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The Sketch Pad

Re: The Sketch Pad

Finished another hentai pic that I'm quite proud of, even if the highlights look a bit naff. This time PriscillaxLani;
to a smaller version.
Re: The Sketch Pad

including Eleanor's, Lani's, Priscilla's, and Coltia's character design sheets as well as a height comparison chart.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Yeah, Priscilla is there. Took forever to get her down as I wanted her. Started her sometime in the middle of last year and I only just got round to finishing her. Still need to get her casualwear sheet done as well. And her in the height comparison with her dong out as reference to its size to the other girls.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Wow man your really awesome, pig girl fillin up a Succubus uterus, and I can't help but think "What would they're child be like?":rolleyes:
A flying fuckin pig!

Lol keep up the good haul!
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Re: The Sketch Pad

Hm, that's an idea. Lani and Priscilla's baby. Granted, it most likely will never happen in game or headcanon-wise, but it's fun to theorycraft. I've been looking for something to draw since finishing the character design sheets so I think I'll work on that in a bit. Though she'll more resemble Priscilla's side body-wise, all offspring of Priscilla's 'race' produce her kind, but it would still have certain features of Lani.

And thanks, glad you like my stuff. Been enjoying drawing more recently, so I'm going to try and keep the production level up.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Hm, that's an idea. Lani and Priscilla's baby. Granted, it most likely will never happen in game or headcanon-wise, but it's fun to theorycraft. I've been looking for something to draw since finishing the character design sheets so I think I'll work on that in a bit. Though she'll more resemble Priscilla's side body-wise, all offspring of Priscilla's 'race' produce her kind, but it would still have certain features of Lani.

And thanks, glad you like my stuff. Been enjoying drawing more recently, so I'm going to try and keep the production level up.
See I didn't know you had a whole story goin.
I just jumped in to admire some art and thought I'd try to bring a laugh "about when pigs fly" I wasn't being serious about them having a baby but hey if it works for you I'm glad.
I'll just be dropping in to admire more art from time to time.

Really love hentai with lil uterus filling side art,
Wish MnF would start incorporating that into games.
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Re: The Sketch Pad

Yeah, they're all characters in a game on the forum called Dark Gate. Eleanor and Lani have their own threads, with Priscilla and Coltia being NPCs in Eleanor's thread. Though I've since developed my own little side headcanon for my characters based somewhat off the game world they're in.
Re: The Sketch Pad


Btw whats a headcanon lol?!
Re: The Sketch Pad

Something that's not necessarily perceived as being a part of the official continuity but there's either insubstantial evidence to disprove it or it just hasn't been explained in canon currently. It's a term that's been popularised by fandoms, especially in the Homestuck fandom where things have been left purposely vague by the author either in an attempt to playfully troll the fans or to leave non-important aspects of the story open to viewer choice.

Though in this instance I'm using it to refer to my own continuity surrounding my characters outside of the game world that they were originally created for. Which in truth would fall under the category of an alternate universe more than it would a headcanon, but in essence they could be considered the same thing.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Something that's not necessarily perceived as being a part of the official continuity but there's either insubstantial evidence to disprove it or it just hasn't been explained in canon currently. It's a term that's been popularised by fandoms, especially in the Homestuck fandom where things have been left purposely vague by the author either in an attempt to playfully troll the fans or to leave non-important aspects of the story open to viewer choice.

Though in this instance I'm using it to refer to my own continuity surrounding my characters outside of the game world that they were originally created for. Which in truth would fall under the category of an alternate universe more than it would a headcanon, but in essence they could be considered the same thing.
Ok yeah it makes total sense now.
You really like this world that much huh?

What other things/worlds/people/succubi do you like to draw?
Some interesting habbits you have.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Well it's, in my opinion anyway, the most interesting RP setting on this forum, and its character creation process is really quite open with the type of character you want to create with, what with its massive pool of races and abilities, and I really do like developing characters so it's no wonder I've taken quite a liking to the game. If you're interested in checking out the game it's called Dark Gate, and it's run by Tassadar.

And at the moment most of my art is focused around Eleanor and Lani, and the girls that live and work on their ranch. I do draw other things from time to time, though it's mostly just art for fandoms I'm in like Homestuck and the Yogscast. I do also have a few other characters in Dark Gate, though I've yet to really draw anything substantial for them. Though there are some characters I've been meaning to draw, two of Lani's eventual children. One from a vampire lady she unknowingly impregnated and another that'll most likely not be played until Dark Gate is in its fourth stage. That kid will be one of a set of 'twins', Lani being the mother of that daughter while Vanilla (a PC in Lani's joint thread with the forum meber xgkf) is the 'father', and the other twin Lani would be the 'father' whereas Vanilla would be the mother.

You can find most of my art on my , by clicking on the three links on my sidebar (my art/WIPs/OCs), though I do have a for my NSFW art.
Re: The Sketch Pad

I dropped the ball on drawing a theoretical baby for Lani and Priscilla but I have been working on some game cover Pokemon themed for Homestuck.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Finished working on Priscilla's .
Re: The Sketch Pad

Posting these here because they're related to DG. Anywho, been working on an outfit set for Lani, which will be updated as I come up with outfits for her or find ones I think would look good on her.

Part 1
Part 2
Full Size

The images may be a tad big so a direct link to all of it just in case.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Posting these fakemon here because I'm actually quite proud of how they've turned out so far, and maybe people'll be interested in them and in sharing ideas for more. Keep in mind that I'm basing the majority of these fakemon on animals, legends/folk tales/myths, and ideas in Britain.

Anyway, here's a of all the fakemon I've finished so far and ones I intend on making, with the ones done crossed out, and a crow fakemon slightly based on plague doctors which I'll be finishing off tomorrow.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Here's a Lani .
Re: The Sketch Pad

Quick sketch of Eleanor in her winterwear.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Haven't posted anything in here for a bit, so here's some stuff I've been working on recently or have neglected to post.

, based on alien insectoids like the zerg, tyranids, and the monsters from the Tremors series of films.
, the final evo has been redesigned since I last worked on them.
, based on primitive man.
, obviously based on goblins, orcs, and ogres, but with a gangster theme.

These fakemon, and the others designed before them, are monsters I'm designing for my own monster training game world which is set in our world but in an alternate universe.

featuring Priscilla and a futa'd Eleanor fucking Lani at both ends.
to go alongside with Lani's.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Finished a kind of pin up of Eleanor and Lani.
Image may be a bit big so a direct link to it.