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Hafnium Test Thread



Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

At Mari's comment about her birthday, Lenalee smiled wolfishly, but her voice was a little bit more grim than might have been healthy when she replied; "Thank me when we're out of here." On the way out, she noted, but didn't comment on the trophies hanging from the wall. Lochan seemed content with that, and she could think of no reason to bother the man about past hunts now, when they were in so much danger, but it was good to know that the old man likely could do more than just shoot. Her mutated visage smiled, the look altogether more unsettling than reassuring, at Lochan's unwillingness to look at the illusion she had crafted. She handed the old soldier her staff, and confidently said; "Hold on to this for me, until I return."

Following her less than harrowing walk through the village, during which she carefully marked in her head where the house she had left was, and where the houses where she had seen the shadows move had been. She had left her staff behind, and adopted an awkward gait in the hopes of better imitating the mutated villagers, but as she remained unmolested throughout her trip. She was getting to know the layout of the place a little, and she noted the residual magic she could sense where Lila had teleported in. Despite having almost been killed there, Lenalee smiled broadly as she strolled through the desecrated village.

She was careful as she entered the abandoned home, searching it quickly both for hostiles and for useful items, and finding neither. She paid little head to the corpses or to the destroyed decorations and furniture, and climbed up to the top. Through the attic, and to the roof, making sure to close things behind her along the way. An early warning would be nice, in the event of something following her up here.

Lenalee surveyed the village, paying special attention to the chant she heard coming from somewhere nearby. But only for a moment. The sorceress allowed her illusion to fade away, and stared up into the darkened sky with a wide serene smile upon her face. She felt... At peace, as the wind lightly brushed across her face, but that peace was quickly disturbed as the chant floated across the village. Her eyes opened once more, blazing white as she began to call upon the greatest of her spells.

Her messy black hair rose above her head as electricity crackled across her body, causing her robes to cling to her skin. Thunder roared weekly above, the sky preparing for what was to come. She worked her power, stoking the flames of her magic until she seemed ready to burst, and then.... She unleashed her magic, and took hold of the skies.

The thunder suddenly went silent, and it began to rain, first lightly, and then gradually proceeding to a total downpour. Lenalee was soaked within a few moments, but that hardly mattered to her at the time. She was not cold. Not with her magic working the way it was. The tips of her breasts hardened, but from arousal, not the chill rain pattering onto her body. Ecstasy coursed through her as she worked this, the ultimate expression of her chosen power, but there was one brief moment of clarity before Lenalee fell into the trance of her magic completely.

In that moment, she wondered if the inquisition might not be so wrong, in the long run. Sure they kidnapped and tortured innocent children, but they did so with a purpose. They existed to prevent exactly what she was about to do, after all. They existed to keep people with her kind of power from obliterating helpless little villages such as this one from the world in a moment of anger.

As she fell into the trance required of this particular working, Lenalee wondered if they might be able to do a better job. Regardless, she began to laugh, and spread her arms wide to greet the storm she had summoned. Three brilliant flashes, and the loudest crack of thunder that had ever been heard, and the chanting was drowned out. All three bolts had struck in that area, distilling their deadly power throughout the area. More lightning struck, hammering into the desolate village at her command. Wood splintered and caught fire as her lightning bolts struck it, and houses crumbled beneath her wrath. She could only hold the power for so long, but in those few moments in which Lenalee controlled the storm..... She felt like a goddess.

All too soon, it was over, as she released her grip upon the lightning and lowered her arms. She was soaked to the bone from the rain, and the storm she had conjured still raged, and would continue to do so without some intervention. She had no intention of giving it. Still on the high from her magic and giggling madly, Lenalee re-assumed her illusion and started back, basking in the excitement that using her power gave to her. She was practically skipping through the mud, utterly unbothered by the storm around and above her as she returned to her allies. Lucidity was most certainly not something she could be accused of at the moment, and as such, her disguise and the rain were her only protection, excluding the armor she wore beneath the illusion of course.

Climb up to the roof of the building. When she gets there, Lenalee will release alter self, and cast Thunderstorm, level 5 lightning spell.
She'll target the area where the chanting is coming from first, followed by taking out all of the houses near to the one she's on, and then those she saw shadows moving through.
Any hostiles that make themselves known will get a lightning bolt to the face in place of targeting a house.
After 4 rounds of upkeep, she'll release the spell and let the storm do as it pleases, cast alter self again, and start back toward the house where her allies are waiting for her.

Should be a total of 8 + 20 + 4 = 32 EP.


Despair Fetishist
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Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 39/75, Status = Alter self.
Casting: Success

...but Lenalee doesn't get quite the Thunderstorm she was expecting... Lenalee gains a unique spell:
Level 8 (i.e. 70 DC and 14 EP): Hellblast Storm {Utility} [Similar to Thunderstorm. Rains Lightning Bolts upon random enemies within a several mile radius. When the caster spends 5 EP to maintain control of Hellblast Storm, they may target areas with Hellblasts in addition to directing 1d6 Lightning Bolts per round. The DC and EP cost for casting this spell are reduced to that of a level 5 spell when using an Eden object as a focus, or after extended mental contact with one. If control is dropped, the caster must make a casting check in order to reacquire it (Eden stuff applies here too).]

Round #1
Hellblast: (1 + 6) * 5 = 35 damage.
Lightning Bolt #1: (6 + 8) * 3 = 42 damage.
Lightning Bolt #2: (1 + 8) * 3 = 27 damage.
Lightning Bolt #3: (1 + 8) * 3 = 27 damage.

Round #2
Hellblast: (1 + 6) * 5 = 35 damage.
Lightning Bolt #1: (4 + 8) * 3 = 36 damage.
Lightning Bolt #2: (1 + 8) * 3 = 27 damage

Round #3
Hellblast: (6 + 6) * 5 = 60 damage.
Lightning Bolt #1: (1 + 8) * 3 = 27 damage.
Lightning Bolt #2: (2 + 8) * 3 = 30 damage.
Lightning Bolt #3: (4 + 8) * 3 = 36 damage.

Round #4
Hellblast: (2 + 6) * 5 = 40 damage.
Lightning Bolt #1: (4 + 8) * 3 = 36 damage.

Perception: Partial Success

As she worked the underpinnings of the massive spell, Lenalee could feel her complete dominion over the force of lightning. There were few things that the sorceress could truly and fully command in the world. The loyalties of the ones around her were never a sure thing, a commander could only take the appropriate steps and precautions and hope for the best. Life, another matter that wasn't in the mortal realm of control, as proven to her by the visions of the carnival and the axe that put Ren into a coma. Even her own fate was beyond her orders at times, as the kidnappers of the Lich King had thoroughly shown her. But lightning...lightning was her domain. Then, more than ever, she could feel her power over her specialty. That dominion felt amplified within her at that point in time, beyond the norm. When she released her spell to the skies, she truly felt like a part of the coming storm.

And, in a show that did not disappoint, the sky could obviously feel the lightning witch's will. It began slowly, at first. A sprinkle, the kind that most casual observers would wave off as unpredictable weather. The rapid darkening of the clouds above denoted differently to those who knew them well. From its humble beginnings, the rainfall began to increase. Had there been any farmers, or, indeed, healthy crops, left they might have considered the storm a blessing. It did not end there, however, progressing to a complete downpour. The severity of the rain threatened to flood the fields and drown the crops, maybe even the town itself. The drops came in such a torrential amount that it seemed almost like the precipitation alone might wash the corruption away. But Lenalee had a more direct method than that in store for Amere.

Thunder rolled through the heavens and with a sudden, deafening boom, the chanting had stopped. The testament of the lightning mage's will crashed through the air, striking with enough force and power to destroy anything unfortunate enough to be its target. The bolt that Lenalee had willed upon the unseen gathering of villagers wasn't normal for the spell though, the entranced mage could tell that easily. It was as if the god of thunder himself had lent an arm to crush the corrupted men and women of Amere. The devastating blast was joined by three others, more akin to the kind that the sorceress was accustomed to. By the time the rumblings of the first strike had ended, Lenalee knew, through her link to the storm and guesswork combined, that none had survived. Or...wait. There were four. Four who had not fallen to her destructive magics. Some had stood against the storm and paid for it, but they hadn't fallen. The mage turned a second strike on the area to finish the job. As before, the lightning came down with a thundering crash. The force of the shockwave likely shook all in the village, except the sorceress. Lightning simply could not shake the lightning witch.

Some villagers wandered out into the streets at the unmissable commotion. They did not notice Lenalee atop the roof and seemed completely confused as to what was going on. Unfortunately for them, the mage noticed them. A third deafening blast and none remained, nor did the house they had emerged from. Rubble and destruction was the only sign that the building or its former inhabitants even existed a moment before. Yet, for all the damage not more than fifty feet away from her, the blast had done nothing to the lightning witch or her perch. The storm was hers to command, and like a loyal pet it would never harm its master. Three more bolts of lightning lashed out at unseen targets, Lenalee knew through her magical connection to the skies that none who had been targeted had survived the storm's wrath. With a lack of other targets in mind, the sorceress lashed out at one of the homes that had held those uncertain shadows. As before, when the dust had cleared there was nothing left of her target. The storm sorceress had simply wiped the focus of her aggression out of existence.

But Lenalee's command over the skies themselves was a testing thing, requiring much energy. Eventually, she had to let her direct control over the lightning fall away. The storm continued overhead, loyally destroying the mage's enemies, even without her guidance. Though the heavier strikes halted entirely, the lesser bolts were more than enough to slay a corrupted villager. The sorceress returned from her position on the rooftop, down through the house, and back onto the now-muddy ground. A torrential rain continued to pour into the area, although it wasn't possible for Lenalee to be more soaked than she already was after standing on the roof throughout the beginning of her storm. The contended sorceress began the trip home happily. To her fortune, few of the villagers seemed to notice her over everything else that had happened. Indeed, most of the population of Amere seemed as unaware as she was. It didn't look like most had even left their homes as she all but skipped by them.

The sorceress, still in that state of euphoria that her magic brought, wasn't able to hold onto it for the whole trip home, however. Lightning lashed out at something near her. While she was in no danger from the product of her storm, it was what the bolt had lashed out that gave her pause. A being in spiky black armor soared through the air on raven-like wings. Moreover, she could spot glowing purple eyes from beneath its helmet, even through the downpour and at that distance. It wasn't too hard to guess what the thing above her was, a demonic knight that had been given much the same treatment as Dreadbeak. Worse, there was a second one in the skies not far behind it. After a close call with that lightning strike, they came to the ground not far ahead of Lenalee...

But didn't seem to notice her or see through her visage at all. The sorceress, a little bit more aware of her surroundings now that two dangerous opponents were ahead of her, could make a few things out about them. Their armor seemed much lighter than the regular knights, not as protective either. They wielded spears, as well. The two knights' eyes glowed a fiercer purple than Dreadbeak's had as he laid dying. Lenalee could tell that they were speaking but couldn't make out all of their words over the downpour while remaining at a safe distance. "Priestess... Mage... Safely... Others... You check the house." was all that the woman could gather from it. When they had finished speaking both nodded in agreement, after which one went walking in the direction of the building that the mage had left Mari and the others at, the other seemed content to remain on the road.

Lenalee was standing in the road, either side of which was lined with homes. A few side paths existed but she wasn't very familiar with the town beyond the road she was on. The remaining knight was directly ahead of her but didn't seem to even notice her as he scanned the surrounding houses. The second knight was swiftly on his way in the direction that the sorceress herself had intended to go, though it looked as though he didn't want to risk flying.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Despite the strange alteration to what she had intended, Lenalee couldn't be happier as she rained devastation down upon the village of Amere. Power unlike anything she had ever wielded before lashed down onto the village, leaving naught but devastation in its wake. Strike after strike touched down, the lightning obliterating all that it touched as thunder rumbled from both above and below. Her soaked body crackled with power, but it was practically an empty shell in those few moments that she controlled the storm. Her mind, her soul... They were both within the clouds above, working the power that she was now so drunk with. She didn't know why this storm was so much more powerful than the others she had conjured had been. At the time, she didn't care. She reveled in the power she wielded, no matter the source of it.

As she skipped through the village, the disguised sorceress idly noted the ones that took to the streets, confused and likely terrified by the sudden raging storm. The wind whipping through her hair and the rain soaking her body, Lenalee didn't have a care in the world.

Until she saw the figures in the sky. Her gaze became a scowl. Something dared to invade the skies with her power coursing through it? The nerve! Her eyes crackled beneath her disguise, the effects of her magic still coursing through her, rage and arousal mixing and blending together as she watched it soar down to the ground and meet a similar being. She paused as she noticed those glowing purple eyes, so similar, but at once so much more dangerous than the glow that had come from Dreadbeak. More of the "Priestess" favored minions then. Good. The more she eradicated now, the less she would have to worry about later. Smiling once more, she continued skipping forward, muttering a spell that would strengthen herself beneath her breath.

Over the wind and the rain and her own efforts, she only heard a few words of what the two had said, but it was enough. The mage they were referring to was probably her, and the Priestess was a rather obvious to their leader. The "safely" comment was slightly confusing, but the word "others" led Lenalee to believe that they had a little more information than they ought to about the makeup of their group. By the time he had said; "check the house," she was in position, and her preparatory spell had been completed. Even in her current state, she wouldn't be so foolish as to think that she could fight the two demon knights head on and expect to win. She hadn't yet truly even noticed the mysterious aid to her powers yet, so she couldn't have known of the source of it even had she been willing to rely upon the heart of eden.

So, she had to get both at once... Or at the very least, eliminate one while the other was still heading toward the house where her companions were waiting for her. Once more she looked up to the sky, and grasped hold of the clouds with her magic and her will. Power crackled across her skin, but she kept her illusion up this time. She was only grasping the power of the lightning for a moment this time, and calling down a single bolt. This time, she pulled as much strength as she could all at once, a blast straight from hell coming down with a deafening crack to strike. Such powers were not delicate, of course, but she did her best to aim between the two, perhaps edging her attack slightly toward the nearer of the two demon knights. Reckless though she might be, Lenalee was not about to leave the closer of her opponents alive if she could only take one.

Lenalee casts a level 3 buff spell on Mind, and then Hellblast, and tries to fry both of them.

After the buff, she should have a + Mind/5 * 3 = +30 bonus to Mind, which would leave her with 80 Mind. This also buffs her Resistance and Dodge by 15 each, in case that matters.

Her base Casting with lightning spells is 24 + 12 = 36, but with the added Mind it should auto succeed.

Damage would be (1d8 + 10) * 5 = between 55 and 80 damage.

Hellblast is a 5th level Lightning spell:
Hellblast {Ball} [Calls powerful lightning from the sky that strikes a target, dealing massive damage to it and anything near it. Can be used to destroy buildings completely.]

Total cost would be 4 + 8 = 12 EP.

Try to hit both knights, but if she can only get one aim for the one that's just standing there.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 3/50, PP = 70, EP = 27/75, Status = Alter self, +30 Mind, Severely Injured.
Casting: Success

Casting: Success
Attack: Hit & Hit
Damage: (1 + 10) * 5 = 55 - 15 = 40 damage. (The 1s continue. ;_;)

Honor Guard #1
Attack: Miss. (But the 15 dodge pays off!)

Honor Guard #2
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 14 + 36 = 50 - 3 = 47. Armor is at 5/30 TP.

The sorceress's preparatory spell was cast without issue, making her feel much sharper and quicker. That speed would be useful as one of the knights noticed her spell, prompting him to shout, in a voice that Lenalee could hear even over the thunderstorm, "the mortal is here! Capture her for the priestess!" Whatever the mage did with the knowledge that the succubus had a specific interest in her so soon after entering the demon's 'domain,' the next step in dealing with the knights was fairly straightforward. The curvy lightning adept summoned up the familiar power that had seen her through much of her journey up to that point. With an empowered thunderstorm already in the sky, her quickened senses, and her natural aptitude with controlling such powers, conjuring the mighty spell was barely even a task worth mentioning. She willed it and the blast struck the ground ahead of her, filling both knights with its violent injuries and doing no harm to speak of to the mage herself.

The knights, however, did not fall. Not only did they not die, they charged forward. Unlike most of their particular class of kin, they didn't bother to utilize any empowerment before besetting the woman. Not that they needed it, it seemed, as the mage just barely ducked the butt of a spear thrust at her face from the first and closest of the two. Lenalee's second opponent was upon her in short order as well and she was not so lucky with him. The shaft of the spear came sailing through the air at her head in an arc and she simply wasn't quick enough to avoid the blow. It struck against the side of her head, nearly knocking her to the ground, and caused her ears to ring. It was easy to tell that she wouldn't be able to take another hit like that without finding out exactly what the 'priestess' had in store for her. "Surrender peacefully and partake in the priestess's offer, Mage, or we will take the other mortals and you by force," the demon who had just struck her offered, in a show of hitting first and asking questions afterward.

Rain continued to pour down onto the road where Lenalee faced the two winged knights. Both were within a few feet of her, not particularly utilizing their spears' long reaches against the less physically capable combatant. Despite the feeling of imminent unconsciousness creeping into the sorceress, she was still far from out of the fight. The knights had taken one of her most powerful lightning attacks and were obviously worse off for it. Another and they might die. Moreover, none of the villagers were around to help them. Of course, she could always surrender. That probably wouldn't do much more than put her at the whim of a crazed succubus, though.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee scowled darkly at the knight's call, having hoped to have remained undetected long enough to land her first attack from total surprise. Her stroke of lightning tracked the two armored, winged demons easily enough, however, and she smiled darkly as she watched the two of them writhe in agony under its effects. She even began to laugh darkly as they twitched and.... Wait, were they still moving toward her? The dice of fate seemed to have rolled against her as the two charged forward, their strength apparently undiminished despite the agony they had been put through.

Despite her surprise, Lenalee ducked her head beneath the first strike made against her, the blunt end of the knight's spear sailing over her head and brushing lightly against her still partially standing hair. "Ha! you're way too-" Lenalee shouted triumphantly as she stood once more, unfortunately being cut off by the second knight bashing her in the side of the head in the same manner that the first had attempted. Pain exploded through her entire head as she was struck, and she very nearly went down in a single blow. Her ears ringing, the sorceress stumbled to the side from the power of the blow, and any hope of concentration went right out the window.

She barely registered that the knight had spoken, his words slipping in one ear and going out the other as she tried desperately to get enough of her thoughts together to rally some sort of defense. Images flashed wildly through her mind, memories of the horrid sights in the carnival appearing before her, only this time they came in first person. Mari, hanging as Dreadbeak had done in her vision. The patrons of that dark carnival swarming over Lila and tearing the helpless blind girl limb from limb. Herself, on her back as nails were driven into her hands....

"No...." She whispered hoarsely, her thoughts still tumbling wildly as her head throbbed. That didn't matter anymore, however. A different part of her mind had taken control of her body now. She ignored the knights as they prepared to move in on her. Se ignored the pain in her head, the ringing in her ears, and the cold that was beginning to soak through the ecstasy that came with using her magic as it settled around her bones. She ignored all of that, and reached up into the sky, toward the storm that raged above her still. On sheer instinct, she called to it, calling upon its power, and brought another bolt down from the sky... Right to her waiting palm. Power flowed through her body harmlessly, into the ground around her... And into the armored knights that threatened her.

There would be no second chance after this. If her spell failed, Lenalee knew that she was doomed to the demon's whims. But she also knew that no being could survive this spell twice in a row. Right? It was all that she had left, at this point.... Her last hope, borne from the sky and come down to channel through her body.

(Hellblast centered on herself.)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 3/50, PP = 70, EP = 19/75, Status = Alter self, +30 Mind, Severely Injured.
Casting: Success
Attack: Hit & Hit
Damage: (1 + 10) * 5 = 55 - 15 = 40 damage. Downnn.

(Lenalee gets herself 6 XP! Also, short post is short but I thought Lenalee might have a few questions for the dying knights and didn't want to force it.)

In desperation, Lenalee loosed her magic once again. Again, it failed to disappoint. The violent energies channeled themselves through her, striking at both of the knights in the process. The noise was deafening, a product of that same power that could destroy buildings and obstacles with ease. The knights found themselves among the obstacles put before the sorceress, and this time they didn't remain standing. By the conclusion of the blast, both were laid low and unmoving. The lightning witch, herself, was unharmed.

As Lenalee surveyed the aftermath, however, a telltale purple glow in the two demons' eyes suggested that the knights were not quite dead yet, although they were certainly immobilized. It was the same glow that Dreadbeak had held mere moments before his gruesome end. The sorceress might have a chance to ask them some questions, but she would need to make them count, especially given the zealous nature of the demons she was dealing with and the short time they likely had left. There was also the matter of the populace of Amere which, while they had seemed relatively confused and disorganized, might shape up and attack at any moment.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

DG3 character sheet
Name: Lenalee
Class: Sorceress (Mage)
Race: Badarian
Sex: Female

Body: 10
Mind: 50
Spirit: 30

Hit Points (HP): 50
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 70
Spirit Energy (EP): 80
Speed: 10 (9)
Dodge: 45
Armor: 5
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 10 (9)
Grapple: 10

Experience: 29 (18 spent)
Corruption: 81

3x Exceptional
Natural Succubus (Knowledgeable: Use Mind instead of Body for pleasure dealt)
Natural Spirit (Demonologist: Summon Demon, Devils Lightning, )
Experienced Caster (Up to 3rd level spells in all elements)
Focus in Element (Lightning)
Greater Energy Pool (+20 EP)

Sensitive (+4 pleasure taken)
Open Soul (+4 to EP damage)
Demon Lover (+8 pleasure taken from demons)

Base Casting: 25 (24)
Favored Elements: Lightning

Spirit Ceiling: 16 (15)
Devils Lightning
Summon Demon
Vampiric Futanari

Staff (not ever going to bonk with it, so it doesn't matter)
3x Edenheart
Leather Armor: AV = 6, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3.
65 denarii

As a very young woman growing up in a Badarian slum, Lenalee had perpetually set herself apart from others for her consistent oddities. She'd sit alone rather than play with the other street rats, and often talked to people that weren't there even when she wasn't alone. She;d be found up at odd hours of the night, barely coherent, and staring blankly up at the stars. Her mother was a seamstress, and her father worked in a factory, the two of them supplying at least enough income to keep Lenalee and her two twin brothers fed and clothed for the better part of her young life. She'd attended a small local school, and had even excelled in her studies when they'd interested her. That all changed when she was 14, when her father was killed in an accident at the weapons assembly plant he'd worked at. Her mother, unable to care for both herself, her daughter, and Lenalee two younger brothers on the pittance she made, turned to whoring in order to support them, and in her depression began grooming Lenalee for much the same, not expecting the strange girl to be able to accomplish much else in her life.

Such was not her fate, however, as tragedy struck once more. Her brothers both joined the Badarian army when they were 15, when Lenalee was only 16. They both took part in one of the pointless invasions of Crolia, and both were killed in action. The man who came to offer her mother condolences on behalf of the lich king spotted Lenalee as she sat alone in the backyard, unleashing the powers she'd been hiding for six years then at a stray cat who'd invaded their tiny yard. He had immediately reported the girl, and she was promptly kidnapped and taken in to be brainwashed and trained in the use of her powers for the kings army. She had once more excelled in her studies, despite her constant resistance to her captors, and as she neared her 18th birthday, when she would go through a ceremony that would have wiped away her old identity, she began to despair.

Once more, fate smiled upon Lenalee, however, or perhaps laughed as it spun her about again, as just as the wagon with her and six other "recruits" was getting underway, it was attacked by a group of bandits. Thinking her a political prisoner, they quickly freed Lenalee and her companions, and in the ensuing combat, all but two others of their tiny cabal were killed. Half of the bandits and all of their guards were likewise slain, and having no better option, they joined with their liberators. Such was not to last, however, as after another year the men and women she'd joined were all killed in a poorly planned raid. Lenalee managed to escape the battle, however, and as such, she was now free of any responsibilities save to herself. Everyone she'd ever known was dead, after all, and there were many opportunities for one of her skills and powers, even in the lands of the empire, so long as she maintained a low profile.

Physically, Lenalee was of average height and of a somewhat heavier build. She had mastered few physical skills, and the wooden staff she carried was more a walking stick and method of channeling her energies than a weapon. She wasn't fat, by any definition, as the years of traveling had left her with a leaner body than what she'd likely have had if she were more sedentary. She did, however, possess a full, curvy figure for a woman of her age, twenty two at the moment. She kept her pitch black hair perfectly clean, and cut it so that it never passed her shoulders, but otherwise let it do as it pleased, which usually meant that she had to constantly push it away from her eyes. She also often wore make-up under her blue-grey eyes, giving her a more threatening appearance in order to ward off most would-be attackers.

EXP changes:
Spent 18 exp, added +10 to Mind and +8 to Spirit.

Lenalee stared down at the two fallen knights, their bodies twitching as the magic of the lightning she had called down upon them played itself out. That same power now coursed through her body, and as the headache began to fade slightly she felt the arousal that always came with using such power rising up. For the first time in her life, however, Lenalee fought down the euphoria that came with the expression of her power as she stared down at the two dying demons. The same horror that had happened to Dreadbeak was occurring within the two knights, and Lenalee didn't doubt that the two would soon erupt in an explosion of gore. They still lived for the moment, however, and that presented Lenalee with an opportunity. One that she couldn't afford to waste.

"Before you die.... Tell me. Where is your mistress? I have much to discuss with her. On my own terms, rather than at her mercy as you would have had me presented for her. What is she doing to you to change you so? I always thought that demons were immune to their own corruption. Does it have something to do with this... Eden, nonesense I keep hearing of?" She said quickly. The more ignorant she seemed, the more likely the two would be to drop useful tidbits amidst their ramblings, if they answered at all. Or at least that was Lenalee's theory as she took the time in waiting for the knights to reply so that she could readjust her armor, it having been skewed slightly when she had been hit.

She kept her eyes out, surveying the surroundings in case some of the villagers decided to come out to play. They'd been ignoring her since she had called her storm, but she had dropped her disguise when she had been struck. She wasn't far from the relative safety of the house, but there was still enough distance to make the treck dangerous, especially in her current wounded state. She maintained the increase in her mental abilities, wanting the addition to her perception more than the increase in her powers at the moment.
Last edited:


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 3/50, PP = 70, EP = 19/80, Status = +30 Mind, Severely Injured.
Resistance Check: Lenalee wins. (Aww. D: )

One of the knights, the one who had done all of the speaking up to that point, responded with a short, barking laugh at first. He turned his helmeted head towards the lightning mage, glowing purple eyes focused on her with intensity even beyond the glare that warned of his impending death. "You will be delivered to the priestess in one way or another, Sorceress. If you wish to take yourself to her, so be it!" Even on the verge of death, the faith of the two demons seemed unshakable to the extent of arrogance. "There is a tower, mere miles away to the north. The uninitiated and unskilled will never find it, but I think you have in your possession both of the possible methods of searching for it, Mage of Eden." As soon as the word Eden had left his mouth, Lenalee could hear something stirring within the armor. Unlike Dreadbeak, however, no crystals pierced the knight's flesh. Instead, he began to dissolve, right before her eyes, armor and all. Feet and hands turning to ashes, falling to the wet ground and mixing with the mud, the destruction of his body steadily progressing up his appendages. A quick glance at the other fallen demon proved that they were facing the same fate.

"Corruption? This is no mere magic. This is what we, and those few mortals strong enough, were always meant to be! This is onset of a new world!" He continued with unnatural calm, even as his elbows began to turn to ashes. "You will find out when it is your time, Mage! As a member of the honor guard, I go ahead to Eden!" It was only then that the knight's calmness shattered, replaced by hysterical laughter that echoed in his helm. His slow fading to ashes stopped at his shoulders. A few, tense seconds ticked by, in which nothing occurred beyond the zealot's giggle fit. It ended abruptly with a sudden flash of blinding, purple light that forced Lenalee to shield her eyes...

And when she regained her vision the knights were gone. Where they had laid dying remained only two piles of wet ashes, with large, purple, perfectly rounded gems visibly nestled in the piles, one for each knight. The spheres were much like the crystal that Dreadbeak had produced but noticeably larger. Another similarity to the goblin champion's death was the sudden assault on the mage's mind, easily traced back to the two objects of Eden on the muddy road, which she drove off thanks in part to the magical boon she had placed on herself.

Lenalee discovered, after a quick investigation of her surroundings, that none of the townsfolk seemed very interested in leaving their houses yet. The storm continued to deliver its flooding rains and destructive lightning on the town of Amere and yet still the citizens did not respond. It looked as if the sorceress would have a precious few moments of time to choose how she wished to go about returning to the others and how, or if, she wanted to retrieve the two gems that had been left after the fighting.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

(My armor was off on my sheet. I fixed it in the last post.)

Lenalee returned the knight's intense gaze with a cold glare, letting the knights know with her posture the extent of her disdain for them. Her eyes widened slightly at the mention that she possessed both of the methods of finding the tower at which the demon's leader had taken as her headquarters. 'What is he talking about? The gem in my pack is probably one.... What could the other be? And how will the gem help me find this tower?' She thought to herself, though her questions left no evidence upon her expression. Instead, Lenalee watched impassively as the knight went into his hysterics as his very body dissolved away, armor and all. Following a brilliant violet flash, only a pair of gems were left, immediately calling to her mind just like the one that Dreadbeak had left behind. She could resist this temptation just as she had before, in no small part thanks to her magically increased willpower, but she wondered if the three together might not be more than she could handle. She couldn't just leave them here, however....

Quickly scooping up the two gems and putting them into her backpack, using as much care as she could to hold them for as little time as possible, Lenalee then gave a quick survey of her surroundings. Only when they were stored safely away did Lenalee allow her boost to fade away, knowing that she would need her energy to restore itself before they could flee. The streets were clear, thanks in no small part to her magical storm, and she had only a short ways to go before she reached safety. The knight's words hadn't made much sense, but there would be time later to puzzle at them. For now, she had to get back to the house.

Moving with all haste, Lenalee ran through the streets of Amere through the pouring rain, her body and clothes drenched through to the bone. She headed quickly for the odor the Lochan had let her out through, and rapped on it three times with her fist and saying; "It's me, let me in!"


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 3/50, PP = 70, EP = 19/80, Status = Severely Injured.

(Lenalee acquires two more Edenhearts.)

The sorceress handled the orbs carefully, with good reason as they continued their attempts to snake dangerous tendrils into her mind. Relief from the mental intrusions only came when they were stowed in her pack. Lenalee could still feel an ominous presence in her backpack with three of the purple spheres stashed there, even though it wasn't currently trying to batter away at her mind. With the crystals stowed, however, it was time to flee.

Lenalee ran as fast as her exhausted body could take her. The muddy road was no aid to the Badarian woman's fleetness of foot as her feet sunk in a little bit with each step. Still, she cleared house after house, all bringing her closer to her goal of relative safety and her comrades. Unfortunately, in the last stretches of her dash to freedom, she found villagers, preventing her from reaching Lochan's door. More unfortunately, the townsfolk found Lenalee at much the same time. The group she ran into totaled six, four on one side of the road and two on the other. Among them was an armored man, not unlike the one that Edmund had disposed of earlier. They signaled their hostilities with a combined call of Interloper! Thankfully, the alert was largely drowned out by the intense rain. That did not change the fact that all six began to charge at the weary lightning mage and would be within reach of her in mere seconds, leaving her with a very important tactical decisions to make.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

"Dammit!" Lenalee groaned as she saw the villagers blocking her path, and heard their telltale chant. She was beginning to get sick of being called that... "Fuck off!" She spits at them, only for the six of them to begin rushing toward her. That most definitely wasn't good. Her head was still spinning from the blow that the knight had delivered to her, and another strike might put her under into sweet unconsciousness.

Lenalee reached into herself quickly, and worked a spell that she hoped would silence the lot and let her be on her way. A hand came forward, pointed toward the one man wearing armor in the offending group of villagers. Thunder rumbled above, but this time the lightning came from Lenalee herself, her eyes suddenly blazing white with electricity a heartbeat before the spell discharged, lightning streaking out from her outstretched hand and bouncing to the next villager, until all six had been struck. She knew that she couldn't afford to take a hit, and she also knew that that armor might just insulate the one enough to survive her spell, so she slid backwards in the mud away from him even as she cast, preparing to duck a swing in case he did indeed keep coming for her.

Chain Lightning, level 4 lightning spell, with defensive fighting on the attack roll.
Casting: d20 + 34 vs DC 30
Attack: D20 + 50 - 15 = d20 + 35 to hit.
Damage: (1d8 + 8) * 4
Should give me a nice damage range of 36-64
I just hope that guy in the armor doesn't bash Lenalee's face in, if he survives/ Her dodge for this round should be 60.

Also, don't forget that my EP went up by 5! :D


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 3/50, PP = 70, EP = 13/80, Status = Severely Injured, Very Tired.
Casting: Success!
Attacks: All hit.
Damage: 4 + 8 = 12 * 4 = 48 damage. 5 die, just barely, leaving an armored guy to contend with. The armored guy takes 48 - 12 = 36 damage.

Enemy Attack: Miss. Lenalee narrowly escapes getting mud (and other things) on her robes!

Also, she'll gain the 5 EP from her increased cap when she rests, not that it's likely to matter much at this rate!

The lightning witch's trademark element lashed out at the first, then the second, and the third, and so on until all six of the villagers had tasted her fury. None of them seemed to know when to die. They struggled on even through her power, taking a few more forced steps. Eventually, the mindless townsfolk stumbled, one after another, before falling into the mud and never rising again. Unfortunately, the storm did not drown out the smell of fried bodies as well as the severe rain had muffled the sound of their dying screams.

Any jubilation at her victory over those five would have to be cut short, the town seemed to have a knack for killing revelry in its crib. The remaining, armored, mutant had not fallen along with his brethren and continued his charge at the sorceress. He moved to grab at Lenalee with a bear hug but the sorceress managed to sidestep his clumsy motion and point herself towards him for a counterattack. She was nimble enough that her biggest risk of actually having an attack landed on her was slipping on the increasingly wet ground. Still, it might be better to kill him quickly and return to the relative safety of her allies, lest more warped men and women joined the fight against her.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

One left. One more to kill, and Lenalee was home free. Just one more. She continued that mantra in the back of her mind as she slid in the mud, avoiding the armored man's attack. Her head was splitting, she was exhausted, she was cold, she was soaked to the bone, and the high from the use of her magic was replaced by the exhaustion of using it far too much. All in all, Lenalee was beginning to get mildly cranky, and as such, she acted with only a minimum of thought.

At the one last threat on the field, she stretched out her hands, and sent electricity streaking out toward him from her outstretched palms. She had limited time and limited energy remaining to her, and she needed to get back to the house and regain her strength. She had driven off the knights, but she didn't doubt that the priestess's minions would be coming back soon enough, and that meant they had to be away from here as quickly as possible. That meant she needed to end this, and quickly.

This time, Shock, level 2 lightning spell, a bolt. Still fighting defensively for 20 points. As much as she could use a dicking, she shall fight with all her might to avoid it! Sort of. Also, keeping doing this until the guy drops or she is knocked out.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Pregnant, Sensitivity 10
Casting: Success
Attack: Miss (Lenalee rolled a 1.)

Attack: Hit. (And he rolled a 20. D: )
Damage: 17. Not even going to bother with armor and such. Lenalee is defeated.

Rape rolls: This is entirely for this Eden status effect I'm working with and to help me gain some inspiration for smut. Smutspiration, if you will. Not intended for corruption point gain!
First guy:
Lenalee (Hereafter referred to as L): 21
Partner (Hereafter referred to as P): 16

L: 22
P: 12

L: 20
P: 22. Orgasm.

Armored guy:
L: 34. Orgasm. Sensitivity 1 gained.
P: 8.

L: 45.
P: 21.

L: 43. Orgasm. Sensitivity 2 gained.
P: 9.

L: 38.
P: 21.

L: 47. Orgasm. Sensitivity 3 gained.
P: 8. Orgasm.

Third guy:

L: 44.
P: 9.

L: 46. Orgasm. Sensitivity 4 gained.
P: 17.

L: 42.
P: 17. Orgasm.

Fourth guy:

L: 49. Orgasm. Sensitivity 5 gained.
P: 18.

L: 47.
P: 11.

L: 42. Orgasm. Sensitivity 6 gained.
P: 12. Orgasm.

Fifth guy:

L: 53.
P: 12.

L: 57. Orgasm. Sensitivity 7 gained.
P: 14.

L: 63.
P: 15. Orgasm.

Sixth guy:

L: 56. Orgasm. Sensitivity 8 gained.
P: 18.

L: 67.
P: 8.

L: 53. Orgasm. Sensitivity 9 gained.
P: 9.

L: 71. Orgasm. Sensitivity 10 gained.
P: 22. Orgasm.

The ordeal is over!

Just one more. Lenalee summoned that familiar power to her hands for what would hopefully be the final time before she had returned to the others. The crackling electricity came easily, loyal servant that it was. She just needed to strike her armored adversary one more time. The sorceress pointed her hands and hastily released her spell, the end of the fight so close. And yet, as the bolt went forward, foot by foot, that hope might have turned to despair. Because the spell never stopped, it just kept going right past the last opponent, flying harmlessly past him.

It was then that just one more became Lenalee's undoing. For it only took one more fist to the exhausted sorceress's stomach to knock her unconscious. The weary mage moved to dodge but lost her footing in the mud. In the struggle to keep upright she couldn't avoid that punch. It knocked the wind and consciousness out of the lightning witch. The last thing she felt was herself going limp in her assailant's arms.


Lenalee's eyes fluttered open. She could feel herself being dragged, wet mud caked on the back of her robes but at least making her rough transport less painful. The sorceress's feet limply came along, though she quickly found that she had no strength to use them. After a few seconds she realized that she had no power to keep her eyes open, either. Darkness bid her welcome again, with an ominous greeting. Even as she slipped back into unconsciousness, the rattling voice that hailed her was as clear as it had ever been.

Was that alllll that you could muster, Sorceresss? Do you wish them to take your mind from youuu? To takeee the painful memoriesss? Or maybeee not..."


Lenalee's next awakening was much less pleasant. Her legs felt completely numb, her stomach and breasts felt sore. Something was pushing at her, slapping against her backside and causing the entire front of her body to rub painfully against the hard surface that she seemed to be laying on. It was as she groggily awoke that the sorceress began to put two and two together. The grip on her hips were from hands, human hands. The reason she felt numb from the thighs down and soreness was because she had been laid face-down on a table with her lower half hanging freely off the end. The breeze was a result of her nudity, the tattered remnants of her shredded robe laying on the ground in sight of her. The thing assaulting her womanhood was, almost without saying, a cock. If she were to judge by the trickle down her thigh or the pace and groaning of the one inside her, he had not waited until she woke up.

Neither had Lenalee's body, it seemed, as she was well lubricated by a mixture of cum and her own juices, allowing her enthusiastic rapist to thrust freely into her violated pussy. She had no idea how long he had abused her in that manner, but her body was already responding with small tingles of pleasure at his steady rhythm. The sorceress only had just enough time to realize that she still hadn't regained enough energy for casting before his thrusts became erratic and forceful. The raped mage felt every bump and vein of the man's sizable rod as he slammed it into her, as a result slamming it into her cervix, one last time, leaning over her in the process and releasing a flood of hot cum into her womb. The man panted in Lenalee's ear as he recovered, resting for several seconds before pulling out and taking a few steps away.

It was as another set of footsteps moved to take a position behind her that the sorceress realized she was completely helpless. Neither her arms nor legs bore the strength to fight back. She barely had the strength to look back and see the warped townsman who was about to rape her, that townsman in particular being the armored one. There wasn't even lust in the man's eyes as he brought his dick forward to brush against the violated mage's lower lips, just the glazed look of a zombie, doing what came instinctively. He grabbed the exposed woman's hips forcefully, dragging her back towards him. He brought his hips back to ram forward and...missed. The mutant's dick brushed up between the curvy woman's ass-cheeks. It was only a momentary reprieve, however, as he pulled back once more and, with one violent motion, penetrated Lenalee's womanhood and hilted inside her. The armored townsman's oversized phallus caused a mixture of pleasure and pain to shoot up the lightning witch's spine.

The warped creature cared little for her discomfort as he began to pump her womanhood, starting at a pace both quick and powerful. His body slapped into hers with every motion, which had the secondary effect of rubbing her breasts against the abrasive wooden table. Perhaps the worst factor about her violation of all was the steady rate at which Lenalee was building towards an orgasm. Despite any horror she might have had at the situation, her exhausted body couldn't hold back against the pleasure, she reached her first conscious peak on the armored man's cock. The warped soldier didn't seem to notice the reactions of Lenalee's womanhood to his sexual assault on her, continuing on as if nothing had happened. As she shamefully orgasmed from her assailant's actions, a strange sense of happiness and bliss, not her own, fogged her mind. This was where she belonged, it told her, doing her part to bring on Eden. The mage's sex became more sensitive to the townsman's motions and before long she felt herself on the verge of a second orgasm. As it wracked her already exhausted body, the Badarian only found the sense of unnatural bliss and happiness redoubling, the motions became even more pleasurable.

As a result of her new sensitivity, she came a third time as her attacker finished, hilting himself in her much as the first had and unloading deep within her. As he pulled away, a third stepped up. As the armored man had, he rammed himself in ruthlessly. She came once before he finished inside her. By the time the fourth had finished her body felt as sensitive as it had ever been. Lenalee ended up cumming four more times before the last two had finished. Her head swam with visions of a perfect world, but they weren't her thoughts, she knew, it wasn't even really her perfect world. The visions persisted even beyond her doubts, even beyond the fact that she was still too weak to move, bent over a table and having been bred by six different warped men. The sorceress's body was so sensitive that an errant touch seemed likely to spark an orgasm from her.

She had gotten enough of a view to know that there were only six mutants in the room with her. The ordeal seemed to be over. At least, until the armored man stepped behind her once more. Lenalee was interrupted from her continued assault, however, by an increasingly familiar voice.

Now that you understaaand what I would save you from, I caaan save you from this. Accept my offfer and be freeed, Sorceresss. Seee the mindless shells dieee. Horrribly...

Orrr, yooou can waaait for your friend's arrivalll. Sheee will come in, intent on saving you. Whether or not she will succeeed, I do not know. The choice is yoursss.

Beyond that, Lenalee felt just a modicum of her strength returning. The strange effect her rapist-induced orgasms had on the sorceress would hold her back but at the same time she might be able to put up a bit of a fight. Whatever the mage did, she would probably want to decide soon, her armored assailant was about to go for round two.

(Gain 2 mutations and 3 XP for earlier kills! I was not expecting this outcome!)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee groaned as she awoke, her last memory of the pain in her head from the blow that had knocked her out and the voice of the demon in her head. She hadn't even been able to respond, before..... She groaned again, this time not completely (just mostly) in pain as she felt herself being humped from behind. Even so, it took her a few seconds to realize just what was happening, her groggy mind not quite able to piece everything together at first. It wasn't until she felt the first tingles of pleasure that the sorceress realized what was happening to her, and groaned again in outrage. Her chest was sore from being ground against the table she had been bent over, and she spotted the shredded remains of her clothing not far from her a moment later, drawing out another enraged groan. Despite her growing fury, however, Lenalee's entire body felt like jello, and she barely found the strength to shift her hips in an attempt to dislodge her rapist, much less manage any active resistance.

After that, she gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, trying not to concentrate on how big he was, and how she could feel every contour of his member as he plowed roughly into her. Not even when he slammed into Lenalee's cervix and began to unload his seed into her did the sorceress give him the pleasure of making her moan. The heat of his semen flooding her body joined others in her womb, and that combined with the way the fluids inside of her were mildly sticky suggested that it wasn't the first load that had made its way into her fertile depths. 'Dammit.... Can't move.... And there's already so much inside.... I'm going to bear a child from one of these.... Freaks.' Revulsion filled her as her rapist pulled out, and a mild sense of relief came with his departure... Until she heard the next one approaching her.

'No! Not again!' She thought, and attempted to move, only for her limbs to do nothing more than twitch. Helpless rage and disgust filled her as her next partner lined himself up, but a slight twitch from her weakened body caused his initial thrust to miss. The reprieve lasted only a moment, however, and he hilted his massive rod into her sex only a few seconds later. This time, she couldn't help but groan, and there was an undertone of pleasure mixed in with the pain and revulsion. 'Why... Do they have to be... So big?' She thought as the man steadily plowed into her. Despite how rough he was and how incredibly sore her chest was from rubbing against the wooden table, Lenalee couldn't help but groan in pleasure again, this one containing no hints of pain, as her orgasm began to approach despite her disgust.

'What? No.... No I won't.... Won't cum... Not for them.' She thought, once more gritting her teeth against the moans of pleasure that attempted to get past her lips. The tension within her body built steadily as her arousal rose, but Lenalee fought it with all of her will, denying as fervently as she could the sensations that her attackers were inspiring. 'No... I won't... Won't cum... Won't cum.... No... No... I won't cum.... No... Nono..... I won't... Cum.... No.... Nonononono!' The lightning mage's eyes widened in shock as her will crumbled, and her body began to spasm in ecstasy, her womanhood clamping down on the member that had caused her to climax. Then, thoughts that she knew were not her own began to invade Lenalee's mind, and her broken will simply couldn't form any strong resistance to them.

The war for her mind being rather swiftly lost, Lenalee began to give in to the pleasure, and her hips began to weakly buck back as her hole tightened, trying to gain more pleasure for herself as much as to make her partner cum. Earnest moans of pleasure escaped her lips without further battle, and the pleasure only seemed to increase the further she sank into her bliss. She came again well before the armored man filled her already sperm drenched womb with his load, and when she finally did receive his seed she entered a third orgasm that almost made her pass out again. After that, the last of her will had, at least for now, crumbled to the pleasure and the foreign voices. This was her place now. This was where she wanted to be. Bringing about Eden with her body, even as she brought more into the world in order to share in the joys that pleasure brought.

The man that had broken her will pulled out, his seed dribbling out of her abused flower, and Lenalee's broken mind only hoped that he would be the father of the first child that she bore. Her next partner stepped up, and Lenalee greeted him with an eager moan and a wriggle of her hips just before he impaled her, her increasingly sensitive body responding eagerly, her disgust and the pain of her front forgotten. On and on it went, Lenalee growing steadily louder as she became more sensitive, and her strength returned enough for her to roll her hips into her fifth partners thrusts. She came over and over, and every one of them released inside of her, before finally, after her sixth load since she had woken up, the sorceress slumped against the table, her body twitching as the slightest motion sent shivers of pleasure up her spine.

For a moment, it seemed like nothing was left of her, but then, of all things, the demon's voice brought her back to sanity. The beings voice as much as its words sparked the flames of Lenalee's will once more, and for a second that seemed like an eternity she fought against her urges once more. Kill them? Why would she want to kill them? They had given her the greatest pleasure that Lenalee had ever experienced. They had given her a purpose, something she had never had before.... But... No.... That wasn't right.... These men hadn't given her anything.... They had just taken from her. Her dignity. The sanctity of her body. Her free will..... No, they had to die. Should she accept the demon's offer? She could help.... No. That would just be to trade one form of slavery for another. When that thought crossed Lenalee's mind, her mind finally kicked back into full gear.

'You know what I want from you, demon? I want you to go fuck yourself. Go fuck off to some hole in the ground and die. That's what the fuck I want from you!' She mentally hissed in response to the demon. Movement behind her alerted her to the approach of the armored man, and the memory of how good he had felt inside of her made her cringe, half in rage-fueled disgust and half in lustful need. Arousal began battering at her will this time: A part of her, no matter what she might say, desired this. She wanted to feel him inside of her again, wanted him to make her cum over and over as he surely would, and wanted to feel him erupt inside of her again. He had had such stamina the first time, and as sensitive as she was now, she knew that once he slipped into her, she would be in orgasmic bliss the entire time. It would be easy to allow it, all she had to do was stick her rounded, cum splattered ass out and wait for him to shove himself into her hole, and he would give her everything that she desired. The mere thought of it almost made her orgasm, but this time, she was not helpless. And there was something stronger than her arousal burning within her.


Lenalee flipped over, staying on the table, and spread her legs invitingly, a coy smile on her face. "Come on! Give it to me!" She said, an undertone of mocking disdain easily detectable past the seductive veil she put into her words. Seeing the armored mutant's cock approaching her caused another wave of arousal, and Lenalee very nearly allowed him to do as he liked as her will faltered for a heartbeat or two. Long enough for him to put the head of his member against her nether lips, causing her to shiver in pleasure. She looked up at him with need in her eyes, and not all of it was false as she imagined the ecstasy that that impaling thrust would bring. If she allowed it.

Instead, Lenalee put both of her hands against his chest, and her power blazed to life. She knew that she couldn't hope to cast any spell with how sensitive she was. She also knew that, if he slid past her lips, that she would give herself to him until she passed out from cumming so much. The temptation in that was not enough to inspire temperance in the lightning witch, however. Her eyes blazed with lightning, and her hair stood on end as she called up the most primal application of her power, and poured as much energy as she safely could into it. Black lightning blazed along her arms, and directly into the mans chest. Right through his heart, and through anyone that was within a few feet of directly behind him as well.

Devils Lightning X = 16
(1d8 + 2) * 16 to everyone in a line, thankfully stopped by walls so she won't accidentally fry Mari.... So long as she isn't in the room as well. Try to get as many as she can in one shot, but make sure that she gets the armored one.

Also, I'm just going to keep a copy of my sheet and post my updates of it in here, since edits don't seem to like me anymore. I chose Tight and Fetish: Creampies for her mutations.

Also, it should be noted that Warped babies, despite only taking a little while before being born, are just normal children. This could get awkward. >.>


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 38/50, PP = 38/70, EP = 46/80, Status = Pregnant, Sensitivity 10, Grappled
Lenalee: Fry some dudes. She manages to target three with a single lightning attack.
Attacks: Miss, miss, and hit. (3, 4, and 18. >.>)
Damage: 1 + 2 = 3 * 16 = 48. One dies, at least.

Mari: Arrive on the scene in big damn hero mode.
Stealth: Mari wins all 3.
Attacks: Automatic Successes.
Damage: 29 * 2 = 58, 29 * 2 = 58, and 24 * 2 = 48, all three dead.
Mari takes 4 damage from Battle Dance.

Armored Townsman: Grapple Lenalee.
Attack: Hit. Lenalee is grappled and takes 10 pleasure damage as a result of Sensitivity 10.

Remaining Townsman: Grapple Mari.
Attack: Hit. Mari is grappled.

Disembodied Voice: Freaky mind stuff on Lenalee.
Resistance: Lenalee loses.
Lenalee takes 12 HP, 22 PP, and 18 EP damage. HP and PP damage increased as a result of sensitivity 10.

The lightning witch cast her demonic lightning as a last hope for escaping the wretched embrace of her rapist, riding out her rage in the hopes of holding onto it long enough to slay the mindless townsmen in the room before her will crumbled to dust. What she might not have expected, however, was the response of the voice. It shrieked at her in her mind in a tone so horrid that no mortal vocal chord could have hoped to match.

Demon? Demonnn!? I have put up with your delaying of the inevitable for long enough, Sorceresss! I am not some wretched currr, still bound to your muck-covered realityyy! I am a god! I am higher than youuu! I am higher than all of youuu filthy mortals! If you willll not accept my generousss gift, the right to wielddd my powerrr, then I will show you the price for disrespect!

Before she released the lightning, she felt something battering at her mental will. With Lenalee's mind already so addled by what had been done to her, that familiar attack immediately smashed down her mental defenses. The sorceress's attempt to summon up her spiritual power was distracted by a sudden skittering from the edges of her peripheral vision, from the direction of her discarded pack. Hands, tens of hands had come pouring out of her pack and reached for her, attached on long bands of shadows that seemed to originate from the bag on the ground. The hands weren't normal in any sense of the word. Each individual finger had more joints to it than on all of the fingers on both of Lenalee's hands combined. The digits were slender and bony, perfectly capable of curling into wicked looking spirals. The palms were as white as chalk and so thin that the mage could easily trace with her eyes the bones that supported the withered flesh.

The appendages grabbed at her naked skin, digging in painfully and causing her lightning to go off course, missing two of the men she had lined up and instead killing one of the warped humans in the corner of the room. An unnatural mixture of pain, pleasure, and exhaustion coursed through the mage's veins as she was assaulted by the hands. Then, it got worse.

In a flash she was back in the killing grounds of that carnival she had been shown so long ago. Vividly, she saw Ren, Mari, Jan, Edmund, Lochan, Lila, her mother, her father, and her brothers hanging from the torture devices. They were gutted like swine, crimson grass beneath them from where their blood had stained the ground. It was so vivid that for a moment the disoriented sorceress was sure that she was there, helplessly watching the corpses. Darkness fell again, as it had the first time she had visited the grisly place. This time, nothing was waking her up from the nightmare. A shadowy apparition rose from the ground beneath the butchered men and women. Its head was the skull of a goat, with terrible curved horns stained carmine with gore. Black flames peeked out from the eye-sockets and seemed to bore a hole into Lenalee's very soul. Any body it had beneath the skull was shrouded by a tattered black robe, which seemed to have nothing under it as it whipped in the wind. Two arms reached out from sleeves made for longer arms than any mortal might bear. Its hands were the same as the ones that had assaulted her in the waking world, with fingers easily two feet long and reaching for her...

A slam shook Lenalee from the nightmare. The door of the room she was in had exploded off of the hinges. Behind it, stood Mari. She issued a battlecry as she leaped into action. The black-haired woman's enchanted longsword cut through one of the townsman's backs, before the rogue pulled it back and jammed it through another man's stomach. She ripped it free, spattering the wooden floors with blood before lashing it out at a third, taking one of his legs off clean at the knee and sending him toppling to the ground. All of her targets fell to the ground unmoving. It was then that she seemed to notice Lenalee. "Shit. I should have been faster." The rogue moved to take the head off of the armored assailant who, during the mage's nightmare, had grabbed her waist and was preparing to forcefully penetrate her again.

Unfortunately, the rogue didn't quite make it that far, as the sixth man whom she hadn't noticed barreled into her, knocking her to the ground and attempting to pin her. "Get off of me, you asshole!" Mari spat with as much fury as the sorceress had ever heard from her. The rogue was pinned not far from the table, though the mage wouldn't be able to attack both of the hostiles in the room with her devil's lightning. Lenalee, herself, was facing the thread of another violation by the armored man. Additionally, despite her escape, the feeling battering at her mental defenses had not let up.

It was trying to get back into her mind.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee could barely keep track of what was happening around her following the scream of the disembodied voice, her attentions focused on it. It's sudden attack battered against her already weakened willpower, and the distraction cost her. She saw something moving out of the corner of her eyes, and in a moment of horrible clarity realized that it hadn't been the voice of the demoness that had been speaking into her mind. It had been the gems. Her lightning went off course, streaking toward the hands but never actually striking them, instead disintegrating one of the villagers in the corner as those horrible hands dug into her flesh. As she looked upon the horrors that it displayed before her, the sight of all whom she had come to know since this had begun and her family as she had known them all tortured as the goblin Dreadbeak had been, Lenalee realized something else.

As awful as this was, and as real as the pain and the pleasure and the exhaustion that it could bring with its vile hands might be, it wasn't real. Not even the goat-headed thing with black fire pouring from its eye sockets was truly real. As much as the power of its magic might attempt to convince her otherwise, and as much harm as it might cause her, she could grasp desperately to that fact. Or, perhaps that fantasy, as even though it was what she desired, a part of her still doubted that what she was seeing was all truly a falsehood, a conjuration meant to break her will. Some part of her saw what this.... Thing, could force her to see, and feared that it was the truth, either in the future or the present.

Then, Mari barged in, killing three of the men who had raped her, and broke Lenalee momentarily from the spell that had brought her to the carnival of gore. She couldn't find the strength to move, and barely even noticed as the armored man grabbed her and lined himself up, but she watched as Mari killed three of them. Why had she done that? Oh right, to rescue her... They were both in danger now, and Mari was at risk of being abused as she had. Was that a bad thing? She was so confused, the smashing of her will having reduced her to a quivering mass of need once more. Should she help? Yes, she should.... But how? Her head was everywhere, and she couldn't even remember what magic was at the moment, much less hope to perform any. A whisper in the back of her mind called to her, not that of a memory or the horrid voice of the eden gems, but something else.... Something familiar.

Acting on instinct, a part of her mind that had been lying in wait since she had risen the bodyless voice to rage responded to that call. 'HELP ME! HELP HER!' Her mind cried, and she felt that call be answered as a trio of goblins appeared around her. They were set to strike at the one currently on top of Mari first, and only then were they to remove the one currently grabbed onto her.

With the battering against her already crumbling mental defenses and the only way she could hope to help Mari already taken care of, Lenalee did the only thing that she could hope to do to take her mind away from the darkness that reached out from her discarded belongings. She looked up with lust filled eyes at the man gripping her by the waist, and with as much strength as she could muster bucked onto him, impaling herself and immediately squeezing him as hard as her abused womanhood might allow. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head in ecstasy as his member slipped into her hypersensitive folds, and she began to buck in time with him as soon as he began moving, squeezing and quivering along him as she rapidly shot toward an orgasm. As distracted as she was by her own pleasure, Lenalee did her best to try and milk another load out of her partner as well, her body for some reason craving the man's seed as her will crumbled away...

First, summon 3 goblins for 12 EP.
Second, ride the armored guy for all he's worth. No resistance to pleasure, and using Knowledgeable to try and get him off too. :p


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Pregnant
Round 1
Lenalee: Summon them goblins.

Mari: Grappling Stuff.
Roll: Enemy wins. Mari's clothes are shifted.

Armored Mutant: Let no rapeortunity go to pass.
Lenalee's Pleasure: 69. Orgasm. Sensitivity 11 gained.
His: 33. Not quite! (He was resisting last time, by the way)

Resistance: Enemy wins. 32 HP, not bothering to roll the PP, and 2 EP damage.

Round 2

Lenalee: Stunned.

Goblins: Bludgeon that guy to death.
Attacks: All hit.
Damage: 25, 24, and 22. Guy's dead.

Mari: Sudden strike to murder the armored guy. Is it still blue balls if it's because of murder?
Stealth: Mari wins.
Attacks: All hit.
Damage: 22 - 12 = 10 * 2 = 20. 22 - 12 = 10 * 2 = 20. 25 - 12 = 13 * 2 = 26. Dead.

Resistance: Enemy wins. She gets knocked right into unconsciousness.

The discombobulated sorceress did not go unheard. The goblins formed around the table that she was laid upon. They sneered at her at first, obviously displeased with the last send-off she had given them. It went without saying that their toll for this call would be steep. Whatever that would be, when the sorceress's mental plea for them to rescue Mari came through, they did. The diminutive demons fell upon the man who was, even then, pulling at the woman's pants, exposing both her womanhood and her rod. Before he could even line himself up, the goblins were raining blows upon him with clubs. Within moments the warped man's head was turned into a bloody mess. The rogue took no heed of the bits of him that had fallen on her, her state of undress, or the goblins, jumping up and running to Lenalee's aid.

While the goblins had done their work, the armored man who had been the mage's bane for the past few hours, went back to the only thing he seemed to know. Lenalee did not need to encourage him much. Even as she summoned the demons, he lined himself up and thrust in without any ado. In his first motion he had bottomed out in the mage's already violated womanhood. The rough treatment of her body did little to diminish the unnatural sensitivity that the mutants had forced upon her. Within seconds she had found another orgasm, now among too many others to count on two hands. The fact that it wasn't unbearably painful spoke of the magical and insidious nature of the mind-numbing sensitivity, not to mention the inundation that accompanied it.

Before the act saw its completion, the man jerked. He appeared to have sprouted a long piece of steel from his mouth. As suddenly as it had been inserted, his length was pulled out of Lenalee, his assailant pulling the now-dead man away and dropping him to the ground. The sorceress could see Mari come into view. "Lenalee? Lenalee? Are you okay?" The raven-haired rogue asked as she grabbed the mage, concern present in her eyes and tone. There was no chance for the mage to respond. The disembodied voice was still pulling at her consciousness, causing her to feel exhausted and drained. Weakness from her body's treatment seemed to seep into her every muscle after the ordeal was all but over. With the combined effects, she couldn't move or speak. She couldn't stay conscious.

The last thing Lenalee heard as darkness greeted her again was an exchange between Mari and the goblins she had summoned. "Oi. Somebody's gonna have to pay the price here." One of the goblins spoke, his voice gruff and with an accent only slightly better than Dreadbeak's had been. There were a few moments of silence before any response came, with the sorceress incapable of offering any of her own. "I... I will pay for her." An uncharacteristic tremble was easily distinguishable in Mari's reply. "She owes us double. Plus interest for late payment." Lenalee could all but hear the lecherous grin, even with her rapidly fading mental faculties. There was a long pause...

"I will pay."


"Shit, shit, shit." The mage awoke to the sound of someone slogging through mud. She was outside, judging by the sun reemerging from behind rain clouds. Something, someone, was carrying her in their arms. Judging by how much she was bouncing with each step, they were sprinting, or at least trying to. "Not more of these freaks..." Mari's voice sounded exhausted. "Interlopers!" came the cry of a townsman that Lenalee couldn't gather enough of her wits to see. The mage knew that she should wake up in full, her body's natural adrenaline response to the dangerous situation was to try to force her to be alert and active. Something was stealing all of that, though, and trying to steal more.

"Wait here. I will take care of these mutants and then we will be on our way to the others and safety." Lenalee could feel herself being laid down in the mud, her back rested against the side of a house. Wetness from the rain soaked into some piece of fabric that had been wrapped around her. Even though Mari had just run off to fight some of the townsfolk who had assaulted her, the mage simply couldn't regain enough energy to get up. Or stay awake, for that matter. Darkness came yet again for the sorceress.


"I think she's waking up!" A feminine voice called out, almost the second after some semblance of consciousness returned to the sorceress. "You're right! I'll go get the doctor!" A deep voice returned, followed by the sound of footsteps and a door opening. After she opened her eyes, Lenalee would find that she was in an average looking room, arranged with a few pieces of cheap furniture. The mage, herself, was on a comfortable bed, although she was wrapped in enough blankets to make the sorceress feel as though she was in an oven, especially when combined with the heavy robe that she had been dressed in.

Sitting on a stool by the bed was a blond woman, with a curvy figure not unlike Lenalee's own. She wore a simple blue dress. The woman seemed content to merely stare at the mage expectantly.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

As Lenalee faded from consciousness, her mind trying to piece itself back together following the relentless assault upon it by those accursed gems, which still seemed to be coming through as he felt herself being drained even further. She had been momentarily buried under a wave of bliss, but that had quickly faded away as well. She stayed lucid just long enough to hear Mari's words, offering to pay her debt to the goblins, and at that, Lenalee's drift into unconsciousness was brought to a pause. In that instant, all of her will collected once more, solidifying as emotions she had never before felt welled up. She wanted to scream. To unleash her magic on the backstabbing creatures with deadly results. To demand they take the payment from her, or wait until she could give it herself. Anything to keep Mari from having to pay off her debts.

Blackness took her, but she fought for consciousness, gaining ground momentarily just in time to hear Mari's voice. The rogue sounded exhausted. She felt herself being lowered into the mud following the cries of those damned villagers, and tried to say something, anything.... But she couldn't even move. 'What... Is wrong.... With me?' She thought, and then blacked out once more.

When she came to, her strength fully restored, Lenalee immediately shot up, trying to shrug her way out of the blankets covering her. She was sweating heavily from the robe she was wrapped in and all of the blankets. Upon spotting the woman in a blue dress, the now nearly manic sorceress didn't even make an attempt at politeness as she said; "Who are you, where am I, and where is Mari?"

Exp Spent:
8 exp spent on Focus: Force
Another 8 exp spent on Evoker
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Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Pregnant

The mage had no issue removing herself from the blankets, the relatively cooler air outside of the linens was much more comfortable. At the sorceress's questioning, the woman's look remained one of patience and just a small touch of cheer. "I'm Lucy!" The blond woman replied, the joy on her face quickly growing. "As for where you are... Well, you're in Amere. Didn't you know that?" Lucy adopted a quizzical expression as she spoke, though it only lasted for a second she returned to a look of rapidly growing excitement. "You were beat up pretty bad. We found you on our doorstep. We weren't even sure you if you were going to make it or not! Obviously you did though!" After the mage's first two questions had been answered, the woman moved a finger to her chin in thought. "Mari...? I don't know any Mari. Maybe..."

Before she could answer, she was cut off by the emergence of two men. One was a barrel chested man who appeared to be in his late fifties, with short, salt and pepper hair and a matching beard. He wore a dirty, white tunic and brown breeches. The second was a younger man, blond and very skinny from what Lenalee could see under his white healer's robes. His face was gaunt and eyes sunken. "See doc? She just woke up," the older man spoke in the same deep voice that Lenalee had heard earlier. "A surprise, indeed," the apparent doctor responded. His tone sounded arrogant and largely disinterested in the world around him. "Well, I should probably give her the once over," the man stated, moving to Lenalee's side and not even beginning to ask her permission before placing a hand on her shoulder.

The mage quickly realized that the doctor had a bit of talent with magic, as she felt energy pouring through her body, thoroughly checking her for maladies. She could easily move away from his touch if she so desired, she recognized. Before Lenalee had a chance to verbally shoo him away, however, Lucy had spoken up. "Do either of you know a Mari?" The question elicited a negative shake of the barrel chested man's head. But, the doctor answered without even looking up to acknowledge any of the other people in the room. "Yes, one moved into town just a few days ago. I was at her home earlier today, helping to deliver her child."
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