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The (New) New EGG!


Demon Girl Master
Sep 8, 2011
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Hah, this looks very interesting, so I'm eager to join ^^.
Since I'm new to this, I would prefer a single player adventure at first, but after a while I'm open to single/multi/pvp/whatever.

That said let me present...

Status update: GM'ed by NorthernCross

Name: Alice Villard // EGG id: Shani
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Magic

Her in-game avatar would be a tall, slim female possessing elven-like ear, something of a mage. She has above-average, firm breasts, girly hips and a petite butt. Her almost shoulder length hair is blonde; sometimes it’s just loose, sometimes she’ll add a few braids to it.

In game look:

Alice is a Gamer with a capital “G”. She plays everything on everything – FPS, RTS, RPG, dating sims and hentai games – you name it she played it; be it on PC, PS3, 3DS or PSP. The genre doesn’t matter either; she enjoys a fantasy setting, sci-fi, horror, alternate-history and many others. Nevertheless her favorite one probably would be a fantasy RPG. Gaming is her life, so how could she pass something as interesting as the EGG?
Alice’s main character trait would be her cat-like curiosity. She just wants to know! Everything! How it works, why it works, why someone did something, who is this and who is that! At the same time she’s moody, often lazy and a bit selfish. She likes to laugh, but her sense of humor is frequently ironic to the point most people don’t know is she’s actually joking or just being rude. When online she acts confident, even a bit boastful. Alice is a very proud person and tends to harbor grudges. Deep down she’s actually a very delicate, innocent girl, that’s very easy to hurt, even if she’s not showing it. Her usual response, if she feels threatened, hurt or just plain sad is to ignore the matter and smoke-screen it with jokes.
She’s a virgin, in a sense she never slept with a man. That said, she’s anything but “chaste”… well, that’s her opinion but the fact *is* her curiosity lead to “experiments” and hentai games just fueled her perverse imagination. While claiming to “know it all” she retained a bit of her cute innocence that would make her blush when confronted with something really perverted.

Extra Notes:
In real life Alice is a pretty average girl. Average grades, so-so PE’s and average looks. Her body is slender, but not exactly fit, with two small perky breasts. Even her height puts her in the average since she’s 164 cm tall. Usually she puts her long blonde hair into two ponytails. The untold number of hours spent in front of the screen put a strain on her eyesight and she’s forced to look with her green eyes through glasses. Light freckles are adorning her pale, yet cute face. She has a crush on her best friend in school… unfortunately, she’s a girl too. And somehow, with all her confidence and “experience on everything pervy” she can’t quite bring herself to at least signal her true feelings. Even a few light jokes on that matter can make her blush like crazy and completely lose her cool. It’s likely that this trait will somehow manifest itself while playing the EGG.

Extra info: Her fetish would be anything related to butt/anal sex, twice if it contains yuri. Futanari is welcome, Shani can gladly become one, but not right off the bat.

Her real life looks: (Not that these matter I guess... Just fluff)...

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Demon Girl Master
Nov 22, 2010
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

So I posted this a few pages and many months ago. Figured I'd just post it again, with some changes.

Looking for a single player game.

Anyone willing to GM for me, please send me a PM.

Name: Sarah Bentof
Avatar Name: Ashley
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Sword Expertise 0
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): Erin would be an average (5'5"), slender human with the toned body of a swordswoman. Her breasts are below-average, though no one would call her flat. She has wide hips and a small, cute butt. Her dirty blonde hair is generally kept around neck to shoulder length and her blue eyes almost sparkle when she's happy.

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Outgoing and friendly for the most part, Sarah is at her shyest when her friends start talking about anything sexual, having no real experience in the area. She also doesn't deal well with large groups of people she doesn't know, and isn't very good about talking with strangers outside of necessity. The one area she isn't shy about, however, is gaming. Sarah is a consummate gamer, having experienced almost every genre available and enjoying most of them to some extent. Roleplaying has always been her favorite, though, so when her friends told her about this new system, she knew she had to try it out somehow.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Sarah is obviously a virgin, only having had a boyfriend for a month or so in high school. Her knowledge of sex is strictly second-hand or taken from the erotic literature she secretly reads. She has developed somewhat of a fetish for rape fantasies. Also, she loves cats.



Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Hey! Hopefully I can find a GM fairly soon! Just drop me a PM if you're interested, okay? I'd prefer a single-player game, if possible.

Name: Holly Genris
Avatar Name: Senira
Age: 20
Trait: Magic Expertise
Description: (avatar) gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=853544

Attitude: Not so much as a game, Holly sees the EGG as a way she can express herself- that instead of the quiet, forgettable girl that she seems to be, that it's a way to let her frustrations out about her life, and a way for her to be someone else for a change. For a while now, that dream has taken shape in Senira, a mage that she's taken to writing her own adventures of for the past few years. Where Holly is quiet, Senira is brash and outspoken, and where Holly rarely gets angry, Senira is likely to answer an insult with a cloud of flame or bolt of lightning.

The difference even pertains to sex- where Holly hasn't had much experience outside her own ministrations, Senira has had more than a couple encounters that didn't end up going her way, leading to several pages of ravishings in Holly's stories.

Extras: Since this is a fantasy game, Holly's looking for more than just the vanilla man/woman stuff- if it's a fantasy game, then she may as well see what it has to offer.


Demon Girl
Jun 27, 2012
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Hello, I don't have a GM yet but hopefully someone is willing to take up my game anytime soon.
I did prefer a single player game but if it is easier for the GM I wouldn't mind trying a multi-player game (but then no pvp)

Name: Alisia
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Magic expertise

Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): farm4.staticflickr.com/3013/2481445016_40ccff48f4.jpg

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.):
Alisia Is a shy girl never really saying much to anyone, It's even hard for her to talk to her parents. This makes it hard for her to get any friends, she does however want to help others out as much as she can making her a little to obedient sometimes. (With this I mean she does a lot of things she actually doesn't want to do but she is to afraid to say so)

Because of her shyness she began gaming at a young age. She mostly played MMO's and always chose a healing character. This made it possible for her to help others and even talk back a little. She quickly became sort of a game addict, if she wasn't at school or eating she was in her room sometimes playing until deep in the night. After college She had a hard time finding a job because of her problem with talking.

That's when she found out about a company looking for people to test a completely new kind of gaming. Being as much into games as her she almost crashed her computer in an effort to apply for the test of this new gaming style.
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Nelly
Age: 20
Level 0 Trait: Sword

Attitude: Nelly has an adventurous spirit, and when it doesn't pose obvious risks to those around her, or obvious exceptional risks to herself she may take the harder, unnecessarily longer path just to see what there is to see. Hell, she may take riskier path just because she isn't afraid to challenge herself.

Extra Notes: Getting a party member (or members) as the story progresses would be pretty sweet. Female would be preferred, succubi, angels, slimegirls, all would make fantastic partners! (for recreational reasons as much as dungeoneering)


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

As it looks funny, I’ll try ^^”

Name: ?? // EGG id: Julia
Age: 33
Level 0 Trait: Sword 0

Julia is 5’6”. She’s slender, svelte and will choose over-average breasts – just for the fun, ‘cause IRL, she has got small boobs. She has got long dark brown hair – ‘till her butts – and deep blue eyes.

Julia is a thirty-three old woman. She’s depressive in the real world. By such, before trying to attempt to her own life, she wanted to test something new: the EGG. She wants to suffer because of something she has done and she shall climb mountains to fix her mistakes. For example, she doesn’t remember her own name and does not want to try.
She will almost never smile or laugh – at the beginning, at least – and shall kill or fuck anybody who will be between her and her aim.
She comes here to throw away her anger and to have weird relationships with “thing” and monsters. With those problems, she is hard to content.
During the game, she will be quite disturbed; sometimes she will even lose her consciousness for few seconds. She is not really distinguished but will not insult everyone all the time because she doesn’t talk often; in the other hand, she used to love poetry and old books, so she will speak sometimes with auld languages. Still sad, she will not be able to run or to flee and she can be paralyzed by despair. If she has to kill, she will and she will be really sadistic.
However, she loves landscapes and will always sit down to contemplate them for a while, even a little one. She likes to take her time to do the things correctly or just to do nothing.
She’s a loner and cannot have companions for too long because she is “lunar”* and could hurt them.

Extra notes:
As you have read it, the character is … really disturbed. So, do not take any “gloves” with her: she’s not in glass; she’s fragile but is a hard rock too.
Also, she doesn’t want of a “vanilla-world”: she is in a big distress and she wants a grim and dark world. She is disgusted by men so …
In the other hand, “prudence” is not a word which is in her vocabulary: so maybe some bonus to attacks and “malus” to perception and evasion?
And I have to warn the possible GM: I don’t talk English very well. So if an unlucky guy takes this story, I would really appreciate if he could help me and tell me every time I say bullshits. For the monsters’ settings, if you want to try to add some stuffs, go ahead, I’ll see if it looks fine \o/

* : I don’t know if it is the right word but she changes of mood and behavior sometimes.

P.-S. : I think it’s good, no ?


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Amy Ashfield
Age: 18

Amy is a college freshman, studying history at a small college. In real life she's a vegetarian and a virgin, keeping herself healthy but often afraid to try new things for fear that she might get hurt. She's average height, with brown hair and modest breasts on a thin but hardly athletic frame.

In the egg, however, she has found a safe place to experiment. She's done just about everything that the simulator can offer, things that she wouldn't dream about doing in real life for fear that she might hurt herself or someone else. She started slow, but that was at the start of the year.

Today will be her first time in following finals, having stayed away while she studied and tested. And after this, it's time to go home for the summer. This is her last weekend for months that she will have access to the Egg, and she's getting horny just thinking about it. She walks up to the building in short shorts and a tank top, pulling off her sunglasses as she enters leaves the bright June sunlight.

The last time she was here she finished a long-running adventure. It's time to start a new one. Her avatar always starts out looking just like her real body, even down to her intact maidenhood. It doesn't usually take long to the latter at least, but she always plays the game to the best of her ability lest it devolve into mindless sex. Certainly sex is part of the reason she's here, but throwing away the rest of the gaming experience would ruin the fun, and there's plenty of sex even without giving up.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Hecate
Age: 25
Trait: Level 0 Unarmed

At 5'4" Hecate is neither overly tall or short, with long brown hair usually pulled back into a tight ponytail and an athletic figure toned from hours of hard work and training with a light tan She has soft hazel eyes and an average chest, which is more then made up for by her well formed figure. She received the invite for the EGG and decided it was just one more new thing to try, and as someone who always said don't knock it before you tried it, the decision was a given.

A skilled martial artist, Hecate has been training in one form of hand to hand combat or another since she was a child. Used to form fitting clothing and bearing a flighty and fickle attitude, it's hard to tell what she's thinking from moment to moment, if she's thinking at all. What's for sure though, is no one has ever seen her run from a fight.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

SUP GREENJAY. Gonna re-use my LWR character cos that never went anywhere and I somewhat like her.

Age 19
Beginning skill thingy is Swords. (Cos fuck the mages and police.)

A curious and videogamey type of girl, Liliana's interest was piqued when she heard of a totally immersive type of RPG being developed. Even though there was some hesitation about the more seedy aspects, she could not resist getting into this once chance was given.

A blonde girl of mostly nondescript figure, Liliana is cute more than beautiful. Her form is average in pretty much all the departments, neither muscular nor fatty cos of her irregular habits of doing things. In personality, she is easygoing and friendly, but can also be a stubborn bitch at times. Even though Liliana understands the value of teamwork, she is somewhat uneasy if there are more than three people present. Despite this, she is a social type when the correct situation is given.

Pic thingy of ingame persona

Neru Amhran

Jungle Girl
Sep 26, 2012
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Anton Elysium Iverson
Age: 23
Magic lvl 0

Physical Description: Anton would be described as a tall, pale man with average build and bright, green eyes. His ebon hair is cut short. Anton is often wearing a long lab coat over slacks and a bold blue button shirt, because he can.

Avatar Description: Anton often trades out his lab coat for something more stylish, maybe a leather longcoat, and a large hat, must always have that hat.

Mental Description: Mentally, Anton is creative and often a dead-pan snarker when he doesn’t restrain himself to be more reserved. There are other layers to his personality, a knack for science and literature, but does that really matter when adventure is to be had? He’s a gamer on the casual side, dabbling in most forms of the medium.

Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Level 0 Trait: Axe Expertise
This girl stands just over five feet, usually having to look up to most to stare them down. The first thing you'll notice is the silver-speckled green eyes eyes she has. The second thing, is the fiery glare they carry around. Her wavy hair is half-dyed in purple from her normal dark auburn hair, and she keeps it swept back behind her ears. Beneath those challenging eyes is a cocky grin upon her cupid-bow lips.
Gripping her bust is a blue tube-top that squeezes the C-cup orbs into place, holding them tight but revealing plenty of her cleavage. The top comes to an end just at the end of her ribs, baring her creamy mid-drift. The start of her hips are hidden at the edges of a black and white skirt.
The skirt hangs onto the widening hips, with horizontal strips alternating in colors of black and white, giving away to the layer that's beneath. The edges end just at her knees, and dance with a poofy volume. With her eratic and dancing movements, it tosses and turns, perhaps revealing too much if she jumps too high. With a shot from the rear, you can see that the panties cling to a rather pert and shapely posterior, that she is prone to popping out if she's caught dancing. Strapped to her legs are a pair of what look to be fairly heavy boots, black and chrome with an extrenuous ammount of straps to keep them on her feet.

Attitude: Vilana is the embodiment of impulsiveness and rebellion. Going in with gut and coming out with cunning, she weaves in and out of trouble. She can be overly cocky, but has a soft spot for helping others out, especially if she can show off her independance.

Bio:A girl that has come from as much trouble as she has created, she decides the egg experiment may let her set off some steam without involving local law enforcement again. Having multiple charges for destruction of property, arson, and indecent exposure (of others), she has been advised that she may soon find herself in prison for a long time.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Kylie
Age 18
Sex: Female
Trait: Archery 0
Description: Tall at 6 feet and athletic, her blue hair shoulder length offsets her bright green eyes well. Tired of long distance running and a boyfriend who doesn't lay her nearly enough, she spends her evenings playing games and teasing the peeping tom neighbor of hers with her c cup chest and tight ass, constantly shown off by her insistence in walking around in her underwear with the curtains open, enjoying giving him a show and hoping that one night he finally loses it and sneaks into her bedroom...


Tentacle God
Sep 1, 2012
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Hey guys, I've been lurking for awhile and have now decided to try my hand at the wonderful EGG life!
Name: Claire Linton
Age: 22
Level 0 Trait: Magic
Description: See the picture of Claire in my profile album (there's only 5 or so pictures, it's a pic of Claire Redfield from Resident Evil) 5 foot 8, more lean than outright muscular. C-cup breasts

Attitude: Shy and reserved, Claire is possessed of a timid nature. Despite this, she is a naturally curious person and was moved to try out the EGG based on vague depictions of wonder by her friends. She does not have an overtly sexual personality, being as reserved as she is, she never really developed much in the way of sexual tendencies.

Extra Notes: NA


Jungle Girl
Nov 5, 2012
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

I doesnt matter single player or multi-player what ever fits best for the GM at hand =)


Anyways, moving on, below is the information you should have for a character when you apply.

Name: Jedzia
Age: 20
Level 0 Trait: Magic
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): Slightly tall woman standing at 5'6 with long dark hair that travels down to her plump rear. Her pale complexion is from a lack of much needed sunlight. She normally wears nerdy shirts from popular websites that were slightly on the baggy side and a pair of fitting blue jeans.

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.): Jedzia is a very aggressive person and gamer that hates to lose at anything. Claiming that she could master any game she made her way to top of leader boards on most popular XBL games and finally she heard of a new game, one not so easily master from one of her many sponsors and she was eager to take on the new challenge.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): (Coming soon?)

Neru Amhran

Jungle Girl
Sep 26, 2012
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Ivy Synesthesia
Age: 22

Level 0 Trait: Grappling
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): Ivy
They say an image is worth a 1,000 words. Here’s a rough approximation outside of the game.
Sadly, this is the best I could find for a slimegirl. This is roughly what she looks like in-game.
Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Ivy is the sort to that’s relatively mellow. She doesn’t really start fights, or really be a delinquent. She likes to sing and draw, be expressive as some people would say. However, if anything she’s no pushover. She’ll fight with all the training she got growing up with a household of brothers. Ivy’s a sort of tomboy. She doesn’t care about pretty nails or shoes. Expression’s her thing. She took up Egg to see what she could do with this new VR stuff. Of course, she just wanted to see what it would be like. Now she’s experimenting the boundaries of humanity, seeing just how far she can go.

Let’s see how far the rabbit-hole goes.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):
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Jungle Girl
Feb 23, 2010
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Been reading a lot of these lately and now I can't resist to urge to try my hand at it.

Level 0 Trait: Sword
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):Tall(5'10") with long blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. Though tall with an athletic build she is still rather shapely with wide hips and large breasts(though not overly large for her build).

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.):With a serious personality combined with her sharp eyes she can seem intimidating but she is very caring of others and is always willing to help people in need. She is an expert swordswoman(rapier is her weapon of choice) who takes pride in her skills and is always up for a challenge. Coming from a wealthy family and being very beautiful she has grown up a very sheltered life so she hasn't had any sexual experiences.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):Though she hasn't realized it yet she's definitely an M.

I'm good with just about any fetish even watersports (but not scat). Getting rough is fine with me as long as it's not excessive (no permanent damage or guro).

Also the Rapier she uses is double edged so it can be used for cutting as well as thrusting.


Jungle Girl
Nov 18, 2012
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Somehow got amused by free-form style of game. Care if I distort thine rules a little further for my entry ?

Name: Solace as nick, actual one classified by separate agreement with CHAMBER corp.
Age: 19 in-simulation, though sexual development seems…little stalled.
Level 0 Trait delirious injections (mindslaying).

Description: extremely tall (193 cm) anorexic femme with sickly pale skin and noticeable dyxtasia. Heterochromic be possession of cyan and gold eye contemporaneously. Whole clothing consists of ebon mix between loose overall and onepiece + same-colored BDSM jackboots covered by impressive amount of straps. Mid-long red hair and seemingly identical insignias of stylized grin inside labyrinthine pattern on each nail airily completes those stunning extorior.

Attitude: extremely sociopathic and driven by urge of self-merriment. Does not seems to understand even base concepts of respect and shame, manifesting quite a degree of exhibitionism. Possess disturbingly bizarre speech-style, mostly composed of causal reasoning. Easily distractible by random reasons, including own thoughts. Over-emotional, which complicates even more by constant mood-swings. But that all not worst yet. Suffering virulent hallucinations is…

Algophilia (+1 AP at receiving harm, insensitiveness for painful influence).
Internal bedlam (twice suspectable to mind intrusion, 50% chance of actual results being misdirected).
Maddening presence (any sapient creatures around, including Solace herself, suffers constant and cumulative chance of random-caused temporary derangement).
Absent (10% chance to skip following battle by slipping into own thoughts on each round, 10% to spontant mind clearing during sex).
Combustion engine (mind-impacting talents become 300% effective at rush of anger, suffers occasional hatred outbreaks).
Hydrophobia (become excessively nervous and intrusive at rain, unable to willingly enter water).
Antihumanitarian (unconscious distaste at communicating with human beings, rush of anger on sex proposal)
Xenomania (unconscious attraction while dealing aberrations, major chances to submit without fight)
Fatalist (impervious to mortal threats, inaccurate about self-preservation)

Sample mental interferention techniques:
+May be freely used while conscripted without worry about resources.
-Requiering concentration and strong desire to cause harm.
+Applies everything around caster, with cumulative chances of success on each round.
-Effects may not manifest instantly, rendering them useless on quick escalations of events.

=Since Solace is a xaotic psion, she may not and never will be able to establish consecutive mind enthralling or even designate target. Her attack methodics always go as separate AoE psywaves.=

*Ignis fatuum*
Convinces victim(s) in spontaneous inflammation. If prolonged, gradually increase phantom pain and horror from non-existent combustion. May cause permanent awe to fire and/or noticeable heat. Contradicted once victim reach water or other extinguishing measure.

Gradually drains any positive thoughts from mind of victim, filling it with anguish and despair in return. If prolonged, leads to hysterics and/or suicide attempts. May cause continual depression. Contradicted once victim meets external sedation.

*Diabolica inedia*
Bestow spurt of causeless aggression onto victim(s). Prolongation cause spontaneous onslaughts at everything in sight. May cause chronic nervous breakdowns. Contradicted once victim meets something xe consider too estimable to actually hate.

...And this, I supposes, is more than enough for singleplayer test-party. Controvert me ?
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Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

I'm trying again ^^ ...

Name: ?? // EGG id: Julia
Age: 32
Level 0 Trait: Sword 0

Julia is 5’6”. She’s slender and has over-average breasts – just for the fun, ‘cause IRL, she has got small boobs. She has got long dark brown hair – ‘till her butts – and deep blue eyes.

Julia is a thirty-two old woman. She’s depressive in the real world. By such, before trying to attempt to her own life in a sad way, she wanted to test new stuff: the EGG is one of them. She wants to suffer because she thinks she deserves it and she shall climb mountains to fix her mistakes. For example, she doesn’t remember her own name and does not want to try.
She will almost never smile or laugh – at the beginning, at least – and as she's kinda really pissed, she could kill anybody or anything just to laugh a bit - pain makes her feel good.
She comes here to throw away her anger and to have weird relationships with “thing” and monsters. With those problems, she is hard to content.
During the game, she will be quite disturbed; sometimes she will even lose her consciousness for few seconds. She is not really distinguished but will not insult everyone all the time because she doesn’t talk often; in the other hand, she used to love poetry and old books, so she will speak sometimes with auld languages. Still sad, she will not be able to run or to flee and she can be paralyzed by despair. If she has to kill, she will and she will be really sadistic.
However, she loves landscapes and will always sit down to contemplate them for a while, even a little one. She likes to take her time to do the things correctly or just to do nothing.
She’s a loner and is moody.

Extra notes:
Rough sex will be very fine all along... She wanna test herself, so, as insects scare her, she might like them.
However, you might add whatever you want in the list of stuff, she's here to "test" everything that looks like funny to her.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Chloe Williams
Avatar ID: Chloe Grimslayer
Age: 23
Trait: Axe Expertise 0

Description: [Avatar design]
Offline, Chloe looks much the same as her avatar though she sports blonde hair and a slightly smaller bust, and often wears three quarter length bottoms, hiking boots and a loose fitting shirt with a camisole underneath.

Chloe is an outdoors enthusiast, spending much of her time hiking up mountains, biking, and camping. She's quite a happy, cheerful girl, and it takes quite a lot to get her riled up. Though when she gets angry the target of her rage better take cover.

Being a fan of outdoor activities and generally straying away from any activity that involved staying inside and in one place for long periods of time it was quite the surprise to her friends when Chloe said that she was going to try out EGG. Though it was mostly to see what all the fuss was about video games. She thought that perhaps one that allowed the user to link up to a virtual world and do whatever they wanted would open her mind to them. And so she created herself a female warrior, much in the same design as her real self.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name:Lynn Marshall
Age: 23
Level 0 Trait: Polearm Expertise
Description: Portrait

Attitude: Your typical army brat, Lynn's father basically raised the girl like a son and she acted like one for the first few years of her life. She keeps a tough outer face and acts as a sort of protector to her friends. However, her drive to protect people led her to make rash decisions which often got her hurt. To those outside her social circle, Lynn could be seen as a dependable but stubborn figure who means well.

Father taught her basic self defense and encouraged her to pick up some additional training on top of that. She saw EGG as a chance to put her her training to the test and requested the opportunity to try the game. As such, she designed her character to be much like her: Serious, protective and with a touch of stubbornness.The only changes she made where to the appearance, making herself a tiny bit taller and changing her hair and eye color as well as...other features.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Would be willing to fly solo, but if any free player is interested, would also welcome the opportunity to have a partner or a team. I'll accept which ever situation comes first.