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Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The girl gave a small laugh at Suri's explanation, even smiling slightly. Suri could see the girls eyes dart between Suri's ears and tail. "Ah...I see, I hadn't even noticed." She paused for a few moments in thought. "I see, is he badly injured? Perhaps we might be able to give you a lift to town..."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"I don't know, I'm not good with that sort of thing" Suri replied, her ears flattening at the girl's laugh. "I think he just needs rest... It might be nice to get a ride, though, if only so he'll get to stay off his feet for a while."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The girl gave a short nod. Suri even thought she could see her smiling a little. She climbed down. "Then let me give you a hand getting him inside." She waited for Suri to lead her to where she'd hidden James

At that time Suri could hear some snorting and movement. Some grumbling under the brush alerted Suri that James had woken up, finally.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"Alright, thanks" Suri said quietly as the woman hopped down off of her seat at the carriage and offered to help her move James. At the same time there was a little snort that came from the bush she had hidden him in, grumbling that told her he was awake once more. The catgirl moved to that particular bush, kneeling down and reaching in to gently rub the man. "Hey, you awake? I found someone who'll help us, so it's time to get up and get moving" she said softly, not wanting to hurt his head with unnecessary loudness.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James looks up at Suri for a few moment. He frowns. "You what?!" He grumbled for a few moments as he rubs his head as he stands up. He looks a bit at the female driver. Then he looks back to Suri.

"Sir, are you alright?" The driver voices her question cautiously as she steps forward a bit.

James gives a slight flinch but nods. "I've...been better...My maid tells me you offered us a ride? I must thank you for your kindness and generosity."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"Not intentionally" Suri grumbled back under her breath to James' question, because she surely hadn't wanted to get caught. She helped him get up, not sure if he would be completely steady on his feet right off the bat. "Yeah, so are we sitting in the carriage, or on it?" she asked, ready to help him there wherever it was.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The girl gave James a smile. "Of course, Sir." Suri notices James blushing slightly. He looks over to Suri.

"We may as well...I doubt we'll get very far walking in this shape." He motioned for Suri to follow him as he went to the carriage. The driver opened the door. Inside was a young noblewomen, Suri might even guess she was a child, or a teenager at best. She was quite young, regardless. Her outfit was fancy, a mix of rich green and blue fabrics. The front of her skirt was a little shorter than the rest of it, reveling her legs which were covered in black thighhigh stockings. Her shoes appeared to be loafers of a sort, brown in color. The top of her dress was fairly conservative, with sleeves to her wrists. It hung lightly from her shoulders, not having too much in excess. She tilted her head as the door opened.

"Alice, who are these people?" She asked, looking over James and Suri. "Is this why we stopped?"

The girl, assumedly named Alice, nodded her head. "Of course Miss Chey, these two were ambushed along the road. Please allow me to introduce..." She paused as she realized she didn't know their names. "You may call me James, and this is my maid, Suri." James filled in for the girl.

The noble-girl smiled. "Ah, then it is my pleasure to meet you both, James, Suri." She invited both of them up into the coach and had them take a seat across from her.

She turned her head to Suri, giving a slight smile. "If you would, I would like to hear your story, Suri. If your Master will allow it, that is."

James would give Suri a short nod, indicating to her she could speak.
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Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri caught James blushing as the girl smiled at him, which confused her a little. Why would he be doing that? She started to feel a little bit angry about the possibilities as he accepted her offer, beckoning her to follow him into the carriage while the girl opened the door. She, of course, followed, only to find the inside already occupied by a very young girl who looked like a noble. She was probably about twelve, maybe thirteen, and it was clear that she was either noble or very rich by her clothing. It was quite an extravagant dress, green and blue, her skirt short in the front to show off a pair of thigh-high stockings on her slender little legs. She asked the driver, whom she called Alice, who James and Suri were. The response was kind of amusing, considering that the girl didn’t know who they were either.

James picked up the slack, introducing both himself and Suri. Playing the character she had been given by her “master,” the catgirl bowed slightly to the noble, who apparently was “Miss Chey,” waiting until the two of them had been invited into the carriage, sliding in next to the man on the rather comfortable bench across from the girl. When they had settled in she turned to look at Suri, and suddenly asked to hear her “story.” That was weird, and it was going to be a little difficult; she couldn’t just tell the truth, after all. James approved her telling it, so she scratched her hair a bit and thought. "Well… it’s a really simple story" she said after a moment’s pause, "my family has belonged to his for generations. I’ve been his maid since I was a little girl. I’ve followed him wherever he traveled, you know. Not much else to say."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Miss Chey nodded, and gave a slight smile to Suri. "Oh?" The girl seemed to consider this for a few minutes. "That's a nice story, you seem very dedicated to him, I suspect he is a lucky man to have you nearby." She said this with a short smile and went quiet after that.

James for his own part didn't say much, he just gave a short yawn. Then he started to doze off, still tired. He would probably need a lot of rest. Suri herself felt tired and this was probably a good chance to rest. She couldn't help but find herself dozing off before long, falling asleep right next to James...the day had been tiring.

Her sleep was interrupted when the carriage jolted to a stop. James found himself smacking his head against the back of the seat, rubbing it and sounding a bit groggy. Suri herself felt her ears twitch and come alert. She could sense that Alice outside was afraid of something, she wasn't sure how she knew but it came to her.

Looking over to Miss Chey she could see the girl frowning. "Oh my, I wonder what it is this time...we should be right outside Ostword.."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"Mhm" Suri murmured back at the girl’s questioning “oh,” lapsing into silence for the minutes the noble thought about it. "Mmm, yes I am. I like to think he is" she replied when this “Miss Chey” asserted both that she was quite dedicated to James, and that he was lucky to have her around. Of course, he was still too tired to really contribute to the conversation, and simply drifted off to sleep again. The catgirl couldn’t be too mad, though, as she herself was beyond tired after having gone so long with only minimal sleep, and she slumped over against him only a few minutes afterwards, falling asleep against his shoulder.

An indeterminate amount of time later the carriage stopped suddenly, waking Suri with a start. James was also awakened, grumbling as per usual, but the catgirl’s ears were twitching to life with more important things. Something in her feline heritage was allowing her to sense Alice’s feelings outside, feelings of fear, which couldn’t be good. Maybe they had been stopped by soldiers again? Perhaps there were bandits… Suri’s hands moved to the bag that she had carried with her onto it, preparing to get out her hidden axe if it came to combat. "I dunno, but it doesn’t seem good" she said quietly, looking over to James. "Think there are bandits around here?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The noblegirl pressed a finger to her chin, in thought. She shook her head. "There shouldn't be, I think we're too close to town for there to be bandits. Perhaps something is blocking the road?"

Suri wasn't so sure. James grumbled a bit, watching in curiosity as Suri's ears twitched so much. She could tell that Alice had calmed a bit, but she clearly wasn't in a good spot. Shortly soft crunching was heard outside as Alice hopped from her seat. A knocking was heard at the door. "Miss Chey?" Alice's voice could be heard. "I hate to interrupt, but it's been requested that the carriage be searched, do you consent?"

Miss Chey tilted her head a bit, calling out. "What for?" She kept her voice calm but Suri noticed she seemed quite unhappy at this delay. Alice's voice could be heard again. "They claim they are searching for stolen slaves."

James tensed for a moment but frowned. He gave a short look to Miss Chey. And she turned to him, lowering her voice. "I assume that has nothing to do with you, I hope?" James shook his head. "Nay, but I must say that it may not look good, we were in a rush and I did not have time to grab the papers for Suri..."

For her part Miss Chey just nodded her head. "Very well Alice, I will consent to a simple search."

The door to the carriage opened and Suri saw two guards outside, they looked gruff. When they spotted Chey they seemed to start a moment, not quite expecting a little girl.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Chey seemed confident that there weren’t bandits blocking the path, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t. Suri could tell that the driver outside wasn’t quite panicking anymore, but that there was still some fear there. She was allowed to come down off her driver’s seat without any interference, which was at least a good sign that at least whatever or whoever was in their way wasn’t violent. There came a knock at the door, and the catgirl stopped reaching for the bag, thinking that the axe would probably be counterproductive. It turned out that someone wanted to search the carriage, probably soldiers, for “stolen slaves.” Suri’s ears flattened a little bit, and she reflexively scooted a little bit closer to James, who explained to Miss Chey that it had nothing to do with them, but that they didn’t have the catgirl’s papers. The carriage door was opened, revealing two rather gruff guards outside, though they seemed surprised at the noble’s age. Not knowing what else to do, Suri stayed pressed against her “master,” hoping they would leave soon enough.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The two gruff men compose themselves after a few moments. James has to keep himself from glaring at them, but Suri can tell that he's ready to attack. Though Suri presses herself again James, as if trying to hide. The soldiers finally speak. "We apologize for the interruption, Miss, but we've heard of a large number of escaped and stolen slaves recently, we've been told to keep an eye out for anything suspicious." The man who spoke gave a glance and a glare over to Suri and James, they certainly weren't in a good condition.

Chey had cleared her throat, redirecting her attention to herself, the eyes leaving Suri and James. "Is that the case? Well, you'll find nothing strange here. My fellow travelers here were attacked by bandits on the road, perhaps the same ones you are talking about in the slave theft. They attempted to steal this poor girl from her master. They managed to escape, but I'm afraid they lost their papers in the ruckus. I'm sure you understand, no?" The girl gave the men a sweet smile, pure and full of innocence. They looked at her then back at the pair. He nodded.

"Alright, go on through then, we're done here."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The two guards took a little while to regain their composure, which at least gave James the time to get to his. Suri could tell that he wasn’t happy with their being there, that his instinct was to attack them, so she pressed up against him a little bit more firmly, slipping an arm through one of his and hugging onto it. The men went through why they were there, looking for stolen or escaped slaves while one of them glared at the two. Chey was apparently a quick thinker for her age, though, and came up with a pretty good story that she probably only part-way believed; that the two of them had been mugged on the road by bandits who had attempted to steal Suri, and that their papers had been lost in the struggle. Her innocent smile was quite pretty, and also quite convincing apparently, because the soldiers agreed to leave soon after that. The catgirl waited until they had been gone for a while and the carriage was moving again before letting out a sigh of relief, letting go of James’ arm. "Thanks" she said quietly, glad that the noble had stood up for the two of them, giving her a little bow.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Chey smiled at the two, James giving a slight bow. "And my thanks as well, we're in your debt." He rubbed his arm a bit, feeling a bit foolish at his instinct to attack them. The girl shook her head, hair waving a bit. "Nonsense, it was nice to have company for once. And you two make a cute couple, I certainly wouldn't want to see you torn away from each other."

Alice peeks her head in after a moment, smiling a little. "Miss Chey, we'll be at rest house in a few short minutes. Please give consideration to your response to the Lord."

The girl looked up at the two of them after Alice left and the carriage started to move again. "You two seem to be on a journey, is there any way I might be able to help you before we part ways here?"

James looked over to Suri, pausing and thinking, he gave a shrug to Suri, letting Suri decide the response for them.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri blushed when the noble called James and her a cute couple, scooting a little bit farther away from him out of reflex, after having been scrunched up against him. It wasn’t long before Alice informed the lot of them that it would only be a few minutes before they reached their destination, or at least Miss Chey’s destination, and the young girl pondered for a while before asking if there were any way she could help the two of them. James shrugged, leaving it to the catgirl to say what they needed. She looked down at the bag she had brought, her ears flat; she knew it wasn’t all that they had had at the beginning. "To be honest, I don’t even know what we have left after that attack. Just whatever’s in this bag. We probably need food, bedding… lots of supplies. Maybe a good night’s rest, we haven’t had a proper sleep in a long while" she said after a moment's thought.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Chey nodded to Suri again. "I see, that certainly sounds rough. I may be able to help you, though tonight is a bit busy for me. I offer you the invitation to stay at my villa for the evening, then tomorrow I can help you with preparations, does that sound acceptable?"

James nodded his approval, smiling a little. He seemed quite glad to get a moment to rest.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"That would be great" Suri replied, definitely happy to have a quiet night ahead of herself to rest and relax. Not having to worry about soldiers attacking them or monsters rolling by or James' condition and just sleep for the first time in however many days would be simply wonderful, that much she was sure of.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Chey smiled again, as did James. The carriage stopped in short order and the trio climbed out. James seemed to smile as he spotted Alice, and she blushed and returned the smile. The carriage had stopped in front of a large house. It had a gated entry way before a short path through a well maintained yard up to the building proper. It looked to be two floors, and was probably big enough to house at least six families if it had been an apartment building or similar.

Alice leads Suri and James to a guest suite, helping them settle in. She offers to bring Suri a new outfit if she would like one, considering the state of her current one. James collapses on the bed, fairly tired. After Alice leaves he waits a few moments before speaking. "We got lucky...this could have gone far worse." He sighed a bit. "I'll leave it up to you, what do you want to do?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

It wasn’t long before the carriage stopped again and it was time for everyone to get out and move to their destination on foot. Of course, Suri noticed that James and Alice were smiling at each other and blushing a bit, so she couldn’t help but get a little bit mad again, hooking her arm through his once more, but being sure to lightly elbow him in the ribs “accidentally.” They were in front of a simply huge house, two stories and rambling all along a well-kept lawn. It was probably bigger than some dorm buildings at the local college, and all to house only one family in all likelihood. The driver led them inside and then into one of the many guest suites, helping them with their bag and then offering Suri a new outfit, an offer she quickly accepted; her own was battered and torn and dirty, and she wanted something nice and clean for herself. When she left, James collapsed down onto the bed, clearly still in a mood to sleep. "Yes, being found by them was probably the best thing that could have happened to us" she replied to his assertion that they had been lucky as she moved to sit on the bed. "Well, once Alice gets back with my clothes and we get fully settled in, I’d like to sleep I think. It’s been too long since I’ve slept in a bed, and way too long since I’ve had a good sleep. You seem like you could use it too."