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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"They'll also be pretty clunky if you're trying to lay or sit down. And don't worry about clothes, you'll be given some when you go to fight. I can just imagine what they'll be like..." Rosa replied, a lusty look on her face. The landscape suddenly changed again, to the normal flat plains where they had trained before, and the shifter materialized a sword next to her, as well as the gauntlet and mail combo that Mei-Lien had worn last time. "In any case, shall we get started? I can show you the uses of your new body in battle."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Oh I can imagine..." Mei thought as she saw the expression on Rosa's face after her remark about the clothes she would eventually receive. Another quick change of scenery happened, and the pair were soon back at the plain training grounds for some more practise. Sporting her quirky armor & gauntlet design again, the redhead assumed a fighting stance as she folded away the wings in preparation towards the bout. "Do tell me then." she replied at the shifter, waiting to see if she attacked or simply instructed. It would not matter to her what happened.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 24 vs. 9 R, Critical Hit!
R 20 vs. 22 M, Miss!
M 10 vs. 21 R, Miss!
R 13 vs. 11 M, Hit!
M 21 vs. 7 R, Hit!
R 22 vs. 8 M, Hit!

"I'll try not to burden you with too much at once" Rosa replied, readying herself for Mei-Lien's attack. She wasn't quite ready enough, however, and the redhead's first strike slammed the shapeshifter right in the stomach, making her stumble back a few steps in pain. She swung her sword down at Mei-Lien's head, and would have caused a good deal of damage, but the sword clanged into the redhead's new horns, stopping there for a bit, though it took Mei-Lien a while to get away from the weapon. "Those horns of yours, they'll be good for defense. It's essentially like you're wearing plate armor on the front of your head, without any of the negative consequences" Rosa explained, before jumping forward and slashing Mei-Lien's torso. The redhead didn't shy away from the cut, instead staying in close and giving the shapeshifter another powerful body blow; she managed to cut Mei-Lien again, but she still staggered back, clutching her gut with a hand. "Damn you've gotten strong since I first met you."

You've gained Horns (+1 Defense)

5/8 FP

4/6 FP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Whatever you say." was Mei's final return before they set upon each other at full force once more, with her opening blow completely catching Rosa off guard and smacking her around. But the experienced shifter was back on the attack almost instantly, her blade stopping at the redhead demon's new horns, the thick ram horns deflecting a blade strike quite handily. Backing away, she took in the information before meeting the ever-changing being in another pass of strikes, getting cut twice herself but dealing out another brutalizing pound to the gut. "One would imagine that getting yourself turned into one of the demons possibly strenghtened your body up." the fighting demoness spoke up herself, before moving up to aim further blows at the sparring partner, seeking to use her newfound body parts as battle aids in some useful manner.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 14 vs. 10 R, Hit!
R 16 vs. 10 M, Hit!
M 17 vs. 19 R, Miss!
R 23 vs. 25 M, Miss!
M 23 vs. 23 R, Hit!

"It's not just that, though that's part of it. It seems like you've really learned where to punch to make it hurt as much as possible" Rosa replied, trying to dodge out of the way of Mei-Lien's next punch, only to receive a swift kick in the leg. As her knee buckled sideways for a moment she managed to slash her opponent in the left arm, cutting fairly deep and then dodging the counterattack, though it took all of her effort, and she couldn't prevent the redhead from getting in close; she managed to block Mei-Lien's fists, but the succubus unexpectedly reared back and slammed her horns into the shapeshifter's forehead, eliciting a pained grunt as she staggered back a few steps, flailing her sword to keep Mei-Lien at bay and blinking a few times, shaking off the cobwebs after the powerful blow.

3/8 FP

3/6 FP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Shrugging at the comment, Mei maintained her focus on attacking, even though she took the remark into her mind as always. Doing a feint punch, she saw it work and adjusted her position appropriately to bring in a low kick instead. Despite the force of the blow staggering Rosa, the shifter was durable enough to reply with an attack of her own, the cut going deep enough to hurt her arm. Another blow followed as a counter, which the shifter avoided, but was not able to get any distance between herself and the powerful fighter. Even as her fists were blocked, the former human had her partially bony head now, and used the reinforcement provided by her horns to smash at the trainer's skull. Once the worst flails of the sword had subsided, the redhead pushed towards a new attack again, intent on getting the bout done. Though both of them were strong, and it could go on a while longer because of that.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 23 vs. 19 R, Hit!
R 10 vs. 10 M, Miss!
M 12 vs. 9 R, Hit!
R 23 vs. 16 M, Hit!
M 10 vs. 22 R, Miss!
R 7 vs. 24 M, Counter!

Mei-Lien rushed forward, missing with a punch, but quickly bringing it back to elbow Rosa in the face. The shapeshifter tried to counter, but mostly just stumbled forward and fell to the ground; it seemed the knock Mei-Lien had given to her head had done a little more than just hurt. Still, Mei-Lien kicked her fallen opponent in the side viciously, though the shapeshifter had enough of her wits about her to roll and cut Mei-Lien's leg deeply with her sword. As the redhead kept up her attacks the shifter kept rolling until she finally jumped up, lunging to stab Mei-Lien, though she was too slow, and the succubus side-stepped and delivered a brutal uppercut to Rosa's already bruised stomach. The shifter collapsed to the ground, groaning and clutching at the grass for a minute or two before finally getting up again. "That was pretty good. I don't know what it is, but your technique has definitely gotten markedly better these last few days, and that isn't the transformation." She dusted herself off and an axe appeared in her hand as she stepped back a short ways and said "now the tail will probably be more useful while you're grappling. Want to try and demonstrate?"

8/8 FP

6/6 FP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The fight between the two continued in earnest, with a missing punch and following back elbow starting another exchange. Despite having felled the shifter with her devastating elbow, Mei was not stupid enough to leave the fight there and moved up to aim a pulverizing kick at Rosa's side. There had been enough recovery time for the opponent though, and she rolled away quickly, managing to slash Mei's attacking foot along the way. A few rolls and missed attacks later the masochistic creature was hopping towards the redhead in an attempt the skewer her with the sword. This was not a smart move however, as the demonic fighter easily sidestepped and brought in a huge uppercut to smash into her stomach yet again. As had been customary with the shifter, the next few minutes were spent down on the ground and clawing at the grass for a while. But soon she was up again, preparing for a brief tutorial on grappling with new body parts. Taking the advice in mind, Mei thought about using her tail to unbalance the shifter's leg while she grappled with her normally.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 17 vs. 14 R, Grappled!
R 9 vs. 17 M, Miss!
M 13 vs. 8 R, Further Grappled!
M 18 vs. 5 R, Hit!
R 15 vs. 18 M, Miss!
M 13 vs. 14 R, Failure!
M 22 vs. 9 R, Hit!
R 18 vs. 23 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien quickly rushed at the axe-wielding shapeshifter, gripping her arms firmly and then tripping her up with her tail, forcing her onto the ground. Rosa's counterattack was unwieldy at such close range, and failed badly. "Ahh... The advantage of your tail now that you... have me pinned... is that you can attack me with it while you focus on subduing me... You can either try and stab at my legs, waist, and stomach to try and hurt me that way, or you can inject me with aphrodisiacs, just like with your fangs..." the shapeshifter advised as she squirmed under the redhead, trying to break her grip. She was unsuccessful, and in fact Mei-Lien managed to get a better hold on her, further restraining her even as she stabbed deep into the shapeshifter's right leg with her tail, drawing a pained yelp as Rosa flailed ineffectually with her axe. Even so, the flailing prevented Mei-Lien from further restraining her, but couldn't prevent another deep stabbing into her leg, the entire spaded head of the succubus' tail burying itself into her flesh.

Rosa (Grappledx2, -2 to Attack)
6/8 FP

6/6 FP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

With a speedy dash, Mei closed the distance between the two of them and tackled Rosa to the ground before the shifter could resist her grapple. Ignoring her useless swings, the redheaded demoness carried on with the restraining as she took further advice in, managing to get the sparring partner into quite a bind after having stabbed her twice with the tail. Thinking of her possibilities, the fighter would now focus on attacking instead of attempting to further her submission, realizing that this was the new purpose of her natural weapons. But she did not let go in any manner, doing her best to maintain the hold while dishing out more hurt


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 25 vs. 19 R, Hit!
M 21 vs. 15 R, Hit!
R 7 vs. 18 M, Miss!
M 12 vs. 9 R, Hit!
M 11 vs. 20 R, Miss!
R 19 vs. 20 M, Miss!
M 11 vs. 7 R, Hit!
M 11 vs. 15 R, Miss!
R 7 vs. 21 M, Miss!

As Rosa struggled under her, Mei-Lien leaned in towards her neck, maintaining her hold as she suddenly sank her new fangs into the shapeshifter's neck, jabbing her tail into her thigh at the same time, causing the shifter to squirm and writhe harder, trying desperately to get free. Her flailing managed to keep Mei-Lien's next tail strike from landing, but couldn't keep her from enduring another bite. She could still do little more than flail, still keeping the stabbing tail out of her body, but unable to keep the succubus from biting and tearing at the flesh of her neck and shoulders. The shapeshifter was struggling as hard as she could, but she wasn't getting very far, and her body was growing weaker as she lost more blood and took more damage from the new demon's attacks.

Rosa (Grappledx2, -2 to Attack)
2/8 FP

6/6 FP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

With her strategy proving quite effective, Mei spiked with her tail and and bit down hard onto Rosa's neck, keeping the shifter in check quite handily with her grapple. It was going well for her, so the newly-turned demoness didn't see any reason to change her style of attack, keeping at the same way of combat until she won or was pushed away.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 7 vs. 12 R, Miss!
M 17 vs. 17 R, Hit!
R 17 vs. 18 M, Miss!
M 8 vs. 10 R, Miss!
M 22 vs. 14 R, Hit!

Mei-Lien kept up her attacks, though this time Rosa finally managed to knock the redhead's dangerous mouth away from her neck, able to keep it at bay for a while. Of course, she wasn't similarly lucky with the tail, which the succubus stabbed into her leg a few more times, finally succeeding in cutting open her artery and getting the blood really flowing. The shapeshifter let out a weak groaning noise and began to go limp under Mei-Lien, the fight clearly over as Rosa swiftly bled out. After a few seconds, though, the shapeshifter was back to her normal self. "Well, that was pretty effective I think. Took me down quick and easy, anyway. You're a force to be reckoned with when you're on the ground like that. Would you like another match before lunch?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Keeping up her relentless attack, Mei found success still on her side. No matter how hard Rosa fought her steely grip, she just couldn't properly get the redhead demon away before too much damage was done and she eventually succumbed to blood loss. But as was the case in the mindscape, and most likely in real world as well, the multi-formed being was back on her feet after a few minutes of "dead time". Having had two battles, the shifter suggested a third. "Hmmm, is there something further you could enlighten me about? If not, then I think we can skip on it. Or is there some specific reason you ask for it?"


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"I think that's all that's new about your body that I can teach you about. You're probably able to do some form of charm magic now, but that's something I wouldn't know anything about, so you'd have to ask your mistress about it. I just thought you might want to get in one more practice battle" Rosa explained, still pinned lightly under Mei-Lien.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Alright, I'll ask her about that then. I think this is enough struggles for now, and I think I'm hungry. Even though I usually would not pass on practise, somehow I can't wrap my interest around a repeat battle right now. And no disrespect towards your skills is meant by that." she replied, getting off from the shifter after poking her in the forehead and standing up fully.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"I can see that. You've worked up enough of a sweat that you've probably burned off all your breakfast by now. Just don't eat too awful much, or you'll spoil your dinner. You may have noticed that your mistress only eats one meal a day. That's because a demon's metabolism is different from a human's, more efficient" Rosa explained as she got up, taking the poke on the forehead with a giggle. "No offense taken. I think I may have to use a slightly more powerful form when I fight you in the future. In any case, I could do with a little snack myself, so lets see what we can scrounge up" the shifter continued, as the two were suddenly in the hallway again, and Rosa quickly starting making her way towards the kitchen.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

And another thing is uncovered about this terribly efficient machine that is my demon body. Will the surprises ever end? But alright, I'll see that I remember all this new stuff somehow." Mei was quick to reply, somewhat taken aback by all the new and improved things in this altered form of hers. Not saying anything after that, she went along with Rosa to see if there was something light to grab in the kitchen area.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

While there wasn't anything pre-assembled in the kitchen, it seemed as if the ingredients for a salad were strewn strategically about, as if Erica had foreseen the need for food, but hadn't felt like making it herself. Shrugging, Rosa began to gather up the various ingredients, getting everything in the same place. "The bowls are over there, get us a few" she said, pointing to a cabinet.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Once the pair made it into the kitchen, it appeared as if the mistress had been there and thought about starting to make food, but never actually got the production started. Seeing Rosa start up where she had left, Mei went along with the shifter's instruction, not really having any problems with going along with it. She started with the asked-for bowls, and would keep the act up with other requests.