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Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon stopped, obviously the thought he might not find the beast first having not crossed his mind from the look on his face.

"Ah, yes good idea. Alright, where to even begin ..."

He trailed off for a moment before speaking again.

"Fregion is extremely old, older than any of my people's earliest writings. At one time he led a massive army, which thankfully was wiped out. What little we do know of him is that he's capable of annihilating entire cities by himself, mostly due to no one having been able to get close enough to challenge him. He'll also try to use his flames to kill, then enslave your soul to his will. Our belief is he either converts you into a twisted undead, or he actually uses the soul energy for fuel. We really don't know which. He seems to prefer to toy with you first before doing that, which has led us to believe one must be weakened first before his flame has any effect. I'm sure you've mostly all seen my own claws by now? Fregion has similar ones, only much sharper and longer. On the whole, he's much like your mythological dragons, except of course he does actually exist. Beyond that, it's about all I can tell you unless you really want to hear gruesome stories of what he did to several planets and be here for hours. Suffice it to say if you DO come across him ... and your left with no choice but to fight ... Don't get overconfident, and analyze his moves, don't over commit and be drawn into his style of fighting."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Oh joy." Jonathan deadpanned. "A dragon necromancer from space. We're all gonna die." The darkling let out a sigh. "At least there's a chance he's overconfident if he's willing to play with victims beforehand... Any other weaknesses we can exploit? Maybe some glaring physical flaws? Or is arrogance his only problem?" Then again, the shapeshifter had to admit that this particular creature had earned his right to be arrogant fair and square. If he managed to devastate entire planets, even those populated by the likes of Siphon, then they were pretty much screwed. Hopefully, he was weakened as the vampire suspected... Which didn't make him weak. If anything, it probably took him from "freaking overpowered juggernaut" to "biggest powerhouse on the planet". A lovely prospect. Then, something occured to Jonathan. "Wait a tick. You actually suspect we might be capable of fighting that thing?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon hesitated a moment before replying.

"I honestly don't know. There are many things different about this place than where I come from. From what I've seen since my arrival, most creatures that crossed the dimensional divide became significantly weaker. I'm hopeful that will be the case with Fregion as well, however ... I really can't assume that. I do know that there HAVE been survivors from places he laid to waste, although as you can imagine none of them have been very willing to talk after such a nightmare. But IF he has in fact weakened, then yes, we just might have a chance to beat this bastard. Either way, like it or not ... we're the only line of defense the entire planet has against him."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"No pressure, like always," Sho quips, then sighs. At the very least, the group was varied enough that there might be something that they could throw at him that he either wouldn't have seen before or would be enough of a wildcard that it would give them an opening. It was going to be similar to fighting Charles, on the whole, really. And they'd come out of that one slightly more ahead of the bad guy. It was just a matter of waiting to see at this point. Until then, they had their job and had to trust to a bit of luck that they'd be able to pull it off without too much difficulty.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan once again looked like he wanted to say something. This time, however, he paused for a bit longer before letting out a sigh. Deciding against saying whatever he wanted to say, the darkling shook his head and turned away, staring at the corridor the group intended to explore. His frown turned into a full-blown scowl as he finally understood the gravity of the situation. It seemed that what he believed to be a rescue operation could actually be a "save the world or die" scenario. And whether he liked it or not... He could be one of the few beings on this world capable of actually accomplishing this mission. And of course, his only chance to turn back had more or less disappeared. Was this what people meant when they've said that with great power comes great responsibility? One that he was not prepared for. "You know, if we get out of this alive, I'd like to hear about other enemies you've had on the other side of... Whatever barrier separated your world and ours. You know, just in case we run into one of them someday."


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"We'll burn that bridge if and when we come to it," Emily comments, moving her way to the front of the line with Ellisia, standing just behind the older girl.

At first glance the corridor in question seems to be devoid of any traps, as if the current occupants of the castle had thought that no one would venture up this far, or if they tried they'd fail. The corridor itself wasn't that big, about twenty foot in length at maximum, with several rooms coming off it with a wooden door at the other end. A quick peek through the bars of the doors would reveal that most of the rooms were used as makeshift sleeping quarters as well as storage, mostly a variety of assorted weapons. The largest room however seems to be used as a guard post, large barred windows are on each wall overlooking the entrance of castle grounds as well as the land right up to the edge of the forest. An easy place to spot and snipe any would-be trespassers. From here everyone would be able to see another patrol of demons beginning to form, the replacements of the squad that had been wiped out earlier. What may be noted as odd however is how the room is devoid of any guards.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Before turning to go his own way Siphon nodded.

"We make it out of here and you have a deal with that. Watch yourselves."

Then, he was gone.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Well, either all the guards are out, or they're waiting for us at the end of the yellow brick road," Sho remarks after peeping into a couple of the doors. "Anyone else get the feeling we're walking into one big brawl? Or one big mousetrap?"


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Why yes." Jonathan groused. "This is so damn convenient, it'd be a violation of some kind of universal law if things didn't go south." The darkling looked into one room, trying and failing to notice anything of interest. "So how do we tackle this? Do we try to move quietly? Charge forward? Should we send a scout or something?" He looked around, wondering who was in charge now that Siphon went off. "Because since he's gone to raise Hell, there really isn't any point in stealth, is there? We might as well just waltz in. It's only a matter of time before some kind of alarm goes off, anyway. Maybe they already know."


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"There's only really two of us built for stealth," Emily comments as she takes a look outside. The patrol of demons quickly scuttle towards the edge of the forest, showing that they have indeed been alerted to the students presense. A few of them run into the forest itelf while the rest wait on the outskirts, possibly expecting their scouts to find more people. "Doesn't look like they know we're in here yet. And if Siphon's going to be causing trouble elsewhere they'll be too distracted by that. Hopefully at least."

Stepping back out into the corridor two ways to continue can be seen; firstly the door, leading to who knows where, and second, an archway in the wall can be seen just a few meters from the wooden door, hinting at a winding stairway.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Hopefully it'll at least be courteous enough to wait until after we've rescued the princess to fall into place." Sho shrugs. "What? A girl can dream."

Keeping Emily's words in mind, Ian glances at both of their options for the time being. "Harrel, mate, you gettin' any sort of fix on Isi? Maybe get us a clue?"

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Don't worry, unless they've got an army of robots or evil Jonathans waiting for us round the corner, I'll be able to at least give us some degree of heads up on any would be ambushers." Harrel comments to the group, "We should be safe to move at reasonable speed. And uh, as for Isa, she seems to be fairly high up, roughly level with us. So I'm guessing she must be in one of this old castles towers as well. Right on the other side of the place I'd estimate." He continues pointing off through the walls to roughly gesture at where he was sensing her.
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Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"You could have phrased that differently, you know." Jonathan grumbled, glancing at Harrel. "I can't say I like the thought of having an army of evil clones waiting to jump me. I'm one of those types that wouldn't get along with his double, I'm afraid. Not to mention, who'd feed so many me's?" He shrugged, looking at the archway. "So which way? Do we go down, or look check the door? I mean, if she's up in a tower, it wouldn't make sense to go down... Altough we have no idea where this door leads."
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Heh, sorry man. I'm pretty certain we don't actually have to worry about anything like that though. And umm... I don't know any thing about the layout of this place so..." The tall blond man replys, trailing off as he looks between the two options, when Ellisia cuts in. "Jonathan, would you be able to slide partially through or under the door and take a peek?" She says stepping to the side of the door.
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Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Glad to hear that." Jonathan replied to Harrel's apology. He frowned when Ellisia cut in, staring at the door in question. "Hmm... Yeah, shouldn't be a problem." He approached the door, letting himself dissolve into a black puddle. It quickly began to move, slipping into whatever crack it managed to find, putting a small part of itself inside. Once he was in, the darkling constructed a small, thin out of his body, forming an eye on it's tip. He carefully began to survey the room, trying not to attract attention with any sudden movements.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

As Jon forms his eye he would quickly realise that behind the door wasn't a room but actually a large stone bridge connecting the tower to a building across its length. The bridge itself has walls roughly waist high so there was less of a chance that someone would be blown off the bridge should the wind pick up. The building across from the tower seems to be part of the main castle itself, however the building seems to be built into the mountain behind it so the actual size of the castle cannot be confirmed without going inside. Along both the castle and the mountain it is built into several other towers can be seen sprouting here and there. Another tower and bridge opposite to this one also connects to the castle however Jon would be unable to tell if anyone or anything is currently in it.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan took a good look around, memorizing the details. Once he was certain he got everything, he liquified his tentacle and retreated behind the door, returning to his human form to tell his allies about his findings. "Alright, here's how it looks. There's no room behind the door. Instead, there's a bridge that seems to lead from the tower we're in to the main part of this castle. I saw several towers out there, I'm guessing Isa might be in one of them. Also, there's another tower and a bridge opposite to the one we're in, and it also connects to the castle. I haven't seen anyone nearby." The darkling gave all of his companions a glance. "I don't know about you, but I'm a little unhappy with the idea of crossing a bridge out in the open. Someone could easily notice us before we saw him. Maybe we should check if there's another path?"

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Ellisia ponders their options for just a second, looking to Grace and considering her barrier skills, but ultimately seems to decide against any such plans. She lets out a short light sigh and replies, "Indeed. Going out there seems to risky to me, and there's no sense in attracting that beasts attention so early. Let's see where these stairs can take us then. If we can move quickly we may be able to make some progress before they realise we're already inside." With that said, unless anyone piped up to offer an alternative plan or course, she'd move over to the stairway and prepare to lead downwards.

Grace also considers her chances outside, but trying to stave off a dragon was something better not rushed into regardless of wanting to get across that bridge sooner if possible. Coming to the same conclusion she simply moves along with the others for now.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Well, I'm for outside, but yeah, we'd be sitting ducks on that bridge if the dragon spotted us or even more of the gargoyles. Down is fine, just don't expect me to be too enthusiastic." Sho gives a wry little grin, then seems to take a breath to collect herself before moving with the others to head down the stairs.

Ian doesn't seem to see the need to voice an opinion about the situation, content to go along with whatever's decided for the time being, especially given that there really doesn't seem to be a right or wrong choice at the moment. Just choices that may or may not get them to Isabella sooner. Still, he kept to the back of the group, giving Ellisia point guard and sort of taking rear himself. Not that he had the training the girl had, but he might be able to keep things a bay long enough for the others to rally up.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

The stairway, tight as it was, forces everyone to march down in single file. Every-so-often a window would break the monotony of the dull stone, snatches of the courtyard can be seen as they all make their way down. As they reach the bottom of the stairs a group of faint voices can be heard speaking in a language that none of them would understand. If Harrel were to scan them he'd notice a demonic aura though actual signs of life.