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Sarah (thetwo)

Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah was quite surprised when she opened the chest, not at all expecting what she saw, and what she saw was basically a pool of slime that entirely filled the chest. Before she had much time to react, tentacles flew from the inside of the chest, deep in the slight, wrapping themselves around her and tugging, trying to pull her inside.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah let out a yelp as the thing tried to pull her inside, and braced her arm against the lip, staring at the slime. She knew what slime could do, and didn't care to experience it again. This also meant it probably wasn't Al's room, unless this was supposed to be security of a particularly cruel form...
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

8 vs 17

Sarah tries to pull herself free from the grasp of the mimics tentacles, but is unable too as the tentacles are too strong, her resistance failing as the thing drags her headfirst into the slime, the top of it closing with a long clang after she was entirely inside, as if eating.

Sarah finds herself inside the mimic now, surprised as she seems to be in an endless sea of slime, held tight by tentacles coming up from the depths. Like normal slime, it seems she could breath in it.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah felt her breathing increase, and a familiar heat rise in her nethers, as she recalled the first monster she'd encountered in the egg and what it had done to her. She was surprised to see that the box was bigger on the inside, but in a game that was possible. Knowing that there was nothing she could do to resist, she simply tried to keep her composure, and tried to move towards the surface to keep her head out of the slime.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah found herself unable to move, held tight in the slimy depths. She could feel as though the mimic was trying to do something, perhaps dissolve her clothes, though she could still feel hard parts rubbing up against her nethers. Eventually tentacles come up from the depths, the mimic giving up on removing her clothes the usual way. The tentacles strip Sarah, removing all her clothes until she's naked. At this the slime gets more forceful in it's pleasures, as Sarah feels herself being groped all over her body, especially in her nethers and on the breasts. It continues like this, getting harder and harder until she finds herself climaxing from just the teasing foreplay.

The tentacles take the time now to stuff themselves deeply into her pussy and ass. The gasp she gives giving the slime plenty of time to shove a slimy tendril down her throat. The tentacles and the slime fuck her deeply, hard and harsh as they make her climax again and again, feeding on her juices. The slime keeps Sarah wake as this happens for hours and hours, the tentacles releasing their spunk deep inside her many times, as new members always appear to replace the spent ones.

Eventually the mimic lets her pass out as it keeps fucking her. She awakes outside the chest on the floor, covered in gooey tentacle spunk as she leaks more cum from all her holes, even her mouth as the slime forced her to swallow some. She sees her clothes and axe nearby, in pristine condition, the clothes aren't even dirty.
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Re: Sarah (thetwo)

When nothing happened for a moment, Sarah remembered the slime. It had dissolved her clothes, but if that girl had been telling the truth then that was impossible now. Maybe it would just spit her out? Then from nowhere tentacles appeared, and they found a way to strip her.

And suddenly there was no way to ignore her situation, as every inch of her body was forcefully rubbed. At first she thought it was teasing, trying to arouse her without letting her cum. But it was too hard for that, and she felt herself rise to orgasm before she was even penetrated.

The tentacles seem to have been waiting for this, and twin tendrils violate her pussy and ass just as her orgasm is fading, a third pushing into her mouth as she opens her mouth in shock. They don't waste a second, going full speed right from the start, and Sarah feels another orgasm already coming.

The one in her mouth cums first, its girth and the sheer volume of liquid forcing her to swallow, and the others aren't far behind. For a moment Sarah feels dirty as the hot spunk filling her brings her to another shuddering orgasm, but any such thoughts are quickly driven away as she cums again and again. Before long she's sore and exhausted, and still being brought to orgasm after orgasm, and periodically being filled as the tendrils climax and are replaced. Finally, she feels her consciousness fade, though the mimic doesn't seem to flag in the least.


Sarah awakes on the floor, and the first thing she notices is that her mouth is full of cum. She spits some out, and swallows until her mouth feels... well, not actually clean, but at least like there's more spit then semen. She rolls over onto her back, and feels cum dripping from her violated pussy. Finally she sits up, and sees her clothing and axe. Then she looks down at her belly. If the thing really didn't knock her up, that was almost a novelty. But then it was hard to imagine how a thing that was by nature contained in a chest might go about reproducing.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah sits around the room for a while, regaining her strength as she hears the sounds of footsteps outside the door. A tense moment as she's scared someone might be entering, but the footsteps continue down the hall, slow and steady.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The sound of footsteps brings Sarah back to her senses, and when it's clear that they passed by the room she quickly gets as much cum off her naked body as she can with her hands, then pulls on her underwear and the dress, grabs the rest of her things, and goes to the door. It will still be obvious to anyone who sees her that she's had a fairly recent encounter, but at least with a dress on - and a clean dress, at that - they won't be able to see the more graphic evidence. She opens the door, and peers out, hoping the walker isn't to far away to see. After all, she is looking for someone.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah quickly gets herself dressed after cleaning herself off as best she could. Of course, she totally forgot to clean her hair as she opens the door, looking out to see someone walking down the hall. After a few seconds she can recognize the figure as Al.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Al! Hey!"

Sarah picked up her pace a little, trying to catch up to the man.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Al turns around, a little surprised as he sees Sarah. "Oh...? Oh! You're a mess." he says, then getting a bit more realization. "Wait...you? What are you doing here? Didn't I just how you to the exit...?" He says, looking a little confused.
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Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Someone outside told me why you can't leave. That isn't fair, so I'm going to help you. Though I, ah, got off to a rocky start."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Oh...you've heard that story, did you? It's mostly true...but why help me? This is my own curse, not yours. You've no reason to be here, you should simply leave and live a happy life, away from here."

Al seems a little bit stubborn about not accepting help, but it doesn't seem that he can't be convinced.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Well, if we succeed then we both get out and I've payed you back for helping me and all those other girls. If we fail then I'm no worse off then if you didn't show up. And maybe I haven't been a very nice person in the rest of my life, and want to change that."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Is...that the case then?" Al sighs, giving a small shrug. "Well...then I guess we should get going then...though are you sure you want to go like that?" he says.

Sarah is quite aware that she looks quite the hot mess, tentacle spunk sill covering her hair.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"I... well, okay. At least starting out clean is probably not a terrible idea."

Sarah still wasn't sure how long it would be before she was "dirty" again, but she was feeling particularly disgusting, and this was the second time he'd offered to let her get clean.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Alright, I think I now where a nearby bath is." Al says, leading the way down the corridors much like when Sarah first met him. A confidence about him that he know's where he's going.

It was only a couple minutes before Al arrived at the bathroom, sitting down outside and starting to doze off while he waited for Sarah to clean herself.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Inside the bath house, Sarah strips, and looks suspiciously at her clothes. They're too clean for what they've been through, but she supposes that "magic" covers just about everything, and slips into the water. She cleans herself quickly and takes only a moment to soak before being ready to get out, dry off as best she can, and dress.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

As Sarah finishes, she finds the world breaking around her. Something seems off with the game as suddenly starts to feel distorted. All her senses seem off. Eventually the game goes to black, a screen appearing in front of her.

A pop up.

"An error has occurred, please memorize the following strings and present them to your testing assistant!


A few moments later after she's read it, that pop up disappeared and a new one appears.

"We're kidding, sorry about that, terrible joke. The game has encountered an error and has been logged. The following lines are generated by the type of error and know effects database. It seems your game has broken quite severely, we regret to inform you that leaving the EGG at this time is impossible unless a massive emergency supersedes this. Some settings may have been changed by this error, we recommend you check out the settings page and make sure that no settings are above your comfort level. If they are, the recommended course of action is that you find a town and stay there until the problem has been fixed."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah stares at the wall of text. She doesn't even bother trying to remember it, knowing that even the first line would be beyond her without spending a few minutes on a memetic. Besides, it bears a striking resemblance to a hex dump of the sort that appears on the Blue Screen of Death, and she recalls reading once that even the engineers that built Windows couldn't actually use that information to do anything helpful.

So when the wall disappears and she is informed that it was a joke, she doesn't laugh. Instead she wonders just how serious this would have to be to attempt to lighten the impact with humor. Not being able to leave is... well, not good but not terrible. She just got in, after all. The changed settings on the other hand... well, also couldn't really be that bad. If they could go worse then she'd already set them then she didn't know how. She decided to check.