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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Why not. Sakura attempts to cast a spell at the plants! She's never done it before so no bonus there, and she's out of FP so let's say -5 and then the -1 for Grappling.

S 13 vs P 3

Well now.

The alraune chuckles amusedly at Sakura's question, continuing her ministrations.

"I'm a plant, I can't just uproot and walk away. I grow where I'm planted and I've adapted my needs and those of the garden around me to subsist on sweet things like you. Once we're hydrated we'll be good til the next one comes along and you can be on- Hey what are you doing?!"

The Alraune pulled away with a cry of alarm as the flowers in the room burst wildly in flame, her crying out in fear and alarm, and dropping Sakura as her vines start trying to beat out the fires. "No, my garden, my roots! What have you done?!

With the Alraune distracted, Sakura had a chance to slip away.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

I still cant believe than she made it > >

The posibility to escape until the plant woman get sattled looks to be more than impossible for Sakura, she was close to lost herself to the lust than the room itself provide and she was more than sure than she would fail in cast something, even a little flame sound like a joke. That was why she was more surprised than the alraune when the place started to burn behind them. I was not trying this... She shaked her head in confusion and even feels bad for what has happened, really but she found herself free and the plant girl was busy with the fire, she know than she must move or she will get urted by the fire or the rage of this woman when the problem get solved.

Sakura quickly run to get her weapon and then to the exit of this room, trying to endure the heat of her body as best as she could before she could get caught again.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The alraune seems to note Sakura's flight past the alraune and into a stair well upwards. The alraune snarled after the fleeing girl.

"You'll pay for this! I'll make you pay! Next time, I'll turn you into a flower pot!"

Leaving the snarling flower girl as she sobs and tries to put her plants out, Sakura makes her way up the stairs, managing to catch her breath a bit. Still, she has some trouble calming down, as the shadowy "clothes" upon her have begin to vibrate and grind slowly, keeping her on edge.

Stepping upwards, a change in the atmosphere of the temple is noticeble. While down below, the temple was abandoned and ruined, it didn't have the same sense of... Oppression that permeated this section. It was weak right now, but who knew how long it would last?

Coming up to the top of the stairs, the room in here looked like it may have once had a lot of art on display and fine furnishings. But now, the walls and paintings are charred, scorch marks cover the floor, and soot has caked onto the ceiling.

Arch ways to the left and right go into separate rooms, while straight ahead, a second set of stairs continues upwards, blocked by a shimmering red barrier.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With her body running as fast as possible with the heavy burder of the pleasure on her. Sakura could not do more than fear what exactly could try to say the plant girl with flower pot. Ahn i must try to find a new exit..."pant"... why all ended in this way? Sakura ask in a weak voice to herself, her body close to get on her knees as she hug herself and wonder if what she has done could be solved, not only to the plant girl but get out of this game and her risis outside at the real world.

Her worries were interrupted as she looks where she was now and the terrible torture given to her by the dark smog strings continue teasing her like always. What is this thing? i need to take it how... there must be a way... she whimper and try to calm herself bitting her lower lip and wishing to be uncouncious to maybe have a rest of this thing. The idea to masturbate herself just there passed through her mind but she wouldnt give up to this thing so easily, she was a lady after all.

Sakura was slighty hungry so decide to open her backpack and place it bellow her after take some of the slighty passed food given by her this morning... she supposed as it should be the same day as she got inside this tunnel, there was that time than she lost the sense of time in that huge plant but these were still fine after escape.

Her attempts to focus on eat were in part to reduce her lust a little, maybe this harness would get tired of by ignored and could stop. Once eating a part she sore all and place her bag in place before continue having ready her weapon as she press her thighs to endure the lust before take the left path. I need to find something... i cant let this time remain on me... Sakura think as she muffed her small moans.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura is ambushed by Hellhound! Hellhound get's a free attack.

H vs S
21vs 9 CRIT

Sakura 4/6 FP
5/10 AP

Hellhound 5/5 FP

Sakura ate her food, but with the harness there, her arousal was being maintained, it just made the harness compensate more for her stopping.

Sakura went through the left archway. This room was also charred by some sort of fire, though a few things remained intact. Some sort of pile of soft looking furs in a corner, and several gnawed upon bones that were far too big to be human.

She had little time to consider what the source of these could be though before Sakura is struck hard from behind, a slam sending her staggering towards the blankets before turning around to see her assailant.

The creature is a massive canine, easily 4 and a half feet at the shoulder, with long pitch black fur, rather wolf like. However it's eye sockets are empty except for burning black flames, sparks of which emerge from it's maw as it snarls aggressively. The floor beneath it's paws smolders. A thick collar of smoke, very similar to the harness that Sakura was wearing, surrounds its neck.

The beast is blocking Sakura's path out of what appears to be its den, growling at her threateningly.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With her body constant feeling the cursed harness playing on it, she just was getting frustrated by how she must endure it all the time, any attempt to take it out would make this thing get worse, the constant trolling at her made her focus less of what she should in this place, her bared foot moved inside the next room more looking for something useful than in a defense stance.

She look at the pile of fur and the bones almost thinking to try to cover her body when suddenly she receive a strong hit at her back than make her fall in what looks to be the bed of that unknown beast. Her squeak by the surprise was soon followed by the fear of see that huge beast of hell.

She then remembered the bones at the room. This thing will eat me. She think as some teardrops wanted to get out. She soon turn with caution around looking for another exit as she prepare to hit the thing if it get closer, slowly trying to get up. Are you a good doggy? please stay there... sit she said in fear

Defensive stance

Its not a good idea but Sakura dont want to attack this thing if she find another route to get out
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

There didn't seem to be a way around it easily without risking being attacked. Nor did any other exits present itself.

The creature growls at her, taking a step forward, shifting itself as though hemming her towards the pile of furs. It towered over her but didn't make any move to savage her. It seemed to want her to submit to it's dominance as it growled at her.

In any case, it seemed prepared to not devour her if she gave up, but if she were to resist, it's uncertain what may happen.

Hellhound delays it's action as well. Sakura can submit or fight the hell beast. Or attempt to run around it but she risks being struck as she runs.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The place was just a small room, it looks than she has missed in her choice this time, also this creature havent jump at her and it looks less menacing now. But this only made her doubt if she should hurt him, how she will summit to a beast?

He could easily burn her in a mistake, just turning to where he move made her suppose than her insides would be in danger if she let him do it. But fight it would put in danger her fight. Without lost more time or give a warning she run toward the door trying to evade this being and get inside the right door.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura attempts to flee the room! Hellhound exhales Black Fire!

H vs S
19 vs 1 CRIT

Today is not Sakura's day.

Sakura 1/6 FP
8/10 AP

Hellhound 5/5 FP

Sakura got to her feet then bolted, trying to run around the beast for the opposite room! The hellhound snarled in anger as she flee'd around it and out of the room. However, the beast took a deep breath and exhaled a great burst of black flame from it's maw, easily engulfing it over Sakura's body.

The flames did not burn, but rather sapped powerful, sapping her ability to continue to resist, while burning pleasure and list flowed through her body. Still she still had enough to continue for now.

Bursting into the opposite chamber, she found it was also scorched. A pedestal stood at the far end of the room, with a demonic looking pewter statue sitting atop of it, with glowing purple runes atop of it.

The Hellhound was not far behind her now.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

As she made her move the beast looks to dont want to chase her as a game and soon used a terrible fire over the poor nude girl. It was so potent and destructive in power, she was near sure than this would be her last time to feel the breath getting inside her lungs, Kyaaa!! She scream as she feel the strange fire, she could notice her body almost giving up to the lust by the increase of this fire.

Im not death!? She glad notice it dont wasting too much time to say thanks before run away out the room then getting out the corridor and then get inside the next room. She looks for a way to seal the door so the hell dog dont reach her new hideout.

There was nothing on this room again, do she need to beat that beast to continue? she could just manage to move her legs with all her lust over her, how fight it with this curse? She decide to try to hide herself behind the statue, looking to be the only option than she have, maybe she could push it over the beast or she could find some kind of switch, there was not any other way to find a escape, as this room was also a dead end.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

It was an archway so there was no door. Chances were this was the room the Hellhound was in originally.

Sakura hides behind the pedestal the statue sits atop. Sitting there, she can hear the Hellhound run into the room, growling.

Sonja is attempting to hide!

S vs H
1 vs 11

The beast sniffs the air, before barking, and circling around the pedestal, and lunging at Sakura! It seems to be holding back a bit though, trying not to knock the statue off the pedestal by accident.

H vs S
8 vs 10

Sakura manages to notice she's been spotted in time though and wind her way around the statue. Looking, the helhounds fire seems dimmer right now, but it's slowly recovering to it's previous blazing nature.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

After try her best to hide herself behind the pedestal this thing just sniff and notice her so easily than she hate the fact too much than annoy her. Quickly she tried to mantain her distance of this thing, at least he is not trying to bite her and then she found than the statue could be taken easily. Why the beast dodge the pedestal? Maybe this statue was special, she dont have more places to hide or run, if the statue dont stop her she will try to counter this thing if it get closer, her weak body could just dodge some attacks before faint by that lust on her burning in potence. She couldnt attack the beast as she would be defeated in a blink

[take statue and if she dont find how to use mantain a defensive stance as she backwalk out the room]
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Hellhound takes a penalty on attacks to avoid damaging the statue.

H vs S 8 vs 13

The beast growls, before snarling angrily when Sakura takes the statue. she starts backing out of the room defensively, the Hell hound growling, before advancing, snapping at her, but it seems to be holding back to try and avoid damaging the statue!

Sakura manages to avoid the first bite though and pulls back into the middle room again. The barrier still seems to be up and the beast is right on her! The runes on the statue do seem to match the ones on the barrier though.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With the statue at hand, she gets back and prepare for any possible attack than this dog could try on her, this time the beast decide to try to bite her, but easily thanks in part for the statue she avoid be hurt by this hell dog.

Once she was at the center of the room it was easy to suppose a connection between the statue and this magic wall, but she was unsure what to do to pass. The dog looks to be in charge to defend it, the best bet would be get close the wall and then throw this thing if being close dont make the wall disspear.

If any of the possibilities free the path she will quickly run away upstairs
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

H vs S
7 vs 4

Sakura is out of FP. So close too.

Sakura bolted for the wall, with the Hellhound right on her heels/ she get's closer to the wall, and then teeth clamp around her leg, tripping her up, as she falls over and lands on her chest, the statue hitting the ground, and cracking a bit. The wall wavers slightly, but the Hellhound doesn't seem to notice, as it quickly drags Sakura back into it's den.

Sakura finds herself dragged and tossed onto the furs, her axe and the statue knocked out of her reach as the beast towers over her with a snarl, pinning her in place with one of it's massive paws, before it sits down on her chest.

From within it's fur, a great inhuman shaft, smooth and pointed emerges from a sheath, aimed right at her mouth, the hellhound growling threateningly, implying she best service him.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

lol trolling rolls :p

It looks than fate was against the poor blue haired girl, she was so close to reach her so desired route out this place when suddenly the huge beast reached to catch her leg making her fall over her already erected sensitive breasts. Aghh... why? dont pull me. She begs as the beast make her body clean the scortch from the floor before return her to the fur nest and place a leg over her to stop her on place. The throw to the fur bed has made her lost her axe and that statue, but she was sure than hit it at the floor by mistake has affected the wall, if she would had break it maybe she would had escape of this.

With horror s meatrod get out the dog, she was more than disgusted with the idea, but this thing could try something to persuade her. If i werent wearing this... She think before blush and try to find out what to do now. o...ok, i will try... She was sure than this being would not be happy finding than after all that sex in rapes she havent tried to serve a monster, this was so degrading even more than the panther and must more than do it for money.

Soon she start to lick it and rub it slowly with her hand, the time with her lover at the beach provide her with some information about this but she was not rady to give a service. If she found than this thing dont burn her she would try to lick and suck it faster as she rub the base of this thing, wishing than she could sattle it with just this. Why he just dont rape me like the others? i never tried this with a creature or even a male, i would be unable to marry someone. Sakura think mostly wishing than this thing rape her and make her fire lust reduce finaly.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

While noticeably hot, it wasn't enough to be more than slightly uncomfortable at worse.

The hellhound chuffs in pleasure as Sakura seemed to get the message and began to suck on and stroke the canine shaft, panting lightly in pleasure at her, albeit inexperienced, ministrations.

His shaft was surprisingly sweet tasting, and it was constantly throbbing and leaking a spiced fluid into her mouth, lubricating it with his lust. And it was growing, engorging forth slowly in her mouth and filling it, not even close to fully erect quite yet it seems.

The creature seemed to watch her knowingly, even as it enjoyed her, it seeming to be waiting for something, perhaps for her to beg for it to claim her and put out her loins flames and make her his bitch, an sense of dominance able to be felt fro those flaming eyes.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

As expected the Hellhound's member was more warm as expected, she wanted to just end this as fast as possible before this thing wanted to do something more at her. Her mouth moves faster for this goal soon reaching to notice this thing growing in size and leaking some kind of warm substance.

After some time she supposed than all thsi fluid has been his cum, she best mostly than it was the case and then she turn to see him, waiting than he take out her leg from over her and let her escape but the being remain in place.

Do you want more?... can i leave? She ask and if this dog dont answer she will try to calm her lust by waiting some. The lust remaining at her was so painful to endure. Will you use me? Said blushing thinking than it was so stupid to ask to a monster.

Sakura struggled starting to get tired of this constant arousal than remain her close to lost herself. She remain pinned on the floor as this monster remain waiting something. Making some whines she turn to a side and then almost in a wishper said so dissapointed of herself. Can you use me?

...please, its so painful. Sakura could feel that small pool between her legs, i cant more... please just end and dont look me.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The Hellhound seems to accept Sakura's begging, and gently if firmly grasps her neck with his fangs before getting off her and rolling her onto all fours. Keeping a good grasp of her neck in it's dominant position, the canine starts to hump along her back a moment, the large inhuman shaft bouncing off her before catching her soaked lower lips and sinking himself in.

The heated shaft just adds to the fire of lust, but at the same time, it provided relief of pleasure as it slowly and achingly stretched her wide as it delved into her depths. She could already feel the beasts fluids starting to mix with her own inside, before starting to thrust deep and hard, claiming her like another canine.

The beast hammered her with bestial ferocity much like the panther before, stretching her as the heat enticed her to great pleasure. Then she felt even more stretched, slowly but surely, as the base of the canines shaft began to swell, forming a knot to tie the two together and seal him into her.

Then the flood happened, as the hellhound let go of hew neck to howl his dominance. Hot canine seed rushed into Sakura, pulsing hard and thick into her, and unable to escape her body it began filling her womb with it's endless tide, driving her into climax along with him as his seed sated the desperate need she had been afflicted with.

However his climax seemed endless, and she remained trapped groin to groin with him, as she was used to empty his seed, the burning fires of lust reigniting and going out as she was forced into climax after climax before passing out.

When Sakura came too, it was hard to say how long had passed, but she was alone on the furs, her body filled with canine seed, but enough seemed to have escaped so that she wasn't bulging with it anymore, or at least not as much. Her axe remained nearby, as did the statue, but it seems the runes had gone out on it, a large crack running through it.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Blushing she accept to turn down, mostly remembering her time with the panther, it was still better now as she was over this fur she suppose. Soon her body strted to feel the warm tool passing close her needed cunt, without thinking she moved her hips trying to feel it more inside, almost as begging to fuck her now and then the large meat rod pass deep inside her carnal hole.

Used a little more she moved her hips as she feel the heat in her slighty been pleased and the harness soon reducing the tease on her. As a dominant male he cum inside her without be interested in her own climax who fortunately was close after the long molestation of the vile rope. Sakura tried to dont moan and just feel a needed release, yet soon another build and the hell beast was the stamina to continue for a long time until she manage to faint.

Sakura awake time later still over her fours, she could see the statue who dont have the marks from before and also her axe and almost empty backpack waiting her. Then she noticed the warm fluid between her legs and still in large quantity on her womb. She then realized it all and just remain resting on the fur as she asked herself why

She shouldnt be here, there was nothing than she could try to avoid be raped continualy by these beasts. She tried to be brave, also beg, plead and even be a tricky bastard with that plant girl but at the end she ended at the same place. She wanted to run away but she was struck in this temple unless she receive the fury of the plant woman who mostly will torture her without stop.

What i should do? give up? Her eyes get wet as she think in what she havent tried. Aceept her fate and let them cum until reach the demon? then what would happen? She would be even worse than the scary girl running from home, from her reality, that town, this temple and the whole game. She sobs as the little girl than she is for a while but then noticed than this will make her stay at the same place.

She only have her axe to fight, she suppose than she must endure this and try to be stronger, for her and her future. That weapon is the only thing than has remain with her, her friends fail her as her family... not a single of the persons on this game even accept to follow her. She was alone with her axe to endure this, to grow or let all use her until dont need her anymore.

As a traped mouse she decide to fight, it was all than she needed to find maybe a diferent door in her life. Soon she get up and use a fur to clean her body, after this she tried to take as much as she could use and place it on the backpack, maybe these pieces of fur could help her, at least she use one to cover her as a skirt and other her breasts. Then she take her axe and see if the force wall has dissapear. If that had happen she will continue using the stairs to reach a new place in this maze. As long she cold use her axe she will fight and her backpack would let her carry all what she could found, she still could place her hope in her items to get stronger before face the evil being ruling this temple