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Monsters Ravage the World!


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 26, 2010
Reputation score
I've written a game about plucky and determined heroines fighting for their freedom against depraved sex monsters. I thought maybe ulmf might appreciate it, so I'ma put it here.

The game:

This is a game for two players, one playing a young woman determined to escape the fate her opponent has in store for her, and one playing someone, or thing, trying to reduce her to helpless sex slavery in his/her/it's arms/tentacles.

The game is rock paper scissors, but with a lot of twists. Each round the player play a game of RPS, and the results determine how the struggle progresses. It's not as simple as just RPS though. The characters have three stats, which each affect one throw. If the girls stat is higher, the monster must win outright to get an effect (so the girl could defend from scissors with either rock OR scissors). If the stats are equal, or the monster is one or two points ahead, the monster wins on ties, so the girl can only defend scissors with rock. If the monster's is 3 or more points higher he also gets double effect - as if he had performed the chosen action twice. This is bad news for our heroine.


When the monster throws scissors, he attempts to strip the girl's clothing. This has the aim of getting her naked, at which point his other attacks are more effective, and when she is fully naked his scissors attacks become penetration attacks.

When the monster throws paper, he attempts to arouse the girl. There is a 6 round cycle of touch targets - Breasts, Breasts, Breasts, Pussy, Pussy, Ass. A successful touch attack does pleasure damage to the girl - 2 for breasts, 3 for pussy or ass. If the girl has more than her underwear left on the appropriate area, damage is reduced by 1.

When the monster throws stone, he attempts to restrain the girl, pinning her down, or capturing her in some way. This moves the girl one step on a scale of restraint:
Free - No effect
Held - Any touch attacks count as if the girl was naked, as the attacker can slip hands/psuedopods inside her clothes while she is held.
Captive - Any further successful restraining attacks render the girl so helpless that her attacker can choose any effect to apply to her for free, ignoring any other factor (so for instance he could touch up her pussy without worrying about the usual cycle of targets)

Whenever the girl wins a throw, she moves one step down the restraint scale.

Other basic rules:

Penetration: Once the girl is completely naked, a throw of scissors starts fucking her. This is according to the touch cycle, but with Mouth substitute for Breasts. This does normal touch damage, but also continues to do that damage every turn until the girl wins a throw. Only one penetration is possible at once without special powers.

Orgasms: If a girl reaches 10 pleasure, she can not prevent herself from cumming. The good news is this reduces her pleasure points by 10. The bad news is that it also reduces her stats by 1, making it ever easier for the monster to bend her to it's desires.

Winning: The monster wins if the girl cums for the 5th time - she has no resistance left, and is at her attacker's mercy until he is done with her.

The girl wins if she wins 15 throws outright (so even if her stat is higher, she needs to throw the proper counter) - she may choose whether she has wounded her attacker so badly that they must retreat, or whether she has hung on long enough for help to arrive.
Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Character Gen, Girls:

A picture is awesome, but your girl definitely needs a name and description.

You have 10 points to build your character

Girls have three stats:

Escape! Which counters attempts to restrain the girl
Resist! Which counters attempts to arouse her by touching
Toughness! Which represents how well her clothes resist ripping

These go from 0-5, and cost 1 point each.

They must at least wear lingerie, which is free (bra and panties). Extra clothing points protect from touching and penetration, and are bought separately for top and bottom halves. They cost 1pt for 2 clothing points. You need to describe the clothing, and it should be in line with the amount brought. Full plate armour is at least 5 points of clothing (and a high Toughness! score.)

Special powers available for girls, and their costs are:

-1 Photogenic - you provided a picture of your girl
-1 Bondage fetish - the girl takes 1 damage when she loses to a grab attack
-2 Sensitive breasts - the girl takes +1 damage from attacks targeting her breasts
-2 Sensitive pussy - the girl takes +2 damage from attacks targeting her pussy
-2 Sensitive ass - the girl takes +3 damage from attacks targeting her ass
-1 Large Breasts - you find it very difficult to defend your breasts from unwanted attentions, -2 Resist against breast attacks

+1 Desperation - If the girl is reduced to only wearing underwear or less, +2 to each stat.
+2 Fighter - If the girl wins with scissors she scores 2 points towards winning, not 1.
+3 Wise about monsters - You know the monster's stats before starting.
+2 Very Elusive - Your restraint scale has an extra rank, "Evading" which comes before "Free", so the monster must work harder to catch you.
+2 Willpower - It takes 12 pleasure points to make you come, and you lose 12 when you do.
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Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Character Gen, Monsters

Photos would be awesome, but a name and description are required!

You have 10 points to build a monster

You have three stats:


These go from 0-5, and cost 1 point each.

You have no need for clothing, because you are a sex fiend monster thing.

Special powers available for monsters, and their costs are:

-1 Catalogued - you provided a picture of your monster
-2 Notorious - all girls know your monster's stats before struggle.
-2 No penetration - Instead of a penetration attack, you do a normal touch attack, with no persistent effects.
-3 Weak - It takes only 10 wins for a girl to defeat you, not 15.

+1 Superphallus - Something about your cock is unnaturally awesome, it could be bumps, or a permanent arousing lube, or just plain size. When you are fucking a girl, she gains an additional +1 pleasure/turn
+1 Expert nipples - When you are touching a girls breasts, she takes an additional +1 damage
+2 Multiple penetration - You are able to penetrate multiple holes at once (if you try to penetrate one you are already in, due to the touch order, you skip down the list from mouth to pussy, pussy to ass, ass to mouth). The girl gains pleasure from all the penetrations at once.
+3 Immobilising - You can pin a human female so she can barely move at all. The restraint scale gains an extra entry above Captive, "Helpless". You still get the effect of gaining a level when at Captive (a free successful attack of any type), but the girl will now require more successes to break free of your grip on her.
+2 Psychic - You know the girl's stats before the fight

Combo Advantages:

Some monsters have powers that are difficult to use, but can be quite influential in a struggle. These powers cost points, and require a certain sequence of throws to activate - for instance you might need to throw rock twice in a row for the power to work. This would be "RR"

+3-Hypnosis: PP - When you complete this sequence, tell the girl what her next throw must be. If she resists and throws something else, and you hit her, she will do exactly what you say next turn - which can replicate any of your attacks. You also get an attack (so you could command her to touch herself, at the same time removing her top while she is not resisting.
+1-Aphrodisiac: RP - If you hit with Rock followed by paper (and both hit) you rub an oily aphrodisiac into your target's skin. Any further attacks to that location do +1 damage.
+2 Powerful technique: SS(SSSSS...) - If you penetrate a girl, and then immediately hit again with a scissors, instead of just maintaining the hold, you surprise her with even further pleasure, doubling the damage this round (you can continue using the power as long as you keep winning with S)
+4 Incredible technique SS - as above, but she instantly gains 10 pleasure points. (so most girls will cum, and still be as aroused as they were before).
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Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Okay, so I'd quite like to test this out.

I'm happy to GM a struggle, if two people would like to play. I guess finding an online RPS server would be useful if multiple games of this are something that happen.

Roll up, I guess :-D...First monster to post in this thread, and first girl to post in this thread get to play. Don't post your whole character, just a description (and photo if you've got one). You can PM me the character in case your opponent is not well informed/psychic.
Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Seems interesting, and welcome to the forum, Evilme. If I get to it before both spots are taken, perhaps I'll play this.
Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Ha! So this fell flat :-(

It's a shame, I think it's an interesting system that people can be genuinely good or bad at.

I can't work out how to do a poll, but I'd be interested to know why people aren't interested in this:

* It's too generic - I'd prefer even a coin-flip game in a detailed setting.
* I'm not interested in an actual skill game, just want dice then fucking.
* I don't think it sounds as good as you seem to think actually.
* I haven't read this thread at all ( :p )
* You're too new to posting. Come back in 500 posts time.
* Something else?

I'd appreciate the feedback, if anyone has any.
Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

I was preoccupied with several other things. It seems sort of fun. But I have a full plate as is atm. Though I might be persuaded to join, possibly at some point. I just didn't think to post earlier. XP
Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Ha! So this fell flat :-(

It's a shame, I think it's an interesting system that people can be genuinely good or bad at.

I can't work out how to do a poll, but I'd be interested to know why people aren't interested in this:

* It's too generic - I'd prefer even a coin-flip game in a detailed setting.
* I'm not interested in an actual skill game, just want dice then fucking.
* I don't think it sounds as good as you seem to think actually.
* I haven't read this thread at all ( :p )
* You're too new to posting. Come back in 500 posts time.
* Something else?

I'd appreciate the feedback, if anyone has any.

None of the above, really. I just haven't had time, and it's in a fairly seldom-viewed section of the boards, so I wouldn't be surprised if people don't know about it.
Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Things that I would advise you to do differently:

1. Put it in the signups sub-section of the RP section. PBP was intended primarily for Countdown and Last Post Wins style games; all the actual games involving RPing are part of the RP section. There are a few RPs in the PBP section, simply because the creator wanted them there, but most of the RPing is done in the RP section.

2. Point out that it's basically like Both Sides Of The Adventure, except the villain controls one monster instead of a dungeon.

3. Put the stats and their interaction before mentioning the method of determining who wins.

I initially avoided this thread simply because it was in the PBP section, and I didn't figure it for an RP. When Tass posted later I stopped in to have a look, saw 'Rock Paper Scissors' and went "well this ought to be a fairly simple game, then". Then I looked down and saw three posts. "...This is that 127 different moves version of rock-paper-scissors, isn't it? FUCK THAT" - and then I never looked at it again.

I still wouldn't play it now, though, simply because I'm already in like 8 games, and not really even keeping up with them. As I think you’ll probably find most people here are.
Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Yeah 128 move RPS would be a bit silly.

This is 3 move. R, P, and S. What makes it interesting is that your character might do more damage when they throw R, and I really want to throw two paper in a row - so instead of just random guesswork, there is some meaning behind the decisions, and I think it's possible to genuinely outplay someone.

The information about the RP forum is really helpful - I'll go transplant this info over there - thanks :)
Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Unspecific settings aren't a problem. Notice that someone even mentioned my super un-specific setting game Both Sides? But it had some strategy and planning to it.

Your game really feels... well... it's rock paper scissors... if that's all there was to it, why don't players just throw RPS each round on their own?

Your system kinda lacks anything to really stand out... you vaguely started having some interesting quirks with your combos (PP, SS, etc.), but beyond that, it really just feels like one of those cheaply manufactured games that only exist to put some CGs in a game rather than releasing it as a CG set (since you can sell games for more money).

Your RP itself may be amazing, but it sounds like you'll have to sell it as the RP being good, rather than the system, unless you create more combos and creative twists to the thing.
Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Hey Kathy,

Thankyou for your reply.

I fancy myself as something of a game designer - I wouldn't say expert, but certainly journeyman at least :). I could be wrong, of course...

I looked up the rules for your game and it seems fun - a nice sort of fighting fantasy adaptation for dungeons. I would argue about the strategy and planning though - isn't it a series of "roll dice vs chosen stat" encounters?

There is obviously some strategy in villain/hero design, but in play it's about the dice - I don't think that makes it a bad game - I like the game. I certainly wouldn't say "Why don't players just throw dice on their own?", but to use it as an example of as game with strategy and planning seems odd.

Perhaps I'm missing something - let me know if I am!

Meanwhile, I'll try to explain the strategy in my game:

I asked myself how to design a game where both people were making competing decisions -rather than rolling dice against each other- and came up with RPS. Even plain RPS has some strategy if you play multiple hands. How do you think your opponent will throw? But it's pretty limited. So I thought about what I could do to add more meaning and interest to those throws, and also to let the hero and villain make choices about what they are doing in the fight, for thematic reasons.

Well, RPS gets more interesting if the stakes are different. What if I said "if you win with rock, I'll give you 50 bucks"? Suddenly, you really want to throw rock, but I know that too, so perhaps I'll throw paper more. But if you throw scissors a couple of times, you can plan to set up the rock - I'll get tired of losing throwing paper, so have to switch it up.

So okay - we've got some basic strategy coming in, that's cool. I don't have $50 to give away to people who play though, so instead we'll make different throws worth different things by giving the characters stats, and having the throws mean different things in the theme - so if a monster throws rock, he is trying to grab the girl. Some monsters are better at grabbing, and some girls are easier to grab, so in some battles the monster's strategy will probably be around trying to grab the girl, and the girl will have to risk getting stripped/groped more to avoid being grabbed.

So now it's a game where someone playing a weaker monster can still defeat a strong woman character, by outplaying her - not through luck, but by playing the game better.

After that, I added a few extra bits - like the combos - and hey presto. So quite a lot of thought went in to it - saying "it feels like a cheaply manufactured game" just seems mean, rather than helpful.

I'm interested that you noticed the combos as one of the more interesting features. I think I will mark those as WiP - if they are one of the more interesting bits to a lot of people, I will add more. But the ramifications of them in terms of game design are pretty complex, so they are something I wanted to go slowly with.
Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Explaining design post

It really bums me out this didn't catch on, you have a pretty cool idea. RPS is a game that is normally kind of dull, there are three options, your opponent has three options and baring some mind games (I once won 9 out of 9 games in a row against a friend) is more or less luck based and uninteresting. But the strategy here boils down to two players who have different abilities with each of their throws. Yes it's Rock Paper Scissors, but by figuring out what your opponent is throwing and your status in the game you can derive a more strategic prediction based game instead of just luck.

Is he setting up a pattern to use hypnosis, does she have superior x stat so she's not worried about about me using scissors.

By allowing for this kind of depth it creates a pretty grand game of strategy and thought, much like kongai. I can't speak for how it works in practice, but I'm definitely intrigued.

Does she have clothes on still? Well then she's not expecting a grab, which is possibly the perfect time to do it! But it is reduced damage, so you may want to work down the cycle of paper throws to the more damaging one, then remove that clothing by throwing a scissor only to move on to something completely different. Throw a paper only to get paper back, maybe your scheme has been revealed.

So yeah, it's a lot like RPS, but not nearly as simplistic when it comes to the mind games/prediction. In the depth comes the fun.


I'd love to see more done with. Particularily in methods the 'girl' has to defend herself.
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Re: Monsters Ravage the World!

Thanks man! I appreciate the appreciation, so to say.

Well, I am reluctant to call it dead - I made a thread in the sign up section of the RP forum, which got some interest. I'm still waiting for a couple of PMs from folks who said they were interested. I think if we could get a game going it might provoke more interest when people see how it plays (or they might realise it sucks, haha).

I have a bunch of other ideas if it turns out this one actually gets no interest. We'll see.