giggle when they saw the full length and girth of the Griffin’s cock brought a hot blush to her cheeks, as she was certain they knew that she had something to do with that. It was fairly embarrassing, but as long as they didn’t know about the incident with the orcs and put two and two together it wouldn’t be too bad. They were probably all jealous of her anyway, which was surprisingly nice for her.

The human couldn’t even come close to holding in his noises when Jenna sank down on his cock, though, and much to her pleasure she could practically feel the passion in his moaning. She zoned out when he began to meet her thrusts, tuning out the background noise and focusing only on the embrace of the man she loved. His encouragement spurred the lizardgirl to move her hips a bit faster, to hold him just a bit tighter and press her lips against his in a passionate kiss, muffling her moans as well as his. Like that she steadily increased her pace, unable to keep from moving faster and faster as she felt that perfect dick of his rubbing all the right spots inside her, filling her just the way she liked… Her tail began to thump the altar at the end of each downward thrust, gently at first but with increasing power the closer she got to orgasm, something she built towards fairly quickly. After only a few minutes she arched her back, crying out as her tail really slammed on the altar, signaling that she had reached her peak. As she squealed out her bliss her pussy gripped the Griffin’s cock tightly, trying to milk him of his cum in front of the assembled crowd…
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna would find herself with a much more capable partner on her second time with him. Griffin returned every ounce of her affection and then some. He searched out her body to find her pleasure points, rubbing her, trailing his fingers along her, and embracing her before she could even realize that she wanted to be embraced. She needn't ask for him to go faster or slow down, he moved as if he knew how to please her through and through. The more her desire built and her lust grew, Jenna would find that Griffin only pleased her more. The orc was nothing but a bad dream in light of how Griffin treated her most intimate part, and ten times the lover it would have ever been. Shame was gone from Griffin's face as he lusted for Jenna, plowing his cock into her folds as fast or slow as she desired, and moving his hips with great speed as she neared her quickly approaching climax.

His climax filled her as her own made her senses explode with pleasure. Jenna was completely filled, but not bloated like with the orc. It was managable and she could well endure it. There was no feeling of being powerless. Instead, Jenna would feel that unique sensation of truly becoming one with the beloved she rode upon.

Griffin went silent, as did the crowd around them. Griffin would give Jenna as much love and affection in the light of aftersex as she desired, while all of the lizard women around them would bow their head in respect to Jenna, now forced to recognize that she and her husband were bound by soul, with a thread indestructable by any blade. Unlike before, there was nothing they could do now. Jenna belonged to Griffin, and Griffin belonged to Jenna. With such a warrior of covet as her groom, Jenna could feel the envy from those around her, and the glory of having claimed such a husband. By all rights, a glorious statue will be made of her.

All that was left, was for Jenna to rise, as per tradition, and give her speech to her fellow sisters of the Great Hollow. She could say as much or as little as she desired, but her sisters did indeed desire something in the form of words from such a prestigious woman.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Whereas the Griffin had been fairly reluctant and meek the night before, now he was a much more active partner for Jenna, and it was much better as a result. Perhaps the magic had something to do with that as well, because he seemed to be able to read her mind and do just what she wanted without her needing to say a word. His hands roamed her body, rubbing and squeezing all the right spots, making her squirm slightly atop him. He moved against her with the perfect pace and power, holding her close to him, her tail thumping hard and loud against the altar as he brought her closer and closer. The look on his face was really nice, too… he didn’t seem ashamed anymore. Looking into his eyes the lizardgirl could really believe that he loved her. She couldn’t help but moan out loudly as the human plowed into her faster, harder, just as she desired it…

As Jenna came, so too did her husband, consecrating their union in front of the entire tribe. She was pleasantly full of his seed, a warm feeling spreading deep in her belly. It was an absolutely perfect sensation, the feeling of the two of them become one, and the whole of the area seemed to have gone utterly silent. The lizardgirl pressed her forehead gently against the Griffin’s, gazing lovingly into his eyes as she held him, her breathing still heavy. The two of them laid there on the altar for a while, cuddling in the afterglow of their lovemaking, before Jenna sensed that it was time for her to get up. She slowly disengaged from her husband, standing up off the altar and turning to face the assembled crowd, a slow dribble of cum running down her inner thighs. She could feel the envy for her practically oozing off them, which made her feel very proud in return. It was customary to speak in these occasions, but Jenna wasn’t too awful much of a speaker… still, she could say a few words.

"I haven’t been around lately" she started, "but that’s going to change. Now that I’ve had a little time to clear my mind and come back refreshed I look forward to getting reacquainted with you, and start my new life with my wonderful husband. I hope you’ll support us as we’ll support you. Thank you for coming out to our wedding." At the end she took the Griffin’s hand and bowed slightly to the audience, and then turned to give him another kiss.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

After giving her speech, the crowd immediately showed their jealousy. "You only came back to get married!" one shouted. "Yeah! You're not worthy of being married under our clan, and I heard you weren't even defeated properly!"

At that announcement, there was an outrage. Women shouted at Jenna, insulting her honor, calling her marriage a fraud.

"ENOUGH!" Griffin suddenly shouted out. "My capabilities stretch far beyond that of my wife's, and in fact, when I fought with her, I defeated both her and her small sister at the same time! So all you fools who dare degrade my wife with your annoying nonsense further, I will punish you appropriately! It will not be a battle to determine a warrior's worth, it will be a proper punishment to an unruly lizard! Do you have anything more to say now!?" he asked the entire cave.

It seemed as if they all wanted to jump him at once, but when it came to the aura around Griffin, it was like that of a most fearsome warrior. All those who spoke up were fresh and greenhorns to battle, and were like rabbits before a bear. They didn't like it, but they dared not step up to the man.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

As soon as Jenna had finished speaking the rest of her clan began to shout out in jealousy, yelling that she was unworthy of both living in the Great Hollow, and of her wedding, which they claimed was a sham. The rumor had apparently gone around that she hadn’t actually been defeated by her new husband… She hadn’t brought her sword, which was probably a good thing; she was steaming mad and ready to use it now that her clan was seemingly so eager to insult her honor. Before she could say anything, though, the Griffin spoke up for her, shouting angrily. The commanding way he shouted them down, the imposing aura he gave off… Damn he was awesome, and the lizardgirl could feel it getting her going all over again. Her critics seemed to shrink into the background then, clearly still quite unhappy, but wanting no part of a serious fight with her husband. She took a look around the crowd, to note who seemed to feel that way… they were almost entirely around her age, young and inexperienced, the older mamono seemingly much less upset about the situation. That made sense… the unattached clearly wanted the Griffin for their own husband. She reached over to gently wrap a claw around one of his hands and squeeze, his seed making a slim trail down her inner legs all the way to the ground by now. "If we’re done with the jealous outbursts" she said after a pause, "I believe the ceremony is over. Thank you all again for coming out to bear witness to our wedding."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

It was slow, but the crowd would heed Jenna and disperse out through the cave. Once the main hall was about as populated as it always was, Jenna's mother came forth and delivered a firm smack on her behind. "You call that love making?" she inquired. "Where's your ferocity!? Your zeal!? You humped like a feeble puss human!" she criticized her daughter.

Then, Griffin suddenly gripped Jenna's mothers shoulders. "I nearly died of shame on that altar. I am ready to kill everyone and everything in order to erase all memory of this event, so please do not push this issue."

Her mother merely stared at Griffin in shock.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The crowd slowly thinned out as Jenna watched, still holding her new husband’s hand for a while. She felt warm and good, happy about how things had happened… and then her mother came up and slapped her on the rump. She let out a shout and turned to face the woman while she shouted about the display they had just made, criticizing her lovemaking. That pissed the lizardgirl off, and she was about to say something right up until Griffin did. She nodded, agreeing with his sentiment, but also got in her own little bit. "How my husband and I choose to have sex is none of your business. I don’t pry into you dad, so don’t you start prying into my love life."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna's mother crossed her arms. "Which is a good plan as any, we do it much better than you anyway." She announced.

Then Griffin gripped her again. "STOP TALKING RIGHT NOW OR I WILL HAMMER YOU INTO THE GROUND WITH MY PHALLIC SLEDGEHAMMER!" he shouted, and caught the attention of everyone in the cave.

Jenna's mother stared at him for a moment, blushed, before pushing him away. "Your father will be waiting for you outside on the special spot." she announced, speaking of the hole higher up in the caves that led to a cliff straight down, and a fantastic view of the sunset to the west. "I'll be in our den,"

She walked off with that, while Griffin was still heaving a little from overstimulation.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna huffed and stuck her tongue out at her mother childishly when she claimed that she and her husband had much better sex than she had just witnessed. Again she didn’t get to say anything before the Griffin did, and he seemed to go nuts. He grabbed her mother’s shoulders and shouted at her to shut up, or else, which made everyone in the cave turn to stare at them. The lizardgirl watched her mom blush at the way he took control of the situation, and knew that she was turned on by her new son-in-law. She would have to watch out for that… Apparently her father was waiting to train her at the usual spot, so there was that to look forward to. "Honey, are you okay? Do you want to come watch me train, or is there something else you need to do? Maybe lie down…" she asked the Griffin, nothing the way he was still breathing heavily. He seemed really, really worked up still…
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Yes," Griffin looked to Jenna with an exhausted expression. "I would like to lie down, but not in that room. I'll sleep near where you're training. The sounds of combat calm me down." He revealed, before it seemed he was ready to follow her.

Whenever Jenna decided to go find her father at that point, she'd have to go up through the insides of the mountain and through the many upwards slopes in the cave, a trip that wore out many human loves, but Griffin endured the upwards venture just fine, hinting further at the intense training his body received, just as his desire to actually rest near sounds of conflict and physical struggle. The sounds of swords clashing and shouts of battle actually something calming for him. Where, on the other hand, quiet situations made him nervous. If Jenna asked, Griffin would answer, "As a knight, kunoichi attacks are like a horror story. No amount of masterful skill can protect a swordsman against a threat unseen, and the kunoichi love silence. So whenever it's quiet, I always fear that one is nearby." He revealed a bit of paranoia.

Then they would reach the western top of the Great Hollow, an opening in the side that allowed for a great view and a nice place to train in the open air, high in the atmosphere where oxygen was thin. It was a great location for getting one's body to become used to limited oxygen, thus assisting with stamina for battle. It was a place first favored by one of Jenna's greater ancestors as a place to hone her concentration. It did well to pay off, as a great statue was built in her honor.

Jenna's father was waiting there, who gave a sidelong glance at Griffin, who simply walked off to the side, near the edge of the cliff, and laid near a thousand foot drop down into treacherous mountains. Griffin seemed not at all bothered by this, and in fact, looked rather content. "... An odd fellow," Jenna's father commented. "Much like his father." He said with a face that seemed to respect the nostalgia.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna looked at her new husband like he was more than a little bit weird when he told her that he would sleep at the training ground because the sound of battle calmed him. If anything battle really got her blood pumping, she couldn’t imagine falling asleep in its vicinity. There was no sense delaying, so she quickly made her way to the mentioned spot, winding her way further and further up the hollow mountain. It was an arduous journey for most humans, but the Griffin didn’t seem to be bothered in the slightest. As they made the trip the lizardgirl idly asked "You like the sounds of fighting? I mean, it calms you down? " What he said sort of disturbed her a bit. Just how paranoid was this man? Was his paranoia justified? Human society was so strange…

By the time they reached the opening right at the very top of the western face of the Great Hollow Jenna was feeling pretty confident. While she had neglected her training in some ways, and her skill with the sword was lacking, she hadn’t neglected her body. She was in fine shape, as good as if not better than she ever had been before. This place was high up where the air was thin, meant to test and train one’s lungs and stamina, something she was sure she would have no trouble with. Her father was already there waiting for them… And the Griffin promptly walked away to lay down almost on the edge of the cliff, calming himself. How bizarre. The lizardgirl still wasn’t used to the idea that her dad was friends with her husband’s father. It was kind of odd. Still, she didn’t say anything about it. "I’m about ready, I think" she announced, tail thumping the ground once. "It’s been a long time, so I want to get into the swing of things."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Yeah. I was trained to have a calm mind when fighting so that no foe could break my focus. On the flipside, it made me nervous whenever I wasn't fighting or hearing battle." Griffin explained. "I'll be over here." He said, curling up along the cliff.

With that settled, and Jenna's father was about ready to begin sparring, it took only a moment before Griffin would announce, "Your stance is off." her husband declared. Jenna's father chuckled, before doing the honors of coming close to give clear instructions on where Jenna should put her legs and where she should hold her hands for the stance she was attempting to use. It was then that her father went about taking Jenna through the steps of elegant combat. Jenna was quite off indeed, as her father was making her fumble on almost every other testing attack with his blade. The amount of training she'd need was evident just in their practice session. Though none of the practice would truly touch on the fact that Jenna still had not learned the ways of magic that could imbue her sword with magical power. It was a tradition among lizardkin. Those who could obtain worthy skill, and could learn the ways of magic to enhance their sword and methods in battle, were strong enough to face any foe. Still, many lizardkin are ones to look at another kind of swordswomen in envy. The dullahan... Who only the greatest of lizardkin could dare hold a handle to. Their swordsmanship impeccable, and their magics as well immensely powerful. The elite of hell's army, and something of a dream for lizardkin to acquire. Of course, they only desire their power as warriors, not so much the fact that they are fallen servants of Hell. The dullahan of Hell were once great female warriors in their time who were beheaded for heresy. They go to Hell, where they seek vengeance on the ones who beheaded those mighty heroes.

Whatever road Jenna's dream would have her follow, likely there would be a dullahan along that road. It was a path to greatness, and there would be many foes she'd have to fight. Though perhaps it'd be awkward if she got so strong, that she could actually beat Griffin in a fight. Given how marriage is decided, many lizardkin would likely find it awkward.

She'd train throughout the day, and it would feel like at least she got the fundamentals of combat down again, so all she had to do was work on her reaction times rather than the state of her own body, and where her limbs were before a choice attack. "You'll need to talk to your mother about magic. You're long overdue young lady." her father chuckled.