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My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

MLP 423: Inspiration Manifestation (1080p HD)

Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

MLP 424: Equestria Games (1080p HD)

Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

I didn't think it would end up happening, but with my love of animation and cartoons in general being what it is it was only a matter of time before I crumbled and started watching this damn show.

At first it was difficult to see how the fandom got this bloated and extreme at all, but there really are quite a few quality moments and scenes, the writing is above average, the characters are (varyingly) corny but definitely likable, and most importantly of all it doesn't have the conceited attitude some cartoons portray in over-simplifying things because "it's for kids".

So yeah, I quite like it myself. But I still don't understand the freakish overnight storm of dedicated fans, or brony "culture", or any such nonsense.
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

So yeah, I quite like it myself. But I still don't understand the freakish overnight storm of dedicated fans, or brony "culture", or any such nonsense.

Everyone has their own reason
A large part of the fandom has escapism for their reason, and then things can get really weird, really fast.
And by weird I do mean Weird

Also, fluffy pony birthday
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

MLP 425/426: Twilight's Kingdom (1080p HD)

Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

News for all the horsefuckers out there!

You too can live your dream(So long as you're okay with a nightmare), for only 100 dollar

Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

Good. Maybe now all the ones that *want* to stick their dick in a MLP will leave the little girls alone.
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

That is cringe-tastic.
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

Speaking of cringetastic

It may be considered nsfw
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

I never really understood the appeal for these things. Is it because they look like a cross between anime and cats with long legs?
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

Assuming you mean the sexual stuff, mostly, it's liking the show/characters, and then taking that a little bit further to include sexual desires

Other things that help is that ponies are easy to draw(Thus more artists can draw them/porn of them), along with part of the appeal in anime (Neoteny)

Plus, it's cute stuff. And the internet loves turning cute into lewd
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Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

I'm a fan, perhaps we could make a group for the fans?
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

I have a own OC pony, and i also have Ponies on my shelf

So i might be sorta .. of a..brony...
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

I used to really like this show, until the producers stopped really having any sort of story continuity. For me, it's more the personalities and storyline that really makes this interesting for me, like reading about another world, like Harry Potter or Lion King. plus the first season really did a lot of cool things that you won't normally find in "children's cartoons".

The old show freaks me out something fierce though.
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

My headcanon is that only the first two seasons count

After that it just sorta seemed to become "Ponies do stuff for some reason. Also toys."

And cute OC. Feels like I've seen it before somewhere, but might just be deja vu
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

There's supposed to be a thing today, or something. I unno.
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)



1080 coming soon(tm)

720p. Probably good enough
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Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

I think some people might be over-reacting about the newer episodes being much worse. I found the beginning arc of the new season alright myself, if perhaps a little predictable.
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

Ep 3
Re: My Little Pony (Original title: The... um, yeah. The bronies thread.)

Number 4