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Never Adventure Alone (plmnko)

Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 21/47, PP = 34, EP = 5/39, Status = Pregnant, Shadows, Claws, Cats Vision

After using a weaker healing spell to restore her strength, and then moving earth in order to hide the corpses of the soldiers she'd killed, Mithra was mostly out of energy. If she wanted to cast any more spells today, or use any of her powers, she'd have to drop all of her active spells and rest a short while. Once she went downstairs, she found the broken harem girls still covered in vines that shifted softly. One of them was moaning softly, and once Mithra found out which of them it was, she realized that it was Sera. A small figure was standing on four legs next to the elf, whos belly was flat, and with her magically enhanced vision, Mithra could see that it was shaped vaguely like a horse, and that a patch around its neck glowed like fresh embers. Similar lightly glowing patches were around its knees, and the horse-like creature was sucking softly on one of Seras breasts, causing the elf to moan. Delilah suddenly groaned, the auburn-haired girl shifting slightly in the vines grasp, her legs spreading slightly as a strange goo began to leak from her flower. The other women all laid out motionlessly, blinking occasionally at the ceiling, and whatever mental compulsion was laid out on them still seemed to be active.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

Conpletely tired and spirit drained, Mithra was ready to turn off her spells when sudenly the soft moans call her attention, it was Sera. Mithra get worried for her friend and her eyes soon answer her what was happening. She used the vines to blind the eyes of all the girls and soon decided to take out the life of the newborns before they make her friends lost their last part of sanity. Using the darkness of the room, she stealthyly get behind the creature and tried to kill it silently with a quick stab in his heart and then take it away, trying to dont be saw completely by the girls who maybe could confuse her with the succubus, if they reached to peek through the blinfold, as she had dress herself with the demoness clothes when all was filled of mist. Then she will help her other friend to give birth and then take away the baby to abort it in a hidden place.

After that her plan was to put the bodies away and then rest in her bed for a moment to restore her energy, then she will go to the prison to try to find someone who could help her to take away the spell on her friends.

Yes, more smut, i can feel it getting closer
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Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 47, PP = 34, EP = 39, Status = Fine

The young creature didn't even notice Mithra as she slid across the floor, and she easily killed it. Sera gave one final groan before slumping down, and she took it away and left the dead nightmare in the corner of the room, away from the girls. Delilah was groaning openly by then, but it didn't seem to be as painful as Mithra might have expected, and the weakly thrashing creature barely resisted her as she took it aside, and killed it as she had the first. That done, she released her spells, and went back to the bed she'd left.

Some amount of time later, Mithra woke up, and felt a sharp pain within her belly. Her energies had been restored, at least, but she felt liquid pouring out of her womanhood, and within minutes, another creature, just like the ones she had slain not too long ago, slithered out of her womb. It began twitching weakly, and started trying to regain its feet. Mithra thought that she saw a little gold amidst the embers of hair in its main and knees.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

The elf went to her bed, after had killed these two creepy baby demons, after a time her dreams were disturbed by a strange pain and she press her teeth, as her mind tried to understand what was happening. Her answers were easily answered by her big pregnant belly and the liquid coming from her. "No, not these things" she through as the creature pass through her canal, at least the pain was so small, than she only groan a little in her whole labor.

The birth ended and the elf look with her completely opened eyes the little vile creature trying to get up, it even have proof of it heritage. A slight feeling of love tried to get inside Mithra, maybe she could breed him and turn it into a good boy, like her father do to her, even when her nearly mindless mother give birth to her after some time of marriage. No, its not true. He is not like me, that think must not exist in this world or more girls will be caught in the future her common sense beat her mother instincts and Mithra get up trying to kill the creature who had born from her. After do it, she will cast a spell on Sera to know always where she is and maybe save her when she find the cure to the powers of the demon. She then casted shadows and cat eyes, as she walked to the prison, where was the slave girl, maybe she was still sane enough to help her.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 47, PP = 34, EP = 35/39, Status = Shadows, Cats Vision

(What spell might that be? I don't recall any tracking spells.)

Her own spawn didn't even have the ability to stand before Mithra killed it, and dragged it aside, so that was fairly easy. Her spells came on, allowing her to see in the dark, while at the same time casting her body in shadows and allowing herself to hide better. As she did so, Sera suddenly shifted, and sat up, groaning. She stared at Mithra in confusion for a moment, until realization dawned on her, and she glanced around quickly before looking at her and quietly saying; "Mithra? Is that you? What... Where are we? Where is the demon?"
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Re: Mithra (plmnko)

Just when the blonde elf was ready to leave the Harem, she noted how Sera wake up and groaned. Mithra nearly run to hug her friend when the girl talked her and even recognize her, like if the spell of the demon had ended.

We are in the Harem of the demon, he cast a spell on both of you and turn both into mindless sex slaves... im so glad that you are normal again, but how this happened ? why that creature free you of that spell? Mithra tried to maintain her distance some feet away of her friend and tried to understand the meaning of this. Could had happened something to the creature, or he was doing this deliberately ?
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Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 47, PP = 34, EP = 35/39, Status = Shadows, Cats Vision

Sera shook her head, and replied; "I'm not sure, exactly. When I want to sleep, it was like there was this... Presence, in the back of my mind, but when I woke up, it was gone. I think... I think something else distracted him...." Just then Delilah groaned in pain as well, and rubbed her temples for a moment before rolling over, her wide hips and large ass on display, as she murmured; "Will you two shut up... I'm trying to sleep here....."
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

Mithra was ready to said to Sera that they must leave now, but then her other friend interrupt them, maybe she was also free of the dark presence too. Soon the elf understand that this could be maybe the last chance that she could have to acomplish her mission and bring these two to her homeland.

Sera. make her wake up and decide what to do to these girls, they looks very broken to be rescued,. So, maybe we must make them rest before they give breed to more demons. I will check upstair and clear the path if is needed, i will leave some swords at the end of the stair

Mithra will check the place where the last soldiers were defeated and after look around for foes, she will take the swords and place them close the stair, without make any sound or move she will stay watching in a hidden place until her friends reach the place.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 47, PP = 34, EP = 35/39, Status = Shadows, Cats Vision

Sera was already moving over to Delilah when Mithra started speaking, and quietly shook the girl until she woke up. At first, Delilah just mumbled curses and swatted at Seras hand, but eventually she groaned and sat up, glancing around bleary-eyed until she realized that she was naked. "Blah! What? Where are we?" Sera grimaced at her, but instead of replying to her, the other elf turned toward Mithra and said; "I don't think that they can get out of here on their own either.... We need to kill that demon lord, if we want to stand any chance of getting out ourselves. Maybe with him dead, they'll be alright. Go on, I'll wait here until Delilah gets off her ass, and we'll follow as soon as we can."

After she left, going back up the stairs silently, Mithra found the top landing empty, just as she'd left it. The dead soldiers weapons were all just where they'd fallen, and the other entrances were clear. After a few moments, Sera and Delilah came up the stairs, Sera almost as quietly as she had while Delilah was fairly loud, her bare feet pattering and scraping against the stone steps. They both walked right by her hiding place without seeing her, and then stopped in the middle of the room. "Where is she? She didn't leave us here, did she?"
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

Beat that think Mithra!? through after Sera answer her, giving only a little nod as the swordswoman answer. She had not doubt that her friends were strong, but that creature had already beat them and now thy were naked and unarmed, could the blonde elf had been enough to change the result of that battle? maybe not, if they were expecting to win they need to get more help, maybe the girl on the cage could help her, or any others prisoners with all these swords, maybe she could have enough power army to defeat that demon lord.

After had leave her friends, and stay watching the place for a time, trying to ambush any foe. Mithra heard some steps coming from the Harem and easily recognized her two friends, she was sure that they will be helpful in some way. But Delilah as always, will be a problem in a surprise attack, Mithra was not disappointed of her stealth skill lack, as her friend had her own battle style, but that last line of her friend really hurt. Im here, right behind you, Delilah wisper her, trying to call her attention without make her scream or surprise her. Then after both saw her, she continued and pointed to the roads, as she talk That is the exit and this other where the throne is, but first i will go to the cages and see if we can recruit someone else and maybe find our things, i will go first and beat some before both of you get there Mithra then run to that place without make any noise and making some peeks before take the next path of the road toward the cages, she was expecting to had another round with that lucky bastard demon soldier, this time she will show him his place.
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Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 47, PP = 34, EP = 35/39, Status = Shadows, Cats Vision

Delilah jumped as Mithra spoke up from behind her, but Sera immediately clamped a hand over her mouth, preventing her from crying out. The other elf had seen her as she approached, and likely having known how the human mage would react, had made sure that they weren't given away. Sera released Delilah and whispered back; "Alright... Be careful, and we'll follow if we hear anything, or you're gone for more than a few minutes."

Mithra went down the stairs silently, but when she reached the bottom a minute later, the room was completely dark and mostly empty. All of the cages were empty, and there were no guards this time. Where the female prisoner she had seen earlier had gone was beyond Mithra's knowledge, though it was possible that she had been taken to the lord, just like Mithra herself had been.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

Mithra just nodded before run toward the cages, her steps silent and fast soon make her reach the place. But it was completely different as what she was waiting, soon after see that there werent anyone, she cast a light floating sphere to see if she could find at least her equipment or of her friends.

The elf soon will end her bussines here, as now their unique last task was to defeat the demon lord, maybe she will need a miracle to defeat that thing. After leave the place, she talked with her friends about the empty place and that maybe the creature was busy breaking their minds, so this could be their last chance to escape or kill him. Unfortunately she know that they will choice to kill the creature, so Mithra decide to have some feet of advantage to make a peek in the throne chamber.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 47, PP = 34, EP = 35/39, Status = Shadows, Cats Vision

Perception: Success.

Throne Room
Stealth: Success.

A quick search of the cages allowed Mithra to find not only her own things, but the clothes and weapons of her friends. They'd been left piled haphazardly in one of the cages. Finding nothing else of use or value among the cages, Mithra headed back up the stairs until she found her friends, Delilah standing naked in the middle of the room while Sera waited crouched in the stairs. It looked like Sera was using her less observant companion as bait, but the other elf quickly went up into the center of the room as the three re-donned their equipment (assuming Mithra gave theirs back, of course.)

"Right.... Well, I guess we can try to lure the demon out somehow. You can I might be able to bring him down before he knows what's going on, if we both attack him at the same time. Sound like a plan? We just need a distraction." Sera paused and glanced at Delilah, who was still trying to get her robe on, the garment having trouble getting over her voluptuous backside. The mage turned her head toward them as she felt eyes upon her, still naked, and said; "What? Why are you looking at me like that."

As she moved to scout the throne room, taking only a brief peak inside to gather information, Mithra found it mostly empty. The nightmare lord was alone save for two soldiers, one of whom was the man whom Mithra had lost to earlier, and that suggested that most of his minions were probably dead unless some of them were outside of the caves system or something. The lord had two women, one licking at his massive balls while the other rode his cock, much like Mithra herself had done not so long ago. Both moaned and rubbed against the demon desperately, but if anything the massive, burning demonic figure looked bored at the carnal display and almost comically desperate attentions to hit loins. The two soldiers were watching with mild interest, and as such Mithra remained unnoticed.

(Gain a bow, a one handed sword, a staff, an elven warplate, a set of clothes, and whatever Mithra lost earlier. The other stuff is her partner's gear.)
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

It sound really good, maybe we could end him before he can defend himself. Said Mithra as she change of armors, dressing herself with her Elven Warplate and storing the leather armor in her backpack. She let her sword in her beltcase just in case that she need it in the battle and her range weapon ready to be used at her other side, once again she feel herself ready for anything that could get in her way. Completely ready, she went to check the throne room and using her sthealth skills she was able to get the information needed for the battle, she soon leave, even when she was a little altered by what she saw, even when she feel strange when she saw the girl riding the beast, her mind tried to swift her image in the place of the woman, but instantly she stop the through and returned with her friends to inform, maybe Delahila could cast a mist or a potent spell to kill the minions and make the monster go to their trap.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 47, PP = 34, EP = 35/39, Status = Shadows, Cats Vision

Sera and Delilah listened to Mithra's report of what was in the throne room. When she was finished, Sera said; "We still need a way to lure him out... " Delilah quickly said; "I might be able to fill the place with mist, but that monster could probably dispel it... Or just see us right through it. I could try to keep the two soldiers busy, but that still leaves the big guy...."

Sera, after a moment of consideration, said; "Delilah, could you incapacitate those two, and then run back here? Their master would follow, and Mithra and I might be able to take him by surprise." Delilah nodded hesitantly, but she clearly didn't much like being used as bait. Sera turned to Mithra and said; "What do you think Mithra? Is it worth a try?"
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

After heard the plan, Mithra nodded and give her sugestions about it. It sound like the best tactic that we can use this time, just take caution with his mind control tricks, Delilah. Im sure that you will succed, give your best my friend. Mithra voice was filled of optimism, but deeper on her stay the doubt about all this, why they have this chance in first place? the monster have a limit in his spells and thats why he needed this sex sesion or he trusted too much in his soldiers to waste his powers in mantain a spell in two girls ? Something is just not right, so they must kill him and end this quickly.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 47, PP = 34, EP = 35/39, Status = Shadows, Cats Vision

Stealth (Mithra) : Mithra wins.
Stealth (Sera) : Enemy wins.
Casting (Delilah) : Success.
Attacks: Both hit.
Grapples: The Vines win.

Attack (Sera) : Hit.
Damage: 6 + 5 + 6 + 16 - 20 = 13 damage.
Attack (Mithra) : Automatic Hit.
Damage: 3 + 5 + 3 + 23 - 20 = 14 * 2 = 28 damage.
Casting (Delilah) : Success.
Attack: Miss.

Attack (Enemy) : Hit.
Damage: 5 + 3 + 50 - 14 = 44 damage. Sera is knocked out.

Their plan settled, Mithra, Sera and Delilah set about enacting. Delilah didn't look any better despite Mithra's reassuring words, but she adopted a stoic face as she waited for Mithra and Sera to take positions from which they could ambush their target. Once they were ready, the mage stepped into the the open doorway and spun around, bending into a provocative position and smacking herself on her wide, round ass; "Hey boys!"

All attention in the room, save for the two women still enthralled by the massive demons cock, turned to her, and suddenly roots from the ceiling wrapped around the two guards. Both of them shouted in surprise as they were entangled, and started trying to struggle free as Delilah started running down the passage, past their ambush point. The demon lord tossed aside his two slaves and started thundering down the passage toward her, his equine face unreadable. He passed their hiding place, and both she and Sera suddenly leaped out to the attack. The demon noticed Sera at the last possible second, but her blow still landed as the demon recoiled in pain from Mithra's strike. Her sword cut deeply into the demons muscular back, and Sera jabbed her own blade into the demons chest. Delilah suddenly spun, and unleashed a powerful spell directly at the demon, but as he twisted away from Mithra, the spell missed, and carved a chunk out of the ceiling.

The demon's fist suddenly blurred, and Sera was sent flying. Her friend slammed against the wall with a loud smack, and crumpled into a heap upon the floor of the cavern. It was impossible to tell whether she was merely unconscious, or if the blow had been enough to kill her, but Mithra knew that now was not the time check.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

The plan looks to work and Mithra let a painful wound in their foe, unfortunately the creature was strong enough to survive easily and nearly in the same instant his fist send to fly to the poor Sera to the stone wall. Mithra opened her now feline eyes, very anguished and filled of rage by what happened to her friend NO, SERA!!! the elf shout before return her sight toward the vile creature, it was like the time was getting slower by the surge of adrenaline, Mithra take her sword with both hands, as she prepare to use all her energy in the next move.

For an instant, the place was completely quiet, far in the distance were only the sounds of the demons and the little pleading sounds of the mindless slaves, Mithra and Delihala dont have the time to think in something more than their next attack, the swordswoman was in a battle style pose with her weapon in front of her, nearly giving her life in the line, she will attack many vital points as she can with her sword who moved so fast as was fused with Mithra soul light, as she shout and break the wall of her limits for an instant.

With dueling and Defenseless use lighting jabs with a damage increased with smite 33 and then turn of shadows and cat eyes at the end of the turn [3(1+ 3d6 +21+5 +33 of smite- 20 of his armor-10 of her skills)
( in theory this will cause a serious damage if the 33 is given to the three attacks, the last time you said that it was valid, but in case that you change of mind, dont update and send me a private message)
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Re: Mithra (plmnko)

HP = 55, PP = 38, EP = 6/43, Status = Low on Energy

Attack (Mithra) : All three hit.
Damage: 2 + 6 + 2 + 33 + 22 + 5 - 6 - 4 - 20 = 40 damage.
Damage: 4 + 2 + 4 + 33 + 22 + 5 - 6 - 4 - 20 = 40 damage.
Damage: 3 + 6 + 1 + 33 + 22 + 5 - 6 - 4 - 20 = 40 damage.
Well, that's an odd coincidence.
Gain 8 experience for victory!

Mithra's glowing sword jabbed into the demons belly, causing the creature to roar in pain. It turned toward her and tried to slam one of its fists into her, but the enraged Mithra was having none of it. Her blade, still glowing, withdrew from the demon's body, accompanied by a fountain of blood, and she ducked under the blow only to swiftly slash through the back of one of its legs. The monstrous equine demon tumbles to the floor, its burning hair flaring brightly as it roars in agony, but the sound is silenced as Mithra jabs her blade into the beast one final time. Her blade slides easily into the creatures eye socket, and the behemoth shudders silently once, before falling still. A second later, the room went totally dark, both from the creature's flames going out with its death, and from Mithra's spells expiring.

A light suddenly shines, hovering above Delilah's head, as the young human magus stares down at the corpse of the creature. Then, remember the blow her other friend had taken that had inspired such power from Mithra, she suddenly says; "Oh heavens! Sera!"

Rushing over to the fallen girl, Delilah checked her pulse; "She's alive!!! Lets see if I can't get her to wake up..." Delilah began chanting spells, but a second later, the two demons who had been held in Mithra's vines came charging out of the doorway. They took one look at the corpse on the floor, glanced at one another, and threw down their weapons.
Re: Mithra (plmnko)

Mithras's body moved as fast as it can, trying to answer the instincs of the swordswoman who were filled with the the only throught of end this evil creature, not was only to avenge her parter but more likely an attempt to survive and win this battle, not was until the creature give his last breath when Mithra could calm herself enough to think in something more, she had killed the demon who used them to breed, they were free to leave this damn place. Mithra cant still believe it and give another stab to the creature creature to make sure that him was really dead, before Delilah words remember her about Sara. The blonde elf let fall the demon's sword and follow the mage Is she... fine? Mithra said worried, as she wait the result of the check up of the lucious human and made a sigh of relief when she heared that Sera could be still saved. But this peacefull moment ended soon when the two remaining demon came. She draw her own sword from her belt and prepare to charge to them, but stoped when they let fall their weapons. Mithra could easily kill them, after all this it will be hard to her to thrust in a demon, but she decide to let them live for now, as they could be usefull to know where are the others prisioners or how cure the girls if she dont recover their minds.

Mithra mantain her sword pointing to the lesser demons and try to comunicate with them, as they maybe could understand her even when she dont know their idiom. Fine, where are the remaining prisioners? help us to find them and take all of them to their town, thats the only that the two could remain your lives. said with a little of anger in her serious tone, as she turn an instant to the mage and Sera, maybe they could had solve this problem in a better way
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