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A thought about ULMF...

Re: A thought about ULMF...

I'd have no problem helping out with it, if Aika and Nunu chose to go that route.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

Well, I've got nothing better to do anyway. Clean up the hentai section, sort through new members, it's basically the same thing anyway.

Eh. it's still personally annoying for me at the moment that many of the popular hentai game threads are being derailed by 4chan meme shit.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

Okay, it's gonna sound really bad, but I honestly don't wanna crack down that hard on people being idiots there. It'd be completely hypocritical of me, and plus I don't like the idea of making the place a nazi regime. But if it's really is that bad, then I'll try to do something about it.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

It's not about being in a nazi regime. It's about not turning the forum into 4chan lite.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

I don't know exactly how the application works, but assuming that it's automatic, what if we made like an application thread and block all the other boards from new people posting in it. They'd have to post in the application thread to prove they are a person first, then their account would then be allowed to post elsewhere. I hope that's articulate haha.

1) new person comes in. "Oh this is a cool site I wanna join!"
2) Creates account. Default title "Newbie" (or similar) and can only post in the application thread.
3) Admin/Mod looks at application post. Either a) bot DELETED or b) person, welcome
4a) User ignored or deleted
4b) User "promoted" regular member, free to post off topic at will.

No.5 bothers me, think about the implications, the implications i say!!!
It's like going up the stairs in the darkness, it's like a leap of faith, i mean, is there really a way to attain satisfaction or will people fall into the emptiness, drawn to their doom by the illusion of PROFIT!? o_O
Besides the painting is extremely chaotic and misleading, i doubt your average forumite would know much about abstract expressionism.:rolleyes:
Re: A thought about ULMF...

It's not about being in a nazi regime. It's about not turning the forum into 4chan lite.

Buh but... *Sadfaces, quietly stashes his sleek uniform designs away* This is actually one of the reasons I don't apply for mod status. I have a history of sticking to the rules too strictly. Drawing the line is hard, and sometimes you end up performing Riverdance on the toes of people you like.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

Eh, well sometimes it's got to be done. If you get into a position as moderator you can't let friendships get in the way of doing your job.

Tis a bit harsh yes, but it's what must be done.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

I disagree with the OP. This place is a nice hub where I can actually get intelligent debates off without mods going ape-shit over every little word. Not to suck up here, but you guys have proven to be quite the intellectual crowd. It's hard finding forums that arn't just assholes and trolls. You guys seem to know better, and granted you may troll or be an asshole every once and awhile, you're still a crowd that understands what's actually happening.

I love it... I just disagree with the way the content is organize. When I say content, it's more in regards to the file sharing.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

Aika: "Hey LM, can I make a forum dedicated to you?"
LM: " Yeah, no problem. Now please excuse me, I'm a very busy man with busy things to do." *Drives off a cliff*

Man, that part made me laugh my ass off. I found it really funny for some reason. Good show!
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Re: A thought about ULMF...

*wishes he hadn't posted the ressurected version in announcements now x,x;*
Re: A thought about ULMF...

Elitism! Yay!

On the note of the forums not being the same, I completely agree. I think it stems from the nature of our posting culture, where a post in one thread has to be read to understand the humor in another for instance. This creates a need to read all the threads in order to not fall behind on humor and so on. Before that wasn't a problem, but now? Now there's a new post all the time, there are new worthy threads with activity in them popping up all over the place.

Will a council of older/senior/ high postcount/whatever help? Probably not in any other way than deterring more people from joining the forums, because they get scared off by the close-knit groups.

On the note of the hentai-section, there used to be actual dialogue going on there. There used to be humor and fun. Threads would derail and go on about something funny, while someone posted some hentai every now and again. Now it's industrialized hentai posting, bots, trash and mike's spamming and dumping. I've seen hentai posters rage on the fact that someone went off topic in their thread and didn't talk about their hentai.

No, the forum isn't what it used to be, there are some things that are keeping us close- knit, like the Jungle Girl remake, and the Lurker Wars, and such, but on the grand scale of things the actual problem is that. The scale. It's too hard to follow everything, and that puts us all further apart.

(This was one of the minor reasons I took a break, on top of IRL stuff.)
Re: A thought about ULMF...

On the note of the hentai-section, there used to be actual dialogue going on there. There used to be humor and fun. Threads would derail and go on about something funny, while someone posted some hentai every now and again.

Well, threads still do derail all the time over there. It's just that the jokes are never funny.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

Q: Why did Toonpimp cross the road?

A: Because his dick was stuck in the chicken's ass!
(totally not funny. *sigh* I tried)
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Re: A thought about ULMF...

I just realized people had put me on the list of people for the council. I feel loved!!!!