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Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


We probably should try to mix in with the crowd, make some new friends, get to know people.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let's enjoy ourselves for a bit. Let's mingle. We deserve it. I think.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Go with the flow!
Maybe have a revelation that this business with the yama is only going to end in tears. >.>


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Grub, ale, wenches and parlay, yar.
Well, maybe not wenches, or ale, but surely some food and chatting.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

After giving thanks to Ran for her willingness to help, the mage and her group followed Chen's trail back into the bustling field that was alive with song, dance and food. The call of such a good-spirited party was alluring, and the five different females all wanted to take part in some way or another. They wandered into a free table to relax for a while and share a quick drink. The group's spirit was high and the future seemed good at this moment, under this evening sky that was slowly starting to come alive with brilliant stars.

Once the group had shared some time together, each girl took off to see if there was some fun activity to take part in, since the last night had gotten out of control and they had missed these things to the Gensokyo-wide sex craze that followed. Byakuren was the last to leave, as she took the time to enjoy her cup of sake, she had the most appriciation towards such things in her group. After she had finished, the mage started a slow walk along the people enjoying themselves, looking for something to take part in. Taking a brief gander at the happenings, two particular events caught her attention.

One was some sort of eating or drinking contest. There were multiple people already waiting to start, but it looked like one or two could still enter. After a careful look into the participants, Byakuren could see Yuugi among them, as well as the blue-dressed woman who had brought the arena's barrier into existence with Yukari.

The other thing that was interesting to her was seeing Cirno and three other fairies, all dressed in different colors, holding a little thinking session. Though it seemed to be a planning session, the fairies were somewhat loud about their schemes. It seemed like they were going to pull a prank on someone, but Byakuren was not quite sure who.

A. Join the contest

B. Just observe the contest

C. Ask the fairies if you can assist them in their prank

D. Keep an eye on the fairies and observe what they do

E. Look for something else


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) If they refuse, go with D and stalk them. Joining the contest is silly as we have no chance of winning.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C, because fairy pranks can be fun.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition



Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

If Suika is okay then I imagine she would be at the drinking contest, so there might be some insight to be gained from watching. That said, the prank is probably going to be directed at either the crowd or the contestants, so we should probably watch from a spot away from the densest area of the crowd.
Subliminal messages! (Unless your background isn't white!)


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


One of two things.

1. Plot to kill Shiki
2. Warn the faries that Shiki will murder them if they pull pranks
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Had a three-way tie, random.org decided that we will observe the contest)

Though the fairies seemed interesting, Byakuren's attention was easily swayed towards the contest. She didn't see any reason to enter, as Yuugi was there to easily win at least in the drinking department. Suika was nowhere to be seen though, and the mage knew the reason. No doubt the smaller oni was still laying at Eirin's clinic-tent, recovering from the beating handed down to her by Shiki after the drunk riot.

Once the announcement came, Byakuren got the gist of the game, now in the middle of the audience. There were other tables around the official contest area, but most of the watchers were standing to witness the spectacle of consumption about to occur. It was both an eating and drinking contest, the person who could devour most foodstuffs would win. At least Yuugi got an edge towards the other competitors in the drinking department, she had been chugging down potent distillations for many long years. There were a few other familiar faces at the contest table as well, Meiling seemed to be presenting the Mansion, Chen had taken a stand in the name of the Yakumos and perhaps not surprisingly, Reimu was sitting among the rest of them as well. The drink of choice in the competition was some variety of sake. Food consisted of rice & grilled eel, a few different varieties of sushi and finally roasted beef, one served after the other in a loop. It looked like lightness of food wasn't the thing they'd be going for in this competition.

Strangely enough, this competition seemed to be at least somewhat official a thing as Shiki herself could be seen making her way towards the tables. As the Yama advanced towards the area, Byakuren could see a brief flash of a fairy, apparently placing something on the ground. Before any warning can be given, Shiki steps on something planted in front of her, stumbling forward and almost losing her balance as she is caught by surprise. But it doesn't stop there as another strategically-placed round object trips her to a new direction as the surrounding people watch on, barely able to contain their giggles and snickers as the usually collected Judge stumbled about on the no doubt magically-slicked objects. While the mage thought this was meant to be a light-hearted prank to have some laughs at the Yama's expense, something might've gone wrong as Shiki stumbled towards the grill where they made the eel for the competition. With a yelp, she crashed into a cart, flinging hot coals, pieces of wood and eel everywhere.

For a while, it seemed like the world stopped as Shiki lied there for a moment, covered in coal and eel meat. But slowly the Yama started getting back to her feet, an aura of rage rising from her like an oily flame as she picked up her hat. Wisps of smoke rose from her clothes, the hot coals had managed to burn them slightly, but not nearly enough to cause any harm to the seemingly invincible Yama. A few of the competitors got up from the table, slightly worried about the condition of their judge. Yuugi was the first there, offering a helping hand for the girl on her knees, but the gesture was rather rudely declined as Shiki slapped her hand away. The resulting frown on the oni woman's face was a rather powerful call to action for a certain other person, as could be clearly seen by everyone in the immidiate vicinity as a green-glowing Parsee zipped among the crowd, making her way towards the scene. Before Shiki had even properly gotten up, the bridge princess' fist slammed into her face, throwing her back a bit. As if that wasn't enough, Parsee followed up by grabbing Shiki by the collar, drawing her face-to-face. "You don't deny Yuugi's offer that rudely, wench. Apologise, or I'll tear your eyes out." the blonde youkai shocked everyone, as they knew this was going to bring only further troubles.

After a brief silence, Shiki could be heard chuckling, before her rod impacted with the side of Parsee's skull. The bridge princess was downed with one devastating blow, and soon the Yama was leering over her. "You have the GALL to attack my person like that? I'll deal with you, and then these pranksters will be looked for and punished, even if I have to beat everyone here to find out who it was...." she said in a cold, cruel voice, enlarging her rod to a more suitable instrument of striking. "With that jealous record of yours, I'm sure you'll not last too many blows. After all, this rod is heavier when your sins are greater..."

A. Interfere

B. Don't interfere

C. Something else?


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Now, I know we're asking for trouble. But this is taking things too far. The prank took a wrong turn, sure, but this was likely unintended. I do not believe that the fairies had malicious intent from the start. As for Parsee... She was rude, sure, but so was the Yama. She should have known what kind of reaction it would provoke, too. I don't care too much about the fairies - they brought this on themselves - but the situation with Parsee was partially the Yama's fault. She needs to stop being such an insufferable asshole of a knight templar and learn a little courtesy herself. And by the way, here's something we can tell her. Something I've heard in a polish legend, said by a wise king.

"Justice without mercy is nothing but cruelty."

Oh, and as someone probably pointed this out earlier: she is going way past the boundaries of her authority. Her job is to judge the DEAD. Not the living. Perhaps she needs to be reminded of that too.
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Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Why do people keep inviting the green-haired tyrant to things? She's a soulless monster, she is (and I used to like her)! :|

That said, Parsee went kind of overboard there. Shiki went more overboard. Interfere, preferably with words. Try to speak sense to her with a bit of deference, since we did try to poison her that one time. Shiki got a revenge shot on Parsee that knocked her down immediately, there's certainly no need to turn her into pulp. The prank, while foolish and dangerous, didn't cause any harm to anything other than the judge's pride and clothing, hardly seems like enough of a crime to beat on an entire crowd of (mostly) innocent onlookers to find the culprits. It was also just a prank, so avoid snitching on the fairies.

We should probably tell somebody to get a message to Eirin to ready more beds as well, because no matter what choice we take this probably won't end well.

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S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Now Shiki's just being way too outrageous. As someone said, her job is to govern the dead and not the living. I say we should stick up for the oppressed, hold the peace, stand up for those who are terrified. IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE.

Also, it might help us get more assistance with our plan.


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) With the help of some nearby gods the situation could possibly be retained to not turn into a blood bath again.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


With everyone's help, kill the yama. Murder her. Bludgeon her to death with her own rod, though it might be too heavy with the weight of her sins for us to lift.

She can judge the dead from Hell.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(That was rather fast. Here, have another one.)

"This is... getting overboard, no matter how you look at it. Someone needs to do something..." Byakuren thought, even though she was afraid of the Yama's soaring levels of power. Making her way through the crowd, she got to the scene before Shiki could bring her rod down on the downed Parsee. But as the situation somewhat suggested, Shiki was past the point of listening, and threw up a restraint spell on the mage. "And you, yet again. Perhaps I'll need to ask you, it's ever so coincidental that you happen to be there whenever this sort of idiocy happens." she said, quickly switching attention towards Byakuren. With a slow, malicious stride, the Yama made her way near her.

Before anything worse could happen, a sudden crashing sound took everyone's attention. "Just about had enough of this farce." a voice called out. Everyone's attention was on this newcomer now, who had just smashed down a thick party table by striking a sake dish through it. At first people couldn't tell who this one was, as they had a cloak to cover up their face and most of the body. But as the figure approached the scene, the cloak went down and everyone moved away to give her room, more out from fear than any real respect or such. It was Yuuka, the woman from the flowerfield, once called Sleeping Terror. With the same calm, ladylike way of walking that Byakuren had seen before, the flower youkai approached them, looking extremely unsatisfied with the current situation. "Once in a while I get out to enjoy some danmaku and sake, and this is what I get... some drama queen needlessly throwing her weight around, beating up the weaker ones just because you have the authority to do so." she spoke in a calm voice, getting nearer and nearer with each passing second. "I'll have you know that Gensokyo is my playground, all for me to terrorize and destroy, not for some brat like you. If you continue this silly drama further, I'll turn this mountain into a charnel house. You and everyone else will spill their blood to make up for my dissappointment." Yuuka spoke out, a maniacal grin widening with each word as she raised her parasol towards the Yama. Somehow this performance had an effect on Shiki, who decided it best to withdraw, for the first time letting something slide.

As the Yama vanished, Byakuren was released and got up to see the competitors and foodmakers in confusion. But Yuuka stepped up, the lunatic in her now completely gone, replaced by a gentle-mannered lady. "I'll act as the judge. I'm likely the eldest in this company after all." she said, sporting a charming smile. Everyone took a long look at the flower youkai, not quite sure what to make of her sudden changes, but they agreed and set back to restarting the competition. Yuuka herself looked rather happy that the situation was cleared so fast, and made her way to another table. At first no-one else dared to sit in her table, but as she calmly asked for another drink, a random fairy went to fetch her one. A few spectators found the courage to sit in Yuuka's table after that, who seemed only happy to have them. "Sit down and enjoy yourself. Isn't that the purpose of this whole event?" she said to them, taking up the new dish and drink with profound thanks to the provider.

"Somehow... she's so different..." Byakuren thought as she witnessed this "other" Yuuka. The encounter from few days ago was still fresh in her mind, and the mage couldn't believe this was the same person.

A. Go sit at Yuuka's table.

B. Observe the restarted competition from another table.

C. Do something else?