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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Consider this on indefinite hiatus.

Edit: The good party, at least.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

@Both parties: I'm taking this week off. No game for either of you.

@Evil party: My apologies for the cancellation, but the bullshit that rose from the last good party's session pissed me off to the extent that I honestly considered simply dropping this completely. I appreciate that it wasn't your fault.

@Good party: In order to avoid further irritation, we're rewinding and retconning a few things. Firstly, since I've heard that 64 won't be joining us anymore (he hasn't told me himself yet,) Xavier never rejoined the party. Secondly, the link between Isi and Azieru (they know what I'm talking about) doesn't exist and never did exist, so they can no longer communicate in any fashion. Third, the party never went into the sewer. We'll be picking up back at the mansion, and I'll be redoing the encounter. Fourth and finally, because Shrike's constant bitching about it is trying my patience, I'm considering taking the mask from Byzat. Occam would be allowed to redo his gear choices as needed in order to compensate for it, since this would be a retcon and I don't want to punish him for something that isn't hit fault. Any thoughts on that?

Let me be perfectly clear on something: Except for confirmation from bitbot that he doesn't want to play any more and your opinions on the fourth bit, I don't want any input on any of these. My word is final on notes 2 and 3, and I will not explain myself further on either decision. Again, this does not apply to the fourth question. That I welcome your opinions on.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I'd love to keep the mask, personally. But I will willingly part with it if everyone agrees to it. It's up to the rest of the party, and I'm willing to accept their decision.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

That... Makes me sound every bit as aggravating as I probably have been. I've been a bitch, sorry everyone.

Already said all this to Tass, but it bears repeating, so everyone else can hear my opinion as well, since it's really what caused this. My problem with the mask is that it's been completely screwing with the party balance. Anything challenging to the rest of us, B can walk over without a blink. Anything a challenge to him would kill the rest of us if it spat in our direction. All of this is balanced by the looming threat of the mask taking over and him betraying us all, and when that does happen, he's going to walk all over us, just like nearly everything he's been up against.

Despite all this, I love the plot-related effects caused by it, I don't want to see it just erased. Just tone it down a bit, maybe? Have the size change not stack, for one. And the crazy bone spikes could probably go, leave the area attacks to the mages. That still leaves him with the amazing muscle he's been getting though, a +12 modifier when the highest anyone else has in anything is maybe +6. And whatever else I'm too tired to remember at the moment.
EDIT: Undead Immunities? Get rid of those, give him a bonus to will saves, cause the mask partially shields him.
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Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Well, I'm used to retconning in games, so no biggie for me. Was going to say the only problem was remembering my hps before the vampire fight but if we're backtracking all the way back to the mansion, then we'd be full, so...problem solved. Only cast one spell and used one CPE. More notes for me to fix my sheet later, but other than that, I've got no huge issue with points 1-3.

As for the mask, I can see Shrike's point and OOC, my general reaction to the thing is "Evil! Evil! Kill it with fire!" Of course, that's partially Islona's reaction, too. She'd prefer to get the mask away from Byzat, but I'm willing to try and do so through the game rather than just *handwavepoof* (Even if that's infinitely easier than trying to get the thing away from B.) I guess, maybe just tone it down a notch? Given that I don't know completely what the thing can do, I can't say "Well, that seems OP" or "Maybe he could have this instead" Guess at the moment, just the above is my opinion on the matter.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Yep. I gotta drop cause the late night timeslot just doesn't work for me. Sorry I didn't manage to mention that sooner.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Game this weekend. Blackcloaks, pick a day and time.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Midnight game on Friday is good. Earliest time I can get online on Saturday is closer to 5pm.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Friday doesn't work for me at all. I run a game that lasts long into the night on Friday. I'm fine with sometime during the weekdays after say, 3 PM or afternoon on Saturday.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Fine with Friday, available any time otherwise.

I'm fine with nerfing the mask or keeping it the way it is. Given my reliable terribleness, having someone else able to go toe to toe with stuff is kinda comforting.

...To be honest, I'm a little hesitant of continuing. But, whatever, game on.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Usual time is good for me, far as I know. Might have a friend over, might not. Unknown at this time but I'll try and give a head's up if that happens.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Oh, when did the whitecloaks start roll call? I magically got this weekend off, so I'm good all friiday and saturday nights, no issues.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

[Insert comment about being free at all times here]
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

So, good party tonight at the usual time, bad party tomorrow whenever you can get online?
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Expect to see me after 5pm tomorrow. Maybe a bit earlier, but don't expect a miracle.
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Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Black Cloak's Game needs to be rescheduled.

I'm available tomorrow sometime after 4pm until 11pm. Then I'm booked all week, with a possible opening Friday. Again, next Saturday, I have to be up early and gone all day painting a set for a children's play until 4pm. After that I'm free, including all day next Sunday.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Available around that time actually tomorrow. If I'm not in IRC, buzz me on Steam or something.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I'll likely be available during those times, although I may have to disappear for awhile for transit for school related stuff. Please beep me on AIM or steam, Tass.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I can't game today, got a social engagement. I'm sorry about that. :(

You guys get first pick between Friday and Saturday then, to make up for my inability to schedule things well.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

OK, if I don't have a game this Friday, how about we do it then? How's 6pm Loli's time zone, 9pm for the rest of us.