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Ai (KakkaHousu)

Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai made her way down into the forest. As she went down the sky got darker, even though it should have been turning the day. The canopy seemed to do an excellent job of darkening the area. It was strange but she could have sworn there was background music now, and it changed as she made her wall down the hillpath. She reached the bottom and looked into the forest. It was your typical dark forest, probably hiding thousands of monsters that would like to rape her. She wasn't going to have any of that though, she was here to explore.

The forest seemed quiet so far, she hadn't run into any wandering monsters. The paths were light but they did exist, just enough that she thought she could follow it to the exit she had seen earlier. But they were windy and once and a while came to a crossroads. Doing her best to pick the one that seemed to go to the exit, Ai had wandered around in the forest for five minutes before stublimg upon something interesting. She thought she saw someone up in a tree. They weren't facing towards her, as far as she could tell, and they seemed to be camped out, looking for something.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

No terrible rape attempters stumbled upon Ai's path in her initial entry to the forest, which was a good deal shadier than the open road thanks to it's thick leaf canopy. There was little to see for the first few moments into the forest, as nothing seemed to really come out. Eventually, there was something out of the ordinary though, a person high up on a tree branch. It was a curious enough sight, and catched the girl's attention. "Hey. Person in the tree, can I help you?" she called to them, keeping some awareness on them as who knew how they'd react.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The person in the tree started, half jumping and giving a short shout. Hearing the voice, it was probably a guy. Ai watched, finding it a little comical as the man hit his head on a branch above him when he jumped. He turned around and started down to her. She saw him cup his hands and shout down. "Don't sneak up on people like that, geez!" He responded with agitation. It was probably cause he hit his head. Ai thought he was probably okay though, it seemed like the guy had a thick skull. "And no, I'm fine. What're you doing all the way out in this forest though?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Seeing the man bump caused a slight back-off reaction in Ai, but she soon saw that the man (probably) was holding on good enough to not pull off the usual "stumble down every branch and land on the girl" fall. The agitation didn't bother her too much, since he should be better at keeping track of his sorroundings too if he was exposing himself like that. "Not much, adventuring, looking around. What is it to you?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai could feel as though the man was caught between frowning and smiling. It looked like he was about to say something, but then stopped. Eventually he spoke. "Just curious, that's all." The man seemed quirky, and she still didn't know why he was up there, but maybe from his vantage point he might have seen something. "..Much luck with that adventuring thing?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The reply from this guy got Ai suspicious. It was not a thing that some normal guy would do, ask first and then claim only curiousity. Since he didn't seem to be coming down or anything, she would simply carry on and let him sit there. "Not much has happened. But I'm sure there will be something eventually." was her response before she would move onwards, not going too near the tree in case there was some sort of planned assault on the man's part.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The guy gave a smile. It was almost a little creepy, but also not. He didn't seem...dangerous, though he certainly was strange. Ai figured it would probably be best not to have anything to do with him. As she started to make her way off he'd give a shout, if she turned back to look, she'd see he was pointing a little off to the side from the way she was going. "By the way, if you head over that direction, I think I saw a ruined building. It might have something in it."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Again, the response she got was somewhat uncertain and suspicious. Still, Ai decided to pick up on the suggestion offered, not having any other leads to go by. Once she had gotten away from the scene, she would invite Spinalis back, as there might be trouble ahead.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai decided to make her way off in the direction the man had indicated. She saw a small path, though riddled with leaves and twigs and all the similar. She kept an eye out, looking through the forest. It didn't take very long until she spotted that building the man was talking about, though looking back she could still see the guy. She's summon Spinalis when she was inside, she thought. Her plan was interrupted though. She hadn't been keeping a careful enough eye on the ground, and after a few steps she found herself hanging upside down by her ankles. Someone, or something, or for some damn reason, there was a snare trap here. She was pretty unhappy, she remembered back to when she first loaded up the game, a pair of tentacles had held her much like this. Then, as if by magic it seems, she heard rustling in the trees, and shortly she saw a large mass of tentacles squirming its way out of the brush.

She did manage to get a glimpse of where the man was sitting, quite far away. She saw a little gleam, and she realized the man was watching with binoculars. Considering her position she didn't think she would have a lot of luck fighting off the tentacles, but she obviously had to try. She was not about to give this man a free show.

Battle Block
Ai 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
>>Skills: Leg Sweep
>>Upgrades: Weapon [Maintained]

Tentacles 0/?? HP
Money: 4 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(2) Whetstone
(2) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Venturing onwards, there was little more than forest in Ai's path as she went. Soon, the building was in sight, and she pondered it would be time to get her companion there too. Before she could focus enough though, another familiar event happened and she ended up getting flipped into the air. Quickly assessing the situation, she not only saw a monster coming after her, but a pervert in the tree looking at her with binoculars as well."Well great... Exactly what I wanted..." she grumbled, quickly bringing her weapon out and hoping to cut the rope to get down and fight at least somewhat evenly.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai is surprised when she finds her fingers slipping on the shaft. She thought it would be easy to slice the rope, but in her haste she only slightly nicks the rope. This does little but set her about to spinning, dizzying her. A sudden realization as the tentacles are upon her is that slipup might have cost her the whole battle. It would be practically impossible to fight the tentacles like this.

She cries out as the tentacles lash out, striking her breasts and starting to wrap them around her body. She knew that grappling with tentacles was bad news, and even if she avoiding their attacks they might arouse her. But she also had to deal with the rope holding her upside down, there was no way she could dodge like that, she might get lucky but she was basically totally open.

Battle Block
Ai 5/6 FP 0/10 AP
>>Skills: Leg Sweep
>>Upgrades: Weapon [Maintained]

Tentacles 0/?? HP
Money: 4 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(2) Whetstone
(2) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

While it was a good idea, the execution was less than stellar as Ai swung her pole and only managed to cut a small dent in the rope holding her. It was enough to make her spin around, and as the rotation slowed a bit, she realized that the tentacles were upon her. No you... i refuse to played like this... the busty girl thought as she was struck and coiled around, not seeing any other realistic alternative to her current plan and keeping up with the rope twacking.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai finally manages to get herself free. Her next attempt strikes the rope dead on, even with the tentacles restricting her movement. She feels the slime starting to eat away at her clothes and knows the effects it could have on her body. She shivers slightly but manages to shake it off as she lands on the ground. The tentacles attempt to solidify her assault on her but she manages to deflect their next attack. After that she finally gets herself free, landing a strike on the tentacles. The wither back for a moment before redoubling their effort, striking her again. They wrap themselves around her legs, obviously intending to prevent her from escaping.

Ai knows she can afford a quick glance around the battlefield. It's what helped her win against the thugs in town earlier. Unfortunately this terrain doesn't seem as helpful. Tree's are plentiful and maybe she could put her back to one, hopefully to keep the tentacles from a single direction. But there could be more traps, and the tentacles might just be able to attack from behind anyways. The quick glance unfortunately told her that the battlefield would not be of much aid unless she got really creative.

Battle Block
Ai 4/6 FP 0/10 AP
>>Skills: Leg Sweep
>>Upgrades: Weapon [Maintained]

Tentacles 0/?? HP
Money: 4 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(2) Whetstone
(2) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The realization that she was about to get disrobed again seemed give Ai a burst of performance, and she managed to neatly sever the rope with her next cut. With a small thump, both of them stumbled to the ground, a match of wrestling following that. It eventually lead to her having a bit more freedom, only her legs getting attacked in the aftermath. Not really seeing any alternative methods of gaining an advantage in the surroundings, the busty girl reverted to the basics and stuck to attacking in a normal manner, swinging her bladed pole at the molester creature.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai felt the effects of the slime the tendrils were releasing as it started to soak into her skin. She shivered a bit, knowing that if she let it keep holding her like this she'd have a hard time fighting, and in the end she'd probably want to just give up and throw herself on it. But she wasn't letting that happen. A quick thrust down strike severed the tendrils from her legs, freeing her and hurting the mass. They strike back at her but she's too quick. Even with the tingle from the tendrils she manages to avoid them. She's giving a good fight, because she certainly didn't want to give a show to that creep who was watching her.

Battle Block
Ai 4/6 FP 1/10 AP
>>Skills: Leg Sweep
>>Upgrades: Weapon [Maintained]

Tentacles 2/?? HP
Money: 4 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(2) Whetstone
(2) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Oh nope, not going to take this again..." Ai thought as she felt the first mild pangs of the toxicating pleasure slime that these things where coated in. That was when she cut into it, releasing herself from the tentacley grip. And before she could be grappled again, the busty girl stepped away to avoid the further attacks. Now it looked like they stood on even grounds, and it was then that she decided to push the attack into the many-limbed monster.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai's almost actually enjoying herself as the battle continues. The tentacle makes a lot of probing attacks, trying to find a weak spot in her defense. Ai however wasn't about to let that happen. She manages to deflect them long enough, until she spots an opening to land a heavy strike on the core. She takes the chance, and she hears the sounds and watches the tentacles squirm as she lands a solid hit. But they recover quickly, quicker than she expected. It was a fient to lure her in as they converge, wrapping themselves tightly around her. The tendrils strike at her chest, wrapping tightly around her and grappling her. She feels the energy sap out of her as the clothes around her very generous chest start to dissolve.

Battle Block
Ai 3/6 FP 1/10 AP
>>Skills: Leg Sweep
>>Upgrades: Weapon [Maintained]
>>Status: Grappled (-1 Offense)

Tentacles 3/?? HP
Money: 4 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(2) Whetstone
(2) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

With her attack, it seemed that the tide would turn in favor of Ai. With her skilled use of the haft, the incoming probe attacks are easily blocked and prevented from causing any damage, and she even hurt the thing back with a heavy cut to the center mass. Or so she though, but the whole thing actually ended up with her getting wrapped again in the slimy appendages. "No, not again. Off meeeeee..." she cried, but was still not daunted enough to skip attacking the pervert tentacles.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai feels the slime against her skin and the arousal washes over her. Her breasts were always her weak point and the tentacles seemed to be going after them. She shakes herself free and manages to land another cut, severing them from her. Her breathing though is a bit heavier, she can tell she's aroused now, it's distracting her fighting ability. She shakes her head, trying to free her mind of the thoughts of losing. It would be fun...she knew the tentacles did a good job of pleasin--no that was the wrong tack, focus! And she did, just in time to avoid another attack, deflecting it off to the side. She had to be careful, even her own body was fighting against her now.

Battle Block
Ai 3/6 FP 2/10 AP
>>Skills: Leg Sweep
>>Upgrades: Weapon [Maintained]
>>Status: AP (-1 All Rolls)

Tentacles 4/?? HP
Money: 4 Kfs
(2) Armor Repair Kit
(2) Whetstone
(2) Rest Kit
(3 Days) Trail Rations
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

With all their size and sensitivity, it was easy to see why these kinds of creatures would be gunning for Ai's formidable chest. Noticing this gave her further need to be careful, and she shoved aside the monster once more, cutting it nicely afterwards. The arousal seemed to already be getting to her, and she had to shake her head a bit to collect her thoughts and properly focus to the battle in front of her right then. While it had been a mixed success, there was no backing away now, and Ai would had to finish off her opponent.