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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Hearing a small growl from her stomach, Iliana approves of Nina's suggestion. "We should, we forgot to eat properly at the shack before we left. I'm curious about the kitsune cooking as well, so better take this opportunity to have something." the mistress replies, taking the group with her towards the house next door.

"Oh, that little episode. Don't worry about it, it was hilarious to see her go all preachy on me, and it is true what she said. That could've had disasterous results if it were a more hostile territory." Iliana replies to Nina's apologies, petting the green-haired girl's head as they walk in to the supposed warehouse. "Pardon my intrusion, but we are supposed to have some food over here?" the mistress calls out as the enter. Looks like they have arrived at a good time, since the kitsune they previously saw is there looking over a pot of stew, stirring it cautiously. He turns his gaze up to the newcomers soon after. "This is the place for that yes. Sit down over there, I'll get to you in a second." Sakamoto tells them, pointing them towards a ring of cushions on the floor nearby. They all sit down, bowls flying out from a nearby shelf as the male kitsune guides them with his other hand. Everyone gets a bowl in their hands, followed by a pair of chopsticks. A few minutes of waiting later, Sakamoto lifts the pot up from it's hook with his magic, hovering it alongside him as he joins them in the feast. Floating the pot over to the others, he let's everyone fill their bowls with another flying kitchen implement before planting the pot on the center of the ring. "If you want more, just tell me."

The contents of the stew looked a bit strange, but the taste was good.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was famished after not having eaten anything all day, and quickly scarfed down her first bowl.

"Mmm, very savory. It's nice! May I have some more please, Sakamoto?" She held up her bowl towards the male kitsune with a smile on her face. She received the second portion with a bob of her head and a thanks before starting in on it only slightly slower than the first.

"Heehee! It's so nice to relax after all the traveling we've been doing," she said to no one in particular, the food having put her in a good mood. She began to chat about kitsune foods with Sakamoto, and then asked Iris if this was the sort of food she had been used to eating before coming to live with the Lady Einzbern. She inquired of Iliana as well to see if her mistress was enjoying the food. In general, she tried to lead an amicable conversation throughout the meal.

Towards the end of the meal, Nina asked an important question that had been weighing on her mind. "If Ranya-sama opposes the rogue kitsunes, why hasn't there been a confrontation between your village and the other kitsune? Do you not attack your own?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The mealtime goes as nicely as Nina wished it to go. Sakamoto is open about the style of his cooking, despite his gruff-looking exterior, explaining some things about the kitsune way of making food from mostly fresh ingridients. The mistress is enjoying her stew bowl, remarking about the bold new flavors as she's never tasted something like this before. Iris nods back to the question, most likely having eaten a resemblng meal before in her younger days.

"Hrm, Ranya-sama tries to keep up peaceful ways among us kitsune, she doesn't wish to use violence, even against the rogues unless it is necessary. Our numbers are twindling because the rogues keep abandoning the villages, so she sees it better to try and reason some of them back." Sakamoto tells Nina, finishing his second bowl afterwards.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"But what is the rogues' ultimate game? Do they intend to brainwash us all into serving them like they tried to do with Momi?" Nina asked, concerned.

"Ranya wouldn't let that happen would she?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Ranya-sama might be a pacifist, but she's not a fool. If that seems to be the plan they are having, she will not hold back against the ones she knows are involved in this scheme. We just don't have any active lookout parties or such, there's plenty of things to keep most of us busy at the homefront. If you move our with her, expect to see her release her considerable magic at any rogues you come across." Sakamoto replies, something resembling concern on his canine features


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Are you worried for her, Sakamoto?" Nina asked, registering the concern in his voice and in his eyes.

She thought that Ranya would have to have a loyal following, considering the great power that she wielded. She wondered if the powerful kitsune had taken for herself a mate amongst these kitsune males.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The male kitsune sighs, looking down into his empty bowl as he speaks. "Of course I am, everyone here in the village is. She's the best leader we've had in a long time, but going against her own kin is weighting on her mind. I'm not sure what could happen if she's pushed too hard on the matter."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded. "From the perspective of non-kitsune's like us, who don't want to be enslaved or mistreated, she's doing the right thing by opposing those who want to wield power inappropriately. She should not feel bad for doing what is morally right... Has she managed to convince any of the rogues to reconsider their ways?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Only a few. Personally I think she knows she's doing the right thing, but still feels bad for going against her own kind." Sakamoto contines their discussion, flipping the lid off from a nearby barrel with his magic. Once everyone is finished with their meals, he guides all the bowls and sticks inside the barrel, no dobt containing water as small splashes can be heard when the bowls enter it.

Standing back up, Sakamoto says the groups should go see if Ranya was was ready with her preparations. Iliana nods back at him, thanking the kitsune for this unique food experience before going out with the crew. They take Sakamoto's advice, entering back into Ranya's house to find the beautiful fox-woman putting finishing touches on room-sized magic circle on the floot.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina thanked Sakamoto for the meal in a likewise fashion, and then followed her mistress and the others back to Ranya's chambers, where she saw the large magical circle being drawn on the floor.

"Do you think she will teleport us back to the portal, my lady?" Nina whispered to Iliana.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I believe so, for a mage of her status that should be an easy enough spell, especially with this level of preparation" the mistress replies, looking somewhat impressed at the level of intricacy used in the circle. With the last lines drawn, Ranya turns back to the crew. "No, I can't transport us to the portal as I've never been there. But we can get close enough. Teleportation is partially dependant on the user's familiarity with the destination. Now, if you'd get inside the circle.."

Once everyone is inside the magical boundary, Ranya starts to utter words of power, making the circle glow brighter with each syllable. With the final word, a puff of smoke briefly engulfs the. But once the smoke clears, the familiar sound of the huge waterfall can be heard as the entire group finds themselves at the base of the mountain path. "Now, It's up to you people to guide me." Ranya tells them, her ears once again doing random movements as she speaks.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded to the kitsune once they were back at the waterfall.

"Allow me to guide you, Lady Ranya," Nina said, hesitating only a moment to ask Iliana in a hushed tone "With my mistress' permission?"

Assuming Iliana granted her leave to scout ahead, Nina would move to the front of the group. "It's up ahead, behind the great waterfall. We'll be there shortly. Mind your step. These rocks can be slippery. You don't want to fall into the water..."

She eyed Iris as she said that last bit, before leading the party onwards, back to the portal.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Sure, go ahead." the mistress replies, seeing nothing wrong with the girl' suggestion.

The group move up the rocky path, making their way towards the portal site. As she scouts some distance away from the rest of the group, Nina can eventually spot the portal, with five kitsune leading a pair of ogres throught the shimmering gateway, the kitsune themselves remain behind.

The rest of her group seems to aware of them as well, as Ranya goes past Nina with a determined pace, a sudden burst of power from her nearly knocking the girl of her feet. As the foxwoman closes towards the site, her golden aura has grown to massive proportions. The rest of the crew following after her, Ranya addresses the rogues in their own language. A short exchange of words follows, but the rogues nonetheless raise their staffs against the group, the rogue leader barking a few orders to his lackeys as combat is about to ensue.

"They are beyond reason, we'll need to fight them. Focus on the seven-tailed one, he's the leader." Ranya tells the rest of the group with a now-echoing voice as she backs towards them.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Drawing her steel sword and bearing her shield in front of her, Nina charged towards the seven-tailed kitsune, intent upon delivering an uppercut blow with the swing of her sword, hoping it would knock the fox villain backwards and interrupt any spells he was casting.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

22 vs 6 crit | 13 vs 23 | 8 vs 7 | 4 vs 20 counter
21 vs 22 | 4 vs 19 counter | 17 vs 7 | 9 vs 11 | 16 vs 19 / 16 vs 8

Nina's charge is a success, the girl's shield blocking the seven-tailer's force blast before her uppercut slash slices deep into the leader's flesh, making him reel backwards.

Momi and Iris sprint forward behind her, Momi quickly lowering herself to a ducking position and raising the shield up over her head to give Iris a platform to leap from. The blind warrior does exactly that, soaring through the air to land behind the kitsune leader and cut the fox on his shoulder during the jump. Momi tries to quickly follow up, but her attack is thwarted as the lead mage bonks her over the head with his heavy staff. Iliana's arrow goes wide, breaking against the cliff-face behind them. Finally, Ranya finishes invoking a spell, everyone in the party getting a golden glow as she boosts them with her considerable power.

The rogues fire back with their own powers, one of them firing a web at Ranya and Iliana holding themselves at the rear lines. The mistress gets tangled in the gooey strands, but Ranya is quick to shift her position with a teleport step to avoid getting stuck. The other three lackeys don't really manage to get any results, one of them just barely hitting Iris with a force push, another getting a swipe from Momi that interrupts it's spell. The entire group teleports to a safer spot afterwards, the minions forming a defensive perimeter in front of their leader, as they prepare for the coming battle a bit better.

(Nina's party is under Ranya's Guidance, giving them a +5 on attack and defense rolls) Nina 6/6 FP 0/10 AP Iliana 7/7 FP 0/10 AP (webbed, -2 on attacks, can't move) Iris 3/4 FP 0/10 AP Momi 4/5 FP 0/10 AP Ranya 20/20 FP 42/50 MP 0/10 AP
Kitsune leader 10/13 HP Beast-type A Kitsune A 5/6 HP Beast-type B Kitsune B 6/6 HP Human-like Kitsune A 7/7 HP Human-like Kitsune B 5/5 HP
Last edited:


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Momi! Iris! Let's go!"

Feeling the surge of power radiating from herself and her companions, Nina didn't want to waste a moment of it, racing towards the defensive kitsune line.

"We'll have to break our way through!" She yelled as she saw how the kitsune had repositioned themselves. At least they had forced them to drain a bit of their powers with a teleport spell... any magic not used against herself and the others was appreciated.

As she approached the front line, standing across from the Beast Type A Kitsune, she faked a step right, only to twirl quickly left, generating speed for her sword swing, which was leveled at the kitsune's head.

She knew that Momi and Iris would follow in and do their best. Hopefully they'd whittle down this support group quickly and find themselves next to the kitsune leader.

Iliana would get herself out of the webbing soon and Ranya would continue to aid them with support magic.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

21 vs 18 | 4 vs 7 | 18 vs 14 | 20 vs 12 | 19 vs 4/12/8/8/7
14 vs 27 | 16 vs 9 | 14 vs 20 | 18 vs 12 | 16 vs 13/28

Nina leads the charge of the trio, each girl easily hitting their targets with Ranya's supporting spell aiding guiding their hands. Both Nina and Iris hit the same rogue, their attacks making him miss hiss own energy blast. Momi cuts into the other beast-kitsune, her huge blade giving the creature a nast wound across the chest. Iliana struggles against the webbing, but the sticky strands are too strong for the mistress. Ranya switches from support to offense, firing a barrage of energy blasts, each of the five blasts hitting a different opponent.

The leader aims a strange pinkins beam at Ranya, but doesn't manage to get even close with his spell. Momi and Nina get battered with force blasts, Iris sidestepping the one aimed at her. Finally the other human-type fires a second web, still nowhere near Ranya, but Iliana gets additional sheets of webbing on her. Now impeded even further, the mistress can be heard cursing in a half-voice

(Guidance) Nina 6/6 FP 0/10 AP Iliana 7/7 FP 0/10 AP ( badly webbed, -4 on attacks, -2 on escapes, can't move) Iris 3/4 FP 0/10 AP Momi 4/5 FP 0/10 AP Ranya 20/20 FP 42/50 MP 0/10 AP
Kitsune leader 9/13 HP Beast-type A Kitsune A 2/6 HP Beast-type B 4/6 HP Human-like Kitsune A 6/7 HP Human-like Kitsune B 4/5 HP


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Help me finish this one Iris!" Nina said as she swung and lashed out at the wounded Beast Type that she had previously been attacking. She wanted to take these enemies down as swiftly as possible, one by one.

(Continue the attack)
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

10 vs 7 | 13 vs 8 | 19 vs 2 | 24 vs 20 | 28 vs 20
17 vs 10 | 12 vs 12 | 21 vs 18

The blind girl is on the same wavelenght with Nina, the two of them executing a beautiful cross-strike at the same target, slaying the first of the rogue kitsune. Momi keeps her sword guided towards the same kitsune she was previously aiming at, mercilessly wailing at the second beast-type as her blade cuts another gap parallel to the previous.

Iliana manages to somehow free herself from the worst of the webbing, a fair amount of the sticky goo still covering her magnificent form as she prepares to fire her bow. Ranya is starting to show off her magical ability, a beam of sickening green bolt of energy erupting from her outstretched hand. The magical shot hits the human-type kitsune that's been webbing Iliana up, the thing starting to claw at it's body as disgusting green liquid starts to pour out from its orifices. As more of the vile spurts erupt from it's body, the kitsune collapses into a heap, the skin left intact as its insides rot and flow away.

The lead kitsune teleports to a safe spot once more, preparing another spell before the shift. Once safely back, he releases the spell, a golf ball-sized lump of vegetation hitting Nina's side with considerable force. The plant matter sticks to Nina's clothes, a burst of thin vines erupting from the ball before she can attempt to pull it away. The vines attempt to restrain her, tugging at her arms with surprising strenght. The remaining beast-type capitalises, pushing the struggling girl back with a hand shrouded in pink energy. Nina can feel her body warm up a considerable degree, naughty images coming to her mind from the arousing touch. The remaining human-type attempts the same on Momi, but the wolfgirl is faster than the kitsune, sticking her shield between them.

(Guidance) Nina 4/6 FP 4/10 AP (Vine Curse, entangled, -2 on attacks) Iliana 7/7 FP 0/10 AP Iris 3/4 FP 0/10 AP Momi 3/5 FP 0/10 AP Ranya 20/20 FP 32/50 MP 0/10 AP
Kitsune leader 9/13 HP Beast-type B 3/6 HP Human-like Kitsune A 6/7 HP


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)


Nina was caught off guard by the vine curse and it distracted her for a crucial moment, enough for one of the kitsunes to touch her with his glowing pink hand.

The green haired girl fought to stay standing as a sudden shuddering threatened to bring her to her knees. A hand involuntarily shot towards her tummy, wanting to slip underneath her pants and give attention to the surge of feeling she had between her legs.

Ranya's guidance spell was all that was holding Nina at her proper performance level, and she knew that it might not last much longer, so Nina propelled herself forward, aiming her lunge at the other beast type, determined to make him pay for such a dirty-minded move.

(attack beast type)