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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(14 vs 1) Do the dice still hate you?
Alyssa finds the battle easy going as she manages a diagonal slice across what passes for a torso on the creature. Looking more frayed, it might not be long for this world.
(14 vs 18)
Still finding the battle easy, she wonders if she's just that good, dodging and weaving through the attacks of the rope creature.

Rope 1/3 HP
Aly 4/5 FP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Suddenly, the random number gods smiled.

Alright, time for this "rope demon" thing to die Alyssa thought as she leaned in for the killing blow.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(14 vs 5)
Getting a final cut on the thing, the ropes forming its body fray as they fall apart. The monster is vanquished, though...all the rope coils are still around...and Alyssa does wonder what would have happened if it had manged to hit her...

4/5 FP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Maybe I'm getting better at this thought Alyssa, her confidence growing. I don't think I've leveled up or anything, but I'm not totally sure how the system works. Maybe I'm just getting better at swinging this thing. In any case, these ropes might be useful. She picked up a few lengths of rope, put them in her pack, and moved on.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

She ponders her skill with the sword for a moment as she takes a small rest. She feels at pretty full strength now. She also is sure she thinks she's gotten better with the sword.

(Regained 1 FP due to good luck)
(Gained Sword Expertise 1 | +1 to all combat (offensive and defensive) while wielding a sword)
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alright, time to get going. Somewhere in here is treasure, and I intend to get it. She moved deeper into the dungeon, perhaps less cautiously than was warranted by the situation.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Following the dungeon path more, Alyssa's lack of caution doesn't prove a terrible idea, as it should have. When she arrived in the next room, after a small spiral staircase down, she examines it. Pretty much empty, except for a small piece of paper that she notices on the ground.

Going over and picking it up, she looks closely at it. It seems it's a magic spell! It takes her a while to figure out what it is and what it does, but it seems that it's a scroll of animate rope. By casting this spell, she can mentally control rope for up to six hours, who knows how useful that could be!
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

This is really cool. Bizarre, but cool. Might be useful against some enemies. She stashed the paper in her pack and kept moving on through the dungeon. Weird though, the path keeps going down and up and down and up again. I wonder if there's a reason for it or if it's just a design decision.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa follows the stairs again, heading up in a spiral for a long time. She arrives outside again, still in the swamp. She looks around, it's dark out now, but she can see some firepits around. Taking a lot, she can see some other people, it looks like this is a camp of some sort.

As she's pondering what to do, someone spots her, a girl. She walks up to her, a somewhat curious look on her face. She looks dressed like some sort of mage, robes and a witches hat, it's a cute outfit overall. "Hey? Who are you? Where'd you come from." the the girl questions Alyssa.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Uhh... My name is Alyssa. I came from a town not far from the swamp she said, hoping there actually was a town close to the swamp in this game. Who are you, and what's the camp for?
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Well, nice to meet you Alyssa, can I call you Aly?" The girl giggles. "Anyways, I'm Mary, I'm an apprentice mage. This is a rest camp in the swamp, for travelers. You came from the dungeon?"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

I guess you can. Nice to meet you. Alyssa sheathed her sword for the first time in what seemed like forever, glad to be out of the dungeon, but at the same time a little let down by the lack of challenge she'd faced in it. Yeah, I just got out of the dungeon. What's the deal? Does it have sections, and that was just the first of several?
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary looks at her. "Actually, you probably took a wrong turn, the dungeon goes deeper."

Grabbing her new friend Aly by the hand, Mary drags her over to a firepit where a few people are sitting, one of them looks like a walking suit of armor, another dressing in what Alyssa could describe as a roguish outfit.

"Hey everyone! This is Aly, she just came up form the dungeon!"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Well that probably explains why it was so easy. I swear, my sense of direction is terrible sometimes. She almost protested to being dragged around, but decided against it. She might as well be on good terms with the people here. She briefly sized up the adventurers and waved with a stupid grin on her face. I never was that great with meetings.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

As the others start to introduce themselves, Alyssa is met with a small pop up.

"Checkpoint reached! You may now say and exit the game if you wish. You may return to this area at any time to do so!"

The smaller, roguish man introduces himself as James, the armored man is Frank. They both great her kindly, offering her a spot to sit and rest for a while.

Mary speaks up again. "So Aly, right? How long have you been adventuring for, have any interesting stories?" She asks hopefully.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alright, cool. I think I'll save my game, but there's no sense quitting yet. She sat down next to James and Frank and sighed. This is actually my first adventure. I just worked my way from an entrance to that dungeon that was due... she pointed the direction she meant, And fought almost nothing to get here. That's as interesting as it gets, unfortunately. How about you guys? I don't think I'll tell them about the incident with the tentacles she thought, a sheepish grin creeping across her face.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary starts as Aly finishes her story. "Awww, that's so borrri---hey wait" He said. "What's with that grin? You're leaving something out!" she cried.

A pop up.
Game Saved. You may not quit at any time, though the game will load from this point.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Uhhhh... Nothing. Just had... a small run in with some tentacles at the entrance to the dungeon.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary's face glows with excitement as a huge smile crosses over her face. Aly was pretty sure she whispered it so only she would hear.

Mary drags Aly off to a dark corner before she can protest again. "Ok! Tell me everything! What was it like!" her face still in a huge smile, wanting to know.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa blushed and looked at a spot just above Mary's shoulder. It was actually pretty amazing, really. The thing was actually really gentle, and I've never felt so full. So much cum... she trailed off. Anyway, nice as it was, I don't think I'd want it to happen again. Who knows what would happen if one of them doesn't want to let you go after it was done?