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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP 75, EP 84, Status = Fine

Matthias emitted another deep grumble as Nala pulled him into the kiss, the daemon responding with renewed passion until their mouths separated once more. "That's an idea that I can get behind...." Smirking at his tasteless attempt at humor, Matthias pulled out of Nala and lifted her off of the ruined cot, in the process allowing a small flood of his semen to flow out of her sex, and then carefully placing her upon her somewhat wobbly legs next to the wall of the . As soon as she assumed a proper position, either standing or upon her knees, Matthias pushed his member back into Nala's pussy and began pounding into her again.

Her second round with the godslayer proved as wondrous as the first, as the man held her by her hips and plowed her sex as relentlessly and artfully as he had when he'd been on top of her, every thrust causing Nala's shapely bottom to shake with impact and causing a wet smacking sound. After a trio of orgasms on her part, Nala's legs gave out and they sank to the floor, Matthias only halting in his thrusts long enough for the two of them to get comfortable before resuming his motions. Another string of powerful climaxes preceded another shot of her lover's thick, burning seed into her womb, his second shot just as impressive in volume as his first.

The two of them panted in the afterglow, Matthias bent over Nala's back and raining kisses upon Nala's neck as his warm breath fell across her face and shoulders. A moment later, his hips began to shift and buck lightly once more, preparing to go again, and this time he didn't ask. His hand came forward and pressed against her cheek, pushing her head aside so that he could kiss her on the mouth. The light teasing motions continued for several minutes, Matthias holding her mouth with his despite the somewhat awkward angle they were in, before Matthias pulled away and pulled out of her.

This time, he didn't even take the time to speak before lifting Nala up, her breasts pressed against his chest as his arms hooked behind her knees and his hands closed behind her back. Without a moment's hesitation, he lined up his member and smoothly impaled Nala once more, easily sliding into her soaked sex, and began to savagely pound into her. Every thrust caused Nala's entire body to shake both with the powerful impact and with the waves of intense pleasure that shot up her spine. As he pounded into her suspended body, Matthias once more kissed Nala heavily on the mouth, muffling their moans somewhat as his tongue went about exploring her mouth once again. He lasted even longer this time, and one final orgasm on Nala's part accompanied Matthias third release into her body, causing their mixed juices to spill out around his rod as a fresh load was pumped into her body. As she came down from her final climax, Nala felt her consciousness falling away, and she blacked out while still in Matthias powerful grasp.


Nala awoke to a fairly intense soreness between her legs, a mild headache, and a sense of utter and complete satisfaction. "Ahhh, you're finally awake! I thought you'd gone into a coma or something," Violet's voice sounded from not too far away, and Nala spotted the woman standing naked beside her, cleaning the dress she'd worn when last Nala had seen her in a small wooden basin placed on a table. The assassin showed no hints of shame or discomfort at her nudity, and Nala had a fairly impressive view from where she lay on the freshly restored cot. "Matthias said that he had business to attend to elsewhere, but that we were in no real danger at the moment and that he'd be back later tonight. You missed the captain's burial, but that's probably for the best all things considered. Amanda and Charlotte are both doing well, they're with the other girls right now, working on making a decent meal and tending to those wounded in the attack with Demetrius."

She paused and lifted her simple white dress, examining the damp garment for stains, and apparently found none. The nude assassin strode away and hung the dress out to dry, and as she did so she said; "We haven't been attacked again, not even by the locals, and the goblins are largely under Demetrius's control. I'm surprised at how well he's managed to keep his men under control, to be honest. He has asked after you a few times, and he'd probably like to know that you're awake." The woman pulled on a pair of tight silk panties, and then donned a shirt that was slightly too big for her, likely having gained it from one of the slavers. Turning around, the assassin strode back over to Nala and sat on the edge of the cot, smiling, "How are you feeling, Nala? You must have been very tired, since you slept for so long. It's already early evening."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala groaned at Matthias' pun. "Was that humor appreciated 5,000 years ago?" she asked tiredly, before placing her palms against the wall and bending over to receive him. His answer was of course to simply start plowing her, which the night elf was thankful for. As expected of someone of Matthias' background, he was just as good now as he had been from the start. His dedicated and invigorating thrusts took her to one orgasm after another, until eventually Nala's wobbly legs gave way and she fell to her knees, her breasts mashed up against the cabin floor. Still Matthias didn't stop, simply repositioning and raising her ass high in the air so that he could thrust downwards into her sopping pussy. Eventually she felt his hot seed pour into her a second time, just as wonderful and fulfilling as the first. She moaned and bit down on her finger as the ecstasy threatened to overwhelm her.

Matthias took a break then to affectionately kiss her around the back of her neck and she slowly propped herself up on her hands and knees to make it so he didn't have to lean over quite so far to kiss her. His hips began to buck again and Nala moaned pitifully as she was powerless to stop him from taking her again. Not that she wanted it to stop. Yes she was tired and sore, but he made her feel so good on top of it all and she refused to tell him no more. It was a matter of pride for her now to last as long as she possibly could. When he pulled her chin around for another kiss, she turned willingly and kissed him with equal passion. The kissing was the most unexpected part of this - lending a far more intimate weight to all this. Her Godslayer. The thought tickled her to no end.

Their lips parted and then he pulled out of her unexpectedly. Nala gasped as a small flood of his seed cascaded down her thighs and formed a small puddle on the floor. Then her body was hefted into the air easily, her back pressed against the wall and his strong arms hooked under her knees, spreading her wide again for a third assault on her body. He entered her womanhood again, easily sliding through her silky folds and finding his place again inside her tunnel. He then pounded her again, bouncing her body up and down on his pole like a rag doll. Every thrust was another sensation of euphoria, her lava hot core radiating heat and desire up and down her spine and through to her very extremities. She shouted his name before he brought her into another kiss, locking his lips with hers while still continuing the thrusting motion of his hips.

The daemon's third and final orgasm coincided with the last of Nala's unknown quantity of climaxes. She'd lost track at six, and even then she wasn't sure. For a time, her body had been trapped in a tremoring cycle of spasming delight. As his final thrusts released his seed into her again, the force of her own orgasm took away the last of her consciousness. Her body was simply exhausted and too weak to continue to do what her mind wanted. She faded into a deep sleep.


When next she awoke, Violet was standing next to her, her wonderfully toned body looking especially delightful in the light of day.

"Oh, good morning Violet. No, not quite a coma, but I was certainly tired, and with good reason."

The witch elf simply lay down, watching the assassin's body with interest as Violet explained what had occurred while asleep. If the assassin did look at Nala during any of this, she'd be able to feel the way her body was being looked at with admiration. When eventually the assassin had hung her dress out to dry and had slipped into panties and a shirt, and moved to sit by Nala's bedside, the elf had propped herself up on her elbow and was wearing a grin.

"Wow, evening already? Well then good evening. Mmm... I'm feeling rested. Quite well actually. A little sore, but that will happen when you have as much victory sex as I was having with Matthias. You really ought to try him, Violet, he's out of this world. Ah but then again, so are you."

Nala brushed a hand over Violet's thigh.

"I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me lately. That battle was a tense time for all of us, and with you suddenly coming back to your true self and then having to put up with me and all my odd plans, I understand what a crazy and uncertain time that must have been for you. And I haven't forgotten the way you jumped in front of me to save me from that blast. I intend to thank you properly."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP 75, EP 84, Status = Fine

Violet, though she didn't glance at Nala as she worked, seemed to recognize the other woman's eyes roaming her toned form. A small smile appeared on her face, the corners of her mouth turning up, and her hips moved a little more vigorously than was really necessary for a walk across the room. When she sat down on the bed beside Nala and the elven witch made her announcement, however, the assassin raised an amused eyebrow and replied; "You had sex with Matthias? When did this happen?" She smirked at Nala as a hand brushed against the soft, pale skin of her thigh, "I'll take your word on his prowess, but if you did, the two of you must have been completely silent. Nobody heard anything, and when I came in to check on you after he left you were asleep on your cot. The only thing that I found different was that your clothes were folded on the floor next to you."

When Nala issued her apology for the insanity that had plagued them since Violet had regained herself and, in the same breath, thanked her for jumping in front of an attack, the assassin simply shrugged and smiled warmly, adopting a soft but frank tone as she replied; "You're welcome, but don't fret too much over it. I was a royal bodyguard at one point, so I was trained to do stupid things like jump in front of deadly spells for people. Really, I should be thanking you for making sure I didn't bleed to death in a pile of my own broken bones afterwards!"

She seemed to be finding a great deal of humor in the idea, but she let out a deep sigh before going on, apparently blowing out some of her mirth as well as she continued in a more sober tone; "I wouldn't say you've got anything to apologize for, Nala. Because of you, I am who I need to be again, and you almost paid with your life to do that for me. Besides, as crazy as things got during the battle, at least it was simple. We knew who our enemies were, and we knew that there would be no quarter given on their part. The response followed naturally. This wasn't my first crazy situation, and how straightforward everything turned out to be, at least for me, was... Refreshing. It was probably a lot harder on you all things considered, what with having to go into the afterlife to bring back Charlotte's soul and all."

There was a brief pause, and the woman smiled quite mischievously at Nala before she replied; "Of course, don't take that as a refusal of anything you might offer to thank me! After all of the displays I've seen you put on with the goblins and Demetrius, I'd love to find out if you can handle the fairer sex as well as you do men!"

Violet smiled impishly and stretched, the thin fabric of her shirt stretching as well and no longer hiding the tips of her breasts for a brief moment. After she resumed her former position, however, she sighed again and frowned; "Though, you have been in bed all day, so it might be best to wait a bit on that. Charlotte and Amanda both want to make sure you're alright. Demetrius too. He isn't as bad as I thought he might be, though he's no Matthias."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

"Ugh... that man. Did he deprive you all of our fantastic sounds with some silencing spell? I swear, for a being that has lived for millennia, having absorbed the souls of sex demons, he's almost as prudish as Amanda and Charlotte. Oh Violet, you would've been shoving to get a good view if you'd heard it."

Nala eased onto her back, casually letting her dress slip off to bare her shoulder as she eyed the approaching assassin with a cozy grin. As Violet did her whole, 'I'm just doing my job' spiel, Nala rolled her eyes and simply shook her head.

"I'm not Amazonian Royalty, so I doubt you saved me because you were harking back to your glory days. Still, if you're gonna be reckless enough to risk your body for mine, the least I can do is put you back together. Losing you is unacceptable to me, Violet, so don't expect to be loosening from the mortal coil anytime soon."

Nala's smile wavered a bit as Violet started to get all somber on her. She knew that this might happen and it of course felt very good and gratifying to have her efforts recognized. She'd felt just so responsible for all these girls and had dragged herself through a lot to get them to this plateau of safety - relative safety, she quickly reminded herself. It was sweet of Violet to say these things but the witch elf didn't want to seem as if she had too big a head. Thankfully, the amazonian girl gave her a humorous way to escape simply having to accept the praise when she mentioned wanting to find out if Nala could handle the fairer sex.

"Oh I don't take it as a refusal. On the contrary, you have convinced me of how wonderful and deserving I am. I'll allow you to show me how grateful you are soon enough," Nala's grin impishly mirrored Violet's own.

"It will wait though. I need to speak to the other girls, and to see Demetrius as well. And the goblins can't be too happy at this point - nor very clean. If I'm to tolerate them they had better be able to clean themselves." she grumbled, standing up and getting her balance shakily on her tired legs. "Hmm, might need a little help. Violet, throw on whatever other clothes you were planning on wearing and then come stand by me. I'm going to use you to steady me as we go, and you can guide me to the people I've got to speak with. Let's start with Amanda and Charlotte."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP 75, EP 84, Status = Fine

"Maybe you're not royalty, but you're more worthy of protection than some of the nobles I've had to put up with," Violet replied earnestly at Nala's reply to her claim that she was merely doing her job. "And I'm not one to sit back and watch others have all of the fun! It's probably a good thing he kept everyone else from hearing you two going at it if he's as good as you say, else I might have had to come in and steal him from you~!"

Violet remained close as Nala rose to her feet, and was by her side immediately as Nala asked for her assistance in getting around. "This is all I've got to wear until the dress dries out," the assassin explained, but she didn't seem at all bothered by the idea of wandering about in her underwear.

With Violet by her side, Nala left the room she'd been laid to rest in. The larger barracks that lay beyond the officers quarters of the longhouse were empty, and the two of them soon emerged into the evening twilight. Even with darkness descending once more, however, the sounds of activity filled the camp. The first thing that Nala saw once she was outside was the camp for the wounded, which was far emptier now than it had been when Nala had left it. "That's where I last saw Amanda and Charlotte, they and some of the other girls were helping take the place down. A few of the others have regained some sense of themselves since you went to sleep, and they've been a huge help in keeping the others under control," Violet explained, and began helping Nala in that direction.

There were less than a dozen people present when they arrived, nine of whom were wounded soldiers. One of the other girls was present, dabbing a damp cloth over the forehead of one man who'd taken a fever, and another was Amanda. Even after all that she'd been through, the resurrection of her sister and whatever she'd been doing since then had seemingly risen the girl's spirits, as she was smiling and humming to herself while mixing something in a bowl. She was dressed in simple leather armor that was sized surprisingly well for her, though it had obviously been gained from the mercenaries. Someone must have made alterations to it somehow.

When she heard Violet and Nala coming over, the latter of whom was gently leaning on the former, she turned around and smiled brightly at the pair. "Hi Violet! And it's good to see you up and about again Nala! Are you feeling well? You were out for a whole day, Charlotte and I were getting worried. She's out collecting herbs right now, but she wanted to thank you for healing her in person."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

"No need to worry about me. I've been in good hands," Nala said. "If anything I'm more concerned about your recovery, and that of your sister's. It would seem you both are coping remarkably well though. Just one cycle of the sun and you're up helping others and she's gathering herbs. You both have a strength in you, and it's pleasing to see. That's the only thanks I require."

Nala took Amanda's hand in hers and squeezed with reassurance.

"By the way, that armor suits you well. You look like a proper soldier. Let's hope that there aren't any more battles heading our way in the near future. We all could do with more rest. If you expect your sister to be here soon, I can wait for her, but if she'll be a while, I might just go see Demetrius and have a few words with him. I'll be sure to come back around and speak to Charlotte before the two of you head to bed tonight. The mercenaries in the camp are treating you well I hope? Any problems, come to me straight away."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP 75, EP 84, Status = Fine

Upon Nala's reassurance that she'd been in good hands, Amanda smiled and nodded, and when Nala moved forward to grasp her hand the human girl returned the embrace warmly. "The work helps, actually... I'm not sure if it's just helping us avoid thinking about it, or if it's allowing us to cope with everything that's happened, but doing things around the camp is relaxing. It's certainly better than doing nothing anyway," Amanda replied as she grasped Nala's hand, and then moved in to give her a tight hug. "Well, Charlotte was training to be a tailor before, well... You know. Anyway, they don't exactly have many clothing here sized for women, but a lot of the men here were killed, so Charlotte just resized some of their outfits. Neither of us is really much of a soldier, but a couple of the men here went with Charlotte to make sure that she stayed safe; they've been nothing but gentlemen since the attack. They left a couple of hours ago, and should be back in a little while."

Amanda pulled away and glanced toward the gate of the camp, which was opening just then, and in strolled Charlotte accompanied by three soldiers and a goblin, carrying a basket filled with carefully packed herbs. Her face lit up in a smile as she sighted Nala, and paused briefly to say something that Nala couldn't hear due to the distance before turning back toward the three of them and coming over. Setting the basket aside on a table, Charlotte wrapped Nala in a hug and said; "Nala! You're finally out of bed! We were getting worried!" Pulling back, she continued; "We've been busy getting the camp back together and helping those still sick or injured, but I stopped in to check on you from time to time. Are you feeling alright? Any fatigue? Amanda can probably make you something for it with what I brought back."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

"A tailor, hmm? Actually, that's quite wonderful. All the girls could use something decent to cover themselves. I agree that the two of you should keep busy. But if we have some spare time in the coming days, I'd like to set aside some hours to teach you and your sister a thing or two about self protection. Living in the jungle like this, with all these soldiers - even if they are starting to act like gentlemen - I think you could use a few combat skills. If you're willing, I can teach you some basic Nature spells - to aid you in healing and the like. I'm sure Violet will be willing to explain some basic defenses as well."

Nala was interrupted by the arrival of Charlotte, to whom she smiled warmly and embraced when she stepped up to greet her.

"Trust me, I'm right as rain. All of you have done a wonderful job getting the camp orderly in my absence. It's very heartening to so see the two of you back on your feet. As for these herbs, if Amanda wants to make us all a tea, I won't say no to that."

Nala fell into small talk with the sisters for a while, assuring them that she was all right and trying to put the conversation topic back on them and how they and the other girls were dealing with the aftermath. She was also interested in the goblins, in making sure that the demons weren't getting out of control or falling back into their usual bad habits.

"They'll not be touching either of you again,"
Nala told them reassuringly. "I'll have my own ways to keep them sated, I'm sure." She grinned, mischievously, then looked about the camp at the male soldiers, "Mmm, I suppose I shall need to find Demetrius now. I will catch up with you both later for tea and for Charlotte to take my measurements - I'll certainly want to be wearing your clothing, my dear."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP 75, EP 84, Status = Fine

"Oh, sure, I could make some tea!" Amanda said, and then went about doing just that for a moment. The four of them talked for a while, though Amanda occasionally had to rise to see to the wounded.

The sisters seemed cautiously eager to learn magic and to defend themselves, both of which Violet vehemently encouraged, and it was agreed that their lessons would start as soon as was possible. There had apparently been a slight problem with the slaves that had worked at the mine trying to revolt, but Demetrius had put down the organizers and promised the rest freedom if they cooperated. The goblins, outnumbered, overpowered, and with the presence of the Destroyer (which was what they called Matthias) among them, had been completely compliant with all of the demands made upon them. The girls and Demetrius's men worked them like dogs, but the diminutive demons hadn't yet raised any complaint, either among themselves or to their taskmasters. When Nala reassured them that the goblins wouldn't be touching either of them again, the two of them both seemed quite grateful for that fact, though it didn't seem to come as much of a surprise either. "We didn't expect to have to do anything like that again, what with all that's happened," Charlotte said, and Amanda nodded in agreement.

When Nala made to leave, both of the girls nodded and Violet rose to go with her without asking. "Okay, I'll try to get something nicer next time!" Amanda said, and Charlotte added; "We should be here all day, or in the officers quarters of bunkhouse three if we're not. We can do your measurements there!" Violet beckoned over toward the small cabin that Demetrius had taken them to when they'd first arrived at the slaver camp, and when they were out of earshot of the other two the assassin said; "They're adjusting well. A few more days and they might start looking like proper warriors. Maybe even acting like it too."

They arrived at Demetrius's cabin within a few moments, passing easily across the busy encampment. The mage was sitting at one of his tables when they entered, his back to the door, but he glanced over his shoulder as the two of them entered. Closing the book he'd been writing in, Demetrius spun his chair about swiftly and rose as he said; "Nala! It's good to see you well and mobile again. Come, sit. Have you had anything to eat since you awoke? I can have something made for you if you haven't. How are you feeling?" He gestured toward a couple of chairs set around a table, two to each side, and Violet glanced at Nala and waited for her to choose one before sitting herself.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

"Those two have come a long way in a very short time. I will feel better about Amanda and Charlotte when I've had more time to spend with them, woman to women. Whether they take more to your warrior ways or my magics, as long as they learn to fend for themselves, my task with them will be done."

Nala walked with Violet to meet with Demetrius after that, greeting him at his desk in the same room where Nala had died. The witch elf calmed a nagging desire to exit immediately. Death, even if not permanent in her case, was a personal thing, and it was a little too soon for her to be revisiting it in her mind, now that the situation had calmed down to the point where she could dwell on such things. Instead she forced herself to concentrate on the mage.

"I am feeling well enough. Minor soreness is to be expected given what's happened, but I will accept some food if you are offering." She answered him in a pleasant tone as she took the chair opposite him. "I'm told that you have managed to assert control over the camp once again. I congratulate you."

Nala motioned and invited Violet to sit beside her. "As the situation is stabilizing, what do you have in mind for the future of this operation?"
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP 75, EP 84, Status = Fine

Violet took the seat next to Nala immediately, while Demetrius turned and moved over to a window, and then shouted out; "Hey, a meal for three in here, break out the good stuff!" There was an unintelligible acknowledging shout in return, and Demetrius moved over and took as seat on the opposite side of the table.

"I've got as much control as one can have in a place like this I suppose," Demetrius replied evenly as he folded his hands in front of him. "There's still much to be done before this place can be put upon a more peaceful track, but I thank you for your compliments Nala. None of it would have been possible without you though, so really you should be congratulating yourself as well!"

At the question regarding the future of the slaver camp, Demetrius sighed heavily and shook his head. "I'm not sure about that, actually. I've tried to get in contact with my superiors in order to tell them what happened here, but I haven't heard back yet. When one is capable of magical communication, such becomes very worrisome, so I called upon some of my other contacts. Something has happened.... Is happening in the Empire. Of the two dozen people I tried to reach, only one responded. They told me about creatures just like the ones that attacked us, but with numbers in the tens of thousands. No one has heard from the capitol since the attack began, or any of the major cities for that matter." Demetrius spoke with pangs of fear and regret evident in his voice and expression, but his distress didn't seem deep enough for it to be anything personal.

The commander of the slavers let out a sigh and shook the worries from his head before continuing in a more resolute tone; "As the Empire doesn't seem likely to send any new orders any time soon, I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do. I can't just continue like nothing has happened, the men will wise up to that eventually, and there isn't anyone to send the ore and crystals to if we don't find another buyer anyway. It's not like we have good standing with any cities in the Amazon that might make use of what we have, and we don't have the time to form diplomatic channels right now. That's assuming the same catastrophe hasn't happened all over the Amazon as well.... Damnit!"

He let out another heavy sigh, but before he could go on a couple of the girls came in carrying food. It wasn't Amazonian fare, the various dishes too heavy and separated in the style often seen in Badarian meals, but Nala had been exposed to such dishes before from time to time when her temple had hosted visiting dignitaries. Violet glanced at it only briefly before eating, but the assassin retained a courtly manner as she ate. Demetrius did much the same, taking a few bites of food before swallowing loudly. If she ate as well, Nala found it to be fairly bland but serviceable.

"For now, I'm not sure that I'm going to change anything, but soon I think we'll have to leave. That leaves me with the decision on what to do with the remaining slaves, and where to go from here. And we still need to get all of the girls you brought here back to their families. I don't even know how long that's going to take, and the jungle is a dangerous place even for armed men. Regardless of that though, I don't think that this operation will be staying together. I'm not sure what the soldiers are going to do. They are mercenaries, but I don't have the money to pay them by myself unless we stumble over some other source of income."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala dismissed Demetrius' praise with a small motion of her hand and then listened intently as he further described the situation. No contact with his Empire, and that likely meant that what had occurred last night was not an isolated incident. Of course it wouldn't be. This was a relatively insignificant slaver's camp hidden away in the jungle - of no real strategic signfiicance - and yet it had been hit by a force that under normal circumstances would have easily overwhelmed these defenders.

"I can only imagine what sort of forces must have hit the major cities," Nala said, speaking her next thoughts aloud. "No doubt every nation in the land has seen signs of these beings in the past 24 hours. I think we are very much on our own here, Demetrius. At least, for the immediate future. Our first task should be to become self sustaining, and to remake this place into a safe haven. It would be best to explain this situation plainly, to soldiers and slaves alike. We will all face the same adversity."

"If you require a diplomatic channel to the Amazon, both Violet and I can serve in that manner. I doubt there will be people with enough free time or resources to want to punish you for your operation here, at least not immediately. But if we turn the focus of this place into being protective instead of exploitive, then they will probably overlook what happened here."

The girls came in with food on their trays and Nala made sure to thank them for it by name and to ask them how they were feeling. She hadn't had the chance to speak to the other girls all that much and she didn't want to take them for granted. Demetrius could wait and eat his meal while Nala spoke to the young women and made certain that she learned their names and got a feel for their personalities before they left. Only then did she start in on her meal, using the practiced manners she had been taught as a noble night elf.

"The issue of leaving is unnecessary, if we can use the natural resources of the jungle to sustain ourselves. We have enough manpower, if we stick together, to defend ourselves and provide. I was hoping that you would be willing to work with me for a longer time. I feel we can continue to help one another Demetrius, and learn from one another."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP 75, EP 84, Status = Fine

Demetrius expression became quite grim as Nala suggested that the attack by these strange creatures was a worldwide problem, but the slaver captain let out a sigh and simply shook his head as he continued to listen to what Nala had to say. When she suggested that she and Violet might be able to serve as diplomatic envoys to other groups in the Amazon, however, the assassin let out a sigh and said; "That... Might not be a great idea. I didn't leave my previous position on the best of terms. I do agree with Nala's plan, however. Moving through the jungle even as a large group would be extremely dangerous and put many at risk. You'd be better off making what you can of this encampment."

When the food was delivered, the three girls introduced themselves with smiles and claimed to be happy with their positions. They still possessed the glassy looks of those broken by corruption, and one looked to be slightly pregnant, though whether it was with a goblin, the spawn of one of the creatures that had attacked the camp, or even the accelerated growth of the son or daughter of one of the slavers produced in the orgy that their arrival had caused was impossible to tell at this point. The three all seemed happy with themselves, but their damaged minds were perhaps depressingly simple. Demetrius looked like he wanted to speak, but managed to seem only mildly annoyed as Nala kept her attention on the servants as he set about eating his meal, Violet doing the same without the fairly petulant attitude about it.

When she was finished with the three girls and they'd been dismissed, Demetrius let out a sigh and said; "I suppose you're not wrong, but I'm not the one who needs convincing, Nala. Though the men beneath me by and large aren't nearly as vile as my former captain, they're still mercenaries. They came out here to kill and keep slaves for fairly unimpressive amounts of coin, and some aren't truly much better than the criminal scum they've kept in chains. That lot's another matter entirely... Were you told about the group that tried to start a revolt against us? They took two of the girls you brought here hostage. The only reason them two aren't dead is because of Violet here and your friend the daemon, they snuck in the back and took out the leaders while my men and I dealt with all of the ones who decided to join up with them. The two girls they had are alright, didn't even seem bothered by it. You can probably thank the goblin's treatment of them for that, if such a thing can be thanked with a straight face.

"Anyway, I don't disagree with you on any point, Nala, and I personally have no qualms with working with you. In all honesty, you're probably the best thing that's ever happened to this damned place, but as much as my control of these men might have improved of late, they're still mercenaries. Once they realize that the coin's not flowing in anymore, they'll want something else to keep them here or they'll revolt, and I doubt any one of them would be happy to see a rifle in the hands of the men they used to take the whip or the flogs to. The same could be said of the slaves themselves, I don't doubt that the lot of them would be happy to seek payback against their taskmasters, consequences be damned.

"Even so, you're not wrong that we're on our own here, and Violet's not wrong about the dangers of the jungle. We've lived mostly off of what we can take from the jungle up until now anyway, so making ourselves self sufficient wouldn't be too hard so long as we can keep sending out people for food and medicine. Remaining as such shouldn't be too difficult, it's just the transitory phase from slave mine to true settlement that has me worried."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala's expression darkened for a moment as she heard about the details of the revolt. What contemptible idiots they must have been to think that they could take two innocent women hostage like that.

"Were all the slaves involved with this revolt or were the prisoners divided on the issue? Because if it's the latter I suggest an obvious separation and rewarding of the peaceful prisoners for the time being. Still, as far as I can tell the best method to handle this will be candor. Hardened criminals and mercenaries alike will be far more angry with us if we go about tricking them. If we want to make sure they work with us or set out on their own, amicably, then we need to be straight with them."

Nala took some time to mull the situation over as she finished her plate of food. She discovered that she had been quite hungry, and easily devoured the meal completely. Pushing it aside she spoke again.

"Depending on how severe your taskmasters were, I can't say that I blame the prisoners for wanting payback. We must make it clear to them that such acts will not be tolerated. There is no one to which we may sell this ore and gemstone any longer, therefore there is no profit to be made by the mercenaries and the prisoners serve no purpose in mining it beyond what would be useful to a community in general. We'll offer the mercenaries the chance to leave first. Followed by the prisoners, in small groups. Anyone who stays will have to pledge themselves to the new community. There'll be pairing up of prisoners and former taskmasters - doing basic tasks that require cooperation. Slowly, we can change their focus, make them realize that without outside support, everyone is in the same boat and this is now about jungle survival until the outside world resumes its natural order. We'll also need scouting parties to help out any survivors from other settlements that might be passing through this area."

Turning to Violet, the witch elf placed a hand over the assassin's. "Since you've had a troubled past, I won't ask you to accompany me, but at some point, we will have to go back out into the jungle and make contact with the Amazonian and Night Elf conclaves. We'll need to let them know what's happened and get a clearer picture for ourselves too."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP 75, EP 84, Status = Fine

"Not all were involved in the revolt, though I imagine it was more out of divides between the prisoners themselves than any moral decency on their part. Even among the enslaved there are politics, it seems. All those who took part in the violence were dealt with cleanly and efficiently, and no one was hurt save for a few minor injuries among my men. Nothing that couldn't be dealt with," Demetrius replied evenly and without much emotion in his voice. "You're right of course, there's really no option save honesty lest I risk dealing with the fallout of any discovered deceptions."

The man looked somewhat skeptical at Nala's idea for pairing the prisoners and slavers, but Violet interjected before he could respond; "I don't know if starting out such a project so ambitiously is a good idea, but we have little choice in the matter. Any who choose to go will be taking valuable supplies with them unless we send them out with nothing, if we want this idea to work we'll have to downplay that aspect initially or we'll lose a lot of people. They'll have to work together eventually, but doing so in small amounts at a time at first would be best. Dispelling small amounts of the tension between those who were once the masters and those who were once the slaves at a time rather than trying to strong arm them into working together, is what I believe Nala intended."

Demetrius considered that for a moment and said; "I suppose that could work. Without shipments of supplies we're on our own out here, and that should do something to dissuade them from settling any old scores. Who knows, maybe it'll actually work!"

When she addressed Violet, the assassin simply nodded and replied; "I understand that, but I didn't leave my previous position under the best circumstances. Maybe they've forgotten, and maybe they haven't. I'm not sure, but hiding won't solve my problems and would be a waste of time to boot. I'll do what I can, but I can't promise the best results if my former colleagues and masters catch wind of my presence. But if they do, I will be the one to face the consequences, not you or anyone else."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala nodded to Violet's clarification.

"Yes, that was the point I was driving at. When you have two groups that have animosity towards each other, the only way you can get them to work together is to put them in a situation where they need to work together to solve a problem. The fact that those surviving goblins are not being killed on sight now by your men is a case in point. You may not trust them, but they fought beside you to kill off those grey invaders, and that earns them some breathing space. I wish to replicate this effect on a smaller scale with the prisoners and guards, letting them know that their mutual survival depends on working together."

Nala spread her hands. "It's the only viable way forward that I can see, in the short term."

When the assassin had had her say about dealing with her own past alone, the witch elf smiled and shook her head. "I don't think you'll be facing anything like that alone, Violet. You'll be with me, won't you? And I don't think I'd let anyone harm a hair on your pretty head if I could help it."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP 75, EP 84, Status = Fine

Violet shook her head and smiled sadly at Nala's comforting words, and her voice was resigned and heavy as she replied; "I never questioned that you would be by my side, Nala. But when we.... I mean, when the royal assassins set out to eliminate someone, it's almost impossible to see it coming. Especially if it's one of our own that's the target, we settle in house matters quietly and without involving outsiders. I'm not saying they will come for me, for all I know all of my former comrades are dead or captured, but if they do, I don't know if you'll be able to do much to help me unless you plan to stay near me around the clock for the rest of my life. I doubt I'd even get the chance to defend myself, to be honest. It'd be best for both of us if we just didn't worry about it, no sense being paranoid about something that might happen."

Demetrius had listened to the assassin with a quirked eyebrow, but then simply shrugged and said; "If we're going to do this, we'd probably be better off doing it as soon as we can. Whether you want to help me talk to the men is up to you, Nala. They respect you after everything that you did yesterday, but they might see it as you manipulating me. I can do it on my own, but you'd be better off talking to your girls yourself for sure. I'd have to get the men to pull the remaining slaves out of their cabins either way, as I'd rather see their reaction and that of my men at the same time."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala also raised a brow at the assassin's plain outlook on the problem. She seemed almost resigned to her eventual fate. "Ah Violet, I suppose being an assassin makes you fatalistic by default. Well my poor, doomed girl, I'll make sure you enjoy the time you have with me before the boogie men come for you. And honestly, I think you're a bit too close to the situation to properly judge the outcome. You haven't factored me into the mix, my sweet. I walk a road where death has no dominion. You shan't escape me through that dark veil. I'll just snatch you back if you try it."

Without hesitation, Nala caressed Violet's cheek and closed the gap between them, lifting the Amazonian's chin and planting a kiss on her full lips. The kiss would be absent of moans or any over-enthusiastic sounds, but it would be full and as long as necessary to convey the witch elf's fondness for her friend, follower, and quasi-pet. The fact that Demetrius was watching all this from across the desk didn't bother her in the slightest. He hadn't been half bad the last time she'd had him, aside from the whole dying incident, which wasn't entirely his fault. Maybe he'd join in, she thought to herself as she augmented her kiss by running her fingers down Violet's lovely back.

Finally releasing her assassin, Nala eyed Demetrius out of the corner of her eye and answered his question seriously.

"I will tell the girls first, and you can speak to the men, while I am present. I'll step forward after you lay out the details and try to give further explanation as to why I feel its the best course forward. We'll make it seem like we came up with the plan together. I represent the interests of the women and offer my help as a protector for those who stay. You are the de facto leader, I'm merely in an advisory role. And really, we're giving them a choice to leave if they want. No one can accuse us of twisting their arms, even though most of them should figure it out that its more dangerous to wander the jungle than to stay in a larger, armed community."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP 75, EP 84, Status = Fine

(I really did forget until now, for which I must apologize, but Nala earner herself a mutation from her round with Matthias.)

Violet smirked and laughed good mirthfully as Nala promised her that death wouldn't be enough to separate them, and as such was unprepared for the kiss that Nala initiated. The assassin's eyes widened in surprise and she let out a surprised gasp into Nala's mouth, but she seemed to adapt quickly and responded to the kiss by touching her tongue experimentally against Nala's lower lip. If Nala pressed for depth in the kiss, Violet never pressed particularly deeply into her mouth but nonetheless showed a great deal of expertise in the use of her unnaturally long and whiplike tongue.

When Nala broke the kiss and glanced at the slaver captain, he was looking at the two of them with a somewhat vacant but nonetheless lustful gaze, the kiss between Violet and Nala an arousing display even without added sound effects, but quickly shook himself out of it as she addressed him. "Err..... Right," he began, "Yes, that sounds like the best course of action to me as well. Would you prefer to do this now, or.... Ahh... Wait a little while?" From the tone of his voice, it was fairly clear just what he wanted to do while they "waited." Violet quirked an inquisitive eyebrow at Nala, having not turned to look at Demetrius even as he replied.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala will take a second level of Whip Tongue for her newly acquired mutation. I also believe that makes her officially warped.

The witch elf was more than please to hear the assassin laugh at her joke, and enjoyed taking her mouth by surprise, catching this watchful veteran off guard with her movement. She knew with precise knowledge what she was doing with Violet now, showing off her qualities: unpredictability, uniqueness, and sheer undeniability. She knew that she was terribly fond of Violet and wanted to bind the assassin to her. She didn't just want Violet to be her friend, or her loyal follower. She wanted the girl as her lover, and an adoring one at that. She would be satisfied with nothing less than a willing accomplice in her future endeavors.

And so, when the Amazonian tentatively pressed the tip of her tongue against Nala's lower lip, the witch elf immediately pushed for a deeper kiss, swirling her own dextrous tongue around Violet's. She was careful to match Violet's cool, not over-the-top, commitment to the kiss. It was merely a long, expertise kiss on both ends, satisfying for each other and of course for Demetrius who was left there observing them.

After breaking the kiss and mentioning her plans to Demetrius and then hearing his flustered response, Nala laughed throatily and looked back at Violet, caressing the girl's face. "Oh my dear Demetrius, the last time the three of us took to the business of pleasure before setting more important affairs in order it was quite the disaster - at least for me. Let us be responsible leaders for just a little while longer. I'm sure that there will be plenty of time for us to relax later, yes?"

Nala put her hands on the edge of her chair and slowly rose to her feet, nodding to Violet to get up as well and help steady her as she had when they had entered. The witch elf was still recovering from her last round of 'relaxation' with Matthias after all. It would be for the best if she used this time to address the public instead of getting into another physical act.

"Please begin to gather your men, I will have a quick chat with the women before joining you."