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Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Yeah, also, I could totally see someone taking over the mansion, or at least robbing it, and doing this to Hinako and the Head Maid:


Kiyomi might have a thing to say to that... The assailant may be a bit surprised to find a bunch of zombies behind him and a pissed off Tonfa weilding Maid...
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Two things.
1.) I will try to have a post for Blargs mansion later today out. Blarg can you tell me what Harriet was doing by cammys bench in the earlier post where she arrived? Also I have fallen behind so much that I'm left with swirly anime eyes from all that's happened so far DX so I'm having trouble figuring out a good response for Cammy, sorry.
2.) to the maids in my mansion how should I handle HTs and Skulls disappearance from the site? Is everyone okay with a reboot? Should I put out a notice up here or somewhere looking for replacement players? Once that's finished and settled I shall try to get ours moving again as well. Thank you ll for your continued patience and I'm sorry I've been so slow recently. :eek:
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

They disappear in the mansion by mysterious means and if they do come back, they could just reappear looking ravaged...
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

They disappear in the mansion by mysterious means and if they do come back, they could just reappear looking ravaged...

This one and maybe with explicit descriptions of the events, i want to know if they get raped and after countless of births they leave them or something like that but more large : P
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

It is a mystery. All you know is that she reached underneath and ran her hand along the underneath of the bench, and her hand was balled up when she pulled it out.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Herpderp doublepost

So like there's a rough map of the second floor now. It's in the OP.

There's also one here. How convenient, right?
The second floor. Also, all squares are about a yard.
Please ignore my utter lack of architectural capability.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Cool map, GB.

Sorry I took so long with my reply... I guess Mae was just hovering in the background, being all... guardian angel-like or something. :eek:
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread


Im thinking of starting things back up here again. We have two options:

1.) We can resume our previous one, only we would start back at square one and I will have the Master/Mistress be more suitable towards the Dark/Horror Hentai setting you had chosen before.


2.) I can make up a completely new mansion and setting. Your choices are:


Contemporary: The game takes place in present-day Japan, or maybe even some other country. Somewhere where there are people with lots of money, in any case.
1 Romance: The characters live and die by love. Love controls everything. Can love really provide everything you need?
2 Light: Things move at a light, casual pace, and the
stories are warm ones with laughter and tears

B.) Fantasy, Romance, Action

C.) Space, Romance, Light, Action or Space, Dark, Action, Hentai


D.) Old West/Old Edo, Romance, Dark, Hard.

What do you think?

If we start the old one over, You can choose to keep your old characters or make new ones. Either way is fine with me.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread


Im thinking of starting things back up here again. We have two options:

1.) We can resume our previous one, only we would start back at square one and I will have the Master/Mistress be more suitable towards the Dark/Horror Hentai setting you had chosen before.


2.) I can make up a completely new mansion and setting. Your choices are:


Contemporary: The game takes place in present-day Japan, or maybe even some other country. Somewhere where there are people with lots of money, in any case.
1 Romance: The characters live and die by love. Love controls everything. Can love really provide everything you need?
2 Light: Things move at a light, casual pace, and the
stories are warm ones with laughter and tears

B.) Fantasy, Romance, Action

C.) Space, Romance, Light, Action or Space, Dark, Action, Hentai


D.) Old West/Old Edo, Romance, Dark, Hard.

What do you think?

If we start the old one over, You can choose to keep your old characters or make new ones. Either way is fine with me.

Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

1. that map cost a great effort to Iggy, dont use it will be like buy by a lot of money,the last copy of a game that you waited many years to play only to burn it without play it
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Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Starting over is fine by me.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Sorry for taking so long, work's been a bitch, lately...
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Iggy fuck's Termite's work like his bitch.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

No worries. Besides, it's only been three days, honk.
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

I've been herping the derp for a while. Also lack of motivation, blah blah blah........
Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

I've been herping the derp for a while. Also lack of motivation, blah blah blah........

Hey, remember when you said you were considering changing the mansion Tenta? DON'T DO IT!
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Re: Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Originally posted by Iggy:
