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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I have no interest in fighting one of the most powerful slavers in the area. This place isn't so bad. And there's plenty of adventure here in this house. Always adventure. She sat quietly for a bit, and waited for one of the others to say something, lost in thought.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

hm... you know how they said if a door get closed a window is open, maybe we could take that key later Darius said trying to make her feel better, there was another key isnt, im sure than i will found the place where is before you return

Suzanne went whit her aunt and caress her after feel her sadness when she heard the notice of her town, Teresa just hug her and fondle the hair of the little hair.

Hmm, maybe we could talk to the person in charge of the capital for their help, im sure that if we said them about the keys they will help us, i guess.

I doubt it you must take care to who said that kind of information Said the man serious and moving his head to the sides
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sat and listened, and was a little bit conflicted. Part of her wanted to press on, and another part of her wanted to stay here and raise her little girl. And train her slaves, of course. I don't know if I want to get mixed up with powerful people anyway. Monsters are one thing, humans are another she said, thinking about a town filled with slavers.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Darius and Celesta stoped the conversation, Her slave hugged her, as the man sit in a closest chair Sigh... dont worry i will go to the city close that little town named Fayum, there i will get information about the persons in charge and if they could support our cause, but only if you want to still collect the keys, you dont need to worry about the slavers anymore. Also, if i found the ruins were the other key is, will you go?

Im sorry Evelen, we can live in peace here without worry about anything more, we even dont need of the money or go to any quest, everyone will be happy here. the plan girl said careesing the head of Evelen, as Darius wait her answer worried than she could just give up and live here when she could free the people of this cursed place.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... Find the information, and that'll give me a little time to think about it, okay? I know how helpful it would be to people to be able to get out of this place, but... I have a family to think about too. She sighed began pondering the options, but she wasn't likely to come up with an answer right at the moment.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I understand, well i will go there now, we will meet again in front of the principal door of the capital in a week, just look for a soldier named Braveheart and say my name to that soldier only, you could be in danger if another person heard it.

Darius take his backpack and went then to the door without said goodbye. For some reason he also start to think to start a family in this house, but he had to much foes and things to do, all of the girls will had more peacefull days if he dont stay here.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright, we can do that Evelen said, calling after him goodbye! She sat in silence for a while before asking the others so... Do we try to find the keys? Or do we stay here?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

i dont want to be raped other 100 years, lets just stay here.i love this place. Said Celesta as try to go to confort her mistress but then the firm voice of Teresa make her stop.

I cant do that, too much people give the live to find these keys, many more is being raped or suffer of hungry in the little towns, some are turned into monsters or loss the freedom and the persons who dont had nothing just turn into slavers. These keys are the last hope for these lands, we cant just throw them in a closet, as we live in this temporal paradise. Teresa had teard drops in her eyes filled with courage and indignity after heard the answer of her sister.

But... but we dont need to go to others ruins alone, we escaped of the last by luck said the plant girl with fear.

Call it luck, for my it was the destiny, Evelen lets go to our town, there you will see the answer, in the face of the people of Fayum
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen listened and nodded. Alright, we'll see what your hometown is like now. Maybe that'll help me decide.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The event passed and all returned to their routine before went to the house of Mitsuko, after all Teresa still needed another day to recover herself. So, after Teresa end to clean with the help of Celesta as they discussed about the topic of the keys, Suzanne went where was her mother Dont worry Mama, Suzanne will get stronger and protect you the girl try to comfort her mother and just get closer to her waiting the hug. Then they dressed with their formal dresses and went to the farm of Mitsuko, the time nearly end and Suzanne need to learn more before start the trip to the town.

Unfortunately, they went inside the house of the cow girl when she was cleaning the house naked, she was with her ass up cleaning below the table with a rag.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen smiled and hugged Suzanne, and then got ready to head to Mitsuko's house to continue their lessons. Time was short, after all. Of course, when they got there the cow girl was cleaning her house, naked as the day she was born. Evelen couldn't help but give her a little smack on her raised ass and say time for reading lessons, Mitsuko.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

MooMitsuko get surprised and hit the table with her head, makind the things over the table fall on the floor, she touch her head feeling other "horn" in it, she sob and make a bow Good... mmmoorning Mistress, imm ready to...continue [/color]

In the instant Teresa use her hands to cover the eyes of Suzanne and Celesta. Miss Mitsuko put your clothes, please! the cow girl move away of the table and look around then she pointed outsided i, i was themmnhhh, they are... wet Teresa said to both girls to close the eyes and then lift the cow girl over her shouders who only left out a cute mooo?

look this is like the other, use it.... hmm is more small, but at least cover you, ok lets go, dont touch you there.

Both returned with the others, the uniform was the same but the panty of the costume press the neithers of Mitsuko and when she pull it her niples are exposed making her very ashamed
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa is so funny. Evelen couldn't help but giggle, and when she walked out with the now sort-of dressed Mitsuko she said Teresa, it's really not that big of a deal if they see a little nudity you know. And it's not like that outfit covers much. She stuck her tongue out playfully and took the hands of her daughter and slave, and took them off to their reading lessons.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

its for her own good, she need to be dressed in case than a man come to see her...sigh, oh forget it, i will try to make her a dress when we return from the town Teresa said trying to calm herself, she had to remember that the girl ussualy dont had visits.

The trio go out to the stable, were they go always to give classes, its a quiet place without bugs or any creature, they use lamps to illuminate the place and there are many chairs and a desk, even a blackboard who was used by Henry to give her clasess before left her. Evelen continue in the chapter 5 where they had leave yesterday, as always Suzanne is the best and learn as the light compared with the speed of Mitzuko... but for some reason she was very fast compared with the others days, at the end of the class she had learned twice than the others days together, she even had the time to break the panty who was hurting her all the time, exposing her honeyhole at the air, making her feel a great relief showing it with a smile and her tail moving to everywhere.

Then the class of magic started there and Mitzuko this time stay as she dont had to much work left in the fields, after her fifth intent a light bright iluminate the stable and the first magic get out the body of Suzanne direct where Mitzuko was watching, her clothes get repaired and were like new, unfortunately the pressure was more and the cow girl make a scream of pain as she fall and roll in the floor Mooooooo! it hurts moooo

Suzanne learn magic 0
Heal= cure and also repair clothes who are not completely destroyed or were desintegrated.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The classes went really well. Suzanne was learning quite fast, and even Mitsuko was doing quite well in studies compared to the other days. Evelen nodded approvingly when the cow girl ripped her panties; the idea of forcing her to wear them even though they were clearly at least four sizes too small just seemed so unkind. There's whipping her, and then there's actually torturing her... She started up on the magic lessons again, and today went much better than yesterday had. After a number of tries, Suzanne managed to cast Heal, and Evelen hugged and said good job, Suzanne, mama is so proud of you. Of course, she then noticed what the girl had cast heal on; Mitsuko's panties. She couldn't help but laugh as her cow girl slave rolled around on the ground in pain. Poor Mitsuko, Suzanne is just her natural enemy, with the best of intentions. She walked over to the suffering cow girl and gingerly pulled the panties down around her ankles, saying it's okay, you don't have to wear these.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne was very happy to had maked her mother proud, but the scream of Mitsuko change her attention, she dont know what to do and just scratch her head, her mother at least know it and quickly free the cow girl of the "torture panty" Thank you Master, thank you very mmmmuch the girl said sobing until saw Suzanne coming closer, she started to temble and said i, i,..i.... need to go... to work, excuse ...mmmme Master she said with a bow as run away to the field yarn. Mitsuko is fine? said the girl with a finger in her mouth and moving her body a little to the sidesvery worried by her friend.

After all that she went where her aunt Celesta was practice with the bow and in a pair of minutes a loud scream fill the full farm.

Teresa get out the farm with a knife and run where the scream come Oh no, Teresa! Resist i will save you Evelen also was there and all saw the poor plant girl with a little shirt instead of her usual bra, she was not able to breat until her sister use her knife to free her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Mitsuko is fine Evelen said, she just... her clothes were a little too tight. She's fine now. The scream surprised her, and she ran to the source of it just in time to see Teresa cut Celesta free of a shirt that was entirely too tight for her, cutting off her air supply. I think you need to find a happy medium she told the plant girl, something between your usual clothes and that tiny little thing. Maybe when we get back Teresa can make you something a little more reasonable, but that would... compact you... enough that the bow would be easier to use.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The plant girl take a time to recover her breath and said This was my bra, we need to talk with Suzanne to dont use magic like that, she could hurt someone The poor little girl was scared behind a tree, she from there said i...im sorry aunt Celesta, please forgive Suzanne, Suzanne dont wil use that anymore she start to cry thinking about what she had done.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

You can shrink clothing? That's sort of cool. Not sure how useful it is though. Maybe if I lost some weight all my clothes would still fit. Still, don't do it unless the other person asks you to, okay?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne nodded and Teresa return to the kitchen to end the food.

I nearly had it, i just need to put the bow away of my breasts, its realy hard, but i will had it in the morning, unless we use the time for other thing, mistress She said at the end with a smile and all then when to eat the last dinner before go out the protection of the lonely ranch.

Evelen wonder herself if they where ready to go out.