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RPG [Fenoxo] Corruption of Champions (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

I kind of wish he had a different ending, he's a great character in all but it always ended the exact same way for me.

I had a guy character who turned into a centaur and it still went to the scene I would see as a female.

Other than those things it was awesome, i'm loving the new bow too.

Ugh, more crap I can't figure out! How do you use the bow? It's only put in the special item slot, never got to equip it. And I'm total centaur and as a guy he just keeps being an ass. Nothing more.

And I'm surprised that when you remain male, FULLY, no breast or nothing, he keeps referring you to cock in your ass and stuff. You think he'd see that a guy obviously goes for the fillies, since he does so himself. Figured it would be interesting that he starts to consider you a 'son' in a way if you remain male for constant bow training lessons. Or at least he realizes your not gay <_<. OR at least retaliate in some of his comments on your figure. Example: "Hey, Seabiscuit, I'd be able to shoot something if you kept your trap shut!" (Seabiscuit of course referring to a horse in a well known classic book, "Seabiscuit".)

And again, I don't see how meeting this guy over and over again would make you "gay" for him. Most you would consider would be that asshole friend. The kinda guy that you are friends with, but he's always an asshole, and you just know that's who he is. (Only had one friend like that in my life though. Good guy at heart, but he was... well an asshole.)
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Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Ugh, more crap I can't figure out! How do you use the bow? It's only put in the special item slot, never got to equip it. And I'm total centaur and as a guy he just keeps being an ass. Nothing more.

And I'm surprised that when you remain male, FULLY, no breast or nothing, he keeps referring you to cock in your ass and stuff. You think he'd see that a guy obviously goes for the fillies, since he does so himself. Figured it would be interesting that he starts to consider you a 'son' in a way if you remain male for constant bow training lessons. Or at least he realizes your not gay <_<

The bow's under the Special button. Not really used it properly myself, but if it's as broken as manty says, then I can't see myself using it for the foreseeable.

And I think his jibes about cock in your dudely rectum is just him being a dick. It's not a bad character, but I don't feel like he was written very well, effing and blinding every other word.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Still don't see how this turns you into a female centaur. And again, liking him because he's an asshole. While woman may be into the abusive type (for the love of god who knows why) any other guy would eventually tell this guy off. They wouldn't go gay for him.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Yeah, I'm not so sure what the deal is there. I don't think Fen has any more coding to do with regards to Kelt, so maybe the writer just didn't write anything in that'd cover the other bases.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

The character is from the winning submission in Fenoxo's Borderlands contest, so he didn't write how the relationships would turn out, though I agree the guy on guy action kinda comes out of nowhere.

Also, he apparently added in and fixed up an imp gangbang that occurs when you're sleeping, for both guys and gals.

( I keep on updating this because I figure not everybody goes to his website everyday like me. )
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

(This is just a little tale I have to tell. Its not related to an update in anyway so if you don't want to read this then don't.)

All I wanted to say is that I play this game nonstop and I thought it would be fresh to go for a PERFECT godmode difficulty run. AKA destroy the factory and still be COMPLETELY pure by the end of it. Godmode means no reloading saves to avoid encounters. Pure means not getting raped a single time and also not drinking anything that alters your body.

It took me 14 tries but I eventually pulled it off. I REALLY took my time. I explored the lake repeatedly for hours, building up my speed and intelligence stats. I also found the "Beautiful sword", a very powerful weapon. Once those stats maxed out, I spent even longer exploring the desert repeatedly to train my strength and toughness. My speed was able to reliably get me out of confrontations that were too difficult. Gems that I obtained from my foes paid for tinctures to speed up the process. Once they were maxed out I was like an angel. Completely pure, with the strength of a god.

The factory was childs play, and as I shut it down, I felt like a female Jesus. I was still a virgin, completely human and my corruption was at 0. It took me 124 days to achieve this crushing victory. Even after I maxed out I continued to explore in the hopes of finding any other secret weapons or artifacts. But with maxed out stats, even my fists would have been enough to defeat the overseer.

I was a true champion. The heroine that legends spoke of. A truly devine being with power rivaling that of the gods. I was a beacon of hope and purity, and I washed away the corruption of this land. Souls of the surviving demons were harvested and then ahnihilated. This land returned to normality as it once was. Demons continued their corruption campaign. But I stood as a gaurdian. A protector of the innocent and destroyer of evil.


Then I made a new char, got raped on purpose and then came buckets!

Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

And again, I don't see how meeting this guy over and over again would make you "gay" for him. Most you would consider would be that asshole friend. The kinda guy that you are friends with, but he's always an asshole, and you just know that's who he is. (Only had one friend like that in my life though. Good guy at heart, but he was... well an asshole.)

There is a reason for that, Kelt has a supernatural presence that slowly turns the player into his bitch if they stay around him long enough. They don't go 'gay' for him, the player character literally comes to think of themselves as his 'female' partner. The ending has been updated to explain how the player character actually becomes a female centaur.

Of course, there are a lot of assumptions going on in the player's interactions with him (inexperienced, never willing talk back, agreeing is always done submissively), and he is completely linear. You move in a straight line towards being his bitch, unless you tell him to fuck off, in which case he can no longer be encountered. It'll be nice if the writer adds some branches to his path, accounts for players that should be resistant to his presence, or allows players to overpower him.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

There have been two more updates now, improving your camp followers, adding a new follower, plus another transformation item. No new sex scenes yet, though.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Meh. Kelt's a cunt; fuck 'em.

Very odd, though, I never did get anywhere with his events - I stripped, and then that was it. I did pick the "reluctantly" option the first time, though, which I'm guessing is a "do I want this on?" toggle, like the worms and the first time you see 'em.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Not exactly.

Kelt's progression is tied to how frequently you visit, and if you go do other stuff for a while, things calm down eventually. Doing stuff eagerly nets you more progression, but I've seen all events even after choosing reluctant both times. Getting fucked vaginally seems to require you being in heat and having enough progression. Not sure what triggers anal sex for Kelt, though I'd bet getting fingered is a prereq.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Thing is though, I was farming the, uh, farm, for bow training and Marble encounters for a longass time, and never progressed beyond him occasionally asking me to strip. Many, many in-game days of just Places > Farm.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Tip: You can encounter him more if you piss off Marble by trying to rape her. That closes off all her bulls*** encounters that interferes with your mission to become a cumdump for a total as*****.

If you are really dedicated, you can save-load to ensure there never are more than 3-5 visits without a Kelt scene. That should do it.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Fenoxo finally got his own website at, you guessed it,

And you can now play the game online (I haven't tried it yet so I don't know if saving still works)

Also: He fixed a bug in the latest version that would keep your fatigue at 100 and prevent you from using magic.
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Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

I'm suprised no one posted THIS yet. I played the newest release and got this scene when I visited the mountains early on.
Crossing over the treacherous mountain paths, you walk past an ominous cave. The bones and the smell of death convince you to hasten your pace. However, as you walk by, you hear a deep bellow and a snort as a monstrous man with a bull's head steps out. With hell in his eyes and a giant ax in his hand, he begins to approach you in clear rage. As he comes out into the light, you see that he is completely naked and sports a monstrous erection as angry as the minotaur himself, freely leaking a steady stream of pre-cum as he stalks you.

You stumble in your attempt to escape and realize that you are completely hopeless. The minotaur towers over you and heaves his ax for a coup de grace. As he readies the blow, a monstrous explosion rocks the entire mountainside. The bull-man stumbles as the force throws his balance into disarray. You see about half a dozen people crest over a slope. They appear to be a motley crew clad in blue and carrying monstrous weapons.

The tallest man holds a weapon made of multiple rotating tubes, and begins spinning the barrels. A second later, while screaming in a language you do not understand, a rain of lead begins shredding the minotaur in a cloud of blood and flesh.An equally imposing black man with a patch over one eye begins firing canisters at the beast, which explode violently.

"Ya Ragged-Arsed Beast man!", he taunts, "Ye should pick on someone yer own size, BOY-O! HEHEHE!"

Coming up the path is a freak of a person clad in a contained shiny suit with weapon that burns with flame. He freely walks into the explosions and gunfire and begins igniting the beast.

"MRPHHUMFHRUFH!!!!! HUMFHUFMMRUF!", the freak mumbles through his mask.

"I like me steak well done, ye crazy bugger!", yells the black man.

The beast collapses in a charred and bloody heap. As you stand back up, you hear a strange noise behind you. You turn around to find a well-dressed man wearing a ski mask and smoking a cigarette.

"Don't you know ze mountains are dangereuse.", the man says with a thick accent. "You will get FUCKED up here if you are not careful."

You thank the man and his team, but they brush off your gratitude.

"Non, non!", The man with the accent says. "As ze say, everyone gets ONE."

With that, he touches the watch on his wrist and disappears. The rest of the group continues on their way.

As they leave the giant with the chain gun yells in a horribly accented manner, "YOU LEAVE SANDVICH ALONE! SANDVICH IS MINE!"With that, another hail of bullets break the scene as they walk away, leaving you safe from the minotaur, but utterly baffled as to what in hell just happened.

Made me lol HARD. The team is from TF 2 if you dont get it. XD
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

@Kingterry: that's actually been in there for a few weeks now.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Yeah, but on that note, I miss scout... and engie... and sniper... in that speech...
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

There is a reason for that, Kelt has a supernatural presence that slowly turns the player into his bitch if they stay around him long enough. They don't go 'gay' for him, the player character literally comes to think of themselves as his 'female' partner. The ending has been updated to explain how the player character actually becomes a female centaur.

Yeah I played the game and tried to figure that out, and I still got the same ending, never explaining what happened between then and the game over. Just says I'm suddenly his bitch. Mind posting it for me, cause I honestly don't want to go through the trouble of dealing with that bastard.
Odd, considering how in usual fiction a centaur is a proud and respectful race. They did look down on others and had way too much pride, but they weren't assholes about it.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Yeah I played the game and tried to figure that out, and I still got the same ending, never explaining what happened between then and the game over. Just says I'm suddenly his bitch. Mind posting it for me, cause I honestly don't want to go through the trouble of dealing with that bastard.
Odd, considering how in usual fiction a centaur is a proud and respectful race. They did look down on others and had way too much pride, but they weren't assholes about it.

Paraphrased: "A year later, after getting a few recommended mutations by your master..."

The original centaurs in Greek myth were drunkereds, womanizers, and assholes. The only decent one was the wise teacher Chiron. The proud and haughty race thing is actually a more recent addition, I don't know from where though.
Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

Paraphrased: "A year later, after getting a few recommended mutations by your master..."

The original centaurs in Greek myth were drunkereds, womanizers, and assholes. The only decent one was the wise teacher Chiron. The proud and haughty race thing is actually a more recent addition, I don't know from where though.

That's it? That's not much of an explanation! 0_E

And really? Wow, every fantasy type book or movie or... hell anything wasn't at all like what the Greek version was.

Yeah, but on that note, I miss scout... and engie... and sniper... in that speech...

Hopefully they'll edit that one a bit and have it so only those 4 show up, then later in the game you can meet the others.


Again the beast is after you, and as you retreat you hear an loud gunshot. The beast suddenly stops moving, and you sit there stunned as you watch it slump to it's knees and faceplant into the floor. Upon looking closer, you can see a small hole in the monsters forehead. Before you can begin to question what happened, a voice from behind alerts you to their presence.
"Boom, headshot."
You quickly glance about, and see somebody stealthily concealed behind the leaves of a tree, sitting on the topmost branch. A man with yet another funny accent tips his hat in your direction. "Now ye be more careful next time, alright mate?" He slides down the tree and lands onto the floor with a soft thud, giving a small wave before walking away from you. As you watch him leave, you realize that the odd instrument in his hand must of been what killed the Minotour. How come you can't have one of those things? But before you can ask, he's already vanished from sight. You look at your bow with a bit of regret, wishing you had run into him first before that asshole centaur. He really did seem like a nice guy......

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Re: Champions of Corruption (Formerly Unnamed Text Game)

@Sponge, you should totally post that story on Fenoxo's forum in the fanfic section.

EDIT 30 minutes later: You're fast.
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