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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen made her way slowly down the hidden passage, feeling the stone beneath her feet give way to the meat of the monster and then go back to stone several times until she got to a new room. There was a big iron door on the opposite wall, with no apparent way to open it. The other walls were decorated with stone tentacles and women, and against another was a bookcase, filled with books that were drenched through and useless. There was also a throne to one side, with a dildo embedded in it. Above the throne was a desk, that looked to have things on it. Evelen walked over to the throne, looking up at the desk and trying to see what was on the desk. Vaguely she had the thought that maybe the dildo embedded in the chair had something to do with the door and how to open it, or maybe just getting something useful from the desk.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With a more close look, Evelen can see than the throne is conected to the desk and she is very far of this to try to take something from it without try to activate it using the strange seat. Both things looks to dont be conected directly to the door, but is her only clue to find something than could help her. The walls also look to be conected in some way to this strange throne and even a part of the floor looks a little odd
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hm. I don't really want to sit on this dildo, but it looks like I don't have a choice if I want to see what's on the desk. I wonder what hole it wants me to use? Evelen pondered, looking over the throne. It was definitely connected to the desk, and it also seemed to be connected to the walls, and maybe a little patch of floor in front of the throne. She stood there pondering for another moment, enjoying the fact that she wasn't desperately aroused for once, before carefully climbing onto the throne, straddling the dildo, but not putting it inside of her yet, to see if the thing would respond to her weight on the throne. Nothing happened after a while, so she bent over, straining herself a little to suckle on the tip of the dildo. She didn't want to kneel in front of it to get a better angle and really suck it for fear that the strange spot in front of the chair was a trap door of some kind. As she sucked and licked she heard a rumbling, the throne and desk shaking a little as the mechanism began to activate and the desk started to lower. The brunette tried to keep sucking it down, but soon got frustrated with the slow pace; it would take forever this way, and she probably wouldn't even be able to grab anything off it in her position. Slowly, reluctantly, she pulled her head away and began to lightly grind her slit against the dildo, rubbing her clit just enough to get herself wet enough to take penetration safely. She then lifted up, hovering over the dildo for a few moments before sinking slowly down on it, willing to ride it until she got whatever it was that the desk offered her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Once the dildo get inside her, Evelen notice how the toy manage to pleasure every inch of her walls without cause any pain, the ride turn into an interesting moment, as she make it get deep inside her with every thrust, the speargirl could feel some buldges caressing her honeyhole, slowly turning her wet enough to drench the chair with her fluids as she reach her climax, after a while the table reach the floor and she can see five options on it.

First there was a wine glass bottle, close her a dish with roasted meat protected by a magic rune remain in a perfect state, there also is a switch red button, a box and finally an old book. All were in some kind of weigh plates, so she could activate something taking one of them.

She is still paiting hard after the little climax and the dildo is still inside her, making her free a soft moan when she try to move her lower side.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen gasped out as she felt the dildo slide easily into her, just the perfect size to fit her pussy. She had sworn it had seemed a little bigger than this before she got it inside of her, but now it was stroking every part of her inner walls as she penetrated herself slowly, causing her no pain in the bargain. The desk continued to move down towards her, though, a little bit faster, and she started to ride the dildo in earnest, going deeper with each bounce. The brunette speargirl began to moan lewdly as she got to the bottom, feeling all the little bumps and nubs on the dildo’s surface rubbing against her sensitive flesh, a nice curl that hadn’t seemed to be there before pressing firmly against her g-spot as she hilted it inside of her. Finally, with a groaning cry, she arched her back and came, drenching the throne with her juices as the desk dropped the last little way in front of her.

Evelen closed her eyes briefly, sitting perfectly still as she was still penetrated to the hilt with the dildo, recovering from her orgasm. It felt good to do this without that horrible slime all over her, to be able to cum and not worry about losing her mind completely, or being utterly destroyed by some giant monster. She looked over the things on the desk carefully once she was somewhat normalized, finding 5 items, all with strange pressure plates under them. There was what looked like a bottle of wine there, next to a plate with roasted meat, protected by a magical rune that seemed to have kept the meal in pristine condition. Next to that was a red button, and then a box and an old book. There’s no way the food and drink isn’t a trap. The button… that may be a trap, but it may also open the door. The box might have something in it, and the old book might be helpful for Celesta. One of these things is surely connected to the walls, which I imagine will probably close in on me… Another might be a trapdoor opening. Still, I have to risk it she thought, pressing the button and waiting a few short seconds to see what it did. She would then try to take the box and the book, and if the door had opened she would try to get up off the dildo and get through the door, faster or slower depending on what kinds of traps had triggered.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Just when Evelen press the button, some iron shackles coming from her seat trap her legs and the arm throne grapple her body, even then she tried to take her gun or sword, but she just can reach them, then the dildo start to move, thrusting hard on her already wet hole, even if she tried to squirm, she just cant do more than try to take something more from the desk. Meanwhile the now living toy get more deep inside her, nearly reaching her womb, as it press softly her walls like a glove, just when she is close to cum, she notice how the door start to react and just as she cum, it open only a pair of inches.

By mistake her hands touch the box and the book, what cause than two passages start to open in the walls, she cant see any danger at them and the chair looks to want to continue for a long time in order to open the door. Without doubt Evelen could get free of this thing using her power, but the door could remain closed.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

When Evelen pressed the button, iron shackles lashed out from the seat, attaching her legs to the throne, securing her upper body partially, and grabbing her right arm; she managed to keep her left arm out of its grasp. Just as suddenly the dildo began to move on its own, thrusting hard into her sopping cunt. For the moment she didn’t try to squirm away, trying to evaluate her situation without doing anything drastic. In the desperate attempt to keep her left arm free she had brushed the book and box off of their weights, causing two passages to open in the walls. This made her panic a little bit, but she couldn’t see anything dangerous in them. The dildo throne was thrusting even deeper inside of her now, causing her to moan out lewdly as it began to just barely tap her cervix at the end of each stroke, filling her up nice and full, the bumps and ridges that covered it rubbing against all of her sensitive inner flesh. It was very good, and it was rapidly building her pleasure to a second peak.

It was good she had taken so much time to get there, because it had given her mind some time to recover from her intense fucking before, getting her back to normal. Otherwise this would be very, very dangerous. The brunette could feel herself close to orgasm again, and noticed that the door was starting to react. As she came hard she bit her lip, trying to stifle her noises now that there were passages open in the walls, and watched as the door opened… ever so slightly. She groaned inwardly, realizing it would take forever to open the door, and quite a lot of orgasms. Her juices were already leaking down the throne, and she closed her eyes tight, trying to focus on things other than the pleasure. Her family, for instance, which was always a standby in these situations. She decided she would let the dildo use her until the door was open just barely enough for her to squeeze through, and then grab the book and box for keeps and use her magic to help her get out of the throne and up off the dildo.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Resist the continuous pleasure was not an easy task for Evelen, even when her mind has recovered from that pityful state, her libido and inhibitions had changed permanently, but at least they dont affect her.

The throne maintain her in place, thrusting every time more hard and faster, her peaks are faster and stronger, but even then she has dont lost any part of her mind, but this get worse when she notice something pressing her rear hole, easily she suppose than a new member will use her, an instant later it get inside her and once again there is not pain, it looks than after all the sex in her adventure, her body has been getting used to anal sex until the point to feel nearly as a second pussy. Both dicks get on Rythm and one is inside every time, some moans escape of her and after cum for what looks hours, the throne's arm start to caress her breasts, her belly growl by the continue food smell and the wine looks better after lost too much sex juices and sweat.

The time passed and the door is finally wide enough to let her get inside with a little of problem. Nothing has getting out of the passages, but this throne feels each moment more lively than before, just then Evelen decide to use her magic but she miss cast it, now she can try a last time in her tired and hungry state, but she will be out of energy and if fail she will maybe stay there for a long time.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Resisting was hard for Evelen, but she was quite capable of it. She had learned all sorts of little tricks during her time in the EGG, and had trained hard to resist arousal. Still, this was a pretty powerful “trap.” The throne held what it had of her tightly in place, thrusting faster and harder with each orgasm she had. It was driving her to her peak quicker and quicker each time, too, the thick and bumpy dildo quite effective at its job. With a start she felt another one prodding at her rear hole, and she began to get a little bit worried; this could start to get out of hand, and soon. The new dildo penetrated her easily, stuffing her ass pleasantly full without any pain, the big, thick member rubbing firmly against the one in her pussy through her thin inner walls. She had taken it up the ass so many times in this game that her rectum resisted penetration only a little bit more than her cunt by now, and it still felt so good. In a brief moment of concentration lapse she wondered if she would be able to cum just from anal now.

The animated dildos got into an alternating rhythm quickly, pounding Evelen fast and hard, her lower body always stuffed by the throne from one end or the other. She was cumming maybe a minute or less after coming down from the previous orgasm by now, the door opening by incredibly small degrees with each peak. It felt like she was there for hours, but it surely wasn’t that long before the arms of the throne began to caress her breasts. The food being so close to her wasn’t helping at all, and her stomach was starting to growl. She knew she couldn’t eat it, though, no matter how much she wanted to. Finally the brunette saw that the door was wide enough for her purposes, and she tried to cast her spell, but she came just beforehand, breaking her concentration. She knew that she would only get one more shot before it had its way with her for as long as it wanted, so she tried to wait and time it so that she would have enough time to get the spell off before another blow to her concentration.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The torture machine just dont let to Evelen to focus the enough to cast her spell again, she was many times close to use her remaining energy but at the end she manage to stop herself when she notice than she would be unable to finish it. As the time run, the throne show new tricks to Evelen, growing her arousament more and more at the point of dont be able to cast her spell for a long time.

The thrusts get every time better and just when Evelen expected than this could not be worse, the dildos start to vibrate inside her as they continue their thrusts, as more time pass, the vibration get in the whole chair, making her have a lewd relax moment, her needs to fight slowly leave her and she just cant remember how much time she has been there as her stomach demand to eat the delicious food in front of her, the throne start to have like if it have live and his moves are more skilled when her breasts are pleasured without stop, soon even her clitoris dont escape of this and a little object than she cant see start to pinch, caress and stroke it. Drolling and fighting to dont give up, Evelen decide to try a last time without get worried of fail, her mind nearly start to fall apart again, but then her spell manage to reach at time and a explosion free her of that place, the throne get seriously damaged but thanks to all the energy taken from her still remain in shape to be used, however the desk has been destroyed and the food is now at the floor, then the floor start to get open, who know what will get out from that place. Now tired and close to fall uncouncious for the food need, Evelen must decide which path she must choice.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen tried her best to focus on her spell, but the devious throne didn’t give her nearly enough time. She was made to orgasm again and again, always a bit before she would have been able to cast her spell, each peak more powerful than the last. She came down a little less each time as well, her pleasure floor raised a little higher each time the machine made her cum. The thrusts felt so good, her pussy and her ass stuffed so perfectly full, the little bumps and nubs on the dildos stroking all of the most sensitive areas inside of her as they stopped just short of going too deep to be comfortable. The arms of the throne were even playing with her breasts rather skillfully, groping them firmly and pinching her nipples just hard enough to send shocks of pleasure running through her. She though it couldn’t get worse for her concentration, right up until the dildos began to vibrate inside of her.

Evelen groaned out in frustration before cumming hard, her back arching as much as it could while restrained so. This was bad; she was starting to feel way too good, and the orgasms were starting to come entirely too quickly for her to try and get her spell off between them. Another two orgasms, and her juices were literally running down off the chair into a puddle at her feet. If she hadn’t gone through so many sexual experiences and so much training, her mind would probably already have turned to mush. Suddenly the whole throne began to vibrate along with the thick members inside of her, and she laid her head back on it as her eyes rolled back into her head briefly. The massage was very relaxing, and quite lewd at the same time, driving her to another quick and intense peak before regained her will to fight it again.

Evelen couldn’t tell how much time had passed now, no idea how many times she had cum, and she was so incredibly aroused and hungry from the meal hovering right in front of her nose. She shuddered as she felt another piece of the throne pinch her clit gently, rubbing and stroking it with some measure of skill, and almost instantly had her most powerful orgasm of the encounter. The brunette’s mouth was hanging open, drool dribbling out of the corner of her mouth and running down her chin and onto her chest as she fought to retain her sanity. She could feel herself losing the battle, that one more peak would break her mind again, but she focused as hard as she could; her mind was briefly drawn to the memory of her training with the headmistress, of performing a spell while sucking off the giant minotaur while the two girls pleasured her, and even if it had been difficult she had managed it. She could surely do it now, when it counted for something, right?

Sure enough, Evelen pulled the spell off at the last moment possible, an explosion disabling the machine and freeing her of the restraints. The throne was damaged, but not so much that it wouldn’t work in the future if she wanted it to. The desk, however, was destroyed, the food she was drooling over laying on the floor now. She almost wanted to get down on hands and knees and eat it off the ground, dirty though it doubtlessly was, but even hungry as she was she managed to keep from doing so. Of course, now the trapdoor in the floor was beginning to open, and she really didn’t want to figure out what was coming out of that. She got up off the dildos carefully, gathering up the book and box if they were still intact, and began to move as quickly as she could towards the door, pulling the gun out of the pack again to defend herself in case she ran into anything. Surely there wasn’t anything behind the door, though, since it hadn’t come after her despite all the noise that had been coming from both the opening door and her own mouth, and if it wanted to trap her, surely the dildo throne was a good enough trap…
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen take the box and the book, she can see some damage in the last, but she dont have time to check them, as what is bellow the floor could take the chance to catch her. With all in her backpack, Evelen take her old gun and get inside the room, her body is so weak by her needs of eat something, as her last food was the delicious cum from the cave monster tentacles and she is not sure how much time has passed from that moment. Nude, filled of sweat and affected by all her many orgasms she see herself in front of a huge room, a strange tree filled with fruit is close what looks to be a garden desk, over the desk rest a plate with an half eaten cake and what looks to be a cup of tea and a milk jar, around the table is a beatifull little garden and at a corner the meatwall has reached to break the stone wall completely, the cum smell is welcome again by the speargirl and she nearly dont notice many lively female statues and even a dry fountain at the huge room. There is also a stair at the right and an iron door in front of her. Suddenly a sound come from the throne room, it dont looks to get close her for now.

[Evelen is very exausted and hungry, this could affect her in the close future]
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen saw that the items she had wanted to protect had been damaged somewhat, though she didn't have time to check it out more thoroughly, lest whatever was coming out of the floor catch her. When she had everything in her backpack she took out the old gun and ran into the room the dildo throne had opened to her, feeling quite weak and tired from lack of food and the long sex session she'd just been through. She found herself in a huge room then, with a strange fruit tree next to a desk that had a half-eaten cake sitting on it, alongside a cup of tea and milk. There was a beautiful garden near the desk, and on the other side a fountain with many statues of women much like the one at the fork in the path earlier. As for exits, there was an iron door in front of her, and a stairwell to her right. The hungry brunette quickly ran over to the fruit tree, picking a number of the fruits, but not eating them just yet, storing them away before moving towards the stairs, as she heard the sound of something in the throne room, though it didn't seem to be getting closer. She figured she needed to go upward anyway, and it would be easier to defend herself if her enemy had to go up a pair of stairs. If she got some time, though, she would have to eat something, probably the old rations she had found.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Nothing stopped Evelen from take the fruit, even when the tea looks to still be warm she looks to be alone with only the creature who has escaped from the hole of the floor at the other room.

Soon she leave using the stairs and find herself in a old corridor, mark of deep slashes on the walls and nearly dried blood marks show her than a battle happened here a time ago, even then the swordswoman is completely out of energy to try to leave and after find a dark safe coner she eat one of the old odd rations as fast as she can, calming her empty stomach, this is the first time than she pass hungry and she only have others two rations in her backpack. After take the ration she see the clothes and decide it to wear it. They looks to be of a male, they are a little big for her, but this clothes have a belt and they can be adjust a little to her body, even when she is completely drenched in dried cum and slime, she dress herself and take a moment to restore her energy. She notice a path filled with fine cuts at the wall and what looks to be thrash at some feets, there is other two passages, a dark one and other with some purple crystals.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen didn’t have any problem taking the fruit, and as she stuffed it in her pack she noticed that oddly enough, the tea seemed to be warm. It was like all of this had been in use just minutes before she had arrived, and yet she saw no other evidence of anyone but herself being there. Her and whatever was in the throne room, that is. When she got up the stairs she found herself in an old corridor, the walls marked up with deep slashes and covered in blood that wasn’t quite dried yet. The brunette shivered, wondering if Teresa had been through here already. She had more pressing concerns for the moment, though, namely that her belly was so empty that she was about to collapse. She found a dark corner of the corridor that seemed relatively safe and pulled out one of the old rations, wolfing it down quickly. She sighed, feeling her rumbling stomach calm down slowly, and looked into the backpack again for the clothes. They were strange and foreign, something one might have found in China a couple of centuries ago she thought, and they were definitely for a man who was a bit taller and bulkier than she was. Still, it had a belt, and she cinched it up tight enough that it fit, more or less. It felt good to be clothed again, even though she was covered in dried cum and slime underneath the uniform. When she was ready she looked at the various paths that were open to her, finding three of them. She was most interested in the one that was covered in little cuts, that seemed to have trash up ahead. Evelen thought one of the others might have been through that way to cause such damage to the walls, so she would walk that way with gun in hand, ready to investigate the trash and move on deeper.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen dont even take a moment to taste the food, maybe it really was passed, but for her this could be the safest thing than she could eat now and thanks to her really hungry state she even dont bother for this. Once sattled, she get up and follow the damaged path, the blood and cuts on the floor and walls continued for a long time, she then take a moment to see the trash looks to be only some broken statues and wall fragnents, the statue fragment were filled with blood and then Evelen heard something getting close her, the dark corridor give her the enough light to notice a strange creature shape crawling at the ceiling, the strange creature nearly dont make any noise as only his powerfull claws give to the swordswoman the alert when little pieces of the ceiling fall on the floor.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen really did feel a lot better now that she had some food in her belly and some clothes on her back, and she got up and walked carefully down the pathway with the damaged wall, clutching her gun carefully. She had fired a gun before in the real world, though not necessarily a handgun, and definitely not in any sort of combat situation. Still, she hoped it translated. The floors were covered in blood, the walls cut all to pieces, and the brunette found that the trash on the ground was mostly broken statue fragments and pieces of the walls, both covered with blood. Suddenly she heard something, though she wasn’t sure what. Something hitting the floor… she quickly realized that it was bits of the ceiling, and looked up to find a strange creature crawling almost silently along the ceiling. She quickly raised her gun, aiming it as carefully as she could at its head before pulling the trigger, hoping to kill it before it even knew she was alerted to its presence.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Even with her low shooting experience manage a lucky shoot than even when it dont kill the creature, it make it fall and get maybe a serious second wound. The bullet really was at least twice bigger than a classic modern gun, even a little dust clow get out of the old weapon, with the huge proyectil, the monster nearly lost the function of an arm.

Evelen have the chance to shoot again and with a stunned foe, her shoot dont miss again, making a deep wound of the monster chest, however the creature growl and get up to jump over Evelen before she could attack again. The monster looks to be an humanoid dark creature, his feral abobination head get in front of Evelen eyes, this was really a creepy moment for the swordswoman who can feel his sharp claws pressing hard enough to cut a little her fless and clothes.

Evelen have a wound and have a -1 to attack and escape of the grapple
Monster have 2 wounds but it have a -2 in all rolls.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Despite Evelen’s limited experience with firearms, her first shot hit home not far from where she was aiming. The bullet was much larger than any she had ever seen before, and it slammed into the creature’s shoulder with enough force to knock it to the ground, wounding it even more that way. The gun had quite a bit of recoil, much more than she was expecting, though she managed to keep the barrel of the gun from slamming her nose and even got off a second shot, which hit the creature square in the chest. It wasn’t quite dead yet, though, and it rushed at her, grabbing her with a clawed hand. He seemed to have lost most of the use of his other arm from Evelen’s first shot, which made her smirk at him despite his terrifying face. "Fuck you" she spat at him, pointing the gun at his chest and pulling the trigger again.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The shot was muffed by how close the gun was on the monster, even the young woman feel the impact when the bulled pass and explode inside the monster body with a huge streng than Evelen was worried than her weapon could be damaged. After a sudden yelp, the creature just roll away and start to writhing in agony. Evelen was not sure if this has been enough, but she has already used three bullets on this creature.