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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Plain food is fine too. As for Mamizou, perhaps give her some clothes, but keep her around. We can ease up on her slowly over time, and make her love us! Loyal pet raccoon!

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Plain food is fine too. As for Mamizou, perhaps give her some clothes, but keep her around. We can ease up on her slowly over time, and make her love us! Loyal pet raccoon!

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"Maybe we better refrain from trying Remilia's hospitality. While she is not a bad person, maybe she too might do something bad if somehow insulted." Byakuren told her companions, who were a bit dissappointed but understood the wisdom in her words. They were dealing with a powerful vampire after all, so maybe it was better to avoid risks. Instead, they went to fish and look for edibles in the nearby forests.

Turning over to Mamizou as the others headed out, Byakuren gave her some much-wanted release. Getting the raccoon youkai out from her bindings, she offered everything she had been equipped with recently back to the other. "While I will offer this, you are not going to go anywhere yet. I'll see that the misguided path is not your future after this." she told the other lady, who was not sure what to make of the whole thing. "Hmph, fine. But I will get back at you for all this humiliation, you pervert monk. That you can count on." the youkai replied, not totally happy with this set-up apparently. But even with the words, the mage somehow trusted their former captive and didn't attempt to re-bind her.

Eventually, they joined the others around the fire, Byakuren helping with setting up the fishes for roasting over the flames. After a short while, they were in the middle of eating once more, which was a good thing to happen after the day's exploration and travelling. "I know we've been over this before, but it never really got clear to me. Where are we going to look for aid? I'm not sure if Remilia wants us floating in her lake for too long." Shou spoke up, looking at the ship that was practically their home at the moment.

A. Go for magic

B. Go for machinery

C. Other derperies
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) We already tried the magic approach didn't we? Let's use the glorious power of kappa engineering!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

There was no real hesitation about where to turn now. Finishing what they had cooked up, the girls cleared their leftovers from the area and settled down to the cabin once more, this time letting Mamizou too sleep normally. Tomorrow, they would be heading out towards Youkai Mountain to meet up with the kappa inventor, Nitori Kawashiro.

In the morning, nothing had really changed. The lake was still serene and nothing really made any noise, only Mei-Ling's ever-present form at the gates of Scarlet Devil Mansion showing that there were living beings around. After a light breakfast, they got moving, taking direction towards the tallest mountain in Gensokyo. On it's cliffs layed the relatively small hut of the inventor who they were meeting up with to plan towards achieving the flying necessary for their ship.

Inside, Nitori was already at work on some other curiousity, it's form not necessarily showing what it was used for. Even though the group came in total surprise, she was not caring about it, showing pretty much the same friendliness towards them that Byakuren had received when she arrived alone some time ago. After there had been a thorough explanation about what they were asking, Nitori looked at them with a degree of enthusiasm. "While this is a huge undertaking, I like you guys enough and you seem positive towards the cause of science. We'll do this." she told them, cracking a grin. "I still need some things to get this thing going, like metal and enough food to keep me going. Are you willing to provide me with the things I ask?"

A. Yes

B. No

C. Other answery thingy
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) As if we have a choice to say no, STRIKE THE EARTH! Not sure who could help us find metal, but maybe the Aki sisters could assist on the food front.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let us loot! All for a good cause, of course.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A for all of the above reasons.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A quick group agreement followed the question of the kappa inventor, which she seemed to like a lot. "Hehee, alright. Let's go and have a look around this boat of yours. I'll need to have an idea about how big a device I can build, since you'll need all the power possible to achieve flight. Still not sure why you don't just use him." Nitori trailed off from the subject, hinting at them to use Unzan as a carrier for the ship. The cloud man's frown was enough to dissuade any further ideas about it. After their designer picked up some tools for the first step, they all left the little workshop in the mountains for a while, to run inspections and most likely measurements on the ship interior.

When the kappa-enforced group did reach the lake-bound ship, there was a swoosh of activity as Nitori began to prepare for the work. "Alright you guys... this will be a good, hard effort to pull off. Should get to finding those resources, I'm going to need them pretty soon. We need to set up a furnace, along with many other things... one of you should stick around to help me with the notes... I think you. The captain is the most helpful one to me here." she told them, grabbing Murasa and basically shooing the rest of the group away from the hold while she began the preparations. The varied group needed to make decisions as to who was going to do what and how. It was not too hard for them to make up the team composure, but then there was the need to decide where to look for things.

Byakuren will look into the food department by herself, for now.

1 A. Seek permission to use Remilia's garden for a small plantation.

1 B. Seek out the sisters of harvest, the Akis, to ask for their help.

1 C. Something else

Shou and the rest will look for metal, using her own and Nazrin's abilities to detect the metal, then mine it.

2 A. Look for the metal in the tunnels underneath Youkai mountain

2 B. Look for the metal on the slopes the mountain

2 C. Something else
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

1B -2A. Paying the Akis a visit was the plan after all, as for finding the metal it's probably very scarce on the surface. Although the tunnels just might inhabit some youkai who wouldn't take kindly to intruders being noisy and 'stealing' precious metals.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

1A. hopefully we can pay Remilia in blood during sexy make-outs.

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