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Chaos (Glenn;Ryu)

Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Venturing away from the sandy soil of the coast, the feeling of more solid earth beneath his boots was a welcome change. The smell of the ocean was still present for a time before the scent and sight of fresh dirt and grass began to intrude. As Glenn navigated through the twisting underbrush he now found himself in, he had plenty to keep his mind on. Certainly he was wary of what he might find, or more specifically what might find him, Aurine's comments about 'others' still ringing through his mind. He made sure to travel lightly, always scanning for signs of the presence of others, disturbances in the forest, marks or trails or broken twigs or the like. His experience surviving in some of the wilds of the mainland, along with his natural lineage, helping him navigate the disorienting treeline a little better. Glenn frowned inwardly at having only moss and the sun as reliance for direction though. He would have easily used his compass...if he hadn't attached it to his climbing gear. As far as he knew, that was now laying at the bottom of the ocean with his cooking tools and spade as well, along with the others.

Glenn shook his head trying to bring himself to a bit more at ease. A lot had happened in such a short time, and it was still all slowly sinking in. Only a couple of days to a few hours ago he had enjoyed the company of 5 men, gruff as some of them might have been, and helped to assist them with that aeroplane mission. But now they were gone, and he was left to struggle against an unknown wilderness with no assistance. Well, perhaps not without some, Aurine did seemed interested in lending help to him. The Sea Bishop was still a mystery to the man, and Glenn could feel his skepticism about her rising. 'Aurine...that Sea Bishop. You still have a lot to answer. How could she have known my name like that? I didn't tell her it on accident did I? No...no of course I didn't. There was never a time where that could have slipped out, but yet she still knew it somehow. She shouldn't have known that. She couldn't have known that, she mistook me for being the pilot of the aeroplane didn't she? If she could mistake that detail, wouldn't she mistake my name for the captain's as well? Or even the co-pilot? It's very strange, heck all of this is strange. I still don't get how crashing a plane in the ocean ruins someone's home either. Maybe it scuffed up some of her favorite coral or something.'

Glenn found himself focusing on working under some low lying branches, moving under and through them for a time before his mind could continue. 'She had the capacity to bind me so easily. If I had refused her and tried to run away, I wonder if she would have tried to 'fish' me off of the land.' Glenn gave a quiet chuckle at the thought, 'If she can be trusted perhaps she wouldn't, but those others she spoke of...If their anything like people, they'll come in all shapes and sizes, and temperaments too. I have to stay aware and be ready. No telling what kind of creatures, animals or monsters inhabit this island.' Inwardly he resolved to further his silent movements through the woods toward whatever destination awaited him. Himself quiet again, as he took in the sights and sounds of the forest surrounding him.

As he approached what looked to be a small opening in the underbrush, from a distance Glenn spotted what looked to be a naked human figure. His surprise was amplified when, as he closed the gap between them, he noticed the rather feline ears, limbs and tail she sported. This had to be one of the 'others' he noted, and he quickly went to hide himself within a bush that could conceal him. From where she sat, in a rather laid back manner, she didn't appear to be much of a threat. With her short curly brown hair and cat features she appeared quite cute. But appearances could be quite deceiving Glenn had learned, and though she seemed innocent as she ate of hanging fruits where she lay, Glenn kept himself wary. If she had noticed him, there was no telling what she would have done, though he had an idea, noting it with a faint blush as he watched on.

As the feline finished the fruit, she appeared quite ready to fall asleep on the spot. With her unconscious he could easily slip around her, or perhaps even get the drop on her if he desired. Before he could contemplate on what action to take, the sight of the plant itself shifting caught his attention. The visage of a mature green skinned woman emerging from parting petals secured it fully. The very plants of the island could be those 'others' as well?! Glenn felt a few drops of sweat fall from the thought, another thing to watch for now on his mind. As he observed them both, still hidden away in the bush that secured him, it became clear that the plant girl was not at all happy at having those fruit eaten by the cat-girl. A fact that became very apparent when the plant struck out a vine, ensnaring the cat-girl as she tried to make an escape!

What the plant-girl said about a future husband registered quickly in Glenn's mind. He recalled what Aurine had said before, about how they might be married before dusk, though he had thought it merely another tease at the time. Perhaps it wasn't nearly as much of one as he had imagined, and he felt his face warm at the idea. But he had to focus, the scene of the cat-girl struggling against the plant-girl's vines was a hard one to ignore. This was an excellent opportunity for him to sneak away, with them both preoccupied it would be easy. Being in such a foreign land with creatures as the one's he watched, he knew it to be a good idea. Yet, he couldn't just leave the cat-girl there to be ravaged by whatever torture the plant-girl would raise. Even if it were her own fault. Glenn didn't exactly want to get close to them though. If the plant had one vine it probably had plenty more.

Letting out a small laugh, he forced himself to action. He retrieved the length of rope he had stored away in his satchel, fastening one end of it into a lasso. If he could get the cat-girl to grip it with her han...paws, he might just be able to pull her away from the plant before it's other vines could get too many strikes off at her exposed body. He hoped he had the strength to endure a possible tug-of-war with the plant. Aurine's enchantment seemed to have been released when she unbound him, so he supposed it wouldn't be a problem. With the rope in hand, he stepped out of the brush and quickly threw the cat-girl the lasso gripped end of it. "Hey you! Take this and grab on!" Should the cat-girl do so, Glenn would pull upon the rope in an effort to unbind her from the vine wrapped around her leg, and the plant-girl that wished to punish her.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Reaching out her claws, the cat girl didn't think twice before grabbing onto the lasso with her paws, and tucking her arms through the loop so that her claws didn't cut her sudden rescue. Giving the rope a mighty tug proved successful as the vine holding her legs creaked under the pressure, and pulled the half-human his way, even if only slightly. However, the alarune's eyes looked up, and looked more carefully at the man who was pulling on the subject of her punishment. Suddenly, she grinned, and let the cat girl go without warning. The force that Glenn was forced to use, without the alarune tugging anymore, sent him backwards onto his behind.

Freed, the cat girl ran from the plant, and through a bunch of bushes in her rush to flee, vanishing from sight. With Glenn forced to recover from where he fell, she changed her focus, ignoring the cat, and whipping her vines to him instead. Legs entwined, Glenn was quickly pulled towards her, before the alarune lifted him into the air, hanging him upside down. "What's this? A human meddling with mamono affairs? You're certainly an interesting one. Did you want to mate with that feline?" she asked him. "I won't interfere with love, but I have been robbed wrongfully." She giggled. "If you pay back her debt, I'll let it go~" she promised, although her expression suggested that Glenn was going to pay no matter which answer he gave.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

As the cat girl looped her arm into the lasso, Glenn wasted no time in trying to pull her loose. His strength had indeed returned, and that bit of worry that magic still effected him finally left his mind. It was still a struggle though, to pull the cat girl even slightly out of the grasp of the plant girl's vine, with Glenn taking effort to grind his boots into the ground for leverage to help do so. So focused on his effort to pull the cat away, he barely noticed the plant's changed expression as she released her vine willingly. The instant the vine no longer held her, the cat girl wasted no time at all in making a quick escape. Disappearing into the underbrush with the lightning speed that only something with the blood of a feline could muster.

Glenn however did not have the same luxury of a quick escape. With no opposing force keeping him in check, he found himself quickly falling backwards when the vine was released. With a small thud, he fell to the ground still holding the end of his rope, the cat girl having fussed the loop off of herself with expert precision the moment she was free. Before he could gather himself and rush off, the feeling of his legs being whipped and wrapped caught him. It didn't take but a moment before he realized that it was now him who was being ensnared by the plant girl! With great speed he soon found himself hanging upside down, twisting slightly in his position where he was hung, forced to look toward the girl for the most part who looked at him with a familiar grin.

Internally Glenn kicked himself, as he should have figured such an action would end this way. It might not have been magic, but once again he found himself ensnared so easily. With his awkward positioning, if he tried to reach for one of his weapons she would certainly notice as well, not to mention them having shifted to be out of the way to unsheathe easily. 'Smooth move Glenn. You saved someone but who's gonna come to save you? Should have figured a cat would be so selfish and just ditch you too. I don't even think she even noticed me at all, just the enticing thread of that rope.' As he listened to her from where he hung, he couldn't shake the impression that she fully intended to make him pay for his interference. Whether he agreed to it or not.

"I don't suppose a simple apology would work...or would it?" Although he asked with a bit of hope, his expression quickly fell as he continued, "I take it you'll want...something a little more than an apology though...don't you?" Glenn looked nervously around as he took in the surroundings before returning to look at her, her brown hair catching his eyes against the contrast of her golden eyes and green skin. Even though she was a plant, like the cat and the sea bishop, she too was a sight in her own right. Were all the 'others' just as appealing as well? The answer seemed to be shaping up to be yes. Glenn felt a gulp let out before continuing, "If you want more fruit...for that future husband of yours...I could probably dig you a garden? Though to be honest I don't have the spade or seed for that...ahaha" he said with a nervous grin and laugh.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

The green skinned woman grinned at Glenn as he seemed to take the situation in a way she saw fitting. Leaning forward, she rested her elbows on the bent petal in front of her, and supported her head in her palms. "My, aren't you charitable?" she giggled at his offer to make her a garden. "No, that won't be necessary. In fact, you've already solved all my problems, right now, just by being right here in front of me~" she announced to him. "But come, first impressions are everything, so let's not waste time getting to know each other, eh?" she giggled.

Leaning up, she reached her arms up and found Glenn's pants. Feeling a slight tug as she toyed with them, he suddenly felt fresh air glance along his genitals. as his pants became undone. "I always fancied the way human men's clothing worked. It's like you all allow such easy access to your dicks on purpose~" she giggled with amusement. Licking her lips, her eyes narrowed with a predator's glare, "Well, I won't waste time~" she warned Glenn, before he felt her warm, wet mouth take in his still growing erection. Loose and wobbly, she toyed with his manhood playfully, making noises with her mouth that sounded like lewd kissing as she sucked on his shaft, as if trying to draw his excitement out.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

As Glenn had guessed, the plant girl's interest in hearing a simple apology, or putting him to work making a garden was nil. It was worth a try he supposed, though as he hung upside down and swung gently, her words left a first impression of her own upon him. Her problem was with the fruit right? Or...was the fruit merely the hook to solve another problem? Thinking for a moment, it seemed more likely to him as if she had been looking to snare a husband using those fruit, perhaps even the same way that she had gotten that cat girl. Well, almost got her before he had interfered...and taken her place. How he had solved all her problems took on a greater meaning at that point, and Glenn felt his eyes go a little wide as he swallowed another lump in his throat.

With her leaning up, Glenn's view of the woman's body would suddenly go from the upside down sight of her grinning face, to the upside down sight of her legs and womanly nether. Between that sight, and the feeling of the plant girl toying around with his trousers, his face came to flush rather brightly. Her comments and the feeling of fresh air breathing in on him gave little help, serving merely to augment his blush further. Along with something else too, he realized, as not all the blood seemed to want to pool in his head. Well, not for the one now dangling closer to the ground at least. Before he could muse on the thought further, he heard her announcement and was easily absorbed in the sensation of his 'higher' head of the moment being taken in by her.

"Wait a second! We ca... Aa... aah!" he gasped, as she went to town on him as the saying went. The rather lewd sounds she made as she enjoyed his growing length rang through Glenn, and he felt himself growing rapidly excited. These motions...they were all done so expertly, it was hard to resist. This couldn't have been the first time she had done something like this, and the thought had the effect of calming Glenn, if ever so slightly. 'Maybe shes waiting for someone in particular then, and not just willing to settle for anyone?' he thought, as he continued to look from where he hung, one of her pedals lightly brushing against his face from time to time.

Briefly looking away from the plant girl, he noted that the inside of her pod, or what he could see from his position, appeared to be full of some of liquid, a trail of it leaking down on the pedal his head bopped against. A strange thought to reach out and taste it appeared for an instant, before he pushed it away with a clinch and cover of his face with a hand. He shouldn't think like this! He had no idea what would happen if he were to sample it, and whatever would had to have a consequence. 'That other girl did eat her fruit without consequence though...argh stop thinking about those nasty rations and focus Glenn!' Refocusing on the plant girl, he worked out something to say.

"Hey... you don't want to... do that. I... I'm... too salty. Yeah! You wouldn't want a little... salt to ruin that... complexion would you?" Glenn certainly was a little more salty tasting, especially after having come from the sea, both his body and attire still covered in sea salt. Being a plant, she had to have been able to taste and feel the salt on him, and he wondered briefly if she could guess he wasn't from the island. She might just mistake him for someone who was near the beach recently, though his salt soaked clothes suggested otherwise. He waited for her to answer, his lust growing as he watched her work his now enlarged member with ease, her tongue trailing under it as she continued to suckle and kiss along it.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

While passionately enjoying her new toy, Glenn's excuses were met with her annoyed glare. Sliding his length out from her mouth in one smooth motion, the alarune took his length in her hand, stroking it while looking down at him. "There are better uses you can put your mouth to. Here, let me help you," she offers, before gripping the back of his head with her other hand, and pushing his head into her thighs, his lips giving her pink pussy a light kiss. And from that kiss, Glenn could taste a bit of the honey from her flower present on her woman hood, giving the term 'honey-pot' a whole new meaning for her case.

Tightening her legs around his head, she put a lot of power into holding Glenn there, encouraging him to orally please her, giving him a few slightly painful squeezes to make her point. "Lick me clean now~" she cooed down at him, "The drug in my honey will help you repay the debt you've taken upon yourself. So by all means, dig in~" she laughed, before leaving their conversation at that, and placing the hand that was stroking his shaft flat on his crotch, before bobbing her head back and forth along his length once more, wrapping her whip tongue around it as it was swallowed by her, and rubbing it all over with merciless fervor.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Seeing her annoyed expression after raising his salty objection Glenn came to a rather simple conclusion. This plant girl isn't bothered by a little salt, and if he had to guess, other plant girls probably wouldn't be bothered either. He'd have to keep that in mind, in case he thought to use the same line again in the future to get out of a bind. Glenn watched on with a blush as she slid her mouth off of him, looking down on him while continuing to fondle his member idly with her hand. With the familiar feeling and display of her molesting he could already feel himself beginning to leak, his body quite welcome to the feeling it was receiving to his chagrin. This was something his body was much more used to, and that familiarity was easily betraying him.

When the plant girl gripped the back of his head and spoke to him, Glenn had but a moment to retort both her words and her actions. A moment which was stolen abruptly by feeling of her 'lips' stealing a kiss from his own as she sealed his head firmly between her thighs. He let out a gasp at the action, feeling his blush deepen from embarrassment, and from something else that made him feel...excited. A honey-like taste...he was sure he got a little of her nectar in him when he kissed her, such a taste of sweetness was hard to mistake. Sweetness that now set hard to ignore signals in his mind to seek more of it to taste. Gently edging him on towards doing so, the closest source being her nether now but an inch or two away.

Trying to shake the thoughts away, the forceful squeezes of the plant girl's thighs brought him back to attention. It was clear she wanted him to please her, and if her thighs pinching his head wasn't clear enough her words certainly were. Greater clarity presented itself at her mention of the drugged effect of her nectar, and Glenn let out a deep breath against her at the clarification. His assumption before of the nectar was on target, backed by her words and the effect just a sample seemed to be having on his brain. Knowing that tidbit about the nectar for sure now, he was wary to take in anymore of it, but she wasn't really going to give him a choice in the matter was she? One way or another, she was going to make him repay the debt he had taken on from that feline.

Releasing a sigh, Glenn hesitated for a moment before angling his tongue upwards to taste her. The moment he did, the sweetness of her honey dripped into his mouth, and more signals quickly flooded into his mind. The taste was more intense now, incredibly sweet compared to the sample he had before. With a deep flush, the effects of the nectar coursing through his body and mind, Glenn became much more willing a participant. Raising his arms, his hands moved to the side of her waist. Glenn slowly began to caress her side and back with his hands, while below he wasted no time himself with motions of his own. His tongue eagerly lapping up honey from the folds of her 'honey-pot' while working her over. Sweet kisses of his own being delivered to her lips, her nub finding itself the attention of flicks of his tongue from time to time.

As he continued to pleasure her, he couldn't ignore his own growing excitement, especially not with the effects of the nectar running through him. If he had been merely leaking before, he was certainly gushing now, so much so that he could already feel a familiar tenseness begin to settle in. The feeling of her movements upon his member were powerful now, her bobbing and tongue relentless in it's pleasuring. Excitement reaching a peak, Glenn stopped his work on her, his breath coming deeply, before letting out a moan and releasing his seed into her as she wasted not a moment in her enjoyment of him.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

The merciless pressure of her thighs relented their torture as Glenn seemed more willing to submit to her. But even though the headache from the pressure released him, her thighs still kept a firm grip on him, as if to remind him of his current place, as well as inform him of how well he was doing by flexing and twitching from the movements of his tongue. Removing his length from her mouth, and sliding her lips along his shaft from side to side, the plant woman laughed with amusement, "I love mainland men, each one of them desire pleasure more than anything else," she commented on her taste in partners.

Sliding his length back into her mouth one last time, she suddenly took him in all the way to the hilt, her tongue wrapping around every last inch of his manhood, even coming out of her mouth to entangle around his balls, holding every part of what made him a man prisoner as she seemed to almost sense his approaching orgasm. And the moment he did, her mouth, throat, and tongue each worked together to squeeze, and encourage as much semen from him as possible within her predatory maw, disguised as a woman's beautiful lips.

Casually letting his length slide out, there was no evidence of his orgasm present. Even from the tip, nothing came out as she had made sure to extract everything until Glenn's body offered no more. With his face covered in her honey, his entire body felt a sudden surge, much like a second wind, as he was craving for yet another release. Realizing his state all too well, the alarune looked pleased as she rotated him in her vines, and forced him into her flower, her petals curling up protectively as she moved forward onto the next phase of her feeding process.

"Your debt will take a long time to repay," she suddenly announced to him. "You needn't worry about physical labor. In order to regrow my fruit in that way, it'd take you months. This way, you can continuously provide me with the seeds to make children, and plenty of fruit to feed you with."

With a grin, her arms wrapped around his neck, as her face lowered down to his, her golden eyes locking with his own. "I'll be sure to take good care of you... Hubby~" she giggled with intent, making it very clear that her problem was, without a doubt, the lack of a husband. And Glenn had solved that problem.

Taking a mouthful of her own nectar into her own mouth, Glenn was also suffering heavily from it's effects, barely owning enough mental strength to comprehend what was happening, though attempting to resist was impossible now. Embracing him in a kiss, she forcefed him more nectar, rushing the sweet taste into his mouth, and sending Glenn into a drunk blur of lust.

There was nothing else his mind could think about. Rational and clarity were distant whispers in the back of his mind. His vision was blurry, the only thing remaining clear was the irresistible feminine shape on him, as if the rest of the world became so insignificant. There was no sense of loyalty, his drugged mind was not wired to see her as his mistress. The only thing he could comprehend was that she was a highly attractive woman who wanted to fuck him. This realization brought excitement, and the sight of his enthusiasm made his partner happy.

He was no longer Glenn. The alarune knew this. But she never needed Glenn to begin with. The man she longed for had finally appeared to her, within the corners of Glenn's mind. The man who would lust, and crave her body, ready to soil her with his seed every moment that he could. Enraptured by her beauty, unable to think of anything else but copulating with her endlessly.

Barely aware of what was happening, all Glenn would know was that he was experiencing mind-breaking pleasure. His partner was rough, and thrusted down onto him with her hips with great force and speed. Drugged, and fucked with such brute and savage passion, it seemed like no time at all before he reached climax. Spilling more seed inside of her, Glenn would have trouble recalling if that was the second time or not. Trying to think with such little ability, he'd barely recall actually releasing inside her after his first orgasm. But he wasn't sure if it was the third time either. It was all a blur, and after pointless attempts at counting, he'd eventually forget what he was counting, even that he was counting at all. Her back was to him as he'd briefly look around with his eyes, released for a moment from his drugged haze. But even in such a position, he was still inside of her.

It was a bit different, but given where his hands were moving on their own, his fingers were in her pussy. Which meant that she had taken him inside her ass. The curious sensation of a different hole was solved, but another curiosity was the grand amount of his seed leaking from her body. All over his hands were he was fingering her, it seemed impossible for so much cum to have come from his body. But still yet, he felt himself releasing inside of her, another torrent of his seed, as if her nectar resupplied him over, and over again.

It was hard to appreciate anything other than the sensation of sex. There was no speaking with his partner, nor appreciation of her womanly frame. All that mattered was sex. But even such an important, and primal instinct left room for boredom. A brief glance, granted by another moment's break from the drug destroying his mind, revealed that a great deal of time had passed, and it had already gone from morning to dusk. However, a small terrifying sensation made itself known before another dose of the drug was forced into his mouth: How could he be sure that it was just the entire day? In such a haze, it was hard to tell if he was trapped, and had been fucking the alarune for weeks.

Perhaps worst of all, was the thought that he might remain like this for the rest of his life...


Chapter 2: Best Way to Die

Without warning, the alarune stopped feeding him, and now without the drugs of her nectar to keep him going, Glenn collapsed quickly from extreme exhaustion. In a deep sleep, he was briefly disturbed as he'd feel the uncomfortable sensation of being dragged along the ground on his back. However, he was too tired to react to it, only awake enough to know that he was being pulled. Thankfully, the pulling stopped, and it took no time at all before Glenn's body resumed it's slumber.

Finally returning to the world of the conscious, Glenn would first feel the extreme after effects of having endless sex through his entire body, which would make him want to see a doctor for something to relax each and every one of his sore muscles, before finding a heavy pressure on his torso making it hard for him to breath properly. Opening his eyes whenever he'd find the strength to, he'd find a curious sight of the catgirl from before, laying curled up on his body, with her knees to her chest, and her paws on his shoulder. It was clear that she was only using him as a pillow.
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Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

A feeling of haziness and floating echoed through what little part of Glenn's mind could still register it. Under it's effect, he slowly began to drift to sleep, with only the faint disturbance of a dragging feeling upon his back interrupting the act. Once it was settled however, he fell fast into a deep slumber, his dreams becoming wild and vivid. Unsurprisingly, various images of plants and other flora were a grand complement of the dreams, with even the visage of a brown haired and golden eyed flower woman dominating the scene. But as time seemed to pass, at least in the dream, the images began to fade away, almost as if their influence was melting away in his mind. In their stead however, came a faint memory from a time many years ago...


"Well yeah flowers..."

"...Glenn, did you steal these?"

"Who me? Never."

"Please tell me you didn't steal these. If your brother finds out he'll be angry."

"Pfff...what Dario doesn't know won't hurt him. Besides...I didn't steal those."


"It's the truth, I swear it. I bought them from the florist."

"...I know."


"Glenn...you should know by now that you can't deceive me."

"It does seem that way...no matter how hard I try you always see right through me..."

"...What possessed you? To buy the flowers?"

"Well...I've been thinking alot...about what you said..."


"...and well maybe I wanted to do something for someone else for a change."

"So you bought the flowers for someone? That's wonderful Glenn! Well now don't delay, head off to make someone cheerful then!"




"...Glenn...why are you...staring...at...me...like...that...?"
The feathered feeling of his heart reacting to the scene jolted Glenn into consciousness, something his body came quickly to regret as it began to register it's sore state. All over his body his muscles ached of warmth and weariness and he suppressed a groan at the feeling. This was certainly one hell of a way to wake up! Opening his eyes a bit, it took him a moment to register the view of something laying on his chest, the sight spurring his mind to also take in the weight. It was...a cat? No...not just a cat...but some kind of catgirl, a catgirl who was resting quite contently on top of him, her claws curled up on his shoulders. Looking at her closely, she looked a lot like...that catgirl he saw and decided to pull away from that...

It all drifted up from his subconscious, slowly but surely. The intoxicating allure of the nectar and its effects, as well as what had happened after, a bit foggy but practically all there. He remembered how it had set his mind and body on fire, of how happy the plant girl had become at his drugged obedience and of how enticed he had become to enjoy her himself from the lust. Of how nearly mindless he had become in his stupor, for during the time her nectar had held him little but the pleasure had concerned him. Well, save for the random observation here and there that he could barely grasp, such as how many times he had spilled himself. He couldn't recall, but from the after feeling it was safe to say quite a bit, more so than any one man should normally be able to.

Looking to the sky, he noticed the early twinkle of starlight beginning to pop through the forest overhead. 'Wait...it was...morning when...when!' He remembered with a start the thought of losing track of his climaxes and of time, fueled on from his drugged stupor. His heart had sank with the thought that he might have been under her hold for weeks, or worse that he would be so for the rest of his existence. Stuck inside the pedals of a flower girl who preyed upon him purely for his spunk for the rest of his life. Unsettling thoughts and new found awareness aside, he had to find out for himself just what kind of state he was in. Aside for being some cat's pillow at least.

Wriggling his toes and fingers, Glenn was pleasantly surprised to note he was still clothed, and a glance downward seemed to confirm this. He was quite disheveled however, and he quickly realized his leg movement was restricted due to his pants still being hiked down. Raising his arm a bit painfully, slowly as to not disturb his sleeping guest, he gazed confused at a strange glint on his hands before it dawned on him. He was covered in the plant girl's nectar, from his jacket to his gloves and all the way down to his boots! The nectar had dried from the time he was out it seemed, and didn't seem to be effecting him but did seem to make it harder to move.

Lowering his arm back to his side, he carefully felt around to see what else remained. Feeling the nectar-encrusted hilt of his sword, the nectar-encrusted sides of his satchel, and noticing Aurine's seashell still around his neck, he took in a deep breath of relief. 'Clothes and my gear. Good sign, even if I'm stiff and sticky now. I must have been out for several hours following that...experience. Yes...hours...alright calm down Glenn. If it had really been weeks...I don't think I'd even be able to move or feel anything let alone open my eyes. Plus why would I still be clothed or armed? This catgirl too, I'm sure she would have forgotten about me if it had been that long.' Glenn thought, breathing deeply while watching her rise and fall where she lay upon him.

Glenn shifted underneath her, and made about to say something when his throat decided to refuse. Before he could stop it, he began to cough and hack, turning his head away as to not do so into the feline's face. His mind suddenly screamed out for something to drink, and he had to wonder at just how much the plant girl had drained him in such a small time. "Wa...ter!" he barely squeezed out between a fit, while also trying to unhook his waterskin from his satchel with little success.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

The feline groaned with dissatisfaction as Glenn shifted underneath her. And while his hand tried to tinker with and unhook his satchel, the feline adjusted herself, making herself even more comfortable on top of him, which included stretching out, and laying her limbs on top of his own. Being pinned under her sleeping body did nothing to help his thirst, but as his frustrations grew more frantic due to the incredible discomfort, the feline moved in one swift motion, grabbing his water skin, and slamming it into his face, forcing a downpour of water into his mouth, forcing him to either swallow the water or choke on it.

After giving Glenn more than his fill of water, she groaned once more as she stretched her arms and legs out, before rolling off of him, and standing up straight, looking at the sky through an opening in the trees as she idly scratched her naked bottom with her paw. Looking around briefly, she turned around, and crouched down until she was sitting like a cat in front of Glenn, her hands placed between her feet, and her eyes thinning to focus on him. Sitting there, she silently stared at him, waiting for him to move.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

As the dry sensation of his throat continued to discomfort him, Glenn grew more frantic in his motions to unhook his water skin and gain a taste of the liquid inside. Continue to try as he might however, from where he lay and what position he was in, unhooking the thing was proving to be incredibly troublesome with how gummed up it was. 'Ugh... if only this cat wasn't... laying on me, I could pull it off... with both my hands instead of one.' He thought, the only interruptions to it being his continued sputtered coughs, and the feeling of the cat girl stirring. Her stretched limps laying out upon him only acted to make it harder for him to work, but in a single instant it became unnecessary as he found the hand covering his mouth to muffle his hacks pushed away before the object of his efforts was placed within his lips with a swift motion.

Quenching liquid flowing down his throat, Glenn let out a muffled sound of surprise before reaching to grab for the water skin to help pour more to drink. He delighted in every drop as it flowed down and cleansed his throat, taking in more even after having satisfied himself, something mostly due to the cat girl as he noted her grip remained firm to force him to drink plenty. Generosity perhaps... though considering the nature of normal felines she was probably just being careful, making sure he wouldn't be hacking up again. Releasing his water skin from her grasp, Glenn removed the item from his lips to let out a relaxed breath, watching as the feline stretched and groaned before rolling aside, freeing the man from underneath her.

With a groan of his own, he sealed and hooked the water skin back to his satchel, a task now much easier without the obstacle of a cat girl laying on top of him. Glenn stretched and gently twisted his own body, it being still sore and reminding him of the experience from before. Magic or some kind of medicine would have been very nice at the moment, but he'd just have to do without for the time being. He briefly noted the cat girl as she looked to the sky and scratched herself, turning his effort after to try to remove some of the dried nectar without success. The cat girl's return and focus to the man brought an end to his motions, as he settled to turn his own attention to her where she sat, much like a cat and with slitted narrow eyes staring, waiting silently for what he would do next.

Glenn stared back at her in silence for a moment, blinking a few times before slowly moving to ease himself into a sitting position, struggling and groaning as he did so. When he finally felt comfortable, he scanned her quickly again with his eyes before deciding to speak after a swallow. "You're that... that cat. The one I helped right? If not... then you look a lot like her." He stopped for a second to let his throat, still a bit sore recover, before continuing. "I... wasn't expecting you to... come back after you darted off. I'm glad you did though... that plant woman..." Glenn rubbed his temple but a moment as a dull throb seemed to echo at the mention of the plant girl, before relaxing to regard the girl again a bit of suppressed elven nature leaking out. "My gratitude to you... Feline-kin."
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

The cat girl turned when she heard Glenn state his thanks, smiling. "I don't want your gratitude!" she announced, "You are now mine, got that!?" she shouted at him, folding her arms under her breasts. "In exchange for the value of your life, you have to feed me! Catch me a fish!" she ordered him, walking towards him, and sitting like a cat in front of him, staring at him with thin feline eyes, much like a tame cat that walked up to him expecting food.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn sat for a time, blinking incredulously at the cat girl as she stared straight into his own pair of eyes after speaking and issuing her commands. 'A fish... for the value of my life she wants... a fish?' Staring another moment, Glenn let out a light laugh that quickly turned full-hearted despite his efforts to mask it, light hoarseness taking his breath again. Coming down from the laugh, something he appreciated to ease his mind from what had happened before, Glenn smiled to the cat girl. "I can't weasel out of it. I saved you from a moments whipping, and you saved me from a lifetime of being whipped. Feline-kin, for the value of my life, I'll go and get you that fish. Heck, I'll get ya Two even, if my aim is still good that is."

Struggling slowly to get up from where he sat, Glenn took to his knee before raising himself to stand, the crunch of dried nectar filling the air of the small clearing. It was marginally less painful than he had expected, though he was still sore. A proper nights sleep would take care of it, but first he had obligations to fulfill, both a prior one that the seashell around his neck reminded him of, and the current that his would be companion demanded. Taking a moment to steady himself and survey his surroundings, he turned back to the feline girl. "Before I ran into you I was on my way to a lake that's supposed to be around here. A freshwater lake is sure to have plenty of fish to snatch up, and to be honest I could go for one myself right about now..." The sentiment was very true, as there was one particular fish he was very eager to meet again.

Extending a hand, Glenn offered to help the feline up. "So how about it miss... erm... Feline-Kin..." He trailed off with a nervous laugh, realizing he didn't know the cat girls name just yet. "You... have something you're called by don't you? By your friends and companions? I don't... wish to be rude if you prefer being called by something else. Myself... my name is Glenn. It's a pleasure." Idling for a moment, Glenn motioned toward the forest before continuing. "I believe the lake is this way if I'm not mistaken, though being a native you probably know more about this land than I do. More about it's inhabitants too, like those plant women. Ah but enough of that, food right? Then lets go and get some!" He said enthusiastically, eager himself to be moving on from that place.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

The feline raised a paw with cheer for the promise of two fish, "Nya-ow you're talkin'!" she exclaimed. "You're making yourself out to be a good pet already!" she praised Glenn. "You'll probably get lost though, so let Aya lead the way!" she both offered to guide him and gave him her name. And to his offered hand, she simply licked it, before standing on her own, and running around him to glomp him from behind, a paw reaching down and groping his sore crotch, "We're gonna have lots of fun~!" she giggled, licking his neck, before urging him onwards. "C'mon! C'mon! I'm hungry!" she announced, moving on all fours, leaping into the trees, and moving quickly from tree branch to tree branch, waiting for Gleen to catch up before zooming ahead.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

'P... Pet? You've got to be kidding me...' Glenn felt his eyes twitch at the mentioning, not at all considering himself such a thing. It was strange to the man for the statement to come from a creature that looked like a house cat itself and who gave the mannerisms of one. He couldn't help but feel sheepish too as his offer of a hand was taken as a licking opportunity. Before he could recover from the event, Aya quickly stood up and raced around him, wrapping herself upon him from behind. Glenn's momentary surprise at the act was nullified quickly when he felt her paw molest at his crotch, his body stiffening at the surge of pain that shot through him. His only reprieve from the pain was the briefness of the act, as after a lick of his neck she was quickly urging him on, dashing toward the trees to leap about, waiting only for the man to catch up.

He remained stiff for a second or two, the feeling of pain clouding his senses before finally coming down from the sensation. With a groan and narrowed eyes he stared at where Aya waited before trudging toward her, picking up speed to a brisk pace soon after. Working against the soreness of his still fatigued muscles was not nearly as easy as he first thought it might be, and every step sent dull pain to the man's mind. From where they were going, the underbrush wasn't nearly as crowded as it appeared, so his progress wasn't hindered for the most part by the terrain save for the occasional fallen log here and there. Aya seemed to have absolutely no trouble navigating her way around, and looking up Glenn could see her gracefully dash from tree branch to tree branch as he followed on.

The travel did give time for the man to think, and he focused on his thoughts to relieve his mind. 'Ugh... this soreness. Serves me right for doing something... stupid. I've gotta take better care of myself if I'm going to survive on this island. Especially if those creatures are interested in... such perverted things.' Glenn glanced at Aya as she soared once again from one branch to another, landing with skill that only a feline could accomplish. 'Is that why she... came back? How did she ever get me away from that plant girl? I'm almost afraid to ask what she did or said. Whatever it was it worked, though she could have helped me out a bit sooner. Getting to this lake is going to be a welcome sight. Though, I really hope Aurine wasn't waiting all this time for me to summon her...'

His thoughts calmed, Glenn continued to follow along with his feline guide, the both of them making ample progress toward reaching their destination. After a time the man caught a glimpse of tell-tale signs of a nearby water source, and in his mind he began to hope that they were nearing their destination soon.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn had plenty of time to think as he made his way through the woods, led by the feline. She was seemingly very light weight, and could even step on decaying branches, and leap off of them before they broke and would cause her to fall. But eventually, Aya dropped down, and walked on all fours in front of Glenn like a normal(?) person. Much of the forest was the same, beautiful green. Hills and rocks were seemingly seen at random, and crossed over as such. It seemed like it would be extremely easy for one to become lost in this forest, if they didn't have such a guide like Aya to lead them.

Eventually, while Glenn was lost in his thoughts, they finally came to the pond which Aurine told him to visit. The pond itself was oddly shaped in a perfect circle, surrounded by several trees which left plenty of room to perhaps even make a campfire, so fishing was ideal as well. Near the shore of the water, where grass seemed to grow even so close to the water, Aya sat in place, just shy of the water so as not to come into contact with it while looking into the body of the water, her head darting about occasionally as she seemed to be watching fish swim about.

Licking her lips, she chuckled, "So many fish... So juicy~!" she drooled over the food swimming about in the water.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Stepping along behind Aya as she guided him along, the view of the lake coming into focus was a welcome sight to Glenn, and the man let out somewhat of a relieved sigh to final reach it. The trek through the forest had been nice and peaceful, but despite it's serene appearance the trails had been somewhat confusing. The random uplifts and erosion of the underbrush would've made traveling quite a chore had he not had a guide to point the way. Still, the hills and greens of the forest were a beautiful sight, reminding him much of similar forests he had traveled through back home. Albeit with some rather strange colored bushes and fruit lying and hanging about here and there.

In truth, when the sea bishop had told him of the lake he had imagined something much bigger. The body of water was more of a very large pond than an actual lake, and Glenn was quick to notice the pond's rather... rounded shape. 'It's... a circle. It almost looks as if there was a chunk of the earth there before that was dug out and filled with water. Strange...' The man thought briefly as to the nature of the lake and suspected an artificial nature to it, his feline companion quickly made her way over to the edge of the lake. Glenn saw the intent look of predation she gave at the waters, obviously absorbed in her thoughts of delicious fish.

Glancing toward Aya as she made her comment while drooling over the fish, Glenn let out a light chuckle as well. "They'll be even more so once they're served up. With a spot like this I think I can manage to catch a few." Approaching the cat girl, Glenn rested his head in thought briefly. 'Question is now... how exactly to catch them? I do still have my net in the satchel, but that might be a bit too much. If that big holed thing managed to catch anything at all that is.' Casting a look to the sky, gave a happy sigh as he came to his conclusion. 'Time for a little skewering I think.'

Giving his longsword a tug Glenn began to struggle with freeing it from it's glued bounds. After a few seconds of redness in his face passing, a small sound of releasing suction called out as the blade jerked a bit in his grasp. Bright steel was revealed as it was fully unsheathed, various designs decorated into the side of it's surface and even on the hilt of the sword, all centering around an avian theme. The most prominent symbols of which appeared to be a phoenix and the sun. 'Grandleon, my old friend, let's see if I can't get your magic to work for once and round me up some nice fish.'

Taking a stance a safe distance beside her, Glenn momentarily regarded Aya. "This shouldn't take more than a few minutes. How would you like your fish? Raw or cooked? If you want them cooked, help me out and gather a few timbers together, and I'll get something going as soon as I'm done here." With that, Glenn absorbed himself into spearing at the fish with the end of his blade, moving slowly into the water and growing still as to not scare away the fish. It wasn't long before he had indeed skewered two tasty looking fish, but whether he would set up a small firepit after to cook them depended mainly on Aya's response. Else, he would simply join her to one of his packed rations.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Aya giggled, raising her paw at Glenn with question, "What's cooked?" she asked with genuine curiosity, "I want that! I want cooked!" she followed up after her question without even waiting to hear his response. And as he stepped from the water with two fish in tow, Aya walked on all fours back and forth with excitement, making attention grabbing 'Nyaa!' sounds at him like a hungry house cat, and stepping around his legs as he tried to walk towards making such a campfire that would allow him to cook the fish, tickling his legs and body with her tail with each pass.

All the while, she continued to 'Nyaa!' at him with no end in sight.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn sighed when it became apparent that Aya's attention was fully on the fish and it's eminent consumption, and not on actually helping the man out with the campfire. If he wanted the fire made, it looked like it was all on him to make it so. Making his way out of the water with the fish in his possession, his efforts to gather timbers and kindling were mildly inconvenienced as the cat girl walked back in forth around him in excitement. Several times he almost tripped up due to Aya stepping around his legs, and the man shook his head as her behavior continued. 'She really is like one giant cat... at least she's friendly... for now at least...'

The man's task continued for short time, with more and more timber and rocks being brought to a small pit that had been taking shape. All the while, Aya's moves and happy shouts continued without end, the cat girl utterly delighted in the meal she was about to receive. Crouching down to sort out the campfire more, Aya took the opportunity to paw and nudge at Glenn excitedly, letting her body rub against his back as she made her passes behind him. As much as he didn't like to admit it, those all too familiar cat movements did grant him some peace of mind. It was yet another pleasure he hadn't indulged in for a long time, and as he worked a genuine smile slowly etched itself known on the man's face.

When everything was ready, Glenn went to work quickly setting the fire up, using his flint and steel to catch a flame on a dry bundle and slowly feeding it into a nice fire. It was no where near the likes of a roaring bonfire or great fireplace, but it would do. Looking back at Aya, Glenn caught the cat girl's interest in the event, her head turning about as she tracked the flickering flames in curiosity. He let out a chuckle as he watched her, before setting out the next part of his task, made harder due to the lack of his cooking tools. Sword sword used as a skewer, Glenn impaled the two fish he had caught upon it and held it over the fire, letting the fish slowly cook from the fire's warmth.

If the sudden reappearance of the fish didn't break the cat girl's trance from the fire, the slowly wafting scent of them cooking surely would, and almost instantly Glenn would find himself once again under the feline's attentions. He attended patiently to making sure the fish were cooked ideally and in no time at all the man had two nicely cooked fish. 'Delicious~, now if only these were for me... I could just steal them for a good meal I suppose... though... ah what am I thinking...' Blowing on them a number of times, Glenn laid them on clean rock before turning back to Aya. "Take care now, they're still a bit hot."

Having said that to the cat girl Glenn reached into his bag and began to prepare a meal of his own, sorting through the few rations he had, picking from them the least tasteful of the bunch. He didn't know exactly what kind of meat came with the stuff, but whatever it was it was nearly unbearable to eat. As he would join Aya in her feast, the fire in front of them keeping them both nice and toasty, Glenn's displeasure would slowly become known as he forced himself to eat the terrible tasting stuff. 'Ugh... this damn ration. I'd have a better meal if I feasted on grubs and rocks.'
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Aya beamed when Glenn took the cooked fish from the fire, and laid them out over the stone slab. She began to blow on them excessively while Glenn helped himself to his horrible rations. After his first bite, it almost seemed as if Aya shared his sentiments as she fell over from dizziness due to blowing too hard and too often on the fish. From where she lay on the ground, she saw Glenn's discomfort. Picking herself up, and walking on all fours, she took it upon herself to approach, sniff, and taste Glenn's food, before immediately appearing as if she was going to throw up. "How could you eat this stuff!?" she exclaimed, before taking a fish in her paws, and holding it to Glenn, "Even if it's my own rightfully deserved food, I have to give you this, or else you'll never wake up to feed me again!" she announced.