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Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 0/61, EP = 36/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, About to Orgasm, Self Control

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 66/110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar, Insane

Tamo fucking smash, must save the orc! 10 EP Spirited Warrior, Shattering Blow Flurry of Blows for a total of 3 attacks, again.
Attack: All three hit.
Damage: 6 + 28 = 34 * 2 = 68 - 5 = 63/2 = 32 damage per hit, for a total of 96 damage.
Sadist: 3 + 9 = 12 * 3 = 36 PP damage. Tamo regains 18 EP and auto-passes her self control check.

Pano uses Flurry of Blows for 2 hits, and Shattering Blow.
Attacks: All thee hit.
Damage: 6 + 17 = 23 * 2 = 46 - 5 = 41/2 = 21 damage per hit. Pano takes out the injured one.

Varthic uses Flurry of Blows for 3 hits, and Shattering Blow.
Attacks: All three hit.
Damage: 7 + 20 = 27 * 2 = 54 - 5 = 49/2 = 25 damage per hit. Varthic killed the other one attacking Pano.

The last one swings at Tamo!
Attack: Miss.

We can call it done at that point, methinks.

Ripping the creature off of the apparently paralyzed orc, Tamonten turned the monstrous creature and began to smash it against the wall. Like the other one, it didn't break like a normal creature would have, as instead of crunching bone it seemed to break like a solid piece of hardened clay, shattering into sharp chunks in the swordswoman's hands. Its squirming ended then, and behind her Tamonten heard a series of shattering noises followed by an end to Pano's shriek... And then some more shattering noises. If she glanced aside, she'd see Pano holding one of the monsters by an indeterminate limb and smashing it over and over against any solid surface that was within the huge man's fairly impressive reach. Varthic, at the same time, was finishing the last of them, and with the orc collapsed into a whimpering heap at her feet Tamonten was faced with the last of the monsters just as she dropped her own second killed.

Claws came tearing for her face, the creature's maw opened wide in a silent shriek, but the pale swordswoman avoided the attack entirely with a simple sidestep. Between her, Varthic, and Pano, it wasn't getting another swing, and so with their foes broken around them Tamonten was left with the choice of what to do next as Varthic examined the wounds on Pano's arms.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

As the last thing fell, Tamonten's resolve gave out and she succumbed to the effects of her own corruption, suffering a minor orgasm which was intensified by how long she had resisted it. Given her situation, she didn't indulge in the sensation of pleasure, placing her hand over her mouth in order to curtail any unintended noises and maintaining her balance as best she could despite the quivering in her legs in the hopes that Varthic would be too preoccupied with Pano's wounds to notice. She resented the feelings. Of all the ways she had been warped, becoming perverted enough to be able to find ecstasy in bloodshed was the one she hated most. But she didn't have long to dwell on it then.

Tamonten's first conscious reaction when she had rode out the aftermath was to try to snap the orc out of her stupor. "It's over now! Snap out of it, we've still got an angel to slay!" She proclaimed, probably rather unhelpfully, as she dropped to her knees gave the muddled woman a few shakes and snapped her fingers in an attempt to rattle the berserker from whatever the beings had afflicted her with. Had she failed again within the confines of the prison walls? Two dragonkin sisters raped and impregnated due to her own inability to stand against Elawdrin, and now an ally lost to her own dallying with the other captives before she even managed to escape her cell block? No. She couldn't afford to look at it like that. Not yet. If the angel wasn't stopped, the madness-inducing creatures would eventually be let loose across the entire world to open the door for whatever dark masters they served to come and consume the world. The swordswoman's atonement would have to wait until after she had stopped the dark warden.

Whatever the outcome of her efforts with the insanity stricken woman, barring a violent reprisal from the afflicted orc, her next step would be to address the demon prince and his retainer. "If we take the time to get these sealing collars disabled, do either of you have anything up your sleeves that can destroy bodies reliably?" As she asked that question some small part of her briefly wished that Krig had been present. The kitsune's odd fire could have reduced the guards to ashes and done nothing to harm the innocent bystanders. Of course any benefit of her presence was vastly overshadowed by relief that Kringlicsly wasn't in the heart of the fallen angel's realm and hope that she would never come anywhere near it. Indeed, she wondered if it might not be much better if the entire place was turned into a crater, Tamonten included if it was necessary, and the foxgirl never have the chance to know what had transpired. "Because if the guards have those things in them, imagine what could reside within Elawdrin..."

Regardless of their answer, as the possessed girl would be relieved simply to have one less question floating about, and regardless of whether they left as three or they left as four, the pale woman's next goal was straightforward. "If you're both okay to move, then let's make for the armory immediately." And she quickly would follow that through, unless one of the duo or something else stopped her. Because pressing forward was all she herself could do right then.

Check and see if she can snap the orc out of it, then head to the armory.

Potentially applicable stats (unarmed): 64 dodge, 35 resistance, 16 stealth, 26 perception.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and always uses it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 36/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 66/110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

Perception: Success.

Varthic was indeed busy examining Pano's wounds while Tamonten shuddered in the throes of her climax, after which her excitement seemed to settle back down, lying in wait beneath the surface in preparation for the battles that were yet to come. Afterwards, when she knelt down and started trying to shake and shout some sense into the orc as she tried to collapse into a largely useless puddle, the woman started and stared up at her with a look of confusion. "When's breakfast?" she asked in a voice possessed of far far too much innocence, sounding more like a confused child than a warrior. The orc subsequently glanced downwards at Tamonten and herself, and then looked back up with a mildly alarmed expression and said; "Why are we pants?"

Whatever the swordswoman's response to that, Tamonten found Varthic scowling darkly at the wounds on Pano's arms, which were still bleeding somewhat profusely, though he turned to her at her question and scowled even harder, if such was possible. "If you can get rid of these collars, either of us could disintegrate the bitch and any of her servants where they stood.... Though I want to beat the harpy at least halfway to death first!" the demon prince grumbled darkly, but after her next concern seemed to give the man at least a moment's pause. "So.... Disintegrate her first then?" he suggested mildly, to which Pano quickly replied; "Probably before she explodes and the tentacle monster living inside of her comes out. Then we'll all be in the shower with that one lady!" The maddened orc warrior made an important addition to the conversation; "Salmon taste like pretzels and vinegar!"

Varthic and Pano glanced at one another following the orc's exclamation while she grinned confidently, but they seemed to reach a silent agreement to simply not speak of it at all, as the demon prince then turned back to Tamonten and said; "The longer we wait, the more time they're going to have to get ready for us in the next room. Come on." That went well in line with her next suggestion, to which the two demons nodded solemnly even though Pano was still trickling blood onto the floor from the wounds on his arms, and on they went to the next room. The orc woman even followed after them, her expression almost dreamy as she started to skip along behind Tamonten (unless the swordswoman had done something that prevented her from doing so,) until she stopped to open the door into the guard room that stood outside of their cell block, where she'd seen the demons loafing around playing cards previously.

Unsurprisingly, the people in the room were already arrayed against them, the racket they'd created during the fight and the shout from one of the succubus guards having alerted them to the breakout attempt. What might have been considered odd, however, was the look of surprise that came over the faces of their next group of opponents. The demons, eight in all, seemed genuinely surprised to see Tamonten and her allies coming through the door, and that gave the swordswoman a brief moment to strike and possibly shout orders at her comrades. All in all, the situation wasn't ideal. The table they'd been using to play cards had been turned onto its side and set up as an impromptu barricade, and there were two demons clad in black leather and holding swords on either edge guarding it, and two more inside of the edges seemingly set to cover the middle. A few feet back were a pair of demons in loose crimson robes that barely seemed to cover anything, one male and one female, and they were waving their hands and mumbling to themselves within moments of Tamonten opening the door despite their clear looks of surprise. The swordswoman would notice an aura on the other side of the table, attached to the underside of the wood and almost imperceptible, but clearly some sort of magical construct nonetheless.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Well, at least they're taking this well, the pale girl sullenly thought as they finished their conversations and preparations and made to leave the room. She did, however, take a few moments to halt the orc as she attempted to skip after them. "Wait here and keep the other three inside this block," she did not ask so much as order, albeit in a kind voice. "We'll bring you back breakfast from the kitchen if you're patient," she added with a forced smile. She sincerely hoped that it would prove to be a white lie, and that she would be back with help rather than a blade and a mercy killing. Elawdrin will pay for her crimes, the swordswoman silently intoned, the phrase quickly taking a place as her litany of the moment, as the three entered the next room.

She led into the next room, not even bothering to try to sneak in or hide from what awaited. The looks on the demons' faces and their reactions as they crossed the threshold would have been interesting and enlightening, if the possessed woman had been given only a little more time to process it. Instead, as she surveyed how they had fortified the room against the escapees, she could only find a brief few moments to be frustrated with herself for her own delays allowing their enemies so much preparation. She did, however, try to capitalize on the demons' brief surprise upon spotting the group to try and shake them further. "We've killed all the guards and the tentacle things in there," she started, motioning with her head toward the door they had just come through. "If you don't start running, you and whatever's inside you is next."

But they weren't given more than a second to follow through with her suggestion before Tamonten was rushing toward the tilted table and shouting at Pano and Varthic. "Get the ones in the robes first! I'll clear you a path!" The closer she got to her furniture target, the more something bothered her about the table that she couldn't quite put her finger on. But she couldn't think of another way to try to clear enough of a path for the two demon knights to get at the casters. When she arrived beside the guards' improvised fortification, she would quickly hunker down, pressing her shoulder to the piece of furniture despite the aura behind it, and shove forward with it, using it as a plow with which to barrel over any demons unfortunate enough to have remained in its way.

Use the table as a bulldozer! BECAUSE I REALLY HATE THE TABLE FOR SOME REASON. Use spirited warrior x = 10 to gain 20 resistance. BECAUSE I REALLY, REALLY HATE THIS TABLE.

Yelling at Varthic and Pano to attack ye mumble-caster-people.

Uh... I have no idea how this is going to be math-ed, so...

Potentially applicable stats (ARMED WITH A TABLE, spirited warrior): 70 body, 54 dodge, 55 resistance, 16 stealth, 26 perception.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and always uses it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 17/89, PP = 51/61, EP = 31/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Badly Injured

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 108/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 25/110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Badly Injured, Sealing Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

Tamo charges dat Table with dat Spirited Warrior. Dat trap goes off. The table is broken in half, and Tamo is sent flying by an Implosion Trap.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 4 + 7 + 2 = 14 * 8 = 112 - 40 from ye table = 82 damage.
Masochist: 1 + 9 = 10 PP damage.

Varthic leaps over the table at ye male caster. Shattering Blow!
Attacks: Hit.
Damage: 8 + 30 = 38 * 2 = 76 - 7 = 69 damage.

Pano leaps over the table at ye female caster. Shattering Blow and Flurry for 2 attacks.
Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 2 + 20 = 22 * 2 = 44 damage per hit.

3 soldiers attack each of dem demons.
Attacks: Pano is hit twice. Varthic gets hit once.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 29 - 17 = 17 damage per hit.

The orc frowned slightly at Tamonten's command to remain in the cell block, an expression that slowly shifted into outright anger as the swordswoman and her allies prepared to leave. "You shall fry this! You reckoned I would snip you!" she said angrily, but remained rooted to the spot and watched as Tamonten, Varthic, and Pano headed for the door. When the swordswoman stepped into the next room, saw what lay within, and made her declaration, the demons within were either too stunned to react before she charged or had intended to fight her anyway.

When her shoulder slammed into the table, the aura reacted before she'd even pushed it a foot. A bolt of energy smashed through the table and hit Tamonten square in the chest. The blow hurt more than the strike that Pano had hit her with when they'd first met, and that attack had cracked several ribs and sent her hurtling through a wall. This time the attack hit a stronger part of her bone, apparently, as it only bruised the bone rather than broke it, but the winged swordswoman was still sent hurtling backwards. Varthic and Pano parted aside for her, watching her go with bewildered expressions before rushing forward. She skidded on her back after hitting the floor, a trip that was most definitely not pleasant on her wings, and came to a halt at the feet of the orc warrior. Gazing down at her sternly, the maddened woman said; "Singed your clouds, have you? Well I'll wet your pants!"

Varthic and Pano, in the meantime, had surged over the broken halves of the table and rushed the two mages, just as Tamonten had told them. The demon prince didn't even stop moving as he reached his target, the male demon sorcerer. Cocking back one hand, Varthic smashed his fist into the other man's face while at a full run, and the blow carried its recipient forward with Varthic's fist still buried in his face. That stopped about when his head slammed into the wall that he stood against, at which point his face exploded in a shower of blood, bits of broken bone, and jellied brains. Pano was no less brutal to the female mage, as he grabbed her about the throat and slammed her against the wall, after which he let go of her only to land a kick against her chest that collapsed her ribs like a house of cards. Both of the mages were quite certainly dead, but nothing was erupting from their bodies, at least not yet.

Unfortunately, while their brutal strategy had been extremely effective, the two demons were outnumbered by Elawdrin's servants, and the opposing demons displayed no fear despite the brutal deaths of their comrades. Six on one, Varthic and Pano had to fend off three swords apiece, and the demons proved to be very proficient with their weapons. Varthic took a slash across his cheek from one but weaved between the other two, while Pano took a jab to the side and a slice across his chest. "Ow! Varthic, they're hitting me!" Pano cried irritably, as he stepped just out of reach of the last swing aimed at him, causing Varthic to shoot back; "I can see that Pano! Why don't you, I don't know.... Hit them back!"
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

"I hate magic..." The swordswoman groaned once she had began to recover from the blast which had propelled her back an entire room. The landing itself had probably caused her nearly as much pain as the blow that had caused her sudden flight, and even if it probably hadn't done as much significant damage she was glad that she couldn't see her wings or her back as it might have stung to simply look at what her skidding had wrought. Still, the table had, in a stroke of luck, taken the worst of it for her apparently. If the sturdy piece of furniture hadn't been available, the room might've been splattered in her gore. As pain wracked her body all throughout her efforts to stand up, she couldn't help but wonder if that outcome wouldn't have been easier than the fight.

But lying down to die was the coward's way out. She would use the stroke of fortune to keep going and eventually seal Elawdrin's doom. Whatever the reason for her continued breathing, she had to push forward.

"I'm not even wearing any pants," she responded plainly to the orc once she was on her feet again, briefly wondering if she wasn't insane for trying to answer a madwoman's babble logically. But she never even looked at the green-skinned woman as she stepped back into the room and spotted Varthic and Pano amidst the slain casters and now beset by demonic guards. There was nothing strategic or fancy about what needed to happen next, she figured. They simply needed to crush the resisting guards, anything that popped out of them, and then make their way to the armory.

So, the swordswoman moved over to one of the broken halves of the table, casually flipped it onto its top with its legs in the air, placed a foot on it to brace it, and simply snapped off one of the legs with her hands. Then, she strode forward to one of the demons who was occupied with Pano, as the big man seemed to be having the least luck in the brawl. Afterward, barring the combatants noticing her return to the fight, she would prowl up behind one of the enemy fighters and pat one of them on the shoulder in an effort to set them up for a very technical and ancient maneuver most commonly known as a sucker punch.

She would attempt to bait out her target's initial, hopefully surprised, swing in her direction, and then bash them in the face with the improvised club she had grabbed. Following that vicious clubbing, she would bash them in the face once more for good measure, and then grab them by the hair or helmet or anything else visible with her blackened hand and stab them through the throat or any other easily vulnerable vital area with the splintered end of the leg, before simply allowing them to collapse to the floor with it still embedded inside them.

Table leg is for fluff 'n stuff. I refuse to stop trying to do cool things or at least fluffing cool things, dammit! If there's a problem with fluffing the table leg acquisition the way I have, then lemme know and I'll change it. Also, was tempted to have her tell the guard she's beating with it "fuck your table" but decided against that. >.>

Flurry of blows x3, shattering blow x3 on one of the guards attacking Pano. Also activate spirited warrior x = 10 (5 into dodge, 3 into attack, 2 into damage.)

Attack: +50 = 70 [Base] - 16 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow] + 6 [Spirited Warrior)
Damage: 1d8 + 20 = 36 [Base] - 10 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow] + 4 [Spirited Warrior]
3x attacks, x2 damage on each, 10 EP cost.

Also, assuming nothing hugely note-worthy happens (Pano is killed/KOed, a new combatant arrives, Tamo has less than 10 HP/PP/EP left next round, that sort of thing) then go ahead and do it again one one of the other guards, one of the ones fighting Pano preferably if possible.

Potentially applicable stats (unarmed, spirited warrior): 74 dodge, 35 resistance, 16 stealth, 26 perception.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and always uses it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 17/89, PP = 27/61, EP = 24/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Badly Injured

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 108/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 20/110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Badly Injured, Sealing Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

Round 1
Tamo uses Spirited Warrior X = 10 for +5 Dodge/AV, +6 attack, and +4 damage.
Attacks: Hit, Miss, Miss. Your rolls were 4, 1, 1. You required a 55 or higher, and I let the first attack hit.
Damage: 1 + 20 = 21 * 2 = 44 - 9 = 35 damage. Not enough to kill.
Sadist: 2 + 9 = 11 PP, Tamo regains 6 EP.

Varthic shattering blows!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 30 = 33 * 2 = 66 - 9 = 57 damage.

Pano also shattering blows and also uses defensive fighting for 10 more dodge.
Attacks: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 25 = 28 * 2 = 56 - 9 = 47 damage.

The soldier that Tamo tried to attack attacks her back, the other attacks Pano, and two attack Varthic.
Attacks: All miss.

Round 2
Tamo uses Spirit Warrior X = 10 for +10 attack and +10 damage, plus shattering blow, no flurry of blows.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 5 + 36 = 41 * 2 = 82 - 9 = 73 damage.
Sadist: 4 + 9 = 13 PP, Tamo regains 7 EP.

Varthic shattering blows!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 30 = 31 * 2 = 62 - 9 = 53 damage.

Pano also shattering blows and also uses defensive fighting for 10 more dodge.
Attacks: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 25 = 31 * 2 = 62 - 9 = 53 damage.

The last soldier tries to surrender.

"You are too!" the orc replied frustratedly, but still remained rooted to the spot as Tamonten rushed back out of the room. Her opponents were distracted while dealing with Pano and Varthic, and thus she was able to wrench the table leg off of the broken remains of the table without being interrupted by the ones she intended to use it on. The demon that she chose, one of those that was backing Pano into a corner, started as she tapped him on the shoulder and slowly turned around. He did a double take before spinning to face her, his blade slashing at her abdomen in an attack that she easily avoided, and then she took her improvised club and smashed him in the face with it, causing a spray of blood and teeth to issue forth from the demon's shattered jaw. That wasn't the end of it, however, as her opponent ducked beneath the second and third swings that by all rights should have landed and killed them.

Varthic, in the meantime, crushed one demon with a kick to the leg and then a kick to the side, and then took out a second via a hand-chop delivered to the throat that left the black-armored woman sputtering for breath in what would prove to be a fairly slow and unpleasant sounding death. Pano, in the meantime, managed to avoid taking any more injuries while fending off the two that Tamonten wasn't dealing with, even going so far as to backhand one into a wall and seemingly knock her out.

The return swing from the flailing demon soldier that the swordswoman faced a moment later was easily avoided, and then she went fully on the attack, taking her club to the demon's head once more and this time dropping him flat. Pano took out another, and then the last of their opponents took a step back from Varthic and lowered her sword, quickly saying; "Alright! I'm done!" Varthic sneered at her and took a step forward, replying; "Then drop the sword! Or better yet, save me the trouble and just kill yourself right now!" She took another step back in alarm, and in that moment Pano announced; "Guys! I'm, uhhhhh, not feelin so great right now!" The big man's arms were covered in blood, and even though he was a demon, the wounds that had been caused by the alien creature's claws didn't seem to have stopped bleeding.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

"Lost your taste for all this now, have you?" The pale girl bitterly asked of the surrendering demon. Her inability to assist the other two in any meaningful way during the skirmish burned at her. She briefly considered driving the table leg clutched in her hands through the man she had bludgeoned in order to confirm his death and to vent her rage. But that urge, no matter how violent, passed in short order. Tamonten didn't truly want to butcher the wounded, even if she knew it was the only practical option, and the earlier attack of the tentacled things gave her an excuse not to. Instead, she allowed her improvised weapon to clatter to the ground and turned her rapidly cooling anger on the woman who was even then backing away from Varthic's sneer. "As you might expect, imprisonment and needing to fight so many of your stubborn comrades has left us less than empathetic toward you and your fellow guards. Especially someone who took so long to decide that she didn't want to swing her sword at us any longer."

As angry as she might be though, it still wasn't in Tamonten to slay a woman who was attempting to surrender, even if that woman was one of Elawdrin's dogs. Although it seemed it was completely in Varthic to do just that. Were it up to her, she'd have the woman discard her keys and weapons and lock her in one of the cells along with the remaining wounded, no matter the time investment, but that wasn't an option with the demon and his comrade around. Indeed, she'd need to come up with a reason just to keep the her foul tempered ally from painting the walls with the surrendering guard. She took a few steps forward to bring herself in line with Varthic, hoping that doing so would keep the prince from lunging at their last opponent. "If you want the right to surrender and live," she continued as she walked, "you're going to have to earn it. A good start would be to hand over any healing supplies you might have rather than making us search for them, as we could use the pick me up."

"But don't let me halt you there. Anything else you have to offer us would do much to raise our disposition toward you," she added, deciding to remain vague about her request. The guard might be looser with information and supplies that way, she hoped. Specific questions seemed likely to leave the demonic woman answering only them and leaving out any additional useful information, and could always be asked after everything voluntary had been exhausted.

Ask for SUPPLIES and anything else the guard might offer so that Varthic might be dissuaded from violently murdering her.

If she's silly enough to try to attack Tamo and co. then break her face. (Shattering Blow, Spirited Warrior x = 10, all in damage. +60 attack and 1d8 + 46 damage multiplied by 2). But if this attack is preceded by more lovecraftian chestbursters then I'm going to need to make a call on that one. >.>

Potentially applicable stats (Unarmed): 70 body, 64 dodge, 55 resistance, 16 stealth, 26 perception.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and always uses it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 17/89, PP = 27/61, EP = 24/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Badly Injured

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 108/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 20/110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Badly Injured, Sealing Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

The woman glanced at Tamonten quickly as she spoke while still backing away from Varthic, and as her eyes flitted back to the approaching demon prince she quickly quipped; "Being brutalized wasn't high on my to-do list for today! We were doing our jobs, and since the alternative to working for Lady Elawdrin when she found any of us was being thrown to her pets, I think I made the reasonable choice." That didn't even slow Varthic, but Tamonten interposing herself between the two demons caused him to pause, albeit reluctantly judging by the fierce scowl that he adopted. Her statement to the guardswoman didn't shift her defensive stance in the slightest, but she did slowly tilt her head towards the rear wall after allowing a brief silence to fall.

"Bandages and stitching won't help those wounds. They'll keep bleeding until he's dead. There are potions to take care of it in that box over there," she said, speaking as quickly as she could get the word out, "They're clearly labeled and carefully sealed. As for other help, I'm getting the hell out of here while I can, before the dogs get let out. I'll show you the way if you want, but I'm not giving up my weapons along the way. Even if I get out of here alive, the woods around this place aren't safe."
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

"You do yourself no favors. None of the things that Elawdrin has forced us to do have been high on our to-do lists either," she snapped at the succubus. "And yet here we are." For a moment, she was angry enough to let Varthic pass and rip the guard limb from limb, and in truth she was still on the fence about it up until the woman gave up her information about the supplies. "Take one and see if it stops your bleeding, and let us know if there are any other items of interest in there," she addressed Pano as she motioned her own head in the general direction of the rear wall, but she never took her eyes off the demoness.

Only if the potions were proven to be for what the woman had said did she continue. "No. You'll need to offer us more than that to earn us allowing you to leave the room. Mostly information. What other protocols are in place for an escape? Will those things we killed in the other room remain dead? And are more of them going to burst out of your comrades?" She would allow the woman to answer all those questions before delivering her final demand. "Finally, you'll lead us to the armory. I don't care where you go after that, but I can't have you running off to rejoin the fallen angel's forces or alerting her before we have our weapons and armor."

Kinda dependent on her reaction. But assuming she's telling the truth about the potions and if she somehow agrees to lead them to the armory, Tamo will bring yon MADORC along just so she doesn't have to murder the rest of the guards to ensure her safety.

If the guard isn't on the level about the potions and tries to get violent then... let Varthic at her. >.>

Potentially applicable stats (Unarmed): 70 body, 64 dodge, 55 resistance, 16 stealth, 26 perception.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and always uses it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 17/89, PP = 27/61, EP = 24/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Badly Injured

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 108/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 70/110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

Pano was already heading for the indicated medicine box as Tamonten spoke, and while he opened it and pulled out a red bottle, the demon guardswoman offered Tamonten a brief reply; "Then you should realize that we were in exactly the same boat. I didn't even get paid for this!" Pano examined the potion critically for a moment, holding it up to the glowing lamp attached to the ceiling, before popping off the top and chugging it down. The man belched, and Tamonten was able to see the wounds on his arm and side knitting back together. "Ewwww, cherry!" he said, chucking the now empty bottle aside and turning to the guardswoman, "I hate cherry! Have yah got any grape?" Evidently caught off guard by the question, the woman quickly replied; "Uhhhh.... No, we really only had the one flavor."

To Tamonten's follow up questions, the demoness answered promptly and curtly; "I don't know, besides Elawdrin unleashing her pet hellhounds and dealing with whoever makes it past the monsters that erupt from her personal guards, she didn't let us know about any other security measures. As far as I've seen, those monsters stay dead when they die, unsettling as they might be otherwise. They, ahhh, are only supposed to be... Inside.... Elawdrin's personal guards. The succubi that she takes off the streets and... I don't even know what she does to them, actually... Anyway, they don't tend to mingle with us. They just stand around on their own when they aren't on duty, which is almost never. I've yet to see one eat or go to the bathroom either."

Tamonten's final demand caused the woman to scowl, and she firmly replied; "That's almost as good as killing me. One of her minions sees me leading you around, and Elawdrin will know that I've betrayed her. Then I'm as good as dead. The armory holding our extra gear and all of the captured stuff is a ways down the hall... The exact opposite direction from the way that I'm going. Given that I can almost guarantee that she'll know that someone's coming for her, and she tends to know her slaves pretty well, you probably don't need to worry about the warning. We sent up the alarm as soon as we got the signal that the other guards were under attack, so she'll have heard about it by now anyway."
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

"Exactly the point," Tamonten interjected coldly after suggesting that Elawdrin would want her dead if she knew that the demon had betrayed her. Beyond that she had remained silent until the very end of the guard's answers, though when that end came she was quick to respond. "Since we know that she's already been alerted, have an idea of where we're going, have no real reason to trust what you've said, and you're unwilling to aid us, then you're of no more use to us..." The swordswoman trailed off, her face an expressionless mask.

"That potion might have saved a life, so you may keep yours. Get running. If I see you again in this prison as a guard I won't prevent my comrade from tearing you to pieces, I'll help him." The pale girl sighed. She couldn't bring herself to kill the guard, even if it would be a simple thing and might save her further trouble down the line. When the guard had left, she turned toward her allies. "I don't suppose there was another potion in there? That trap did some damage." Not that she figured she really needed to add the latter part, given that for a brief few moments she had become a projectile. If there was a potion then she would take and drink it, but if there wasn't then she wouldn't complain. Either way, she continued; "Let's head for the armory. I'd suggest that one of you could try to escape and let your Lady of Acheron know what's happened, but based on what I've seen I don't think any of us will get any further than being enslaved to some other wicked thing should we find ourselves in Artmirst naked, weaponless, and with these infernal collars on us, and I imagine none of us want to leave this place until Elawdrin draws her last breath."

Before they stepped out, however, she would move closer to the door they had just come from and call for the orc. "You may come as well, if you understand me. I can't promise your safety out there, but I don't think you'll be any safer in here." Probably another unwise choice, but the idea of ordering the orc to remain among the broken prisoners, unconscious guards, and bodies that might have otherworldly beings lurking inside them -- for she greatly doubted that Elawdrin had kept her experiments only to her personal guards, even if the fleeing guard hadn't believed as much -- didn't settle well with the possessed woman. Afterward, regardless of whether or not the orc had chosen to tag along, she would set off in the direction that the demoness had pointed them in, hoping that she might get her hands on her blade again before the hounds were upon them.

Take a potion if there is one, head to the armory, allow the orc to tag along.

Potentially applicable stats (Unarmed): 70 body, 64 dodge, 35 resistance, 16 stealth, 26 perception.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and always uses it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 67/89, PP = 61, EP = 24/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Injured

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 108/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 70/110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

Tamo gets a healing potion and can choose between a set of leather armor or battlemages robes. She may also pick up a one handed sword.

Perception: Only the orc succeeds, but thankfully you only need one to avoid surprise buttsex!
Resistance: Tamo wins!

Every word Tamonten spoke seemed to make the guardswoman more nervous, and as an added menace Varthic began to creep around her. The command to flee was followed without even a second’s hesitation, and Varthic watched her go with an annoyed scowl before turning to Tamonten and saying; “We should have just killed her and had done with it!” Stepping over one of the dead guards, Varthic stripped the fallen of his pants and donned them while Pano rummaged in the cupboard, which was barely large enough to contain his hand, and pulled out two more potions. “Yup! There’s an extra too!” Drinking one of the crimson draughts did a good bit to ease the pain from the bruising on her chest, and if she liked she could strip the clothing from one of the guards or one of the mages in order to regain some semblance of decency.

When she delivered her remark about one of the duo leaving, Varthic’s expression became even angrier, and he replied; “I’m not going anywhere until I’ve torn the harpy’s heart and watched it stop beating!” Pano nodded and, with characteristic cheer, stole Varthic’s thunder by adding; “Plus, we’ve got no idea where we are or how to get home!” The demon prince shot an annoyed look at his compatriot, who was by that point the only one still in the nude since none of the clothing worn by the guards had a chance of fitting him, before turning back to Tamonten and gruffly muttering; “Let’s just get to the damn armory.

There was one last delay to deal with, however, in the form of the maddened orc, whom Tamonten found standing in the corner next to the cell block door, counting out of sequence while poking at various bricks. She abandoned her trivial pursuit when the swordswoman approached and began to speak, and then irritably replied; “I have better pants than you!” The woman was still nude, and unashamedly so, but on she went; “The swarm is plowing the field. You’re not putting me in those panties while you and the sails go off and squat the doggy! I winded that I’d see it squatted myself, and that’s what I’m going to do!” She delivered her exclamation energetically and bitterly, but then blinked at herself and knocked herself on the side of the head a few times before following Tamonten out into the main room.

Departing through the door that the demon guardswoman had pointed out, Tamonten and her strange accompaniment started through the halls of the prison in search of the armory. There were no sounds suggesting that the other attempts at a breakout were going one way or another, the dark halls being eerily silent, and in their search they encountered neither prisoners nor guards. The prison was simply organized but fairly expansive, and so it took them longer than they might have liked to find their destination, but finally Varthic glanced into a passageway and announced; “I’ve found it! It’s down here!

A few moments later they entered a large chamber with an assortment of weapons and armor, some of it on tables and some on racks or shelves. The collection was fairly impressive, and the eclectic nature of it suggested that Elawdrin had been taking the gear of the adventurers that she captured for her experiments for a while. Varthic and Pano’s armor were visible on the other side of the room, and hanging on a rack right beside them was the greatsword she’d lost when she’d initially been taking by Elawdrin. The place looked to have been partially looted already, as one of the tables had been overturned and there were a few empty spaces that looked as if they’d been occupied until fairly recently, but what might have been taken and by whom was a mystery.

Before she could go and retrieve her greatsword or the two demons could go and don their armor, however, the orc tapped Tamonten on the shoulder and pointed to a spot on the ceiling. “We’ll have to take its pants first,” she said conversationally, and if Tamonten followed her gaze she would see…. A thing. A thing with a body resembling a gigantic centipede, at least ten feet long and probably closer to twenty, its dull red carapace glinting slightly in the pale blue light emanating from the glowing stones that were placed along the walls. Its head had a pair of pincers that dripped with a caustic liquid, and three antennae that waved around searchingly, with a single human-like eye hanging from the tip of each. Most disturbing of all, however, were the creature’s legs. The creature had two dozen of them in total, but they weren’t the legs of an insect as one might have expected, instead being of a pale fleshy color, like the meat of a human carcass that had just begun to rot, and tipped in hands that were eerily humanlike save for the suckers tipping each of the fingers. The creature’s eyes centered on Tamonten, and it began to silently paw its way across the ceiling toward them as Varthic and Pano both looked up at it with blatant revulsion and blind excitement respectively. “It’s…. It’s…. It’s so cute! Can we keep it Varthic! Can we?” Pano asked gleefully, and Varthic shot his compatriot an incredulous look before shouting; “No!
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The pale girl did choose to take some armor since Varthic was taking the time to loot one of the fallen of their pants. She chose leather armor, and equipped all of the pieces that her wings didn't get in the way of wearing. She made no response to any of the remarks from the demon prince or his comrade, though she did take the time to grab the spare potion from the cupboard since Pano lacked any sanitary place to store it. Even after the orc's own speech, or what Tamonten had at least guessed was a speech, she could only really offer; "Okay then." And afterward, she made no effort to keep the maddened green woman from doing whatever it was that the berserker-turned-mental patient wanted to do, including following them.

When they were done with their business in the room, she was quick to move out the door with the others. Though she moved through the halls with heightened awareness of her surroundings and the traps that might aware her, the swordswoman's pace through the building certainly couldn't be called cautious or wary. The alarm had been sounded and Elawdrin certainly knew they were there, she figured, so time was of the essence. Trouble would find them regardless, so better to rush and have her sword in hand by the time it did than to be caught with nothing but her fists again.

When they finally reached the armory, however, that same rush to retrieve her gear almost cost her everything. She was already moving toward her greatsword, giving no heed to the presence of the emptied spaces and overturned tables and certainly not looking toward the ceiling, when the orc tapped her on the shoulder. Only then did the swordswoman pause and look up to see the lurking thing above them.

Her initial reaction was entirely human. At the sight of the latest outsider to accost them, the possessed woman froze in place. She was intimidated and afraid of the huge beast above her, and what it would undoubtedly do to her if she fell to it. As she noticed more and more of the being's features, a slight queasiness mixed in with everything else. Yet none of the feelings held for very long. Perhaps it was simply experience, but it was becoming harder for terror to get its grips on the pale girl. That wasn't to say she was immune; it would take a crazy person to be completely fearless, but, as Tamonten looked at the monster above her, she couldn't help but recall past battles and struggles. What was the centipede, compared to the black oak? Not all that different. Even compared to the broken angel who undoubtedly had a hand in spawning the creature, it came up lacking. Its lesser kin could die, her group had proved that much, and they just needed to prove it again with this latest monstrosity.

"I really need to figure out what you mean by pants," the pale girl replied to the orc. Her mind immediately began trying to puzzle out how to fight the thing. While it was on the ceiling her group couldn't do much to attack it, and for a brief second considered going for her sword again. In the end, she decided against it as long as the centipede's focus remained on her and it was in a position where it could easily drop on anyone underneath it. So instead, she did her best to avoid being in a spot where it could drop directly on her and prepared to avoid any attacks it might direct at her. She might have an opportunity to grab her sword when its attention shifted to another one of her allies, she hoped.

Before centipede stuffs: Grab leather armor, grab spare potion.

After centipede stuffs: Use full defense for now!

Potentially applicable stats (Unarmed, Full Defense): 70 body, 94 dodge, 65 resistance, 16 stealth, 41 perception.

Also I think she has 4 armor from that leather armor now.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and always uses it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 67/89, PP = 61, EP = 24/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Injured

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 108/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 70/110, PP = 52, EP = 85/98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar, 24/30 Resistance, -6 Dodge
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

Mortipede: Taken 26 damage

Welp. This thing can gt multiple attacks depending on a roll of a d8. It needed an 8 to get 2 additional attacks since the 8 doesn't actually do anything by itself. The rolls: 8, 8, 4, 7, 8, 8, 6, 7, 8, 3, 1. This d8 wanted to see you dead, apparently.
2 rays on the orc (1 and 2) : 57 and 64. All miss.
3 rays on Tamo (1 2 and 3) : 69, 61, and 71. All miss.
2 rays on Pano (2 and 3) : 68, 63. Both hit.
3 rays on Varthic (1 2 and 3) : 56, 57, and 63. All miss.
1 ray on Tamo (3) : 71. Miss.
1 ray on Varthic (1) : 67. Miss.
Pano has 13 EP drained and loses 6 Resistance from Sanity damage.
Resistance (Pano) : 41, he's alright.

Pano comes up and smacks it with Shattering Blow.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 25 = 28 * 2 = 56 - 10 = 46/4 = 12 damage.

Varthic comes up and does the same.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 30 = 33 * 2 = 66 - 10 = 56/4 = 14 damage.

She has 5 armor now! Leather armor got upgraded.

Also, three more succubus guards show up.

"Pants! Shirts! Rancid underwear!" the orc recited impatiently as she assumed a similar stance to the pale swordswoman, readying for an attack from the impossible creature on the ceiling while Varthic and Pano just stood there gawking at it. Their decision proved prudent in short order as the monster's eyestalks quivered and the orbs at their tips suddenly started to glow. Instinct drove Tamonten to dive aside, and she was likely glad she did so as beams of light suddenly lanced out from each eye in a sudden barrage. The assault directed no less than four rays of energy at Tamonten, one of which carved a trench in the stone floor as she flung herself out of the way while the other two seemed to do nothing to the ground. Varthic and the orc likewise managed to dodge the attacks directed at them, the demon prince getting four rays and the orc receiving two.

She got an idea of what the other two colors of beams might do, however, when rays of both struck Pano. The humongous warrior shivered suddenly, his jaw dropping and his eyes going unfocused when the green ray hit him, and when the blue ray struck she watched as it tore a chunk of the demon's soul off and promptly returned it to the monster from which the beams originated. Pano managed to shake off his stunned state quickly, and after unleashing its barrage it released its hold on the ceiling and dropped to the ground. Its limbs reversed, allowing it to land on its feet like a cat, and its head spun over so that the jaws were in the proper appropriation, leaving it looking just like it had when it had been on the ceiling.

"Dust this bitch!" Varthic shouted, and both he and Pano promptly rushed the newly landed creature. Pano was first to reach the beast, slamming both hands onto its armored back, and despite that she'd seen the demon crush stone beneath his strikes before the creature barely even shivered. A vile hiss erupted from its maw following the strike, and it recoiled away by rearing up, its eyes centering on Pano. Varthic managed to grab some of its attention, however, when he rushed up and kicked the creature in the side. His attack had about as much effect as Pano's, however, and the two demons backed away, Pano nursing his hands and wincing. "Ow! Varthic that hurt!"

As if to compound their problem, Tamonten would notice footsteps approaching, no doubt attracted by the commotion, and as she prepared to enact whatever strategy she intended to deal with the monstrous centipede a trio of Elawdrin's cell guards came rushing into the room. They were still in the skin of succubi, and whether or not they possessed the monsters within like those that Tamonten had faced back in the cell block was simply impossible to tell at this point. They did grin at the sight of the captives, however, one of them saying; "Ooooooh, escapees raiding the armory? How predictable~ Lets get em!"
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The possessed swordswoman wasn't quite sure what she was expecting from the odd-eyed horror that probably originated from beyond the veil of space and time, but somehow it wasn't the rays. Even though the rays hadn't gotten to her, her earlier preparation allowing her to get out of the way well before the first beam left a gash in the floor, she still felt a little ill from the vibrant display. Tamonten would happily take that over the alternative though, as the beam might have taken more than a small chunk from her soul if it had hit her.

After the two demons had rushed to engage the newly grounded centipede, several things raced through the pale girl's mind, and yet for some reason following Pano's comment the only one she could voice was; "I really don't want to know where Elawdrin is getting these things." Which meant even less when combined with the fact that she had a pretty good idea. Still, it wasn't as if she could've said anything with more merit. Suggesting that Varthic, Pano, and the orc should dodge the beams and noting that they were dangerous and had ill effects certainly wasn't necessary, and the demonic prince had already called that maybe, just maybe, they ought to kill the monstrosity, so maybe morbid concern was the only thing for her to voice. Gods, I hate this place.

At the appearance of the succubus guards, it became obvious that maybe there were more pressing concerns at hand anyway. "I'll see if I can spice it up for you a bit then! Hold them off! Or pants them! Or whatever!" She called out in response to the guards and then in request to the orc, and then promptly went dashing toward the centipede. Her main goal wasn't the outsider itself, but rather her sword. Of course, being that her opponent was probably a good twenty feet long she might find no opening in grabbing her sword for its size, in which case she would simply join Varthic and Pano in their assault. But with any luck at all, she would reunite with her favored weapon and then turn around and attempt to quadrisect the otherwordly beast.

So, uh, action kinda depends on the options available to her.

If she can't reasonably get around the centipede to get at her greatsword, then do this:
BEAT THE STUFFING OUT OF IT. Spirited Warrior x = 10 (6 into dodge, 4 into damage), Shattering Blow x2, Flurry of Blows for 1 additional hit.

Attack: 52 = 70 [Base] - 8 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow]
Damage: 1d8 + 31 [Base] - 5 [Flurry of Blows] - 10 [Shattering Blow] + 8 [Spirited Warrior]
2 attacks at x2 damage. Costs 10 EP.

Applicable stats this option (Spirited Warrior, Unarmed Fighter) 76 dodge, 5 armor, 35 resistance, 16 stealth, 26 perception.

If she can grab her greatsword
She'll dump spirited warrior x = 10 into dodge for the round while running to grab the greatsword, assuming it's going to take her a round. Otherwise, grab it and make the attack listed below (And if you feel that logically she wouldn't be able to tell whether it would take her longer than 5 seconds to grab it or not, then I'd have her go ahead and still dump x = 10 into it for safety's sake, but then make the attack listed below on this round if she's in range to do so, then follow up with another set of attacks the round after.) This will put her at 84 dodge for the round (74 when she picks up her greatsword) and she has 26 speed for the purposes of GREATSWORD GRABBAN.

Then next round she will UNLEASH THE MOTHERFUCKING FURY on the centipede, using slay, double strike, and spirited warrior x = 10 (4 into attack, 6 into damage) to crank the murderosity to 11.

Attack: 70 = 98 [Base] - 20 [Slay] - 16 [Double Strike] + 8 [Spirited Warrior]
Damage: 2d12 + 64 = 60 [Base] - 8 [Double Strike] + 12 [Spirited Warrior]
2x attacks at 2x damage. Costs 10 EP (total of 20 if it takes two rounds).

Applicable Stats: 54 dodge, 35 resistance, 5 armor, 16 stealth, 26 perception.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: (3 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 29 TP clothes currently missing). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and always uses it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 52/89, PP = 25/61, EP = 23/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Injured, -3 Dodge, 23/35 Resistance

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 82/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Injured, Bleeding 2d4, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 70/110, PP = 52, EP = 85/98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar, 24/30 Resistance, -6 Dodge
Orc: HP = 30/70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar, Bleeding 2d4
Nellic: ???

Tamo goes and grabs her sword. It does take a round, and she uses Spirited Warrior X = 10 for +10 Dodge and +10 AV.

Ye horror from beyond the veil of time and space shoots lazorz at her. The d8 produced a 5, meaning she gets 2 rays at her.
Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 2 + 10 = 15 damage.
Sanity Damage: 3, and loses 3 Dodge
Sanity Check: Failure.
Sanity Damage: 3 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 9 more Sanity damage.
Masochist: 1 + 9 = 10 PP, Tamo regains 5 EP

Pano and Vathic beat on it some more.
Attacks: Both of them hit reliably.
Damage (Pano) : 4 + 25 = 29 * 2 = 58 - 10 = 48/4 = 12 damage.
Damage (Varthic) : 5 + 30 = 35 * 2 = 70 - 10 = 60/4 = 15 damage.

The orc picks up a random greatsword and attacks one of the guards with Supreme Might for 10.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 8 + 8 + 1 + 41 + 10 - 8 = 60 damage.
The outsider present in said succubus erupts as it dies, but nobody else is looking at it and the orc is already insane.

The outsider tries to maul the orc.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 3 + 28 - 15 = 19 damage. She will take 2d4 bleed damage on subsequent rounds.

The succubi shift their clothes and try to grab the orc.
Attacks: Both hit. The orc is grappled by both!

Tamo then chops that fucker in half.
Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 6 + 9 + 64 = 79 * 2 = 158 - 10 = 148/4 = 37 damage per hit.
Sadist: 4 + 9 = 13 PP. Tamo regains 7 EP twice, for a total of 14 EP

Varthic and Pano each slap a guardswoman.
Attacks: Hit.
Damage (Pano) : 1 + 25 = 26 * 2 = 52 - 8 = 44 damage.
Damage (Varthic) : 1 + 30 = 31 * 2 = 62 - 8 = 54 damage.

Ye monster pops out of the one Varthic koed.
Resistance (Tamo) : Success.
Resistance (Pano) : Success.

The two outsiders attack Pano and Varthic.
Attacks: Pano is missed, Varthic is not.
Damage: 6 + 3 + 28 - 17 = 20 damage.

The orc tries to punch the succubus.
Grapple: The orc wins.
Bleed: 2 + 3 = 5 damage.
Damage: More than 4. The outsider pops out.
Resistance (Tamo) : Success.
Resistance (Pano) : Success.

That outsider tries to bodysnatch said orc.
Grapple: Fails, the orc takes 10 damage but the grapple ends.

As discussed via chat, Tamonten then attacks two of the little dudes with Double Strike and Slay.
Attacks: Hit.
Damage: 7 + 11 + 52 = 70 - 5 = 65 * 2 = 130/2 = 65. Two kills.

The orc Slays the fuck out of the last one.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 11 + 5 + 42 = 58 damage. Times two and then divided by two.

Bleed: 4 + 2 = 6 damage.

Victory! Tamonten has reclaimed her sword. She gains 4 exp for the cell block fight, and 4 exp for this one, to a total of 8.

The creatures wasn't blocking Tamonten's path to her sword, it having been perpendicular to the route that would lead her to it most directly, but it would take her a moment to go for the weapon. Rushing through the assorted weapon and armor covered tables, the swordswoman might have hoped that the barriers would offer cover enough that the creature might ignore her in favor of attacking the two demons that had just pounded on it. She was, unfortunately, quite mistaken. The thing's antennae tracked her as she rushed for her weapon, two rays quickly lashing out at her. The first, the red one, hit her low after carving through the legs of about a dozen tables, which fell and allowed their contents to spill out onto the floor. The beam raked across Tamonten's side, her borrowed armor and the fact that she'd been ready for it making no difference in the searing pain that suddenly shot up from her charred side, the skin there blackening in a far less wholesome manner than the demon-touched portions of her body. Luckily it was only a graze, else the damage would probably have been far far worse.

The second ray was far more insidious, however. The beam of green like struck the swordswoman in the side of the head, right in the ear, and as it vanished into her body the ray attacked her mind. Horrific visions and alien concepts played through her mind, of things beyond description and events so horrible that they would make Elawdrin's crime seem like the actions of a childhood bully. Jaded as she might have been growing to the effects of the monstrous beings, Tamonten couldn't help but be affected by the mental assault. Despite its attacks against her, however, the swordswoman reclaimed her weapon, the greatsword glowing softly as her hands closed over the handle, but when she turned to confront the monstrous thing with the comforting weight of her blade in her hands, Tamonten looked upon it and felt a shiver of terror unwittingly run up her spine. Feelings of inadequacy and weakness assaulted her, and a fresh assault from the visions that had been freshly forced into her mind almost threatened to drive her momentarily weakened consciousness over the edge.

She was made of stronger stuff than that, however, and her charge toward the creature ended with a swing so powerful that it chopped through the carapace that Varthic and Pano had thus far been unable to even dent despite laying a pair of blows each upon it. The centipede let out a startled shriek as she tore into it, its limbs shivering and all those behind her cut starting to flail wildly, but she simply wrenched her sword up and cut it again, hitting it in the same place and carving easily through whatever its soft insides were made of, until her greatsword had pierced through the underside of its shell and clinked against the armory's stone floor. Its shriek died down to a hiss, and though its body was still moving it was fairly certain that the monster was dead, its limbs simply twitching and flailing while its two halves flopped about without any apparent direction.

The monster's death allowed the pale swordswoman to take stock of the situation of her allies, at which point she saw Varthic and Pano rushing past her towards the orc, who was bleeding from lacerations to her arms and sandwiched between a pair of the succubus guards sporting cocks that were already preparing to penetrate the orc, a third lying dead on the ground and one of the translucent mantis creatures standing in her place, its claws coated in blood. Varthic jumped as he drew near the three, and his foot connected with a resounding crack against the side of his target's head, impacting the skull of the rear guard and knocking it aside. The demon's corpse, unsurprisingly, exploded outward in a mass of gore, one of the creatures sliding out of the dead demon's body as if they were coming out of a costume, and before the demon prince could recover from his jump kick it lashed out with both claws. "Ahhh! Fuck!" he snapped, recoiling away and raising an arm protectively to cover his face as it lashed at him repeatedly, his shoulders having already taken jagged wounds, leaving him bleeding just as Pano had been earlier. The larger demon, in the meantime, slammed both fists against the demon in the front of the orc, cracking their spine and allowing the orc to push them away by a firm grip on the shoulder.

Rearing her fist back, the maddened berserker smashed the demon's skull in only for the body to erupt like the others, the creature jumping onto her and clawing at her chest and sides as if trying to burrow into her abdominal cavity. The orc endured the assault for about four seconds before she managed to lift the slimy thing and hurl it off of her, smashing it against the ground but causing it no apparent harm, as it simply sprung back to its feet. In the meantime, the last of the creatures and the first to have been deprived of its flesh mask lashed out at Pano, driving him away from the orc and keeping him from giving her any assistance.

That was about when the pale swordswoman was able to intervene. Rushing into the melee, Tamonten cut the monster that had been attacking Varthic in half, and then proceeded to do much the same to the one that had been after Pano, causing both of the bisected creatures to fall to the floor in two halves. A moment later the orc, free of the creature's grip, lifted a greatsword that had been discarded beside her and swung, producing similar results. All of the creatures that had come from the succubi were now lifeless husks on the floor, their bodies dissolving into the bare stonework. The centipede was doing much the same, albeit much more slowly and with a fairly rank smell, and that left them momentarily free of enemies to fight and thus a second to catch their metaphorical breath.

Her own injuries weren't particularly serious, though the burn would probably need tending to at some point. The orc berserker and Varthic were both bleeding badly, however, and they had only one potion that would cure the affliction left unless there was something else in the armory that might serve such a purpose. As the four stood there, an explosion rocked the prison hard enough that they felt the very ground beneath them shake with its power, though the sound of it was muffled by layers of stone. "What in Hell's name was that?" Varthic demanded immediately, to which Pano promptly and earnestly replied; "I hope it was pandas!" The demon prince was left to stare at his companion for a moment, his bluster gone, but he didn't seem able to muster the energy necessary to ask whatever question was on his mind. "It came from the East... That's the direction opposite the yards, and the direction we've got to go if we want to pay Striga a visit," he declared as he shifted his gaze back to Tamonten, but then his eyes widened slightly in surprise.

He'd been looking at the door, to which Tamonten had had her back if she'd turned to face him while he spoke, and if the swordswoman followed his gaze she would find Nellic standing in the armory doorway, leaning slightly on the doorframe. The wrestler had decidedly seen some much better days. His body was covered in shallow lacerations and whip-marks, some of which were still oozing blood much like the injuries caused by the outsiders that kept erupting from people, and everywhere from his forearms down to his thighs was practically covered in blood. His weariness was obvious, but he still managed a pale, wan smile at Tamonten as their eyes met. "Hello comrades," he said, his voice strained despite his obvious attempt to seem in good spirits, "I see you have met the things living inside of the guards! I hope they were not too much trouble for you!" He slowly pushed away from his leaning post and gingerly stumbled into the room, "Did you hear explosion a minute ago? I thought it came from the East. Could it be someone else trying to break out?"
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The first ray, though it badly burned Tamonten's side, proved nothing in comparison to the second. She could deal with pain, as it was open and direct, and the burning, even though the agony of it lingered and so did the smell of her own charred flesh, didn't rate anywhere near the trap she had taken no more than an hour prior, or even Elawdrin smashing her nose the day prior. The second was insidious, and tormented her in ways that physical harm, whispered words, and outward intimidation simply couldn't.

The visions rushed through her mind entirely too quickly to comprehend all of them, though it was easy enough to say that they were all bad, but one stood out among all the rest. That vision lingered with her much as the smell of her own burnt skin did. In it she stood in a place that looked very much like a world, but with something off. Some colors, sights, and sounds that she would've expected of any given surroundings simply weren't there, and she couldn't place her finger on the specifics which unnerved her all the more. For all the things that were missing, Jasmine and Kringlicsly were there, even though they shouldn't have been, on either side of her.

They began to push her toward something in the distance. At first, she went along with them easily, but as she moved she noticed that a sense of depth seemed to be missing from the new world. She also noticed that as the two began to usher her along, they began to drool. Thick, green rivulets of slime ran down the corner of each accompanying woman's mouth from lips that the possessed girl only then noticed were blue. Tamonten began to resist more with each passing step, but Kringlicsly and Jasmine pushed her all the harder toward their destination. And before she could break free, before she could avoid looking at the final destination of her journey, maybe even her life, she saw it.

A great bloated fly, many times bigger than even the black oak she had faced, laid on the ground with its wings and legs chewed off. It seemed half a corpse, half a dark god to be worshiped so that it might not consume her. Her attention was quickly drawn to movement on it. Upon the great fly crawled many translucent ants, each about as big as Tamonten herself, with long, slender tentacles in place of their antennae. The ant's bodies seemed to be rotting away with every step, a thick green slime spilling from their many wounds. Grubs were visible inside each ant, eating away at their host and controlling their movement so that they would bite at the fly, and each grub showed more lucidity and awareness of their surroundings than the creature they were consuming.

The fly itself was no more pleasant to look at, nor to smell as it gave off a scent similar to sewage. Its body was gelatinous in nature, though Tamonten could see nothing inside, with holes chewed away that green slime and maggots, both not only identical to their counterparts in the ants but being ingested by the smaller creatures with every bite that they took, spilled forth from. Despite that it had no lungs that the pale girl could discern, it seemed to be trying to breathe, though its every effort was labored and painful-looking. Its breaths were drawn in through a human-like mouth with yellow, rotted teeth and no lips. Somehow, none of those factors bothered her as much as its eyes. Its eyes immediately caused the possessed girl to freeze, mentally and physically. At a glance they were like any other fly's eyes, but looking closer allowed her to see that they were comprised of thousands of human-like pupils, all staring directly at her.

She was too stunned to resist as Jasmine and Kringlicsly pushed her toward the fly and then forced her to lay upon it. Even if she had been able to muster the thought necessary to resist, the surface of the fly's gel body seemed to stick to her and hold her in place. With smiles and blank, dead eyes, each of the two women began to pull maggots directly from the creature's open wounds, and they set them down beside Tamonten; the green slime flowed like a waterfall from their mouths as they did so. After a few moments of crawling around aimlessly, the larvae seemed to take notice of the limp, stunned woman, and began crawling toward her head.

"No more! Make it fucking stop!" She roared, back in the real world, the vision pressing her to race all the harder for her sword. Once she had it in her hands, she didn't delay for long. The pale swordswoman practically flew across the room with her blade overhead in order to deliver a terrible blow to the nightmarish centipede. She quickly wrenched her blade back and hit the thing again with a second similar blow, killing it. And then she simply stared at the slain creature. Tamonten couldn't muster a rational thought beyond making absolutely certain that the outsider was dead. The feelings of fear and hopelessness still assaulted her, and kept her focus on the dead thing for far longer than was actually necessary.

But when she could be completely sure of that, she turned her sights on the ones bursting free of the dying succubi. Without a thought, she pushed herself toward the one fighting Varthic and thrusted her sword into it, skewering it. Putting her unnatural strength along with her sudden burst of complete emotional instability and lapse in sanity to good use, she lifted the skewered creature into the air and swung her sword, outsider and all, at another of the things, killing both in the process. And when all of their enemies were dead, she froze up again, still tormented by the feelings and visions that the centipede's ray had inspired.

It wasn't until the explosion occurred that she managed to shake off the tormenting thoughts, perhaps literally as the blast managed to rock the prison, enough to think and speak again. "It's hard to say," she finally replied to Varthic's after he commented on the direction of the blast, deciding to ignore Pano's hopefulness that it was somehow panda-fueled lest she suffer another lapse in mental stability for it. That was all she managed to vocalize before Nellic made his appearance though, not that she'd complain as the appearance of the good-spirited man did much for her sanity.

"Always happy to see a friendly face. I was worried we might have to come and pull you out," she offered with a legitimate smile toward Nellic. "The exploding guards are something alright. We've dealt with about nine of them so far. As far as whatever that rumbling was, it's hard to say," she repeated. "There were others looking to breakout, but it's just as possible that the explosion is Elawdrin dealing with them. It could even be somebody trying to break in--I don't suppose the Lady of Acheron would have sent a search party for you two?" She made her inquiry toward Varthic and Pano with a complete absence of actual hope in her voice, she held no delusions that they would be so lucky. "I don't think it's worth betting on who's out there anyway, not yet at least. According to one of the guards we fought we'll have hellhounds roaming about soon, which will make this even more difficult. I think our best option is to grab anything useful, then go and get Striga to disable these collars. Once that's done our options are much broader, as we don't have to worry about running into Elawdrin and her making use of whatever unholy fail-safe she might have built into these collars."

"Unless anybody has any other suggestions, we should probably get to looting. Anything with healing properties would be a plus, otherwise we might have to figure out whether splitting one of these is enough to stop that unnatural bleeding for multiple people," she added, removing the healing potion from her person and placing it on a table before moving to begin inspecting and looting the armory herself.

Search armory for useful lewtz. Things with heals preferred (and if found, Tamonten will immediately attempt to make use of them on the orc, Varthic, and Nellic (in that order), with the healing potion going toward anybody left out.

Current plan is to head for Striga afterward, though I'm not looking to plan too far in advance 'cos gotta see what useful stuff this search might uncover, and also stop her party from bleeding out.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 64/89, PP = 25/61, EP = 23/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Injured, -3 Dodge, 23/35 Resistance

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 91/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 82/110, PP = 52, EP = 85/98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar, 24/30 Resistance, -6 Dodge
Orc: HP = 39/70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Nellic: HP = 17/100, PP = 45, EP = 45, Status = Gravely Injured

Damage: 1 + 2 = 3 bleed damage.

Perception (Tamonten) : 36
Perception (Orc) : 46
Perception (Varthic) : 31
Perception (Pano) : 30
Perception (Nellic) : 28

The orc finds something and goes about poking people with it!
Tamo, Pano, Varthic, and Nellic all regain 12 HP.

The orc finds a wand, a misc item with the spirit power Lay on Hands on it. When handed to her, it has 4/20 EP left. In her own search (and that of Varthic/Pano) she found 2 bottles of shorn syrup, 39 denarii, a chameleon skin, a ring that grants +2 AV and resist fire 10, and some boots that grant +2 Speed and +2 Dodge, and a darkheart. I only gave items that might be immediately useful or easy to carry. There's armor and weapons and stuff too, but I figured she wouldn't take any of that.

"And had better luck of it than I have too, though you've not escaped unscathed by the looks of you!" Nellic said, still attempting to hold on to his good natured tone despite near-constant winces of pain. The question directed at Varthic and Pano drew a hopeful look from the larger of the two demons, but the dour prince was quick to burst his bubble (with the expected shift in his expression from a hopeful smile to an excessively saddened look) by saying; "Unlikely. Not yet at any rate. Maybe after another week of being missing she'd start looking, but Xeon would be more likely to try to weasel an answer about us from her enemies before sending out any real search parties. We're on our own out here."

The group gave an assembled nod at Tamonten's suggestion that they go about raiding the armory for whatever might be useful, and soon enough all of them were at it. The place had an abundance of weaponry and armor, and more than one piece was obviously magical, but she already had her own sword in her hands once more and couldn't find anything better. Searching backpacks and such turned up more personal items and coin than items of real use, though Tamonten did retrieve her own pack and the shreds of her faerie-gifted garments. Pano and Varthic retrieved their black armor, the latter removing his leathers before donning the black plate armor, but it was obvious that both were more comfortable to have their gear back on even if it was somewhat awkward to move their heads with the helmets on while they still had their collars. Nellic had to use the tables for support, and though he put up an honest effort he didn't find anything besides some pants that would fit him.

It was the orc knight that found the item of greatest value. Appearing clad in armor that was formed of a patchwork of plates and scales and mail, with a greataxe hanging over her back to boot, she lifted a long polished wooden stick and brandished it at Tamonten while she looked through a pack that was filled mostly with rotten herbs, poking her squarely in the forehead before she could stop the mad orc. Healing magic washed over Tamonten immediately, easing the pain of her burns and the continued ache of her chest where the magical trap had hit her earlier, and then the orc triumphantly said; "Hah! Now we can all pants for simplicity!" She promptly did the rounds, going to Varthic while he was donning his armor and poking him sharply in the ass, earning a startled look and a glare for her efforts. Pano too was prodded, this time in the side, and then she went over to Nellic and poked him, earning a grateful look from the badly battered wrestler, though it didn't seem to do much for his wounds or the blood covering most of his body. "Thumb of fixing! Still got some corn left!" she said, offering the stick to Tamonten. She found that it pulsed with magic, but that it was nearly spent, necessitating a recharge that none of them could provide at the moment due to their collars.

Once that order of business was cleared up and Tamonten had decided what to do with the assorted items she'd found that might be useful but were hardly essential, the pale swordswoman and her group were free to head towards their next goal; the demoness Striga who had said she could help them disable the collars around their necks. Stepping out of the armory, they set off in the direction that they agreed was where her cell block was - and also the direction that the mysterious explosions had come from. The phenomenon occurred again a few moments into their journey, less intense but also less muffled by stone, and no further clues about what might be causing it were present. The prison itself was a maze, dozens of samey interlocking stone corridors lit by the same pale blue magical lanterns, and none of them knew it in the slightest, much less well enough to navigate their way to their destination with any real efficiency.

Unfortunately, they proved to be too slow to avoid the coming of the hounds.

It was a darkened corridor like any other that they'd entered, only a few minutes after leaving the armory, when the steel door directly across from them slammed open and no less than a half dozen of the creatures rushed in, their bodies covered in the shadow armor that she knew protected them as effectively as the black steel coating Varthic and Pano, their maws wide and dripping saliva as they rushed forward hungrily. The same event occurred directly behind them, allowing another half dozen of the creatures to to close in on them, cutting them off quite effectively from the side doorway they'd entered from. The orc and Nellic had been in back, and they turned to face the half dozen enemies coming from behind while Tamonten, Varthic, and Pano were left to face those up front. Whether the orc and the only normal human among them were able to face down a half-dozen of Elawdrin's favored pets was likely questionable at best, but without the benefits of their powers it might have been a long shot for the the swordswoman and her two strange demon allies to face down the demonic beasts when outnumbered two to one as well.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

"Good find," the pale girl would reply to the maddened orc after she had finished her rounds and passed the wand. She wasn't entirely sure what else to say in response to the nearly incomprehensible gibberish, so she left it at that and continued on along her own train of thought. "We'll save what's left in this for future bleeding wounds," Tamonten remarked as she began to get herself fully geared, strapping on her sack and satchels and other assorted garb and then stowing away the skins and bottles she had found along with storing the wand at her side for convenience. In addition, the possessed girl slid on the ring and put on the boots that she had found after deciding that while they would prove useful, they didn't seem powerful enough to worry about calling and seeing who else might be able to make use of them. "Nellic, go ahead and drink this," she suggested, picking up the potion and bringing it to the wrestler. "We don't need it as a backup for bleeding anymore, and you're in bad enough shape that you need it."

Once that was handled, whether Nellic accepted the potion or not, and everyone was ready, it would be time to move on. Once they were moving again, it only took a second look at the labyrinthine nature of the halls to make Tamonten regret not interrogating the guard she had released about the direction to Striga's cell block. Still, the second explosion was all the motivation she needed to not only keep going but to speed up, and she commented on much. "Really not sure I want to meet whatever's causing that many explosions and at that strength until our collars are disabled."

As the group unwittingly wandered into the trapped corridor, however, Tamonten quickly recalled that there were plenty of other bad things that they could meet within the walls of the prison. The arrival of the hounds was enough to send a small tremble of fear up the pale swordswoman's spines. It was hard to forget what the beasts had done to her during her last encounter. Those memories initially caused her to feel fear and helplessness to match the visions the centipede had forced into her brain, but with the latter she could work to convince herself that none of those visions were real and there was no hope of that for the former. For a moment her body and mind both actually threatened to lock up in terror of the pain and violation that these hounds would force upon her if she lost again, but fortunately for her she soon managed to shake that feeling off. Just don't lose again, Tamonten darkly suggested to herself.

"Pano, help the others!" She called out quickly, deciding to call out her own tactics and plans since none of the others stepped up to do so. "Varthic, team up with me! Step in after I charge and keep them off of me and I think we can clear this side fast enough to aid the other side!" Unless Varthic very explicitly denied her plan, she would press forward at the group of hellhounds ahead of them. The swordswoman charged, looking to hit the demonic beasts with everything she had and swinging her sword in a horizontal line in an attempt to cut through the dogs and slay them outright. She put her faith almost entirely in Varthic to keep any survivors from mobbing her, as in her opinion she couldn't afford to hold back at all lest she only leave the hounds wounded and still free to mob them with their superior numbers.

Charge + Death from the Draw + Slay + Whirlwind on dem front hellhounds! Use spirited warrior X = 10 for +10 dodge and +10 AV! (If she can't charge then still use this but deduct the +4 attack/damage bonuses and a -10 dodge penalty.)
Attack: 78 = 98 [Base] + 4 [Charge] + 6 [Death from the Draw] - 20 [Slay] -10 [Whirlwind]
Damage: 2d12 + 60 = 60 [Base] - 10 [Whirlwind] + 4 [Charge] + 6 [Death from the Draw]
x2 damage on hit.

Maybe applicable stats for this option (Slay, Whirlwind, Charge, Spirited Warrior, INSANITY): 33 dodge, 17 armor, 70 grapple, 26 perception, 14 stealth, 23/35 Resistance.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: 5 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 30 TP leather armor and 2 armor and 10 fire resist from a misc. ring. She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and always uses it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
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