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Catherine (Quartz)


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Catherine
Age: 26
Physical Description:

Mental Description: As an avid gamer, Catherine jumped at the opportunity to test the latest and greatest new toy. She has a very care-free personality and tends not to take things very seriously.


Catherine has just finished dropping off her application at the company, a little sad when they had informed her that all the machine were currently being used or in maintenance. Just as she was about to leave, there was a call to front desk, and she paused. Maybe one was open?

Turns out she was in luck, as the secretary called her back. "Actually, we've got one open now, if you'd like."

So of course, she had to go.

Stepping inside the machine, she found the options menu start up, filling it out, it proceeded onto difficulty and starting level, some options were grayed out, and there was a (?) next to most of them for additional info,

Humans: Y 3
Male/Female: Y 3
Female/Female: Y 2
Pregnancy: N
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: Y 5
Slavery: Y 1
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
Forest Shack(?)
Dark Castle(?)
Swamp Town(?)
And an odd fourth option, with a field to perhaps enter her own idea.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

As the options lit up before her, Catherine tilted her head at the missing options. Wow, there's a whole section missing and easy mode is disabled too? This must be in a really early stage of testing. I guess I'm lucky to have gotten in! After selecting normal mode, she paused for a moment to consider the setting before picking the Dark Castle setting.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

The inside of the EGG faded to black, as she started to feel weightless. It was an interesting feeling, followed by a momentary blinding with a flash of white, before she saw herself standing in the world around her.

If she had been quick, she may have caught the world seeming constructing itself, terrain rolling out, blocky impressions of objects, then details, colors as the world finishes making itself.

She saw she was standing on a high cliff face, before her a large gap which a drawbridge crossed, an ominous looking castle standing on another cliff, to which there was no way of getting aside from the blind.

She looked around, it was hard to see, as the fog was think and it was dark. She had a torch, which is what let her see, and looking back at the castle she could see the ominous outline of it against the foggy night sky.

Her clothes had been changed, and she could see she had a sword. A pack on her back included some changes (2) and some rations of a simple yet tasty fair(10)
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Catherine pauses for a moment to admire the ambiance the machine set up with the impressive castle surrounded by fog.

"Wow, they weren't kidding with the dark portion of that title. It works though, good Castlevania thing going. I like the new clothes and sword too, they feel very heroic."

Seeing that the only way to the castle was straight across the bridge, Catherine started confidently walking directly in the middle of it without regard to potential enemies. So far, the machine had surpassed her every expectation; everything looked incredibly real and felt natural.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Catherine's lack of worrying about enemies proved to be a somewhat of a problem when a shadow appeared in front of her on the bridge. It was human shaped, as a figure in a dark robe stepped out of it.

"Hello...young one...I'm...the gatekeeper." He said, a slow, dark voice. Catherine saw lights coming from behind her, and saw as two creatures with writhing tentacles appeared in summoning circles. This wasn't going to be good.

Summoner 6/6 HP
Tentacles 1 2/2 HP
Tentacles 2 3/3 HP
Catherine 4/4 FP 0/3 AP
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

As the dark figure appeared in front of her, Catherine calmly stood her ground, doing her best to emulate the cool and collected video game protagonist she was convinced she was. As the flashes of light revealed the monsters behind her, she barely showed any sign that she even noticed their presence, offering only a slight glance back at them.

"Hah, figures that the spooky castle has a shadowy gatekeeper.. And I'm sure you're here to ask me politely if I have an invitation then.."

Not wanting to get attacked from behind waiting for the reaction to her response, she dropped the torch to her side as she readied to attack. Opting to take the first move, she spun around as she ripped her sword out of it's sheath and into a horizontal slash aimed at the nearest mass of tentacles.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

14 vs 10
Catherine whipped around, wanting to at least get rid of one thing before they had a change to attack. She injured the creature, and it looked like another solid hit might finish it.
9 vs 18 | 13 vs 5 | 12 vs 5
Of course, she was still outnumbered three to one. The summoner tried some magic on her, and she moved out of the way just in time as she saw magic bindings form where she was. The problem for her was that she dodged back to right between the tentacle beasts, both of which managed to grab her and pull tight. She felt drained and tired, especially after one of the tentacles whipped her ass...Oddly this felt good.

Summoner 6/6 HP
Tentacles 1 1/2 HP
Tentacles 2 3/3 HP
Catherine 2/4 FP 1/3 AP
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Clearly not prepared for it, Catherine let out an audible "Meep!" as the tentacle smacked against her ass. She hadn't had much experience with rough play like that before, but it seemed that in the simulation it was purposefully made to feel less painful and more pleasurable. As the tentacles enveloped her, she began to blush furiously as she realized exactly how bad her situation was and where it was headed. The idea wasn't a bad thought, but she didn't want to be beaten like this on her first fight!

Trying to keep her head, she started to pull against the tentacles that were binding her. Focusing her attention towards the wounded monster, she tried to wriggle her sword arm free long enough to strike at it again and finish it.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

6 vs 4
Manging to get her arm free just long enough to attack the creature, Catherine was relieved when it died, the members are her falling away. But she still had the other...and the summoner.
7 vs 13 | 2 vs 20
The tentacle tries to squeeze her, unable to get a proper grp as she somewhat slipped away, made worse by the fact the the summoners next blast got too close for comfort, making the beast release it's grip. Taking the chance, Catherine slashed the monster before it could react.

Summoner 6/6 HP
Tentacles 2 2/3 HP
Catherine 2/4 FP 1/3 AP
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Catherine grinned at her handiwork as the sword sliced through the tentacles with apparent ease. Relieved to be back on a more even footing with her enemies, she stepped back a couple paces to pull herself out of the monsters range before striking at it again with a dramatic overhead slash.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

3 vs 15
Her slash goes wide as the creature sort of forms itself out of the way, simply not being where she slashes.
9 vs 3 | 15 vs 20
Her arms are suddenly retrained as the summoner does his magic, a circle appearing at her wrists, holding her as she feels a shock of pain and almost pleasure course through here The tentacles fail to hit her.

The summoner waves his arms, as a small blob of blue green slime appears in her vision.

Summoner 6/6 HP
Tentacles 2/3 HP
Slime 1/1 HP
Catherine 1/4 FP 1/3 AP
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

With her arms locked into place by the summoner's spell, Catherine gasped as the magical jolt ran through her body. She barely noticed the new enemy plopping down in front of her as the feeling of weakness and fatigue washed over her again. Realizing that it was the games damage system she felt, it dawned on her that she was about to tap out no matter what she did. With her arms subdued and 3 enemies left, there was no winning move for her. Oh well, might as well enjoy it..

Panting heavily, she stops struggling against her restraints and looks directly at the gatekeeper. "O-okay.. you.. win..." She says in between deep breaths. "I'm... yours..."
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Catherine feels the force holding her subside a little bit, but only as it drags her arms up in the air, holding them together above her hear, as more force grabs her legs, spreading them apart, held in midair, she can only watch as she turns around to face the shadow man.

"Really now? Quite unexpected. Not often do many surrender. I will have my fun then, in a short time, but I will grand you one request, perhaps, as a reward."
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Catherine blushed furiously at the concept of being given of a request. She hadn't considered the possibility when she gave up, and it left her at a loss for words. Not wanting to ask for something that would get refused at it's face, she paused for a moment as her mind searched for something that her captor would be agreeable to. After a moment of thought, she decided on something that would at least make it as interesting an experience as possible.

Avoiding eye contact with the summoner, she sheepishly let out a single sentence. "Have.. the tentacles and slime.. in on it too.." Doing her best to ignore how vulnerable she was lifted in the air exposed like that, she looks at the man and waits for his response.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"Oh, certainly, quite the mind you have there...In fact, I'll just let them go first..." The man says. "Maybe I'll just let them have all the fun."

First the slime leaped up around Catherine's crotch, surrounding it entirely as it ate away the clothes, the slime expanded itself all the way up to her neck, covering her body completely, the clothes being removed. She felt as it the tentacle licked her all over her body, this alone sending her into an orgasm as she gasped. While her mouth was open, the tentacles took the chance to start wrapping themselves around her, even through the slime. The tentacles squeezed her breasts as the slime sucked on her nipples, one of the tendrils going into her mouth.

Below, the slime had started early with a hard piece grinding on her womanhood, though now she felt two almost tendrils of the slime probing both entrances. They entered, going in deep, alternating in thrusts in the front and the read, she tried to gasp out in the mix of pleasure and pain, but the tentacle gagged her mouth well. Still, all the things happening drove her to a second climax, a little painful now, but mostly pleasure. As she did this, she felt the tendrils, both the slime and the tentacle, release their warm sticky white stuff.

The slime climbed up her now, as the tentacle removed itself, letting her catch her breath. The slime reached her mouth, as it removed itself from the rest of her body, it suddenly feeling cold and open. She realized she could breath through the slime as it enveloped her entire head, a tendril sticking itself in her mouth, throat fucking her now. The tentacles replaced the slime as they gently inserted themselves in the lower holes, again alternating thrusts. The man decided to have a bit of fun to, just moving forward to play with her breasts, driving her to her third and final climax.

The slime and tentacles disappeared now, as she started the feel tired. Overall it had been pretty gentle, considering. The man chuckled as she found herself lowered to the ground, gently released. "Well then, welcome to the castle, and enjoy your stay...oh, and take this." The man dropped a small strip of paper, but she couldn't quite glimpse it before she wanted to fall asleep.
Waking up later, Catherine found a new set of clothes gently laid out for her, a small note "Sorry about the last pair -Gatekeeper". She also spotted the strip of paper he had dropped.

It simply read. "Tear for fun."

(Forgot if you already had rations, but you start with 10. FP is at 3/5 now. A new change of clothes is also here.)
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Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"I-it's not like that.. It's just..." Catherine's reply trailed off as her attention was shifted to the slime leaping up and latching on between her legs. She shuddered as she felt the it envelop her, watching as her clothes dissolved into nothingness in the clear ooze. The cool sensation of it against her skin was unlike anything she had felt before, and she soon found herself moaning lustfully while the tentacles rubbed against her. The feeling of the tendrils teasing her body all over overwhelmed her, and she cried out as her body shook in orgasm. When one of the tentacles found its way into her mouth, she bobbed her head along with its thrusts, doing her best to reciprocate the feelings.

While they shifted their focus to her breasts, she continued to let out a series of muffled moans. The constant teasing was driving her crazy, and she tried to spread her legs even more to signal it was time to move on. Feeling the slime form into more solid tendrils prodding at her entrances, she did her best to buck her hips into them despite her limited mobility. Finally... It did not take long for the slime to oblige her, a muffled cry escaping through the tentacle in her mouth as the tendrils pushed in. The feeling of the tendrils pounding into both her holes at once quickly pushed her over the edge again, and another powerful orgasm coursed through her. Her eyes widened a little in surprise as the tendrils all began to cum at once; the tentacle in her mouth leaving her little choice but to swallow.

As her two "lovers" switched places, she was already starting to get lost in the pleasure. She panicked a little at first as she felt the slime completely surround her head and push into her throat. After realizing that she could still breathe somehow, she closed her eyes and just focused on the feeling of the tentacles pumping in and out of her. The rest of the encounter somewhat lost in a haze, she remembered a pair of firm hands on her breasts and another orgasm before fading into unconsciousness.


Feeling a little bit woozy, it takes Catherine a moment to regain her bearings after waking up. She wasn't entirely sure if it was the game or the whole sleeping on a drawbridge thing, but she still felt somewhat fatigued. Spying the neatly folded clothes lying next to her, she sits up and reads the note laying on top. "That's.. surprisingly courteous of him." After donning her set of replacement clothing, she picks up the other slip of paper and looks at it.

"'Tear for fun', huh?" She says with the hint of a smile on her face. Feeling a little bit hungry, she reaches into the pack she started with and pulls out a couple of the rations. I hope they had the common sense to make these taste really good. While eating the ration, she muses over what exactly to do with the little slip of paper. Deciding against tearing it up just yet, she carefully folds it in half and pockets instead. "Maybe later.."

Feeling better, she stands up and turns her attention to the looming castle. "Guess there's nowhere to go but forward."
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Entering the castle, Catherine enters the foyer, noticing something off as she darts behind a pillar.

In the foyer, there were dozens of rope coils all over the floor, and as she hid behind pillar, peaking out she noticed some of them form a somewhat humanoid shape, though it had long rope arms.

(Spot check was a crit, Catherine gets 2 attacks in the first round)

Rope Demon 4/4
Cath 5/5 FP 0/4 AP
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Oh dear, I can see exactly how this will go if I mess this up.. Well, here goes.. Catherine thought to herself as she readied her sword. Jumping out from her hiding place, she charged at it with a diagonal slash aimed at cutting as much of the rope as possible, flipping the blade around into a second horizontal slash as soon as the first stroke was finished.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

19 vs 2 crit 7 vs 19
17 vs 20

Catherine dashes out of her hiding spot, managing to get close enough to the beast to get two attacks off before it can react. The first attack is a powerful vertical slash which leaves many pieces frayed. She tries another attack, but it manages to move out of the wa.

Lashing at her with it's long whip like arms, Catherine manages to stay close to it as she dodges the blows.

Rope Demon 2/4
Cath 5/5 FP 0/4 AP
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"Take that you.. um.. pile of rope!" Catherine shouted at the monster. It's hard to come up with taunts for a rope monster.. I don't really know how you'd hurt its feelings. She thought to herself as she aimed another slash at it, while being careful not to let any of the rope ends coil around her.