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Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 55, PP = 38, EP = 6/43, Status = Low on Energy

Her blade sunk into the creature once more, but it was strangely easy to cut into. A moment later, Mithra found out why, as the corpse began to rot extremely quickly, until only bones and dust remained.

As Mithra was confronting the two surrendering soldiers, they glanced at one another, and one of them said; "The last of the prisoners are back in the throne room. The rest were already broken, and put into the harem. We don't know where they came from originally, we just took them from the roads."

Delilah poured magical healing into the prone elf, and Sera began to stir, immediately grabbing at her head as she regained consciousness. "Did we win? I guess so....."
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

The biodegradation of the nightmare was really a shame, it could had been a great thopy to earn the trust of her people, but at least this fight had show to Mithra that she can still grow even when her body get corrupted.

At last was a great sorprise to know that these demons can talk her toungle, So the roads, i see. Ok lets take them to the close town said Mithra looking to her parters at the same time that Sera get up completely healed. Mitra would had give her a hug but she must turn to the two demons at the other side of the path, instead she give some words Yes we win the fight, im soo glad that you are fine, Sera. As you can see these soldiers had decided to surrender and help us. When you are ready we will go to the throne room and see how are the two women, unfortunately these demons had said that all the prisioners are in the Harem and could be very broken... I hope that they had recover their minds now that this creature had died.

Mithra will rest a moment too to recover her spiritual energy, as something could happen in the next room, then when she had recover her energy,she will active cat eyes to search the room, of course that the others could go, if her partners decide to let the demons live (something that dont interest too much to Mithra) and then they will check the throne room, maybe there could be something usefull and then see how are the females who were been used by the nightmare.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 55, PP = 38, EP = 6/43, Status = Low on Energy

There wasn't yet enough time for Mithra to recover her energy, as Delilah and Sera went into the throne room, keeping the two surrendering soldiers at arms length or farther in front of them. "We shall see if there is any truth to what they say..." Was all that Sera said in response to Mithra's explanation.

Within the throne room, the two girls whom Mithra had seen with the demon earlier were pleasuring one another furiously, their legs scissored together and their womanhoods grinding against each other. Both of them were moaning lewdly, and the two demons grinned at the erotic sight. However, after a moment, both of them screamed in pleasure, and after their shuddering orgasms completed, they laid out on the cold stone floor, panting for a moment or two. Then, however, one of them opened her eyes, and as they settled on Mithra, she blinked a few times, and then shouted in surprise, and tried to cover her nudity and recoil away from the group, and her partner. "Who... Who are you? Where am I? What... Happened to that... Demon!?"

The other woman just grinned, and continued resting.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

After follow the group, Mithra found herself in front of a dirty display of lust coming from the two girls who still were afected by the demon leader magic. Mithra just sigh and turn to other side, trying to forget how she acted and how her friends were some moments ago, but she just turn at time to see the react of the two demon soldiers, her decision to let them live was looking like a bad choice, as they dont let to see any female as a possible bredder, maybe these creatures dont deserve any right to live in this world. But, she cant denny to herself that her body was getting a little aroused looking these victims had sex as if there wasnt tomorrow.

The blonde elf look around the room trying to use this time to find something usefull and to distract herself, waiting that the two females fulfill their needs.

Some minutes passed and Mithra was starting to fear that it was also late to rescue these girls too, but after the two naked girls orgarms, one recover her senses and scared ask about the demon.

Dont worry, that creature is now dead. We defeat it some minutes ago. We were send from our town to defeat the creatures who were kidnaping the citizens of these lands.

My name is Mithra. from where you come?, if you want we could help you to reach the closest town

All was getting better now, but all could change if the others women dont recover their senses. Mithra had killed some completely broken victims, some were aberrations or humanoids with luscious bodies without any posibility to move anymore. But this time they were so much and their only sin was their great chance to breed other invasion... there was not time to loss. So, Mithra maybe will need to end their lives, something that her father avoid to save Mithras's mother... their families, there must be another way... there must be.
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Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 55, PP = 38, EP = 6/43, Status = Low on Energy

The girl blinked at Mithra in confusion, and said; "You... Killed it? Really? That's.... Incredible! Uhmmm..... I was.... Going to Krissva... It's a town, some ways North of Gods-Reach.... When some men came out, like those two, dressed in armor. They told me that... The road was dangerous, but that they'd take me a safe way..... I believed them...." She shook her head, and got up off the floor on shaky legs. She suddenly glanced down at herself, realizing that she was still naked, and blushed, trying to cover herself awkwardly with her arms.

The other girl, in the meanwhile, groaned tiredly, but climbed back to her feet, shaking herself slightly but still smiling. She quite obviously didn't care much about her nudity, at least not right now. "Greetings ladies! And demonic gentlemen. The name's Lola! You three are the ones who killed the big bad demon that caught me, I guess, so I owe you one!" Lola had dark brown hair and darker skin, suggesting that she was probably a foreigner, while the as yet unnamed girl was of pale skin and had blond hair, marking her as a native.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

After Nod slightly when the naked blonde woman ask if they really kill the monster, Mithra let her end as she heard the brief story the elf decided to help her to reach that town named Krissva, but first they would need to look for some clothes for them to be able to past the cold environment of the zone. At least all was getting to look better, when Mithra remember that Delilah was with them and even herself had some spells that could help then to solve that problem.

The swordswoman stop to think for that in a moment and from her backpack she show to the poor woman the succubus leather set and her own cloth change. Take any, soon we will look for something better....

Then the other girl wake up from her slumber and introduce herself, her darkner skin was enough for the elven to understand that this woman was not from here and some kind of reason must have to travel a large distance , in this case, maybe they could help her to prepare all to let her go for herself after reach Zeref town, in that while her reasons to travel to this town could be revealed.

Nice to meet you, Lola. We will leave soon, after settle all. So, what was you doing before that demon kidnap you? Mithra then turn to the demons and with a serious tone order them We will need food and clothes, where are the belongings of all these women? Guide us there and then we will check the harem, maybe someone also recovered her mind... i hope

No mather what they could found in the Harem soon, the blonde elf warrior should act quickly to have all in control, no matter the nomber, she just want to save all the prisioners that she can and avoid another critical choice in this damed cave, after broke the promse to the nightmare demon, hiding herself in the fact that he broke it first when he used his mental powers on her.
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Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 55, PP = 38, EP = 6/43, Status = Low on Energy

The young woman stared at the garments with a bit of distaste, but quickly donned the leather garb that Mithra had offered her. "It doesn't fit very well...."

Lola grinned lopsidedly at the question, and stretched her muscles, the poses fairly revealing given her lack of attire, before saying; "Beats me. For all I knew, they could have been just throwing them out. I know mine got shredded, right before that demon fucked me senseless. Too bad he's dead.... I could go for round 2 right about now!" She laughed, before tossing a wink to the other girl who was just getting dressed at the time, and continuing; "No offense, you were good too honey!" She turned back to Mithra and her friends, before saying; "I was just sort of... Wandering about. I thought about going to visit Gods-Reach, and was heading that way when I got captured. I wouldn't mind traveling with you bunch though!"

Once they'd reached the harem, they found it much the same as it had been before. All of the girls had flat stomachs, and were out cold, but there was no trace of the children that some of them had clearly birthed while Mithra and her allies had been away. They were all also out cold, but it didn't take much effort to awaken most of them, and all of them seemed to have had their minds restored. Most of them were from Krissiva, Gods-Reach or Therion, or some village in the surrounding area. All in all, Mithra had collected about a dozen refugees, most of which were naked, and needed to be delivered to safety.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

With just a sight Mithra answer the little complain about the leather armor and then turned to Lola who looks very cheerful and even made some little spicy remarks that show her modesty lack, maybe her people are very mind open. Taking this thoughts away Mithra nodded and said Understood! You can come with us, then we must move quickly when we leave this place, who know what could happen you in that cold environment.

Just when Mithra was thinking how to solve this problem they reached the Harem and the situation changed once again. It was a great news that all the women recovered their minds, as it was ike all the effort and suffering of Mithra's team to rescue them has been rewarder. If only they would had reach the place before the little critters escaped, now maybe Mithra will need to hunt them or someone else of Gods-Reach, as the little nightmares were still too young, the locals maybe will dont have any problem to kill the damn creatures, anyway the elf must report to the city about this soon.

Mithra then turn to her friends They are too many. Delilah, do you have something to protect them all from the cold until we reach the closest town? Then Mithra turn to all the naked woman and speak to them Hi, the demon has been killed, all of you are free now and our team will scort all of you to Gods-Reach the nearby town, if someone know how to use a weapon we have many swords and a staff, we must help each other to reach our destination safely, get ready, soon we will move from here. (maybe the women could use the sheets if the beds had any)

Then the swordswoman walked toward the two demons and trying to talk calmed, said Both of you will help us to escort them for a time and then when we reach the town, both can go away. We also need something to maintain them warm, so take me where all of you you store any food, cloth or even sheets Mithra will take the leather armor girl and Lola with her, as her partners take care of all the girls.
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Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 55, PP = 38, EP = 43, Status = Fine

Delilah nodded to Mithra's question, and conjured an orb of fire. The room was flooded with warmth, and after all of the women had either been clothed, or tied blankets around themselves in order to preserve their dignity, the group was prepared to finally get out of the cavern. The demons had replied that they had been hunting for food and hadn't stored any, and that they didn't keep any blankets or extra clothing. They had no use for them, and hadn't had enough time or resources to get any.

As Mithra led the group out of the cave, keeping a wary eye on the apparently complacent pair of demons, they found that night had fallen outside. Delilah's spell provided plenty of warmth and light, and with a group as large as theirs, most creatures likely wouldn't attack them, but unnatural creatures might attempt to attack them anyway. Of course, that problem would still be present even if they went during the day, but they would probably be safer in daylight either way. It was up to Mithra to decide whether she wanted to wait out the night in the cave, or proceed onwards now.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

All was looking better now that the ex-captive women will be warmed, but without something to eat, the idea to stay could turn against them and Mithra must inform about the newborn demons before these turn into a menace.

The blonde swordswoman return with the others and inform then that it was time to go out, of course that not before Mithra get the chance to activate a spell to be able to watch over the group in the night.

Activate cat eyes and be behind all as they move to protect all
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 55, PP = 38, EP = 43, Status = Fine

Casting: Success.
Perception: Success.

The group all nodded as she told them that they would be moving out. Sera went up front, offering to lead the way and keep an eye out for trouble, particularly from their two demon captives. Delilah, being the source of the warmth that the mostly-naked women would rely upon to keep them laive in the cold Northern climate, had to stay in the center, and Lola offered to stay next to her, shivering slightly despite the magical heat. Mithra went in the rear, her spell allowing her to see in the dark better than most as she made sure that no one got separated from the rest of the group.

They proceeded out into the cold, and snow began to fall lightly, wet and heavy as it was so far into spring. They traveled towards Gods-Reach, their refugees in tow, in almost complete darkness. Her spell didn't allow her to see as far as she would in daylight, but she could see their surroundings easily enough. As such, Mithra spotted the wolves that closed in around them almost immediately. She counted eight in all, but they were all very spaced out and remained at least 50 feet away from the large group. They weren't attacking immediately, and Mithra knew that they likely wouldn't directly assault such a large group, but she also knew that such predators wouldn't be stalking them unless they were considering some sort of an attack.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

As the group go throught the dark night in the snowy view, a pack of eigth wolves start to surround them. The blonde elf had learned with her experience in the field that they would think twice to attack a large group like the one she is leading to God-Reach, so maybe a surprise magic move could scare them, but Delilah was a little afar and Mithra cant waste any moment. So, she decide to summon a big owl (nature magic lv3)to attack and scare the wolves, as she earn the time to pass the information about them to Delilah
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Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 55, PP = 38, EP = 43, Status = Fine

Casting: Success.
Mithra has summoned an owl!
Attack (Owl) : Hit.
Damage: 5 + 3 + 24 = 32 damage.

Attacks (Wolves) : All 4 hit.
Damage: 1 + 1 + 8 = 10 damage.

Perception (Sera) : She sees 2/4 of them.
Attacks: 2 auto hit, the other 2 hit.
Damage (SA) : 1 + 3 + 8 = 12 * 2 = 24 damage. *2 again for 2 attacks = 48 damage.
Sera has been knocked unconscious.

Mithra's conjured owl was easily ten times the size of any normal animal of its type, and swooped out toward the wolves on the left. The summoned creature swooped down toward them with its claws extended, and savagely tore at one of the wolves. The beast yelped in pain, but immediately bit at the leg of the owl as it swooped by. The creature she had summoned shrieked in pain, and the other three wolves around it immediately charged in as well, and the owl was dragged down to the ground, the beasts ripping at it with their teeth and claws.

The rest of the creatures, meanwhile, heard the yelp of pain, and suddenly darted toward the group. All four of them went for Sera first, and her fellow elf only saw two of them before the creatures were on top of her. She was quickly bowled over by one of them, and then bodyslammed by the other, knocking her flat on her back, dazed. The rest of the group screamed almost in unison as two more wolves lunged into the group, bringing down two of the girls they had rescued from the demons. Delilah had noticed this by now, but the mage was just as surprised as the rest of them, and as such did nothing or a few precious seconds.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

(weird, Sera always fall first. also only 10 wolves? not 8?)

Mithra nearly facepalm herself by how she not expected this reaction from the wolves, maybe she would had casted some ligths to reveal them first. Anyway this ws not the moment to blame herself, all could get worse if she dont act quickly, Delilah, take care of the wolves on Sera, i will protect the others. She rush toward where the two wolves had attaked the two girls and using her soul to increase her power, she made a twin strike with her dueling skills to take care of these two beasts. At least the others beasts will be busy figting the owl. If only some of the women obey her and taken some of the weapons in the cave, maybe some of them have fighting skills to had tried to pass this mountain alone before the demons caught them

action: duling, twin slash, +7 smith
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 53/55, PP = 38, EP = 36/43, Status = Fine

8 wolves. 2 of them got redirected after Sera dropped.
Also, I'm assuming that you meant smite for 7 EP.

Attacks: Both Hit.
Damage: 1 + 3 + 2 + 27 + 7 = 40 damage.

Attacks (Wolves) : 1 finishes off the summon, the 2 that went after Sera both hit Delilah, and the other 3 all attack Mithra, but only 1 hits.
Damage: 1 + 3 + 8 = 12 damage.
Delilah is grapple by 1 and hit once.

Casting (Delilah) : Failure.

When Mithra told her to deal with the ones that had attacked Sera, the girl snapped back; "With what? anything that could hit both would also hi-gah!" She was interrupted, however, as the two who had down Sera rushed forward, causing the group of rescued women to scream and bolt in all different directions. One of them snapped at her arm as she attempted to cast a spell, foiling her concentration and distracting her enough that she was easily bowled over by the other, her ass raised up into the air as it seemed like it was about to mount the shrieking mage. Mithra moved through the crowd and stabbed at the ones on top of two of the girls, but neither of them released their prey, instead choosing to drag the helpless women off into the darkness.

Her estimation at the effectiveness of her owl proved to be highly inaccurate, however, as one of the wolves finished the bird off without further trouble. The other three came straight for Mithra, but only one scored a hit on her, and it did very little through her armor. Delilah and Sera were down, two of the girls she had rescued were being dragged away, she was practically surrounded by 4 wolves, and Lola was nowhere to be seen. All in all, things weren't looking very good for Mithra right then.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

Damn Mithra was able to see that all was worse than she expected, even the wolves managed to run with that heavy wound of then, it at least will leave a big trial of blood to find them easily, but the elf started to think than many things could get wrong if she leave them go. She also cant allow herself to run to catch them, as the others women would be defenseless against these creatures and her magic will be dangerous without the time to get focused. Her only option was call the attention of the wolves and wound them to make them escape the faster enough to save her friends before these creatures rape them.

STOP SCREAMING, AND STAY TOGETHER! Mithra shout to all before move with her sword ready to strike, she went to the direction where the wounded wolves were escaping, but she dont lost the sight of the wolves who were fighting her, their predator instincts will made them pursue her and she was ready to give them the welcome with a sudden swing of her sword

lets gamble
defend strike and 5 ap on smith
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 53/55, PP = 38, EP = 36/43, Status = Fine

Attacks: All Hit.
3 more girls have been grappled.
Grapple: Enemy Wins.
Delilah's robes have been destroyed.

The wolves, seeing Mithra seemingly backing away as the elf followed the two wounded ones as they made off with a pair of the girls, broke from their chase of her and went for easier prey. Four more of the women who had bolted away were grabbed by the beasts, one by the one that had attacked Delilah and three by the ones that were now ignoring Mithra, and the rest. the rest of the women ignored her words as she seemed to do nothing, and ran panicked off into the woods. She kept up with the two that had dragged away, at least, but they began to split off in opposite directions. Delilah's robes were suddenly off of her by the claws of the wolf that was mounting her, and now, Mithra had a choice that she had to make, as many of her charges had already run off or been grabbed by the beasts attacking them, and Delilah was about to be raped if her screams and the position of the beast on top of her were to be believed.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

There were not words to describe Mithra thoughts, these wolves were taunting her as if they were so corrupted to had earned a sinister counciest.

"Its futile to escape, all of you will die this night" said in an angered whisper and without think she just send a magic missile to one of the deadly wounded beasts trying to dont hit the girl over him before turn back to help Delilah.

As how the beasts are moving maybe they will try to run of her with Delilah when she get close, but she was a little Afar to try to save her of being penetrated, anyway the blonde elf will try to move as fast as she can and will try to hit the wolf with a triple precise slash, like they were just beasts it will be easy for her to dont miss unless the creature run... in that case she will use aura battle to show him the true speed before be slashed with all her fury

action: turn 1 magic missile to one of the beasts with 40 of damage and move where Delilah and the others are

turn 2 hit the wolf over Delilah with a triple stab using defenseless or use battle aura 5 and pursue the beast if he try to escape and then give him a painful end to his life.
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Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 53/55, PP = 38, EP = 36/43, Status = Fine

Casting: Success.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 2 = 6 damage. Dead.

Grapple: Wolf wins.
Pleasure (Wolf) : 3 + 9 + 5 - 15 - 2 Pleasurhttp://www.ulmf.org/bbs/images/editor/attach.gife.
Pleasure (Delilah) : 10 + 5 + 16 - 15 = 16 Pleasure.

Grapple: Wolves win. The captives are all being dragged away.

Round 2:
Attacks: All three hit.
Damage: 1 + 5 + 3 - 6 + 21 = 24 damage * 3 = 72 damage total. Dead.

Grapple: All of the captives that Mithra rescued from the demons are gone, either taken into the woods by the wolves or run off on their own.

Mithra's magic missiles finished off one of the wolves that was dragging off a captive, but the other continued on as she turned back to aid Delilah. The young human mage was screaming incoherently, and just as she turned around, Mithra was forced to watch as she was penetrated by the wolf, which immediately began humping into her. The other beasts continued dragging their assorted victims away, each in a different direction, and soon they would all disappear into the woods.

Charging forward, she jabbed three times into the side of the wolf that was raping her friend. The beast crooned once, and then fell back, covering Delilah in its blood as its member slid back out of her. The rest of the woman who had been grabbed were not so fortunate, however, and each of them was dragged off into the bushes by one of their attackers. Each of them continued to scream, but the sounds were growing faint, and once they reached the bushes they were practically silent. "That could have gone much better." Lola's voice called out from next to Sera, and the girl was kneeling over the fallen elf as though she had been present the entire time.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

The lost of all the women was a critical damage to her self-confidence, she was ready to run to try to save them, but she cant leave her friends alone unconscious in the snow and there was a girl who was close the dead wolf some feets away. At least she could see that Lola was safe and it looks that she maybe saved Sera to be dragged too.

It...cant end like this. The blonde elf press her fists and her teeth, before turn to Lola, as she knee to cast a little healing spell on Delilah until she was cured enough to heal herself and then stand up. The wolf wounded cant be so far of this place and im sure that i can find these creatures Mithra cast a second spell (Allsight) on her to improve even more her perception and then moved to the footprints in the snow and started to make quick deep lines with her sword close them to where she noted to where the girls ran or were dragged.

Lola, Im so sorry for had made this big mistake and take all of you in the night, we have meet only for a brief time, but a person who had travel from distant lands must be really strong, so i beg you, please help my friends to save the two girls who were dragged in these two direction she pointed where the blood lines were and then add Without Delilah spell, i dunno how much time they have in this cold night. Please help us, I will owe you one.

The blonde swordswoman waited for her answer and for Delilah to be fine to heal herself and Sera, then if she accept Mithra will cast Shadows to increase her stealth before run toward the place where the footprints show where the wolves run, or at least the most or one, wishing that them were just raping the girls. (use Ranger skill)