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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 33/41, Status = Fine
The goblins, beginning to shake visibly as they stare up at the earth elemental, jumped in surprise as Nala walked to stand in front of them, magical power pouring from her eyes. Both of the demons dropped their clubs at the same time, jumping again at the sound of the branches hitting the stone road. The sudden movements caused the earth elemental to grumble and shift forward slightly, once again scaring the tiny creatures.

Almost as soon as Nala finished speaking, one of the goblins fell to his knees and raised his hands in a pleading motion, desperate to save his own skin. Nala noted with a mixture of pleasure and disgust as a wet spot began to form on the creatures loincloth before beginning to drip to the ground. The other nodded his head quickly, signaling that they can in fact understand her tongue, and they are obviously willing to do whatever they can in hopes of surviving for a few minutes longer.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

"Get off your knees... your begging disgusts me!" she snapped at the one goblin who had pissed itself. "Is that urine? Feh! Gross. Have you no shame? No, I suppose you wouldn't. All your kind seems to respect is power and fear. Well I have power, and I can give you all the fear you want!" She pointed her staff at the already shaken goblin. "Worthless cretin! To think that such a weak cock could ever dream of soiling my loins. You should be destroyed for your arrogance!"

Her eyes and tone radiated building fury, but inside, Nala was keeping herself measured.

She watched as the little creature bent in fear at her redoubled anger, wondering if it might shit itself as well. She probably would kill the little twit if he did - he was after all a coward, a rapist, and probably a sneak-thief, murdering git who'd kill his best mate for a bag of silver - assuming goblins actually understood things like friendship, which she doubted. If the twerp dared make her smell his fear in such a manner, she'd incinerate his bones until they were dust.

She quickly turned her head to look at his companion, the one who'd managed to control his bowels and communicate in his way that they had understood her.

"So you understand me then. And I presume you'd like to continue breathing? Mmm? Very well - then we're going to play a game. It's called 'Mistress says.' It's quite simple. If I tell you to do something, you do it right away! If not..." She let her eyes cast aside to the hulking elemental.

"Now... Mistress says take off your clothes, both of you. And toss them away." Here she looked back immediately to the more cowardly goblin. "Far away. I don't want to smell your fear soaked clothes near me. Do it. Now!"

She raised her staff threateningly as an added touch. Inwardly, she was pleased. Little rapist curs like this should get as much of a taste of embarrassment as possible. Plus, Nala had a bit of a dominant streak in her. It was good to practice it from time to time.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 32/41, Status = Fine
Cringing at Nala's angry shouts, the scared goblin shakes as he raises to his feet, keeping his eyes planted firmly on the ground. Thankfully, the goblin managed to keep it's bowels in check, sparing the elven mage any further discomfort. Both of the small demons nod again as she asks about them wanting to live. Their shaking lessens and their curiosity gets the better of their fear, however, and they turn their heads to look at Nala when she says the word 'Mistress.'

To demons, Mistresses aren't unusual. They are, in fact, expected. The goblins, used to follow the orders of those more dominant than they, quickly react to Nala's order. They both tear off their light leather chestpieces and toss them away, the more cowardly demon turning his eyes away from the mage when she glares at him. Their loincloths quickly follow suit, the fouler smelling one thankfully disappearing into the trees along the road. Having followed their orders, the two demons look up at Nala, fear and confusion warring for control of their features as they wait for her to direct them further.

Not being a stranger to the male form, Nala is surprised to see the goblins small forms are actually rather muscular and toned. Though short, they obviously possess some strength. She is more surprised, however, to see that their members are relatively large considering their size, rivaling that of some of the men she's... experienced. Despite their fear, Nala's nude body is obviously affecting them, their cocks slowly swelling as she watches.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Even in the midst of her command performance, Nala's glowing eyes widened momentarily as the foul little things revealed themselves to be not quite so little. This... changed things. She had been interested only in the humiliation and ultimate dismissal of the cretins, but now she was not so sure she should do so - at least not before investigating a bit further. She found herself fighting to stave off staring at the two monsters (the ones attached to the goblins).

"Erm hmm..."

Swiftly though she gathered her wits and resumed her proud posture. "Now this is a FINE conundrum... how could such ugly, pathetic little demon squats possess such... adequate tools. I suppose you pass the first test - for you two APPEAR to have a use."

She waited for the obvious veiled compliment to sink in, and when they inevitably began to wear nervous grins she snapped at them angrily. "Don't smile you simpering sods! So, you think just because you're a couple of studs you have the right to accost me? I should have this elemental tear off your male bits and leave them on a pole as a reminder to the rest of your kind! Demon filth!"

She marched up to them, mentally beckoning the elemental to come around behind them to cut off their escape.

"Stand straight! Close your eyes! I can feel your unworthy eyes staring at my beauty! If you look upon me again without my permission I shall have my minion scoop out your eyes. Shut them!"

When the demons had done so, she finished closing the distance between them so that she now stood in front of and inbetween the two muscular and well-hung goblins.

"You think your smelly, piss-stained, warty cocks give you rights to a highborn sorceress just because of their size? Hmmf! You must have some balls..."

Here her hands jerked forward and clasped each goblin's sack tightly within her grasps.

"Remember slaves, Mistress says stand still. You move, you die." Her words were like barbs, cutting with each pronounced syllable. She returned her focus to the objects in her hand, enjoying the feel of them as well as the feeling of literally having these rapists by the balls. She grinned at the obvious mixture of fear and arousal in these creatures.

"Funny... your balls don't seem nearly as hard as your actions make them out to be." She squeezed them tighter, this time to the point of actual pain. "Don't you think you deserve to be taught a lesson? Hmm?" She squeezed tighter. "You try to force yourself onto your better, and THIS is what you can expect." She squeezed especially hard now, but if one of these creatures broke, she would have the elemental snap its neck like a twig. "PAIN and HUMILIATION... the kind of thing you would gladly have done to me, had you your way."

She let them quiver under her ballbreaking, until finally she relaxed her grip.

"Now..." and as she began again, she moved her palms away from the sacks and to the base of each goblin's shaft, wrapping her fingers around them and stroking them in a fashion she was well practiced in.

"Like I said before, you APPEAR to have a use, but appearances can be deceiving... sort of like a nude elf maiden turning out to be an all-powerful sorceress bitch. I'm sure the two of you understand that... so let's see if either of you actually ARE useful. Your cocks are hard despite the pain... you must really want to fuck me, don't you? Well? Answer your mistress? Do you still think you'd like to fuck me?"

If they answered yes, her follow up question would be accompanied by the cease of her stroking and a firm grip bordering on pain around both of their cocks, her fingernails digging into the main vein. "Do you still think yourselves WORTHY of fucking me?" she asked harshly.

In her mind, Nala was chortling gleefully. By the feel of the cocks on her hands, they would probably feel wonderful inside of her. But she would have to test their stamina first... and of course, they wouldn't get anything from her until they damn well knew their place. She'd make them thankful that they were alive after all this was through...
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 31/41, Status = Fine

As Nala inspects and compliments the demons, they stand a little straighter, pleased to have impressed their would-be mistress already. She can see just the barest glints of their sharp teeth beginning to show just before she shouts at them, causing them to jump in fear once again. Their eyes still wander Nala's form as she marches towards them, but immediately flick to stare at the elemental, their fearful quaking increasing as it sidles up behind them. Still, the demons remain obedient, closing their eyes and holding as still as they could under Nala's glare.

Of course, her sudden grasping of their tender flesh caused both the goblins to jump in surprise. The one on her left readily takes her words, and stills himself while she played with his sack, though the other, the one who had disgusted her with his fear earlier, began to shiver and hunch over slightly, an expression of concentration distorting his face. Nala's playful motions quickly brought the goblin's members to full attention, their flesh radiating warmth. Her sudden squeezing causes each of the goblins to tense, and when she tightens her grip even further, the cowardly demon on her right squeels in pain. He squirms, but doesn't move, and the demon on the left merely breathes quicker and deeper, his brows furrowed in pain.

As soon as Nala relaxes her grip, the two demons relax as well. Their cocks jump slightly as her fingers wrap around them, and they each breath out softly as she caresses their members. Immediately after her question, the demon on the right answers, "Yes, mistress," his voice hoarse and gravelly, while the other hesitantly adds his own affirmation in a slightly squeeky tone. Once again they tense as she drives her fingernails into their flesh. After a few moments of pain, both the goblins nod their heads at her followup question. Even in pain and scared for the lives, the demons didn't seem to lose interest in sex. With Nala maintaining both a literal and figurative grip on them, it seemed evident that they would do whatever she wished.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Nala threw back her head and laughed. "Unbelievable! Such arrogance should not go unpunished..."

She squeezed the more confident and vocal of the two goblins with her hand. "You, lay on your back in that muddy puddle there. You shall be given the easy task for now... You shall lick your mistress until she cums HARD."

She released the one goblin and with a snap of her fingers indicated the dirty puddle where he should lie. Hastening to obey the goblin sank down into the mud with a squelch. Tugging and leading the more pathetic goblin around by his cock, Nala sidled over to the puddle. She loosened her rags and exposed herself to the prostrate goblin as she stood over him, her feet on either side of his head. Then she squatted her petite form down so that her slit lay within an inch of the goblin's mouth, his pointed nose rubbing up against the short violet hairs of her bush.

She locked eyes with the other goblin. "You I am not convinced deserve to live. Your only hope is your stamina, and the efforts of your friend here..." She began to stroke the goblin's shaft with her hand in a practiced, knowledgable manner. His tip was pointing directly at her face, nearly eye level.

"You do NOT have permission to cum before I do. Disobedience here is death. Understand?" She told the weak little goblin as she rubbed him expertly with her hand, twisting and gripping and thumbing his rock hard rod. Behind this goblin, the earth elemental came to stand, hovering menacingly like the Sword of Damocles above the pitiful little demon.

She turned her attention to the goblin below her. "You may begin pleasuring me, slave, failure to make me come will be your end. But if your companion here fails to live up this challenge, you shall have me to yourself. Understand? Good. Begin!"

She felt the little demon's tongue begin its work on her cunt, and she turned her gaze to her 'victim' in front of her. Her hands went to work, her rubbing hand still doing its practiced motions while the other cupped and rubbed the goblin's sack, her long slender middle finger moving further back and pressing against the tender flesh just underneath the goblin's asshole, massaging its prostate through the skin. She would do everything she could to make this little worm cum over her face. The idea that this disgusting little creature would meet its death if it did just made her hotter. Was she cruel? Certainly. But was this evil? Considering what this demon was, she doubted it was any different from blasting it with a spell - perhaps even kinder, as she was giving the creature a sporting chance to live.

She moaned pleasantly as the first licks beneath her parted her folds and exposed just how horny this was all making her. The wrongness of consorting willingly with these goblins also made her giggle inside - oh Mother! if only you could see your precious daughter now!

[Pleasure the "Cowardly" Goblin with hands, intending to do max pleasure damage to it. Force "Normal" Goblin to orally please Nala. Sexual combat commences (race to see whether the goblin or Nala cum first.)]
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

HP = 43, PP = 19/64, EP = 33/41, Status = Fine
(Accidentally incurred an upkeep on elemental when there isn't one. Fixed. Also, I was going to roleplay out this scene, but since you want a race with sexual combat, I'll go with rolls, and a little custom rules ;))

Round 1:
Pleasure (Goblin2): 3 + 3 + 8 + 8 = 22
Pleasure (Nala): 5 + 6 + 18 - 7 = 22
Round 2:
Pleasure (Goblin2): 2 + 5 + 8 + 8 = 23
Pleasure (Nala): 3 + 4 + 18 - 7 = 18. Goblin1 orgasms.

The goblins eagerly follow Nala's instructions. Almost immediately, the laying goblin' nose begins to push and prod between her nether lips, while the cowardly one before her smiled nervously as she positioned her face just in front of him. His smile drained away when she gave him the order not to cum, and he turned to glance hesitantly at the earth elemental when it rumbled into place behind him. Of course, his lust overpowered his fear once again as Nala's hands began their expert work. His face contorted as he fought between a strong desire to enjoy her handiwork, and a desperate struggle to resist giving in.

While the goblin in front of her quickly began moaning in pleasure, Nala herself was soon awash in a wave of stimulation of her own. The demon beneath her was skilled in it's own right, it's long pointed tongue oddly flexible. It's clawed hands gently squeezed her ass, while it's warm breath tickled her skin. Of course, the knowledge that what she was doing with this creature would drive her prudish mother crazy just added to the thrill of the moment. Soon she was grinding her increasingly wet cunt against the demon's face, while she made lewd moans while looking up at the goblin before her. It brought it's hands down to grasp at her head, it's eyes closed in bliss as it's hips began bucking towards her face, it's cock throbbing in her hands. Nala could tell it was having trouble resisting her, another factor spurring the burning feeling inside her on even more.

Just as Nala let out a srtong moan, her eyelids half closed and her mouth hanging open, the goblin before her lost control, spraying it's seed out across her face. Long sticky spurts landed on her forehead, her cheek, and her nose, while one small strand fell right onto her lolling tongue. The goblin sighed in pleasure while looking down at Nala, a grin creeping across his face as he looked at his seed splashed across hers. The grin faded quickly, though, when the massive earth elemental made good on Nala's threat, it's stony hands crashing together around the little demon's head. It squeaked in terror for a second, it's arms and legs flailing helplessly, before a sickening crunch sounded. The body of the demon hung limp in the elemental's grasp for a moment, before it was flung off into the forest, far out of sight. Though it had happened right before her eyes, not a drop of blood landed on Nala, and the huge animated hunk of stone merely back away slowly while awaiting it's mistress' next command. Below her, the more confident goblin paused also, probably surprised by the sudden death of it's comrade, though not making any attempt to escape, merely wondering if it should continue.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Nala felt no pity at the death of the weak goblin. It had deserved its fate - and she had given the demon more than enough opportunity to save itself from extermination. The creature's spunk tasted foul and since she was under no real obligation to swallow it she spat it downwards immediately, aiming for the other goblin's head.

"Ugh, that runt tasted awful. What do you things eat?" she said callously. Then realizing that the tongue beneath her had stopped, she glared down at the creature angrily. "Did I tell you to stop? Lick me, fool! And I'd better cum like dragon fire or you're in for it!"

She pushed her dripping wet cunt down on the creature's mouth, grinding into him as much as she could. Encouraged by her threat and likely by its own desire, the goblin continued to eat her out with renewed effort. Nala moaned lewdly and allowed herself to give in to the rush of heat building throughout her body. She brought her hands up to cup her small breasts and then pinch one of her pert purple nipples until it hardened like a pebble. Grinning with pleasure, her awareness turned to the feeling of the dead goblin's hot sperm covering her face. It felt wonderful. How dirty she must look.

"Yes! There! Lick me there! Oh yes!" She mewled on the verge of a shuddering climax for several precious seconds, before she felt everything fall into place and her body tensed in that oh-so-familiar feeling of delight. Her love juices spurted around the goblin's tongue as her thighs squeezed around its head. Her mind became a barren planescape, devoid of all but that wonderful feeling of self-indulging passion. At last, quivering she came out the other side of it, and opened her eyes to look down and focus on the demon slave beneath her.

"Clean me..." she murmured weakly. The goblin did so, and she sighed happily, putting her hands down onto the earth to support her weakened state.

When she had recovered herself and the demon goblin had finished, she turned over and lay down on her back, her arms stretching above her head and her legs flat against the ground, closed together, not yet inviting the goblin to her.

"Now it's your turn," she said, and noted the goblin's grin spread wide as it looked down at her body. "Don't look so pleased with yourself. You may not be as pathetic as your partner was, but that's not saying much. Now I have no interest whatsoever in letting you put your vile seed inside me. If you dare soil me in such a manner, you'll be looking forward to the same fate as that other numbskull, understand? You will fuck me because I want that large meatpole of yours to bring me to a second orgasm. If that doesn't happen, and if you cum inside me trying to do it, then you die." Here the earth elemental moved to her side, beside both of them. "If I cum, you'll be allowed to pull out, and you may spray your seed on me in whatever fashion you'd like." She smiled at this, looking at the large green endowment and already imagining what it would feel like inside her small, tight elven honeypot.

"So. Now's your chance..." She spread her legs and put two fingers to her nether lips, spreading them apart in open invitation. "This is what you wanted when you first saw me. Come and get it."
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 33/41, Status = Fine

Pleasure (Nala): 9 + 4 + 13 + 8 = 34
Pleasure (Goblin1): 2 + 3 + 27 - 7 = 25
Round 2:
Pleasure (Nala): 7 + 7 + 13 + 8 = 35. Nala orgasms.
Pleasure (Goblin1): 1 + 6 + 27 - 7 = 27. Goblin1 orgasms.

The goblin happily did as told, getting back to eating Nala out vigorously, not even noticing the spunk she spat down at him. The demon's tongue seemed to probe all the right places, sending the elf speeding towards a climax. When it hit, her walls clamped down hard, forcing the goblin's tongue out of her and dripping her juices all over it's lewdly grinning face.

As Nala laid back on the road, The goblin go it's feet before her, wiping her honey from it's cheeks before bringing it's fingers to it's mouth to enjoy as much of her taste as it could. It stalked forward as Nala began her order for it to fuck her, it's rock hard erection swinging back and forth as he looked down at her closed legs. When she told the goblin of the fate that awaited him should he fail to bring her to orgasm, his mask of confidence cracked as his eyes shifted nervously to the earth elemental beside them. Once again, though, his lust took over and he knelt down between the night elf's legs, crawling forward and dragging it's tongue along the skin of her thighs and crotch as it approached her waiting pussy.

As it positioned itself in front of her, Nala noticed a slightly worried look on the goblin's face, though a determined one as well. She could feel the warmth of the head of it's cock brush against her wet lower lips, while it's pointed nose began to brush against the skin between her petite breasts. Showing itself to not be much of a caring lover, the goblin quickly thrusts it's meat into Nala, sliding in fairly easily due to her juices already making her slick. Just as she had thought, the goblin's meat was impressive, stretching her pleasantly, though not enough to hurt. The goblin shoves it cock almost all the way to it's base inside Nala before pulling back out, a lewd gasp escaping it's green face as the feeling spreads through him. A look of concentration flashes across it's face momentarily before it begins thrusting in again, moving faster and going deeper each time, his sack slapping wetly against Nala's crotch.

The goblin might not be skilled, but Nala is pleasurably surprised at it's vigor. It's large member stretches her her insides, while it's head slams deep inside her. Wave after wave of pleasure races through her body. As she moans and writhes underneath the small demon, she imagines how she must look, how her mother would react, and grins maliciously. Eager to reach her second orgasm, the night elf's body is happy to oblige the goblin in it's efforts, and she soon begins twisting and contorting to increase her own pleasure. Even with her mind being overrun with stimulation, she can feel the goblin shuddering and it's cock throbbing at her movements, the demon desperate to control itself and draw out the experience. Finally, Nala feels her orgasm rushing towards her, her vision flashing every time the goblin's cock slams home. She cries out as she reaches her peak, her walls clamping down around the goblin's meatpole. With her threat still resonating in it's mind, the goblin digs it's clawed hands into Nala's sides as it pulls out of her before thrusting it's member forward onto her stomach. It's cock throbs as it begins to spurt it's seed all over Nala's stomach, a few drops even managing to land between her breasts, before the goblin, spent, rolls over onto Nala's side, gasping for air while looking up at the earth elemental beside them.

As she lies on the road, the goblin spunk covering her and the after shock of her orgasm resonating throughout her body, Nala can't help but feel dirty. Dirtier than normal, actually, as if her soul itself had gotten covered in that warm sticky cum. She could feel something different about her...

(Nala gains 1 mutation and 38 corruption)
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

There was something so deliciously odd about this experience, Nala thought to herself as she squirmed underneath the goblin's surging effort. The slapping of its body against her own was pleasant in the way she had anticipated - it's girth and length filling her up in ways that only the largest of her previous lovers had achieved. Yet even as that brought her to a zenith of pleasure, she felt an unfamiliar feeling building simultaneously throughout her body - her mouth and lips, her breasts, her crotch and anus, the entirety of her spine - all of these felt as though a sickly sweetness was coursing through them, a dense syrupy foulness, like a spiritual addiction oozing through her. That feeling came to a head at the exact moment she came, and as she exulted in the feeling, she felt her demon partner pull out and spray his goblin seed over her, covering her belly and even part of her bosom with its thick, warm strands.

Her mouth opened and her tongue, longer now than she recalled it ever being, licked her lips sensually as she arched her back, feeling perfectly at peace with herself in her act of lust. She was a free spirit, and none would tell her what and was not taboo.

Clicking her new whip-tongue against her teeth, she laughed at having gone through a warping corruption brought on by her contact with the demons. She felt other parts of her body threatening to change beneath the surface as well. She would have to be careful not to let any outward signs begin to show.

Sitting up, Nala observed the exhausted goblin gasping and gazing at the earth elemental. Absently she waved a hand and banished the earth elemental.

"Good. You've shown you can overcome your lust and follow orders. That is enough to earn you a temporary reprieve," she told the goblin. "If you continue to serve me, you will be rewarded. If you attempt to test me again, you will not live to learn from your mistake. Now... tell me where you and your friend come from. And where is the nearest human or elven settlement?"
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 33/41, Status = Fine

With the magics that had summoned it to this plane no longer binding it's form together, the earth elemental's body collapses spilling dirt and stone down to the ground next to the road. The sudden change causes the goblin to sit up in surprise, his body language signaling to Nala that he was about to flee, though he quickly looks down at her and relaxes. The demon raises to his feet next to his new night elven mistress and listens to her appraisal carefully.

At her question, the goblin hesitantly opens it's mouth before stopping and looking back and forth at the surrounding jungle. After a moment's check, he answers her in his hoarse voice. "Mistress, others of our kind live in a shack in the forest. We steal supplies and women from the humans nearby." He points down the road in the direction she had been traveling and continues, "Many humans that way, some elves too, but your the first I've touched."
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Nala rose to her feet as well, standing over her new goblin servant and holding him with a calculating gaze. "And how many of your ilk reside in this shack of yours? You steal women and keep them there with you? What do you do with them once you have had your way with them?"

There was an edge in her voice, murderous in its tone. She still despised rapists, and made her displeasure known to him through her voice. "Answer quickly!" she snapped.

When he had answered, she scowled for a moment, then told him to stay where he was. She bent over and scrounged for the dead goblin's shirt, using it to wipe the goblin spunk off of her belly, breasts, and face. It tasted too foul to her own sensitive palate for her to even consider licking up, as she would perhaps do for elven seed, or even an hygenic human.

Once she had cleaned herself she dressed once again in her rags.

"I'll not enter a human settlement dressed in rags. If you've taken women before to your shack I presume you've had their clothes taken there as well. I'll require garments. So tell me where your shack is located, and then guide me there. No tricks! If you lead me towards a trap for your brethren, I'll roast you with lightening."

In her mind, Nala was intent upon destroying this goblin shack when she found it, perhaps freeing the girls inside while she was at it. She hated the idea of anyone being locked up. Freedom was essential. In fact, once she was done with the goblin shack, she'd be certain to report that slave mine to the nearest human authorities. After she was properly clothed again, of course.

She smiled to herself. Yes, it was a good plan. Even her mother might grudgingly approve of the end result, though she would despair at some of the means.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

If the goblin noticed Nala's displeasure at his matter of fact revelation about the women, he didn't react to it. Instead, he jumped when she snapped her order, and complied, "I... I don't know how many mistress, I don't know numbers. I have many brothers, but we aren't enough to do more than steal from the humans and hope they don't find us." He paused to think a moment, obviously trying to think about how to explain what was common knowledge to him and his kind to the night elf. "The women are ours. After a while they no longer want to leave. They please us and give us more brothers."

The shirt was nearby and readily wiped up the demon's seed, though she noticed it wasn't particularly clean to begin with. It smelled of sweat and sex already, leaving Nala to wonder just how clean she really was now. With her tattered rags back in place, Nala at least felt a little more decent.

"The shack is not far, Mistress," the goblin says while stooping to pick up the shirt Nala had just discarded, as well as his loincloth and armor. "Don't worry, Mistress, no tricks," he continued while walking off into the jungle away from the road, "This way." The jungle is thick once away from the road, vines and underbrush choking off the view between the trees. Still, the demon seems to have found a reliable route from the shack to the road, following a gully for almost a mile, then pointing out landmarks to his Mistress as they continue. They march for over an hour before the trees clear up enough that she can make out a building in the distance.

As they approach, Nala can make out that the 'shack' the goblin talked about was actually a rather large, if dilapidated, house. The wooden boards were rotten and sagging, A large tree had fallen on the roof, leaving a large hole while moss and vines hung over the sides. It may once have been a nice place to live, but years of abandonment had left it a ruin. Every so often, Nala saw a green blur flash by the windows, but there were no demons in sight. No humans either. "Here, Mistress. My brothers and the women are inside."
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

The goblin's inability to count his brethren was a bit disconcerting. Was it simply that the dumb creature couldn't count beyond using his fingers as an aid? Or were there really a hive of goblins waiting for her? No matter. What became more interesting to her was the fact that some of the women who were captured became willing participants - eventually. She supposed it was a part of the demonic corruption inherent to copulating with these creatures. Nala smiled at this - she'd needed no such compulsions. And with that dynamic altered, she felt she could command some power over these creatures, though a similar display of arcane mastery might be necessary. She was prepared to do so.

"Servant, what ranking system do you and your brethren use? Is there something resembling a leader amongst you?" she asked in a most imperious tone. She must cement her authority upon not only this one's mind but upon his other demonic brood.

When she saw the 'shack' she was somewhat impressed. She had not been expecting a house, though its current condition did not disappoint her expectations. Her original plan to destroy a simple hovel altered a bit, as she thought of possibly setting up a safe haven for herself. Who was to say she could not take control of this small goblin tribe? If they could make this place cleanly enough, it might be worth considering. "This house will need to be renovated if it is to remain standing," Nala stated aloud. "You have obviously been idle with your time and your captives are being kept on their backs too often. Call to your brethren. I wish to speak to them."

She felt a swell of titillation course through her. This was a dangerous tactic, being so bold, but these were simpleton demons - the lowest tier. They could be molded to her will, so long as she appeared strong.

"Make certain to let them know not to pounce at me. I will most certainly not guarantee your safety should they attack with reckless abandon. If this encounter goes well, you will have a reward. Understand?"
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

"Rank?" the goblin asks, his face scrunching up in confusion. "We ain't had a mistress or a lord for a long time, but we got a boss. He's tells us what to do, but he can't make rocks fight for him like you." It was obvious the little demon had a certain amount of respect for Nala, even though she had threatened to kill him numerous times already. Apparently that's fairly normal to his kind. "Most of my brothers don't want to fight for him either, but he came through the portal from our world, not born here, so they do what he says."

Grinning at the mention of a reward, the goblin runs out towards the wrecked house before stopping halfway to it and raising his hands to his face. He calls out in what Nala can only assume is the demonic tongue, a strange series of harsh sounds mixing with soothing soft ones, a language unlike any the night elf has heard before. Before long she hears a chorus of responses from the house, as well as a louder, angrier voice as well. The sound of numerous feet pounding on wooden floor comes just before goblins begin pouring out of the house, their small forms agile enough to allow them to appear out of windows, holes in the wall, and even tiny cracks. In only a few moments at least fifty of the small demons were standing in the clearing before Nala, all of them staring at her, both appraising both her body lustily as well as inspecting her for whatever power her servant must have told them she possessed.

After another moment, the angry voice from inside can be heard laughing. It is then that Nala notices the source, a particularly large goblin appearing from the front door of the house. It was large both in physique, as well as girth, apparently having used it's title of 'boss' to treat itself to a number of extra helpings of food. The creature leered at Nala, hungrily eying near naked form. In addition to the large goblin was also the first of what Nala would assume was one of their many human captives, a filthy, beaten, and naked girl who seemed to be serving as a horse for the large goblin, carrying him out of the house on her back as she crawled forward on all fours.

"I thought you said you found a new mistress, Grabik," the large goblin yelled, an obvious hint of distaste at the word mistress. "This little elf slut looks like she might give our brothers a fun time, but that's about all." The large goblin laughed, causing a similar outburst from a number of the small demons in the crowd. "My dick's dirty, elf, come lick it clean and I'll make you my personal fucktoy instead of giving the boys first go at you."
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Nala met the large goblin's toothy grin with one of her own, malicious and anticipating fun. Hopefully many of the goblins would notice it as not at all being the reaction of a helpless 'elf slut' as they put it.

"Grabik? Ah, is that the name of my newest servant?" Her eyes never left the boss. "Tell me, Grabik, do you think your mistress should be merciful? Do you think your housemates can go without a demonstration? No - don't answer that Grabik, it doesn't really matter what you think - I believe they'll be getting one anyway." She let out an exaggerated sigh, then renewed her evil smile.

Gripping her black staff in her hand she began taking slow, sultry steps towards the goblins, going straight towards the fat one. she continued talking along the way.

"Truth be told, I did quite enjoy Grabik's cock, didn't I, Grabik? I wasn't as much a fan of your other friend's limp dick... what was his name? Bah! Doesn't matter... his current name is 'Bloody-smear-on-the-jungle-floor.'"

She reached a spot perhaps ten paces away from the group of goblins, and halted her approach, standing in a non-chalant fashion in front of them.

"You see I'm a bit fussy. If a toy doesn't work properly, I discard it... but if my toys work properly and do what I say..." She giggled and rubbed a hand down the curves of her body provocatively, enjoying the eager looks on the goblins' faces as they watched her performance, "Then I have no problem showing my affections. A good leader serves her followers, and if you all bow to me as your mistress, I'll make sure each and everyone of you is rewarded. But since there can only be one leader..."

Her face became icy then, suddenly the smile gone from her lips. "You there," she lifted a slender finger, pointing it at the amused boss goblin who was also enjoying watching this elf slut make a show of herself, "you're on my horse."

Not giving him time for reply, an arc of black lightning shot out at the goblin leader, extending from the tip of her pointing finger. Her natural evoker talent combined with her intense study of entropic forces guaranteed that it would hit with tremendous force, if it didn't kill him outright, it would at the very least wrack him with horrible pain and tumble him down for a few moments while his cohorts looked on in stunned shock at the sudden show of power.

Raising her voice to a new height, Nala said in the stunned silence that followed: "The first to move against me shall die. The first to bring me that fat piece of shit's head will know pleasure like he has never known before."

Her words would ring with authority, commanding and unflinching in its tone. The goblins having seen their leader be cast down so quickly would be scared, their minds would be empty of all except the vision of their leader's pain and her words. She counted on two things: their collective cowardliness and their lustful desire. She had made a point of showing off her body to them. She was everything their race desired in a mistress - power, deadliness, and the ability to reward them handsomely in ways their imaginations could only dream of otherwise.

She hoped the show of power would be enough. If it wasn't, she'd have to resort to blasting them all, and that wouldn't be any fun. Briefly, the thought of what might happen if they all overcame her entered her mind, and though a part of her was revolted at what the stench of such an event would be, another dirtier part reveled in the idea. She quickly brushed that thought aside. She needed to focus - she must appear in all aspects as a being of power. Black entropic energies swirled about her, the residue of her blightning spell circulating along her arms and crackling at her fingertips. She knew the power of a deadly, sexual display. It would work, it had to work.

Bring me his head, you numbskulls! She thought and willed it to happen as she waited for their reaction.
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Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 37/41, Status = Fine

Casting: Automatic Success
Damage: 8 + 7 = 15 * 4 = 60. Boss Dies.

The black lightning flew the air over the heads of the goblins, who were too busy staring lustily at Nala to protect their 'Boss'. Instead, they turned to watch wide eyed as the magical blast engulfed the fat goblin and sent him flying through the air. He hit the wall of the house with a resounding thud, his lifeless body sinking to the ground, dark green skin smoking and sizzling. The girl he had been riding turned to look behind her, then turned back to the crowd, shaking as she wondered what she should be doing now that her master is dead.

The goblins all turned back to Nala, their eyes now wide in shock. They jumped when her voice boomed out at them. They stood for a moment before a cheering roar sounded from them, toothy grins spread across their wicked faces. "Mistress! Mistress! Mistress!" they chanted, hooting and hollering and jumping up and down while staring at her. Their cries lasted for a few moments, before almost as one they sped off towards the smoking corpse of their former leader. The girl had just been about about to stand up when the wave of goblins bowled her over, sending her down onto her back. A few of the goblins took advantage of the naked and masterless girl, quickly plunging their cocks into her holes or rubbing them against her body while she moaned eagerly. The rest of the horde crowded around the body, the flash of steel glinting as a sword was raised to claim their prize before a near riot broke out among them to see who would claim it.

"They like you!" Grabik said, running up to Nala and staring up at her, though it was obvious he kept his distance from the black energy swirling around her. He turned to regard the rioting goblins. "This might take a while," he said, a hand coming up to scratch the top of his head.

(4 exp for resolving the encounters so far in interesting ways)
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Ah good, Nala thought as the force of her magical blow proved mighty enough to hurtle the goblin boss into the house and send its soul to whatever oblivion awaited the creature. Her inner voice was relieved. Aside from that plant experience last night, I have not been tested outside the controlled walls of my mother's temple. I may have overdone it - but best not to hold back when making an "example."

She frowned a bit at the goblins who had remained behind to molest the "ponygirl." How little time it took for these demon goblins to take advantage of a helpless woman...

"Hands off her!" she said to the goblins currently taking advantage of the masterless slave girl. "She is mine now as well, and I will inspect her before I determine her best use. Out of my way, unless you feel that your momentary need for release is more important than obeying me..."

The edge in her voice and the still crackling energy around her gave weight to the threat and the goblins backed off of the girl, giving room enough for Nala to address her. Before she did so however, Grabik had come up to her and delivered his own opinions of what was going on.

"Grabik, you have done well in bringing this crowd of your brethren to me in such a fashion that they can observe my power," Nala complimented the eager goblin. "Continue to prove your worth to me and you shall find your fortunes will improve accordingly. Consider that just this morning I toyed with obliterating you out of hand... now I call you by your name. It is a fascinatingly delicate thread you hang by, Grabnik. Recognize that, and you may one day rise above your lowly nature. Now I want you to wait inside the house, and if there are other women inside, I wish you to secure them and bring them all into one room. I shall desire to inspect them. They are not to be tampered with before my inspection. Do not worry about this riot... I shall deal with it once they simmer down."

Having said her peace to her first servant, she turned to look back at the girl. If the goblins who had been molesting her were still awkwardly hanging around, she would tell them to form an orderly line ten paces away, and charge them with informing any other goblins who had given up hope of claiming the head of their former boss to do the same.

Finally she addressed the girl. "You there, you may stand. A little bit of fear will do you good, but don't simper. Come on, up you get. Now, what is your name?"

When the girl had answered this, she had a follow up question prepared. "How long have you been a captive here amongst these goblins?" As the answer to this question came, Nala's keen eyes searched out for indicators of the demonic corruption the girl surely must have been exposed to. This girl had been chosen as a ride by the goblin boss for a reason, but that had two distinct possibilities... either she was already completely broken by the corruption and therefore trotted out as a trusted domesticated beast of burden, or she was freshly captured, and this was being done to her as part of degradation training.

Nala had studied some literature on the subject of domination - contraband works of print from foreign publishers that she had had to find by herself when she had sneaked away on day excursions to market towns. When Nala had opened herself up to the world of sexual freedom, she had dove head first into its extremes, goaded on by how strictly anathema they were to the temple tenets. Whatever had been taboo had been interesting to Nala, and she had to have it. The subject of domination had both fascinated and repelled her. She could see the sexual appeal, but her own belief in the necessity of freedom of choice meant that she could never condone actual slavery. What had been done to this girl was probably torturous and more than worth the death she had given to the goblin boss. Most probably the other demons deserved this death as well, but Nala intended to use them for her purposes if she could, before disposing of them. This girl however, she needed to be guaged. If she was too far gone, then taking sex away from her cold turkey might cause her too much distress. Nala knew the effect of the tiny corruption on her own soul from just one session with these minor demons and could extrapolate how that feeling could become a terrible addiction. If the girl still possessed her own mind, then there would need to be a way for the two of them to come to an agreement. She could not merely let the girl go, not with the facade she had set up here with the goblins, but there were other ways - other outcomes. She needed to know more first, not only about this girl but the other girls within the house.

Plans began to set themselves in motion as Nala waited for the girl to answer her again.

Away in the distance, she noted the goblin howls of ululation that would signal the severing of the head. It would be a scrum now for who could hold the head. A few more goblins might die before it was settled. She sighed inwardly, knowing that she would have to do something lewd to reward the eventual winner - well, no, she didn't need to do it, but a part of her didn't mind going that route. This demonic corruption might have its uses....
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Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

The goblins assaulting the woman jumped at Nala's angered tone, but backed off immediately, allowing the girl to finally stand. The offending goblins backed off towards the rioting group but merely stared at Nala while Grabik ran off to enact her newest orders. The girl steadied herself, then looked around at the assembled goblins before back at Nala, obviously scared of someone who could affect the demons so much.

"V-Violet," she said haltingly, as if she had trouble remembering it. She brought a hand to her face, wiping off a bit sweat, drool, and other fluids. "H-how long? I don't remember. So long." She turned to look back at the goblins again, mumbling to herself, before returning her attention to Nala again. "I'm... not supposed to be here. I should go home."

With that, the girl turned and took a few steps away from the ruined house and the goblins, just as the rioting group began to head back towards Nala, pushing the girl to the ground again. One of the demons ran ahead of the rest, his former leader's head clutched in his clawed hands while the other goblins roared and chased him with their own claws out. The chase continued until the one in the lead skidded to a stop before Nala, looking up at her with a huge grin spread across his face. The others stopped and stared, anxious to see what Nala's reaction would be. Behind the group, Violet brought herself to her feet again, shaking her head and looking at the goblins again, seeming to have temporarily have forgotten about heading home for the moment.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Nala had opened her mouth to respond to Violet's request to go home, but could see out of the corner of her eye that the riot was making its way quickly back to her. Oh well. There would be time to address the girl's dazed concerns later.

She allowed herself an indulgent smile as the victorious goblin skidded to a halt with his foul smelling prize. Presented so close to her, she wrinkled her nose.

"He smells almost as bad in death as he no doubt did in life!" she said, so that all the goblins could hear, then she held up her hand to settle them. "I see I have a quick and cunning servant," she continued, praising the goblin holding the decapitated head. "I admire successful tools that accomplish what I set them out to do. And I am disappointed to see that this contest I set before you all ended so quickly. I am only able to assume one of two possibilities then... either the majority of you are weak, incompetent fools who were not properly motivated or able to be the one to bring me this prize, or that this specimen here -" she pointed to the prize-bearing goblin, "Is so far superior to the lot of you that he renders you all impotent by comparison. Hmmm? Which is it?"

She glared disapprovingly of the crowd who had failed to fight more fanatically to get the ex-boss' head. "Since the first option would force me to cull several of you indiscriminately for your lack of vigor and general stench of failure, I shall instead choose to believe the second option - that this one is much more suited to leadership, praise, and the private, tender care of my body... His gain, and your loss - but be thankful I make no examples of you this time. Do not force me to teach that lesson - failure will not be tolerated!"

She turned her glower to the goblin in front of her, who was doubtlessly getting more than a few ill-looks from his colleagues by this point. She smiled approvingly at him. "Favored servant, you shall tell me your name. Then you shall give your first orders as my new lieutenant, to have this dead pig's head put on a stake and set at the edge of this glade as a warning and a reminder of what has happened here. You are answerable only to me, and you may give orders to any other of these servants, excepting Grabik, who is to be my personal 'daggerman' assistant. Failure to obey me is still death, but I shall look very angrily upon any who would disobey you without just cause. Now issue your orders quickly."

She let the goblin lieutenant bark his orders to a few goblins, noting carefully the demons he singled out to do his first task of drudgery. They would probably be his natural rivals, and she might need to cultivate them later. Once he was done with that, she spoke again.

"Now, there is something else that needs immediate remedy: you and your men stink. I will not tolerate common filth and stench. I keep my tools clean. I order you all to bathe. I am deadly serious about this. Later on, I will be having you all standing together. If I find that one of you has an odor that offends me, I will kill you and the two goblins standing next to you, for their failure in not recognizing that you are not washed properly. This is a task for you to oversee, lieutenant. When it is done, you will have what I have promised you..."

Here she let her fingers run caress the side of the lieutenant's face, and as she let them drop lower she stooped down to his eye level and brought her lips dangerously close to his own. Tantalizingly close to him, she whispered "I will be expecting my lieutenant to keep me properly warmed tonight... I may even require you to be a little rough with me. I would expect nothing less from a favored officer, and I have wanton desires of my own that will need intense satisfying."

She smiled cooly and then patted his cheek one more time before standing up again and raising her voice to be heard by all.

"Accomplish this task well enough, and I am thinking a revelry will be in order tonight... you all should enjoy that. If I'm put in a really good mood, I might even be a... main attraction?" she left an audible question mark hang on the end of that sentence. "It all depends on you, my servants. Now... be about your task. I must inform the captives of their new mistress. You there, Violet, you will accompany me to the house... on your hands and knees..."

She said this last order with a smile and a wink at the other goblins, then gave the girl a serious expression and a stare that conveyed she wasn't joking. She would stroll slowly beside Violet as she crawled with her back to the house. The goblins would hopefully have to travel a while to get to a stream, and the task of everyone bathing and making sure everyone else was bathed sufficiently should take quite some time for these goblins. Enough time that she could, if she wished, free the girls and possibly extract herself from this situation.

Upon entering the house, and finally out of the view of any goblins, she would immediately address Violet.

"You can stand up now. That was done mostly for appearance's sake. I can't be seen as being nice to you in front of them. Though I must say, you looked rather good down there.~" She appraised Violet's body with her eyes and a tilted head. The walking of a "doggy" reminded her of a particularly playful session with two elven acolytes, one male and one female, that she had 'freed' from religion-enforced chasteness. The two had both enjoyed the interaction and eventually ran off together in a happy relationship. Mother had been so angry...