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Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

Cause I assume the worse in everything. That just seems like the worse choice, also marshes are not known for being terribly safe places.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Gonna vote for C.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily struggled to push herself out of the sticky mud. After much struggling, she emerges from the thick, sticky banks, her face and entire front side covered in sticky, brown molasses. She gets up and looks around to get her bearings. Her gaze then turns to the vast expanse of marsh. Against her better judgement, she ventures out into it, struggling to make one step at a time. As she makes one step into the marsh, her foot sinking in half-thigh-deep into the sticky marsh, she struggled to pull her other foot that was stuck deep into the thick, sticky marsh.

After hours upon hours of very slow-paced mucking through the marsh, Emily bent over, her arms sinking into the marsh, completely exhausted. Suddenly, she notices the marsh starting to shift and bulge near her. A large mass of molasses emerged; it had great big eyes and a large mouth. Emily screamed, completely shocked at the sudden appearance of the large embodiment of molasses.

What should she do:

A. Attempt to flee.

B. Stay; it might be friendly.

C. Other.

D. Kick it in the groin.
Re: Candyland CYOA

A. It's in a marsh, nothing friendly is in a marsh.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

A, because even I'd run from THAT FUCKING THING!
Re: Candyland CYOA

A. Molasses Golems are rarely good news.
Re: Candyland CYOA

C. Yell "GREETINGS, MORTAL!!!" (Works every time.)
Re: Candyland CYOA

A! There is nothing nice in marshes.
Re: Candyland CYOA


It probably just wants to be loved.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Clock it in the head when it shows up above the march level, slam the back slap into the left of its head and prepare to snash invinicble teeth into its delicious eyebrows!
Re: Candyland CYOA

B. The more we learn about the inhabitants of this world, the better.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily attempts to flee, but the molasses sucks her arms and legs deeper into the marsh. She screams as the embodiment of molasses envelops her entire body. She feels all of her openings being spread wide open and massive amounts of hot fudge and bubbling molasses pouring into each of them. Emily's pussy was stretched to her limit her womb full to the brim with molasses and fudge. Fudge and molasses kept flooding into the helpless girl's mouth and anus, flooding her belly and bowels respectively. She heard and felt the licorice she was tied up in stretch and strain and eventually snap from the massive inflation of the girl's slender body. It eventually got to the point where a mixture of fudge and molasses flooded out of the girl's openings, fudge and molasses dripping and trickling down her body out of her mouth, pussy, and anus. Emily's body was swollen and looked like a giant malted milkball. Her mind started to fade as she drift into unconsciousness.

Emily woke up an unknown amount of time later in a different location in the marsh. She was sprawled out on a small island in the marsh, fudge and molasses slowly billowing out of her openings. Her skin was stained brown from being covered in fudge and molasses, and her pussy and anus were gaping and warped from the over-inflation. After her belly, bowels, and womb emptied out over the couse of several hours, Emily got up and got her bearings. In front of her, she saw a firm looking shoreline with a hill leading out of the marsh, behind her was a vast expanse of marsh.:

A. Go back into the marsh.

B. Go forward out of the marsh.

C. Other.
Re: Candyland CYOA

B.) Lets GTFO of the marsh before we become Fudge peoples slaves/dinner.
Re: Candyland CYOA

B. Out of the marsh. That's enough fudge for one encounter.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily pushes herself off of the sticky island she was sprawled out on, and weakly made her way through the small haze-covered expanse molasses and made her way to the shore. She crawled her way up the incline of firm chocolate ground covered in lush green sugar grass. She failed to notice the chocolate leeches attached to her breasts, suckling on her nipples. As she made it to the top of the hill, she collapse onto the ground face-first. She felt something peculiar, after doing so she looked down in shock to discover the leeches growing bigger as they filled up on her milk. She pulled them off with haste and cast them down the hill. Having being injected with the leeches' venom, her breasts kept pouring out milk, with out showing any sign of stopping. Emily needs help! Before her is a signpost; the sign pointing to the left is faded and unreadable. The sign pointing away from the marsh is labeled "Nougat Beach". The sign pointing to the right is labeled "The Town of Mint".

Where should she go:

A. Left towards ?.

B. Forward towards Nougat Beach.

C. Right towards Mint.

D. Back to the Molasses Marsh.