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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah groaned weakly as Mei-Lien picked her up, able to pile most of their clothing on top of the mage before carrying her as quickly as she could manage to. "I... won't..." she muttered, "there's too many things... I still want to do..." It seemed much longer to the wolfgirl's room than it had when they had left, and Mei-Lien's body still ached. Hannah began to drift in and out of consciousness, though she probably looked a lot worse than she was, since her dragging herself across the ground had left most of her pale body smeared with blood. Still, Mei-Lien could tell that the girl's legs were dead weight. She began to mutter things at the fighter, none of it intelligible, though every so often she would look up at Mei-Lien and smile a little, a hand reaching out to brush against her arm. Finally they got to the wolfgirl's room, and the door burst open wide before them, reacting to Mei-Lien's will. Jenn fell out of her chair with a scream at the unexpected intrusion, then looked to Hannah with wide eyes. "What the Hells happened? What...?" she said, quickly running into the room in back and throwing open the lid of the mimic's chest, pointing out the bleeding mage in Mei-Lien's arms. "Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear. Please drop her into my chest, I'll do my best to help her" the mimic said, and when Mei-Lien had done so the chest slammed shut. It was a long moment before anything was said, with Jenn finally breaking the ice. "Looks like you've had a rough evening. Need a drink? Or something to help you get to sleep? It's getting quite late, and I was just about to finish up my reading and have a bit of fun with the mimic before bed myself when you showed up, you're lucky you got here when you did."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With the half-conscious girl in her arms, Mei rushed towards the wolfgirl's quarters as fast as she could. She was aching and the relatively small distance now seemed four times as long. But that didn't stop her from going, and soon the fighter burst into the room, dropping the resident female from her chair. "NO TALK, JUST ACTION!" Mei called back to the wolfgirl, causing the hoped-for results as Jenn went towards the mimic to open the chest. After quickly wiping away the clothing pile, the fighter lowered Hannah into the chest to let the mimic do it's work.

With the mage now in more capable hands, or tentacles, Mei wobbled back into the main room and slumped on a chair. "I don't know.... gimme that bottle with the alcohol..." she replied to Jenn's inquiries. If the wolfgirl did give the bottle to her, she'd chug as much as possible from it, in an effort to numb the pain and forget the near-death experience even for a short time. While she was naked, the redhead didn't bother getting back into the mimic's room to get any clothing.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Probably not a good idea, I've seen you drink before. If you gulp this stuff down straight from the bottle like you do from the glass, you'll kill yourself" Jenn replied, going to get a few bottles and a glass. "If you want out of your head for a while though, I can do that" she said, carefully pouring about half a tall glass full of the alcohol and then mixing it with juice before handing it to Mei-Lien. "Don't drink it all in one go. At least three" she said with a wink. "I'd ask you what happened, but we can go over that in the morning."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I'd rather not talk about it at all..." the fighter replied as she took her first part from the drink. The experience she had just gone through had given her new considerations. She was like that herself? The way she'd treated the centaurs before, it was there in her mind once again. "No, fuck this shit..." she thought, taking the second and third parts in relatively quick succession, but still leaving some time between each of them as she tried to push away the thoughts for now.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The drink had an incredibly strong taste of alcohol, and Mei-Lien could tell that the world was going just a little bit blurry as she finished her first drink. By the time she finished the glass she was quite drunk, having a bit of trouble keeping her seat as the room seemed to swim. Though she was still in her (very altered) senses, she felt heavy and tired, and Jenn said quietly "alright, let's get you to bed. No more for you, I don't know if I can carry you", and the wolfgirl walked over and linked arms with Mei-Lien, trying to pull her to her feet and lead her to the back room.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After downing what was possibly the strongest intoxicating drink in her life, Mei was pretty goddamn drunk, and the strange behaviour of the room around her was proof of that. "What? Right, you crazy-looking, rainbow-colored... whatever you are..." she replied to to Jenn as the drink was starting to work rather heavily on her head which was usually free from the machinations of intoxicants. The redhead got up, taking hold of the multi-coloured wolfgirl as she swayed heavily from side to side.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Jenn giggled at Mei-Lien's silly drunken words as she led her with some difficulty into the back room. She then helped the fighter to lay down in the bed, tucking her in under the sheets and giving her forehead a gentle pat before walking away, and Mei-Lien soon drifted off to sleep.

She awoke to a groan of pain beside her, and her eyes slowly flitted open to find Hannah laying in bed next to her. She would also notice the pounding headache that was the consequence of last night's drinking. "Ohhhh, it feels like someone took a sledgehammer to my hips" the mage groaned, and Mei-Lien felt her foot brush up against her. "But... I can move my legs" she said, slowly rolling to look at Mei-Lien. "Thank you so much, you saved me. I owe you so much" she said, scooting a little bit closer to the fighter and then quickly leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Ahh, don't club me!" the fighter ranted as she was patted on the forehead. Despite the perceived assault, she didn't feel good enough to try and fight back, and soon dozed off.

"Oww.. don't groan so loudly..." the fighter thought as she was woken up from the peacefully quiet and feelingless sleep. Hannah was the cause of the sound, and now Mei regretted ever helping her. The hammer of Thor himself was most likely knocking away at her skull, and the mage wasn't making it any easier for her. Despite confirming the mage's well-being for now, the redhead hoped she'd just stop with the damn words and let her suffer through the hangover in peace. When the kiss came, she followed it up by turning her back towards Hannah and grumbling something unintelligible.
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"M...Mei-Lien...?" Hannah seemed to shrink away under the covers, hurt by Mei-Lien's cold shoulder and grumbling, not realizing she was hung over. The mage laid down quietly, trying not to move much so as not to jar her aching body, or bother Mei-Lien. It was still quite early in the morning, so there was a little bit of time to spend laying around before anyone else awoke.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Head's... going to blow if you're loud... owww..." Mei replied, the infernal hammering only getting stronger as made the mistake of talking. She didn't bother trying to get up yet, as it seemed to be the eary morning still. Instead, the redhead tried to get her rebelling head under control by giving it some more sleepy.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien soon fell asleep again, waking up a few hours later on her own. The headache was still present and painful, but it no longer felt as if her brains would burst out of her ears. Seeing that she was awake, Hannah began to gently rub the base of her neck, and whispered "are you okay?" Almost at the same time the lid of the chest opened and the wolfgirl was lifted out by a tentacle, covered in slime. She yawned and stretched, mumbling "it's far too early to be awake" before walking to the room at the front.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Still feels bad, but not like I'd explode..." Mei replied, seeing the wolfgirl getting lifted from the chest near the bed. After hearing what the girl mumbled, the fighter thought her words had wisdom in them. "Maybe a bit more rest...."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I'm fine with that, it'd hurt too much if I moved around right now I think" Hannah whispered in reply, continuing to gently rub Mei-Lien's back and neck. After a while the two could smell something being cooked, and soon enough the wolfgirl walked into the room with a little wooden tray, on which was a plate of bread smeared with honey and some scrambled eggs, with two forks. "It isn't the best, but I don't normally make breakfast, much less for other people" she said, walking away grumbling about the early hour again as she presumably went to make something for herself. Hannah picked up one of the pieces of bread and began to nibble on it, commenting "this was nice of her."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei didn't object to getting massaged, despite her generally shit present condition. A smell of food soon caught her nose, and Jenn was eventually there to leave them some bread and eggs. With the concept of food now present, the fighter got up to a sitting position for just long enough to scarf down her portion with the speed of a starving dog. "Sure is..." she remarked back at the mage, before falling back to the comfy embrace of the bed.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah ate her portion slowly and then tried to move the tray out of the way, grimacing as she bent over to put it on the ground. That accomplished, she scooted closer to Mei-Lien and continued giving her a rubdown, whispering "let's just stay in bed today. It'll do us both good after yesterday." Regardless of Mei-Lien's answer she would soon feel the mage's forehead press gently against her back as an arm draped limply over her waist, and soft snoring could be heard from her as she fell into a deep sleep again.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After witnessing Hannah slowly eat her way through the food, a complete day of bed rest was suggested to Mei. The massage felt nice, and she found the idea likeable, since the ache in her head wouldn't cease completely. "Ah.. right..." she mumbled, soon following in the mage's foodsteps as the smaller girl wrapped her arm around the fighter.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien woke up and indeterminable amount of time later with Hannah's arm still wrapped around her and the mage still snoring quietly. Her headache was more or less gone, along with any soreness she had still felt. All in all she felt rather good considering how badly off she had been just a day or two ago. She could see Jenn crouching near her, and the wolfgirl quickly put a finger to her lips before walking closer and whispering into her ear "try not to wake her just yet. How are you feeling? You've slept for almost two days by now, so you should feel pretty good."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Once she returned to her senses, Mei found herself feeling pretty much ok. Before she could get up, the nearby wolfgirl stopped her. "Pretty good, all things considered." she replied, not sure if she should be getting up or not.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Good. We'll find out when she wakes up if there are any permanent effects from the beating she took. Hopefully not, but she might always have pain in her lower body" Jenn replied, moving to sit next to Mei-Lien on the bed. It only took a few more minutes for Hannah to wake up, yawning and giving a stretch and rolling over onto her back. "Ahhh... I needed that rest. How long have I been asleep?" she asked, and Jenn told her that it had been almost two full days. "Oh wow. I feel better now, just a little bit sore. Thanks for letting me sleep." The wolfgirl indicated that it wasn't a problem, and then left the room again, leaving the two of them alone. "So, shall we get up?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Hmmm.." was the only reply Mei had to the things said by Jenn. She enjoyed the last few minutes in the bed before Hannah woke up. After all had been said and done, the former champion agreed to getting up, it had been two days since they last did something.